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Dr. Muhammad Anjum Ali


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Published By

Hafiz Muhammad Saleem
Entomological Research Institute, AARI Faisalabad
Muhammad Saeed
Agriculture Officer (Extension)
Directorate General Agriculture (Extension & AR) Punjab, Lahore

Composed by
Muhammad Saleem Rana
Directorate General Agriculture (Extension & AR) Punjab, Lahore

Number of Copies

Price: Rs:
Table of Contents

I. Pesticides Registered in Pakistan

Fungicides .....................................................................................68
Herbicides / Weedicides ................................................................83
Acaricides ....................................................................................112
Rodenticides ................................................................................114
Fumigants ....................................................................................114
Nematicides .................................................................................115
II. Banned Pesticides in Pakistan ........................................................116
III. Good Application Practices for ground Operations...........................117
IV. Tips for Better Crop Spraying...........................................................132
V. Safe Handling and Use of Pesticides...............................................134
In Storage.....................................................................................134
During Transportation ..................................................................134
Handling During Application and Use ..........................................135
Disposal of Pesticides Wastes / Empty Containers......................135
VI. Product Stewardship.........................................................................136
VII. Antidotes for Pesticides for Human .................................................138
VIII. Firist Aid Measures...........................................................................143
— Crop / Pest / Pesticides (A)......................................................144
— Pesticides; Common and Trade Names (B)............................161
List of Important Contact Numbers ............................................................169

Pesticides usage in Pakistan started with aerial spraying on

major crops. Until the promulgation of Agriculture Pesticide
Ordinance in 1971, pesticides imports and use remain unregulated.
A regulated registration and import started in 1971. This was
followed by framing rules in 1973 to streamline regulation to import,
manufacturing, formulation, sale, distribution, use and
advertisement. The ordinance of 1971 was accepted by the public
and therefore adopted as an “Act”. The later has however, received
various parliamentary amendments to meet day to day needs.
Pesticides application was increased gradually for
productivity enhancement by reduction in crop losses for passing
benefits to the consumers and producers. However, heavy
dependence and use of persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
commonly known as “Dirty Dozen” created high chronic toxic effects
of chemicals in animals at top of the food chain such as fish,
predatory birds, mammals and humans. These were a group of 12
highly persistent and toxic chemicals: aldrin, chlordane, DDT,
dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, hexachlorobenzen, mirex, polychlorinated
biphenyls, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated
dibenzofurans, and toxaphen. Therefore, Stockholm and Rotterdam
Conventions were signed by the international community including
Pakistan to deal with the POPs and pesticides for deletion of such
pesticides and continuous review. Pakistan government regularly
reviews the list updated by these conventions and after approval of
the highest regulatory body place a ban on such chemicals.
Consequently, many of the POPs and other pesticides are no longer
registered or used in the country.
On the other hand, it is also a hard fact that approximately
40 percent of the world's potential crop production is already lost
annually to weeds, pests and diseases. These crop losses would be
doubled if pesticide uses were abandoned. That means that an
economic crop production is not possible without the application of
pesticides. While indiscriminate use of crop protection chemicals is
an issue, a judicious use of pesticides is necessary to ensure
abundant and safe food availability, in the country. Similarly, a
responsible and effective use is necessary to harvest the full benefits
of pesticides.
Pesticides are also used to control termites, cockroaches,
ants, rats and other pests and herbicides are used to control
vegetation that clogs navigable and other waterways or threatens to
obstruct highway, utility and railroad rights of way and also used to
protect and enhance lawns, gardens, public parks, playing fields,
lakes and ponds for public enjoyment. This is also important that
many agricultural commodities are vulnerable to attack by aflatoxins
and insect control is necessary to prevent its passage from insect to
plant. Aflatoxin, a carcinogen, can cause liver and other cancers in
humans, lower the body’s normal immune response, and can impair
growth in children. Crop protection chemicals are used to control
insect damage that leads to aflatoxin contamination.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program and awareness
campaign was launched involving all field staff of agriculture
extension i.e. Farmers Field School (FFS), Plant Wise Program,
Farmers Training Program, Method and Result Demonstration and
print and electronic media to educate farmers. Furthermore, pest-
warning wing was also created to issue alerts for application of
pesticides. The IPM program targets application of pesticides at
Economic Threshold level (ETL) and terminate sprays following the
labeled Pre-harvest Interval (PHI) as utmost needs to control
thousands of weed species, harmful insects and numerous plant
diseases that afflict losses to crops, while caring for consumer’s
It is recognized that the country is facing challenges of
effectiveness of pesticides. However, these issues, besides quality
of pesticides are also linked to improper selection of pesticides, their
application at high pest population and spraying without caring for
the beneficials and use of faulty spraying techniques. In addition, the
extension staff and the grower’s needs information on the climate
change, insurgence of new pests and knowledge of the new
registered chemistries, to ensure efficient crop protection. This
knowledge and then applying as per prescription is extremely
important to ensure that the efforts of department of Agriculture
Extension and the money spent on pesticides reflects bringing full
potential of their use to the growers. With the increased concerns for
health and environment, it is extremely important for us ensure that
the recommendations made by the authorities should be kept in
view, which includes to avoid the indiscriminate use of pesticides in
order to care for safety of the applicators, consumers of food, human
health and the environment.
This booklet has been improved to include pesticides
registered in Pakistan and the target pests and crops for selection
and targeted use of pesticides. Glossary(s) for selection of pesticides
and pest according to the target crop has been given for easy
access to any entry in this booklet. Additions have also been made
to address product stewardship as an integral part of plant protection
Summing up, I am extremely thankful to ALLAH Almighty,
who in spite of several difficulties enabled us to complete this booklet
with updated information and analysis for selection of best
pesticides. This effort will be beneficial for the farmers, extension
agents, students and pesticides business for comprehensive
information about pesticides registered from time to time in Pakistan.
I also thank Director General Plant Protection Karachi, Director
Institute of Chemistry and Environmental Sciences, Mr Muhammad
Nasir, Director Agriculture Extension (IPM) and Dr Muhammad
Ishaque Mastoi National Cordinator Plant Protection PARC for help
in compilation of this improved version; however, I owe a debt of
gratitude to Mr Muhammad Saeed, Agriculture Officer (Hqrs) for
hardworking and strenuous efforts to pool information into a valuable
booklet. Special efforts for reading this booklet by Ms Shamsa
Ghafoor Agriculture Officer (Hqrs) and Ms Tehmina Taj, Instructor
IATI, Rawalpindi are also appreciated. Acknowledgment is not
complete if I do not thank to Muhamad Saleem Rana, Assistant
office of the DGA (Ext&AR) for typing and formatting the manuscript
in the present form.

Dr. Muhammad Anjum Ali

Member Plant Sciences Division
Address: 20-Ataturk Avenue, G-5/1, Islamabad
Phone: +92-51-9201918; Fax +92-51-9208421

Website: Email: &,


Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

(a) Organophosphate Group:
1 Acephate Orthene 75 SP 1977 500-750 gm Cotton Army Worm
Orthene Pellet 97% (New) 2002 350 gm Cotton Jassid & Thrips
Commando Plus 97% DF 2011 200 gm Maize Shootfly
Coredor 75% SP 2011 330 gm Cotton Jassid & Thrips
Commando Plus 97% DF 2012 200 gm Maize Aphid

300 gm Potato Jassid

2 Azinphos Methyl Gusathion20 EC 1969 1.75 lit. Cotton Bollworms

3 Bromophos Nexion 25 EC 1969 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly and Thrips

4 Chlorfenvinphos Birlane 10G 1977 9 kg Rice Stem Borers, Hoppers and Leaf Roller
5 Chlorpyrifos Lorsban 40 EC 1978 750-1000 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips and Bollworm
Lorsban 50 ULV 1987 750 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips and Bollworms
Lorsban 40 EC (New 1998 1000 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly and American
formulation) Bollworm, Spotted and Pink Bollworm
Lorsban 40 EC 2000 1250 ml Sugarcane Termites
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year
Helmet 40 EC 2004 1000 ml Cotton American Bollworm
Taika 40 EC 2005 1000 ml Cotton American Bollworm
Helmet 40 EC 2005 1000 ml Cotton Army Worm
Helmet40% EW 2006 1000 ml Cotton ABW & Army Worm
800 ml Potato ABW & Army Worm
Kurifast 40 EC 2006 1000 ml Cotton American Bollworm
Marshal 40 EC 2006 1000 ml Cotton American Bollworm & Army Worm
Cyren 480 G/L EC 2007 800 ml Cotton American Bollworm & Army Worm
Glory 40% W/V EC 2007 1000 ml Cotton American Bollworm
Helmet 40% EC 2009 1000 ml Cotton Mealy Bug
Helmet 40% EW 2009 1000 ml Cotton Mealy Bug
Cruiser 40% EC 2009 1000 ml Cotton American Bollworm & Army Worm

Chlorguard 10% G 2013 6 Kg Maize Borers

6 Chlorpyrifos Reldan 25 EC 1986 2.5 ml/ 250 kg Stored Stored Grain Insect Pests
methyl of Wheat Wheat
Grains or 2.5
7 Diazinon Basudin 10G 1977 7 kg Rice Stem Borers and Hopper

Diazinon 10G 1992 9 kg Rice Stem Borers, Hopper & Leaf Roller

8 Dichlorvos Nogos/Nuvan 100 EC/ 1969 250 ml Oilseed Jassid, Painted Bug
Vapona 100 WSC
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Phosvit 100 EC 1981 250 ml Vegetable Red Pumpkin Beetle, Spotted

Bollworm, Fruit Borer, Fruitfly and
Lacewing Bug

Nokovos 100 EC 1988 500 ml Okra Jassid & Whitefly

Fatek/DDVP 50 EC 1988 240 ml Potato & Jassid, Aphid & Thrips


Shooter 50% EC 300 ml/100 lit. Mango Hopper

9 Dimethoate Cygon 40 EC 1978 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips

Roxion 40 EC 1978 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips

Rogor 40 EC 1978 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips

Chemathoate 40EC 1986 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips

Dimetoxal 40 EC 1986 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips

Systoate 40 EC 1986 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips

Amerthion 40 EC 1986 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips

Cathoate 40 EC 1988 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips

Higonet 40 EC 1988 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips

Sumithoate 40 EC 1988 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips

Dimegro 40 EC 1990 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips

Stinger 40 EC 1990 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Aniron 40 EC 1992 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips

Aragol-L 40 EC 1992 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips

Perfekthion 40 EC 1978 & 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips

Dimogreen 40 EC 1996 300 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips
10 Ethoprophos Mocap 5 G 1988 10-12 kg Rice Stem Borers
20 kg Maize Borer
32 kg Sugarcane Borer

11 Fenitrothion Sumithion 50 EC 1969 500-700 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips

Sumithion 90 ULV 1969 500-700 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips
Folithion 50 EC 1969 500-700 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips
Accothion 50 EC 1969 500-700 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips
Agrothion 50 EC 1977 1000 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips
Edthion 50 EC 1990 1000 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips

12 Fenthion Lebaycid 50 EC 1989 750 ml Rice Hopper

750 ml Cotton Sucking Insect Pests

13 Formothion Anthio 25 EC 1969 400-500 ml Cotton Sucking Insect Pests

14 Isothioate Hosdan 30 EC 1982 1300-1500 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly and Thrips

15 Isoxathion Karphos 50 EC 1982 500 ml Cotton Insect Pest Complex

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

500 ml Maize Insect Pest Complex

16 Isozofos Miral 2 G 1990 8 kg Rice Stem Borers
17 Malathion Malathion 57EC/MLT 57 1969 750 ml Cotton Aphid Flea Hopper
Fyfanon 57 EC 1988 750 ml Cotton Aphid Flea Hopper
Fyfanon 57% EC 2009 500 ml Cotton Mealy Bug
Route 57% EC 2010 500 ml Cotton Mealy Bug
Flotilla 57% EC 2011 500 ml Cotton Mealy Bug &Thrips
Maltox 57% EC 2011 500 ml Cotton Thrips & Mealy Bug
Flotilla 57% EC 2012 500 ml Tobacco Aphids
18 Mephosfolan Cytrolane 3G 1980 8-10 kg Rice Stem-borer and Mites
19 Methacrifos Damfin 500 EC 1988 300 ml in 500 Stored Trogoderma sp., Tribolium sp.,
ml of Water/ Wheat Grain Sitophilus sp. &Rhizopertha sp.
Ton of Grain
20 Methidathion Supracide 40 EC 1977 600-700 ml Cotton & Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips, Hopper
Supracide 40 EC 1998 150 ml/ 100 lit. Cotton & Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips, Hopper
of water Mango
Supracide 40% EC 2008 300 ml Cotton Mealy Bug
Cosset 40% EC 2009 500 ml Cotton Mealy Bug
Weapon 40% EC 2011 250 ml Cotton Mealy Bug
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

21 Oxydemeton Metasystox 25 EC 1969 750 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips


22 Phenthoate Cidial/Elsan 50 EC 1976 500-1000 ml Cotton Sucking Insect Pests

Agrisan 50 EC 1988 800 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly and Thrips

23 Phorate Thimet 10 G 1977 5 kg Cotton Jassid & Whitefly

Thimet 5 G 1999 10 kg Rice Stem Borers and Leaf Folder

Thimet 5G 2000 15 kg Sugarcane Borers

5 kg Maize Borers

Tempest 3% G 2016 Sugarcane Borers

24 Phosalone Zolone 35 EC 1987 750-1000 ml Cotton Sucking Insect Pests & Bollworms
Especially Overlapping

25 Phosphamidon Dimecron 100 WSC 1969 250 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly

Pillarcron 100 SL 1988 250 ml Cotton Jassid & Whitefly

Pillarcron 50SL 1988 400 ml Cotton Whitefly

Dimecron 100 WSC 1992 250 ml Sunflower Jassid & Whitefly

250 ml Potato Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips

250 ml Cauliflower Aphid

75 ml/100 lit. Mango Hopper

of water
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

26 Primiphos ethyl Primicide 30 ED 1987 250 ml Cotton Sucking Insect Pests

27 Primiphos Actellic 50 EC 1982 450-650 ml Stored Grain Stored Grain Pests

450-650 ml Cotton Insect Pests

28 Profenofos Curacron 500 EC 1982 800-1000 ml Cotton Sucking Insect Pests and Bollworms

Curacron 500 EC 1992 800 ml Sunflower Jassid, Whitefly

800 ml Potato Jassid, Whitefly and Thrips

Curacron 500 EC 1999 250 ml Cotton American Bollworm (Ovicide)

Durakron 40 EC 2002 1000 ml Cotton American Bollworm

Cracker 40 EC 2004 250 ml Cotton American Bollworm

Vallet 50% EC 2006 1000 ml Cotton Mealy Bug

Helino 50% W/V EC 2007 1000 ml Cotton American Bollworm

Pakfos 50 EC 2007 1000 ml Cotton American Bollworm

Cracker 50% EC 2008 1000 ml Cotton Mealy Bug

Curacron 50% EC 2008 800 ml Cotton American Bollworm

Curacron 50% EC 2009 500 ml Onion Thrips

Pronet 50% EC 2011 1000 ml Cotton Army Worm & Mealy Bug

29 Pyridaphenthion Ofunack 40 EC 1980 450-600 ml Cotton Insect Pest Complex

30 Quinalphos Ekalux 25 EC 1972 500 ml Cotton Sucking Insect Pests

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Ekalux 5 G 1972 8 kg Rice Borers

8 kg Maize Borer
Ekalux Forte 50 EC 1987 500 ml Maize Borer
Ekalux Aquaflow 245 EW 1992 1000 ml Maize Sucking Insect Pests & Bollworms
31 Thiofanox Decamox 5 G 1981 14 kg Cotton & Insect Pest Complex
32 Triazophos Hostathion 40% EC 1977 1000 ml Cotton Bollworms
Hostathion 40% EC 1996 600 ml Rice, Maize Leaf-roller Shootfly & Stem Borer
Hostathion 40% EC 1999 600 ml Rice Stem Borers
Hostathion 40% EC 2002 1000 ml Cotton Spotted & American Bollworms.
(New recipe)
600 ml Cotton Whitefly & Thrips
Sozo 40 EC 2005 1000 ml Cotton Pink Bollworm
Hostathion20% EC 2006 1200 ml Cotton Whitefly
2000 ml Cotton American Bollworm
King 40% EC 2006 1000 ml Cotton Pink Bollworm & American Bollworm
Pinkokill 40%W/V EC 2007 1000 ml Cotton Pink Bollworm

Tristar 40% -EC 2008 1000 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Sozo 40% EC 2008 1000 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Trizone 40% EC 2010 1000 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Terminate 40% EC 2011 1000 ml Cotton Pink Bollworm

Trizone 40% EC 2011 600 ml Cotton Mites

Craft 40% EC 2014 1000 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Diplomat 40% EC 2017 1000 ml Cotton American bollworm, spotted bollworm

33 Trichlorphon Diptrex 80 WP 1966 680 gm Fruits & Fruitflies
Ditera 80 WP 1988 680 gm Fruits & Fruitflies
Flyer 80% SP 2010 680gm Cotton Mealy Bug
680gm Melon Fruitfly
100 gm/ 100 lit Guava Fruitfly

34 Vamidothion Kilval 40 EC 1988 250 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips

(b) Organophosphate Mixtures:

1 Acephate + Lancer Gold 51.8% SP 500 g Cotton Aphid, Jassid, Thrips, Whitefly &
Imidacloprid (50%+1.8%) Bollworms
2 Fenitrothion + Sumibas 75 EC 1986 400 ml Rice Stem Borers, Plant Hopper and Grass
BPMC Hoppers
Sumibas 4 D 1990 12 kg Rice Leaf-roller and White Back Plant
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year
3 Imidacloprid + Blaster 72.5% WP 2014 250 gm Cotton Jassid & Thrips
4 Phorate + Kwick 3% G (1.8%+1.2%) 10 kg Rice Stem Borers & Leaf Folder
10 kg Sugercane Borers

10 kg Cotton Jassids, Aphids, Whiteflies & Thrips

05 kg Maize Borer

Super Quick 3% G (1.8% 10 kg Sugarcane Stem Borer

+ 1.2%)

5 Quinalphos+ Commando 340 EC 1992 500 ml Cotton Insect Pest Complex


6 Quinalphos + Tombel 32 EC 1987 800 ml Cotton Sucking Insect Pests and bollworms

7 Chlorpyrifos + Dimlor 662 EC 1988 650 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips and Bollworms
Dimlor 360 ULV 1988 1200 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips and Bollworms

8 Chlorpyrifos + Knocker 18% CF (15% 800-1000 ml Peanuts Grubs

Fipronil +3%)

9 Chlorpyrifos + Bolton 31% EC (300g/l + 300-600 ml Cotton Thrips, Whiteflies, Pink, Spotted &
Gamma- 10g/l) American Bollworms
300 ml Chillies Fruit Borers Fruit Worms & DBM

300 ml Cabbag Fruit Borers Fruit Worms & DBM

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

400 ml Tomato Fruit Borers Fruit Worms & DBM

100-150 Apple Codilng Moth

ml/100 litre

120 ml/100 Mango Shoot Borer

litre water

10 Chlorpyrifos + Cloming 40% EC (20% 500 ml Rice Borer

Triazophos +20%)
11 Deltamethrin + Decis-D 12.5+300 EC 1986 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly and Bollworms
Decis-D 12.5+300 EC 1996 400 ml Rice Leaf-roller
200 ml Maize Shootfly and Stem Borer
Decis-D 12.5 +300 EC 1998 40 ml/ 100 lit. Mango Hopper
of water
12 Dimethoate + Facron-S 1988 500 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly and Bollworms
13 Deltamethrin + Deltaphos-R 350+10 EC 1988 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly and Bollworms
Deltaphos 10+350 EC 1996 400 ml Rice Leaf-roller
400 ml Maize Stem Borer and Shootfly
Deltaphos 10+350 EC 2002 500 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips and Spotted
(New recipe) Bollworm
Deltaphos 10+350 EC 2003 600 ml Cotton American Bollworm
(New recipe)
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Dream 50% EC 2006 500 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips

500 ml Cotton SBW, ABW, PBW
Counter Plus 36% EC 2009 400 ml Maize Maize Borer & Shootfly
Counter Plus 36% EC 2010 600 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm
Adder36% EC 2011 500 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Platinum 36% EC 2011 600 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm & Pink Boll Worm

Counter Plus 36% EC 2011 600 ml Cotton American Bollworm, Mites & Pink

Platinum 36% EC 2013 600 ml Cotton American Bollworm

Leopard Plus 36% EC 2014 600 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

(c) Carbamate Group:

1 Aldicarb Temik 10 G 1976 5 kg Cotton Sucking Insect Pests

Temik 15 G 1976 3.25 kg Cotton Sucking Insect Pests

2 Benfuracarb Oncol 3% G 8 Kg Rice Stem Borers, Leaf Folder, Brown Plant

8Kg Maize Borers
8 Kg Sugarcane Borers
8 kg Vegetable Aphid &Thrips
3 B.P.M.C. Bassa 50 EC 1983 500 ml Rice White Back Plant Hopper
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Bassa 50 EC 1983 500 ml Apple Wooly Aphid

4 Carbaryl Sevin 85 SP 1969 1 kg Cotton Bollworms, Flea Hopper, Army Worm

Sevin 10 D 1969 5 kg Cotton Jassid, Red Cotton Bug and Thrips

Seven XLR 43.4 EC 1985 1500 ml Cotton Bollworms and Sucking Insect Pests

Focus 85% WP 2008 500 gm Cotton Mealy Bug

5 Carbofuran Furadan 3 G 1974 14 kg Sugarcane Borers

Furadan 10 G 1974 8-10 kg Rice Stem Borers
Curater 3 G 1978 8-10 kg Rice Stem Borers
8-10 kg Sugarcane Borers
8-10 kg Maize Borer
Agridan 3 G 1988 8-10 kg Rice Stem Borers
Diafuran 3 G 1988 8-10 kg Rice Stem Borers
Sunfuran 3 G 1988 8-10 kg Rice Stem Borers
Brifur 3 G 1992 8 kg Rice Stem Borers
8 kg Maize Borer
Furan 3 G 2002 8 kg Maize Borer
Furan 3 G 2006 8 kg Rice Stem Borer
Cartal 10% G 2007 3 kg Rice Stem Borer
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

3 kg Sugarcane Borers
Cartal 10% G 2008 3 kg Sugarcane Borers
3 kg Maize Borers
Brifur 3% G 2008 14 kg Sugarcane Top and Stem Borers
8 kg Maize Borers
Brifur 3% G 2009 8 kg Rice Stem Borer
Dorsal 3% G 2011 8 kg Maize Borers
Remand 3% G 2011 8 kg Maize Borers
Fenciran 3% G 2012 8 kg Maize Stem Borers
Fenciran 3% G 2013 8 kg Rice Stem Borer
14 kg Sugarcane Sugarcane Borers
6 Carbosulfan Advantage 20 EC 1985 300 ml Apple Codling Moth
500 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips
1000 ml Cotton Bollworms
Advantage 5 G 1985 8-12 kg Rice Stem Borers
Advantage 25 ST 1985 30-40 gm/kg Maize Stem Borer and Shootfly
Advantage 15 ED 1987 250 ml or one Cotton Sucking Insect Pests
Bozzle / 3 acre

Advantage 20 EC (Local 1996 500 ml Rice White Back plant Hopper

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year
xylene based formulation) 500 ml Cotton Aphid
Advantage 20 EC 1999 500 ml Rice Leaf-folder
500 ml Canola Aphid
Advantage 20 EC 2000 250 ml Maize Shootfly
Advantage 20% EC 2009 500 ml Cotton Mealy Bug
7 Cartap Padan 4 G 1974 10 kg Rice Stem Borer
Padan Technical 95 SP 1990 275-300 gm Rice Stem Borers
250 gm Rice Leaf-roller
300 gm Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips and Bollworms
Padan 4 G 1996 10 kg Rice Leaf Folder
Sadan 4 G 2003 9 kg Rice Stem Borer and Leaf-floder
Pasban 4 G 2006 9 kg Rice Stem Borer and Leaf-folder
Razex 4 G 2006 9 kg Rice Stem borer
Hoopoe 4% G 2009 9 kg Rice Stem Borers & Leaf- folder
Karuz 4% GR 2009 9 kg Rice Stem Borers & Leaf- folder
Capstar 4% G 9 kg Rice Stem Borers &Leaf- folder
Weltap 8% G 2006 4.5 kg Rice Stem Borers & Leaf- folder
Zeedan 4% G 2008 9 kg Rice Stem Borer & Leaf- folder
Cusic 8% G 2011 4.5 kg Rice Stem Borer & Leaf- folder
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Superdan 4% G 2014 9 kg Rice Rice Borer & Rice Leave Folder

8 Furathiocarb Deltanet 400 EC 1990 400 ml Rice Leaf Folder & White Back Plant
Promet 400 CS 1992 20 ml/ kg seed Cotton Sucking Insect Pests
40 ml/ kg seed Maize Stem Borer and Shootfly
Deltanet 400 EC 1996 300 ml Cotton Aphid
Deltanet ST 400 CS 1999 200 ml/ kg Maize Shootfly
9 Isoprocarb Mipcin 50 WP 1980 1 kg Rice Stem Borers, Hopper & Leaf-roller
1 kg Cotton Insect Pests
10 Methomyl Lannate 90 WSP 1983 250-300 gm General A variety of insect pests especially
with chewing type of mouth parts
Nudrin 90 WSP 1986 250-300 gm Cotton Jassid, Whitefly and overlapping
Methavin 90 SP 1987 225 gm Cotton Jassid, Whitefly and overlapping
Lannate 12.5 L 1996 1250 ml Cotton Insect pest complex
Lannate 40 SP 1996 330 gm Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips and Bollworms
Shuttle 90% SP 2005 150 gm Cotton American Bollworm, Spotted Bollworm
and Army Worm
Lannate 40 SP 2007 350 gm Cotton ABW & Army Worm
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year
Leo 90% SP 2007 200 gm Cotton Mealy Bug
Shuttle 90% SP 2009 125 gm Cotton Mealy Bug
Lannate 40% SP 2010 250 gm Cotton Mealy Bug
Lannate 40% SP 2011 350 gm Tomato Fruit borer
Lannate 40% SP 2013 350 gm Potato American Bollworm
350 gm Cauliflower Diamond back moth
250 gm Cotton Jassid & Thrips
350 gm Tobacco Budworm
11 Metolcarb Metal 20% EC 900-1200 ml Rice Plant Hopper & Caterpiller
12 Primicarb Pirimore 50 DP 1981 340 gm All crops Aphids
13 Thiodicarb Larvin 80 DF 1985 375 gm Cotton Bollworms and overlapping Sucking
Insect Pests
Larvin 375 FL 1992 1000 ml Cotton Bollworms
Arrest 80% DF 2005 400 gm Cotton American Bollworm, Spotted Bollworm
and Army Worm
Darvin 80% WG 2005 400 gm Cotton American Bollworm, Spotted Bollworm
and Army Worm
300 gm Potato American Bollworm and Army Worm
Thida 80% DF 2008 400 gm Cotton American Bollworm and Army Worm
Supperstar 80% DF 2009 400 gm Cotton American Bollworm & Army Worm
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

(b) Carbamate Mixtures:

1 Carbosulfan + Roll-up 7.2%G 2006 6 kg Rice Stem Borers & Leaf-folder
Roll-up 7.2% G 2008 6 kg Rice White Back Plant Hopper
2 Cabofuron 2.9% Charge 3% G 2017 8 kg Maize Borer
+ Fipronil 0.1%

(e) Pyrethroid Group:

1 Alphamethrin/ Fastac 10 EC 1985 100 ml Cotton Bollworms and overlapping Sucking
Alpha- Insect Pests
Bestox 5 EC 1986 200 ml Cotton Bollworms
Bestox 5 EC (Local 1996 250 ml Cotton Bollworms
xylene based formulation

Fastac 50 G/L 5 EC 1996 250 ml Cotton Bollworms

Fastac 50 G/L 5 EC 1998 200 ml Rice Leaf-roller

Allert 5% EC 2005 250 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Premier 5 EC (Formerly 2005 250 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm


Alphaphos 5% EC 2006 330 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Protector 5% W/V EC 2007 330 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Super Alpha 10% EC 2007 125 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Award 5% EW 2014 330 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

2 Bifenthrin Talstar 10 EC 1986 250 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly,Thrips and Spotted


Talstar 10 EC 1990 20 ml/ 100 lit. Citrus Leaf-miner

of water

Talstar 10 EC 1990 20 ml/ 100 lit. Mango Hopper

of water

Talstar 2.5 ULV 1992 1000 ml Cotton Bollworms

Talstar 10 EC (Local 1996 250 ml Cotton Jassid,Whitefly, Thrips and Bollworms

xylene based formulation)

Talstar 10 EC 1999 150 ml Canola Aphid

Resham 10 EC 2003 250 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Resham 10 EC (2007) 40 ml/ 100 lit. Mango Hopper
Resham 10 EC 2007 100 ml/ 100 lit. Citrus Leaf-miner
Resham 10% EC 60 ml/ 100 lit. Citrus Psylla
Sergeant 10% EC 2007 250 ml Citrus Psylla
20 ml/ 100 lit. Mango Hopper
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

20 ml/ 100 lit. Citrus Leaf-miner

Talstar 10 EC 2009 250 ml Cotton Mealy Bug
Tender 10% EC 2009 250 ml Potato Jassid
Tender 10% EC 2010 250 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips, Mealy Bug

Avenue 20% WDG 2012 125 gm Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Merit 10% EW 2013 250 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Silk 10% EC 2014 250 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Tempt 20 SC 2014 125 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

3 Betacyfluthrin Bulldock 025 EC 1990 200 ml Cotton Bollworms

Bulldock 025 EC 1996 200 ml Brinjal Fruit Borer

200 ml Gram Pod Borer

50 ml/ 100 lit. Mango Hopper

of water

Bulldock 025 EC 1998 50 ml/ 100 lit. Citrus Leaf-miner

of water

Capital 2.5% EC 2006 330 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Turbo 10% EC 2006 80 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm & Pink Bollworm

Dolphin 2.5% EC 2007 300 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

300 ml Gram Pod Borer

4 Betacypermethri Betathrin 5 EC 1992 300 ml Cotton Bollworms

Chinmix 5 EC 1999 250 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworms
5 Cyfluthrin Baythroid 050 SL 1985 250 ml Cotton Bollworms alone or when Jassid,
Whitefly & Thrips are present
Baythroid 050 EC 1986 250 ml Cotton Bollworms alone or when Jassid,
Whitefly & Thrips are present
6 Cyhalothrin/ Karate 2.5 EC 1986 325 ml Cotton Jassid,Whitefly, Thrips and Bollworms
Cyhalothrin 40 ml/ 100 lit. Mango Hopper
of water
Karate 0.8 ULV 1987 1000 ml Cotton Insect Pest Complex
Karate 2 EC 1988 250 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips and Bollworms
Karate 2.5 EC 1990 160 ml Tomato Fruit Borer
Karate 2.5 EC 1992 250 ml Gram Pod Borer

Karate 0.8 ULV 1996 1000 ml Gram Pod Borer

1000 ml Rice Leaf-roller

Karate 2.5 CS (1999) 160 ml Rice Leaf-floder and Stem Borers

7 Cypermethrin Ripcord 10 EC 1981 200-250 ml Cotton & Wide Range of Lepidopterous Insect
Other Crops Pests

Arrivo 10 EC 1983 200-250 ml Cotton Bollworms

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

200-250 ml Apple Codling Moth & Wooly Aphids

200-250 ml Brinjal Fruit Borer

Cymbush 10 EC 1983 250 ml Cotton Bollworms and Sucking Insect Pests

Ripcord 2 ULV 1983 1200 ml Tobacco Cutworm & Budworm

Cymbush 3 ED 1985 250 ml Cotton Bollworms and Sucking Insect Pests

Nurelle 20 EC 1985 200 ml Cotton Bollworms

Sherpa 5 EC 1985 200-250 ml Cotton Bollworms alone or when Jassid,

Whitefly and Thrips are present

Cyperkill 5 EC 1987 250 ml Cotton Bollworms

Ustaad 10 EC 1988 250 ml Cotton Bollworms

Archer 10 EC 1988 250 ml Cotton Bollworms

Lucky 10 EC 1988 250 ml Cotton Bollworms

Polytrin 200 EC 1988 250 ml Cotton Bollworms

Ustaad 25 EC 1990 175 ml Cotton Bollworms

Sunmerin 20 EC 1990 125 ml Cotton Bollworms

Sunmerin 5 EC 1990 250 ml Cotton Bollworms

Kapadin-C 10 EC 1992 250 ml Cotton Bollworms

Peskil 10 EC 1992 250 ml Cotton Bollworms

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Arrivo 10 EC (Local 1996 250 ml Cotton Bollworms

xylene based formulation)

Ripcord 100 EC G/L 1998 200 ml Cabbage& Cabbage Butterfly


Ripcord 10 EC 2000 200 ml Tobacco Cutworm & Budworm

Sherpa 25 EC 2000 100 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworms

Buzzer 10% EC 2005 333 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Bollguard 20% EC 165 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Finish 20% EC 2007 125 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Solomethrin 10% W/V EC 2007 333 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Environ 10% EW 2012 250 Cotton Spotted and pink bollworm

Audit 10% EW 2014 330 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Win 25 EW 2014 125 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

8 Decamethrin/ Decis 2.5 EC 1979 250-300 ml Cotton Bollworms

Decis 2.5 EC 1998 40 ml/ 100 lit. Mango Hopper
of water

Decis 2.5 EC 1999 160 ml Rice Leaf-floder and Stem Borers

Decis tablets 25% 2002 16 tablets Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Decis 100 EC 2002 80 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Decis Tablets 25% 2003 8 tablets Potato American Bollworm

Leopard 2.5 EC 2003 250 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Decis Tablets 25% 2004 8 tablets Tomato Fruit Borer

Leopard 2.5 EC 2004 160 ml Rice Leaf Folder

Super Delta10 EC 2006 80 ml Cotton Spotted & Pink Bollworms

Leopard 2.5% EC 2007 40 ml/ 100 lit. Mango Hopper


Perfect 2.5 W/V EC 2007 330 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Counter 2.5% EC 2010 250 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Lajawab 2.5% EC 2010 250 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Rubin 2.5 EC 2011 330 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Tiger 2.5% EC 2013 250 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

9 Esfenvalirate Sumicidin Supper 5 EC 1988 250 ml Cotton Bollworms

Sumicidin Supper 7.5 EC 1988 200 ml Cotton Bollworms

Sumicidin Supper 0.5ULV 1990 2500 ml Cotton Jassid and Bollworms

Sumi-Alpha 110 EC 2003 150 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm & Army Worm

Bouncer 5% EC 2005 250 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Sumi-Alpha 110 EC 2006 150 ml Cotton Pink Bollworm

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Push 10 EC 2006 200 ml Cotton Spotted & pink Bollworms

Cobra 20% EC 2007 85 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

10 Fenpropathrin Danitol 10 EC 1985 600 ml Cotton Bollworms and Over-lapping Sucking
Insect Pests
Danitol 2.5 ULV 1987 1600 ml Cotton Insect Pest Complex
Nighaban 20 EC 2002 300 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm
Danitol 30 EC 2003 250 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm
Danitol 30 EC 2006 250 ml Cotton Pink Bollworm
Fenitol 20% EC 2006 330 ml Cotton Spotted & Pink Bollworms
Dathrin 20%EC 2009 250 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm
11 Fenvalerate Sumicidin 20 EC 1979 300-350 ml Cotton Bollworms
Sumicidin 2.5 ULV 1983 675 ml Cotton Bollworms
Fenkill 20 EC 1986 250 ml Cotton Bollworms

Edicidin 20 EC 1990 250 ml Cotton Bollworms

Sticker 20% EC 2005 250 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Fenstar 20% EC 2006 330 ml Cotton Spotted & Pink Bollworm

12 Fluvalinate Mavrik 2 E 1986 175 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips and Bollworms

175 ml Maize Stem Borer and Shootfly

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

13 Flucythrinate Pay-Off 10 EC 1985 200-250 ml Cotton Bollworms and overlapping Sucking

Insect Pests

14 Gamma- Proaxis 60% CS 2011 100 ml Cotton Spotted Boll Worm, Army Worm, Pink
cyhalothrin Bollworm & Thrips

Proaxis 60% CS 2013 75 ml Rice White Backed Plant Harper

15 Lambda Boxer 2.5 EC 2002 325 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Crusher 20 EC 2005 40 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Super Lambda 10 EC 2006 80 ml Cotton Spotted & Pink Bollworms

Lasso 10% EC 2007 70 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Lamothrin 2.5% EC 2007 330 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm
Black belt 2.5% EC 2010 333 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm
Demand Ultra 10% EC 2010 80 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm
Demand Ultra 10% EC 2011 80 ml Cotton Pink Bollworm
Lancer 10% EC 2011 85 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm
Lotus 2.5% EC 2011 330 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm
Gallant 10% WP 2011 85 gm Cotton Spotted Bollworm
Progress 10% WDG 2011 100 gm Cotton Spotted Bollworm & Pink Bollworm
16 Permethrin Ambush 25 EC 1979 200-250 ml Cotton Bollworms
Talcord 25 EC 1982 200-250 ml Cotton Lepidopterous Insect Pests
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Pounce 3.2 EC 1983 200-250 ml Cotton Bollworms

Coopex 0.5% Dust 1988 3-5 ppm a.i. Stored Grain Trogoderma sp. Tribolium sp.,
(one kg/ ton of Sitophilus sp. Rhizopertha sp.
Pounce 1.5 G 2011 5 kg Maize Borer
Coopex 10/50 LGP 1988 3-5 ppm (25 Stored Grain Trogoderma sp., Tribolium sp.,
ml in one lit. of Sitophilus sp., Rhizopertha sp.
water/ ton of
wheat grain)
17 Tralomethrin Trelate 3.6 EC 200-250 ml Cotton Bollworms

(f) Pyrethroid Mixtures:

1 Abamectin+ Shaheen Plus 1% EC 200-250 ml Cucumber Leafminers, Aphids & Whitefly
Beta (0.2%+0.8%)
2 Lambda- Fiproxy 11% WP (10% 200g Cotton Bollworms
Cyhalothrin+ +1%)
Clofentezine 200 g Gram Pod Borer
200 g Rice Leaf Folder
200 g Brinjal Fruit Borers & Bugs
200 g Lady-Finger Fruit Borers & Bugs

3 Acetamiprid+ Acelam 26% WDG 24-48 g Cabbage Aphids

Lambda- (23.5% +2.5%)
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Cyhalothrin Outfit Super 25% WG 25-30 g Cabbage Aphids

(20%+ 5%)

4 Cypermethrin + Cytac 24 EC 1988 600 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly and Bollworms


5 Cypermethrin + Nurelle-D 505 EC 1986 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips and Bollworms
Nurelle-D 505 EC (New 1998 500 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips, American
recipe) Bollworm, Spotted and Pink Bollworms

Nurelle-D 55% EC 2009 800 ml Cotton Mealy Bug

6 Cypermethrin + Almos-D 25 EC 1987 1000 ml Cotton Sucking Insect Pests and Bollworms
Laser 25 EC 1988 1000 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips & Bollworms

Cyperguard 60/250 EC 1990 500 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips & Bollworms

Almos-D 40 EC 1992 600 ml Cotton Insect Pest Complex

7 Cypermethrin + Cropgard 50 + 300 EC 1990 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips and Bollworms

8 Cypermethrin + Polytrin-C 440 EC 500 ml Cotton Lepidopterous & Sucking Insect Pests
profenofos and Mites

Polytrin-C 440 EC 1983 500 ml Potato Jassid, Thrips & American Bollworm

400 ml Sugarcane Gurdaspur Borer

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Polytrin-C 220 ULV 1985 1000 ml Mung Bollworms alone or when Jassid
Whitefly and Thrips are present along
with Bollworms

Polytrin-C 440 EC 1992 500 ml Potato Jassid, Thrips & American Bollworm

Cracker Plus 55 EC 2005 600 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Victor 550 EC 2006 500 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips, SBW, PBW
and ABW

Cracker Plus 55% EC 2007 500 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips & Army Worm

Polytrin-C 44% EC 2008 500 ml Gram Pod Borer & Cutworm

Cracker Plus 55 EC 2008 500 ml Cotton Pink Bollworm

Polytrin-C 44% EC 2008 500 ml Gram Pod Borer & Cutworm

Polytrin-C 44 EC 2009 500 ml Mung Pod borer

250 ml/ 100 lit. Citrus Psylla


500 ml Potato American Bollworm and Army Worm

Result 55% EC 2009 500 ml Cotton Mealy Bug

Limit 44% EC 2010 600 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm & Mealy Bug

Limit 44% EC 2011 600 ml Cotton American Bollworm & Pink Bollworm
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Deltamethrin 1% Combo 36% EC 2017 600 ml Cotton Armyworm, Spotted bollworm,

+ Triazophos American bollworm

9 Emamectin Agroguard 1.8% ME 300-500 ml Cabb-age Diamond Back Moth

Banzoate + (0.2%+ 1.6%)
Cyhalothrin Supextin 12 % WP(2% 100 g Cotton Bollworms
100 g Gram Pod Borers

100 g Rice Leaf Folder

100 g Brinjal Fruit Borers & Bugs

100 g Lady-Finger Fruit Borers & Bugs

10 Ethion + Zeta Mustang 380 EC (360 1000 ml Cotton HelicoverpaSpp.

Cypermethrin g/l+20 g/l)

11 Buprofezin+ Sweep 250 EC (17.5+7.5) 750 ml Cotton Cotton Whitefly, Jassid, Aphids &Mites
750 ml Potato Whitefly, Jassid, Aphids & Mites

750 ml Vegetable Whitefly, Jassid, Aphids & Mites

12 Fenpropathrin + Meothrin Supper 5/45 EC 1988 650 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips and Bollworms

13 Fenvalerate + Mikantop 40 EC 1986 350 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips and

dimethoate Bollworms
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

14 Flucythrinate + Pay-Off Plus 1988 500 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips and
mephosfolan Bollworms

15 Flucythrinate + Pay-Off-D 1988 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips and

dimethaote Bollworms

16 Fluvalinate+ Mavrik-B 1988 500 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips and Bollworms

17 Betacyfluthrin + Capital Plus 41.7 EC 2005 500 ml Cotton American Bollworm

Capital Plus41.7% EC 2006 500 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Consult 41.7 EC 2006 500 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips, SBW, PBW
and ABW

Capital Plus 41.7% EC 2007 250 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips and Army

Capital Plus 41.7% EC 2008 500 ml Cotton Pink Bollworm

18 Imidachloprid + Confidor Supra 050 EC 2003 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Thrips, American & Spotted
cyfluthrin Bollworms

19 Imidacloprid + Smart 33% WDG 2010 150 gm Cotton SBW & Mealy Bug
cyhalothrin Smart 33% WDG 2011 150 gm Cotton Thrips

20 Bifenthrin + Novastar 56% EC 2003 300 ml Potato Jassid

Novastar 56 EC 2004 500 ml Cotton Jassid, Thrips and Spotted Bollworms
600 ml Cotton American Bollworm
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Resham Plus 11.5 EC 2004 250 ml Cotton American Bollworm & Spotted
Novastar 56 EC 2005 50 ml/ 100 lit. Citrus Leaf-miner
Resham Plus 11.5 EC 2005 250 ml Potato American Bollworm and Army Worm

Resham Plus 11.5% EC 2007 250 ml Cotton Sucking Insect Pests and Army Worm
Resham Plus 11.5% EC 2008 250 ml Cotton Pink Bollworm
Novastar 56% EC 2009 500 ml Okra Jassid & Mites
500 ml Chillies Bud Mites
500 ml Brinjal Mites & Jassid
500 ml Cucumber Leaf-miner
Novastar 56% EC 2011 500 ml Mung Bean Jassid
Novastar56% EC 2012 500 ml Mung Bean Thrips
21 Bifenthrin + Goldstar 20 EC 2005 250 ml Cotton American bollworm
Goldstar 20% EC 2006 250 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm
Gold Star 20% EC 2007 250 ml Cotton Sucking Insect Pests and Army Worm
Gold Star 20% EC 2008 250 ml Cotton Pink Bollworm
22 Nitenpyram+ Elegant Super 46% WP 200 g Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Mites & Spotted
Bifenthrin+ (20%+25%+1%) Bollworms
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year
23 Bifenthrin 5% + Novastar 56% EC 2013 500 ml Cotton Mites
Abamectin 0.6%
24 Betacyfluthrin + Bulldock Star 262.5 EC 2003 800 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm, American Bollworm
chlorpyrifos and Aphid

25 Nitenpyram+ Power Max 26% WP 100 g Cotton Thrips,Jassids & Mites

Clofentezine (25%+1%)

26 Clofentezine + Emalu 4% EC 400 ml Cotton American Bollworms, Spotted

Emamectin Bollworms, Armyworms & Mites
Benzoate +
Lufenuron 400 ml Vegetable American Bollworms, Spotted
Bollworms, Armyworms & Mites
27 Pyriproxyfen+ Tabaci Gold 43% WP 150 g Cotton Whitefly & Mites
Acetamiprid + (15% + 27% +1%)
28 Phoxim + Lululing 40% EC 500 g Cotton Pink & Spotted Bollworms
500 g Cabbage Diamond Back Moth
29 Profenofos + Border 61.5% EC 2005 500 ml Cotton American Bollworm
cyhalothrin Border 61.5% EC 2006 500 ml Cotton SBW
Choice 61.5% EC 2006 500 ml Cotton SBW, PBW & ABW
Border 61.5% EC 2007 250 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips & Army Worm
Border 61.5% EC 2008 500 ml Cotton PBW
Border 61.5% EC 2009 500 ml Cotton Mealy Bug
Verdict 52% EC 2010 500 ml Cotton SBW & Mealy Bug
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Verdict 52% EC 2012 800 ml Cotton American boll worm

Fortress 61.5% EC 2017 500 ml Cotton American bollworm, Spotted bollworm

30 Thiamethoxam+ Acrid 22% SC (12.6%+ 75 ml Wheat Aphid
Lambda 9.4%)
31 Tralomethrin + Trelate-D 17/ 300 EC 1992 400 ml Cotton Sucking Insect Pests & Bollworms
32 Triazophos + Valimy 46% EC (40% 250 ml Cotton Bollworms & Bug
Lambda- +4% + 2%)
Cyhalothrin +
Validamycin Trica 46% 250 ml Rice Bacterial Diseases
250 ml Cotton Bacterial Diseases

Capture 20% SC 150-200 ml Cauliflower Diamond Back Moth

150-200 ml Cabbage Butterfly
33 Deltamethrin + Dedeci 6.25+100 EC 1996 600 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips and Bollworms
Dream 50 EC 2006 500 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips, SBW, PBW
and ABW

(g) Neonicotinoids:
1 Abamectin + Fighter 13.3 EC 2005 167 ml Cotton Jassid, Thrips, Spotted Bollworm &
Imidachloprid American Bollworm.

