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Lesson Plan on Hazrat Khadija

Teacher Name: Sidra Shahab Subject: Islamic Studies

Date: 23-01-2022 Grade Level: 3rd
Time: 45minuts Topic: Hazrat Khadija
Length of Period: 01 Number of students: 25
Lesson opening activity: (5min)
Students will think and share their answer on the following question.
One of these names was the first one who believed in prophet Muhammad and support him
in calling others to Islam. Mention this name.

Abu Talib, Hazrat Zainub, Hazrat Fatima, Hazrat Khadija, Umar bin Al Khattab , Hazrat

Teacher Learners SLO’s Resources Feed Back Time
Activities Activities
To explain Teacher will Students will
the role of ask students read the
Teacher will
Khadija to material and
Bint Reading Read the fill the flow
1 Khuwailid material/ flow material, then chart 10min
in chart explain how explaining
supporting Khadija Bint how Khadija
the Khuwailid R.A supported
prophet supported the the prophet?
Lesson Plan on Hazrat Khadija
S.A.W in prophet in the
the time of time of
distress. distress

students will
watch the
video then the
teacher will
ask them to
Count the
qualities of
Khadija Bint
State the Khuwailid
Teacher will
qualities from the
of Khadija following
Students will student’s
Bint Video qualities:
2 tell the learning by 25min
qualities of taking their
May Allah (liar– pious
Hazrat response.
be pleased believer –
Khadija R. A
with her telling the
tolerant –
harsh – loved
Islam –
friendly - lazy
– not helping
– be patient –
be loyalty )
Lesson Plan on Hazrat Khadija
To give The teacher
Based on their
their will give real
opinion in life situation The teacher
of the lecture
some real- to the will assess the
the students 10min.
3 life Worksheet students and students
will solve the
situations ask them the through
that role of Hazrat worksheet.
related to Khadija on
the lesson. that situation.

Lesson Summary (key Points):

She calmed Prophet Muhammad down by covering him with the blanket without asking
too many questions (she was patient). The teacher can humor the students by comparing
this attitude with another woman who will not stop asking questions, such as, what
happened? Why are you shaking? Why don’t you answer me? ... etc. 2. She believed him at
once (she was supportive and trusted him). Comparing her response with another woman
who won’t believe her husband and would tell him, “This is unbelievable!” 3. She assured
Prophet Muhammad when he told her that he feels that something bad would happen to
him (she was wise). Comparing this attitude with another woman who may feel worried
or mock her husband. 4. She helped Prophet Muhammad by taking him to her cousin
(helpful). Humoring the students with another hypothetical response from another
Lesson Plan on Hazrat Khadija
woman whose husband is confused about any matter, and she isn’t helping by saying, “
You put yourself in this situation, then, you figure it out”

Peer Feedback:

Mustafa Khan:

Interesting topic, very well planned, Nice Worksheets


I have chosen this topic because its veru important for students to learn abou Hazrat
Khadija indeed she is a role model for every women. Hazrat Khadija comforted her
husband and encouraged him during the most difficult days of his life. Students learnt a
lot while I am executing this lesson

Video Link:

Video po8YWQk1eUs
Lesson Plan on Hazrat Khadija

Reading Material:

Two months after Muhammed’s first journey to Syria, the marriage was grandiosely
celebrated in the presence of the notables of Banu Hashim (Muhammed’s clan) and Banu
Asad (Khadija’s tribe). Despite the age difference between them – indeed, Khadija was 40-
years-old while Muhammed was only 25 when they got married – they made a perfect
match, and their life was characterized by cooperation, love, and mutual respect.

Fifteen years after their marriage, Muhammed started having the first prophetic
experiences which he could neither understand nor cope with. When he was meditating in
seclusion in the cave of Hira, where he used to spend a number of days before returning
to his family, he unexpectedly had a vision of the angel Gabriel in the horizon. Terrified
and awe-stricken, Muhammed immediately sought sanctuary and reassurance in the arms
of his beloved.

“I had been standing but fell to my knees, and crawled away, my shoulders trembling. I
went to Khadija and said: ‘Wrap me up, wrap me up,’” Muhammed later related. “When
Lesson Plan on Hazrat Khadija
the terror had left me, he came to me and said: ‘Muhammed, you are the messenger of

Sitting next to him thigh to thigh and listening patiently, Khadija was very understanding
and comforting in such a time of distress and panic. She did not blame Muhammed for
spending days in solitude away from her, nor did she accuse him of hallucinations or
insanity. She rather embraced him gently and eased his anxiety with these affirming
words: “Rejoice, for God will never put you to shame, for you treat your kinsfolk well, tell
the truth, deliver what is entrusted to you, endure fatigue, offer hospitality to the guest,
and aid people in misfortune.”[3]

With her soothing remarks, Khadija became the first human being to hold the experience
of Muhammed as truthful, to believe in him, and follow his message of Islam.
Lesson Plan on Hazrat Khadija

4- Not obeying Allah and not praying on time.

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