Deuteron Photodisintegration

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Resonance Reactions and the Nuclear Shell Model I. RICHARD H. LEMMER AND CARL M.
SHAKIN, Department of Physics and Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
H. Feshbach’s unified theory of nuclear reactions has been applied to the calculation of
elastic neutron scattering from an N16 target. The target nucleus is considered to be ade-
quately described as a ~112 hole configuration relative to the 016 core. The method takes
into account the formation of compound states of the one particle-one hole type which
arise a.~ intermediate states during the scattering process. No interaction radius is intro-
duced and properly antisymmetrized wave functions are used throughout. The elastic
scattering cross section is calculated for energies of the incident neutron up to 10 MeV,
neglecting the presence of inelastic channels, the lowest of which opens up at 5.28 MeV
neutron energy. Resonance energies and widths are predicted for negative parity states
having J = 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 in this energy range. The predicted widths range from 0.6 to
800 kev and are of the order of magnitude of those found experimentally.
One interesting aspect of the calculation is the appearance of strong coupling effects in
the J = l- channel in the v,icinity of a single particle resonance. It is shown that this feature
can lead to narrow resonances in the cross section that have no analog in a weak coupling
treatment of the problem.

Deuteron Photodisintegration and n-p Capture Below Pion Production Threshold. F. PARTOVI,
Laboratory for Nuclear Science and Physics Department, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
A nonrelativistic, phenomenological treatment of deuteron photodisintegration and n-p
capture is presented. The only approximations made are the neglect of nucleon structure,
pion exchange currents, and multipoles higher than the octupole. In addition to the total
and differential eroes section, all parameters necessary to specify the final polarization
with an arbitrarily polarized incident beam are calculated. Photodisintegration is calcu-
lated at laboratory photon energies of 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, and 140 MeV, and n-p
capture at laboratory neutron energies of 0.1 and 0.548 MeV. Hamada’s potential is used
for computation of the wave functions. Photodisintegration calculations are done in several
approximations to exhibit the effect of various terms.
It has been found that spin El and spin M2 transitions to triplet states, usually omitted,
are important. The thermal neutron capture cross section found from exact wave functions
shows an improvement of 2% over the zero-range approximation, thus accounting for some
of the discrepancy with experiment. It is hoped that this improvement will close the 5%
gap between experiment and zero-range theory when a potential that fits the singlet scat-
tering length better than Hamada’s is used. Results are compared to experiment where

Effects of Parity Nonconserving Intern&eon Potentials on the Photoeffect in Hz. F. PARTOVI,

Laboratory for Nuclear Science and Physics Department, Massachusetts Inst,itute of
Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
The effect of parity nonconservation on the photodisintegration of the deuteron and on
the radiative capture of neutrons by hydrogen is studied. Photodisintegration is calculated
at laboratory photon energies of 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, and 140 MeV, and n-p capture at
laboratory neutron energies of 0.1 and 0.548 MeV. The internucleon potential of Hamada
plus the parity nonconserving potential of Blin-Stoyle are used to represent the proton-
neutron interaction. The following experimental ratios (which would vanish for parity

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