167 ml Potato American Bollworm and Army Worm.

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Blaster 13.3% EC 2006 170 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips, Spotted

Bollworm, American Bollworm

Fighter 13.3 EC 2007 167 ml Cotton Sucking Insect Pests & Army Worm
Fighter 13.3% EC 2008 167 ml Cotton Pink Bollworm

Abamectin + Solvigo 108 SC 2017 300 ml Cotton, Thrips

Thiamethoxam Chillies
2 Acetamiprid Rani 20 SL 2002 125 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips
Rani 20 SP 2002 125 gm Cotton Mealy Bug
Barrier 20% SL 2005 125 ml Cotton Jassid & Whitefly
Barrier 20% SP 2005 125 gm Cotton Jassid & Whitefly
Topsilon 20% SP 2005 125 gm Cotton Mealy Bug
Zeon 20% SL 2005 125 ml Cotton Mealy Bug

Barrier 20% SL 2006 125 ml Cotton Thrips

Barrier 20% SP 2006 125 gm Cotton Thrips

Assault 20% SL 2006 125 ml Cotton Whitefly

Moziban 20 SL 2006 125 ml Cotton Whitefly

Trust 20% SP 2006 125 gm Cotton Jassid, Whitefly and Thrips
Diamond 20% WP 2007 125 gm Cotton Sucking Insect Pests
Mospilan 20 SP 2007 50 gm Cotton Jassid & Thrips at Early Stages
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

125 gm Cotton Sucking Insect Pests at Mid and Later


Shaft 20% SP 2007 125 gm Cotton Jassid & Whitefly

125 gm Brinjal Jassid & Whitefly

Shaft 20% SL 2007 125 ml Cotton Jassid & Whitefly

125 gm Brinjal Jassid & Whitefly

Titonic 20% SP 2007 125 gm Cotton Whitefly

Diamond 20% WP 2008 80 ml Citrus Leaf-miner

Mospilan 20% SP 2008 100 gm Melon Jassid, Thrips, Whitefly and Leaf
50 gm Tobacco Aphid
Laila 20% SL 2008 125 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly and Thrips

Laila 20% SP 2008 125 gm Cotton Jassid, Whitefly and Thrips

Buster 20% SL 2009 125 ml Potato Jassid
Buster 20% SP 2009 125 gm Potato Jassid

Rani 20% SL 2009 150 ml Cotton Mealy Bug

Mospilan 20% SP 2009 150 gm Cotton Mealy Bug
Rapid 50% WDG 2009 50 gm Cotton Whitefly & Mealy Bug
Buster 20% SL 2010 125 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips & Mealy Bug
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Buster 20% SP 2010 125 gm Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips & Mealy Bug
Dermote 20% SP 2011 125 gm Cotton Jassid, Whitefly and Thrips
Dermote 20% SL 2011 125 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly and Thrips
Astarp 20% SP 2011 125 gm Cotton Jassid, Whitefly and Thrips
Astarp 20% SP 2011 250 gm Cotton Mealy Bug
Bono 20% SL 2011 125 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly and Thrips
200 ml Cotton Mealy Bug
Arrange 50%WDG 2011 60 gm Cotton Jassid, Thrips and Whitefly
Out Fit 36%WDG 2011 75 gm Cotton Jassid, Thrips and Whitefly

Rapid 50% WDG 2012 50 gm Cotton Thrips

Vimix 20% SL 2012 125 ml Cotton Jassid, Thrips and Whitefly

Vimix 20% SP 2012 125 ml Cotton Jassid, Thrips and Whitefly

3 Fipronil + Lesenta 80% WG 2014 60 gm Cotton Jassid, Thrips & Dusky Cotton Bug

Fipronil 7.5% + Pravo 10% SC 2017 300 ml Rice Stem borer& leaffolder
Cyhalothrin 2.5% Maize &, Borers
4 Imidachloprid Confidor 70 WS 1992 5 gm/kg of Cotton Sucking Insect Pests
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Confidor SL-200 1992 250 ml Cotton Sucking Insect Pests

Confidor Foliar 200 SL 1998 40 ml/100 lit. Citrus Psylla & Leaf- miner
of water

Confidor 200 SL 1999 40 ml Citrus Psylla

Confidor 70 WS 2000 5 gm/kg of Maize Shootfly

Fensidor 70 WS 2002 5 gm/kg of Cotton Jassid
5 gm/kg of Maize Shootfly
Mestidor 70 WS 2002 200 gm Cotton Jassid
200 gm Maize Shootfly
Mestidor 200 SL 2002 250 ml Cotton Whitefly & Thrips
100 ml Cotton Jassid

Fensidor SL-200 2002 100 ml Cotton Jassid

250 ml Cotton Whitefly & Thrip
Confidor Foliar 200 SL 2002 40 ml/ 100 lit. Mango Hopper
of water

Confidor 200 SL 2003 40 ml Rice White Back Plant Hopper

Confidor 70 WG 2004 17 gm Cotton Jassid

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

23 gm Cotton Thrips
Confidor 70 WG 2004 72 gm Cotton Whitefly (Nymphs and adults)
12 gm Rice White Back Plant Hopper
Confidor 200 SC(New 2004 60 ml Cotton Jassid
80 ml Cotton Thrips
250 ml Cotton Whitefly (Nymphs & adults)
40 ml Rice White Back Plant Hopper
40 ml/ 100 lit Citrus Leaf-miner
Action 25% WP 2006 60 ml Cotton Jassid
250 ml Cotton Whitefly
Crown 25% WP 2006 60 ml Cotton Jassid
200 ml Cotton Whitefly
Crown 20% SL 250ml Cotton Mealy Bug
Glitter 20% SL 2006 60 ml Cotton Jassid
80 ml Cotton Thrips
250 ml Cotton Whitefly
Launcher 25% WP 2006 60 ml Cotton Jassid
80 ml Cotton Thrips
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year
200 ml Cotton Whitefly
Crown 200 SL (Formerly 2007 40 ml/ 100 lit. Mango Hopper
Fencidor) water
40 ml/ 100 lit. Citrus Leaf-miner
Launcher 20 SL 2007 40 ml/ 100 lit. Mango Hopper
40 ml/ 100 lit. Citrus Leaf-miner
Confirm 25% WP 2007 60 gm Cotton Jassid
Python 25% WP 2007 80 gm Cotton Jassid
200 gm Cotton Whitefly
Python 25% WP 2007 80 gm Brinjal Jassid
200 gm Brinjal Whitefly
Simida 25% WP 2007 75 gm Cotton Jassid & Thrips
Simida 25% WP 2007 200 gm Cotton Whitefly

Confidor 20% SC 2008 40 ml Rice White Back Plant Hopper

Confidor 20% SC 2008 40 ml Tobacco Aphid

Broader 25% WP 2008 200 gm Cotton Jassid, Whitefly and Thrips

Python 25% WP 2008 40 ml/ 100 lit. Citrus Psylla

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Python 20% SL 2008 100 ml Cotton Jassid

250 ml Cotton Whitefly

Rimpa 25% WP 2008 75 gm Cotton Jassid & Thrips
200 gm Cotton Whitefly
72 gm Rice White Back Plant Hopper
Simida 70% WDG 2008 25 gm Cotton Jassid & Thrips
Simida 70% WDG 2008 75 gm Cotton Whitefly
25 gm Rice White Back Plant Hopper
75 gm Cotton Whitefly
Superdin 20% SL 2008 80 ml Cotton Jassid & Thrips
250 gm Cotton Jassid, whitefly and Thrips
Escort 70% WDG 2009 75 gm Cotton Whitefly, Mealy Bug
Imidor 20% SL 2009 250 ml Cotton Whitefly

Mighty 25%WP 2009 200 gm Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips

Confidor 60% FS 2009 6 ml/kg seed Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips

6 ml/kg seed Maize Shootfly

Confidor 70% WG 2009 72 gm/ Cotton Mealy Bug

100 lit. water
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Confidor 20% SL 2009 250 ml/ 100 lit Cotton Mealy Bug

Confidor 20% SC 2009 250 ml/ 100 lit. Cotton Mealy Bug

Binder 48% FS 2009 8 ml/kg seed Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips

Sharp 20% SL 2009 100 ml Potato Jassid

Sharp 20% WP 2009 100 gm Potato Jassid

Asset 20% SL 2010 100 ml Cotton Jassid

250 ml Cotton Whitefly & Mealy Bug

Asset 70% WDG 2010 40 gm Cotton Jassid

80 gm Cotton Whitefly & Mealy Bug

Bracket 70% WS 2010 5 gm/kg seed Cotton Jassid & Thrips (for line sowing only)

Escort 70% WDG 2010 30 gm Cotton Jassid

Confidor 70% WG 2010 28 gm Onion Thrips

Confidor 20% SC 2010 250 ml Sugarcane Termites

250 ml Brinjal Whitefly
100 ml Onion Thrips
Confidor 20% SL 2010 250 ml Sugarcane Termites
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

250 ml Brinjal Whitefly

100 ml Onion Thrips
8 ml/kg seed Maize Shootfly
Sharp 20% SL 2010 100 ml Cotton Jassid

250 ml Cotton Whitefly & Mealy Bug

Sharp 25% WP 2010 100 gm Cotton Jassid

250 gm Cotton Whitefly & Mealy Bug

Bracket 70% WS 2011 5 gm/kg seed Maize Shootfly

Confidor 70% WG 2011 12 gm/ 100 lit. Citrus Psylla

12 gm/ 100 lit. Mango Hopper


Confidor 20% SC 2011 40 ml/ 100 lit. Citrus Psylla

40 ml/ 100 lit. Mango Hopper
Confidor 20% SL 2011 40 ml/ 100 lit. Citrus Psylla & Leaf miner
Punch 70% WDG 2011 40 gm Cotton Thrips

Binder 48% FS 2011 150 ml Cotton Mealy Bug

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Best 25% WP 2011 200 gm Cotton Jassid, Thrips, Whitefly & Mealy Bug)

Sharp 25% WP 2011 100 gm Cotton Thrips

Pronto 70% WG 2011 25 gm Cotton Jassid & Thrips

Confidence 20% SL 2012 250 ml Cotton Jassid & Whitefly Thrips

Confidence 25% WP 2012 200 gm Cotton Jassid & Whitefly Thrips
Confidor 20% SL 2012 250 ml Cotton Jassid & Whitefly
150 ml Potao Whitefly
Escort 70% WDG 2012 30 gm Cotton Thrips
Confidor 20% SL 2013 100 ml Tobacco Aphid
250 ml Onion Thrips
50 ml Mango Hopper
250 ml Tomato Whitefly
Confidence 70% WS 2013 5 g/kg seed Cotton Jassid & Whitefly Thrips
5 g/kg seed Maize Shoot Fly
Pronto 60% FS 2013 6 ml Cotton Sucking Pests

6 ml Maize Shoot Fly

Pronto 70% WG 2013 25 gm Rice White Backed Plant Hopper

Confidence Ultra 70% 2016 70 gm Cotton Jassid, Thrips and Whitefly

WDG and 95% Tech.
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Coniflex 20% SL 2017 250 ml Cotton Thrips & Whitefly

Coniflex 50% WP 2017 100 g Cotton Jassid, Thrips & Whitefly

5 Imidacloprid Jozer 202 SL 2006 60 ml Cotton Jassid

20% +
acetamipird 0.2% 250 ml Cotton Whitefly

Imidicloprid 3.2% Fighter 5% EC 400 ml Cotton & Jassid

+ Abamectin Tomato

6 Imidacloprid 210 Solomon 30%-O-TEQ 2008 50 ml Rice White back Plant Hopper and Leaf-
G/L + Beta folder
Cyfluthrin 90 G/L
Solomon 30%-O-TEQ 2009 50 ml Okra Fruit Borers

7 Imidacloprid + Lesenta 80% WG 45 gm Cotton Jassid & Thrips

Lesenta 80% WG 2011 100 gm Sugarcane Termites & borers

8 Imidachloprid + Pencidor 72 WP 2005 5 gm/kg seed Maize Shootfly

Monomehypo 70
+ 02% Pencidor 72 WP 2006 30 gm Cotton Jassid & Thrips
80 gm Cotton Whitefly
Pencidor 72% WP 2007 5 gm/kg seed Cotton Sucking Insect Pests
9 Imidachloprid Hombre 37.25% FS 2013 10 ml/kg seed Maize Shoot Fly
36% +
Tebuconazole 2 ml/kg seed Wheat Loose Smut/Bunt
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

10 Imidachloprid Hombre 186.25 FS 2014 4 ml/kg seed Wheat Aphid, Wheat bunt & Wheat smut
180 gm/lit +
6.25 gm/lit
Imidacloprid 360 Hombre Excel 372.5 FS 2016 10 ml/kg seed Cotton Jassid, Thrips, Whitefly & Fusarium
gm/lit + wilt
12.5 gm/lit 10 ml/kg seed Maize Shootfly, Damping off diseases
(Fusarium, Pythium & Rhyzectonia

11 Pyriproxyfen+ Core 10% SC 500 ml Tomato Whitefly


12 Spirotetramat Movento Energy 480 SC 2010 150 ml + 250 Cotton Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips & Mealy Bug
12% + ml adjuvent
Imidacloprid 36%

13 Spirotetramate Movento Energy 2011 150 ml + 250 Mango Hopper

120 g/l + 480 SC ml
Imidacloprid 260

14 Abamectin+ Opener 30% WP(1% 75 g Cabbage Aphids

Nitenpyram +29%)

15 Abamectin+ Valor 12% SC (2% + 100-125 ml Rice Plant hopper

Thiamethoxam 10%)

Solvigo 108 SC 2016 300 ml Cotton & Thrips

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

16 Buprofezin+ Best Guard 70% WG 200 g Rice Plant Hopper

Nitenpyram (60%+10%)

17 Clothianidin Telsta 20% SC 200 ml Rice Plant Hopper

18 Clothianidin + Poncho Sol 27.1% FS 2011 25 ml/ kg seed Maize Shootfly & birds repellent

Clothianidin 60% Argyl Super 62.5% 2017 1 g/kg seed Wheat Aphid
+ Azoxystrobin

19 Nitenpyram Pyramid 10% AS 2011 200 ml Cotton Jassid

200 ml Okra Jassid

Pyram 10% AS 2012 200 ml Cotton Jassid, Thrips & Whitefly

True 10% WDG 2012 200 gm Cotton Jassid, Thrips & Whitefly

Pyramid 50% WDG 2013 40 gm Cotton Jassid

Flax Star 50% WDG 2016 40 gm Cotton Jassid

Pirox Super 50% WDG 2016 50 gm Cotton Jassid

20 Nitenpyram + Momentum 50% WDG 2012 125 gm Cotton Jassid and Thrips
100 gm Okra Jassid
Carnation 50% WDG 2016 Cotton Jassid & Thrips
Nitenpyram+ Compass 25% WP (15% 2016 Cotton Jassid
Bifenthrin +10%)
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

21 Nitenpyram + Pyramid Plus 80 WDG 100 g Rice Plant Hopper

Pymetrozine (20%+60%)
22 Thiacloprid Calypso 240 SC 2002 250 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly &Thrips
Calypso 240 OD 2006 35 ml Cotton Jassid
250 ml Cotton Whitefly
100 ml Cotton Thrips
Talent 48% SC 2009 50 ml Okra Jassid
Talent 48% SC 2010 125 ml Cotton Jassid & Whitefly
Talent 48% SC 2011 50 ml Potato Aphid
Elevate 48% SC 2012 125 ml Cotton Sucking insect pest
50 ml Potato Jassid

Garner 48% SC 2012 50 ml Cotton Thrips

Garner 48% SC 2013 25 ml Cotton Jassid
25 ml Potato Jassid
23 Thiamethoxam Actara 70 WS 1999 3 gm/kg seed Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips
Actara 25 WG 1999 24 gm Cotton Jassid & Thrip
Actara 25 WG 2002 10 gm/ 100 lit. Okra Jassid
Actara 25 WP 2003 10 gm/ 100 lit. Citrus Psylla
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year
Actara 25 WG 2004 24 gm Tobacco Aphid
Actara 25 WG 2006 10 gm/ 100 lit. Citrus Leaf miner
Actara 70 WS 2007 3 gm/kg seed Gram Termites
Actara 25% WE 2008 48 gm Cotton Mealy Bug
Actara 70% ST 2008 24 gm Cotton Mealy Bug
Roxam 70% WS 2009 3 gm/kg seed Cotton Jassid Whitefly & Thrips
Contest 25% WDG 2011 24 gm Okra Jassid
Roxam 25% WG 2012 24 gm Cotton Jassid
Agrozam 25% WG 2013 24 gm Tobacco Aphid
24 gm Cotton Jassid
Actara 25% WG 2013 24 gm Cabb-age Aphid
Contest 25% WDG 2010 48 gm Cotton Mealy Bug
24 gm Cotton Jassid
Accord ST 70% WS 2016 3 gm/kg seed Cotton Jassid, Thrip & Whitefly
Maize Maize shootfly
Accord 25% WDG 2016 Cotton Jassid
Actara 25 WDG 2017 24 gm Melon & Aphid
Cruiser 350 FS 2017 10 ml/kg Maize Shoot fly
24 Thiamethoxam Voliam Flexi 300 SC 80 ml Potato Helicoverpa armigera
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

200 gai+ 80 ml Cauli-flower Diamond Back Moth

100 gai/L 80 ml Brinjal Fruit Borers/ Shoot Borers

25 Thiamethoxam + Virtako 0.6% G 2012 4 kg Rice Stem Borer

prole Virtako 40% WG 2012 4 kg Rice Leaf folder, borer & plant hopper

Voliam Flexi 300 SC 2012 80 ml Cauliflower Spodoptera spp.

80 ml Cabbage Spodoptera spp.

Virtako 40% WG 2013 40 gm Rice Leaf folder, Stem borer & Plant hopper

Virtako 0.6% G 2013 4 kg Rice Plant hopper

Virtako 0.6% G 2013 4 kg Rice Leaf folder
Virtako 0.6% G 2013 4 kg Maize Stem borer
Virtako 0.6% G 2013 4 kg Sugarcane Borers

Thiamethoaxm Kendo 24.7% SC 60 ml Cotton Pink boll warm

14.1% +

(h) Miscellaneous:
1 Abamectin Alarm 1.8 EC 2005 400 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm, American Bollworm
and Army Worm
400 ml Potato Army Worm and American Bollworm
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Alarm 3.5 EC 2005 200 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm, American Bollworm

and Army Worm
200 ml Potato Army Worm and American Bollworm
Vigor 1.8 EC 2005 400 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm, American Bollworm
and Army Worm
Vigor 1.8 EC 2005 400 ml Potato Army Worm and American Bollworm
Alarm 1.8% EC 2006 300 ml Tomato Fruit borer
Alarm 3.5% EC 2006 150 ml Tomato Fruit Borer
Commando 3.5% EC 200 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm &American
Shogun 1.8 EC 400 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm & American
Gold 1.8% EC 2011 400 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm
2 Abamectin+ Tornado 56% EC (0.3% + 25-30 ml/100 Citrus Red Spider Mites
Propargite 55.7%) lit water
3 Acrinathrin + Tripsol 35.1(g/l) EW 600-800 ml Cotton Thrips & Mites
Abamectin (22.5g/l + 12.6g/l)
400-500 ml Potato Flower Thrips, Mites & Psyllid
400-500 ml Melon Flower Thrips, Mites & Psyllid
400-500 ml Tomato Flower Thrips, Mites & Psyllid
80 ml/ 100 lit Apple Mites
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year
4 Amitraz Mitac 20 EC 1980 1000-1250 ml Cotton Mites. Also controls the eggs & larvae
of Cotton Bollworms& Sucking Insect
5 Bacillus Agree 0.6 WP 1996 500 gm Vegetables Diamond Back Moth, Cabbage
thuringensis Butterfly and Army Worm or effective
against Lepidopterous&Dipterous spp.
Green Guard 16000 750 g Cotton Bollworm
750 g Rice Leaf Folder
750 g Maize Borer
6 Buprofezin Starter 25% WP 2005 500 gm Cotton Whitefly

Byzen 25% WP 2006 500 ml Cotton Whitefly

Friend 25 WP 2006 500 ml Cotton Jassid and Whitefly

Spear 25% WP 2011 500 gm Cotton Whitefly
Prado 25% WP 2011 400 gm Cotton Whitefly
Fuzin 25% WP 2012 500 gm Cotton Sucking Insect Pests

Buprofezin Applaud 25 SC 2016 600 ml Cotton Whitefly

7 Butacorbuxin Drawin 50 EC 1992 600 ml Cotton Sucking Insect Pests

8 Chlorantranili- DPX-E 2Y 45 20% SC 50 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm & Army Worm

(Coragen TM 20% SC) 2007 80 ml Cotton American Bollworm
(Coragen TM 20% SC) 2009 50 ml Cauliflower Diamond Back Month
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year
(Coragen TM 20% SC) 2010 50 ml Tomato Fruit Borer
50 ml Okra Spotted Bollworm & Heliothus sp.
Ferterra 0.4% G 2011 3 – 4 Kg Rice Stem Borers
Coragen 20% SC 2013 25 ml Berseem American Bollworm
15 ml Citrus Leaf miner
10 ml/ 100 lit. Muskmelon Leaf miner
of water
10 ml/ 100 lit. Tomato Leaf miner
of water
Coragen 20% SC 2013 25 ml Potato American Bollworm
25 ml Potato Armyworm
50 ml Cauliflower Armyworm
50 ml Rice Stem borers
50 ml Rice Leaf folder
Coragen 20% SC 2014 50 ml Maize Stem borer
Ferterra 0.4% G 2014 4 kg Rice Leaf folder
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Chlorantraniliprole Coragen 20% SC Brinjal and Fruit borer

Armyworm and Stem borer

Chlorantraniliprole Ferterra 0.4% G Rice Leaf folder

Maize Stem borer

Chlorantraniliprole Ferterra 0.4% G 4 kg Maize Armyworm

Sugarcane Borer

Chlorantraniliprole Coragen 20% SC 40 ml Gram Pod Borer

9 Cyantraniliprole Benevia 10% OD 2014 350 ml Cotton Whitefly
(Adult & Nymph)

10 Chlorfenapyr Pirate 360 GL/SC 1999 330 ml Cotton American Bollworm

220 ml Cotton Mites

70 ml/ 100 lit. Melons Leaf-miner
of water

Patriot 36 EC 2005 330 ml Cotton American Bollworm

Steer 10% WDG 2011 800 gm Sugarcane Termites

Pirate 360 GL/SC 2012 75 ml Cotton Jassid, Thrips, Mites & Army worm
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

100 ml Cotton Armyworm

Steer 10% WDG 2013 300 gm Cotton Thrips

Chlorfenapyr Foxal 50% WDG 2017 75 gm Onion Thrips

11 Chlorfenapyr + Steer Plus 10.5% SC 2011 250 ml Cotton Thrips


12 Chlorfluazuron Ataboron 5 EC 1990 400 ml Cotton Bollworms

Caprice 5% EC 2011 400 ml Cotton Army Worm

13 Cycloprothrin Cyclosal 10 EC 1988 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Bollworms

14 Cyromazine Digard 50% SP 2006 50 gm/ 100 Lit. Musk Melon Leaf Miner
15 Dimehypo Welhypo 8% G 2006 4 kg Rice Stem Borer
16 Dinotefuran Oshin 20% SG 2013 100 gm Cotton Jassid
17 Diafenthiuron Polo 500 SC 1996 250 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly & Thrips
Polo 500 EC 1998 200 ml Cotton Mites
Trophy 50% EC 2005 200 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly and Thrips
Piller 50% SC 2006 200 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly and Thrips
Dolo 50% SC 2013 200 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly , Thrips and Mites
Polo 500% SC 2014 100 ml Cauliflower Aphid
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

100 ml Cabbage Aphid

100 ml Potato Jassid & Whitefly

Diafenthiuron Polo 50% SC 100 ml Okra Jassid

Brinjal Jassid, whitefly & Mites
Bud mite

18 Diflubenzuron Dimilin 25 WP 1988 300 gm Cotton Bollworms

19 Emamectin Vran 1.9 EC 2002 200 ml Cotton American Bollworm
Proclaim 19 EC 2004 200 ml Cotton American Bollworm
Proclaim 5 SG 2004 80 gm Cotton American Bollworm

Timer 1.9 EC 2004 200 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworms & Army Worm

Proclaim 019 EC 2005 200 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm and Army Worm

Proclaim 5 SG 2005 100 gm Cotton Stem Borer

Challenge 5% EC 2005 75 ml Cotton American Bollworm, Spotted Bollworm

and Army Worm

Challenge 5% WDG 2005 75 ml Potato American Bollworm and Army Worm

Timer 5% EC 2005 75 ml Cotton American Bollworm, Spotted Bollworm

and Army Worm

75 ml Potato American Bollworm and Army Worm

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Timer 5% WDG 2005 75 gm Cotton American Bollworm, Spotted Bollworm

and Army Worm

75 gm Potato American Bollworm and Army Worm

Challenge 5% EC 2005 75 ml Cotton American Bollworm, Spotted Bollworm

and Army Worm

Challenge 5% WDG 2005 75 ml Potato American Bollworm and Army Worm

Proclaim 019 EC 2006 200 ml Cauliflower Diamond Back Moth

Proclaim 5 SG 2006 100 ml Cauliflower Diamond Back Moth
Challenge 5% EC 2006 56 ml Tomato Fruit Borers
75 ml Berseem American Bollworm
Challenge 5% WDG 2006 56 gm Tomato Fruit Borers

Procyon 1.9% EC 2005 200 ml Cotton American Bollworm, Spotted Bollworm

and Army Worm

150 ml Potato American Bollworm and Army Worm

Timer 5% EC 2006 56 ml Tomato Fruit Borer

Timer 5% WDG 2006 56 ml Tomato Fruit Borer

75 ml Berseem American Bollworm

Proclaim 5 SG 2007 100 gm Potato American Bollworm & Army Worm

100 gm Tomato Fruit Borer

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

100 gm Brinjal Fruit Borer

100 gm Lady-Finger Fruit Borer

Proclaim 019 EC 2007 200 ml Potato ABW & Army Worm

200 gm Tomato Fruit Borer

200 gm Brinjal Fruit Borer

200 gm Lady-Finger Fruit Borer

Skipper 5% EC 2007 75 ml Cotton American Bollworm

Profit 1.9% W/W EC 2007 200 ml Cotton American Bollworm

Fuda 1.9% EC 2007 200 ml Cotton American Bollworm & Spotted


Glamour 1.9 EC 200 ml Cotton SBW, ABW and Army Worm

Treasure 1.9% EC 2007 200 ml Cotton SBW, ABW and Army Worm

Proclaim 1.9% EC 2008 200 ml Okra Spotted Bollworm

Proclaim 1.9% EC 2008 200 ml Brinjal Stem Borer

Proclaim 5% SG 2008 100 gm Okra Spotted Bollworms

100 gm Brinjal Stem Borer

Control 1.9% EC 2009 200 ml Maize Stem Borer & Shootfly

Explorer 1.9% EC 2009 200 ml Cotton American Bollworm & Army Worm
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

200 ml Potato American Bollworm & Army Worm

200 ml Cabbage Diamond Back Moth

Explorer 5%EC 2009 75 ml Cotton American Bollworm & Army Worm

Explorer5% EC 2009 75 ml Potato American Bollworm & Army Worm

75 ml Cabbage Diamond Back Moth

Explorer 5% WDG 2009 75 gm Cotton American Bollworm & Army Worm

Explorer 5% WDG 2009 75 gm Potato American Bollworm & Army Worm

75 gm Cabbage Diamond Back Moth

Fervor 5% WDG 2009 75 gm Cotton Spotted Bollworm, American Bollworm

& Army Worm

Hammer 5% WDG 2009 75 gm Cotton Spotted Bollworm. American Bollworm

& Army Worm

Skipper 5% WDG 2009 75 gm Cabbage Diamond Back Moth

Striker 5% EC 2009 75 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm, American Bollworm

& Army Worm

Rider 1.9% EC (old finder 2010 200 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

1.9% EC)

Spark Ultra 5% EC 2010 75 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Spark 5% WDG 2010 75 gm Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Spark 1.9% EC 2010 200 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm

Rider 1.9% EC 2011 200 ml Cotton American Bollworm & Army Worm

Spark Ultra 5% EC 2011 75 ml Cotton American Bollworm & Army Worm

Spark 5% WDG 2011 75 gm Cotton American Bollworm & Army Worm

Spark 1.9% EC 2011 200 ml Cotton American Bollworm & Army Worm

Tycon 5% WDG 2012 75 gm Cotton Armyworm, American & Spotted


Tycon 5% WDG 2013 75 g Cauliflower Diamond Back Moth

Emafer 5% WDG 2013 75 gm Cotton Spotted Bollworm

75 gm Maize Borer

75 gm Cauliflower Diamond Back Moth

75 gm Cotton Armyworm

75 gm Potato Potato Heliothis

Emamectin Tycon plus 5% EW 75 ml Cotton Army worm


20 Emamectin Couple 4% ME (2011) 100 ml Cabbage Diamond Back Moth

benzoate +

21 Ethofenprox Trebon 30 EC 1988 200 ml Cotton Jassid, Whitefly and Bollworms

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Trebon 30 EC 1996 200 `ml Rice Leaf-roller and White Back Plant
Phase 30% EC 2011 200 ml Potato Jassid
Phase 30% EC 2012 200 ml Cotton Jassid &Whitefly

22 Fenobucarb Fenocarb 25% EC 500 ml Rice Leaf Hopper & Plant Hopper
23 Fenoxycarb Insegar 25 WP 1996 200 gm Vege-ables Diamond Back Moth, Cabbage
Butterfly and Army Worms
24 Fipronil Refree 0.3% G 2010 8 kg Maize Borers
Refree 5% SC 2010 500 ml Cabbage Diamond Back Moth
Refree 56% FS 2011 10 ml/ kg seed Maize Shootfly
Refree 0.3% G 2011 8 kg Rice Stem borers
Regent 80% WDG 2011 30 gm Sugarcane Termite & Top borer
30 gm Maize Stem borer
Refree 0.3% G 2012 8 kg Sugarcane Borers & termites
Regent 80% WDG 2013 30 gm Rice Stem borers White backed plant
25 Flonicamid Ulala 50% WG 60 g Cotton Aphid, Jassid, Thrips & Whitefly
60 g Rice Brown Plant Hopper, White Backed
Plant Hopper & Green Leaf Hopper
26 Flubendiamide NHI 480 SC (Belt) 2006 50 ml Cabbage SBW, ABW and Army Worm
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Belt 48% SC 2008 20 ml Tomato American Bollworm

20 ml Chilies American Bollworm

20 ml Gram American Bollworm

30 ml Cauliflower Diamond Back Moth

Belt 48% SC 2008 20 ml Brinjal Fruit Borer

20 ml Berseem Army Worm

20 ml Potato American Bollworm

Belt 48% SC 2009 20 ml Okra American Bollworm

25 ml Cotton Army Worm

Belt 48% SC 2011 25 ml Maize Army Worm

Belt 48% SC 2012 10 ml Rice Leaf folder

Belt 48% SC 2013 40 ml Tobacco Bud worm

Flubendiamide Takumi 20% SC 2017 120 ml Cotton Army worm, American bollworm
Diamondback moth
70 ml Cauliflower

27 Flufenoxuron Cascade 10 WDC 1990 400 ml Cotton Bollworms

Cascade 10 WD 1999 200 ml/ 100 lit Melon Leaf-miner

of water
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Cascade 10 WD 1999 100 ml/ 100 lit. Citrus Leaf-miner

of water

200 ml/ 100 lit. Cauliflower Cabbage Butterfly

of water

Cascade 10 WDC 2000 100 ml Potato American Bollworm

28 Gossyplure Frustrate PBW 8%(w/w) 200-250 strips Cotton Pink Bollworms

29 Helicoverpa Keyun 60 BPIB/G WG 12.5 g Cotton Heliothis Armigera

Armigera NPV

30 Hexaflumuron Fumuron 5% EC 200-250 ml Cotton Bollworms

Halter 5% EC 150 ml Vegetable Diamond Back Moth

200-250 ml Cotton Beet Armyworm
Hexaron 5% EC 300-420 ml Vegetables Diamond Back Moth
Kalfen 5% EC 300-420 ml Vegetables Diamond Back Moth
720-960 ml Cotton Bollworms
Trape 5% EC 300-420 ml Vegetable Diamond Back Moth
31 Hexaflumuron + Crackdown 10.5% WDG Jjjj 200 ml Cotton Helicoverpa Armigra
Emamectin (10%+0.5%)
Benzoate 200 ml Vegetable Diamond Back Moth

32 Lufenuron Match 50 EC 1996 800 ml Cotton Bollworms & Armyworm

Match 50 EC 2000 100 ml Potato American Bollworm
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Track 10 EC 2005 100 ml Potato American Bollworm and Armyworm

Match 50 EC 2005 60 ml/ 100 lit Citrus Leaf miner


Track 10 EC 2006 100 ml Cauliflower Diamond Back Moth

Track 10 EC 2007 400 ml Cotton SBW & ABW

Match 0.50 EC 2007 200 ml Berseem ABW & Armyworm

Track 10% EC 2008 100 ml Tomato Fruit Borer

Silent 5% EC 2011 200 ml Cotton Armyworm

200 ml Cabbage Diamond Back Moth

Bold 10% EC 2012 100 ml Cotton Armyworm

Match 5% EC 2013 80 ml Citrus Thrips

200 ml Vegetables Dimond Back Moth, Cabbage

Butterfly, Brinjal Fruit Borer &Spotted
Bollworm of Okra

Drone 5% EC 2014 200 ml Cotton Armyworm & American Bollworm

Lufenuron Snap 10% WDG 2016 100 gm Cotton Armyworm


33 Methoxyfenozide Runner 240 SC 200 ml Cotton Armyworms & Heliothis

200 ml Cabbage Looper

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

200 ml Cauliflower Looper

200 ml Corn Armyworms

200 ml Alfalfa Armyworms

200 ml Tomato Armyworms
200 ml Apple Armyworms

200 ml Plums Armyworms

200 ml Vegetables Armyworms

34 Monomehypo Almas 10% G 2006 4 kg Rice Stem Borer

Shark 5% G 2006 7 kg Rice Stem Borer
14 kg Sugarcane Top Borer & Stem Borer
Dilute 5% G 2011 7 kg Rice Stem Borers
Dilute Super 10% G 2011 3.5 kg Rice Stem Borers
Mintox 5% G 2011 7 kg Rice Stem Borers
Mintox Super 10% G 2011 4 kg Rice Stem Borers
Black Gold 5% G 2013 7 kg Rice Stem Borers

35 Methylamine Sunjin 0.5% EC 2006 400 ml Cotton SBW & ABW


36 Novaluron Uniron 10% EC 2014 400 ml Cotton Armyworm

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

300 ml Gram Pod Borer

300 ml Tomato Fruit Borer
300 ml Cabbage Diamond Back Moth
37 Pectinophora PB-Rope pheromones 1988 400 disper-sion Cotton Pink Bollworm

38 Phoxim Superxim 40% EC 1000 ml Cotton Bollworms

1000 ml Cabbage Diamond Back Moth

39 Prosuler + Kingbo 0.6% AS 2007 500 ml Cotton Army Worm


40 Pymetrozine Anpon Super 25%WP 2012 300 gm Cotton Jassid, Thrips & Whitefly

Victory 25% SC 400 ml Cotton Jassid, Thrips & Whitefly

41 Pymetrozine + Chemphy 50% WDG 75-100 gm Rice Plant Hopper


42 Pyraclofos Voltage 50 EC 1990 800 ml Cotton Bollworms and Sucking Insect Pests

43 Pyriproxyfen North 10.8% EC 2012 500 ml Cotton Whitefly

Bruce 10.8% EC 2013 500 ml Cotton Whitefly

500 ml Cucumber Whitefly
500 ml Melon Whitefly
Priority Gold 40% WDG 2013 65 gm Brinjal Whitefly
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Rolex 10.8% EC 2013 500 ml Cotton Whitefly

Fudal 20% WDG 2014 200 gm Cotton Whitefly

44 Spinosad Tracer 240 SC 2003 40 ml Cotton Spotted Bollworm and Thrips
80 ml Cotton American Bollworm
Tracer 480 SC 2004 60 ml Cotton American Bollworm
Tracer 48% SC 2009 20 ml/ 100 lit. Citrus Leaf-miner
20 ml/ 100 lit. Melon Leaf-miner
Tracer 24% SC 2009 40 ml/ 100 lit. Brinjal Fruit Borer
40 ml/ 100 lit. Maize Stem Borer
40 ml/ 100 lit. Citrus Psylla
Tracer 48% SC 2011 20 ml/ 100 lit. Cotton Thrips & Spotted Bollworms
Tracer 24% SC 2011 40 ml/ 100 lit. Cauliflower Diamond Back Moth
40 ml/ 100 lit. Tomato Fruit Borers
Spintor 48% SC 2012 25 ml Cauliflower Diamond Back Moth
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Spintor 48% SC 2013 20 ml Cotton Thrips

