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In this article, we will discuss how to lose neck fat. Fat
always bothers us and if it gets accumulated in our
neck, we then call it neck fat. It has got one another
name ‘Turkey Neck‘. Neck fat will cause you to develop
a double chin if left unnoticed. Some or the other way it
tells you that you are becoming obese. You can’t deny
the fact that neck fat plays havoc with your looks. Apart
from this, neck fat poses some health risks too like it
can cause sleep apnea and in some cases, it is closely
related to heart problems.
Neck fat lies just beneath to your neck skin. Losing fat
from a specific area is a tedious thing to do. We usually
focus on losing fat from the areas like our belly, thighs
and butt but forget our neck. By exercising the neck
area and intake of proper balanced diet could prove
fruitful in losing neck fat effectively.

Causes of Neck Fat:

1.) Obesity

Obesity is one of the most important factors in fat

accumulation around the neck area. Due to genetic
factors and an inherited tendency towards fat storage,
some people tend to get fatter than their counterparts.
Overeating and bad food habits also cause obesity and
unwanted weight gain. Lack of physical activity is
another important factor.

2.) Health Conditions

Cushing’s Syndrome, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and

Hypothyroidism are some health conditions that can
cause fat storage and respective gain in weight. As a
result, your neck becomes fatty.

Ways to Lose Neck Fat:

Here you can find some effective ways to lose neck fat
efficiently. Altogether favorable results are attainable
only if you are taking care of proper diet, exercise and
skin care all at the same time.

1.) Exercises to Lose Neck Fat

There are certain exercises which are specifically
designed for toning your neck. It is a time taking
process and you have to be enough patient until you
get the required result. Keep yourself motivated and
don’t stop till the goal is clinched. Exercises that target
neck and chin area should be taken into consideration.

 Neck Rotation: Rotate your neck from left to right and

vice versa. Keep repeating it 10-12 times with a
medium pace. This simple exercise is helpful in toning
and strengthening neck muscles.
 Neck Rolling: Roll your neck from left shoulder to right
shoulder. For this, you need to stand keeping your back
straight. Turn your head sideways just to make your
chin parallel to the shoulder. Then slowly roll your head
downwards and lift it up to the other side. Repeat 10

 Chin Ups: Do Chin ups to strengthen neck and face

muscles. For this, stand still. Lift your chin facing
towards the ceiling. Keep looking at the ceiling for 10
seconds. You can pucker your lips upwards while doing
this. Repeat 10 times.

 Head Tilting: Tilt your head sideways and front to back.

For this, stand or sit straight. Tilt your head to the left
side, not touching to the shoulder. Be in this position
for 5 seconds then tilt to your right side in the similar
fashion. Similarly, tilt your head to the front without
touching your chest for some seconds and then to the
back. Repeat 10 times.

 Jaw and Mouth Stretching: Stand with your spine erect.

Pull your lips upwards just to tighten the tendons of
your jaw while keeping corners of the mouth
downwards. It is just like frowning. Hold on to this
position for around 8-10 seconds and then relax.
Repeat 10 times.
 Tennis Ball Compression: Take a tennis ball. Hold it
between your neck and chin. Slightly apply pressure on
it with your chin and then release. Repeat it 10 times.

 Chew Gum: Put a chewing gum in your mouth and start

chewing it. No additional effort required. One of the
simplest and effective exercises for strengthening jaw
and neck muscle. But keep in mind the sugar content in
the gum. It should be low or gum should be sugar-free
so that you can avoid extra calories.

 With all of the above-mentioned exercises, you can

take up other exercises
likerunning,swimming, jogging, biking, etc. This will help
in cutting down whole body fat and, in turn, your neck
fat would get reduced further.

2.) Dietary Changes to Lose

Neck Fat
 You need to make changes to your diet to cut down the
extra calorie intake. With commitment and patience, it
is achievable. It will reduce your body weight including
the fat around your neck.

 Avoid taking high-calorie food and drinks such as

desserts, soda, cookies, cakes, sweetened juices,
burgers, fries, etc. Salty food should strictly be avoided
as more salt content in the body can make you look

 Add lots of fruits and vegetables to your diet. Fruits and

vegetables have very low calories in them and these are
loaded with vitamins, fiber and minerals.

 Along with fruits and vegetables, you can have whole

grain food such as oatmeal, barley or quinoa, flax seeds,
etc. It will help in cutting down overall calorie intake
and makes you feel fuller for a longer period of time. At
the same time, your body will get enough time to
absorb nutrients.

 You can increase protein intake too. Foods such as

eggs, legumes, tofu, soya beans, seafood, fish, poultry,
etc. are rich in protein content.

3.) Posture Improvement to

Lose Neck Fat
To flaunt a toned and sleek neck, you need to take care
of your body posture. Try to maintain a straight and
firm posture. It can smoothen out the bulges and rolls of
the neck area. Holding your head high and keeping your
back in a straight position will improvise your fatty neck
condition. Moreover, slouching and overbending of the
neck for longer duration should be avoided. It can cause
wear and tear in neck muscles and make them weak
which could increase the fat accumulation in that area.

4.) Drink Ample Amount of

Water to Lose Neck Fat
Water is the essence of life. We all are much aware of
this fact. To shed that extra fat from your body you
need to stay hydrated as much as possible. Water is a
zero calorie drink and will help in flushing out the toxic
elements from your body. Above all, it provides you the
feeling of fullness so that you would not get cravings
for food. Drink atleast 8-10 glasses of water a day.
Hydrated skin tends to maintain its firmness for the
longer period.

5.) Using Creams to Lose Neck

You can use a variety of retinoid-based skin creams to
lose neck fat. These creams smooth the wrinkles by
enabling collagen formation in that area. You can feel
the difference after regular use of the product. It clears
out that ugly lines made by those rolls over your neck.

Original Article Published on How

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