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● Group No.:- 26

● Group Members:-

1) GUGULOTH INDU NAIK (S20190010058)
2) SNEHITH KANIKELLA (S20190010085)

● Project Idea:- “RAY TRACING”


This project describes a system for the creation and realistic

depiction of non-geometric, complex, three dimensional solid models
by utilizing a ray tracing algorithm. The three dimensional solid
models are built based on the concept of constructive solid geometric
modeling. Here we are going to display the reflection of a three
dimensional object with the help of ray tracing concepts.


As the need for computer graphics is increasing in many fields like

movies, games and other such fields, The demand for depicting and
producing a shadow for any given object has become important in movies
and games. So for producing the reflection of objects, We use Ray tracing
in which it takes one light source and reflects the shadow of the object with
smooth and soft edges. This is how Ray Tracing works and solves the
problem of reflecting shadows.


In 3D computer graphics, ray tracing is a rendering technique for

generating an image by tracing the path of light as pixels in an image plane
and simulating the effects of its encounters with virtual objects. The
technique is capable of producing a high degree of visual realism, more so
than typical scanline rendering methods, but at a greater computational
cost. Ray-tracing is a technique for computing the visibility between points.
Ray-tracing is not a light-transport algorithm. It is only a technique to
compute visibility between points.

In a ray tracing, light is thought of as a bunch of light rays. You can also
think the light is a bunch of particles, and the “rays” are the trajectory of
movements of these particles. When a light ray encounters a surface, some
of its energy is reflected, some is refracted and some is absorbed, and
each of the splitted rays keeps going until they strike another surface. Once
they strike any surface they form the reflection of the object on the surface
which they strike. This is how the shadow of the object forms.

After writing the algorithm, I created 3 objects (sphere) and a checker
screen for the objects reflection. After running the code, the reflection of the
three sphere will be formed on the checker screen, As shown here:
So, we can conclude that Ray Tracing is a technique used for calculating
how the light rays would bounce off the surfaces. It also determines where
shadows would form, and whether light would reflect from another direction
to illuminate that space. Ray tracing is used in many computer graphics
games like Battlefield V, Metro Exodus ,Shadow of the Tomb Raider,Stay in
the Light ,Quake II RTX .

-----------------------------* * *THE END***------------------------------------

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