40 ml/ 100 lit. Melon Leaf-miner
Tracer 24% SC 2013 40 ml Cotton Thrips
80 ml Cotton Armyworm
Spintor 480 SC 2014 60 ml Cotton Armyworm
Tracer 240 SC 2014 10 ml/HLW Cittrus Leaf Miner
40 ml Maize Maize Heliothus
45 Spinosad + Static Spinosad ME 53% 120 gm Oriental Fruit Fly, Asian Fruit Fly, & Bactrocera
Methyl Eugenol RB (2% + 51%) Fruits spp.
120 gm Carambola Fruit Fly, Asian Fruit Fly, & Bactrocera
120 gm Asian Fruit Fly, Asian Fruit Fly, & Bactrocera
Papaya spp.
120 gm Peaches Fruit Fly, Asian Fruit Fly, & Bactrocera
46 Spinethylin XDE-175 120 SC 2007 40 ml Cotton Jassid, Thrips, & SBW

60 ml Cotton Whitefly & ABW

80 ml Cotton Army Worm

XDE-175-120 SC 2009 60 ml Okra American Bollworm

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

40 ml Melon Leaf-miner

XDE-175 120 SC 2011 40 ml/ 100 lit. Brinjal Fruit borers


50 ml/ 100 lit. Cauliflower Diamond Back Moth


47 Spinetoram Delegate 25% WG 60 gm Cotton Bollworms & Armyworms

40 gm Tobbaco Budworms, Leaf Perforator, Dipterous
Leaf Miners, Thrips
40 gm Corn Armyworms Heliothis Cutworms &
24 gm Cabbage DBM Armyworms & Loopers
30 gm Tomato Armyworms & Spotted Bollworms
30 gm Egg Plant Armyworms & Spotted Bollworms
30 gm Pepper Armyworms, Spotted Bollworms
40 gm Okra Armyworms, Spotted Bollworms
Radiant 120 SC 100-120 ml Cotton Spotted & Pink Bollworm American
Bollworms & Armyworms
100-120 ml Corn Armyworms & Heliothis
70-80 ml Cabbage Loopers
70-80 ml Cauliflower DBM, Armyworms & Heliothis
70-80 ml Tomato Fruitworms (Heliothis)
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

70-80 ml Okra Spotted (Earias) & Heliothis

70-80 ml/100 Apple Codling Moth
lit. water

70-80 ml/100 Peaches Codling Moth

lit. water

48 Spiromesifen Oberon 240 g/l SC 100 ml Cotton Mites & Whitefly

100 ml Maize Mites & Whitefly

100 ml Cucerbits Mites & Whitefly

100 ml Brinjal Mites & Whitefly

100 ml Peppers/ Mites & Whitefly
100 ml Tomato Mites & Whitefly
100 ml Potato Mites & Whitefly
100 ml Strawberry Mites & Whitefly
100 ml Spinach Whiteflies
100 ml Lettuce Whiteflies
100 ml Cabbage Whiteflies
100 ml Cauliflower Whiteflies
49 Spiromesifen Oberon speed 240 SC 2014 100 ml Cotton Thrips & Mites
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

228.6 + 100 ml Chillies Thrips & Mites

Abamectic 11.4

Spiromesifen+ Oberon Speed 240 SC 2017 100 ml Chillies Mites, Thrips

Abamectin (228.6g/L+11.4 g/L)
50 Spirotetramat Movento 240 SC 2012 125 + 250 ml Potato Whitefly
240 g/l
Bringal Whitefly
Cotton Thrips
51 Spirotetramat Movento 24% SC 2013 125 + 250 ml Onion Thrips

125 + 250 ml Tomato Whitefly

52 Sulfoxaflor Transform 50% WG 30 gm Cotton Aphid Hopper, Mealy Bug, Red Cotton
Bug, Whitefly, Stink Bug &Thrips

30 gm Vegatable Aphid Hopper, Mealy Bug, Red Cotton

(except Bug, Whitefly, Stink Bug & Thrips
Pome Fruits

53 Tebufenozide Craft 20% SC 150-200 ml Cabbage Armyworm

150-200 ml Beet Armyworm

200 ml/ 100 lit. Apple Codling Moth


Falcon 20% WP 250 gm Vegetable Lepidopterous Insect Pests

Tebuzide 20% SC 150-200 ml Cabbage Armyworms

Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

Topgun 200 (g/l)SC 200-250 ml Vegetable Armyworms

54 Tebufenozide+ Powerlock 25% SC (24% 200 ml Cabbage Spodoptera litura& Beet Armyworms
Emamectin +1%)

55 Thiocyclam Sovisect 50% SP 80 gm Rice Stem Borer


56 Indoxacarb Steward 150 EC 2006 175 ml Cotton SBW, ABW & Army Worm

1.25 ml/lit.water Tomato Fruit Borer

1 ml/lit water Potato ABW & Army Worm

Steward 150 EC 2006 1.25 ml/lit Cauliflower Diamond Back Moth
1 ml/lit. water Berseem American Bollworm
Steward 150 SC 2006 175 ml Cotton Army Worm
1 ml/lit. water Potato ABW & Army Worm
1.5 ml/lit.water Tomato Fruit Borer
Steward 150 SC 2006 1.25 ml/lit.water Cauliflower Diamond Back Moth
1 ml/lit.water Berseem ABW
Equator 14.5% SC 2010 1.25 ml/lit.water Cauliflower Diamond Back Moth
Equator 14.5% SC 2011 175 ml Cotton Army Worm
Sr Common Regt’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop (s) Pest(s)
No Name Year

175 ml Tomato Fruit Borer

Equator 14.5% SC 2012 175 ml Cotton Spotted & American Boll Worm
Steward 15% EC 2013 1.25 ml/lit. Potato Armyworm

Matrine Legend 0.5% AS 2017 500 gm Bringal, Whitefly


(i) Homeopathic Insecticides:

1 Ventage 40% Liquid 2010 100 ml Cotton Mealy Bug

Sr Common Regist’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Name Year
1 Azoxystrobin Primacy 25% SC 2013 200 ml Potato Late Blight
Acute 50% SC 2014 100 ml / HLW Cucumber Downy Mildew

2 Benomyl Benlate 50 WP 1980 2 gm/kg seed Wheat Loose Smut

3 Bupirmate Nimrod 25 EC 1985 100 ml (or 1 Cucurbits Powdery Mildew
ml/lit. water)
4 Captan Captan 50 WP 1986 2.5 gm/kg seed Wheat Flag Smut

Sr Common Regist’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Name Year
1:20 as paste Citrus Bark Splitting

5 Carbendazim Derosal 60 WP 1986 2.5 gm/ kg Wheat Loose Smut

0.75 gm/lit. Peas & Musk Powdery Mildew
water Melon
Bavistin 50% WP 1988 1.5 gm/kg seed Wheat Loose Smut
Derosal 50 WP 1990 1 gm/kg seed. Wheat Loose Smut
Bavistin 50 WP 1990 0.75 gm/lit. Peas Powdery Mildew
Derosal 80 WP 1996 2 gm/kg seed Wheat Flag Smut
Bavistin 50 DF 2003 100 gm/ 100 lit. Mango Powdery Mildew
100 gm/ 100 lit. Peas Powdery Mildew

Shincar 50 SC 2003 100 ml/ 100 lit. Mango Powdery Mildew


Shincar 50 SC 2003 100 gm/ 100 lit. Peas Powdery Mildew


Crest 50% WP 2006 1 gm/lit. water Musk Melon Powdery Midlew

6 Carbendazim Soleton 50% WP 2012 240 gm Potato Early Blight

triadimefon 10% Soleton 50% WP 2013 240 gm Mango Powdery Mildew

Sr Common Regist’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Name Year
7 Carboxin Vitavax 1975 2 gm/kg Seed Wheat Loose Smut

Wheat, Barley
Seed/Soil Borne Diseases
& Cotton

8 Chlorothalonil Daconil W-75 1982 2-2.5 gm/lit. Rice Blast

Cucurbits Mildews

Maize Leaf Blight

Chloronil 75%WP 2010 250 gm Tomato Late Blight

250 gm Potato Late Blight

250 gm Musk Melon Downey Mildew

Halonil 75% WP 2010 200 gm Potato Late Blight

200 gm Tomato Early & Late Blight

200 gm Musk Melon Downey Mildew

9 Chlorothalonil Reconil-M 70% WP 2005 400 gm Potato Late Blight

6% +
mancozeb 64% Reconil-M 70%WP 2006 400 gm Musk Melon Downy Mildew

10 Copper + Trimiltox Forte 1985 1 kg Cucurbits Downy Mildew


11 Copper Copper oxychloride 1965 2.5-3 gm/ lit. Musk Melon Downy Mildew & Anthracnose
oxychloride 50 WP/Cobox 50 water
WP/Copper A 50
2.5 - 3 gm/lit. Potato Late Blight

Sr Common Regist’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Name Year
WP water

Vitigran Blue 35 WP 1988 3-4 gm/lit. water Potato Late Blight

Cuprasan SD 311 1992 3 gm/lit.water Musk Melon Downey Mildew
50 WP
3 gm/lit.water Potato Late Blight
Co-oxy 50% WP 2012 1000 gm Potato Late Blight
Co-oxy 50% WP 2013 1000 gm Musk Melon Downey Mildew
12 Copper Kocide3000 52.4% 2009 250 gm Melon Downey Mildew
Hydroxide WP

Kocide 3000 2010 250 gm Potato Late Blight

Kocide 3000 52.4% 2011 250 gm Potato Early Blight
2.5 gm/ lit. Citrus Citrus Canker
Kocide 3000 52.4% 2013 250 gm Tomato Late Blight
Champion 77% WP 2013 200 gm Potato Late Blight

200 gm Tomato Late Blight

200 gm Cucumber Downy Mildew

200 gm Mango Anthracanose

13 Cymoxanil 8% Plantomil Gold 2005 250 gm Potato Late Blight

+ Mancozeb 72%WP

Sr Common Regist’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Name Year
64% Plantomil Gold 72% 2006 600 gm Musk Melon Powdery Mildew

Curzate-M8 72% 2007 600 gm Tomato Late Blight

600 gm Potato Late Blight

600 gm Melon Downy Mildew

Diesomil Platinum 2013 250 gm Potato Late Blight

72% WP
250 gm Tomato Early Blight
14 Difenoconazole Score 250 EC 1992 20 ml/lit. Apple Powdery Mildew

Score 250 EC 1996 160 ml Potato Early Blight

160 ml Gram Blight

Score 250 EC 2004 30 ml/ 100 lit. Mango Powdery Mildew

Score 250 EC 2005 125 ml Rice Rice Blast

Score 250 EC 2006 30 ml/ 100 lit.

Citrus Withertip

200 ml/ 100 lit.

Cucumber Powdery & Downy Mildew

30 ml/ 100 lit.

Mango Anthracnose

Sr Common Regist’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Name Year
Barb 25% EC 2007 200 ml Musk Melon Powdery Mildew

Armure30% EC 2009 120 gm Rice Blast

Definite 10% WDG 2009 300 gm Tomato Early Blight

Proctor 25% EC 2009 200 ml Cucumber Downy Mildew

Score 25% EC 2010 200 ml Mung Mung Blight

Score 25% EC 2011 200 ml Mung Leaf Spot

0.3 ml/lit.water Mango Powdery Mildew

Dew 25% EC 2013 150 ml Potato Late Blight

150 ml Tomato Late Blight

150 ml Melon Downy Mildew

Score 25% EC 2014 200 ml Melon Powdery Mildew

200 ml Chillies Anthracnose

200 ml Onion Purple Blotch

15 Difenoconazole Divident Star 036 FS 2006 100 gm/ 100 kg Wheat Loose Smut
+ seed
Divident Star 2007 1 gm/kg seed Gram Wilt
036 FS
16 Difenoconazole Proctor Plus 50%EC 2010 75 ml Potato Late Blight
Armure 30% EC 2010 120 gm Rice Brown Leaf-spot

Sr Common Regist’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Name Year
propiconazole Spectrum 30% EC 2011 200 ml Potato Late & Early Blight
17 Dimethomorph Toss 50% WD (old 2010 250 gm Potato Late Blight
defense 50% WDG)
250 gm Musk Melon Downy Mildew
Kelsey 50% WP 2013 250 mg Potato Late Blight
18 Dimethomorph Acrobat-MZ 90/600 2005 250 gm Potato Late Blight
+ mancozeb G/kg WP
19 Dimethomorph Agrohit 50% WP 2005 350 gm Potato Late Blight
6% +
mancozeb 44% Agrohit 50% WP 2006 350 gm Musk Melon Downy Mildew

20 Diniconazole Spotless 12.5 WP 1990 0.75 gm/ lit. Mango Powdery Mildew
1 gm/lit. water Peas Powdery Mildew
21 Fanfuran Panoram 75 WP 1985 2.5 gm/ kgseed Wheat Loose Smut
22 Fenarimol Rubigan 12 EC 1985 0.3 ml/ lit. water Mango Powdery Mildew
Rubigan 12 EC 1988 40 ml Musk Melon Powdery Mildew
23 Fenetrazole Raxil DS-2 1990 1.25 gm/kg Wheat Loose Smut
24 Fludioxonil Celest 100 FS 4 ml/ kg seed Potato Rhizocotania Solani, Fusarium spp.,
& Helmintho-sporium Solani as Seed

25 Fosetyl- Aleitte 80 WP 2006 250 gm/ 100 lit. Citrus Gummosis

aluminium water

Sr Common Regist’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Name Year
250 gm/ 100 lit. Musk Melon Downy Mildew
250 gm/ 100 lit. Potato Late Blight
Tahaffuz 90% SP 2008 180 gm Potato Late Blight

Excel 80% WP 2009 250 gm Potato Late Blight

Wisdom 80%WDG 2009 250 gm Potato Late Blight

Pick It 80% WDG 2011 250 gm Potato Leaf Blight
Valvet 80% WDG 2011 250 gm Potato Late Blight
26 Fosetyl- Alligate 70 WP 2007 400 gm Melon Downy Mildew
aluminium +
mancozeb 500 gm Potato Late Blight
V-Nurse 70% WP 2010 330 gm Musk Melon Downy Mildew
330 gm Tomato Late Blight
300 gm Cucumber Downey Mildew
330 gm Chillies Collar Rot
Valvet 80% WP 2014 250 gm Potato Late Blight
250 gm Tomato Early Blight

Valvet Plus 70% WP 2014 400 gm Potato Late Blight

400 gm Tomato Early Blight


Sr Common Regist’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Name Year
27 Hexaconazole Anvil 5 EC 1996 40 ml/ 100 lit. Mango Powdery Mildew

Anpower 5% ME 2006 0.4 ml/litwater Mango Powdery Mildew

Anvil 5% SC 2009 400 ml Rice Sheath Blight

Contaf + 5.1% SC 2010 150 ml Mango Powdery Mildew

200 ml Cucurbits Powdery Mildew

400 ml Rice Sheath Blight

Contaf Plus 051 SC 2011 50 ml/ 100 lit. Apple Powdery Mildew

28 Iprovalicarb Melody Duo 66.8WP 2007 250 gm Potato Late Blight

61.3% +
Propineb 5.5% Melody Duo 66.8 2008 250 gm Tomato Late Blight
250 gm Musk Melon Downy Mildew

Melody Duo 66.8 2013 500 gm Potato Late Blight

300 gm Potato Early Blight

29 Kasugamycin Kasumin 2 LS 1982 500 gm Rice Blast

Fork 6% WP 2010 250 gm Rice Blast

30 Mancozeb Dithane M-45 80 WP 1969 2 gm/lit. water Musk Melon Powdery Mildew
Polyram Combi 1986 1:20 as paste Citrus Bark Splitting
Nemispore 80 WP 1988 600 gm Musk Melon Downy Mildew

Sr Common Regist’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Name Year
800 gm Potato Late blight
Pencozeb 80 WP 1988 600 gm Musk Melon Downy Mildew
800 gm Wheat Rust
Shelter 80% WP 2005 600 gm Potato Late Blight
Shelter 80% WP 2006 800 gm Musk Melon Downy Mildew
Nanco 80% WP 2007 800 gm Melon Downy Mildew
Anadoul 80% WP 2009 250 gm Potato Late Blight
Big Time 80% WP 2013 800 gm Potato Late Blight
800 gm Tomato Late Blight
800 gm Melon Downy Mildew
Craze 80% WP 2012 800 gm Totmato Early Blight
31 Mefenoxam + Folio Gold 440 SC 2011 1000 ml/ 100 lit. Cocumber Downy Mildew
chlorothalonil of water

1000 ml/ 100 lit. Tobacco Downy Mildew

of water

1000 ml/ 100 lit. Potato Late Blight & Early Blight
of water
1000 ml/ 100 lit. Onion Downy Mildew
of water

Folio Gold 440 SC 2012 1000 ml Citrus Gummosis


Sr Common Regist’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Name Year
1000 ml Melon Downy Mildew

32 Mefenoxam + Ridomil Gold 68% 2010 250 gm Potato Late Blight

Mancozeb WG
250 gm Tobacco Downey Mildew

250 gm Onion Downey Mildew

250 gm Musk Melon Downey Mildew

Ridomil Gold 68% 2010 250 gm Cucumber Downey Mildew

250 gm Citrus Gummosis

Ridomil Gold 68% 2013 1000 gm Citrus Gummosis


Ridomil Gold 68% 2014 250 gm Chillies Downy Mildew

250 gm Tomato Late Blight

33 Metalaxyl Metacarb 25% WP 2010 330 gm Tomato Late Blight

330 gm Musk Melon Downy Mildew

330 gm Cucumber Downy Mildew

34 Metriam 55% + Cabrio Top 60% 2013 250 ml Mango Anthracnose and Powdery Meldew
Pyriraclostrobin WDG
35 Metalaxyl-m + Flumax 60% EC 2011 200 ml/ lit of Potato Late Blight
fluazinam water
36 Metalaxyl + Ridomil MZ-72 WP 1990 2.5 gm/ lit. Chillies Root and Collar Rot

Sr Common Regist’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Name Year
mancozeb water Musk Melon Downy Mildew
Ridomil MZ-72 WP 1996 2 gm/lit.of water Potato Late Blight
Dolomite 58% WP 2005 250 gm Potato Late Blight
Dolomite 58% WP 2006 250 gm Musk Melon Downy Mildew
Metaman 72% WP 2009 250 gm Potato Late Blight
Tazolen 72% WP 2009 200 gm Potato Late Blight
Feast-M 72% WP 2010 250 gm Tomato Late Blight
250 gm Musk Melon Downy Mildew
250 gm Cucumber Downy Mildew
250 gm Chillies Collar Rot
37 Metiram + Cabrio Top 60% 2014 400 gm Cucumber Downy Mildew
pyraclostrobin WDG

38 Myclobutanil Rely 40% WP 150 gm/ 100lit. Bitter Gourd Powdery Mildew
39 Oxadixyl + Sandofan-M 1990 3.75 gm/lit. water Musk Melon Downy Mildew
40 Pencycuron Monceren 25% FS 2009 60 ml/ 100 lit. Potato Black Scruf
41 Penflufen Emesto 24% FS 2013 10 ml/100 kg Potato Black Scurf
42 Penoconazole Topas 100 EC 1990 0.5 ml/ lit. water Apple & Powdery mildew

Sr Common Regist’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Name Year
Topas 100% EC 2014 50 ml Melon Powdery Mildew
43 Propineb Antracol 80 WP 1974 1 kg General Fungal diseases which attack leaves
and twigs
Protest 70% WP 2006 800 gm Potato Late Blight
Protest 70% WP 2007 800 gm Tomato Late Blight
Cover 70% WP 2007 800 gm Potato Late Blight
Gift 70% WP 2009 200 gm Potato Late Blight
44 Propineb 70% Index 76% WP 2011 4000 gm Potato Late Blight
+ cymoxanil 6%
4000 gm Tomato Early Blight
4000 gm Melon Downy mildew
45 Propiconazol Tilt 250 EC 1986 1 ml/lit.water Musk Melon Powdery Mildew
Tilt 250 EC 1987 200 ml Wheat Rust
Tilt 25% EC 2008 80 ml Rice Leaf Spot
Sentinel 25% EC 2011 150 ml Peas Powdery Mildew
46 Pthalide Rabcide 30 WP 1981 2-2.5gm/lit. water Rice Blast
47 Pyrazophos Afugan 30 EC 1982 1 ml/litwater Vegetables & Mildews of Muskmelon, Pumpkin,
Apple Peas and Apple
Afugan 30 EC 1990 1 ml/lit water Vegetables & Mildews of Muskmelon, Pumpkin,
Apple Peas and Apple

Sr Common Regist’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Name Year
48 Pyrimethanil Pyrine 25% WP 2011 350 gm Potato Late Blight
49 Streptomycin Agrimycin 100 1986 1:20 as paste Citrus Bark Splitting
1220 ppm Citrus Canker
50 Sulphur Thiovit 80% WG 2008 1000 gm Rice Leaf Spot
Kumulus DF 80% 2011 800 gm Rice Brown Leaf Spot
Sulfex Gold 80% 2014 5 gm/lit of water Mango Powdery Mildew
800 gm Rice Brown Leaf Spot
5 gm/lit of water Musk Melon Powdery Mildew
5 gm/lit of water Water Melon Powdery Mildew
5 gm/lit of water Cucumber Powdery Mildew
5 gm/lit of water Apple Powdery Mildew
51 Tebuconazole T-Zole 25% 2009 250 ml Cucumber Downy Mildew
Triger 25% EC 2011 250 ml Potato Late Blight
Folicure 430 SC 2014 120 ml Wheat Yellow Rust
52 Tebuconazole Nativo 75% WG 2007 65 gm Rice Neck Blast & Leaf Blast
+ Trifloxystrobin
Nativo 75% WG 65 gm/ 100 lit Mango Powdery Mildew & Anthracnose
Nativo 75% WG 2013 90 gm/ 100 lit Mango Anthracnose

Sr Common Regist’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Name Year
40 gm/ 100 lit Mango Powdery Mildew
30 gm/100 lit Mango Anthracnose and Post-harvest
water treatment
Nativo 75% WG 2014 65 gm/HLW Melon Powdery Mildew
90 gm/HLW Chillies Powdery Mildew & Anthracnose
53 Thiophanate Topsin-M 70 WP 1979 2-2.5 gm/lit. Wheat Wheat diseases
methyl water
2-2.5 gm/lit. Melon Mildews on Melon
Topsin-M 70 WP 1979 2-2.5 gm/lit. Mango Anthracnose and Powdery Mildew of
water Mango (Broad Spectrum)
Topsin-M 70 WP 2003 200 gm/ 100 lit. Melon Powdery Mildew
100 gm/ 100 lit. Mango Powdery Mildew
Thiomil 70 WP 2006 1 gm/lit. water Mango Powdery Mildew
54 Thiophanate Pre-Cure Combi 2005 250 gm Potato Late Blight
52% 65% WP
Pre-Cure Combi 2006 0.5 gm/lit.water Mango Powdery Mildew and Anthracnose
65% WP
150 gm Musk Melon Powdery Mildew
250 gm Musk Melon Downy Mildew
55 Triadimenol Bayton 10 D 1985 2.5 gm/kg Wheat Loose Smut and Flag Smut

Sr Common Regist’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Name Year
Bayton Foliar 250 1988 5 ml/10 lit. Mango Powdery Mildew
EC water
5 ml/ 10 lit. Wheat Rust
Vangard 25% EC 2013 50 ml/ 100 lit. Mango Powdery Mildew
56 Triadimefon Bayleton 25 WP 1985 400 gm Wheat Leaf Rust
57 Valimy 46% EC Trica 46% 250 ml Rice Bacterial Diseases
(40% +4% +
2%) 250 ml Cotton Bacterial Diseases

58 Tricyclazole Beam 75-WP 1988 120 gm Rice Blast

Drean-M 75%WP 2009 120 gm Rice Blast
Spore Off 75% WP 2011 120 gm Rice Blast
59 Tridemorph Calixin 1986 80-120ml Musk Melon Powdery Mildew
60 ml/ 100 lit. Mango Powdery Mildew
60 Triforine Saprol 19 EC 1988 1-1.5 ml/lit. Musk Melon & Powdery Mildew
water Peas
61 Bordeaux – — Copper Crops, General Purpose
mixture Sulphate, Garderns
Hydrated Lime

Copper Kocide 3000 2017 Mango Anthracnose

Hydroxide (52.4%WG)

Sr Common Regist’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Name Year
Difenoconazole Score 250 EC 2017 120 ml Melon Anthracnose

Propineb+ Melody Duo 66.8% 2017 300 gm Potato Early Blight

Iprovalicarb WP (613 gm/kg+
55gm/Kg) 500 gm Late Blight

Trifloxystrobin+ Nativo 75% WG 2017 Chillies Anthracnose & Powdery mildew

Tebuconazole (250 gm/Kg+500
gm/Kg) Powdery mildew

Metiram+ Cabrio Top 60% 2017 Citrus Gummosis & Withertip

Pyraclostrobin WDG (55% w/w
+5% w/w)

Pencycuron Moncuron 2017 60 ml/100kg Potato Black scraft disease


Pyrimethanil Plunk 25% WP 500 g Potato Late blight

Melon Downy mildew

Penconazole Paradize 10% EW 500 ml Mango, Melon Powdery mildew

Azoxystrobin Angle 50% WDG 200 gm Potato, Late blight


Difenconazole Surpunch 12% WP 250 g Potato Black scruf

4% +
Validamycin 250 g Rice blast

Chlorothalonil Protector 500 g Potato, Late blight

33.3% + Tomato

Sr Common Regist’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Name Year
Procymidone Melon Downy mildew

Cymoxanil 8% Clone 72% WP 600 g Potato, Late blight

+ Mancozeb Tomato
64% Downy mildew

Metalaxyl 8% + Puslan 72% WP 250 g Potato, Late blight

Mancozeb 64% Tomato
Downy mildew

Fosetyl Falter 70% WP 330g Potato, Late blight

Aluminium 40% Tomato
+ Mancozeb Downy mildew
30% Melon

DIfenoconazole Dew Extra 10% 300 g Potato Late blight


Metiram 55% + Cabrio Top 60% 250 g/HLW Strawberry Grey mold, leaf spot
Pyraclostrobin WDG
5% Onion Downy mildew

Cymoxanil + Curzate M8 600 gm/100 lite Cucumber Downy mildew

Mancozeb water

Azoxystrobin + Amistar Top 325 SC 300 gm Rice Blast


Thiophanate Aerasal Plus 70% 250 gm/100 Mango Powdery mildew

Methyl WDG litre water

Sr Common Regist’n
Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Name Year
Thiophanate Aerosal 70% WP 250 gm/100 Mango Powdery mildew
Methyl litre water

Azoxystrobin+ Fossil 32.5% SC 250 ml Tomato Late Blight

Difenoconazole (20%+12.5%)
200 ml Potato

Dimethomorph Charming 47% WP 500 gm Tomato, Late Blight

+ Chlorothalonil (8%+39%) & Tech Potato

Propineb Stump 70% WP 800 gm Tomato, Late Blight

800 gm Downy mildew

Chlorothalonil+ Cosmos 80% WP Potato Late Blight

Cymoxanil (72%+8%)

Kasugamycin+ Castle 50% WP (5% Rice Blast

Copper +45%) & Tech.

Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre
1 Acetochlor Acetor 50 EC 2002 100 ml Rice Broad Leaf Weeds, Pre-emergence
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre
Grasses & Sedges.
500 ml Cotton Broad Leaf Weeds, Pre-emergence on bed sowing only
Grasses & Sedges.
500 ml Maize Broad Leaf Weeds, Pre-emergence. (Spray within 24
Grasses & Sedges. hrs. after sowing)
Shintachlor 50 2004 600 ml Maize Broad Leaf Weeds Pre-emergence
EC Grasses & Sedges
Welacelor 50 2008 100 ml Rice Broad Leaf Weeds & As Transplanted
EC Annual
Caster 50% EC 2012 100 ml Rice BLW & Grasses Only as Pre- emergence
Appeal 99% 2012 250 ml Cotton Broad Leaf & Grasses Only pre-emergence
50 ml Rice Broad Leaf & Only pre-emergence
Horizon 90% 2013 300 ml Maize Broad Leaf Weeds, Post-emergence
EC Grasses & Sedges
Caster 50% EC 2013 500 ml Cotton Broad Leaf Weeds, Pre-emergence
Grasses Except
Deela & Sedges

Clomazone+ Metric 25% ZC 2016 1000 ml Sugarc Broad leaf weeds

Metribuzin ( ane and grasses

Pretilachlor Sprinter 35% 200 g Rice Broad leaf,weeds & Pretilachlor 34.4% +
34.4% + WP grasses Pyrazosulfuron 0.6%
on 0.6%
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre

Oxyfluorfen Oxygen 24% 30 ml Onion Broad leaf,weeds & Oxyfluorfen

EW grasses

Acetochlor Caster Gold 500 ml Cotton, Broad leaf,weeds & Acetochlor

50% EW Maize grasses

Nicosulfuron Shift 37% OD 800 ml Maize Broad leaf,weeds & Nicosulfuron 2% + Atrazine 20% +
2% + grasses,sedges Propisochlor 15%
20% +

Atrazine Dafli 80% WDG 350 ml Maize Broad leaf,weeds & Atrazine 68% + Mesotrine 10% +
68% + grasses,sedges Halosulfuron Methyl 2%
10% +
Methyl 2%

Atrazine Clark plus 80% 180 g Maize Broad leaf,weeds Atrazine


Clopyralid Flock 20.5% 300 ml Wheat Broad leaf,weeds Clopyralid 8.2% + Fluroxypyr
8.2% + SC Mepthyl 12.3%

Tribenuron Forward 18.5% 300 g Wheat Broad leaf,weeds Tribenuron Methyl 3.5% +
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre

Methyl 3.5% WP Fenoxaprop-P-Ethyl 15%

P-Ethyl 15%

Bensulfuron Flat 30% EC 400 ml Rice Broad leaf,weeds & Bensulfuron Methyl 1.9% +
Methyl 1.9% + grasses,sedges Pretilachlor 28.1%

Quizalofop- Calm 15% EC 200 ml Cotton Grasses Quizalofop-P-Ethyl


Mesotrion Fallisto Gold 400 ml Maize Broad leaf,weeds & Mesotrion 5% + Atrazine 50%
5% + 55% SC grasses,sedges

Pendimethali Recall 42% EC 1000 ml Cotton Broad leaf,weeds & Pendimethalin 17% + Acetochlor
n 17% + grasses 25%

Mesosulfuro Findus 3.6% 160 g + Wheat Broad leaf,weeds & Mesosulfuron Methyl 3% +
n Methyl 3% WG 160 ml grasses Iodosulfuron Methyl 0.6%
Methyl 0.6%

S- Dual Gold 960 2017 800 ml Chillies Grasses, Sedges &

Metolachlor EC Broad leaf weeds
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre

Fluroxypyr Harvester Pro 2017 Wheat Broad leaf weeds

Methyl+ 56% EC (8.6%
Clopyralid+ +13%+34.4)

Mesosulfuro Atlantis 3.6% 2017 160 gm Wheat Broad leaf,weeds &

n-methyl+ WG grasses

Aminopyralid Lancelot 45% 2017 12.5 gm Wheat Broad leaf,weeds &

30% + WG grasses

Pinoxaden Axial 50 EC 2107 330 ml Wheat weeds & grasses

Carfentraqzo Affinity Ultra 225 gm Wheat Weed broad leaf

ne- Ethyl 3% 12.4% WP weeds and grasses
propargyl 9%
Methyl 0.4%

S- Melor Gold 800 ml Cotton Weeds

metolachlor 96% EC
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre

Metribuzin Zentor Super 250 gm Wheat Broad leaf weeds

70%WDG &

Acetochlor+ Amber 45% EC Cotton Weeds

Pendimethali (25% +20%)

2 Acetachlor Click 72.4% SE 2009 1000 ml Sugar- Broad Leaf Weed & Pre-emergence
54.4 + cane Grasses
atrazine 18%
600 ml Maize Broad Leaf Weed & Post-emergence

Player 50% ME 2009 100 ml Rice Broad Leaf Weed & Pre-emergence

3 Acetachlor + Zip Up 42% EC 2011 1000 ml Cotton Broad Leaf Weed & Pre-emergence
pendime Grasses Except
thalin Deela

4 Alachlor + Super mix 42% 2009 100 ml Maize Broad Leaf Weed & Post emergence
Acetachlor + SC Sedges

5 Ametryne + Gesapax 1977 1-2 kg Sugar- Weeds Post emergence

atrazine Combi 80 WP cane

Gexapax 1985 2-3 lit. Sugar- Weeds Post emergence

Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre

Combi 500 FW cane

Gesapax 2000 1000 gm Sugar- Broad Leaf Weeds & Post emergence
Combi (New cane Grasses

Dimextra 38 2004 330 ml Maize Broad Leaf Weeds Early post emergent

Scope 80% WP 2006 1000 ml Sugar- Broad Leaf Weeds & Post emergence
cane Grasses

Vesa combi 50 2006 1500 ml Sugar Broad Leaf Weeds & Post emergence
SC cane Grasses

Marter 80% 2011 1000 gm Sugar- Broad Leaf Weeds, Post emergence
WP cane Grasses & Sedges

6 Aminopy- Lancelot Star 2009 16 gm Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence
ralid tri- 15% EO (GF-
ispropanol 982
ammonium EO-15)
1% +
Methyl 14%

7 Atrazine Awax 38% SC 2005 330 ml Maize Itsit & Dicot Weeds Early post emergent
Awax 80% WP 2005 150 gm Maize Itsit & Dicot Weeds. Early post emergent
Awax 90 WDG 2005 140 gm Maize Itsit & Dicot Weeds. Early post emergent
Awax 38% SC 2006 1000 ml Sugar Broad Leaf Weeds Early post emergent
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre
Awax 80 WP 2006 450 gm Sugar- Broad Leaf Weeds Early post emergent
Awax 90 WDG 2006 400 gm Maize Broad Leaf Weeds Early post emergent
Balance 38% 2006 1000 ml Sugar- Broad Leaf Weeds & Early post emergent
SL cane Grasses
Matrix 90% 2006 200 gm Sugar- Broad Leaf Weeds Early post emergent
WDG cane
Divert 80% WP 2009 150 gm Maize Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence
Opal 90% 2011 400 gm Sugar- Broad Leaf Weeds, Post-emergence
WDG cane Grasses and Sedges
Welazin 38% 2011 400 ml Maize Broad Leaf Weeds, Post-emergence
SC Grasses and Sedges
Clark 38% SC 2013 330 ml Maize Broad Leaf Weeds Post-emergence
8 Atrazine + Primextra 500 1980 1 - 1.5 lit Maize Itsit and Other similar Pre-emergence
metolachlor FW Weeds & Grasses
Primextra 500 1998 1 - 1.5 lit Maize Itsit Pre-emergence
Primextra 500 1999 500 ml Maize Broad Leaf Weeds Post-emergence
9 Atrazine Weed Out 40% 650 ml Maize Broad Leaf Weeds & Post-emergence
16% + SE Grasses
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre
10 Bentazon Basagran 1992 1.2 lit. Paddy Broad Leaf Weeds, 3-5 days after transplanting of rice
Grasses and Sedges
of Transplanted crop
Basagran 48% 2008 600 ml Peas Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence, 3 – 4 leaf stage
600 ml Maize Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence, 3 – 4 leaf stage
600 ml Potato Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence, 3 – 4 leaf stage
11 Benthiocarb Saturn 6 G 1978 7 kg Rice Weeds (Grasses) 3-5 days after transplanting of rice

Saturn 50 EC 1983 500 ml Rice Weeds 3-5 days after transplanting of rice
Saturn 1990 550 ml / Rice Weeds 3-5 days after transplanting of rice
Technical 93 % 1.2 kg a.i/
w/w hec.
12 Bispyribac Astral 20% WP 2011 80 gm Rice Broad Leaf Weeds, Early Post emergence
sodium Grasses and Sedges
Clover 10% SC 2011 100 ml Rice Rice Weeds Early Post emergence
Nominee 10% 2011 100 ml Rice Broad Leaf Weeds, Post emergence
SC Grasses and Sedges
Expose 20% 2012 60 ml Rice BLW (Dryal Booti, Post emergence
SC Gandal Booti),
Grasses (Dhiddan,
Swanki, Lamb Grass,
Gaint Lamb Grass,
Kallar Grass) and
Sedges (Deela,
Bhoin, Ghoin)
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre
Sponsor 40% 2012 50 ml Rice BLW, Grasses and Post emergence
SC 20 ml Sedges
30 ml
Pyripac 10% 2013 100 ml Rice Broad Leaf Weeds, Post emergence
SC Grasses and Sedges
Zebra 10% SC 2013 120 ml Rice Broad Leaf Weeds, Post emergence
Grasses and Sedges
Zebra 20% WP 2013 80 gm Rice Broad Leaf Weeds, Post emergence
Grasses and Sedges
Parcel 20% WP 2014 80 gm Rice Broad Leaf Weeds, Post emergence
Grasses and Sedges
13 Bispyribac- Pyranex 30% 2014 100 gm Rice Broad Leaf Weeds, Post emergence
sodium 18% WDG Grasses and Sedges

14 Bromoxynil + Buctril-M 40 EC 1980 500 ml Wheat Dicot Weeds Post emergence after 1st irrigation
Brominol-M 40 1985 500 ml Wheat Dicot Weeds. Post emergence after 1st irrigation

Buctril-M 40 EC 2003 500 ml Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence

(New recipe)
500 ml Wheat Weeds Post emergence

Sectral-M 40 EC 2003 500 ml Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence

Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre

Herbstar 60% 2011 330 ml Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence

Morewise 2011 500 gm Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence


Warden 40% 2013 500 ml Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence

Warden Super 2014 300 ml Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence
60% EC

15 Bromoxynil + Weedway 38% 2014 500 ml Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence

16 Bromoxynil Valent 47% EW 2013 500 ml Maize Broad Leaf Weeds & Post emergence (shield
20%+ Grasses application)

17 Bromoxynil + AM002 2011 1 kg Sugar- Broad Leaf Weeds, Post emergence

ametryn (Canmore) cane Grasses & Sedges
78% WP

18 Bromoxynil Buctril Super 2005 300 ml Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence
Octonoate + 60% EC
heptanoate +
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre

19 Bromoxynil Quattro 2004 500 ml Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence
Actanoate + 200/200 EC “Jangli Matter”

20 Butachlor Machete 60 EC 1983 800 ml Rice Weeds. 3-5 days after transplanting of rice

Sundachlor 60 1990 800 ml Rice Weeds. 3-5 days after transplanting of rice

Hooter 60 EC 2006 800 ml Rice BLW & Grasses Post emergence

Welchlor 60 EC 2006 800 ml Rice BLW & Grasses Pre-emergence

Volta 60% EW 2009 800 ml Rice BLW & Grasses Pre-emergence

Topchlor 60% 2012 800 ml Rice BLW & Grasses Only as pre-emergence

Client 90% EC 2013 800 ml Maize BLW, Grasses and Pre-emergence


550 ml Rice BLW and Grasses Pre-emergence

Except Sedges

21 Butralin Twister 48% 2011 1200 ml Cotton Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
EC Grasses Except Deela
22 Carfentra- Aim 40% DF 2008 20 gm Wheat BLW Post-emergence
zone Ethyl
23 Carfentra- Affinity 50% 2008 800 gm Wheat BLW & Grasses Post-emergence
zone Ethyl + WP
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre
24 Chlortoluron Dicuran MA 60 1979 0.9 - 1.2 Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds, Post emergence
+ MCPA WP kg Wild Oats and
Dumbi Sitti
Agmol Combi 1990 1 kg Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds, Post emergence
60 WP wild Oats and Dumbi
25 Cinmethylin Argold 2.5 G 1992 12.5 kg Paddy Grasses and Sedges 3-5 days after transplanting of rice
in Transplanted
Paddy Crop
Argold 10 EC 1992 300 ml Paddy Grasses and Sedges 3-5 days after transplanting of rice
in Transplanted
Paddy Crop
26 Clodinafop Topik 15 WP 2003 100 gm Wheat Jangli Jai & Dumbi Siti Post-emergence
Topik 15 WP 2007 120 gm Wheat Grasses Post-emergence
Topcide 15 WP 2006 120 gm Wheat Jangli Jai & Dumbi Post-emergence
Spike15% WP 2010 120 gm Wheat Jangli Jai & Dumbi Post-emergence
Cutter 15% WP 2011 120 gm Wheat Jangli Jai & Dumbi Post-emergence
Safner 15% 2013 120 gm Wheat Grasses Post-emergence
Tremor 24% 2013 80 ml Wheat Grasses Post-emergence
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre
27 Clodinafop Foxtrot Extra 2013 150 ml Wheat Grasses (Phalaris Post-emergence
propargyl 13.5% EC minor & Avena fatua)
28 Clopyralid Clear Field 2013 350 ml Wheat BLW Post-emergence
Gold 75%
Tyrent 30% SL 2013 300 ml Wheat BLW Post-emergence
29 Clopyralid Crux 28.6% SL 2013 300 ml Wheat BLW, Grasses & Pre-emergence
22.9%+ Sedges
picloram 5.%
30 Clomazone Parang 48% 2012 1000 ml Sugar- BLW & Grasses Only as post-emergence
EC cane
31 Clomazone Glaxy 450 EC 2004 600 ml Cotton Broad Leaf Weeds Pre-emergence
Pendimethalin “Itsit, Swanki &

32 Cynazine Bladex Plus 1985 3-4 lit. Sugar- Weeds. Post emergence
33% + cane
atrazine 16%

33 Diphenylether MO 9G 1983 16 kg Rice Weeds. 3-5 days after transplanting of rice

34 Diuron Karmex 80 WP 1985 1.4 kg Sugar- Weeds Pre and post emergence

R.P. Diuron 80 1992 1.5 kg Sugar- Weeds Early post emergence.

Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre
WP cane

35 Ethoxy- Sunstar 15 WG 2004 80 gm Rice Broad Leaf Weeds Early post-emergence

sulfuron and Sedges
80 gm Sugar- Broad Leaf Weeds Early post-emergence
cane and Sedges

Sunstar Gold 2007 20 gm Rice Broad Leaf Weeds Early post-emergence

60 WG and Sedges
Sunstar Gold 2009 20 gm Rice Broad Leaf Weeds 5 – 10 days after nurssary
60% WG and Sedges plantating in standing water
Sunstar Gold 2010 25 gm Sugar- Broad Leaf Weeds Post-emergence
60% WG cane and Sedges

Cogent 15% 2010 80 gm Sugar- Broad Leaf Weeds Post-emergence

WDG cane and Sedges

Cogent 15% 2011 120 gm Sugar- Broad Leaf Weeds, Post-emergence

WDG cane Sedges and Grasses

Curfew 60% 2012 20 gm Rice Broad Leaf Weeds Only as Pre-emergence

WDG and Grasses

25 gm Sugar- Broad Leaf Weeds, Only as Pre-emergence

cane and Grasses

36 Ethoxy- Stallion 13.75 2007 64 gm Sugar- Broad Leaf Weeds Post-emergence

sulfuron + WG cane and Sedges
+ Iodosulfuron
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre
37 Fenoxulam Ryzelon 240 2005 25 ml Rice Broad Leaf Weeds Post-emergence
SC and Grasses
38 Fenoxaprop Puma-S 69 EW 1992 360-440 Wheat Grassy Weeds Post emergence
P-ethyl ml

Puma Super 1999 400 ml Wheat Avena fatua Post emergence

75 EW (Jangli jai)

2003 200 ml Wheat Jangli Jai Post emergence

Pujing 10 EC 500 ml Wheat Jangli Jai & Dumbi Post emergence
Brake 7.5 EW 2005 200 ml Wheat Jangli Jai Post emergence
Brake 7.5 EW 2005 400 ml Wheat Dumbi Siti and Post emergence
Jangli Jai
Pujing 7.5% 2006 200 ml Wheat Jangli Jai Post emergence
400 ml Wheat Dumbi Sitti Post emergence
Brake 10% EC 2006 200 ml Wheat Jangli Jai Post emergence
400 ml Wheat Dumbi Siti Post emergence
Fulong 6.9 EW 2006 250 ml Wheat Jangli Jai Post emergence
500 ml Wheat Dumbi Siti Post emergence
Gramicide 6.9 2006 250 ml Wheat Jangli Jai Post emergence
500 ml Wheat Dumbi Sitti Post emergence
Chinlima 6.9% 2007 250 ml Wheat Jangli Jai Post emergence
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre
EW 500 ml Wheat Dumbi Siti Post emergence

Chroma 6.9% 2007 250 ml Wheat Jangli Jai Post emergence

EW 500 ml Wheat Dumbi Sitti Post emergence
Karsaz 10 EC 2007 200 ml Wheat Jangli Jai Post emergence

400 ml Wheat Dumbi sitti Post emergence

Swift 6.9% EW 2010 500 ml Wheat Jangli Jai Post emergence
Bristal 6.9% 2013 250 ml Wheat Grasses (Jungle Jai Post emergence
EW 500 ml & Dumbi Sitti)
Bristal 10% EC 2013 200 ml Wheat Jungle Jai Post emergence

400 ml Wheat Dumbi Sitti Post emergence

39 Fenoxaprop Ferrary 16% 2013 500 ml Wheat BLW except Lehli, Pre & Post-emergence
8% + EC Matri and Grasses
40 Foransul- Equip 2.25% 2010 800 ml Maize BLW & SEDGES Early Post emergence
furon + OD
41 Fluazifop-p- Fusilade 12.5 1992 1 lit. Cotton Grassy Weeds Early Post emergence
butyle EC
42 Fenoxaprop- Sumo Super 600-800 g Wheat Phalaris Minor, Post emergence
P-Ethyl + 50% WP (2% Avena Fatua, Rumes
Isoproturon +48%) spp., Medicago spp.,
& Chenopodium spp.
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre
43 Flumeturon Cotogard 500 1988 1200 ml Cotton Weeds Post emergence
+ prometryn FW
44 Flurochlo- Racer 25 CS 1992 1000 ml Potato Weeds Post emergence
45 Fluroxypyr Strive-M 30 WP 2007 600 gm Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence
Methyl +
MCPA Starane-M 50% 2009 300 ml Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence
46 Fluroxypyr + Sprint 50% EC 2014 300 ml Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence
47 Fluroxypyr + Harvester 50% 2011 300 ml Maize Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence
+400 g/l EC
48 Fluroxypyr + Clear Field 2011 350 gm Maize Broad Leaf Weeds Post-emergence
clopyralid Extra 20.5%
49 Fluroxypyr Wheat star 2013 200 gm wheat BLW Post-emergence
30% 66% WDG

50 Glufosinate Basta 20 SL 1992 1 lit. Sugar- Weeds of Potato and Early post emergence
ammonium cane & Sugarcane
51 Glyphosate Gluconil 48% 2006 2500 ml Citrus Annual, Perennial & Post-emergence
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre
WSC orchard other Weeds
Carpet 75.7% 2007 1 kg Citrus All types of Weed Post-emergence
SG orchard
Dominate 2009 1500 ml Citrus Annual & Perennial Post-emergence
62%SL Weeds
Glider 41% SL 2009 1900 ml Citrus Annual & Perennial Post-emergence
Glycel 48% SL 2009 1900 ml Citrus Annual & Perennial Post-emergence
Hold up 41% 2009 2500 ml Citrus Annual & Perennial Post-emergence
SL Weeds
Mera 71% SG 2009 1200 gm Citrus Annual & Perennial Post-emergence
Hold up 95% 2010 1000 gm Citrus Broad leaf Weeds Post-emergence
SG Grasses & Sedges
Round Up CT 2011 1-2 lit & Citrus All kinds of Weeds Post emergent
XTRA 490 g/l 600-1100
SL ml
1-2 lit & Mango All kinds of annual Post emergent
600-1100 Weeds
1-2 lit & Guava All kinds of Weeds Post emergent
600 - 1100
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre
675 & Round All kinds of Seasonal Post emergent
1000 ml, up Weeds
600 & Ready
1100 ml Corn
1-2 lit & Non- All kinds of Annual Post emergent
600-1100 Crop and Perennial
ml Land Weeds
Roundup 2012 500 ml Citrus Seasonal Weeds,
PowerMax® 1000 ml garden Annual and Perennial Post emergent
540gm/lit SL 2000 ml Weeds
-do- -do- Post-emergence
-do- Or- -do- Post-emergence
-do- crop -do- Post-emergence
Seasonal, Annual
675 ml up
and Perennial Post emergent
1000 ml Ready®
Dominate Gold 2013 800 gm Citrus Broad Leaf Weeds, Post-emergence
88.8% WSG Grasses & Sedges
52 Glyphosate Grip-up 48% 2005 1200 ml Mango Annual and Post-emergence
Isopropyl SL Seasonal Weeds
200 ml Orchard Annual and Post emergence
Seasonal Weeds
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre

Lasher 40% SL 2008) 1200 ml Citrus All types of Weeds Post emergence

Cleanup 48% 2011 1100 ml Citrus All kind of Annual Post emergence
SL Weeds

1900 ml — All kind of Perennial Post emergence


53 Haloxyfop-p- Percept 10.8% 2009 350 ml Cotton Grasses Post emergence

ethyl EC

Spider 10.8% 2012 350 ml Cotton Annual Grasses Post emergence

EC (Lamb Grass, Swanki
& Madhana only)

350 ml Potato Annual Grasses Post emergence

(Lamb Grass, Swanki
& Madhana only)

54 Haloxyfop-r- Coast 10.8% 2012 350 ml Cotton Annual Grasses only Only as post emergence
methyl EC

Dakota 2012 350 ml Cotton Grasses Only as post emergence


Declare 20% 2012 220 ml Mung Grasses Only as post emergence

EC bean &

Kaboom/ 2013 350 ml Cotton Grasses Only as post emergence

Honza 10.8%
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre

55 Isoproturon Arelon 75 SP 1983 600 gm Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence
and Grasses

Tolkan 50 SP 1986 800 gm Wheat Dicot Grasses & Post emergence


Graminon 500 1986 1.5 lit. Wheat Phalaris minor Post emergence
FW Avena fatua

Arelon 50 1988 800 gm Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence

Dispersion and Grasses

Kenoran 75 1988 600-700 Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence

WP gm. and Grasses

Nocilon 50 WP 1988 800-900 Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence

gm and Grasses

Milron 75 WP 1992 500 gm Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence

and Grasses

Buticide 50 EC 1998 1 lit. Wheat Grasses and Broad Post emergence

Leaf Weeds except
Wild Oats

Graminon 500 1999 800 ml Wheat Grasses Post emergence


Partner 50% 2005 800 gm Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence
WP and Grasses

Proton 50% 2006 800 gm Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds & Post emergence
WP Grasses.
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre
Prowl 50% WP 2010 800 gm Wheat BLW & Grasses Post emergence

Puton 50% WP 2013 800 gm Wheat BLW & Grasses Post emergence

56 Isoproturon+ Cleaner 70% 2006 600 ml Wheat BLW & Grasses Post emergence
bensulfuron WP

57 Isoproturon Doublet 47 SC 1992 1 lit. Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence
+bromoxynil and Grasses

58 Isoproturon Panther 52 SC 1992 800 ml Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds & Post emergence
+ Grasses

59 Isoxaben Flexidor 12.5 1990 400 ml Wheat Weeds Post emergence


60 Isoxaflutole Mirlin 50 + 500 2001 240 ml Maize Broad Leaf Weeds & Post emergence
+ atrazine 50 EC Grasses
+ 500
Mirlin Extra 2002 600 ml Sugar- Broad leaf Weeds & Post emergence
cane Grasses

61 Lactofen Conquest 24% 2011 300 ml Cotton Broad Leaf Weeds Post-emergence

62 Matoxuron Dosanex 80 1983 600 gm Wheat Weeds (Phalaris Post emergence

WP Minor & Wild Oats)

63 Metolachlor+ Topmax 96% 2012 900 ml Cotton Broad Leaf Weeds, Pre-emergence
pendimethalin EC Grasses & Sedces
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre

64 Metsulfuron Ally 20% DF 2007 10 gm Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence

65 Metsulfuron Laren Max 2013 8 gm Wheat Broad leaf Weeds Post emergence
33.3% + 66.7% WG

66 Mesusulfuro Atlantis 3.6% 2005 160 gm Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Early post-emergence
n Methyl - WG +150 ml and Grasses

67 Metachlor + Cotoran Multi 1990 2.5 kg Cotton Broad Leaf Weeds, Pre-emergence
flumeturon 50 WP Grasses and Sedges

68 Methabenzo- Tribunil 70 WP 1985 700-800 Wheat Dicot weeds and Post emergence
thiouron gm Grasses.

Tribunil 70 WP 1992 600 gm Potato Weeds. Pre-emergence

69 Metolachlor Dual 500 EC 1996 1200 ml Cotton Grasses, Sedges & Pre emergence
Broad Leaf Weeds

Guard Plus 2009 800 ml Cotton BLW, Grasses & Pre-emergence

96% EC Sedges

Quintal 96% 2010 800 ml Maize Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
EC Grasses

Quintal 96% 2011 800 ml Cotton Broad Leaf Weeds, Pre-emergence

EC Sedges & Grasses
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre
Radium 960 2012 800 ml Potato BLW, Grasses and Pre-emergence
EC Sedges
70 Metribuzin Sencor 70 WP 1992 330 gm Potato Weeds. Pre-emergence
Sencor 70 WP 1992 400 gm Sugar- Weeds Pre-emergence
Sencor 70 WP 1999 100 gm Wheat Phalaris minor Post emergence
Zentar 70 WP 2004 100 gm Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence
(except Lehli and
Jangli Matter) and
Locker 70% 2007 100 gm Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds & Post emergence
WP (formerly Grasses
250 gm Potato Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
Buke 70% WP 2010 250 gm Potato Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-plant in Corporation
Buke 70% WP 2010 100 gm Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds & Post-emergence
Retard 70% 2010 250 gm Potato Broad Leaf Weeds, Pre-plant in Corporation
WP Grasses & Sedges
Zentor 70% 2013 100 gm Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds & Post-emergence
WP Grasses
Zentor 70% 2014 250 gm Potato Broad Leaf Weeds, Pre-emergence
WP Grasses & Sedges
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre
Locker 70% 2014 100 gm Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds & Post-emergence
WDG Grasses
71 Metribuzin + Metric 25% ZC 2014 500 ml Potato Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
clomazone Grasses
72 Metsulfuron Ally 20 DF 1992 7.5 gm Rice Transplanted Rice 3-5 days aftertransplanting of rice
methyl Weeds
73 Metsulfuron Metafin Super 2014 14 gm Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post-emergence
+ tribenuron 28.6% WDG
74 Molinate Ordram 8E 1990 800 ml Paddy Weeds. 3-5 days aftertransplanting of rice
75 Nicosulfuron Partner 75% 2011 20 – 30 Maize Broad Leaf Weeds, Post-emergence
WDG gm Grasses & Sedges
76 Nitrofen Tok 7.7 G 1978 1 kg Rice Weeds 3-5 days aftertransplanting of rice
77 Orthosulfa- Kelion 50% 2012 60 gm Rice Broad Leaf Weeds, Pre-emergence
muron WG Sedges & Grasses
78 Oxadiargyl Topstar 80 WP 2001 40 gm Rice Broad Leaf Weeds, Pre-emergence
Sedges & Grasses
Topstar 80 WG 2002 40 gm Potato Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
Topstar 80 WG 2002 50 gm Onion Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
Topstar 80% 2009 40 gm Rice Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
WP Grasses
Topstar 2010 40 gm Onion Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
80%WP Grasses
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre
79 Oxadiazon Ronstar 12 L 1986 1.6 lit. Rice Grasses, Sedges & After 3-7 days of transplanting
Broad Leaf Weeds
Ronstar 25 EC 1992 1200 ml Cotton Broad Leaf Weeds Pre-plant incorporation
and Grasses
Ronstar 12 EC 2001 800 ml Onion Broad Leaf Weeds Post-emergence
and Grasses
Jasstar 25% 2012 800 ml Rice BLW & Grasses Only as Pre-emergance
400 ml Onion BLW & Grasses Only as Pre-emergance
80 Oxyflourfen Hadaf 24% EC 2012 500 ml Cotton BLW, Grasses & Post emergance
Hadaf 24% EC 2013 300 ml Onion BLW & Grasses Pre-emergance
81 Paraquat Gramaxone 20 1972 1 lit. Potato Weeds. Pre-plant incorporation

Burner 20% EC 2006 1 lit. Citrus Broad Leaf Weeds, Post-emergence

Grasses and Sedges
Pointer 20% SL 2008 1 lit. Citrus All types of Weeds Post-emergence
Delux 20% SL 2009 1000 ml Citrus Annual & Perennial
Quantum 20% 2010 1000 ml Potato Broad Leaf Weeds, Post emergence
SL Grasses & Sedges
Delux 20% SL 2011 1000 ml Potato Broad Leaf Weeds, Post-emergence
Grasses and Sedges
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre
Quantum 20% 2011 1000 ml Citrus All kind of weeds Post emergence
SL Garden

Byron 20% SL 2012 1000 ml Citrus BLW, Grasses & Post emergence
Nelson 20% SL 2013 1000 ml Citrus BLW, Grasses & Post emergence
Halt 29% SL 2014 1000 ml Citrus BLW, Grasses & Post emergence
82 Paraquat Pillarxone 24 1985 1 lit. Potato Dicot Weeds. Post emergence
dichloride w/w
83 Pendi- Stomp 330 E 1980 1.5 lit. Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Pre-emergence
methalin Maize and Grasses
Stomp 330 E 1985 1.5 lit. Wheat Jangli Jai & Dumbi Pre-emergence
1.5 lit. Potato, Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
Peas & Grasses
Stomp 330 E 1988 1.5-2.0 lit. Carrot, Weeds. Pre-emergence
Stomp 330 E 1990 6 ml/lit. of Tobac- Desuckers only Pre-emergence/soil incorporation
Water co
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre
Stomp 33% EC 1250 ml Cotton Broad Leaf Weeds Pre-emergence

Stomp 455 G/L 2002 500 ml Cotton Broad Leaf Weeds Pre-emergence
-CS (New

Stomp 455 2004 700 ml Tobacc Broad Leaf Weeds Pre-emergence

G/L-CS o

Stomp 455 GL/ 2005 750 ml Maize Broad Leaf Weeds Pre-emergence
CS and Grasses

750 ml Potato Broad Leaf Weeds Pre-emergence

and Grasses

750 ml Peas Broad Leaf Weeds Pre-emergence

and Grasses

750 ml Onion Broad Leaf Weeds Pre-emergence

and Grasses

Top 33% EC 2008 1000 ml Peas Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence

Top 33% EC 2008 1000 ml Onion Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence

Lotus 33% EC 2009 1200 ml Cotton Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
Razor 33% EC 2009 1000 ml Maize Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
Razor 33% EC 2010 1000 ml Cotton Broad Leaf Weeds Pre-emergence
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre
Panida Granda 2010 750 ml Potato Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence
43.5% EC and some Grasses
i.e. Dumbi Sitti &

Panida Grande 2011 750 ml Cotton, Broad Leaf Weeds Pre-emergence

43.5%EC Peas & and Grasses

Profothion 33% 2012 1250 ml Cotton BLW (Itsit only), Pre-emergence

EC Grasses and Sedges
(Bhoin, Ghoin)

84 Pendi- Penthalin Plus 2007 1200 ml Cotton Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
mehtalin + 35 EC Grasses
Penthalin Plus 2008 1200 ml Sugar- Broad Leaf Weeds, Pre-emergence
35% EC cane Grasses & Sedges
85 Pertilochlor Rifit 2 G 1990 14 kg Rice Weeds 3-5 days after transplanting of rice

Rifit 500 EC 2000 500 ml Rice Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
Rifle 30% EC 2007 800 ml Rice Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
86 Phenoxy DMA-6 1986 3 lit. Sugar- Weeds (Dicot, Post emergence
cane Grasses & Sedges)
DMA-6 1986 600-700 Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence
ml & Rice
87 Piprophos Rilof-H 500 EC 1992 800 ml Rice Weeds 3-5 days aftertransplanting of rice
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre
88 Propanil Propanil/ 1976 1-4 kg Rice Weeds. 3-5 days aftertransplanting of rice
Rough/ Stam
F-34 25 EC

89 Pyrazosul- Cobber 10% 2010 120 gm Rice Broad Leaf Weeds & Early post-emergence
furon WP Sedges

100 gm Rice Broad Leaf Weeds & Early post-emergence


Terminator 10% 2010 100 gm Rice Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
WP Sedges
Terminator 10% 2011 100 gm Rice Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
WDG Sedges
Sword 10% WP 2012 100 gm Rice Broad Leaf Weeds , Pre-emergence
Grasses and Sedges
90 Pyrazosul- Accord 10 % 2012 100 gm Rice Broad Leaf Weeds , Post-emergence
furon- ethyl WP Grasses and Sedges

91 S- Dual Gold 960 2002 800 ml Cotton Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
metolachlor EC Grasses

800 ml Maize Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence

800 ml Sun- Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
flower Grasses
800 ml Potato Broad leaf weeds & Pre-emergence
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre
Dual Gold 960 2002 800 ml Cauli- Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
EC flower Grasses
Dual Gold 960 2002 800 ml Onion Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
EC Grasses
800 ml Peas Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
Dual Gold 960 2003 1000 ml Sugar- Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
cane Grasses
800 ml Okra Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
Gold Star 90% 2009 800 ml Mung Broad Leaf Weeds, Pre-emergence
EC Grasses & Sedges
92 S-metolachlor Primextra Gold 2003 800 ml Maize Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
+ atrazine 720 SC Grasses
400 ml Maize Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
Primextra Gold 2009 800 ml Sugar- Broad Leaf Weeds Post-emergence
72% SC cane
93 Sulcotrione Upset 26% SC 2014 300 ml Maize Broad Leaf Weeds, Post-emergence
Grasses & Sedges
94 Sulfosulfu- Sulfon 75% 13.5 gm Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds & Post emergence
ron WG Grasses
95 Teburam Comodor 60 1992 2 lit. Potato Weeds Early post Emergence
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre
96 Tebuthiury Perflan 80 WP 1990 800 ml Sugar- Weeds. Early post Emergence
97 Terbuthy Topogard 500 1988 1 lit. Potato Weeds Pre-emergence
Lazine EC
Topogard 1999 500 ml Potato Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence

98 Terbutryn Igran 500 FW 1996 800 ml Sun- Grasses and Broad Pre emergence
flower Leaf Weeds
800 ml Potato Broad Leaf Weeds Pre emergence
Igran 500 FW 1999 500 ml Potato Broad Leaf Weeds Post emergence

99 Teroutryn+ Logran Extra 1990 100 gm Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds. Post emergence
triasulfuron 64 WG 1999

100 Thidiazuron Dropp 1988 120 gm Cotton Leaf Defoliator When needed
101 Thidiazuron + Ginstar 54%SC 2009 40 ml Cotton Defoliation of Leaves When the crop & top bolls are
Diuron matured (at 60% boll opening)

102 Thifensul- Target 75% 2005 30 gm Wheat Dicot Weeds in Early post-emergent
furonmethyl WDG Younger Stage
103 Thifensulfu- Rocket 15 WP 2004 150 gm Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post-emergence
ron Methyl
104 Traloko- Grasp 10 EC 1990 1 lit. Wheat Grasses. Post-emergence
105 Triasulfuron Logran 75% 2009 16 gm Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-emergence
WG Grasses
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre

Logran 75% 2010 10 gm Rice Broad Leaf Weeds, Pre-emergence

WG Grasses &Sedges

106 Tribenuron – Shield 75% 2005 30 gm Wheat Annual Dicot Early post-emergence
methyl WDG

Cantus 75% 2013 30 gm Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds post-emergence


107 Tribenuron- Timber 20% 2014 300 gm Wheat Broad Leaf Weeds Post-emergence
methyl + WP

108 Trifluralin Treflan 4 EC 1990 1.2 lit. Cotton Weeds Pre-emergence

Olitref 48 EC 1992 1.2 lit. Potato Weeds Pre-emergence

1.2 lit. Cotton Weeds Pre-plant incorporation

Ipiflour 48 E 1996 1200 ml Cotton Weeds i.e. Pre-plant incorporation

rtulacastrum (itsit)
Tribulus terrestris
(Bhakra) Digera
arvensis (Tandla)
Grasses/ sedges

Fuslan 48% EC 2006 1200 ml Cotton Broad Leaf Weeds & Pre-plant incorporation
Sr Common Regist’n Dose/
Brand Name Crop Target Weed(s) Time of Application
No Name Year Acre

109 Trifluralin + Treflan-R 20 1979 2.4 lit Rice Broad spectrum for Pre-plant incorporation
2, 4-D EC the control of annual
grass es, broad leaf
weeds & sedges in
the transplanted rice.

110 Triflollxy- Krismat 75 WG 2005 400 gm Sugar- Broad Leaf Weeds & Post-emergent
sulfuron cane Grasses
Sodium +

111 Turbutryn + Torrent 50% 2011 500 gm Potato Broad Leaf Weeds & Post-emergent
trubuthy- WDG Grasses
Sr Regist’n
Common Name Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Year
1 Amitraz Mitac 20% EC 1980 1000-1250 ml Cotton Mites

Sanmite 20% EC 2009 800 ml Cotton Mites

Sanmite 20% EC 2010 800 ml Brinjal Mites

2 Azocyclotin Gallop 25% WP 2009 75 gm Cotton Mites

75 gm Brinjal Mites

Gallop 25% WP 2011 75 gm Chillies Bud mites

Prudent 25% WP 2011 100 gm Cotton Mites


Sr Regist’n
Common Name Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Year
3 Bromopropylate Neoron 500 EC 1987 500 ml Cotton Mites

4 Dicofol Kelthane 42 EC 1969 1000-1200 ml Cotton T-Mites & Red Sprider Mite

Kelthane 40 ED 1988 1 bozzle/3 acre. Cotton Mites

5 Ethion Ethion 46.5 EC 1969 1 lit. Cotton Mites

Cethion 40 EC 1988 540 ml Cotton Mites

6 Fenpyroximate Unique 5% SC 2009 200 ml Cotton Mites

Unique-M 5% SC 2009 200 ml Chillies Bud mites

Mitech 5% EC 2014 200 ml Cotton Mite

200 ml Brinjal Mite

200 ml Chilles Mite

200 ml Pumpkin Mite

200 ml Musk Melon Mite

200 ml Water Mite


7 Hexythiazox Nissorun 10 WP 1992 200 ml Cotton Mites

Okill 5% EC 2011 400 ml Cotton Mites

Zox 5% EC 200 ml Brinjal Miltes

8 Pyridabin Helb Star 20% EC 2010 600 ml Cotton Mites


Sr Regist’n
Common Name Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Year
Current15% EC 2011 500 ml Cotton Mites

Sindh Mite 15% EC 2013 500 ml Cotton Mites

9 Hexythiazox 10% + Sndmyt 12.5% EC 2013 500 ml Cotton Mites

pyridabin 2.5%

10 Fenbutatin oxide Mitoxin 55% SC 2013 350 ml Bringal Mites


11 Sulfur Thiovit Jet 80% WG 2013 800 gm Chillies Bud mites

Sr Regist’n
Common Name Brand Name Dose/ Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Year
1 Brodifacoum Burrow Klerat 0.005 WB 1990 1-2 W.B/ Rice & Field rats
Wax block Burrow Wheat
2 Zinc phosphide Zinc phosphide 80 P 1965 One Tablet/ Sugarcane Field rats

Sr Regist’n
Common Name Brand Name Dose / Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Year
1 Aluminium phosphide Phostoxin Tablet 1970 One tablet/ Sugarcane Field rats

Sr Regist’n
Common Name Brand Name Dose / Acre Crop Target Pest(s)
No Year
Detia Gas-Ex-T 1974 50-60 tablets/ Stored Khapra Beetle & Grain Weevil
125 cubic Grain
Delicia Gastoxin 1986 0.15 gm/ kg (3- Stored Khapra Beetle and Grain Weevil &
5 tablets/ton of Grain Filed rats
wheat grain)
Quickphos 1986 0.15 gm/ kg (3- Stored Khapra Beetle and Grain Weevil
5 tablets/ton of Grain
wheat grain)
Agtoxin 1988 0.15 gm/ kg (3- Stored Khapra Beetle and Grain Weevil
5 tablets/ton of Grain
wheat grain)
Phostek 56% (Flat Two tablets Stored Khapra Beetle and Grain Weevil
tablets, Round or six Pallets/ Grain
tablets and pallets) ton of grain.
Alphosphine 1996 Five tablets/ Stored Rhizopertha dominica, Tribolium
Tablets) 1000 kg of Grain castaneum andTrigoderma
grain granarium
2 Magnesium Magtoxin-R Plates 1986 1 plate/ 1000 Stored Store Grain Pests i.e., Red Flour
phosphide c.f. Grain Beetle and Khapra Bettle

1 Cadusafos Rugby 5% G 2013 12 Kg Tomato Nematode

Cadusafos Rugby 5% G 2016 Tomato Nematodes



1. BHC 14. Disulfoton
2. Binapacryl 15. Endrin
16. Ethylane dichloride +
3. Bromophos ethyl
4. Captafol 17. Leptophos
5. Chlordimeform 18. Mercury Compound
6. Chlorobenzilate 19. Mevinphos
7. Chlorthiophos 20. Toxaphene
8. Cyhexatin 21. Zineb
9. Dalapon 22. Heptachlor
10. DDT 23. Methyl Parathion
11. Dibromochloropropane +
24. Monocrotophos
12. Dicrotophos 25. Methamidophos
13. Dieldrin 26. Endosulfan

1. Dichlorvos (above 500 g/l) 3. Methamidophos (above 600 g/l)
2. Monocrotophos (above 400 g/l) 4. Phosphamidon (above 500 g/l)

1. Aldrin (POP/PIC) 5. Ethylene di bromide (PIC)
2. Mirex (POP) 6. Parathion (PIC)
3. Chlordane (POP/PIC) 7. Fluroacetate (PIC)
4. Dinoseb (PIC)
Food and Agriculture (FAO) and World Health (WHO) Organizations have been highly
concerned on the ill effects of the way pesticides are handled and placed on the target
crops and employed using the poor application techniques. When using an approved
pesticide the objective is to distribute the correct dose to a defined target with the
minimum of wastage due to drift using the most appropriate spraying equipment.
Pesticides only give acceptable field results and desired safety if they are handled
safely and delivered precisely. Unlike other field operations, the results from poor
spraying may not become apparent for some time so that it is essential that those
involved in pesticide selection and use are fully aware of their responsibilities and
obligations, and are trained in pesticide use and application.
These guidelines have been prepared primarily using the reports prepared by the
FAO experts to offer practical help and guidance to all those involved in using
pesticides for food and fibre production (references at the end of the chapter). The
guidelines are aimed at decision-makers, managers, field supervisors and spray
operatives. However, it must be emphasized that in Pakistan legislation on import and
marketing of pesticides have been in place meeting most of the international
standards, but there is a a dire need to develop regulatory guidelines to control safe
and efficient use of pesticide and application in the field.
Operator Training
Operators of spray equipment must receive suitable training before handling and
applying pesticides. Training should be provided by a recognized provider and
courses are frequently offered by local training groups, agricultural colleges,
government extension departments, spray equipment manufacturers and the pesticide
industry. The satisfactory completion of a course may result in a recognized certificate
of competence to cover safe product handling, delivery of the product to the target
and instruction on using the relevant spray equipment.
In countries where spray operators are licensed, they can only renew their operator’s
license if they attended regular refresher courses. Operator training is best be
organized and provided through sustainable permanent national structures.
Spray Equipment Selection
The selection of appropriate and suitable spray equipment is essential for safe and
effective pesticide use. International and national equipment testing schemes have
been established in many countries where after thorough testing under laboratory and
field situations, sprayers are given certificates of approval. Where testing is not in
place equipment manufacturers can be required to confirm that a sprayers complies
with the requirements in countries where testing is mandatory or the equipment meets
the appropriate FAO guidelines.
Equally important when selecting spraying equipment is access to spare parts, service
and support facilities. Ideally, equipment selection should not be based primarily on
cost. Safety, design, comfort and ease of use must be major considerations, and ease
of maintenance must be a high priority. Knapsack sprayer maintenance should
require only simple tools.
The combination of operator training to a recognized standard, combined with the
selection of appropriate spray equipment will contribute to improving the accuracy of
pesticide delivery as well as protecting the environment.
Using Pesticides Correctly
Pesticides should only be used if there is an economically important need and all
pesticides must be used strictly in accordance with their label recommendation.
Product selection must assess the potential exposure hazard of the selected
formulation and determine what control measures and dose rates the label
recommendations advocate.
Managing Operator Exposure
The use of Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) is essential for protecting operator
health and advice on its use will be found on the product label. Effective health
monitoring records will be able to provide early warnings and identify changes in
operator health, which may be attributed to working with pesticides.
As well as the workers handling and spraying pesticides the public must be
safeguarded, both during, and after spraying, for example where they might have
access to a treated area. Maybe livestock also ought to be prevented from re-entering
treated areas immediately after spraying.
The use of pesticides may put people, other life forms and the environment at risk;
thus, the decision to use a pesticide should only be taken when all other alternative
control measures have been fully considered.
Integrated Pest management IPM, as described in the International Code of Conduct
on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides, FAO 1990, offers a pest management
system that combines all appropriate control techniques to effect satisfactory results.
Alternatives to Pesticide Use
The alternatives can be divided into Natural and Applied Control measures. Natural
Control may utilize naturally occurring pest enemies, or rely on meteorological
conditions to effect pest and disease control. Applied Control may be based on crop
rotation, cultivar or variety selection, changes in sowing dates and or alterations in
cultivation practices. The use of some or all of the above techniques, together with
carefully selected pesticides, can provide an integrated approach to weed, pest and
disease control.
Risk/benefit Considerations
The risks and benefits of using a pesticide must be addressed before chemical
product selection. By completing a risk assessment, harmful effects can be kept to a
In some cases a prophylactic treatment e.g. seed treatment may be justified but the
effect of weeds pest and disease on crop yield reduction should be monitored to
determine when it is economically justified to use a pesticide.
Product Selection
The decision to select a given pesticide product must be based on an assessment of
the risks and benefits, the materials hazard potential to both man and the
environment. In Pakistan legislation is in place to control and regulate the
manufacture, importation, distribution and sale of pesticides. Products are registered
for use, after local field evaluation for safety and efficiency and only approved and
recommended products can be used.
The manufacturer’s product label is the main source of information for the end user. It
must be written in an appropriate local language, so that it can be read and
understood by users. Label terminology must be understood by pesticide users.
The product label carries statutory instructions for the user, which must cover the
crops for which it is registered, the recommended dose rate, the number of permitted
treatments during the growing season and how many days before harvest the last
treatment may be applied. Additionally, the label will inform the user of the correct
Personal Protective Equipment to be used when handling and applying the product
and advise on environmental protection measures to be carried out.
The label also provides other relevant and useful safety information, which will include
the product common name, chemical name, the manufacturers name and a contact in
the event of an accident. The label must also be available for medical staff treating
anyone who has been accidentally poisoned or contaminated by the pesticide. A good
copy of the label must be retained as reference for the emergency services in the
event of an accident. Information on the decontamination and disposal of empty
containers is also usually included on the label.
Applying more than one product at the same time (tank-mixing) can improve the
logistics of spraying provided the respective treatment timings coincide and the
formulations are chemically and physically compatible.
Risks associated with tank mixing may include a reduction in biological activity due to
product antagonism. This may be seen as crop scorch, which although it may appear
only transient, can reduce final yield.
The most common problem affecting the spraying operation is physical incompatibility,
which can block nozzles and filters as well as causing separation in the tank if the
agitation through the return to tank is inadequate.
Where trace elements are used as admixture candidates, blockages are common.
The product label should give advice on suitable tank mix partners and the correct
sequence of their introduction into the spray tank. Agitation of the first material
introduced into the tank is essential before the second formulation is introduced.
Water temperature and quality may also influence the chemical compatibility of tank
The overall safety of crop protection chemicals must be the objective of all pesticide
users as well as those engaged in the storage, distribution and retailing of
Operator Health Surveillance
The health of operators exposed to pesticides must be monitored. The surveillance
should cover health records and medical checks, which can alert medical authorities
of any health changes, which might be related to exposure during work. Health
surveillance can also indicate that safety practices and the selection and use of PPE
remain adequate for the products being used.
The hazard potential of the selected product, combined with the length of time of
operator exposure during use will determine the health surveillance techniques and
their frequency.
Application Timing
In relation to safe and efficient pesticide use correct application timing is often poorly
understood. The optimum time to spray is determined by the crop, pest, weed and
disease growth stages. The product label will indicate treatment timing but it is usually
at the start of an infestation that the lower label dose rates can be used. Application
timing will also be influenced by meteorological conditions, which may result in
physical, and volatility spray losses. Temperature, relative humidity, wind direction
and velocity plus the possibility of rain can all effect the efficiency of spray application.
Apply insecticides when bees are not foraging. Some insecticides can be applied in
late evening or early morning (i.e. from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m.) with relative safety. In the
case of corn, bees collect pollen from tassels in the early morning and are not present
in the afternoon or evening. Short residual materials applied from late afternoon until
mid-night do not pose a bee hazard in corn fields. Adjust spray programs in relation to
weather conditions. Reconsider the timing of insecticide application if unusually low
temperatures are expected that night. Cool temperatures can delay the degradation
process and cause residues to remain toxic to bees the following day. Stop
applications when temperatures rise and bees re-enter the field in early morning.
Contact local beekeepers and obtain locations of bee yards.
Product Transport and Storage
Transporting pesticides by road may be controlled by national regulations for the
movement of dangerous goods where emergency procedures in the event of a road
accident are already in place. Many pesticide manufacturers issue Transport
Emergency Cards (“Tremcards”) to vehicle drivers transporting hazardous pesticides.
As well as the journey from the retailer to the end user, pesticide containers are also
moved in and out of stores on the farm. In all cases, they must be checked for leaks
and damage and must always remain clearly labeled.



