(14796821 - Endocrine-Related Cancer) Considerations For Cancer Immunotherapy Biomarker Research During COVID-19

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Endocrine-Related J W Carlisle et 

al. Cancer Immunotherapy 27:9 C1–C8

Cancer Research during COVID-19


Considerations for cancer immunotherapy

biomarker research during COVID-19

Jennifer W Carlisle1,2,*, Caroline S Jansen1,3,5,*, Mehmet Asim Bilen1,2 and Haydn Kissick1,3,4,5

1WinshipCancer Institute of Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
2Department of Hematology and Oncology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
3Department of Urology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

4Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

5Emory Vaccine Center, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to M A Bilen or H Kissick: mehmet.a.bilen@emory.edu or haydn.kissick@emory.edu

*(J W Carlisle and C S Jansen contributed equally to this work)

Endocrine-Related Cancer
(2020) 27, C1–C8

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to profoundly impact the cells being monitored. To overcome this challenge, we
the function of medical oncology practices across the globe. use markers that have previously been defined to mark
With constantly evolving recommendations, clinicians T-cell activation in diseases, such as viral infections, where
are pushed to extrapolate data and apply foundational we are much more certain of the timing and kinetics of
principles of oncology to balance risks and benefits for the response. Details of what these markers mean in viral
each individual and their treatment options (Lewis 2020). infections, how they have been used for to monitor the
Large registries have been established to collect clinical and immune response to cancer, and how SARS CoV-2 might
outcome data on patients with cancer who become infected disrupt our use of these markers are discussed subsequently.
with the novel SARS-CoV-2 including the American Society During viral infections, naive CD8 T cells that are
of Clinical Oncology Survey on COVID-19 in Oncology specific to the invading pathogen are activated and
Registry, the American Society of Hematology Research undergo 15–20 rounds of cell division, resulting in a rapid,
Collaborative COVID-19 Registry, and the COVID-19 large expansion in the number of virus-specific CD8 T cells
and Cancer Consortium (https://www.asco.org/asco- (Doherty 1998, Murali-Krishna et al. 1998, Butz & Bevan
coronavirus-information/coronavirus-registry; https:// 1998, Kalia et  al. 2006). These newly expanded virus-
www.ashresearchcollaborative.org/covid-19-registry; specific CD8 T cells express effector molecules such as
https://ccc19.org). While patient safety and clinical care granzymes and perforin, which contribute to the targeted
remain paramount, the immune repercussions of SARS- killing of infected cells. This period of proliferation and
CoV-2 viral infection on cancer immunology research efforts infected cell killing is often referred to as the expansion
need to be carefully considered. Herein, we review the T-cell phase of the T-cell response (Fig. 1). When the pathogen
response to acute viral infection, explore the overlap among has been cleared, the majority of the virus-specific CD8
markers of T-cell activation in response to immunotherapy T cells die during the contraction phase of the T-cell
and in viral infections, highlight similarities in systemic response. A small subset of these cells is able to persist
inflammatory profiles in these two settings, and discuss and become memory CD8 T cells, which are critical for
practical considerations for clinical and research programs. providing a rapid, antigen-specific T-cell response in the
event of reinfection with the same virus (Kaech et  al.
2002). The maintenance of these cells is known as the
Strategies for and considerations in monitoring
memory phase of the T-cell response.
the in vivo T-cell response during COVID-19
A strong body of work has confirmed and expanded
A significant limitation in studying the T-cell response in upon these findings in human studies. One tool for
cancer patients is not knowing the antigen specificity of describing the human T-cell response to acute viral

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Endocrine-Related J W Carlisle et al. Cancer Immunotherapy 27:9 C2
Cancer Research during COVID-19

