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Problem 1.

What is profile of the respondents in terms of the following:

a. Age,
b. Sex,
c. Civil Status
d. Educational attainment, and
e. Religion?

Variables Frequency Percentage

61 and above 4 40.0
41 – 60 4 40.0
21 - 40 2 20.0
Total 100
Female 8 80.0
Male 2 20.0
Total 10 100
Civil Status
Single 3 30.0
Married 5 50.0
Widow 2 20.0
Total 10 100.0
Educational Attainment
College level 1 10.0
College undergraduate 2 20.0
College graduate 4 40.0
Post graduate 3 30.0
Total 10 100
Roman Catholic 8 80.0
Iglesia ni Cristo 2 20.0
Total 10 100

On Age. A great percentage (four or 40%) of the respondents belong to the age bracket of 61 years and
above and another four belong to the age bracket of 41 – 60 years while the least (two or 20%) of the
respondents belong to the age bracket of 21 – 40 years.
On Sex. Great majority (eight or 80%) of the respondents are female while the least (two or 20%) are
On Civil Status. Half (five or 50%) of the respondents are married while the least (two or 20%) are
On Educational Attainment. A great number (four or 40%) of the respondents are college graduates
while the least (one or 10%) is on college level.
On Religion. Great majority (eight or 80%) of the respondents are Roman Catholics while the least
(two or 20%) are members of the Iglesia ni Cristo.
Problem 2. What are the normal practices before a political decision?

Variables Frequency Percentage

Voting system
Electronic voting 9 90.0
Manual Voting 1 10.0
Total 10 100
Importance, Local or National Election?
Both Local and National Election 9 90.0
National Election is more important 1 10.0
Total 10 100.0
Basis to assess political candidate*
News on TV 1 10.0
Articles on newspapers 2 20.0
Attend events where the candidate is addressing the people 4 40.0
I research all the channel before making my choice 2 20.0
The family upbringing of the candidate 1 10.0
Others (specify) 2 20.0
*Multiple responses
On Voting System. Most (nine or 90%) of the respondents prefer electronic voting system rather than

manual while the least (one or 10%) prefer manual voting.

On Importance, Local or National Election. Most (nine or 90%) of the respondents give more

importance on both local and national election while the least (one or 10%) favors national election as more


On Basis to assess political candidate. A great percentage (four or 40%) of the respondents choose

candidates who attend events and addresses people while the least (one or 10%) base from news on TV and

another one base upon the family upbringing of the candidate.

Problem 3. What are the issues and difficulties experienced by the respondents?
Multiple Responses on the Issues Experienced by the Respondents
Issues Frequency Percentage
Political views and compliance with personal ideology 1 10.0
Candidates’ previews activities and actions 6 60.0
Image of candidate 3 30.0
The fact that his/her party was a political party I’m committed to 1 10.0
The fact that the candidate knew the problems of the town/province 6 60.0
On Issues experienced by the respondents. Majority (six or 60%) of the respondents perceives

candidates’ previews activities and actions as issues while the least (one or 10%) perceives that political views

and compliance with personal ideology as issues and another one perceived the fact that his/her party was a

political party I’m committed to as an issue.

Problems Encountered Frequency Percentage

Partisanship 2 20.0
Vote-buying 9 90.0
Political dynasty 2 20.0
Nepotism 3 30.0
Debt gratitude 1 10.0
Bribery 4 40.0
Nuisance candidate 4 40.0
Threat 4 40.0

On Problems encountered. Most (nine or 90%) of the respondents perceived vote – buying as

problem during election while the least (one or 10%) perceived debt gratitude as a problem during election


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