Care must be taken when using farm vehicles to transport pesticides as the chemicals
must be secured and isolated and spills must be covered with a non-combustible
absorbent material, which must be correctly disposed of.
Pesticide containers must be kept closed when not in use and must be secured
against unauthorised interference, particularly when spray operators are working
away from mixing areas and cannot always see the chemical containers.
Correct storage is essential to maintain a safe working environment, to maximise
product shelf life and to minimise the risk of fires and spillage. Varying climatic
conditions and specific product demands (flammability-toxicity) make it difficult to offer
other than general recommendations in these guidelines. The Guidelines for the
Packaging and Storage of Pesticides (FAO 1985) offer a more comprehensive
reference. Pesticides must be kept in a dedicated store, which is accessible in case of
emergency and can be locked when not in use.
Under no circumstances must pesticides be stored near foodstuffs!
Product Handling
The product label is usually the first reference for guidance on handling the formulated
pesticide products. It will usually describe the requirements for the use of Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) both for handling the concentrate and for the diluted
spray solution to be used in the field. The careful selection, use and maintenance of
PPE are essential to ensure that the user is adequately protected.
Only approved safety equipment must be used. Certain toxic chemicals may only be
approved for use if they are handled and dispensed via fully tested and officially
approved closed dispensing systems. Such systems reduce operator and
environmental contamination.
Chemical Container Management
Unfortunately empty chemical containers often have second-hand values, however,
empty pesticide containers must never be re-used by users.
Containers can be thoroughly cleaned manually even when they have contained
viscous formulations, however automatic rinsing systems are becoming common and
are mandatory on field sprayers in many countries.
Some countries allow controlled burial for empty containers; however, burial sites
must not to be close to waterways. Heat incineration offers an alternative method of
disposal, however, country regulations must be consulted.
The problems associated with container rinsing and disposal can be eliminated by
using systems of returning chemical containers to suppliers, where they can be re-
filled or recycled.
Accident Procedures
If an accident occurs during transport or handling a pesticide, the spillage may result
in fire, injury to humans, property damage or environmental contamination. Rapid
action must follow the accident to minimise adverse effects. It is essential that
pesticide transporters and users are familiar with label recommendations and
procedures in the event of an accident and the appropriate authorities are informed of
the accident and the corrective procedures followed. All spillage incidents and the
actions taken must be accurately recorded.
Vehicles used to transport pesticides must be decontaminated following an accident
or spillage.
Personal Protection
There are three principal routes that chemicals enter the body: a) Accidental or
deliberate ingestion b) Dermal, through handling, measuring and pouring the
concentrate c) Inhalation of small particles or dust during handling and spraying.
Dermal exposure represents the most common hazard. Avoiding exposure by using
PPE and by paying attention to personal hygiene by washing exposed parts of the
body after work and before eating, smoking and toileting will minimize risk. Personnel
Protective equipment must be selected in accordance with the label recommendation.
It must be comfortable to wear/use and be made of material, which will prevent
penetration of the pesticide.
PPE will only remain effective if it is correctly selected and maintained. Where the
equipment is damaged, repairs must restore it to its original condition otherwise the
item must be replaced. Items such as the respirator must be checked on a regular
basis and filter elements changed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Remember, products containing the same active ingredient but sold under different
brand names may pose different risks due to the product formulation. Care must be
taken to always refer to the individual label for the product being used.
Pre application
Time taken to check spray equipment before use will reduce costly delays in the
season begins. Pre-season operational checks be carried out with clean water but
safety clothing should always be worn.
Spray Equipment Selection
Selecting the appropriate equipment for the pesticide formulation to be used is
important. For example, most pesticides will be sprayed as aqueous solutions or
suspensions through hydraulic spray systems. However, where materials are to be
applied undiluted at Ultra Low Volumes (ULV) or diluted in water at Very Low Volume
(VLV) with rotary atomizers or via Hot or Cold Fogging, specialized spray equipment
is required. Rotary atomizers are of two types, which operate at different speeds to
deliver different droplet sizes. Those designed to apply insecticides and fungicides
produce small droplets and those designed to apply herbicides via coarser droplets.
The insecticide droplets (<150mm) are moved downwind from their release point
whilst the larger herbicide droplets (>200mm) fall predictably within a limited swath

Equipment Serviceability
Tractor Mounted and Trailed Sprayers
Structures for operator safety, steps, hand and guardrails must all be checked. The
power take off (PTO) guards must be in place and anchored and all lubrication points
serviced. It is advisable to initially rotate the pump by hand to ensure it is free.
Tires’ pressures and wear on trailed machines should be checked.
With clean water in the tank, operate the sprayer above working pressure to check for
hose leaks. Hose splits or cracks on the pump inlet side will reduce pump
performance and increase tank foam.
On the pressure side, check hose joints, particularly where hoses bend when booms
are folded, similarly, check hoses retained by hose clips. Ensure that the pressure
gauge returns to zero when the sprayer is not working.
Fans on horizontal boom and mistblowers should be checked for balance and air
deflector controls adjusted. Belt drive pulleys must be checked for alignment and belts
checked for cracking and tension.
The spray tank must be fully retained and free from leaks, with all filters in place.
Where fitted, internal tank rinsing systems must be working and tank content gauges
must be clear and easy to read. Make sure that the filter meshes are of appropriate
size for the spray volume. The higher the mesh number the finer the filter.
Check boom suspension and break away system, lubricate pivot points where
necessary and make sure the folding mechanism is working correctly. Poor boom
suspension will effect spray distribution so check all wear pads are intact and shock
dampers are working. Nozzles and nozzle bodies must be checked for damage and
where fitted, diaphragm check valves must make good seals when the pump output
diverts to tank as the spray is shut off.
Self propelled sprayer cabs and tractor cabs must have adequate filtration when used
for spraying. Different filter elements may have to be fitted but the manufacturers’
instructions will advise on replacement intervals.
For rotary atomizers, drive mechanisms (hydraulic, cable or electric) must be checked
and discs monitored for damage and balance. Belts on drive units may need to be
replaced. Disc speed checks should be made for formulated products, as they may be
different from the readings obtained.
Controlled Droplet Application (CDA) for herbicide application usually uses products
diluted in water and applied at volumes of 15 to 30 l/ha. Where rotary atomizers are
used for spraying an undiluted product at 3 to 5l/ha, the disc rotational speed is much
higher and the smaller oil-based droplets are dispersed and transported by natural
wind (1 to 3m/sec). These sprayers are now being used to apply volumes of up to
20l/ha (Very Low Volume, VLV) using conventional formulations are diluted in water
with an anti-evaporant added to the tank to reduce droplet evaporation.
Operator-Carried / KnapsackSprayers
Lever and pivot points on lever-operated knapsack sprayers must be checked for
wear and lubricated. Trigger mechanisms must move freely and give a positive “shut
off”. Air inlet valves within the filler caps must also be clean and free to move.
Shoulder straps must be in good condition.
Hand held rotary atomizer sprayers are battery driven, so a check on battery numbers
and condition must be carried out before work.
Rotary atomisers are also used on air-assisted sprayers where they substitute for
hydraulic nozzles. Rotation is controlled by the angle of the blades, which is driven air
from the fan.
Liquid flow-rate on to the disc is critical and is controlled by using arrange of
interchangeable variable restrictors. Accordingly, appropriate restrictors must be
available to apply formulations of different viscosities to maintain accurate liquid flow
onto to the disc.
Adjustment and Control Checks
Tractor Sprayers
The operator must make sure that all controls are effective by working all functions.
Where spray adjustments are electronically controlled, it is essential that the operator
knows what action to be taken if the computerised control fails during work. The
response time of automatic spray controls must be checked against manufacturer
specification and adjusted before work commences.
Check the operation of the pressure control and relief systems making sure that the
return to tank spray agitation is effective.
Boom height adjustment on tractor sprayers must be checked and spray controls,
both spray on and off and individual boom section valves worked. Where the tank is
loaded via an induction hopper, control taps must be functioning and any container
rinsing device fitted must also be in good condition and free from blockage.
Operators must understand the sequence of events when working the valves for tank
filling from induction bowls as incorrect use can damage hoses. Container probes for
sucking chemical from the shipping container must be kept clean and the control valve
closed when not in use. Air ingress via a partially open valve will increase tank foam.
Filter maintenance during tank loading must isolate the plumbing to avoid operator
contamination during maintenance.
Nozzle selection can be made in accordance with the label recommendation, which
should suggest nozzle type, spray angle and liquid flow-rate at a given pressure.
Never mix nozzles on the boom (Spray angle and or flow rate) and ensure that spray
patterns are streak free, and correctly overlapping apart from the boom end nozzles.
Operator - Carried / Knapsack Sprayers
There is no hydraulic agitation on a knapsack sprayer, but spray pressure control
systems or valves must be operational. Hand carried rotary atomiser sprayers are
gravity fed and rely on air ingression into the liquid container to ensure a constant
liquid flow to the disc during work. Air inlets must always be kept clear. Equipment to
test the rotational speed of a spinning disc sprayer must be available.
Spray Calibration
Spray equipment should be calibrated at the beginning of each season, after
equipment has been repaired, following tractor wheel changes or when new nozzles
have been fitted.
Sprayers fitted with automatic monitoring systems (speed, liquid flow, area covered)
must be regularly calibrated against manufacturers calibration figures.
There are three major factors, which influence sprayer calibration: Forward speed,
swath width, and liquid flow rate.
Forward Speed
Can be calculated by timing the tractor/operator speed over a measured distance,
preferably on a surface similar to the one to be treated. This operation should be
replicated three times with the tractor operating at spraying speed, and the engine
delivering the correct p.t.o. speed, to determine an average forward speed.
Swath Width
Is the effective width covered by the nozzle or boom assembly and can be calculated
for a single nozzle or for an entire boom. Where a boom sprayer is to be used, the
width of cover can be calculated by multiplying the number of nozzles by the distance
between individual nozzles. In the case of top fruit/orchard spraying the swath width
will be the distance between the tree rows. Swath width for ULV “drift” spraying is
usually determined by row width and may be reduced as the inter-rows close so that
an incremental droplet deposit is built up with each pass.
The Liquid Flow Rate
Flow rate from the nozzle at a given operating pressure can be obtained from the
nozzle manufacturer’s information sheets. This information is generated when
spraying clean water and is similar to applying conventional aqueous spray volumes
at 150-300 l/ha. However, this may not be the case when applying low volume, higher
concentration treatments.
When measuring the flow rate from actual nozzles it is advisable to test at least one
nozzle from each boom section and average the total. Nozzles should be replaced
when their liquid output increases by 5% above the catalogue output at a given
pressure, or the variation between nozzles on the same boom exceeds ± 10%.
Determining the nozzle output from a mistblower is more difficult as individual nozzle
output is piped to a measuring cylinder for the assessment. Such an operation is
made easier, and safer, if the fan drive can be disengaged during the test. A more
accurate method to determine the liquid output is to fill the empty spray tank with a
known amount of water, then record the time taken to empty the tank. This operation
should be replicated three times to find the average liquid throughput. Determination
of the liquid flow rate from a restrictor for a rotary atomiser can be done with the disc
stationary in the case of an herbicide applicator.
However, with the disc rotating on the ulv applicator the liquid flow-rate may be
enhanced so must be checked with product, as both viscosity and temperature will
also influence flow.
The figures generated must be recorded for future use and the tractor used for the
calibration noted. The above calculations remain robust for tractor units, but the
smaller areas treated by knapsack sprayer will require additional calculations. Product
dose rates per tank will be relatively small so precise measuring equipment must be to
hand to ensure measuring accuracy.
NOTE-1:—The conversion factor for a metric calculation is 600, but where
Imperial figures (Feet, miles per hour, galls/acre) are used for the calibration
the conversion factor will be 373.
NOTE-2:—For top fruit/tree spraying the concept of adjusting the applied
spray volume in relation to increases in the foliage canopy is an approach to
improving the efficiency of orchard spraying, although product labels often
continue to refer to dose rates for tree spraying as litres per hectare.
The “tree-row-volume” (TRV) concept measures the tree foliage volume in one
hectare and adjusts the product dose rate and spray volume during the season as the
leaf canopy increases. The product label will suggest a water volume rate for 1000
cu/m of leaf canopy, which can be calculated from the appropriate formulae.
Also, when working with a tree sprayer the operator must be aware of the machine’s
air volume output per hour so that the forward speed can be adjusted in relation to the
tree foliage canopy, bearing in mind that the incoming air from the machine has to
replace the stagnant air within the tree. An excessive forward speed will not allow the
sprayer adequate time for the spray transported in the air stream to penetrate the tree
Tank Filling
Appropriate protective clothing must be worn when handling the formulated pesticide
and filling the spray tank. Liquid formulations remain the most popular as they are
easy to measure and pour. The spray tank is half filled with water and the pump
engaged to provide gentle agitation. The products must be introduced into the tank as
per label recommendation, usually in the order of solids followed by liquids. The spray
operator is at the highest risk when handling the pesticide concentrate. Where closed
transfer systems are used for tank loading operator contamination is reduced.
However, such systems must be thoroughly cleaned after use and transfer valves
must be designed to be leak free when operated (dry-break couplings).
Chemical containers must be kept secure when in use in the field. When appreciable
distances are involved for the sprayer and the containers are left unattended, they
must always be closed and secured from unauthorized interference.
All spray operators must be fully trained and aware of the procedures to be carried out
in the event of accidental spillage during tank filling.
Prior Warnings
Members of the public, not directly involved with the spray operation, may also be
effected by a pesticide application so there is an obligation to warn anybody or
organization, which might be concerned. These groups must be notified in good time
before an application. Neighbours growing susceptible crops, and local beekeepers
should also be alerted. Where particularly toxic materials are to be used, it may be
necessary to warn the emergency services, and the local environment and water
authorities. The product label should give precise advice on prior warning and who to
Field Application
Adequate pre-preparation will help make sure that the actual spraying is carried out
under the safe conditions and accurate spray timing will ensure that the product is
applied with optimum effect.
Employers and operators must make sure that all safety equipment and clothing is
clean and in a good state of repair.
The knapsack spray operator when using a forward-held hand lance is usually walking
through a treated crop. As the crop grows, operator contamination increases so it is
essential to make sure the operator has adequate body protection. Holding the hand-
lance forward and to the downwind side of the operator will help reduce
contamination, but the use of a “tail-boom” should also be considered where
Meteorological Considerations
Spray deposit efficiency is greatly influenced by local meteorological conditions at
crop height. Wind velocity and direction, temperature, relative humidity and the
frequency of rain all influence spray deposit.
The distance that a spray droplet travels depends on the droplets downward velocity,
the height of release and the wind speed. The larger the drop the less it is effected by
wind and the faster it falls thus reducing drift, but the distribution efficiency will also be
reduced, which may in turn lessen the performance of a non-systemic product.
Wind direction must also be considered as spray droplets may be transported out of
the treated area and onto adjacent susceptible crops or waterways. Wind speeds of
between 1 and 2m/sec, (3.6 to 7.2 km/h) are generally considered ideal for hydraulic
nozzle treatments. Table 1 lists various wind speeds as a guide to suitable conditions
for spraying.

Table: Wind Speed Guide

Description Appr.air Speed Visible signs Spray Decision

Calm < 2 km/hr Smoke rises vertically Do not spray

Light Air 2-3 km/hr Direction indicated by smoke drift Do not spray
Light Breeze 3-7 km/hr Leaves rustle, wind felt on face Ideal spray
Gentle Breeze 7-10 km/hr Leaves in constant motion Avoid spray
Moderate Breeze 10-15 km/hr Small Branches move + dust Avoid herbicide

Where aqueous spray solutions are used, high temperature combined with low
relative humidity will reduce the size of the spray droplets through evaporation and so
increase the risk of drift.
Furthermore, temperature can affect product performance. Activity may be slow and
reduced at low temperatures whilst applications carried out when temperatures are
high may lead to crop scorch.
Information on the rain fastness of pesticides can usually be found on the label
although for most products, however, showers 2 hours following treatment will not
necessitate re-spraying.
Application Timing
If application timing is accurate, fewer spray treatments may be needed. The use of
computer models to predict spray timing may help reduce the number of fungicide
treatments to such crops as potatoes, and accurate pest forecasting may cut down
the number of times crops such as cotton and top fruit are treated.
The time of day a treatment is applied can be important. The optimum spray timing for
efficacy may coincide with the foraging time of beneficial insects. It is therefore
important to know and understand crop, insect and disease development and the
ecological balance to determine when to spray. An understanding of product mode of
action in relation to crop development will also be advantageous.
Sprayer Field Settings
The main field settings are based on the selection of a suitable forward speed and the
height at which the spray is released above the target. For a tractor sprayer, forward
speed will be determined by the stability of the boom over the surface to be sprayed,
where excessive speeds will lead to vertical boom bounce and horizontal yawl;
effecting spray deposit efficiency.
For a knapsack spray operator, speed over the surface to be sprayed will have to be
maintained for long periods so the chosen walking speed must be sustainable. Where
a mist blower is being used to spray trees, the forward speed must match the volume
of air generated by the fan to the tree volume as it replaces the still air within the tree
The nozzle angle on an air assisted boom sprayer can be adjusted in relation to the
direction of travel and the density of the foliage. Similarly, the fan speed can also be
adjusted. Less air will be required to penetrate a thin open crop than a dense crop
canopy. Nozzle height above the target must be finally set in the field. Boom height is
determined by the nozzle spray angle and nozzle spacing. Boom height for a boom
fitted with rotary atomisers will be determined by atomiser type and spacing. Too high
a boom promotes excessive drift, however, if the boom is too low the spray pattern
does not fully develop resulting in excessive overlap and local overdosing.
It is difficult for the knapsack spray operator to maintain a constant nozzle height so a
trailing lightweight chain or wire may be used as a height indicator.
The distance between the mist blower nozzle and the target foliage is determined by
the position of the sprayer between the tree rows but care must be taken where both
the topmost and the lower nozzles on the U shaped boom are open as losses to the
atmosphere and the ground respectively may increase.
Using a hand-carried herbicide controlled droplet applicator; the atomiser head should
be approximately 20/30cm above the target foliage and carried at the correct angle to
ensure that the product flows correctly. However, for a ULV insecticide or fungicide
applicator, relying on the wind for droplet transportation, the atomiser head should be
held approximately 1m above the crop when the wind speed is low and lowered to
0.5m when the wind speed is high.
Chemical Handling
Water is probably the most sensitive environmental issue involved with pesticide use
and the, site of the sprayer filling and pesticide mixing area is critical.
Permanent filling sites, for example for tractor sprayer use, must provide a washing
apron where rinse water and spillage’s can be retained and an area that can be kept
secure. Siting must take into consideration the proximity of waterways and the soil
type in relation to the speed of liquid percolation.
The use of filling and mixing sites adjacent waterway is common and temporary
mixing sites should be regularly rotated between locations.
Absorbent material to contain spills must be available at the filling site, as should
suitable first aid equipment and secure facilities for PPE. Where present, a dedicated
chemical store must be kept locked when not in use and should have a secure section
for storing empty chemical containers before their disposal.
Chemical Container Handling
To help keep tractor sprayer-operator exposure to a minimum, wherever possible
preference must be given to using pesticide packs handled via closed transfer
All operators must be correctly trained to handle chemical containers, remove seals,
measure, pour and thereafter use. Where mechanical rinsing is not available, triple
manual rinsing will decontaminate empty liquid containers; three rinses with clean
water (Use 20% container volume) will remove chemical residues and leave the
container ready for disposal. Containers must be rinsed immediately after use and the
rinsate emptied into the spray tank. If the operator is using the induction hopper to
load the concentrate into the tank, the liquid level in the bowl must be high enough to
prevent the pump drawing in air when introducing the chemical.
Where knapsack sprayers are being refilled from “nurse-tanks” containing pre-mixed
spray solution it is important that the tank pumping system provides adequate re-
circulation while the spray mix is standing. Where knapsack sprayers are being refilled
from “nurse-tanks” containing premixed spray solution it is important that the tank
pumping system provides adequate re-circulation while the spray mix is standing.
Handling the undiluted pesticide presents the operator with the highest exposure risk
so correct safety equipment and clothing must be available and operators trained to
use and maintain it properly. Operator protection may be different for the actual
application when the product is diluted with water. Engineering controls, closed
transfer systems, returnable pesticide containers, water dispersible sachets etc,
should be used wherever possible.
Partially used chemical containers must be re-sealed and then taken back to store.
Post Treatment Warnings
Immediately after the spray has been applied warning notices should be posted
around the treated area in accordance with label recommendations. Recipients of
warnings such as beekeepers can be told that the application has been completed.
The field notice should alert people of the treatment and instruct them of the re-entry
period. Notices should be removed. when no longer required. Livestock must be kept
out of treated areas for the required time period.
Post Application
Safety remains a prime consideration after spraying and when cleaning or repairing
spray equipment appropriate safety clothing, particularly an apron, must be worn.
Firstly, refer to the sprayer manufacturer’s instruction book for the correct
maintenance procedures. Repairs may be carried out by persons who are not trained
in pesticide use and application however; they must be fully protected even when
working on clean (“decontaminated”) equipment.
Cleaning (“Decontamination”) of Equipment and PPE
After work, the spray equipment should be washed both internally and externally in
the field and the rinse liquid sprayed onto a crop on which the product is registered,
making sure that the recommended dose rate is not exceeded by repeatedly spraying
the same area. Many sprayers are now fitted with internal tank rinsing systems, which
are fed, from clean water tanks designed specifically for the purpose. These tanks
may also provide water for rinsing empty containers and swilling protective clothing
after use. It is advisable to rinse the spraying system three times with a small amount
of water each time rather than one rinse from a full tank.
Where a knapsack sprayer is fitted with a large pressure chamber three to four short
rinses will be necessary to fully clean the spray system. When a spraying machine is
to be used to apply the same product or a similar compatible material the following
day, the spray tank can be left retaining the rinse water or refilled with clean water for
overnight storage. The external sprayer surfaces should also be rinsed in the field
using a hand-lance, where fitted.
Care should be taken to ensure that where a spraying machine is stored out of doors,
pesticide deposits on external surfaces of the sprayer are not washed off by rainfall,
which can then contaminate surface water and drains.
Personnel protective equipment must also be fully decontaminated after use, dried,
and then stored in a well-ventilated store.
Disposal of Surplus Spray
Pesticide waste is present in the form of surplus diluted spray solution and surplus
undiluted product. Contaminated safety equipment and clothing, tractor cab filter
elements and material used to absorb spills, also have to be disposed of.
Pre-planning should that surplus spray solution is kept to a minimum and only enough
product for the area to be treated is purchased.
Unused dilute spray and tank washings can cause serious problems, particularly on
horticultural holdings where many different chemical treatments may be used each
day. Installing a dedicated effluent plant to deal with washings should be seriously
Applying surplus spray and tank washings to the crop is a first priority, even if it
means that the dose rate for the penultimate tank load is reduced so that the overall
label dose rate is not exceeded.
Disposal of Empty Chemical Containers
Before final disposal, empty chemical containers must be thoroughly cleaned either by
using an approved rinsing nozzle or by the manual triple rinse technique. Such rinsing
must be done when the containers are first emptied so that the washings can be
added to the spray tank in the field. If this is not possible, the rinsate must be
collected, clearly labeled and stored for future use as a spray diluent. Empty
containers must be securely stored before disposal by in accordance with local
Different countries have different approved ways of container disposal, which may
include burial, incineration or removal by registered contractor. Empty chemical
containers must be thoroughly cleaned and rendered unusable (punctured/crushed)
before burial. The burial site must not be near surface or ground water. Soil type and
natural drainage must be taken into consideration when selecting the site. Burial
depth should be greater than 1m. Moreover, pits must avoid land drains. Site location
and content must be recorded.
Not all containers can be burnt; reference to the product label will indicate if the
container held a flammable product or was an aerosol. Containers must be thoroughly
cleaned before burning. Additionally, burning containers may present a further hazard
if smoke drifts over roadways or becomes an inconvenience.
Pesticide Storage
Unused pesticide must be returned to store. Pesticides in or damaged containers
should be emptied into clean replacement containers, which are fully labeled. Store
stock control must ensure that old stock is used before recently purchased similar new
Good stock control and accurate planning will mean that waste concentrate and
diluted spray is kept to a minimum. However, where old or obsolete chemical products
have to be disposed of an approved contractor must be used. Chemicals for disposal
must be secure in their original containers, fully labeled in accordance with local
An accurate and comprehensive recording system must cover all the relevant
information and be simple to complete. The following information should be included:
a. Application date and time, Operator’s name
b. Field location, Adjacent crops
c. Treated crop and growth stage, Products used and dose rate.
d. Target pest and growth stage, Tank-mix information
e. Total chemical used, Adjuvants used
f. Water volume used, PPE used
g. “No-spray” barrier information, Meteorological conditions at and after
h. Notes to cover errors/problems, Operator exposure, duration
Equipment Repairs and Maintenance
Repairs to spray equipment should be noted, and changes in spray technique during
the season, nozzle and or operating pressure change, must be listed for future
reference. Equipment repairs must be promptly addressed and replacement parts
ordered. Spare nozzles, anti-drip valve diaphragms, pump diaphragms and valves for
both tractor and knapsack sprayers should be kept in stock.
Personal Protective Equipment
PPE is only as good as its maintenance and should be provided to individuals. To
make sure safety equipment gives maximum protection full operator training is
Wearing protective clothing on its own does not guarantee total protection if
equipment becomes defective through wear or damage so regular visual checking
must be carried out. Specialist equipment, such as respirator must be checked in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation. The periods between checks
will be more frequent when working conditions are more severe. Faults must be
recorded and corrected before further use.
N.B. Selecting approved PPE in the first instance will make sure that operators
receive the correct protection for the product to be used. Local emergency contacts In
the event of an accident, an accessible list of local emergency contacts should be
available to cover appropriate medical facilities with access to Poisons information. A
useful starting point would be the local chemical manufacturer and or supplier who
should be up to date with product information and accident procedures.. The first-
aider should be conversant with the chemical products in use and the emergency
procedures in the event of an accident. The first aider should have copies of all the
latest product labels for reference.
2. Guidelines on organization and operation of training schemes and certification
procedures for operators of pesticide application equipment, FAO Rome 2001
3. Guidelines on procedures for the registration, certification and testing of new
pesticide application equipment, FAO Rome 2001
4. Guidelines on the organization of schemes for testing and certification of spray
equipment in use, FAO Rome 2001
5. Guidelines on good practice for aerial application of pesticides, FAO Rome 2001
6. Guidelines on good practice for ground application of pesticides, FAO, Rome
7. Guidelines on minimum requirements for agricultural pesticide application
equipment, FAO Rome 2001
8. Guidelines on standards for agricultural pesticide sprayers and related test
procedures, FAO Rome 2001
9. International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides
(Amended version), FAO Rome 2001
10. Guidelines for Personal Protection when working pesticides in Tropical Countries
FAO, Rome 1990
11. Legislation on the Control of Pesticides, Guidelines FAO, Rome 1990
12. Guidelines on Good Labeling Practice for Pesticides, FAO Rome1995
13. Pesticide Storage and stock control manual, FAO Pesticide disposal series 3,
Rome 1996
14. The WHO recommended Classification of Pesticides by Hazard Agricultural
Pesticide Application Equipment: Good Practice for Ground Application and
guidelines to Classification 1996-1997
15. Pesticide Application Equipment for Agriculture, Volume 1 Manually carried
Equipment, Volume 2 Mechanically powered equipment, FAO Agricultural
Services Bulletin 112, FAO Rome
Spraying pesticides is one of those jobs where the margin for error is pretty narrow,
both in terms of accomplishing the mission and protecting neighboring fields. These
tips have been derived from most the publication of Gill and Bajwa (2012). Following
tips are recommended for effective and safe spraying.
1. Small Drops Take Time to Hit Target
A tiny droplet 100 microns in diameter (about the diameter of a human hair) takes 11
seconds to fall 10 feet. At 50 microns, it takes 40 seconds to fall that far, because of
the drag that air friction puts on them. That's a long time for a wind current to move
that droplet to an unintended target.
2. Droplet Size Depends on Pressure
As sprayer pressure increases, droplets get smaller. Decrease pressure and they
get larger. Change the pressure as you go through a field, and droplet size
changes, too. That changes how the spray material moves in air, and may increase
the likelihood of spray drift.
This explains why it's good practice to slow down when you spray near neighbors'
gardens or crops. As you slow down and the controller reduces nozzle pressure,
droplets grow larger and are less likely to drift.
3. Small Droplets Dry Quickly
That’s particularly true during warmer temperatures that commonly occur during post-
emergence applications. The water in a droplet under 150 microns in size can
evaporate in a few seconds in the right conditions. Wind can then easily move the
chemical residue, creating a drift issue.
In contrast, it takes two to three minutes for a bigger droplet to evaporate, meaning it
reaches the target before significant water loss occurs.
4. Nozzles Produce Variety of Droplet Sizes
Your sprayer nozzles may be identical, but droplet sizes are not. Each nozzle
produces a range of droplet sizes. If you spray a medium droplet of 225 to 325
microns, 5%-10% may be fine droplets of 150 microns or less, and 5%-10% may be
large droplets of 450 microns or more. Those small ones are the most likely to drift off
"You may think you're spraying at a droplet size that won't drift, but be aware of this
normal variation," experts says. And, don't be reluctant to change your nozzles as
they age and lose performance characteristics.
5. Weather Impacts Spray Drift

Drift is greater at warmer temperatures, and is greatly impacted by boom height. At a

warm temperature like mid-80 degrees, a 10 miles per hour (mph) wind can create
spray drift distance similar to a 15 mph wind at 50 degrees. And, a boom height of one
to two feet above the crop canopy will usually have little drift. But at three feet, drift
distance goes up significantly.
6. Remember Coverage and Efficacy

You can increase droplet size to reduce spray drift, but remember to consider spray
product coverage and efficacy. You want to get the spray on the target area, and
larger droplets can reduce your ability to do that. Here's why: If the droplet size is 400
microns and you are spraying 15 gallons of product per acre, it's putting out about 270
drops per square inch. This is often adequate for systemic pesticides (the kind that
travel or translocate within the plant). Reducing droplet size to 300 microns (at 15
gallons per acre) increases coverage to 640 drops per square inch. The extra drops
per square inch can improve performance of a contact pesticide (impact only what
they land on).
Hanna points out a research study in cotton where they tested coarse, medium, and
fine spray droplets. "Droplet size didn't make much difference in coverage at mid-
plant," he says. "But at lower levels of the plant, the fine droplets did not penetrate
and cover the target as well. That proves again, you can't drive those very small
droplets down into the canopy."
7. Read the Label
As for fungicides sprayed on soybeans, it's easier to get coverage on the mid-plant than
the plant bottoms. But in this case, droplet size doesn't seem to impact it; fine, medium,
and coarse droplets achieve about the same coverage. "Medium size might win in that
case," says Hanna. "A good starting point is probably 250 micron droplets for all classes
of sprays." In fact, he continues, some newer pesticides put that right on the product
label - 250 to 350 microns, along with a desired application rate such as 15 gallons per
"Read those labels, they give you tips for good spraying techniques," Hanna says.
"It may even help later if you have an efficacy issue. You can say you followed their
8. Venturi Nozzles Balance Efficacy and Drift
The newer Venturi-style nozzles offer an advantage to older styles: You can get larger
droplet size at a given pressure. There's a small hole on the Venturi nozzles that
draws air into the liquid flow. This can produce air bubbles in the spray stream, giving
larger droplets and less potential for drift in some circumstances. Newer styles of
Venturi nozzles operate at lower pressures, and although droplet size is slightly
smaller than older Venturi styles, they may help maintain a balance between efficacy
and drift, depending on application needs.
9. Manage Rate Controllers
This will help you maintain consistent coverage. In some cases, you may double
spraying speed from 6 mph to 12 mph. To apply the same spray volume, you have to
double the flow rate because you're covering twice as much ground. You have to
increase pressure by a factor of four to produce that volume.
If you were at 20 psi (pounds per square inch) at the slow speed, now you have to go
to 80 psi at the higher speed. Some equipment and nozzles aren't designed for that,"
says Hanna.
This pressure increase can change the droplet size spectrum. You could go from a
coarse spray to a medium, or even fine.
"Controllers are great, you just need to understand how they work and manage them
for the desired outcome," Hanna says.
10. You’re In-charge
"It's not just the nozzles, booms, controllers, or other pieces of hardware," says
Hanna. "It's you and your knowledge of your equipment and sprayer characteristics.
We have some excellent new equipment out there, but they are all just tools and can
be misused. Understand them, know what you are trying to do, and you can minimize
the potential for spray drift."
The pesticides are poisons and hazardous to human beings and animals and are
likely to cause damage to the environment. The safe storage, transportation and
disposal of pesticides and their containers are integral to safe use of pesticides.
Therefore, a great care should be taken during storarge, transportation and pesticide

A: In Storage
Pesticides are a source of protecting crop losses to the tune of approximately 44%,
but they may deteriorate and become useless and perhaps more hazardous if not
stored under proper condition. For proper storage the following precautionary
measures should be adopted:
1. The stores should be away from dense populations and source of water
2. The stores should be soundly constructed with good drainage, resistant to
fire, extremes of temperatures and chemical action.
3. The stores should be so designed as to contain spillage or leakage,
properly ventilated having adequate natural or artificial light and suitable
entrances/exits with fire resistant switches and doors.
4. Smoking and use of naked flame should be prohibited within stores.
5. The pesticides should always be securely stored to ensure that they are kept
away from children, unauthorized persons, animals, food stuffs and water
6. The pesticide stores should be suitably marked with warning signs.
7. The stores should be built to accommodate adequate first aid and washing
facilities, fire precautions to handle emergency, proper clothing sufficient
accommodation for storage of pesticides and the empty containers.

B: During Transportation
During transportation of pesticides, a great care is needed to avoid some serious problems
like hazards to human beings and wastage of pesticides. In order to overcome these
problems, the following precautionary measures should be taken during the transportation
of pesticides:
1. Packing and containers should be of strong and tough material to avoid
puncturing and leakage.
2. Pesticides should be properly packed to withstand temperature and
humidity effects.
3. The packing should be proper, tight, and leak proof.
4. Weedicides should not be transported with other pesticides and fertilizers.
5. Vehicles should be provided with fire extinguishing equipment.
6. Keep pesticides isolated from passengers, livestock and food stuff.
7. Load and Un-load pesticide packages with care. Never place them under
other heavy items which may crush them nor allow to drop from the height.
8. During loading and unloading, wear gloves and protective clothing.
9. Outer surface of the container should not be contaminated with pesticides.
10. Lids of the containers should be tightly closed during transport.
11. Do not smoke, eat or drink during handling of pesticides.

C: Handling During Pesticides Application

There are a number of basic principles which enable the users to obtain most effective
results while safe guarding themselves, other people, livestock and the environment.
1. Do not apply pesticides without adequate training.
2. Never allow children to apply or to be exposed to pesticides. keep them
out of areas being treated.
3. Do not allow other workers in the field when pesticides are being applied.
4. Read and follow the label instructions or ask for advice regarding dose,
technique, protective clothing, timings, repeat applications and re-entry
period and pre-harvesting intervals.
5. Take heed of weather conditions particularly wind which may cause
drift. This may make the pesticides ineffective by blowing it away from
the target and it may be hazardous if it drifts on to the operators, other
crops, water, animals etc. Some pesticides are easily washed by rain so
do not apply pesticides when it is likely to rain.
6. Do not eat, drink or smoke with pesticides contaminated hands. Always
wash hands thoroughly after handling or use of pesticides.
7. Do not siphon the pesticide from the container with mouth.
8. Do not blow out closed nozzles with mouth. Clean them with water or soft
9. Never leave pesticide and equipment unattended.
10. Wash all clothing and equipments after spray operations.
11. In case of poisoning take antidote or consult the physician immediately.

D: Disposal of Pesticides Wastes and Empty Containers

After pesticide application the areas of operation must be left clear of any waste
product or containers and equipment must be emptied and cleaned. Do not use empty
pesticides containers for food or drinking water for people or animal. Following
guidelines should be adopted.
1. Metal canes and drums — wash, puncture and bury.
2. Plastic containers — wash, puncture and burn or bury.
3. Card board packaging — Burn.

The burning must take place away from dwellings and crops. Do not stand in the
smoke of such fires and also keep children away.

1) A Booklet "Guidelines for safe and effective use of pesticides" GIFAP, Belgium,
2) Agricultural Pesticides Ordinance, 1971 (Amended up to 1997) and
Agriculture Pesticides Rules, 1973.
Stewardship is a lifecycle approach to product management. It is the ethical way to
manage crop protection products from their discovery passing through various phases
of product development, manufacturing, packaging, distribution, their responsible field
use and the final disposal of containers and disposal of obsolete stocks. The overall
aim of the stewardship approach is to maximize the benefits and minimize any risks
associated with the product.
CropLife Pakistan is committed to promoting effective stewardship in and beyond the
field, and believes that the appropriate management and use of the plant science
industry’s products helps underpin sustainable agriculture, while safeguarding the
environment and public health.
Crop protection products and their associated services are facing pressing needs. The
plant protection products if not used according to the manufacturer’s guidelines, may
cause adverse effects on human health and the environment. The CropLife is
therefore actively involved in and committed to programmes’ that promote the
effective management and responsible use of crop protection products. There are
many avenues of product stewardship. We are attempting to briefly touch a few major
ones. These include application techniques, residues and protection of non-target
Pesticide Application Stewardship
Although some products are termed as broad spectrum, yet they are used to control
specific pests and crops. Pesticide applicators and farmers must carefully manage
applications to achieve placement of chemicals at the appropriate target place
avoiding drifts and exposure to non target organisms, applicator and the environment.
To effectively implement product stewardship, all stakeholders need to collaborate
in imparting training of all involved in the product use. Of all, the major
stakeholder is the grower. The training should include hazard classification of the
product (s), use recommendations, knowledge on the use of application
equipments, protective clothing and their use, personal hygiene, management of
spillage, store instruction and actions to be taken in case of exposure or misuse.
Pesticides Residues, MRL, PHI
Human safety is clearly also linked to food safety. This element has emerged as one
of the most critical parameters since last two decades. Consumers are becoming
increasingly concerned about issues such as contamination of food and presence of
chemical residues on farm produce. Food safety also means lack of contamination by
fungi and mycotoxins etc., which are controlled by pesticides leading to fewer
opportunities for these organisms to enter the plants. Whilst, crop protection products
play an important role in protecting the harvest from pests & diseases, when used
indiscriminately, this may lead to excessive residues (beyond permissible limits).
Hence, it is paramount that farmers have proper knowledge and understanding of
responsible use principles, particularly, the pre-harvest intervals to ensure that the
residues remain within the permissible limits.
However, the presence of chemical residues of pesticides that are unauthorized,
banned, counterfeit or illegal products is much more serious and potentially
dangerous. Presence of residues from unauthorized use application is prone to out-
right rejection of export agricultural commodities. While presence of residues above
MRL (Maximum Residue Limits), is also one of the most common reasons for
rejection by importing countries. This is equally important for produce that is sold for
domestic consumption; several countries have mandated limits for residues as one of
the critical parameters under food quality.
The issue of excessive chemical residues in farm produce is completely preventable,
particularly when farmers adopt Good Agricultural Practices with necessary support
and appropriate incentives from the entities in the food value chain. Market-based
incentives like certifications can play a definitive role in enabling and inspiring farmers
to adopt good farming practices.
National agricultural export and trade promotion organizations and certification bodies
can and must play a big role in promoting stewardship principles among farmers,
whilst the private players can join hands to achieve synergy in cascading the
knowledge further. Capacity building and trainings for the agricultural extension
workers in both public and private sectors is critical, which will accelerate creating
awareness about stewardship and positive impacts on everyday lives of the farmers
and everyone in the food chain.
Saving Non-Target Organisms
Product stewardship requires pesticide applications to be made avoiding exposure to
non target organisms. Do not treat fields in bloom. Be especially careful when treating
crops, such as alfalfa, sunflowers, canola and orchards, which are highly attractive to
bees. Insecticide labels must carry warning statements about application during
bloom. Always read and follow the label. Examine fields and field margins before
spraying to determine if bees are foraging on flowering weeds.
It is also important to be aware that many plants only offer pollen and nectar for a few
hours each day. Fields should be scouted for bees at the same time of day as the
anticipated insecticide application. Choose short residual products and low hazard
formulations. If application of insecticides is must during the flowering period to save a
crop, select the least hazardous option.
Apply insecticides when bees are not foraging. Some insecticides can be applied in
late evening or early morning (i.e. from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m.) with relative safety. In the
case of corn, bees collect pollen from tassels in the early morning and are not present
in the afternoon or evening. Short residual materials applied from late afternoon until
mid-night do not pose a bee hazard in corn fields. Adjust spray programs in relation to
weather conditions. Reconsider the timing of insecticide application if unusually low
temperatures are expected that night. Cool temperatures can delay the degradation
process and cause residues to remain toxic to bees the following day. Stop
applications when temperatures rise and bees re-enter the field in early morning.
Contact local beekeepers and obtain locations of bee yards.
In areas where bee keeping is practiced and if colonies are present in an area that will
be sprayed with a bee-toxic insecticide, contact beekeepers in time for them to
protect or move the colonies. Many pesticide applications pose minimal risk to bees,
and beekeepers may choose to accept some risk rather than move colonies. Notify
beekeepers as far in advance as possible. Read the pesticide label. Carefully follow
listed precautions with regard to bee safety. Maintain bee forage areas. Intensive
agriculture often increases bee dependence on cultivated crops for forage.
Most importantly, a science-based, transparent policy and regulatory environment
must be in place to ensure strong promotion and implementation of product
stewardship among all the players in the crop protection industry. This is critical to
Pakistan’s need to ensure food safety and security to the local population and protect
its integrity in exported produce of fruits and vegetables.

Signs and Symptoms of Toxicity

Inhalation: Usually appear within 1/2 hour of exposure,
maximum after 6 hours. Nausea and
vomiting, running nose, feeling of chest
tightness, excessive salivation, difficulty in
respiration, frothing from mouth, headache,
giddiness, vertigo.
Oral intake: Nausea and vomiting, abdominal cramps,
diarrhoea, muscle twitching, confusion and
disorientation, salivation and frothing,
profused sweating, diminished vision, pin-
point pupils, respiratory difficulty,
convulsions, coma, death.

Organochlorines: No specific antidote. For convulsions :
(endosulphan, lindane etc.) Diazepam 10 mg intravenous (I/V). Could
be repeated upto 30-40 mg. After that it
should be mixed with drip.
Phenobarbitone 100-300 mg in drip.
Organophosphates Atropine: 2-4 mg intravenous as a test dose. If no
(monocrotophos, chlorpyriphos, effect double dose may be given every 10
methyl parathion minutes till atropinization. Maintain upto 24-
acephate,triazophos malathion, 48 hours. 2-PAM: 1- 2 g I/V as 5% solution
quinlphos, dimethoate etc.) in dextrose to be given in 5-7 minutes or
150 ml of saline drip every 30 minute. If
required it may be repeated every hour if
the muscle weakness and fasiculation
persists. To be continued every 6 - 8 hours
for 1 - 2 days or 5% solution as infusion @
1/2 g/hr. 2 - PAMCL : dose same as above.
Atropine + 2PAM : should be given
together as 2 PAM acts as synergist to
Carbamates: Atropine 2-4 mg I/V as a test dose. If no
(Carbaryl carbofuran etc.) effect double dose may be given every 10
minute till atropinization. Maintain upto 24-
48 hours.
Warning: Do not use oxime or
Pyrethroids: Only symptomatic treatment, antihistamine
(cypermethrin, fenvalerate, are of value, if large amounts are ingested
deltamethrin etc) to cause nervous infestation,
pentabarbitone (0.7g/day) should be used.
For diarrohoea treat by atropine.
Cartap: Dimercaprol (BAL) 3-4 mg/kg body
(hydrochloride (Padan, Caldan weight. (Comes as 3 ml, 10% solution
etc) alongwith benzyl benzoate in arachis oil).
Given deep intra muscular every 4 hours
for 2 days and then twice for another 10
Aluminium Phosphide: No specific antidote, induce vomiting with
(celphos. phostoxin etc) 5% sodium bicarbonate. Give activated
charcoal slurry with sorbitol 50-100 g orally,
diazepam 5-10 mg I/V slowly over 2-3
minutes. Phenobarbitone 600-1200
mg.diluted in 60 ml noral saline. Maximum
dose 1-2 g.Dimercaprol (BAL). Dopamine
4-6 ug/kg/ min I/V. Magnesium sulphate 3g
I/V bolus followed by 6 g in 12 hours for 5-7
days. Administering 5% glucose I/V can
minimize liver and kidney damage.
Warning : Do not give water or water
based drinks
Naturalyte: No specific antidote. Treat symptomatically.
Oxadiazine: No specific antidote. Treat symptomatically.
Phenyl Parazole: No specific antidote. Treat symptomatically.

Carbendazim: Atropine 2-4 mg I/V as a test dose. If no
(Bavistin, Agrozim, Parazim, effect double dose may be given every 10
Derosal etc.) minute till atropinization. Maintain upto 24-
48 hours.
Streptocycline: Injection of adrenalin, antihistamine and
cartisone in case of acute anaphylactic
shock, high or low blood pressure, profuse
respiration and urticaria.
Copper Oxychloride: Dimercaprol (BAL) 3-4 mg/kg body
(Blitox etc.) weight. Comes as 3 ml, given deep
Copper Sulphate: intramuscular every 4 hours for 2 days and
then twice for another 10 days.
Edifenphos: Atropine: 2-4 mg I/V as a test dose. If no
(Hinosan) effect double dose may be given every 10
minutes till atropinization.
Iprobenphos: Maintain upto 24-48 hours. 2-PAM : 1-2g
(Kitazin) I/V as 5% solution in dextrose to be given
in 5-7 minutes or 150 ml of saline drip
every 30 minutes. If required it may be
repeated every hour if the muscle
weakness and fasiculation persists. To be
continued every 6-8 hours for 1-2 days or
5% solution as infusion @ 1/2 g/hr.
Methoxy Ethyl Activated charcoal, egg white or 5%
mercuric chloride: sodium bicarbonate solution (gastric
(MEMC), Agallol Ceresan etc. lavage). High colonic irritation : 5% sodium
formaldehyde sulfoxylate (fresh, 100 -
200 ml) intravenous. For faster treatment
sodium citrate, oral
1 - 4 g every 4 hours. For spasms 100 ml
(10%) calcium gluconate intravenous.
Mancozeb: Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) intravenous @
(Thiram, Zineb) 0.2 g/min.
Ridomil MZ (8% No specific antidote for metalaxyl. Antidote
metalaxyl+64% mancozeb) for mancozeb as given above may be
recommended as this combination contains
64% mancozeb.
Triadimifon: No specific antidote, gastric lavage with 5%
sodium (Bayleton) bicarbonate.
Dinocap: No specific antidote. Gastric lavage with
Karathane) 5% sodium bicarbonate and
medicinal charcoal suspension. Then give
15-30 g sodium sulphate in half litre of
Carboxin: Treat symptomatically.
Captan: (Captaf) If ingested, induce vomiting by
administering a spoonful of salt in hot
Chlorothalonil: Treat symptomatically.
Propiconazole: (Tilt) Treat symptomatically.
Wettable Sulphur: If chemical has gotten into the victim's
(Sultaf) eyes, flush eyes with plenty of water for
atleast 5 minutes.

