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- For the shown concrete column calculate the max.

capacity of the concrete jacket

only. Assume that
Fcu =250 kg/cm2
Fy=3600 kg/cm2
µ = 0.80

- State in brief using neat sketches the different methods to increase column
vertical capacity.
- The next plan shows roof slab system. Due to a lack of quality in site, there are
3 locations in the floor that need additional reinforcement to fulfill the design
Use only sketch to show the required method to enhance the capacity of floor
at the 3 locations – the arch. Requirement not to change slab thickness.
a) Location 1 concrete beam 25x80
b) Location 2 –ve reinforcement of slab
c) Location 3 +ve reinforcement of slab
- An existing column-footing system with Column dimensions of 0.60x0.60 m
with 18T18 vertical reinforcement and plain concrete footing 3.65 x 3.65 x
0.30 with 3.05 x 3.05 x 0.6 m for R.C. footing with 8 T 18 /m in two
directions with 1.5 kg/cm2 B/C of soil. Assume that Fcu =250 kg/cm2 ,
Fy=3600 kg/cm2.
- Check the safety of this system when subjected to vertical ultimate load of
425 ton.
- In case of unsafe situation, suggest your solution using clear calculations and
clear sketch.
- A new added cantilever beam to an existing concrete wall is shown in figure.
Calculate beam dowels to carry the applied ultimate loads neglecting beam O.W.
Assume beam section 40 x 100 cm with Fcu =250 kg/cm2 , Fy=3600 kg/cm2.

Pu=20 ton
Existing concrete wall

New added beam

- An existing simply supported rectangular section concrete beam with 30x70 cm section,
6.0 m span length, 6T18 bottom rft., 3T14 top rft, and 6 R8/m stirrups. Fcu = 350 kg/cm2
, Fy= 4000 kg/cm2 for high tensile steel and Fy=2400 kg/cm2 for mild steel.
- Check beam safety to carry concentrated force at mid-span of 25 ton working load.
- Design beam concrete jacket of 15 cm thickness using first principles taking into
consideration existing beam rft.
fcu & fy in N/mm2 for all Equations
d=c1√(Mu / fcu b) , As =Mu /fy j d ,

R=Mu/fcubd2 , As =ω (fcu/fy) bd, As/ =α. As

B (for T-sec.) = smaller of (16ts + b) and (L/5 + b)
µmax (for Beams)= 5*10-4. fcu (for fy = 360 N/mm2)
Minimum Rft. Main Rft. in Beams Stirrups in Beams
(1.1/fy).bd or
As min (0.4/fy)b.s
Absolute Minimum 0.15/100 5φ 8/m

qcu=0.24√( fcu/γc) N /mm2 qcu max=0.70√( fcu/γc) N /mm2

qst u = qu - qcu/2 = Ast.( fyst /γs) / b.s qu = Qu / b d

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