Anilophos Atropine: 2-4 mg I/V as a test dose. If no effect
(Arozin, Libra, Anilguard, double dose may be given every 10
Anilfos Padigard etc.) minute till atropinization. Maintain upto 24-
48 hours. 2-PAM : 1-2 g intravenous as 5%
solution in dextrose to be given in 5-7
minutes or 150 ml of saline drip every 30
minutes. If required it may be repeated
every hour if the muscle weakness and
fasiculation persists. To be continued every
6-8 hours for 1-2 days or 5% solution as
infusion @ 1/2g/hr. 2-PAMCL: dose same
as above. Gastric lavage with 5% sodium
2,4-D: Ingestion: Gastric lavage with activated
charcoal slurry. For muscle and cardiac
irritability give Lidocaine 50-100 mg
intravenous, followed by 1-4 mg/min as
needed. Alkalize urine by sodium
bicarbonate 10-15 g daily intravenously.
Glyphosate: Ingestion : immediately dilute by
swallowing milk (Roundup) or water.
Isoproturon: Flush eyes with soap. Wash skin with soap
(Arelon, Delron Milron etc.) and water.
Paraquat: Induce vomiting unless unconscious. Give
(Grammoxone) gastric lavage with one litre of 30% aqueous
suspension with Fuller's earth together with
sodium sulphate. Repeat administration until
Fuller's earth is seen in stool.

Zinc phosphide: As under aluminium phosphide.
(Ratol, Zinc-Tox etc.)
Coumatetralyl: Vitamin 'K' under medical supervision.
Bromadiolone: Vitamin 'K' under medical supervision.
Some common trade names of antidotes
Diazepam: Calmpose, Lori, Paciquil, Tenil, Valium.
Phenobarbitone: Gardenal.
Dimercaprol: Inj. BAL (Knoll Pharma)
PAM: Neopam, Pam, Pamplus, Pam-A-Korea.
Atropinisation includes:
1) Drying up of secretions i.e. dry mouth, no
frothing, loss of sweating.
2) Tachycardia : Pulse should be maintained
at about 110/minute.
3) Dilated pupils
4) Hyperthermia
Sources of Information:
(a) Farm Chemicals Handbook, 1994
(b) Health hazards of Pesticides and its
management (1996) Voluntary Health
Association of India
(c) Essentials of Forensic Medicine and
Toxicology (1999) by Narayan Reddy
(d) National Poison Information Centre, AIIMS,
New Delhi
Caution: Antidotes are to be used in case of
poisoning only, for which a physician must
be consulted immediately.
Disclaimer: The information given is only advisory.
Actual selection of antidote, dose and
manner of administration is to be decided
by the qualified physician. Agriculture
Department (Extension Wing), Punjab,
Lahore accepts no legal responsibility.
1. Package of Practices for Crops of Punjab, Rabi 2011-2012, Vol. XXVIII,
Sep. 2011, No. 2. Appendix-VII, Page 140-143. Dr. M.S. Gill, Director of
Agriculture (Extension), H.S. Bajwa, Senior Extension Specialsit, Punjab
Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India.
2. CropLife Pakistan, 2003, Quick reference for pesticide treatment pp: 1-20
A) Cut Injury:
(i) The first aid treatment of cut injury depends upon the date and extent
of injury. But in first aid one should clean the wound with antiseptic
(ii) If it is bleeding profusely tight bandage without ointment is to be
(iii) The injured part should be kept raised or elevated.
(iv) If there is any associated fracture, a proper split or support should be
given. But the patient, should be brought to the hospital at the earliest
B) Snake Bite Preventions:
In snake infested regions long trousers, high shoes or leggings and gloves
should be worn. Most important is to look where one steps while walking.
First Aid
Re-assurance and complete rest to the victim to retard the absorption of
venom. A wide tourniquet (or any piece of cloth) should be placed a few
centimeters above the site of bite. It should be tight to an extent that a finger
should pass below it with difficulty. Suction of venom should be done by
giving a 1 cm linear and 1/2 cm deep incision at the mark of the fangs after
applying an antiseptic lotion. Suction should preferably be done with rubber
bulb, breast pump or with mouth after ensuring that there is no oral lesion. It
should be continued for about an hour. If done promptly 50% of the venom
can be removed.
C) Electric Injuries-Preventions:
Education of electric hazards to everybody.
Proper installation of electric appliances, grounding of telephone lines, radio
and television arials, use of rubber gloves and dry shoes when working with
electric circuits.
First Aid
Prompt switching off the current, if possible. Immediate removal of the
victim from the contact with the current without directly touching him.
Rescurer should use a rubber sheet, a leather belt, a wooden pole or any
other non conductive material to detach him.

Honey Bee and Wasp Bites:

1. Cooling of the part with ice pads.
2. Removal of stings.
3. Cleaning with soap and water.
4. Local and systemic anti allergics to be given.
5. Perfumes and bright colours attract these insects and should be
6. Sensitive person can have severe anaphyllatic shock with even a
single bite.
7. Every such patient must get the medical aid from a doctor.
1. Package of Practices for Crops of Punjab, Rabi 2011-2012, Vol. XXVIII,
Sep. 2011, No. 2. Appendix-VIII, Page 140-144. Dr. M.S. Gill, Director of
Agriculture (Extension), H.S. Bajwa, Senior Extension Specialsit, Punjab
Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India.

ALFALFA I- FUNGICIDE (Bitter Gourd)...
I- INSECTICIDES Target Disease/Fungicide
Target Insect(s)/Insecticide(s) Powdery Mildew
Armyworm Myclobutanil (84)
Methoxyfenozide (64, 65) BRINJAL
I- INSECTICIDES Target Insect(s)/Insecticide(s)
Target Insect(s)/Insecticide(s) Aphid
Armyworm Benfuracarb (12)
Methoxyfenozide (64, 65) Buprofezin + Fenpropathrin (30)
Codling Moth Dichlorvos (2, 3)
Carbosulfan (14,15) Primicarb (17)
Chlorpyrifos + Gamma- Cyhalothrin (10) Sulfoxaflor (71)
Cypermethrin (21,22,23) Bugs
Emamectin Banzoate+Lambda-Cyhalothrin
Spinetoram (69,70)
Tebufenozide (71,72) Lambda-Cyhalothrin + Clofentazine (27)
Mites Fruit Borer
Acrinathrin + Abamectin (51) Betacyfluthrin (20)
Wooly Aphid Cypermethrin (21)
BPMC (12) Dichlorvos (2, 3)
Cypermethrin (21) Emamectin benzoate (56, 60)
Emamectin Banzoate + Lambda-Cyhalothrin
Target Disease(s)/Fungicide(s) Flubendiamide (61)
Mildews Lambda-Cyhalothrin + Clofentezine (27)
Pyrazophos (85) Lufenuron (64)
Powdery Mildew Spinethyline (68)
Difenoconazole (77,78) Spinosad (67,68)
Hexaconazole (81) Thiamethoxam 200 gai + chlorantraniliprole
Penoconazole (84,85) 100 gai/l (50)
Pyrazophos (85) Jassid
Sulphur (86) Acetamiprid (35)
BARLEY Bifenthrin + abamectin (33)
I- FUNGICIDE Buprofezin + Fenpropathrin (30)
Target Disease/Fungicide Dichlorvos (2, 3)
Seed/Soil Borne Diseases Imidacloprid (38, 45)
Carboxin (75) Mites
BEET Bifenthrin + abamectin (31, 32)
I- INSECTICIDES Buprofezin + Fenpropathrin (30)
Clofentezine + Emamectin Benzoate + Lufenuron
Target Insect(s)/Insecticide(s)
Armyworm Fenbutatin Oxide (127)
Tebufenozide (71,72) Spiromesifen (70)
Tebufenozide + Emamectin Benzoate (72) Shoot Borer
BERSEEM Thiomethoxam 200 gai + chlorantraniliprole
I- INSECTICIDES 100 gai/l (46)
Target Insect(s)/Insecticide(s) Stem Borer
American Bollworm Emamectin benzoate (56, 60)
Chlorantraniliprole (54) Thrips
Emamectin benzoate (56,57,58,59,60) Benfuracarb (12)
Indoxacarb (72,73) Dichlorvos (2, 3)
Lufenuron (64) Sulfoxaflor (71)
Armyworm Whitefly
Flubendiamide (62) Acetamiprid (35)
Lufenuron (63,64) Buprofezin+ Fenpropathrin (30)
BITTER GOURD Imidacloprid (38)
I- INSECTICIDES Pyriproxyfen (66)
Target Insect(s)/Insecticide(s) Spiromesifen (70)
Aphid Spirotetramat (71)
Benfuracarb (12) Sulfoxaflor (71)
II- ACARICIDES (Brinjal)... Spodoptera spp. (Cabbage)...
Target Mite(s)/Acaricide(s) Tebufenozide + Emamectin Benzoate (72)
Mites Thiamethoxam + Chlorantraniliprole (50)
Amitraz (125) Spotted Bollworm
Clofentezine + Emamectin Benzoate + Lufenuron
Azocyclotin (125)
Fenproximate (126) Dichlorvos (2, 3)
Hexythiazox (126) Flubendiamide (61)
Tebufenozide (71)
Target Insect(s)/Insecticide(s) CARAMBOLA
American Bollworm I- INSECTICIDES
Clofentezine+Emamectin Benzoate+Lufenuron
Target Insect(s)/Insecticide(s)
Flubendiamide (61) Asian Fruit Fly
Armyworm Spinosad + Methyl Eugenol (68)
Bacillus thuringiensis (52) Bactocera spp.
Clofentezine+Emamectin Benzoate+Lufenuron
Spinosad + Methyl Eugenol (68)
Fenoxycarb (61) Fruit Fly
Flubendiamide (61) Spinosad + Methyl Eugenol (68)
Methoxyfenozide (64, 65) CANOLA
Spinetoram (69) I- INSECTICIDES
Tebufenozide (71) Target Insect(s)/Insecticide(s)
Tebufenozide+Emamectin Benzoate (72) Aphid
Aphid Bifenthrin (19)
Abamectin + Nitenpyram (46) Carbosulfan (14)
Acetamiprid + Lambda-Cyhalothrin (27,28) Primicarb (17)
Benfuracarb (12) CARROT
Buprofezin + Fenpropathrin (30) I- INSECTICIDES
Diafenthiuron (56) Target Insect(s)/Insecticide(s)
Primicarb (17) Aphid
Thiamethoxam (48, 49) Benfuracarb (12)
Cabbage Butterfly II- WEEDICIDE
Bacillus thuringiensis (52) Target Weed/Weedicide
Cypermethrin (21, 22,23) Pre-Emergence
Fenoxycarb (61) Pendimethalin (118)
Lufenuron (64) CAULIFLOWER
Tebufenozide (71,72) I- INSECTICIDES
Target Insect(s)/Insecticide(s)
Diamond Back Moth Aphid
Bacillus thuringiensis (52) Benfuracarb (12)
Chlorpyrifos + Gamma-Cyhalothrin (10) Buprofezin + Fenpropathrin (30)
Emamectin Benzoate (56,60) Diafenthiuron (55)
Emamectin Benzoate + Hexaflumuron (60) Phosphamidon (6)
Emamectin Banzoate + Lambda-Cyhalothrin
Fenoxycarb (61) Bacillus thuringiensis (52)
Fipronil (61) Clofentezine+Emamectin Benzoate+Lufenuron (33)
Hexaflumuron (63) Chlorantraniliprole (52, 53)
Hexaflumuron + Emamectin Benzoate (63) Fenoxycarb (61)
Lufenuron (64) Methoxyfenozide (64, 65)
Novaluron (65) Spinetoram (69)
Phoxim (66) Tebufenozide (71,72)
Phoxim + Cypermethrin (33) Cabbage Butterfly
Spinetoram (69) Cypermethrin (23)
Fruit Borer Fenoxycarb (61)
Chlorpyrifos + Gamma-Cyhalothrin (10) Flufenoxuron (62,63,64)
Dichlorvos (2, 3) Tebufenozide (71,72)
Fruit Worm
Chlorpyrifos + Gamma-Cyhalothrin (10) Diamond Back Moth
Looper Bacillus thuringiensis (52)
Methoxyfenozide (64,65) Chlorantraniliprole (49)
Spinetoram (69) Emamectin benzoate (52, 53)
Whitefly Fenoxycarb (61)
Spiromesifen (70) Flubendiamide (61)
Diamond Back Moth (Cauliflower)... Root Rot (Chillies)...
Hexaflumuron (63) Metalaxyl + Mancozeb (83,84)
Hexaflumuron+ Emamectin Benzoate (63) III- ACARICIDES
Indoxacarb (72, 73) Target Mite/Acaricide(s)
Methomyl (16) Bud Mites / Mites
Lufenuron (64) Azocylotin (125)
Spinethyline (68,69) Fenpyroximate (126)
Spinosad (68) Sulfur (127)
Spinetoram (69) CITRUS
Tebufenozide (71,72) I- INSECTICIDES
Thiomethoxam 200 gai+chlorantraniliprole Target Insect(s)/Insecticide(s)
100 gai/l (50) Citrus Psylla
Triazophos+Lambda-Cyhalothrin+Validamycin (34) Bifenthrin (19, 20)
Heliothis Cypermethrin + profenofos (28,29)
Spinetoram (69) Imidacloprid (38 to 45)
Looper Spinosad (68)
Methoxyfenozide (64) Thiamethoxam (48, 49)
Spodoptera spp. Leaf Miner
Thiomethoxam + chlorantraniliprole (50) Acetamiprid (35, 36)
Whitefly Betacyfluthrin (20, 21)
Spiromesifen (70) Bifenthrin (19, 20)
II- WEEDICIDES Bifenthrin + abamectin (31,32)
Time of Application / Weedicide(s) Chlorantraniliprole (49)
Pre-Emergence Flufenoxuron (62,63,64)
Pendimethalin (118) Imidacloprid (38 to 45)
S-metolachlor (121, 122) Lufenuron (64)
CHILLIES Spinosad (68)
I- INSECTICIDES Thiamethoxam (42, 49)
Target Insect(s)/Insecticide(s) Red Spider Mites
American Bollworm Abamectin + Propargite (51)
Clofentezine+Emamectin Benzoate+Lufenuron
Flubendiamide (61) Lufenuron (64)
Bud Mites / Mites II- FUNGICIDES
Azocylotin (125) Target Disease(s)/Fungicide(s)
Bifenthrin + abamectin (31, 32) Bark Splitting
Clofentezine+Emamectin Benzoate+Lufenuron
Captan (73)
Spiromesifen (70) Mancozeb (81,82)
Spiromesifen 228.6 + Abamectin (70) Streptomycin (86)
Diamond Back Moth Citrus Canker
Chlorpyrifos + Gamma- Cyhalothrin (10,11) Copper hydroxide (76)
Fenoxycarb (61) Streptomycin (86)
Hexaflumuron (63) Gummosis
Fruit Borers Fosetyl aluminium (79)
Chlorpyrifos + Gamma-Cyhalothrin (10,11) Mefenoxam + chlorothalonil (82, 83)
Dichlorvos (2, 3) Mefenoxam + mancozeb (83)
Fruit Worms
Chlorpyrifos + Gamma-Cyhalothrin (10,11)
Thrips Difenoconazole (79)
Spiromesifen 228.6 + Abamectin 11.4% (65) III- WEEDICIDES
Whitefly Time of Application / Weedicide(s)
Spiromesifen (70) Post-emergence
II- FUNGICIDES Glyphosate (109,110)
Target Disease(s)/Fungicide(s) Glyphosate Isoropyl ammonium (10, 11)
Anthacnose Paraquat (117, 118)
Difenoconazole (79) COTTON
Tebuconazole + Trifloxystrobin (86, 87) I- INSECTICIDES
Collar Rot Target Insect(s)/Insecticide(s)
Metalaxyl + mancozeb (83,84) American Bollworm
Fosetyl aluminium + mancozeb (80) Abamectin (50, 51)
Downy Mildew Acephate + Imidacloprid (9)
Mefenoxam + mancozeb (83) Abamectin + imidacloprid (34)
Powdery Mildew Bacillus thuringiensis (52)
Tebuconazole + trifloxystrobin (86, 87) Betacyfluthrin + chlorpyrifos (33)
American Bollworm (Cotton)... Armyworm (Cotton)...
Betacyfluthrin + triazophos (31) Cypermethrin + profenofos (28, 29)
Bifenthrin + abamectin (31) Emamectin benzoate (56 to60)
Bifenthrin + pyridaben (32) Esfenvalirate (24)
Carbaryl (13) Flubendiamide (62)
Clofentezine + Emamectin Benzoate + Lufenuron
Hexaflumuron (63)
Chlorantraniliprole (52) Gamma-cyhalothrin (26)
Chlorfenpyr (54) Indoxacarb (72, 73)
Chlorpyrifos (1, 2) Lufenuron (63, 64)
Chlorpyrifos + Gamma-Cyhalothrin (10,11) Methomyl (16,17)
Cypermethrin + chlorpyrifos (28) Methoxyfenozide (64,65)
Cypermethrin + profenofos (28, 29) Novaluron (65,60)
Deltamethrin+ buprofezin (34) Profenofos (7)
Deltamethrin + triazophos (11, 12) Profenofos + Lambda Cyhalothrin (33)
Emamectin benzoate (56 to 560) Prosuler + oxymatrin (66)
Emamectin Banzoate+Lambda-Cyhalothrin
Spinethyline (68,69)
Ethion + Zeta Cypermethrin (30) Spinosad (67, 68)
Helicoverpa Armigera NPV (63) Spinetoram (69)
Hexaflumuron (63)
Thiodicarb (17)
Hexaflumuron+ Emamectin Benzoate (63)
Imidacloprid + cyfluthrin (31) Dusky Cotton Bug
Indoxacarb (72, 73) Fipronil + Imidacloprid (37)
Lambda-Cyhalothrin + Clofentezine (27) Jassid
Lufenuron (63, 64) Abamectin + Imidacloprid (34,35)
Methomyl (16,17) Acephate (1)
Methoxyfenozide (64,65) Acephate + Imidacloprid (9)
Acetamiprid (35 to 37)
Methylamine avermectin (65)
Betacyfluthrin + Triazophos (31)
Profenofos (7) Bifenthrin (19, 20)
Phoxim (66) Bifenthrin + Abamectin (31)
Profenofos + lambda cyhalothrin (33) Bromophos (1)
Pyraclofos (66) Buprofezin (52)
Spinethyline (68,69) Buprofezin + Fenpropathrin (30)
Spinosad (67, 68) Carbaryl (12)
Spinetoram (69) Carbosulfan (13)
Thiodicarb (17) Cartap Hydrochloride (15, 16)
Triazophos (8) Chlorfenapyr (54)
Triazophos+Lambda-Cyhalothrin+Validamycin (34) Chlorpyrifos (1)
Aphid Chlorpyrifos + dimethoate (10)
Acephate + Imidacloprid (9) Cycloprothrin (55)
Betacyfluthrin + chlorpyrifos (33) Cyfluthrin (21)
Buprofezin+ Fenpropathrin (30) Cyhalothrin/Lamda cyhalothrin (21)
Carbosulfan (14,15) Cypermethrin (21)
Flonicamid (61) Cypermethrin + amitraz (28)
Furathiocarb (16) Cypermethrin + chlorpyrifos (28)
Malathion (5) Cypermethrin + dimethoate (28)
Phorate + Carbofuran (10) Cypermethrin + mephosfolan (28)
Primicarb (17) Cypermethrin + profenofos (28, 29)
Sulfoxaflor (71) Deltamethrin + dimethoate (11)
Armyworm Deltamethrin + buprofezin (34)
Acephate (1) Deltamethrin + triazophos (11,12)
Abamectin (50) Diafenthiuron (55)
Abamectin + imidacloprid (34,35) Dimethoate (3, 4)
Betacyfluthrin + triazophos (31) Dimethoate + prothoate (11)
Bifenthrin + abamectin (31) Dinotefuran (55)
Bifenthrin + pyridaben (32) Esfenvalirate (24, 25)
Carbaryl (12) Ethofenprox (60)
Chlorantraniliprole (52) Fenitrothion (4)
Chlorfenapyr (54) Fenpropathrin + fenitrothion (30)
Chlorfluazuron (55) Fenvalerate + dimethoate (30)
Chlorpyrifos (1, 2) Fiprolnil + imidacloprid (37)
Clofentezine+Emamectin Benzoate+Lufenuron Flucythrinate + dimethaote (30)
Jassid (Cotton)... Mites (Cotton)...
Flucythrinate + mephosfolan (31) Diafenthiuron (55)
Flonicamid (61) Nitenpyram + Bifenthrin + Clofentezine (32)
Fluvalinate (25) Nitenpyram + Clofentezine (33)
Fluvalinate + thiomenton (31) Pyriproxyfen+Acetamiprid+Clofentezine (33)
Imidacloprid (38 to 45) Spiromesifen (70)
Imidacloprid + acephate (10) Spiromesifen 228.6 + Abamectin 11.4
Imidacloprid + cyfluthrin (31) Triazophos (8, 9)
Imidacloprid + monomehypo 70 + 02% (45) Pink Bollworm
Imidacloprid + fipronil (45) Abamectin + imidacloprid (34,35)
Imidacloprid 20% + acetamipird 0.2% (45) Acephate + Imidacloprid (9)
Isothioate (4) Bacillus thuringiensis (52)
Methidathion (5) Betacyfluthrin (20, 21)
Methomyl (16) Betacyfluthrin + triazophos (31)
Nitenpyram (47) Bifenthrin + abamectin (30, 31)
Nitenpyram + Bifenthrin + Clofentezine (32) Bifenthrin + pyridaben (32)
Nitenpyram + Chlorfenapyr (47) Carbaryl (13)
Nitenpyram + Clofentezine (33) Chlorpyrifos (1,2)
Oxydemeton methyl (6) Chlorpyrifos + Gamma- Cyhalothrin (10,28)
Phenthoate (6) Cypermethrin (21, 22,23)
Phorate (6) Cypermethrin + chlorpyrifos (28)
Phorate + Carbofuran (9, 10) Cypermethrin + profenofos (28, 29)
Phosphamidon (6) Decamethrin / deltamethrin (23,24)
Profenofos (7) Deltamethrin + buprofezin (34)
Profenofos + Lambda Cyhalothrin (33) Deltamethrin + triazophos (11, 12)
Emamectin benzoate+Lambda cyhalothrin
Pymetrozine (66)
Pyraclofos (68) Esfenvalirate (24, 25)
Spinethyline (68) Fenpropathrin (25)
Spirotetramate 12% + Imidacloprid 36% (46) Fenvalerate (25)
Thiachloprid (48) Gossyplure (63)
Thiamethoxam (48, 49) Gamma-cyhalothrin (26)
Thiodicarb (17) Hexaflumuron (63)
Vamidothion (9) Lambda Cyhalothrin (26)
Mealy Bug Lambda-Cyhalothrin + Clofentezine (27)
Acetamiprid (35,36,37) Lufenuron (63,64)
Bifenthrin (19, 20) Methomyl (16)
Carbaryl (13) PBW Pheromone (66)
Carbosulfan (13,14) Phoxim (66)
Chlorpyrifos (1, 2) Phoxim + Cypermethrin (33)
Cypermethrin + chlorpyrifos (28) Profenofos (7)
Cypermethrin + profenofos (28, 29) Profenofos + lamda cyhalothrin (33)
Imidacloprid (38 to 44) Pyraclofos (66)
Imidacloprid + Lamda cyhalothrin (31) Spinetoram (69,70)
Malathion (5) Thiodicarb (17)
Methidathion (5) Triazophos (8)
Methomyl (16) Triazophos+Lambda-Cyhalothrin+Validamycin
Profenofos (7) Red Cotton Bug
Profenofos + Lambda Cyhalothrin (33) Carbaryl (13)
Spirotetramate 12% + imidacloprid 36% (46) Sulfoxaflor (71)
Sulfoxaflor (66) Spotted Bollworm
Thiamethoxam (48,49) Abamectin (50, 51)
Thiodicarb (17) Abamectin + imidacloprid (34,35)
Trichlorfon (9) Acephate + Imidacloprid (9)
Triazophos+Lambda-Cyhalothrin+Validamycin Alphamethrin / Alpha-cypermethrin (18, 19)
Ventage 40% liquid (73) Bacillus thuringiensis (52)
Mites Betacyfluthrin (20, 21)
Acrinathrin + Abamectin (51) Betacyfluthrin + chlorpyrifos (33)
Amitraz (52) Betacyfluthrin + triazophos (31)
Bifenthrin + abamectin (31,32) Betacypermethrin (21)
Buprofezin + Fenpropathrin (30) Bifenthrin (19, 20)
Chlorfenapyr (54,55) Bifenthrin + abamectin (31)
Clofentezine+Emamectin Benzoate+Lufenuron (33) Bifenthrin + pyridaben (32)
Cypermethrin + profenofos (28) Carbaryl (13)
Deltamethrin + triazophos (11, 12) Clofentezine+Emamectin Benzoate+Lufenuron (33)
Spotted Bollworm (Cotton)... Thrips (Cotton)...
Chlorantraniliprole (54) Cypermethrin + Profenofos (28, 29)
Chlorpyrifos (1,2) Deltamethrin + Buprofezin (34)
Chlorpyrifos + Gamma-Cyhalothrin (10) Deltamethrin + Triazophos (11)
Cypermethrin (21, 22,23) Diafenthiuron (55,56)
Cypermethrin + chlorpyrifos (27,28) Dimethoate (3, 4)
Cypermethrin + profenofos (28, 29) Fenitrothion (4)
Decamethrin / deltamethrin (23,24) Fenpropathrin + Fenitrothion (30)
Deltamethrin + buprofezin (34) Fenvalerate + Dimethoate (30)
Deltamethrin + triazophos (11, 12) Fipronil + Imidacloprid (37)
Emamectin benzoate (56 to 60) Flonicamid (61)
Emamectin Banzoate+Lambda-Cyhalothrin (30) Flucythrinate + Dimethoate (31)
Esfenvalirate (24, 25) Flucythrinate + Mephosfolan (31)
Fenpropathrin (5) Fluvalinate (25)
Fenvalerate (25) Fluvalinate + Thiomenton (31)
Gamma cyhalothrin (26) Gamma-Cyhalothrin (26)
Hexaflumuron (63) Imidacloprid (38 to 44)
Imidacloprid + Lambda cyhalothrin (31) Imidacloprid + Acephate (9)
Imidacloprid + cyfluthrin (31) Imidacloprid + cyfluthrin (31)
Indoxacarb (72, 73) Imidacloprid + Monomehypo 70 + 02% (45)
Lambda cyhalothrin (26) Imidacloprid + Fipronil (45)
Lambda-Cyhalothrin + Clofentezine (27) Imidacloprid + Lamda Cyhalothrin (31)
Lufenuron (63, 64) Isothioate (4)
Methomyl (16,17) Malathion (5)
Methylamine avermectin (65) Methidathion (5)
Nitenpyram+ Bifenthrin+ Clofentezine (32) Methomyl (16,17)
Phoxim (66) Nitenpyram (47)
Phoxim + Cypermethrin (33) Nitenpyram + Chlorfenapyr (47)
Profenofos (7) Nitenpyram+ Clofentezine (33)
Profenofos + Lambda cyhalothrin (33) Oxydemeton Methyl (6)
Pyraclofos (66) Phenthoate (6)
Spinethylin (68) Phorate + Carbofuran (9, 10)
Spinetoram (69) Profenofos (7)
Spinosad (67, 68) Profenofos + Lambda Cyhalothrin (33)
Thiodicarb (17) Pyraclofos (67)
Triazophos (8, 9) Pymetrozine (66)
Triazophos+Lambda-Cyhalothrin+Validamycin (34) Spinethyline (63)
Stink Bug Spinosad (67, 68)
Spiromesifen 228.6 + abamectin 11.4
Sulfoxaflor (71)
Thrips Spirotetramate (71)
Abamectin + Imidacloprid (34,35) Sulfoxaflor (71)
Acephate (1) Spirotetramate 12% + Imidacloprid 36% (46)
Acephate + Imidacloprid (9) Thiachloprid (48)
Acetamiprid (35, 36,37) Thiamethoxam (48, 49)
Acrinathrin + Abamectin (51) Thiodicarb (17)
Betacyfluthrin + Triazophos (31) Triazophos (8)
Bifenthrin (19, 20) Vamidothion (9)
Bifenthrin + Abamectin (31) Whitefly
Bromophos (1) Abamectin + Imidacloprid (34,35)
Carbaryl (13) Acetamiprid (35, 36,37)
Carbosulfan (14,15) Acephate + Imidacloprid (9)
Cartap Hydrochloride (15) Betacyfluthrin + Triazophos (31)
Chlorfenapyr (54,55) Bifenthrin (19,20)
Chlorfenapyr + Emamectin Benzoate (55) Bromophos (1)
Chlorpyrifos (1,2) Buprofezin (52)
Chlorpyrifos + Dimethoate (10) Buprofezin + Fenpropathrin (30)
Chlorpyrifos + Gamma-Cyhalothrin (10) Carbaryl (13)
Cyfluthrin (21) Carbosulfan (14,15)
Cyhalothrin / Lambda Cyhalothrin (21) Cartap Hydrochloride (15)
Cypermethrin (21,22,23) Chlorpyrifos (1)
Cypermethrin + Chlorpyrifos (28) Chlorpyrifos + Dimethoate (10)
Cypermethrin + Dimethoate (27) Chlorpyrifos + Gamma-Cyhalothrin (10)
Cypermethrin + Mephosfolan (29) Cyantraniliprole (54)
Whitefly (Cotton)... Bollworms (Cotton)...
Cycloprothrin (55) Diflubenzuron (55,56)
Cyfluthrin (21) Esfenvalirate (24,25)
Cyhalothrin / Lambda Cyhalothrin (21) Fenvalerate (25)
Cypermethrin (21,22,23) Flufenoxuron (62,63)
Cypermethrin + amitraz (28) Lambda-Cyhalothrin+ Clofentezine (27)
Cypermethrin + chlorpyrifos (28) Permethrin (26,27)
Cypermethrin + Dimethoate (28) Tralomethrin (27)
Cypermethrin + Mephosfolan (28) Bollworms & Sucking Insect-Pests
Cypermethrin + Profenofos (28) Alphamethrin/Alpha-cypermethrin (17,18)
Deltamethrin + Dimethoate (11) Amitraz (52)
Deltamethrin + Buprofezin (34) Carbaryl (12,13)
Deltamethrin + Triazophos (11) Cyfluthrin (20,21)
Diafenthiuron (55,56) Cypermethrine (21,22,23)
Dimethoate (3, 4) Fenpropathrin (25)
Dimethoate + Prothoate (11) Flucythrinate (26)
Ethofenprox (60,61) Bollworms & Overlaping Sucking Insect-
Fenitrothion (4) Pests
Fenpropathrin + Fenitrothion (30) Fenpropathrin (25)
Fenvalerate + Dimethoate (30) Insect-Pest Complex
Flonicamid (61) Cypermethrin + dimethoate (28)
Flucythrinate + Dimethaote (30) Cyhalothrin / lambda cyhalothrin (27)
Flucythrinate + Mephosfolan (31) Fenpropathrin (25)
Fluvalinate (25) Isoxathion (4)
Fluvalinate + Thiomenton (31) Isoprocarb (16)
Imidacloprid (38 to 45) Primiphos methyl (7)
Imidacloprid + Monomehypo 70 + 02% (45) Pyridaphenthion (7)
Imidacloprid 20% + Acetamipird 0.2% (43) Quinalphos+ Fluvalinate (10)
Isothioate (4) Thiofanox (8)
Methidathion (5) Lepidopterous Insect-Pests
Methomyl (16,17) Cypermethrin (21,22,23)
Nitenpyram (47) Permethrin (26,27)
Nitenpyram + Bifenthrin + Clofentezine (33) Tebufenozide (71,72)
Oxydemeton Methyl (6) Lepidopterous & Sucking Insect-Pests
Phenthoate (6) Bacillus thuringensis (52)
Phorate (6) Cypermethrin (21,22,23)
Phorate + Carbofuran (9, 10) Cypermethrin + profenofos (28)
Phosphamidon (6) Sucking Insect-Pests
Profenofos (7) Aldicarb (12)
Profenofos + Lambda Cyhalothrin (33,34) Buprofezin (52)
Pymetrozine (66) Fenthion (4)
Pyriproxyfen (66) Fenpropathrin (25)
Pyraclofos (66) Formothion (4)
Pyriproxyfen+Acetamiprid+Clofentezine (33) Imidachloprid (38)
Spinethyline (68) Primiphos ethyl (6)
Spiromesifen (70) Quinalphos (7)
Spirotetramate 12% + Imidacloprid 36% (46) Sucking Insect-Pests & Bollworms
Sulfoxaflor (71) Bifenthrin (19,20)
Thiachloprid (48) Bifenthrin + abamectin (30,31)
Thiamethoxam (48, 49) Cartap Hydrochloride (15, 16)
Thodicarb (17) Chlorpyrifos (1,2)
Triazophos (8) Chlorpyrifos + dimethoate (10)
Vamidothion (9) Cyhalothrin/Lambda Cyhalothrin (21)
II- COTTON INSECT PEST COMPLEXES Cypermethrin + amitraz (27,28)
Bollworms Cypermethrin + chlorpyrifos (28)
Alphamethrine/Alpha-cypermethrine (18, 19) Cypermethrin + dimethoate (28)
Azinphos Methyl (1) Cypermethrin + mephosfolan (28)
Bifenthrin (19,20) Cycloprothrin (55)
Betacyfluthrin (20,21) Deltamethrin + dimethoate (11)
Betacypermethrin (21) Deltamethrin + triazophos (11)
Carbosulfan (14,15) Dimethoate + prothoate (11)
Chlorfluazuron (55) Ethofenprox (60,61)
Cypermethrin (21, 22) Fenvalerate + dimethoate (30)
Decamethrin/Deltamethrin (23) Fenpropathrin + fenitrothion (30)
Sucking Insect-Pests & Bollworms (Cotton)... CUCUMBER
Flucythrinate + mephosfolan (31) I- INSECTICIDES
Flucythrinate + dimethaote (31) Target Insect(s)/Insecticide(s)
Fluvalinate (25) Aphid
Fluvalinate+thiomenton (31) Abamectin + Beta Cypermethrin (27)
Methomyl (16,17) Leaf-miner
Phosalone (6) Abamectin + Beta Cypermethrin (27)
Profenofos (7) Bifenthrin + Abamectin (31, 32)
Quinalphos + thiometon (10) Whitefly
Tralomethrin + dimethoate (34) Abamectin + Beta Cypermethrin (27)
Sucking Insect-Pests & Armyworms Pyriproxyfen (66,67)
Bifenthrin + abamectin (31, 32) II- FUNGICIDES
Bifenthrin + pyridaben (32) Downy Mildew
III- FUNGICIDE Azoxystrobin (73)
Target Disease/Fungicide Copper Hydroxide (70, 71,76)
Bacterial Diseases Difenoconazole (77,78)
Triazophos + Lambda-Cyhalothrin + Fosetyl Aluminium + Mancozeb (80)
Validamycin (34) Mefenoxam + Chlorothalonil (82,83)
Valimy (88) Mefenoxam + Mancozeb (83)
Seed/Soil Borne Diseases Metalaxyl (83)
Carboxin (75) Metalaxyl + Mancozeb (83,84)
IV- WEEDICIDES Metiram + Pyraclostrobin (84)
Time of Application / Weedicide(s) Tebuconazole (86)
Pre-Emergence Powdery Mildew
Acetachlor (92) Difenoconazole (71, 72)
Sulphur (86)
Acetachlor + Pendimethalin (96)
Butralin (103) I- INSECTICIDES
Clomazone Pendimethalin (104) Target Insect(s)/Insecticide(s)
Metolachlor (114) Whitefly
Metolachlor + Flumeturon (114) Spiromesifen (70)
Pendimethalin (118,119,120) Mites
Pendimethalin + Preometryn (120) Spiromesifen (70)
S-Metolachlor (121,122) II- FUNGICIDES
Trifluralin (124) Target Disease(s)/Fungicide(s)
Pre-Plant Incorporation Mildews
Oxadiazon (117) Chlorothalonil (75)
Trifluralin (124) Copper + Mancozeb (75)
Early Post-Emergence Powdery Mildew
Fluazifop-P-Butyle (107) Bupirmate (73)
Post-Emergence Hexaconazole (75)
Flumeturon + Prometryn (108) EGG PLANT
Haloxyfop-P-Ethyle (111) I- INSECTICIDES
Haloxyfop-r-Methyl (111) Target Insect(s)/Insecticide(s)
Lactofen (113) Armyworm
Oxyflourfen (117) Fenoxycarb (61)
Leaf Defoliator Methoxyfenozide (64, 65)
Thidiazuron (123) Spinetoram (69)
Thidiazuron + Diuron (123) Spotted Bollworm
V- ACARICIDES Dichlorvos (2, 3)
Target Mite/Acaricide(S) Spinetoram (69)
Amitraz (125) I- WEEDICIDE
Azocyclotin (125) Time of Application / Weedicide(s)
Bifenthrin 5% + Abamectin 0.6% (33) Pre-emergence
Bromopropylate (126) Pendimethalin (105)
Dicofol (126) GRAM
Ethion (126) I- INSECTICIDES
Fenbutatin oxide (127) Target Insect(s)/ Insecticide(s)
Fenpyroximate (126) American Bollworm
Hexythiazox (126) Flubendiamide (61,62)
Hexythiazox 10% + pyridabin 2.5% (127) Cutworm
Pyridaben (126, 127) Cypermethrin + Profenofos (28, 29)
Pod Borer Heliothus (Maize / Corn)...
Betacyfluthrin (20, 21) Spninosad (67, 68)
Cyhalothrin / Lambda Cyhalothrin (21) Spinetoram (69)
Cypermethrin + Profenofos (28, 29) Shootfly
Emamectin Banzoate+Lambda-Cyhalothrin
Acephate (1)
Lambda-Cyhalothrin+ Clofentezine (27) Carbosulfan (14,15)
Novaluron (65,66) Clothianidin + Methiocarb (47)
Termite Deltamethrin + Dimethoate (11)
Thiamethoxam (48, 49) Deltamethrin + Triazophos (11)
II- FUNGICIDES Emamectin Benzoate (56,to 60)
Target Disease(s)/Fungicide(s) Fipronil (61)
Blight Furathiocarb (16)
Difenoconazole (77,78) Fluvalinate (25)
Wilt Imidacloprid (38 to 45)
Difenoconazole + Cyproconazole (78) Imidacloprid + Monomehypo 70 + 02% (45)
GUAVA Shootfly
I- INSECTICIDES Imidacloprid + Tebuconazole (45, 46)
Target Insect(s) / Insecticide(s) Triazophos (8)
Fruitfly Whitefly
Trichlorfon (9) Spiromesifen (70)
Time of Application / Weedicide(s) Spiromesifen (70)
Glyphosate (109,110) Insect Pest Complex
LETTUCE Isoxathion (4, 5)
I- INSECTICIDES Sucking Insect Pests and Bollworms
Target Insect(s) / Insecticide(s) Quinalphos (7, 8)
Spiromesifen (70) Target Disease/Fungicide
MAIZE / CORN Leaf Blight
I- INSECTICIDES Chlorothalonil (75)
Target Insect(s)/Insecticide(s) IV- WEEDICIDES
Aphid Time of Application / Weedicide(s)
Acephate (1) Pre-Emergence
Primicarb (17) Acetachlor (92)
Armyworm Atrazine + Metolachlor (98,99)
Flubendiamide (61,62) Butachlor (102)
Methoxyfenozide (65,66) Metolachlor (114, 115)
Spinetoram (69,70) Pendimethalin (118,119,120)
Borers S-metolachlor (121,122)
Bacillus thuringiensis (52) S-metolachlor + Atrazine (122)
Benfuracarb (12) Early Post-Emergence
Carbofuran (13, 14) Ametryne + Atrazine (97)
Carbosulfan (14,15) Atrazine (98)
Chlorantraniliprole (52, 53) Foransulfuron + Isoxadifen (94)
Chlorpyrifos (1, 2) Post-Emergence
Deltamethrin + Dimethoate (11) Acetochlor (92)
Deltamethrin + Triazophos (11) Acetachlor 54.4 + Atrazine 18% (97)
Emamectin Benzoate (56, 57, 58) Alachlor + Acetachlor + Atrazine (97)
Ethoprophos (4) Atrazine (98)
Fipronil (61) Atrazine + Metolachlor (98,99)
Fluvalinate (25) Atrazine 16% + Propisochlor 24% (99)
Furathiocarb (16) Bentazon (99)
Bromoxynil 20%+MCPA20%
Permethrin (26)
Phorate (6) Fluroxypyr + Clopyralid (108)
Quinalphos (7, 8) Fluroxypyr + MCPA 100 + 400 g/l EC (95)
Spinosad (67, 68) Isoxaflutole + Atrazine 50 + 500 (113)
Thiamethoxam + Chlorantraniliprole (50) Nicosulfuron (116)
Triazophos (8) Sulcotrione (122)
Birds Repellent MANGO
Clothianidin + Methiocarb (47) I- INSECTICIDES
Cutworm Target Insect(s) / Insecticide(s)
Spinetoram (69) Hopper
Earworm Betacyfluthrin (20, 21)
Spinetoram (69) Bifenthrin (19, 20)
Hopper (Mango)... II- FUNGICIDES (Melon)...
Cyhalothrin / Lambda cyhalothrin (21) Target Disease(s)/Fungicide(s)
Decamethrin / Deltamethrin (23) Downy Mildew
Deltamethrin + dimethoate (11) Copper Hydroxide (76)
Dichlorvos (2, 3) Cymoxanil 8% + Mancozeb 64% (76,77)
Imidacloprid (38,45) Difenoconazole (77, 78)
Methidathion (5) Fosetyl aluminium + Mancozeb (80)
Phosphamidon (6) Mancozeb (81,82)
Spirotetramate 120 g/l + Imidacloprid Mefenoxam + chlorothalonil (82,83)
260 g/l (46) Propineb 70% + cymoxanil 6% (85)
Shoot Borer Powdery Mildew
Chlorpyrifos + Gamma- Cyhalothrin (10) Difenoconazole (77, 78)
II. FUNGICIDES Penoconazole (84,85)
Target Disease(s)/Fungicide(s) Tebuconazole + trifloxystrobin (86, 87)
Anthracnose Thiophanate methyl (87)
Copper hydroxide (76) MUNG
Difenoconazole (77,78) I- INSECTICIDES
Metriam 55% + Pyriraclostrobin 5% (83) Target Insect(s)/Insecticide(s)
Tebuconazole + trifloxystrobin (86, 87) Jassid
Thiophanate methyl (87) Bifenthrin + abamectin (31, 32)
Thiophanate 52%+diethofencarb 12.5% (89) Cypermethrin + profenofos (28, 29)
Powdery Mildew Pod Borer
Carbendazim (74) Cypermethrin + profenofos (28, 29)
Carbendazim + triadimefon (74) Thrips
Difenoconazole (77, 78) Bifenthrin + abamectin (31, 32)
Diniconazole (79) Cypermethrin + profenofos (28, 29)
Fenarimol (79) Whitefly
Hexaconazole (81) Cypermethrin + profenophos (26, 29)
Metriam 55% + Pyriraclostrobin 5% (83) II- FUNGICIDES
Penoconazole (84,85) Target Disease(s)/Fungicide(s)
Sulphur (86) Leaf Spot
Tebuconazole + trifloxystrobin (86, 87) Difenoconazole (77, 78)
Thiophanate methyl (87) Mung Blight
Thiophanate 52%+diethofencarb 12.5% (87) Difenoconazole (77, 78)
Triadimenol (87,88) III- WEEDICIDE
Tridemorph (88) Time of Application / Weedicide(s)
Time of Application / /Weedicide(s) S-metolachlor (121, 122)
Post-Emergence Post-Emergence
Glyphosate (109, 110) Haloxyfop-r-methyl (111)
Glyphosate isopropyl ammonium (110-111) MUSK MELON
I- INSECTICIDES Target Insect/ Insecticide
Target Insect(s)/ Insecticide(s) Leaf-miner
Fruitfly Chlorantraniliprole (52,53,54)
Trichlorfon (9) Cyromazine (55)
Acetamiprid (35,37) Target Disease(s)/Fungicide(s)
Leaf-minor Anthracnose
Acetamiprid (35,37) Copper oxychloride (75,76)
Chlorfenapyr (54) Downy Mildew
Flufenoxuron (62,63) Copper hydroxide (76)
Spinethylin (68,69) Chlorothalonil (75)
Spinosad (67, 68) Chlorothalonil 6% + Mancozeb 64% (75)
Mites Copper oxychloride (75,76)
Acrinathrin + Abamectin (51) Dimethomorph (79)
Psyllid Dimethomorph 6% + Mancozeb 44% (79)
Acrinathrin + Abamectin (51) Fosetyl aluminium (80)
Thrips Fosetyl aluminium + Mancozeb (80)
Acetamiprid (35, 37) Iprovalicarb + propineb (81)
Acrinathrin + Abamectin (51) Mancozeb (81,82)
Whitefly Mefenoxam + Mancozeb (83)
Acetamiprid (35,37) Metalaxyl (83)
Pyriproxyfen (66,67) Metalaxyl + Mancozeb (83,84)
Downy Mildew (Musk Melon)... Spotted Bollworm (Okra/Ladyfinger)...
Oxadixyl + Mancozeb (84) Emamectin benzoate (56, 60)
Pyrazophos (85) Lufenuron (63, 64)
Thiophanate 52% + diethofencarb 12.5% (87) Spinetoram (69,70)
Powdery Mildew Tebufenozide (71,72)
Carbendazim (74) Whitefly
Cymoxanil 8% + Mancozeb 64% (76) Buprofezin + Fenpropathrin (30)
Difenoconazole (77, 78) Dichlorvos (2, 3)
Fenarimol (79) Sulfoxaflor (71)
Mancozeb (81,82) II- WEEDICIDE
Propiconazol (85) Time of Application / Weedicide(s)
Pyrazophos (85) Pre-Emergence
Sulphur (86) S-metolachlor (121, 122)
Thiophanate 52% + diethofencarb 12.5% (87) ONION
Tridemorph (88) I- INSECTICIDES
Triforine (88) Target Insect/ Insecticide
I- INSECTICIDES Imidacloprid (38, 45)
Target Insect(s)/ Insecticide(s) Profenofos (7)
Aphid Siprotetramat (71)
Primicarb (17) Sulfoxaflor (71)
Dichlorvos (2,3) Target Disease(s)/Fungicide(s)
Painted Bug Downy Mildew
Dichlorvos (2,3) Mefenoxam + chlorothalonil (82, 83)
OKRA / LADY FINGER Mefenoxam + Mancozeb (83)
Target Insect(s)/ Insecticide(s) Difenoconazole (77, 78)
American Bollworm III- WEEDICIDES
Chlorantraniliprole (52,53,54) Pre-Emergence
Clofentezine+Emamectin Benzoate+Lufenuron (33) Oxadiazon (117)
Flubendiamide (61,62) Oxadiargyl (116)
Spinethyline (68,69) Oxyflourfen (117)
Spinetoram (69,70) Pendimethalin (118,119,120)
Tebufenozide (71,72) S-metolachlor (121, 122)
Armyworm Post-Emergence
Spinetoram (69,70) Oxadiazon (117)
Tebufenozide (71,72) ORIENTAL FRUITS
Emamectin Benzoate+Lambda-Cyhalothrin
Target Insect/ Insecticide
Lambda-Cyhalothrin + Clofentezine (27) Asian Fruit Fly
Fruit Borer Spinosad + Methyl Eugenol (68)
Dichlorvos (2, 3) Bactocera spp.
Emamectin benzoate (56, 60) Spinosad + Methyl Eugenol (68)
Emamectin Banzoate+Lambda-Cyhalothrin
Fruit Fly
Imidacloprid 210 G/L+Beta cyfluthrin 90 G/L (45) Spinosad + Methyl Eugenol (68)
Lambda-Cyhalothrin + Clofentezine (27) PAPAYA (Asian)
Tebufenozide (71,72) I- INSECTICIDES
Jassid Target Insect/ Insecticide
Dichlorvos (2, 3) Asian Fruit Fly
Buprofezin + Fenpropathrin (30) Spinosad + Methyl Eugenol (68)
Bifenthrin + abamectin (1,32) Bactocera spp.
Nitenpyram (47) Spinosad + Methyl Eugenol (68)
Nitenpyram + chlorfenpyr (47,48) Fruit Fly
Thiacloprid (48) Spinosad + Methyl Eugenol (68)
Thiamethoxam (48, 49) PEAS
Bifenthrin + abamectin (31, 32) Target Disease(s)/Fungicide(s)
Buprofezin + Fenpropathrin (30) Powdery Mildew
Clofentezine+Emamectin Benzoate+Lufenuron (33) Carbendazim (74)
Spotted Bollworm Diniconazole (79)
Chlorantraniliprole (52,53,54) Propiconazole (85)
Clofentezine+Emamectin Benzoate+Lufenuron (33) Pyrazophos (85)
Dichlorvos (2, 3) Triforine (88)
II- WEEDICIDE (Peas)... Aphid (Potato)...
Time of Application / Weedicide(s) Buprofezin + Fenpropathrin (30)
Pre-Emergence Dichlorvos (2, 3)
Pendimethalin (118,119,120) Primicarb (17)
S-metolachlor (121, 122) Sulfoxaflor (71)
Post-Emergence Thiachloprid (48)
Bentazon (99) Armyworm
PEACHES Abamectin (50,51)
I- INSECTICIDES Abamectin + imidacloprid (34,35)
Target Insect/ Insecticide Bifenthrin + abamectin (31,32)
Asian Fruit Fly Chlorantraniliprole (52,53,54)
Spinosad + Methyl Eugenol (68) Chlorpyrifos (1, 2)
Bactocera spp. Clofentezine+ Emamectin Benzoate+Lufenuron (33)
Spinosad + Methyl Eugenol (68) Cypermethrin + profenofos (29,30,31)
Codling Moth Emamectin benzoate (56 to 60)
Spinetoram (69 to 70) Fenoxycarb (61)
Fruit Fly Indoxacarb (72, 73)
Spinosad + Methyl Eugenol (68) Lufenuron (63,64)
PEANUTS Methoxyfenozide (64,65)
I- INSECTICIDES Tebufenozide (71,72)
Target Insect/ Insecticide Thiodicarb (17)
Grubs Jassid
Chlorpyrifos + Fipronil (10) Acephate (1)
PEPPER Acetamiprid (35 to 37)
I- INSECTICIDES Bifenthrin (19, 20)
Target Insect/ Insecticide Bifenthrin + abamectin (31,32)
Armyworm Buprofezin+ Fenpropathrin (38)
Fenoxycarb (61) Cypermethrin + profenofos (29,30,31)
Spinetoram (69,70) Dichlorvos (2, 3)
Spotted Bollwarm Diafenthiuron (55,56)
Spinetoram (69,70) Ethofenprox (60,61)
Mites Imidacloprid (38 to 40)
Spiromesifen (70) Phosphamidon (6)
Whitefly Profenofos (7)
Spiromesifen (70) Thiachloprid (48)
I- INSECTICIDES Acrinathrin + Abamectin (51)
Target Insect/ Insecticide Buprofezin + Fenpropathrin (30)
Armyworms Spiromesifen (70)
Methoxyfenozide (64,65) Psyllid
POTATO Acrinathrin + Abamectin (51)
Target Insect(s)/Insecticide(s) Acrinathrin + Abamectin (51)
American Bollworm Benfuracarb (12)
Abamectin (50,51) Cypermethrin + profenofos (29,30,31)
Abamectin + imidacloprid (34,35) Dichlorvos (2, 3)
Bifenthrin + abamectin (31,32) Phosphamidon (6)
Chlorantraniliprole (52,53,54) Profenofos (7)
Chlorpyrifos (1, 2) Whitefly
Clofentezine+Emamectin Benzoate+Lufenuron (33) Buprofezin + Fenpropathrin (30)
Cypermethrin + profenofos (29,30,31) Diafenthiuron (55,56)
Decamethrin / deltamethrin (24) Imidacloprid (38 to 45)
Emamectin benzoate (56,57,58,59,60) Phosphamidon (6)
Flubendiamide (61,62) Profenofos (7)
Flufenoxuron (62,63) Spiromesifen (70)
Indoxacarb (72,73) Siprotetramat (71)
Lufenuron (63,64) Sulfoxaflor (71)
Methomyl (16,17) II- FUNGICIDES
Thiodicarb (17) Target Disease(s)/Fungicide(s)
Tebufenozide (71,72) Anthraconose
Thiamethoxam 200 gai+chlorantraniliprole 100 gai/l (50) Fludioxonil (79)
Aphid Die Back
Benfuracarb (12) Fludioxonil (79)
Helminthosporium solani (Potato)... Post-Emergence (Potato)...
Fludioxonil (79) Terbuthylazine (123)
Black Scurf Terbutryn (123)
Pencycuron (84) Turbutryn + trubuthylazine (125)
Penflufen (84) PUMPKIN
Carbendazim 40% + triadimefen 10% (74) Target Insect(s)/ Insecticide(s)
Copper hydroxide (76) Red Pumpkin Beetle
Difenoconazole (77) Dichlorvos (2, 3)
Difenoconazole + propiconazole (78,79) II- FUNGICIDES
Iprovalicarb 61.3% + Propineb 5.5% (81) Target Disease(s)/Fungicide(s)
Mefenoxam + chlorothalonil (82) Mildew
Late Blight Pyrazophos (85)
Azoxystrobin (73) RICE
Chlorothalonil (75) I- INSECTICIDES
Chlorothalonil + Mancozeb (75) Target Insect(s)/ Insecticide(s)
Copper oxychloride (75,76) Brown Plant Hopper
Copper hydroxide (76) Benfuracarb (12)
Cymoxanil 8% + Mancozeb 64% (76,77) Flonicamid (61)
Difenoconazole (77, 78) Caterpillar
Difenoconazole + propiconazole (78,79) Metolcarb (17)
Dimetomorph (79) Grass / Plant Hoppers
Dimetomorph + Mancozeb (79) Abamectin + Thiamethoxam (46,47)
Dimetomorph 6% + Mancozeb 44% (79) Benfuracarb (12)
Fosetyl aluminium (79,80) Buprofezin + Nitenpyram (47)
Fosetyl aluminium + Mancozeb (80) Clothianidin (47)
Iprovalicarb + Propineb (81) Fenobucarb (61)
Mancozeb (81,82) Fenitrothion + BPMC (9)
Mefenoxam + chlorothalonil (82,83) Flonicamid (61)
Mefenoxam + Mancozeb (83) Metolcarb (17)
Metalaxyl-m + fluazinam (83) Nitenpyram + Pymetrozine (47,48)
Metalaxyl + Mancozeb (83,84) Pymetrozine + Buprofezin (66)
Propineb (85) Thiamethoxam + chlorantraniliprole (50)
Propineb 70% + cymoxanil 6% (85) Green Leaf Hopper
Pyrimethanil (86) Flonicamid (61)
Tebuconazole (86) Hoppers
Thiophanate 52% + diethofencarb 12.5% (87) Chlorfenvinphos (1)
III- WEEDICIDE Diazinon (2)
Time of Application / Weedicide(s) Fenthion (4)
Pre-Emergence Isoprocarb (16)
Methabenzo-thiouron (114) Leaf-Folder
Metolachor (114,115) Bacillus thuringiensis (52)
Metribuzin (116) Benfuracarb (12)
Metribuzin + clomazone (116) Carbosulfan (14,15)
Oxadiargyl (116) Carbosulfan + monomehypo (18)
Pendimethalin (118,119,120) Cartap hydrochloride (15,16)
S-metolachlor (121,122) Chlorantraniliprole (52 to 54)
Terbuthylazine (123) Cyhalothrin/Lambda cyhalothrin (21)
Terbutryn (123) Decamethrin/deltamethrin (23,24)
Trifluralin (124) Emamectin Banzoate + Lambda -
Early Post-Emergence Cyhalothrin (30)
Glufosinate ammonium (108) Flubendiamide (61,62)
Teburam (122) Furathiocarb (16)
Pre-Plant Incorporation Imidacloprid 210 G/L + Beta Cyfluthrin
Metribuzin (115,116) 90 G/L (45)
Paraquat (117,118) Lambda-Cyhalothrin + Clofentezine (27)
Post-Emergence Phorate (6)
Bentazon (99) Phorate + Carbofuran (10)
Haloxyfop-p-ethyl (111) Thiamethoxam + chlorantraniliprole (50)
Flurochloridone (108) Leaf Hopper
Paraquat (117,118) Fenobucarb (61)
Paraquat dichloride (118) Leaf-Roller
Pendimethalin (118,119,120) Alpha-methrin/alpha-cypermethrin (18, 19)
Leaf-Roller (Rice)... Brown Leaf Spot (Rice)...
Cartap hydrochloride (15, 16) Difenoconazole + Propiconazol (78,79)
Chlorfenvinphos (1) Sulphur (86)
Cyhalothrin/Lambda cyhalothrin (21) Leaf Spot / Leaf Blast
Deltamethrin + dimethoate (11) Propiconazol (85)
Deltamethrin + triazophos (11) Sulphur (86)
Diazinon (2) Tebuconazole + trifloxystrobin (86,87)
Ethofenprox (60,61) Neck Blast
Fenitrothion + BPMC (9) Tebuconazole + trifloxystrobin (86,87)
Isoprocarb (16) Sheath Blight
Triazophos (8) Hexaconazole (81)
Mephosfolan (5) Time of Application / Weedicide(s)
Stem Borers Pre-Emergence
Benfuracarb (12) Acetachlor (92,96)
Carbofuran (13, 14) Acetachlor 54.4 + atrazine 18% (96)
Carbosulfan (14,15) Butachlor (102)
Carbosulfan + monomehypo (17,18) Orthosulfamuron (116)
Cartap hydrochloride (15, 16) Oxadiargyl (116)
Chlorantraniliprole (52, 53,54) Oxadiazon (117)
Chlorfenvinphos (1) Pertilochlor (120)
Chlorpyrifos + Triazophos (11) Pyrazosulfuron (121)
Cyhalothrin / Lambda cyhalothrin (21) Triasulfuron (123, 124)
Decamethrin / deltamethrin (24) Pre-Plant Incorporation
Diazinon (2) Trifluralin + 2, 4-D (125)
Dimehypo (55) Early Post-Emergence
Ethoprophos (4) Bispyribac sodium (99, 100)
Fenitrothion + BPMC (9) Pyrazosulfuron (121)
Fipronil (61) Post-Emergence
Isoprocarb (16) Bispyribac sodium (99, 100)
Isozofos (5) Bispyribac sodium + bensulfuron-methyl (100)
Mephosfolan (5) Butachlor (102)
Monomehypo (65) Fenoxulam (106)
Phorate (6) Phenoxy (120)
Phorate + Carbofuran (10) Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl (121)
Quinalphos (7,8) 3-5 Days After Transplanting of Rice
Thiamethoxam + chlorantraniliprole (50) Bentazon (99)
Thiocyclam Hydrogen Oxalate (72) Benthiocarb (99)
Triazophos (8) Butachlor(102)
White Backed Plant Hopper Cinmethylin (103)
BPMC (12,13) Diphenylether (105)
Carbosulfan (14,15) Metsulfuron methyl (116)
Carbosulfan + monomehypo (18) Molinate (116)
Ethofenprox (60,.61) Nitrofen (116)
Fenitrothion + BPMC (9) Pertilochlor (120)
Fipronil (61) Piprophos (120)
Flonicamid (61) Propanil (121)
Furathiocarb (16) 3-7 Days After Transplanting of Rice
Gamma-cyhalothrin (26) Oxadiazon (117)
Imidacloprid (38 to 45) 5-10 Days After Nursery Transplanting
Imidacloprid 210 G/L + Betacyfluthrin 90 G/L (45) Ethoxisulfuron (105)
Target Disease(s)/Fungicide(s) Target Rodent(s)/Reodenticide(s)
Bacterial Leaf Blight Field Rats
Brodifacoum Burrow (127)
Valimy 46% EC (40% +4% + 2%) (88) SPINACH
Chlorothalonil (75) Target Insect(s)/ Insecticide(s)
Difenoconazole (77, 78) Whitefly
Kasugamycin (81) Spiromesifen (70)
Pthalide (85)
Sulfoxaflor (71)
Tricyclazole (88)
STRAWBERRY Top Borer (Sugarcane)...
I- INSECTICIDES Carbofuran (13, 14)
Target Insect(s)/ Insecticide(s) Ethoprophos (4)
Mites Fipronil (61)
Spiromesifen (70) Imidacloprid + Fipronil (45)
Whitefly Monomehypo (65)
Spiromesifen (70) Phorate (6)
STORED GRAIN Phorate + Carbofuran (10)
I- FUMIGANTS Thiamethoxam + chlorantraniliprole (50)
Target Insect(s)/Fumigant(s)
Grain Weevil (Sitophilus sp) Borer
Aluminium phosphide (127, 128) Ethoprophos (4)
Chlorpyrifos methyl (2) Borers
Methacrifos (5) Benfuracarb (12)
Permethrin (26,27) Carbofuran (13,14)
Primiphos methyl (7) Imidacloprid + Fipronil (45)
Khapra Beetle (Trogoderma sp) Phorate (6)
Aluminium phosphide (127, 128) Phorate + Carbofuran (10)
Chlorpyrifos methyl (2) Thiamethoxam + Chlorantraniliprole (54)
Magnesium phosphide (115) Termites and Borers
Methacrifos (5) Fipronil (61)
Permethrin (26,27) Imidacloprid + Fipronil (44)
Primiphos methyl (7) Termite and Top Borer
Lesser Grain Borer (Rhizopertha sp) Fipronil (61)
Aluminium phosphide (127, 128) Top and Stem Borer
Chlorpyrifos methyl (2) Carbofuran (13)
Methacrifos (5) Monomehypo (65)
Permethrin (26,27) III- WEEDICIDE(s)
Primiphos methyl (7) Time of Application / Weedicide(s)
Rust Red Flour Bettle (Tribolium sp) Pre-Emergence
Aluminium phosphide (127, 128) Acetachlor 54.4 + atrazine 18% (96)
Chlorpyrifos methyl (2) Diuron (105)
Magnesium phosphide (115) Metribuzin (115)
Methacrifos (5) Pendimethalin + preometryn (120)
Permethrin (26,27) S-metolachlor (121, 122)
Primiphos methyl (7) Early Post-emergence
SUGARCANE Atrazine (98)
I- INSECTICIDES Diuron (105)
Target Insect(s) / Insecticide(s) Glufosinate ammonium (108)
Gurdaspur Borer Tebuthiury (123)
Benfuracarb (12) Post-emergence
Cypermethrin + profenofos (28, 29) Ametryne + atrazine (97)
Ethoprophos (4) Atrazine (93,98)
Fipronil (61) Bromoxynil + ametryn (89)
Phorate (6) Clomazone (91)
Phorate + Carbofuran (10) Cynazine 33% + atrazine 16% (104)
Thiamethoxam + Chlorantraniliprole (50) Diuron (105)
Stem Borer Ethoxysulfuron (105)
Benfuracarb (12)
Carbofuran (14, 15) Isoxaflutole + atrazine 50+500 (113)
Ethoprophos (4) Phenoxy (120)
Fipronil (61) S-metolachlor + Atrazine (122)
Monomehypo (65) Triflollxy-sulfuron Sodium + ametryn (125)
Phorate (6) IV- FUMIGANTS
Phorate + Carbofuran (10) Target Rodent/Fumigant
Thiamethoxam + Chlorantraniliprole (52) Field Rats
Termites Aluminium phosphide (127)
Chlorpyrifos (1) Zinc phosphide (127)
Chlorfenpyr (54) SUNFLOWER
Fipronil (61) I- INSECTICIDES
Imidacloprid (38 to 45) Target Insect(s)/Insecticide(s)
Imidacloprid + Fipronil (45) Jassid
Top Borer Phosphamidon (6)
Benfuracarb (12) Profenofos (7)
Whitefly Fruit Borer (Tomato)...
Phosphamidon (6) Emamectin benzoate (56 to 60)
Profenofos (7) Indoxacarb (72, 73)
III- WEEDICIDE(s) Lufenuron (63, 64)
Time of Application / Weedicide(s) Methomyl (16)
Pre-Emergence Novaluron (65)
S-metolachlor (121) Spinosad (67, 68)
Terbutryn (123) Fruit Worm (Heliothis)
TOBACCO Chlorpyrifos + Gamma- Cyhalothrin (10,11)
I- INSECTICIDES Spinetoram (69)
Target Insect(s)/Insecticide(s) Leaf Miner
Aphid Chlorantraniliprole (52)
Acetamiprid (35,37) Mites
Imidacloprid (38, 45) Acrinathrin + Abamectin (51)
Malathion (5) Spiromesifen (70)
Primicarb (17) Psyllid
Thiamethoxam (48, 49) Acrinathrin + Abamectin (52)
Budworm Spotted Bollworm
Cypermethrin (21, 22) Dichlorvos (2, 3)
Flubendiamide (61) Spinetoram (69)
Methomyl (16) Thrips (Flower)
Spinetoram (69) Acrinathrin + Abamectin (51)
Cutworm Whitefly
Cypermethrin (21, 22) Buprofezin + Fenpropathrin (30)
Leaf-miner (Dipterous) Imidacloprid (38, 45)
Spinetoram (69) Pyriproxyfen + Imidacloprid (46)
Leaf Perforator Spiromesifen (70)
Spinetoram (69) Siprotetramat (65, 66)
Thrips Sulfoxaflor (71)
Spinetoram (69) II- FUNGICIDES
II- FUNGICIDES Target Disease(s)/Fungicide(s)
Target Disease(s)/Fungicide(s) Early Blight
Downy Mildew Chlorothalonil (75)
Mefenoxam + chlorothenonil (82) Cymoxanil + mancozeb (71-76)
Mefenoxam + Mancozeb (83)
Difenoconazole (77, 78)
Time of Application / Weedicide(s) Fosetyl-aluminium + mancozeb (80)
Pre-emergence Mancozeb (81)
Pendimethalin (118, 119) Propineb 70% + cymoxanil 6% (85)
TOMATO Late Blight
I- INSECTICIDES Copper hydroxide (76)
Target Insect(s)/ Insecticide(s) Chlorothalonil (75)
American Bollworm Cymoxanil 8% + Mancozeb 64% (76,77)
Clofentezine+Emamectin Benzoate+Lufenuron (33) Difenoconazole (77, 78)
Flubendiamide (61,62) Fosetyl aluminium + Mancozeb (80)
Tebufenozide (71) Iprovalicarb + propineb (81)
Army Worm Mancozeb (81)
Fenoxycarb (61) Mefenoxam + mancozeb (83)
Methoxyfenozide (64, 65) Metalaxyl (83)
Spinetoram (69,70) Metalaxyl + Mancozeb (83-84)
Back Diamond Moth Propineb (85)
Chlorpyrifos + Gamma- Cyhalothrin (10,11) VEGETABLES
Insect Pests of Vegetable
Fenoxycarb (61)
Hexaflumuron (63) Red Pumpkin Beetle, Spotted Bollworms,
Hexaflumuron + Emamectin Benzoate (63) Fruit Borer, Fruit Fly and Lacewing Bug
Fruit Borer Dichlorvos (2, 3)
Abamectin (50, 51) Fruit Flies
Chlorantraniliprole (52) Trichlorfon (9)
Chlorpyrifos + Gamma- Cyhalothrin (10,11) Aphids and Thrips
Cyhalothrin/Lambda cyhalothrin (21) Befuracarb (12)
Insects with chewing types of mouth
Decamethrin/deltamethrin (23,24)
Dichlorvos (2, 3) Methomyl (16)
Aphids (Vegetables)... Rust (Wheat)...
Primicarb (17) Propiconazol (85)
Whitefly, Jassid, Aphids and Mites Tebuconazole (86)
Buprofezin + fenpropathrin (30) Triadimefon (86)
American Bollworms, Spotted Triadimenol (87)
Bollworms, Army Worms and Mites Wheat Bunt
Imidacloprid 36%+tebuchonazole 1.25% (45-
Clofentezine+Emamectin Benzoate+Lufenuron (33)
Diamond Back Moth, Cabbage Butterfly III- WEEDICIDES
& Army Worms or Lepidopterous & Time of Application / Weedicide(s)
Dipterous spp. Pre-emergence
Bacillus thuringensis (52) Chlorpyralid 22.9% + picloram 5.7% (104)
Diamond Back Moth, Cabbage Butterfly Fenoxaprop + metribuzine (107)
and Army Worms Pendimethalin (118)
Fenoxycarb (61) Triasulfuron (123)
Diamond Back Moth Early Post-emergence
Hexaflumuron (63) Mesusulfuron Methyl -Iodosulfuron methyl sodium
Diamond Back Moth, Cabbage Butterfly, Thifensulfuron – methyl (123)
Brinjal Fruit Borer and Spotted Tribenuron – methyl (124)
Bollworms of Okra Post-emergence
Lufenuron (63, 64) Bromoxynil + MCPA + (100)
Army Worms Bromoxynil + MCPA Tribenuron – methyl (101)
Methoxyfenozide (64, 65) Bromoxynil octonoate + heptanoate + MCPA
Lepidopterous Insect Pests, Amry
Bromoxynil actanoate + MCPA isostylester (102)
Tebufenozide (71) Carfentrazone ethyl (103)
WATER MELON Carfentrazone ethyl + IPU Isoproturon (103)
I- FUNGICIDES Chlortoluron + MCPA (103)
Target Disease(s)/Fungicide(s) Clodinafop propargyl (103, 104)
Clodinafop propargyl 4.5%+Fenoxaprop P-ethyl 9%
Downy Mildew
Difenoconazole (77, 78) Chlorpyralid (104)
Powdery Mildew Fenoxaprop + metribuzine (94)
Difenoconazole (77, 78) Fenoxaprop P-ethyl (106, 107)
Sulphur (86) Fenoxaprop-P-Ethyl + Isoproturon (108)
Tebuconazole + Trifloxystrobin (86, 87) Fluroxypyr + chlopyralid + tribenuron (95)
Thiophanate methyl (87) Fluroxypyr + MCPA (108)
WHEAT Fluroxypyr methyl + MCPA (108)
I- INSECTICIDES Isoproturon (99, 100)
Target Insect(s)/Insecticide(s) Isoproturon + bensulfuron ethyl (113)
Wheat Aphid Isoproturon + bromoxynil + MCPA (113)
Imidachloprid 180 gm/l+tebuconazole 6.25 gm/l (46) Isoproturon + diflufonican (113)
Primicarb (17) Isoxaben (113)
Thiamethoxam +Lambda Cyhalothrin (32-
Matoxuron (113)
II- FUNGICIDES Metsulfuron methyl (114)
Target Disease(s)/Fungicide(s) Metsulfuron 33.3%+Tribenuron 33.3% (114)
Flag Smut Methabenzo-thiouron (114)
Captan (73) Metribuzin (115, 116)
Carbendazim (68) Phenoxy (120)
Thiophanate methyl (87) Sulfosulfuron (122)
Triadimenol (87,88) Teroutryn + triasulfuron (123)
Leaf Rust Thifensulfuron – methyl (123)
Triadimefon 88) Tralokoxydim (123)
Loose Smut Tribenuron methyl + fluroxypyr (124)
Benomyl (73) V- RODENTICIDES
Carbendazim (68) Target Rodent(s)/Rodenticide(s)
Carboxin (75) Field Rats
Difenoconazole + cyproconazole (78) Brodifacoum Burrow (127)
Fanfuran (79)
Fenetrazole (79) x——x——x——x
Imidacloprid 36%+tebuchonazole 1.25%
Thiophanate methyl (87)
Triadimenol (87,88)
Mancozeb (76)

I- INSECTICIDES Fenitrothion... Profenofos...
a) Organophosphate Group Agrothion 50 EC (4) Vallet 50% EC (7)
Acephate Edthion 50 EC (4) Pyridaphenthion
Commando Plus 97% DF (1) Folithion 50 EC (4) Ofunack 40 EC (7)
Coredor 75% SP (1) Sumithion 50 EC (4) Quinalphos
Orthene 75 SP (1) Sumithion 90 ULV (4) Ekalux 25 EC (7)
Orthene Pellet 97% (1) Fenthion Ekalux 5 G (8)
Azinphos Methyl Lebaycid 50 EC (4) Ekalux Aquaflow 245 EW (8)
Gusathion 20 EC (1) Formothion Ekalux Forte 50 EC (8)
Bromophos Anthio 25 EC (4) Thiofanox
Nexion 25 EC (1) Isothioate Decamox 5 G (8)
Chlorfenvinphos Hosdan 30 EC (4) Triazophos
Birlane 10 G (1) Isoxathion Craft 40% EC (9)
Chlorpyrifos Karphos 50 EC (4, 5) Hostathion 40% EC (8)
Chlorguard 10% G (2) Isozofos Hostathion 20% EC (8)
Cruiser 40% EC (2) Miral 2 G (5) King 40% EC (8)
Cyren 480 G/L EC (2) Malathion Pinkokill 40%W / V EC (8)
Glory 40% W / V EC (2) Flotilla 57% EC (5) Sozo 40 EC (8)
Helmet 40% EC (2) Fyfanon 57 EC (5) Terminate 40% EC (9)
Helmet 40% EW (2) Malathion 57 EC/MLT 57 EC (5) Tristar 40% EC (8)
Kurifast 40 EC (2) Maltox 57% EC (5) Trizone 40% EC (8, 9)
Lorsban 40 EC (1) Route 57% EC (5) Trichlorphos
Lorsban 50 ULV (1) Mephosfolan Diptrex 80 WP (9)
Marshal 40 EC (2) Cytrolane 3G (5) Ditera 80 WP (9)
Taika 40 EC (2) Methacrifos Flyer 80% SP (9)
Chlorpyrifos methyl Damfin 500 EC (5) Vamidothion
Reldan 25 EC (2) Methidathion Kilval 40 EC (9)
Diazinon Cosset 40% EC (5) b) Organophosphate Mixtures
Basudin 10 G (2) Supracide 40 EC (5) Acephate + Imidacloprid
Diazinon 10 G (2) Weapon 40% EC (5) Lancer Gold 51.8% SP (50%+1.8%) (9)
Dichlorvos Oxydemeton methyl Chlorpyrifos + dimethoate
Fatek/DDVP 50 EC (3) Metasystox 25 EC (6) Dimlor 662 EC (10)
Nogos/Nuvan 100 EC (2) Phenthoate Dimlor 360 ULV (10)
Nokovos 100 EC (3) Agrisan 50 EC (6) Chlorpyrifos + Fipronil
Phosvit 100 EC (3) Cidial / Elsan 50 EC (6) Knocker 18% CF (15% + 3%) (10)
Shooter 50% EC (3) Phorate Chlorpyrifos+Gamma-Cyhalothrin
Vapona 100 WSC (2) Thimet 10 G (6) Bolton 31% EC (300g/l + 10g/l) (10)
Dimethoate Thimet 5 G (6) Chlorpyrifos + Triazophos
Amerthion 40 EC (3) Phosalone Cloming 40% EC (20%+20%) (11)
Aniron 40 EC (4) Zolone 35 EC (6) Deltamethrin + dimethoate
Aragol-L 40 EC (4) Phosphamidon Decis-D 12.5+300 EC (11)
Cathoate 40 EC (3) Dimecron 100 WSC (6) Dimethoate + prothoate
Chemathoate 40 EC (3) Pillarcron 100 SL (6) Facron-S (11)
Cygon 40 EC (3) Pillarcron 50 SL (6) Deltamethrin + triazophos
Dimegro 40 EC (3) Primiphos ethyl Adder36% EC (12)
Dimetoxal 40 EC (3) Primicide 30 ED (6) Counter Plus 36% EC (12)
Dimogreen 40 EC (4) Primiphos methyl Deltaphos 10+350 EC (11)
Higonet 40 EC (3) Actellic 50 EC (7) Deltaphos-R 350+10 EC (11)
Perfekthion 40 EC (4) Profenofos Dream 50% EC (12)
Rogor 40 EC (3) Cracker 40 EC (7) Leopard Plus 36% EC (12)
Roxion 40 EC (3) Cracker 50% EC (7) Platinum 36% EC (12)
Stinger 40 EC (3) Curacron 250 ULV (7) Fenitrothion + BPMC
Sumithoate 40 EC (3) Curacron 50% EC (7) Sumibas 75 EC (9)
Systoate 40 EC (3) Curacron 500 EC (7) Sumibas 4 D (9)
Ethoprophos Durakron 40 EC (7) Imidacloprid + acephate
Mocap 5 G (4) Helino 50% W/V EC (7) Blaster 72.5% WP (10)
Fenitrothion Pakfos 50 EC (7) Phorate + Carbofuran
Accothion 50 EC (4) Pronet 50% EC (7) Kwick 3% G (1.8%+1.2%) (10)
Phorate + Carbofuran Methomyl... Cypermethrin...
Super Quick 3% G (1.8% + 1.2%) (10) Shuttle 90% SP (16) Kapadin-C 10 EC (22)
Quinalphos+ Fluvalinate Metolcarb Lucky 10 EC (22)
Commando 340 EC (10) Metal 20% EC (17) Nurelle 20 EC (22)
Quinalphos + thiometon Primicarb Peskil 10 EC (22)
Tombel 32 EC (10) Pirimore 50 DP (17) Polytrin 200 EC (22)
c) Carbamate Group Thiodicarb Ripcord 10 EC (22,23)
Aldicarb Arrest 80% DF (17) Ripcord 100 G/L EC (23)
Temik 10 G (12) Darvin 80% WG (17) Ripcord 2 ULV (21)
Temik 15 G (12) Larvin 375 FL (17) Sherpa 25 EC (23)
Benfuracarb Larvin 80 DF (17) Sherpa 5 EC (21)
Oncol 3% G (12) Supperstar 80% DF (17) Solomethrin 10% W / V EC (23)
B.P.M.C. Thida 80% DF (17) Sunmerin 20 EC (22)
Bassa 50 EC (12) d) Carbamate Mixtures Sunmerin 5 EC (22)
Carbaryl Carbosulfan + monomehypo Ustaad 10 EC (22)
Focus 85% WP (13) Roll-up 7.2%G (18) Ustaad 25 EC (22)
Sevin 10 D (13) e) Pyrethroid Group Win 25 EW (22)
Sevin 85 SP (13) Alphamethrin/Alpha-cypermethrin Decamethrin / Deltamethrin
Sevin XLR 43.4 EC (13) Allert 5% EC (18) Counter 2.5% EC (24)
Carbofuran Award 5% EW (19) Decis 100 EC (23)
Agridan 3 G (13) Alphaphos 5% EC (18) Decis 2.5 EC (23)
Brifur 3% G (13) Bestox 5 EC (18) Decis tablets 25% (23)
Cartal 10% G (13) Fastac 10 EC (18) Lajawab 2.5% EC (23)
Curater 3 G (13) Fastac 50 G/L 5 EC (18) Leopard 2.5 EC (23)
Diafuran 3 G (13) Premier 5 EC (18) Perfect 2.5 W / V EC (23)
Dorsal 3% G (14) Protector 5% W/V EC (18) Rubin 2.5 EC (23)
Fenciran 3% G (14) Super Alpha 10% EC (18) Super Delta 10 EC (23)
Furadan 10 G (13) Bifenthrin Tiger 2.5 EC (23)
Furadan 3 G (13) Avenue 20% WDG (20) Esfenvalirate
Furan 3 G (13) Merit 10% EW (20) Bouncer 5% EC (24)
Remand 3% G (14) Resham 10 EC (19) Cobra 20% EC (25)
Sunfuran 3 G (13) Sergeant 10% EC (19) Push 10 EC (25)
Carbosulfan Silk 10% EC (20) Sumi-Alpha 110 EC (24)
Advantage 15 ED (14) Talstar 10 EC (19) Sumicidin Supper 0.5 ULV (24)
Advantage 20 EC (14) Talstar 2.5 ULV (18) Sumicidin Supper 5 EC (24)
Advantage 25 ST (14) Tempt 20 SC (20) Sumicidin Supper 7.5 EC (24)
Advantage 5 G (14) Tender 10% EC (20) Fenpropathrin
Cartap Hydrochloride Betacyfluthrin Danitol 10 EC (25)
Capstar 4% G (15) Bulldock 025 EC (19, 20) Danitol 2.5 ULV (25)
Cusic 8% G (15) Capital 2.5% EC (20) Danitol 30 EC (25)
Hoopoe 4% G (15) Dolphin 2.5% EC (20) Dathrin 20%EC (25)
Karuz 4% GR (15) Turbo 10% EC (20) Fenitol 20% EC (25)
Padan 4 G (14, 15) Betacypermethrin Nighaban 20 EC (25)
Padan Technical 95 SP (14) Betathrin 5 EC (21) Fenvalerate
Pasban 4 G (15) Chinmix 5 EC (21) Edicidin 20 EC (25)
Razex 4 G (15) Cyfluthrin Fenkill 20 EC (25)
Sadan 4 G (15) Baythroid 050 EC (21) Fenstar 20% EC (25)
Superdan 4% G (16) Baythroid 050 SL (21) Sticker 20% EC (25)
Weltap 8% G (15) Cyhalothrin/Lambda Cyhalothrin Sumicidin 2.5 ULV (25)
Zeedan 4% G (15) Karate 2.5 EC ( 21) Sumicidin 20 EC (25)
Furathiocarb Karate 0.8 ULV (21) Fluvalinate
Deltanet 400 EC (16) Karate 2.5 CS (21) Mavrik 2 E (25)
Deltanet ST 400 CS (16) Cypermethrin Flucythrinate
Promet 400 CS (15) Archer 10 EC (22) Pay-Off 10 EC (26)
Isoprocarb Arrivo 10 EC (21, 22) Gamma-cyhalothrin
Mipcin 50 WP (16) Audit 10% EW (23) Proaxis 60% CS (26)
Methomyl Bollguard 20% EC (23) Lambda Cyhalothrin
Lannate 12.5 L (16) Buzzer 10% EC (23) Black belt 2.5% EC (26)
Lannate 40 SP (16) Cymbush 10 EC (22) Boxer 2.5 EC (26)
Lannate 90 WSP (16) Cymbush 3 ED (22) Crusher 20 EC (26)
Leo 90% SP (16) Cyperkill 5 EC (21) Demand Ultra 10% EC (26)
Methavin 90 SP (16) Environ 10% EW (23) Gallant 10% WP (26)
Nudrin 90 WSP (16) Finish 20% EC (23) Lamothrin 2.5% EC (26)
Lambda Cyhalothrin... Emamectin Banzoate + Lambda- Acetamiprid...
Lancer 10% EC (26) Cyhalothrin Mospilan 20% SP (36)
Lasso 10% EC (26) Agroguard 1.8% ME (0.2%+1.6%) (30) Moziban 20 SL (36,37)
Lotus 2.5% EC (26) Supextin 12 % WP(2%+10%) (30) Out Fit 36% WDG (37)
Progress 10% WDG (26) Ethion + Zeta Cypermethrin Rapid 50% WDG (37)
Super Lambda 10 EC (26) Mustang 380 EC (360 g/l+20 g/l) (30) Rani 20 SL (35)
Permethrin Fenpropathrin + fenitrothion Rani 20 SP (35)
Ambush 25 EC (26) Meothrin Supper 5/45 EC (30) Shaft 20% SL (36)
Coopex 0.5% Dust (27) Fenvalerate +dimethoate Shaft 20% SP (36)
Coopex 10/50 LGP (27) Mikantop 40 EC (30) Titonic 20% SP (36)
Pounce 1.5 G (27) Flucythrinate + dimethaote Topsilon 20% SP (35)
Pounce 3.2 EC (27) Pay-Off-D (31) Trust 20% SP (35)
Talcord 25 EC (26) Flucythrinate + mephosfolan Vimix 20% SL (35)
Tralomethrin Pay-Off Plus (31) Vimix 20% SP (37)
Trelate 3.6 EC (27) Fluvalinate +thiomenton Zeon 20% SL (35)
f) Pyrethroid Mixtures Mavrik-B (31) Imidachloprid
Abamectin + Beta Cypermethrin Imidachloprid + cyfluthrin Action 25% WP (39)
Shaheen Plus 1% EC (0.2%+0.8%) (27) Confidor Supra 050 EC (31) Asset 20% SL (42)
Acetamiprid+Lambda-Cyhalothrin Imidacloprid + Lamda cyhalothrin Asset 70% WDG (42)
Acelam 26% WDG (23.5% +2.5%) (27) Smart 33% WDG (31) Best 25% WP (44)
Outfit Super 25% WG (20%+ 5%) (27) Lambda-Cyhalothrin+ Clofentezine Binder 48% FS (44)
Betacyfluthrin + chlorpyrifos Fiproxy 11% WP (10%+1%) ( 27) Bracket 70% WS (42)
Bulldock Star 262.5 EC (33) Nitenpyram+ Bifenthrin+ Broader 25% WP (40)
Betacyfluthrin + Triazophos Clofentezine Confidence 20% SL (44)
Capital Plus 41.7 EC (31) Elegant Super 46% WP (20% + Confidence 25% WP (44)
Consult 41.7 EC (31) 25% + 1%) (32) Confidence 70% WS (45)
Bifenthrin + abamectin Nitenpyram+ Clofentezine Confidor 20% SC (44)
Novastar 56% EC (31, 32) Power Max 26% WP (25%+1%) (33) Confidor 20% SL (44)
Resham Plus 11.5 EC (32) Phoxim + Cypermethrin Confidor 200 SC(New recipe) (39)
Bifenthrin 5% + Abamectin 0.6% Lululing 40% EC (33) Confidor 200 SL (39)
Novastar 56% EC (33) Profenofos + Lambda cyhalothrin Confidor 60% FS (41)
Bifenthrin + pyridaben Border 61.5% EC (33) Confidor 70 WG (42)
Gold Star 20% EC (32) Choice 61.5% EC (33) Confidor 70 WS (42)
Buprofezin+ Fenpropathrin Verdict 52% EC (33) Confidor Foliar 200 SL (38)
Sweep 250 EC (17.5+7.5) (30) Pyriproxyfen+ Acetamiprid + Confidor SL-200 (38)
Clofentezine + Emamectin Clofentezine Confirm 25% WP (40)
Benzoate + Lufenuron Tabaci Gold 43% WP (15%+27%+1%) (33) Crown 20% SL (39)
Emalu 4% EC (33) Thiamethoxam+Lambda Crown 200 SL (Formerly Fencidor) (40)
Cypermethrin + amitraz Cyhalothrin Crown 25% WP (39)
Cytac 24 EC (28) Acrid 22% SC (12.6%+ 9.4%) (34) Escort 70% WDG (42)
Cypermethrin + chlorpyrifos Tralomethrin + dimethoate Fensidor 70 WS (38)
Nurelle-D 505 EC (27) Trelate-D 17/ 300 EC (34) Fensidor SL-200 (38)
Nurelle-D 505 EC (New recipe) (28) Triazophos + Lambda-Cyhalothrin Glitter 20% SL (39)
Nurelle-D 55% EC (28) + Validamycin Imidor 20% SL (41)
Cypermethrin + dimethoate Capture 20% SC (34) Launcher 20 SL (40)
Almos-D 25 EC (27) Trica 46% (34) Launcher 25% WP (40)
Almos-D 40 EC (27) Valimy 46% EC (40%+4%+2%) (34) Mestidor 200 SL (38)
Cyperguard 60/250 EC (27) g) Neonicotinoids Group Mestidor 70 WS (38)
Laser 25 EC (28) Acetamiprid Mighty 25% WP (40)
Cypermethrin + mephosfolan Arrange 50% WDG (36) Pronto 60% FS (41)
Cropgard 50 + 300 EC (28) Assault 20% SL (35) Pronto 70% WG (44)
Cypermethrin + profenofos Astarp 20% SP (37) Punch 70% WDG (43)
Cracker Plus 55 EC (29) Barrier 20% SL (35) Python 20% SL (40)
Limit 44% EC (29) Barrier 20% SP (35) Python 25% WP (40)
Polytrin-C 440 (27, 28) Bono 20% SL (36) Rimpa 25% WP (41)
Polytrin-C 44% EC (28) Buster 20% SL (36) Sharp 20% SL (42)
Polytrin-C 220 ULV (29) Buster 20% SP (36) Sharp 20% WP (42)
Result 55% EC (29) Dermote 20% SL (37) Sharp 25% WP (43)
Victor 550 EC (29) Dermote 20% SP (37) Simida 25% WP (40)
Deltamethrin +buprofezin Diamond 20% WP (36) Simida 70% WDG (40)
Dedeci 6.25+100 EC (34) Laila 20% SL (36) Superdin 20% SL (41)
Dream 50 EC (34) Laila 20% SP (36) Pyramid 10% AS (47)
Nitenpyram... Thiamethoxam + chlorantranili- Diflubenzuron
Pyramid 50% WDG (47) prole Dimilin 25 WP (56)
Pyram 10% AS (47) Virtako 0.6% G (50) Emamectin benzoate
True 10% WDG (47) Virtako 40% WG (50) Challenge 5% EC (56)
Thiacloprid Voliam Flexi 300 SC (50) Challenge 5% WDG (56)
Calypso 240 SC (48) i) Miscellaneous Control 1.9% EC (59)
Calypso 240 OD (48) Abamectin Emafer 5% WDG (60)
Elevate 48% SC (48) Alarm 1.8 EC (50) Explorer 1.9% EC (59)
Garner 48% SC (48) Alarm 3.5 EC (51) Explorer 5% WDG (60)
Talent 48% SC (48) Commando 3.5% EC (51) Explorer 5%EC (59)
Thiamethoxam Gold 1.8% EC (51) Fervor 5% WDG (59)
Actara 70 WS (45, 48) Shogun 1.8 EC (51) Fuda 1.9% EC (58)
Actara 25% WE (48) Vigor 1.8 EC (51) Glamour 1.9 EC (58)
Actara 25 WP (48) Abamectin+ Propargite Hammer 5% WDG (59)
Actara 25% WG (48, 49) Tornado 56% EC (0.3% + 55.7%) (48) Proclaim 19 EC (58)
Actara 70% ST (49) Acrinathrin + Abamectin Proclaim 019 EC (57)
Agrozam 25% WG (49) Tripsol 35.1(g/l) EW (22.5g/l + Proclaim 1.9% EC (58)
Contest 25% WDG (49) 12.6g/l) (51) Proclaim 5 SG (58)
Roxam 70% WS (49) Amitraz Procyon 1.9% EC (57)
Roxam 25% WG (49) Mitac 20 EC (52) Profit 1.9% W / W EC (58)
h) Neonicotinoids Mixtures Bacillus thuringensis Rider 1.9% EC (55)
Abamectin + Imidachloprid Agree 0.6 WP (52) Rider 1.9% EC (old finder 1.9% EC) (59)
Blaster 13.3% EC Green Guard 16000 IU/ MG WP Skipper 5% EC (59)
Fighter 13.3 EC (34) (52) Skipper 5% WDG (59)
Abamectin + Nitenpyram Buprofezin Spark 1.9% EC (60)
Opener 30% WP (1%+29%) (46) Byzen 25% WP (52) Spark 5% WDG (60)
Abamectin+ Thiamethoxam Friend 25 WP (52) Spark Ultra 5% EC (60)
Valor 12% SC (2% + 10%) (46,47) Fuzin 25% WP (52) Striker 5% EC (59)
Buprofezin+ Nitenpyram Prado 25% WP (52) Timer 1.9 EC (57)
Best Guard 70% WG (60%+10%) (47) Spear 25% WP (52) Timer 5% EC (57)
Clothianidin + methiocarb Starter 25% WP (52) Timer 5% WDG (57)
Poncho Sol 27.1% FS (47) Butacorbuxin Treasure 1.9% EC (58)
Fipronil + Imidachloprid Drawin 50 EC (52) Tycon 5% WDG (55)
Lesenta 80% WG (37) Clothianidin Vran 1.9 EC (60)
Imidacloprid 20% + acetamipird Telsta 20% SC (47) Emamectin benzoate +
0.2% Chlorantraniliprole hexaflumuron
Jozer 202 SL (45) Coragen TM 20% SC (54) Couple 4% ME (60)
Imidacloprid 210 G/L + Beta Coragen 20% SC (54) Ethofenprox
Cyfluthrin 90 G/L DPX-E 2Y 45 20% SC (52) Phase 30% EC (61)
Solomon 30%-O-TEQ (45) Ferterra 0.4% G (54) Trebon 30 EC (60)
Imidacloprid + Fipronil Chlorfenapyr Fenobucarb
Lesenta 80% WG (45) Pirate 360 GL/SC (54) Fenocarb 25% EC (61)
Imidachloprid + Monomehypo 70 + Patriot 36 EC (54) Fenoxycarb
02% Steer 10% WDG (54) Insegar 25 WP (61)
Pencidor 72% WP (45) Chlorfenapyr + emamectin Fipronil
Imidachloprid 36% + benzoate Refree 0.3% G (61)
Tebuconazole 1.25% Steer Plus 10.5% SC (54) Refree 5% SC (61)
Hombre 37.25% FS (45) Chlorfluazuron Refree 56% FS (61)
Imidachloprid 180 gm/lit + Ataboron 5 EC (55) Regent 80% WDG (61)
Tebuconazole 6.25 gm/lit Caprice 5% EC (55) Flonicamid
Hombre 186.25 FS (46) Cyantraniliprole Ulala 50% WG (61)
Nitenpyram + chlorfenapyr Benevia 10% OD (54) Flubendiamide
Momentum 50% WDG (47) Cycloprothrin Belt 48% SC (61)
Nitenpyram + Pymetrozine Cyclosal 10 EC (55) NHI 480 SC (Belt) (61)
Pyramid Plus 80 WDG (20%+60%) (48) Cyromazine Flufenoxuron
Pyriproxyfen+ Imidacloprid Digard 50% SP (55) Cascade 10 WD (62)
Core 10% SC (46) Dimehypo Cascade 10 WDC (62)
Spirotetramat 12% + Imidacloprid Welhypo 8% G (55) Gossyplure
36% Dinotefuran Frustrate PBW 8%(w/w) Strip (63)
Movento Energy 480 SC (46) Oshin 20% SG (55) Helicoverpa Armigera NPV
Spirotetramate 120 g/l + Diafenthiuron Keyun 60 BPIB/G WG (63)
Imidacloprid 260 g/l Dolo 50% SC (55) Hexaflumuron
Movento Energy 480 SC (46) Piller 50% SC (55) Fumuron 5% EC (63)
Thiamethoxam 200 gai + Polo 500 EC (55) Halter 5% EC (63)
chlorantraniliprole 100 gai/L Polo 500 SC (55) Hexaron 5% EC (63)
Voliam Flexi 300 SC (50) Trophy 50% EC (55) Kalfen 5% EC (63)
Hexaflumuron... Spiromesifen 228.6 + Abamectin Copper oxychloride...
Trape 5% EC (63) 11.4 Cuprasan SD 311 50 WP (76)
Hexaflumuron + Emamectin Oberon speed 240 SC (65) Vitigran Blue 35 WP (76)
Benzoate Spirotetramat 240 g/l Copper Hydroxide
Crackdown 10.5% WDG (10% Movento 240 SC (71) Champion 77% WP (76)
+0.5%) (63) Spirotetramat Kocide 3000 52.4% WP (76)
Lufenuron Movento 24% SC (71) Kocide 3000 52.4% WDG (76)
Bold 10% EC (59) Sulfoxaflor Kocide 3000 52.4% WG (76)
Drone 5% EC (64) Transform 50% WG (71) Cymoxanil 8% + Mancozeb 64%
Match 0.50 EC (64) Tebufenozide Curzate-M8 72% WP (77)
Match 5% EC (63) Craft 20% SC (71) Diesomil Platinum 72% WP (77)
Match 50 EC (63) Falcon 20% WP (71 Plantomil Gold 72% WP (76)
Silent 5% EC (64) Tebuzide 20% SC (71) Difenoconazole
Track 10 EC (64) Topgun 200 (g/l)SC (72) Armure30% EC (78)
Methoxyfenozide Tebufenozide+ Emamectin Barb 25% EC (78)
Runner 240 SC (64,65) Benzoate Definite 10% WDG (78)
Monomehypo Powerlock 25% SC (24%+1%) (72) Dew 25% EC (78)
Almas 10% G (65) Thiocyclam Hydrogen Oxalate Proctor 25% EC (78)
Black Gold 5% G (65) Sovisect 50% SP (72) Score 25% EC (78)
Dilute 5% G (65) Indoxacarb Score 250 EC (78)
Dilute Super 10% G (65) Equator 14.5% SC (72) Difenoconazole + cyproconazole
Mintox 5% G (65) Steward 15% EC (72) Divident Star 036 FS (78)
Mintox Super 10% G (65) Steward 150 EC (72) Difenoconazole + propiconazole
Shark 5% G (65) Steward 150 SC (72) Armure 30% EC (78)
Methylamine avermectin j) Homeopathic Insecticides Proctor Plus 50%EC (78)
Sunjin 0.5% EC (65) Ventage 40% Liquid (73) Spectrum 30% EC (79)
Novaluron Dimethomorph
Uniron 10% EC (65) II- FUNGICIDES Kelsey 50% WP (79)
Pectinophora gossypiella Azoxystrobin Toss 50% WD (old defense 50%
pheromone Primacy 25% SC (73) WDG) (79)
PB-Rope pheromones (66) Acute 50% SC (73) Dimethomorph + mancozeb
Phoxim Benomyl Acrobat-MZ 90/600 G/kg WP (73)
Superxim 40% EC (66) Benlate 50 WP (73) Dimethomorph 6% + mancozeb
Prosuler + oxymatrin Bupirmate 44%
Kingbo 0.6% AS (66) Nimrod 25 EC (73) Agrohit 50% WP (79)
Pymetrozine Captan Diniconazole
Anpon Super 25%WP (66) Captan 50 WP (73) Spotless 12.5 WP (79)
Victory 25% SC (66) Carbendazim Fanfuran
Pymetrozine + Buprofezin Bavistin 50 DF (74) Panoram 75 WP (79)
Chemphy 50% WDG (66) Bavistin 50% WP (74) Fenarimol
Pyraclofos Crest 50% WP (74) Rubigan 12 EC (79)
Voltage 50 EC (66) Derosal 50 WP (74 Fenetrazole
Pyriproxyfen Derosal 60 WP (74) Raxil DS-2 (79)
Bruce 10.8% EC (66) Derosal 80 WP (74) Fludioxonil
Fudal 20% WDG (67) Shincar 50 SC (74) Celest 100 FS (79)
North 10.8% EC (66) Carbendazim 40%+ triadimefon Fosetyl-aluminium
Priority Gold 40% WDG (66) 10% Aleitte 80 WP (79)
Rolex 10.8% EC (67) Soleton 50% WP (74) Excel 80% WP (80)
Spinosad Carboxin Pick It 80% WDG (80)
Spintor 48% SC (68) Vitavax (75) Tahaffuz 90% SP (80)
Spintor 480 SC (68) Chlorothalonil Valvet 80% WDG (80)
Tracer 24% SC (67,68) Chloronil 75%WP (75) Wisdom 80%WDG (80)
Tracer 240 SC (67,68) Daconil W-75 (75) Fosetyl-aluminium + mancozeb
Tracer 480 SC (67) Halonil 75% WP (75) Alligate 70 WP (80)
Spinosad + Methyl Eugenol Chlorothalonil 6% + mancozeb V-Nurse 70% WP (80)
Static Spinosad ME 53% RB (2% + 64% Valvet 80% WP (80)
51%) (68) Reconil-M 70% WP (75) Valvet Plus 70% WP (80)
Spinethylin Copper + mancozeb Hexaconazole
XDE-175 120 SC (68) Trimiltox Forte (75) Anvil 5 EC (81)
Spinetoram Copper oxychloride Anvil 5% SC (81)
Delegate 25% WG (69) Copper oxychloride 50 WP/Cobox Anpower 5% ME (81)
Radiant 120 SC (69) 50 WP/Copper A 50 WP (75) Contaf + 5.1% SC (81)
Co-oxy 50% WP (76) Contaf Plus 051 SC (81)
Oberon 240 g/l SC (70)
Iprovalicarb 61.3% + Propineb Sulphur Atrazine
5.5% Kumulus DF 80% WG (86) Awax 80 WP (98)
Melody Duo 66.8WP (81) Sulfex Gold 80% WDG (86) Awax 90 WDG (98)
Kasugamycin Thiovit 80% WG (86) Balance 38% SL (98)
Fork 6% WP (81) Tebuconazole Clark 38% SC (98)
Kasumin 2 LS (81) Folicure 430 SC (86) Divert 80% WP (98)
Mancozeb Triger 25% EC (86) Matrix 90% WDG (98)
Anadoul 80% WP (82) T-Zole 25% (86) Opal 90% WDG (98)
Big Time 80% WP (82) Tebuconazole + Trifloxystrobin Welazin 38% SC (98)
Craze 80% WP (82) Nativo 75% WG (86) Atrazine + metolachlor
Dithane M-45 80 WP (81) Thiophanate methyl Primextra 500 FW (98)
Nanco 80% WP (82) Topsin-M 70 WP (87) Atrazine 16% + propisochlor 24%
Nemispore 80 WP (81) Thiomil 70 WP (87) Weed Out 40% SE (98)
Pencozeb 80 WP (82) Thiophanate 52% diethofencarb Bentazon
Polyram Combi (81) 12.5.% Basagran (99)
Shelter 80% WP (82) Pre-Cure Combi 65% WP (87) Basagran 48% G/L SL (99)
Mefenoxam + chlorothalonil Triadimenol Benthiocarb
Folio Gold 440 SC (82,83) Bayton 10 D (87) Saturn 6 G (99)
Mefenoxam + Mancozeb Bayton Foliar 250 EC (88) Saturn 50 EC (99)
Ridomil Gold 68% WG (83) Vangard 25% EC (88) Saturn Technical 93 % w/w (99)
Metalaxyl Triadimefon Bispyribac sodium
Metacarb 25% WP (83) Bayleton 25 WP (88) Astral 20% WP (99)
Metriam 55% + Pyriraclostrobin 5% Valimy 46% EC (40% +4% + 2%) Clover 10% SC (99)
Trica 46% (88) Expose 20% SC (100)
Cabrio Top 60% WDG (83) Tricyclazole Nominee 10% SC (99)
Metalaxyl-m + fluazinam Beam 75-WP (88) Parcel 20% WP (100)
Flumax 60% EC (83) Drean-M 75%WP (88) Pyripac 10% SC (100)
Metalaxyl + mancozeb Spore Off 75% WP (88) Sponsor 40% SC (100)
Dolomite 58% WP (78) Tridemorph Zebra 10% SC (100)
Feast-M 72% WP (84) Calixin (88) Zebra 20% WP (100)
Metaman 72% WP (84) Triforine Bispyribac-sodium 18%+
Ridomil MZ-72 WP (83) Saprol 19 EC (88) Bensulfuron-methyl 12%
Tazolen 72% WP (84) Bordeaux –mixture (88) Pyranex 30% WDG (100)
Metiram + pyraclostrobin Bromoxynil + MCPA
Cabrio Top 60% WDG (84) III- HERBICIDES Brominol-M 40 EC (100)
Myclobutanil Acetochlor Buctril-M 40 EC (New recipe) (100)
Rely 40% WP (84) Acetor 50 EC (92) Herbstar 60% EC (101)
Oxadixyl + mancozeb Appeal 99% EC (92) Morewise 40%SP (101)
Sandofan-M (84) Caster 50% EC (92) Sectral-M 40 EC (101)
Pencycuron Horizon 90% EC (92) Warden 40% EC (101)
Monceren 25% FS (84) Shintachlor 50 EC (92) Warden Super 60% EC (101)
Penflufen Welacelor 50 EC (92) Bromoxynil + MCPA + Tribenuron
Emesto 24% FS (84) Acetachlor 54.4 + atrazine 18% methyl
Penoconazole Click 72.4% SE (96) Weedway 38% EC (101)
Topas 100 EC (84) Player 50% ME (96) Bromoxynil 20%+ MCPA 20%+
Propineb Acetachlor + pendimethalin Metribuzin 7%
Antracol 80 WP (85) Zip Up 42% EC () Valent 47% EW (101)
Cover 70% WP (85) Alachlor + Acetachlor + Atrazine Bromoxynil + ametryn
Gift 70% WP (85) Super mix 42% SC (96) AM002 (Canmore) 78% WP (101)
Protest 70% WP (85) Ametryne + atrazine Bromoxynil Octonoate +
Propineb 70% + cymoxanil 6% Dimextra 38 SC (96) heptanoate + MCPA
Index 76% WP (85) Gesapax Combi (New recipe) (97) Buctril Super 60% EC (102)
Propiconazol Gesapax Combi 80 WP (97) Bromoxynil Actanoate + MCPA
Sentinel 25% EC (85) Gexapax Combi 500 FW (97) Isostylester
Tilt 25% EC (85) Marter 80% WP (97) Quattro 200/200 EC (102)
Tilt 250 EC (85) Scope 80% WP (97) Butachlor
Pthalide Vesa combi 50 SC (97) Client 90% EC (102)
Rabcide 30 WP (85) Aminopy-ralid tri-ispropanol Hooter 60 EC (102)
Pyrazophos ammonium 1% + fluraxypyr Methyl Machete 60 EC (102)
Afugan 30 EC (85) 14% Sundachlor 60 EC (102)
Pyrimethanil Lancelot Star 15% EO (GF-982 Topchlor 60% EC (102)
Pyrine 25% WP (86) EO-15) (97) Volta 60% EW (102)
Streptomycin Atrazine
Welchlor 60 EC (102)
Agrimycin 100 (86) Awax 38% SC (98)
Butralin Fenoxaprop 8% + Metribuzin 8% Isoproturon+bensulfuron ethyl
Twister 48% EC (103) Ferrary 16% EC (107) Cleaner 70% WP (113)
Carfentrazone Ethyl Foransulfuron + isoxadifen Isoproturon +bromoxynil + MCPA
Aim 40% DF (103) Equip 2.25% OD (94) Doublet 47 SC (1113)
Carfentrazone Ethyl + IPU Fluazifop-p-butyle Isoproturon + diflufonican
Isoproturon Fusilade 12.5 EC (107) Panther 52 SC (113)
Affinity 50% WP (103) Fenoxaprop- P-Ethyl + Isoproturon Isoxaben
Chlortoluron + MCPA Sumo Super 50% WP(2%+48%)(108) Flexidor 12.5 EC (113)
Agmol Combi 60 WP (103) Flumeturon + prometryn Isoxaflutole + atrazine 50 + 500
Dicuran MA 60 WP (103) Cotogard 500 FW (108) Mirlin 50 + 500 EC (113)
Cinmethylin Flurochloridone Mirlin Extra (113)
Argold 2.5 G (103) Racer 25 CS (108) Lactofen
Argold 10 EC (103) Fluroxypyr Methyl + MCPA Conquest 24% EC (113)
Clodinafop propargyl Strive-M 30 WP (108) Matoxuron
Cutter 15% WP (104) Starane-M 50% EC (108) Dosanex 80 WP (113)
Safner 15% WP (104) Fluroxypyr + MCPA Metolachlor+ pendimethalin
Spike15% WP (103) Sprint 50% EC (108) Topmax 96% EC (113)
Topcide 15 WP (103) Fluroxypyr + MCPA 100 +400 g/l Metsulfuron Methyl
Topik 15 WP (103) EC Ally 20% DF (114)
Tremor 24% EC (104) Harvester 50% EC (108) Metsulfuron 33.3% + tribenuron
Clodinafop propargyl 4.5% Fluroxypyr + clopyralid 33.3%
+fenoxayprop-p-Ethyl 9.0% Clear FieldExtra 20.5% WDG (108) Laren Max 66.7% WG (114)
Foxtrot Extra 13.5% EC (104) Fluroxypyr 30% + clopyralid 30% + Mesusulfuron Methyl -
Clopyralid tribenuron 6% Iodosulfuron methyl sodium
Clear Field Gold 75% WDG (104) Wheat star 66% WDG (108) Atlantis 3.6% WG (114)
Tyrent 30% SL 104) Glufosinate ammonium Metachlor + flumeturon
Clopyralid 22.9%+ picloram 5.% Basta 20 SL (108) Cotoran Multi 50 WP (114)
Crux 28.6% SL (104) Glyphosate Methabenzo-thiouron
Clomazone Carpet 75.7% SG (109) Tribunil 70 WP (114)
Parang 48% EC (104) Dominate 62%SL (109) Metolachlor
Clomazone Pendimethalin Dominate Gold 88.8% WSG (109) Dual 500 EC (114)
Glaxy 450 EC (104) Glider 41% SL (109) Guard Plus 96% EC (114)
Cynazine 33% + atrazine 16% Gluconil 48% WSC (109) Quintal 96% EC (114)
Bladex Plus (104) Glycel 48% SL (109) Radium 960 EC (115)
Diphenylether Hold up 41% SL (109) Metribuzin
MO 9G (105) Hold up 95% SG (109) Buke 70% WP (115)
Diuron Mera 71% SG (109) Locker 70% WDG (115)
Karmex 80 WP (105) Round Up CT XTRA 490 g/l SL (109) Locker 70% WP (formerly zentor) (115)
R.P. Diuron 80 WP (105) Roundup PowerMax® 540gm/lit SL (110) Retard 70% WP (115)
Ethoxy-sulfuron Glyphosate Isopropyl ammonium Sencor 70 WP (115)
Cogent 15% WDG (105) Cleanup 48% SL (111) Zentar 70 WP (115)
Curfew 60% WDG 105) Grip-up 48% SL (110) Metribuzin + clomazone
Sunstar 15 WG (105) Lasher 40% SL (111) Metric 25% ZC (116)
Sunstar Gold 60 WG (105) Haloxyfop-p-ethyl Metsulfuron methyl
Ethoxy-sulfuron + ethyl-sodium + Percept 10.8% EC (111) Ally 20 DF (116)
Iodosulfuron Spider 10.8% EC (111) Metsulfuron + tribenuron
Stallion 13.75 WG (106) Haloxyfop-r-methyl Metafin Super 28.6% WDG (116)
Fenoxulam Coast 10.8% EC (111) Molinate
Ryzelon 240 SC (106) Dakota 10.8%EC (111) Ordram 8 E (116)
Fenoxaprop P-ethyl Declare 20% EC (111) Nicosulfuron
Brake 10% EC (106) Kaboom/ Honza 10.8% EC (111) Partner 75% WDG (116)
Brake 7.5 EW (106) Isoproturon Nitrofen
Bristal 10% EC (107) Arelon 50 Dispersion (112) Tok 7.7 G (116)
Bristal 6.9% EW (107) Arelon 75 SP (112) Orthosulfa-muron
Chinlima 6.9% EW (107) Buticide 50 EC (112) Kelion 50% WG (116)
Chroma 6.9% EW (107) Graminon 500 FW (112) Oxadiargyl
Fulong 6.9 EW (106) Kenoran 75 WP (112) Topstar 80 WP (116)
Gramicide 6.9 EW (107) Milron 75 WP (112) Topstar 80 WG (116)
Karsaz 10 EC (107) Nocilon 50 WP (112) Oxadiazon
Pujing 10 EC (106) Partner 50% WP (112) Jasstar 25% EC (117)
Pujing 7.5% EW (106) Proton 50% WP (112) Ronstar 12 EC (117)
Puma Super 75 EW (106) Prowl 50% WP (113) Ronstar 12 L (117)
Puma-S 69 EW (106) Puton 50% WP (113)
Ronstar 25 EC (117)
Swift 6.9% EW (107) Tolkan 50 SP (112)
Oxyflourfen Thidiazuron V – RODENTCIDES
Hadaf 24% EC (117) Dropp (123) Brodifacoum Burrow
Paraquat Thidiazuron + Diuron Klerat 0.005 WB Wax block (127)
Burner 20% EC (117) Ginstar 54%SC (123) Zinc phosphide
Byron 20% SL (118) Thifensulfuron methyl Zinc phosphide 80 P (127)
Delux 20% SL (117) Target 75% WDG (123)
Gramaxone 20 EC (117) Thifensulfuron Methyl VI – FUMIGANTS
Halt 29% SL (118) Rocket 15 WP (123) Aluminium phosphide
Nelson 20% SL (118) Traloko-xydim Agtoxin (128)
Pointer 20% SL (117) Grasp 10 EC (123) Alphosphine (Tablets) (128)
Quantum 20% SL (117,118) Triasulfuron Delicia Gastoxin (128)
Paraquat dichloride Logran 75% WG (124) Detia Gas-Ex-T (128)
Pillarxone 24 w/w (118) Tribenuron –methyl Phostek 56% (Flat tablets, Round
Pendimethalin Cantus 75% WDG (124 tablets and pallets) (128)
Lotus 33% EC (119) Shield 75% WDG (124) Phostoxin Tablet (127)
Panida Granda 43.5% EC (119) Tribenuron-methyl + Fluroxypyr Quickphos (128)
Profothion 33% EC (119)
Razor 33% EC (119) Timber 20% WP (124) VII – NEMATICIDES
Stomp 33% EC (119) Trifluralin Cadusafos
Stomp 330 E (118) Fuslan 48% EC (124) Rugby 5% G 2013 (128)
Stomp 455 G/L -CS (New Ipiflour 48 E (124)
formulation) (119) Olitref 48 EC (124) x——x——x——x
Stomp 455 GL/ CS (119) Treflan 4 EC (124)
Top 33% EC (119) Trifluralin + 2, 4-D
Pendimehtalin + preometryn Treflan-R 20 EC (125)
Penthalin Plus 35 EC (120) Triflollxy-sulfuron Sodium +
Pertilochlor ametryn
Rifit 2 G (120) Krismat 75 WG (125)
Rifit 500 EC (120) Turbutryn + trubuthy-lazine
Rifle 30% EC (120) Torrent 50% WDG (125)
Piprophos Amitraz
Rilof-H 500 EC (120) Mitac 20% EC (125)
Propanil Sanmite 20% EC (125)
Propanil/Surcopur/ Rough/ Stam F- Azocyclotin
34 25 EC (121) Gallop 25% WP (125)
Pyrazosulfuron Prudent 25% WP (125)
Cobber 10% WP (121) Bromopropylate
Sword 10% WP (121) Neoron 500 EC (126)
Terminator 10% WDG (121) Dicofol
Terminator 10% WP (121) Kelthane 42 EC (126)
Pyrazosulfuron- ethyl Kelthane 40 ED (126)
Accord 10% WP (121) Ethion
S-metolachlor Cethion 40 EC (126)
Dual Gold 960 EC (121) Ethion 46.5 EC (126)
Gold Star 90% EC (122) Fenpyroximate
S-metolachlor + atrazine Unique 5% SC (126)
Primextra Gold 720 SC (122) Unique-M 5% SC (126)
Primextra Gold 72% SC (122) Mitech 5% EC (126)
Sulcotrione Hexythiazox
Upset 26% SC (122) Nissorun 10 WP (126)
Sulfosulfuron Okill 5% EC (126)
Sulfon 75% WG (122) Zox 5% EC (126)
Teburam Pyridabin
Comodor 60 EC (122) Current15% EC (127)
Tebuthiury Helb Star 20% EC (126)
Perflan 80 WP (123) Sindh Mite 15% EC (127)
Terbuthy Lazine Hexythiazox 10% + pyridabin 2.5%
Topogard 500 EC (123) Sndmyt 12.5% EC (127)
Topogard 500 FW (123) Fenbutatin oxide
Terbutryn Mitoxin 55% SC (127)
Igran 500 FW (123) Sulfur
Teroutryn+ triasulfuron
Logran Extra 64 WG (123) Thiovit Jet 80% WG (127)
(HQRS) / (AR) / (IATI) / (ATI) / (BATI) / (ENTOMOLOGY)
Driectors Code Phone Fax E-mail Address

DA (Ext) Hqrs. Punjab, Lahore 042 99200752 99200719

DA (AR) Punjab, Lahore 042 99200741 99200740
DA, IATI, R.Y.Khan 068 9230173 5880137
DA, IATI, Sargodha 048 9239081 3714177
DA/Principal, BATI, Dahgal, Rawalpindi 051 5133001 5133002
Director,ATI, Layyah 0606 811271 811919
Dir. Ento. Resh: Instt: AARI, Faisalabad 041 9201680 9201681
Dir. Plant Path: Resh Instt:, AARI Faisalabad 041 9201682 9201683




Driectors Code Phone Fax E-mail Address

Attock 057 9316129 9316136

Bahawalpur 062 9255184 9255183
Bahawalnagar 063 9240124 9240125
Bhakkar 0453 9200144 9200144
Chakwal 0543 551556 544027
Dera Ghazi Khan 064 9260143 9260144
Faisalabad 041 9200754 2652701
Gujranwala 055 9200195 9200203
Gujrat 053 9260346 9260446
Hafizabad 0547 525600 525600
Jhang 047 9200289 7650289
Jhelum 0544 9270324 9270333
Khanewal 065 9200060 9200060
Khushab 0454 920158 920159
Kasur 049 9250042 2773354
Lahore 042 99200736 99200770
Lodhran 0608 9200106 364481
Layyah 0606 413748 413748
Multan 061 9200748 9200319
Muzaffargarh 066 9200042 9200041
Mianwali 0459 920095 920095
Mandi Baha-ud-Din 0546 508390 508390
Narowal 0542 412379 411084
Okara 044 9200264 9200265
Pak Pattan 0457 374242 352346
Rawalpindi 051 9290331 9290351
Driectors Code Phone Fax E-mail Address

Rajanpur 0604 688949 688848

Rahim Yar Khan 068 9230129 9230130
Sialkot 052 9250311 9250312
Sargodha 048 9230232 9230232
Sahiwal 040 9900185 4223176
Sheikhupura 056 9200263 3782232
Nanakana Sahib 056 2876103 2876972
Toba Tek Singh 046 2511729 2512529
Vehari 067 3362603 3363360
Chiniot 0476 9210175 322049




District Tehsil Code Phone Fax E-mail Address

Attock 9316130 9316130

Hazro 2310208 2310208
Hasanabdal 2521198 —
Attock 057
Fatehjang 2210749 —
Jand 2621799 2621799
Pindigheb 2352925 2352214
Mianwali 920096 —
Mianwali Piplan 0459 201863 —
Isa Khel 285089 —
Rawalpindi 9292160 9292076
Rawalpindi 9292095 —
Taxila 9314212 — ddo.agriext.taxila
Gujar Khan 3516091 — ddogujarkhan @gmail com
Rawalpindi 051
Kahuta 3311524 — ddoakahuta
Kallar Syedan 3570816 — agriext.ks@
Kotli Sattian 3356203 —
Murree 3412190 — —
Khushab 920160 —
Khushab Noorpur Thal 0454 850903 —
Quaidabad 880387 —
Bhakkar 9200144 9200144
Bhakkar 9200005 —
Bhakkar 9200006 —
Bhakkar 0453
Mankera 410445 —
Kallurkot 200963 —
Farida Garden, Kallurkot 200927 —
Jhelum 9270321 —
Jhelum Sohawa 0544 711207 —
P.D Khan 210526 210526
Chakwal 553438 —
Chakwal Talagang 0543 412706 —
Choa saidan shah 579185 —
Sargodha 9230231 —
Bhalwal 6644602 —
Kotmoman — —
Sargodha 048
Sillanwali 6531580 —
Shahpur 6310509 —
Sahiwal 6786981 —
Hafizabad Hafizabad 0547 520952 —
District Tehsil Code Phone Fax E-mail Address

Pindi Bhattian 0547 532288 —

Lahore Lahore 042 99200760 99200770
Jhang 0477
9200289 650289
Jhang Jhang 9200288 —
Shorkot 5311780 5311780
A.P.Sial 0477 5340746 5340746

Sheikhupura 056 9200258 —

Ferozewala 042 37944017 37944017

Sheikhupura 37992701 37992701
Muridke 042
Sharaqpur 056 2590242 2590243
Safdarabad 056 3862658 3862658
Gujrat 053 9260347 —
Gujrat Kharian 053 9240127 —
Srai Alamgir 0544 653878 —
Kasur 049 9239006 9239006 ddoaextksr@
Chunian 049 4310094 4310094
Pattoki 049 4424843 4424843
Kot Radha Kishen 049 2382790 2382790
Lalian 0476 661088 —
Bhowana 0476 201199 —
Narowal 0542 412482 —
Baddomalhi 0542 406422 —
Shakargarh 0542 450190 —
Zafarwal 0542 538150 —
M.B.Din 0546 650391 —
M.B. Din Phalia 0546 587321 —
Malikwal 0546 582483 —
Nankana Sahib 056 2874904 — —
Shahkot 056 3712176 —
Sangla Hill 056 3700557 —
Sialkot Sialkot 052 9250317 —
Daska 052 6611695 —
Pasrur 052 6442005 —
Sambrial 052 6522967 —
Faisalabad 041 9200754 2652701
Faisalabad 041 9201411 —
Samundri 041 9240070 9240070
Jaranwala 041 4312312 —
Tandlianwala 041 3442701 —
ChakJhumra 041 8763551 —
T.T. Singh T.T. Singh 046 2515529 —
District Tehsil Code Phone Fax E-mail Address

Gojra 046 9200172 —

Kamalia 046 3413969 —
Gujranwala Gujranwala 055 0300- 9200195
Gujranwala 055 0300- 9200191
Wazirabad 055 0301- 6601280
Kamoke 055 0336- 6813269
NosheraVirkan 055 0344- 6762013
Pakpattan 0457 374227 374242 —
Arifwala 0457 834718 834718
Multan 061 9200748 9200319
Multan 061 9200745 —
Multan Shujabad 061 4396238 4396238
Jalal Pur Pir Wala 061 4212150 —
G A S (Farm) Multan 061 9200327 9200327
Okara 044- 9200266 —
Okara Renala Khurd 044- 2636030 2636030
Depalpur 044- 4542056 4542056
Layyah 0606- 920302 —
Layyah Karor 0606- 810962 —
Choubara 0606- 440131 440305
Rajanpur 0604 689085 —
Rajanpur Jampur 0604 567534 —
Rojhan — — —
Khanewal 065 9200143 —
Jahanian 0652 210081 —
Kabirwala 0652 500109 —
Mian Channu 0652 660754 —
Lodhran 0608 921106 921081
0608 921107 —
Dunyapur 0608 304366 —
Kehror Pacca 0608 340093 340094
Bahawalnagar 063 9240130 9240125
Chishtian 063 2503578 —
Haroonabad 063 2252837 2253834
Fortabbas 063 2510723 2510323
Minchinabad 063 2750698 —
District Tehsil Code Phone Fax E-mail Address
064 9260146 —
D.G.Khan D.G.Khan
Taunsa 064 — —
Vehari 067 3364051 3365051
Vehari Burewala 067 9200127 9200127
Mailsi 067 3410774 3410711
Muzaffargarh 066 9200040 —
Muzaffar- Kot Adu 066 2239332 2239332
garh Alipur 066 2755030 2755030
Jatoi 066 2391335 2391335
Sahiwal 040 9239038 —
chichawantni 040 5486188 5486188
Rahim Yar Khan 068 9230131 9230130
Sadiqabad 068 5706205 5706205
Khan Pur 068 5872138 5872138
Liaquat Pur 068 5795450 5795450
Bahawalpur 062 9255185 —
Ahmadpur East 062 2272290 2272590
Bahawalpur Yazman 062 2702207 2702207
Hasilpur 062 2441947 2441947
Khairpur Tamewali 062 2262438 2262438


District Code Phone Fax E-mail Address

DDA (PP) Lahore 042 9200726 —

DDA (PP) Gujranwala 055 9201257 —
DDA (PP) Rawalpindi 051 9290865 —
DDA (PP) Sargodha 048 9239034 —
DDA (PP) Faisalabad 041 9200809 —
DDA (PP) Sahiwal 040 9239090 —
DDA (PP) Multan 061 9239736 —
DDA (PP) Bahawalpur 062 9255183 —
DDA (PP) D.G.Khan 064 9239162 —
ADA (PP) Lahore 042 9200746 —
ADA (PP) Sheikhupura 056 9200262 —
ADA (PP) Kasur 049 9250079 —
ADA (PP) Nankana Sahib 056 2877059 —
ADA (PP) Gujranwala 055 9200193 —
District Code Phone Fax E-mail Address

ADA (PP) Hafizabad 0547 524092 —

ADA (PP) M.B.Din 0546 505834 —
ADA (PP) Gujrat 053 3603122 —
ADA (PP) Sialkot 052 9250315 —
ADA (PP) Narowal 0542 411187 —
ADA (PP) Rawalpindi 051 9290865 —
ADA (PP) Attock 057 9316138 —
ADA (PP) Chakwal 0543 554517 —
ADA (PP) Jehlum 0544 9270318 —
ADA (PP) Sargodha 048 9239068 —
ADA (PP) Khushab 0454 923040 —
ADA (PP) Mianwali 045 9236312 —
ADA (PP) Bhakkar 0453 9200308 —
ADA (PP) Faisalabad 041 9200809 —
ADA (PP) Jhang 047 9200372 —
ADA (PP) T.T.Singh 0462 516982 —
ADA (PP) Sahiwal 040 9239090 —
ADA (PP) Pakpattan 0457 352682 —
ADA (PP) Okara 044 9200392 —
ADA (PP) Multan 061 9200325 —
ADA (PP) Khanewal 065 9200092 —
ADA (PP) Vehari 067 3365524 —
ADA (PP) Lodhran 0608 9200189 —
ADA (PP) Bahawalpur 062 9255186 —
ADA (PP) Bahawal Nagar 063 9240133 —
ADA (PP) Rahim Yar Khan 068 9230134 —
ADA (PP) D.G.Khan 064 9260145 —
ADA (PP) Muzaffar Ghar 066 2424041 —
ADA (PP) Rajan Pur 0604 689050 — pprajanpur@yhoo.coma
ADA (PP) Layyah 0606 413414 —


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