activation in settings where antigens may be unknown

or too numerous, such as in cancer. Given the lack of
known cancer antigens and the heterogeneous nature of
human cancer, this activation marker-based approach is
also commonly employed to observe the expansion phase
of the tumor-related T-cell response, thereby functioning
as a biomarker of response to immunotherapy. Examples
of successful use of this tactic and the potential impact
Figure 1
of COVID-19 on this approach is reviewed subsequently.
An illustration of the three phases of the CD8 T-cell response to acute Expression of programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1)
viral infection. During the expansion phase, the number of virus-specific on T cells during chronic antigen exposure and subsequent
CD8 T cells increases. This is followed by the contraction phase, when the
number of virus-specific CD8 T cells decreases. In the memory phase, this
‘exhaustion’ is widely appreciated (Hashimoto et  al.
number of virus-specific CD8 T cells plateaus and remains above the 2018), but it should be emphasized that PD-1 is expressed
baseline level. by recently activated cells upon exposure to their cognate
antigen (Ahn et al. 2018). Accordingly, PD-1+ T cells are
infection is measuring T-cell responses after immunization often evaluated in assessing the anti-tumor immune
with a live attenuated vaccine, such as the yellow fever response (Jansen et  al. 2019), as a readout of cells that
vaccine or the Dry-Vax smallpox vaccine. In patients have recently encountered their cognate antigen, in
receiving either of these vaccines, expression of activation which tumor tissue is likely to enrich for tumor-specific
markers such as PD-1, HLA-DR, CD38, or Ki67 (Fig. 2) T cells. Importantly, PD-1+ T cells in the blood are
on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) is measured in response to immunotherapy. These PD-1+
extremely low at baseline. Following immunization, the cells represent a readout of T cells that are recently
proportion of CD8 T cells expressing these markers greatly activated, and an expansion of these cells has been
expands and their expression is largely limited to virus- associated with a clinical response to immunotherapy
specific CD8 T cells, indicating a rapid, large increase (Kamphorst et al. 2017, Huang et al. 2017).
in newly generated, activated, virus-specific effector Much like monitoring expression of PD-1 on CD8
T cells. While virus-specific cells can be detected >30 T cells, Ki67 expression is also used as a biomarker for
days after immunization, they no longer express these assessing response to immunotherapy. Ki67 is a nuclear
activation markers (Miller et al. 2008, Akondy et al. 2009). protein that is active in all phases of the cell cycle, but
Consequently, measuring the surge in T cells expressing is absent in quiescent (G0) cells (Bruno & Darzynkiewicz
these activation markers allows for identification of only 1992), and thus, it is commonly used as a readout of
newly generated effector CD8 T cells (Callan et al. 1998, cell proliferation. Newly activated T cells are known to
Lechner et al. 2000, Appay et al. 2002). undergo several rapid, obligatory rounds of proliferation
Antigen-specific studies of viral infection have following antigenic stimulus (Kaech & Ahmed 2001).
provided a strong foundation for establishing these Accordingly, measurement of Ki67+ proliferating cells can
measures of T-cell activation. In turn, applying this be used as an indicator of recent CD8 T-cell activation and
understanding more broadly allows for study of T-cell thus can approximate the anti-cancer immune response.

Figure 2
An illustration of the dynamic expression of
proteins that indicate CD8 T-cell activation.
Activation markers PD-1, Ki67, HLA-DR, and CD38
are not present on naive cells, but are
upregulated upon CD8 T-cell activation.
Expression of PD-1 is most acute, rising and
falling rapidly. The number of Ki67 expressing
cells rises and falls as the antigen-specific CD8
T-cell population grows and then shrinks during
the expansion and contraction phases of the
acute immune response. The number of HLA-DR+
CD38+ cells also increases following antigen
exposure, gradually decreasing as the immune
response resolves.

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Endocrine-Related J W Carlisle et al. Cancer Immunotherapy 27:9 C3
Cancer Research during COVID-19

For example, an increase in Ki67+ CD8 T cells in the While much remains unknown about the specific
blood following PD-1 blockade is associated with clinical kinetics of the T-cell response to SARS-CoV-2, we can
response (Kamphorst et  al. 2017, Huang et  al. 2017). In reasonably infer from previous studies of acute viral
addition to use as a readout for tumor-specific T cells in infections that the immune response to this virus will be
the blood following immunotherapy (Huang et al. 2017), associated with an acute T-cell response (Fig. 1). As has
measurement of Ki67+ T cells in tissue has been used to been reviewed previously, this acute response will include
predict patient outcomes in renal cell carcinoma (Nakano an expansion in activated T cells, which, without tools for
et al. 2001). evaluating the antigen-specific immune response, would
Similarly, the co-expression of HLA-DR and CD38 on be indistinguishable from activated T cells responding
CD8 T cells can be used as a marker of recent activation to a patient’s tumor. For example, if a patient receiving
(Appay et al. 2002, Miller et al. 2008, Akondy et al. 2009). immunotherapy became infected with SARS-CoV-2,
The co-expression of these molecules closely mirrors the viral immune response would obscure accurate
expression of Ki67(Wieland et  al. 2018), indicating measurement of the response to immunotherapy,
that these recently activated cells are proliferating and as an increase in circulating PD-1+, or Ki67+, or
suggesting they are likely responding to their cognate HLA-DR+CD38+ T cells could be attributable to either
antigen. Indeed, expression of HLA-DR and CD38 has the received immunotherapy, the ongoing viral
been reported on Ki67+ CD8 T cells in the blood of infection, or both. Accordingly, it will be imperative to
immunotherapy-responsive patients (Kamphorst et  al. know patients’ SARS-CoV-2 infection status in order to
2017, Huang et al. 2017), as well as on tumor-infiltrating accurately interpret results from studies that monitor
lymphocytes in cancers such as glioma, ovarian responses to immunotherapy or that include measures of
cancer, melanoma, and colorectal cancer (Kovacsovics- the immune system as biological correlates.
Bankowski et  al. 2014, Chen et  al. 2019). Similarly, an
increase in HLA-DR expression on tumor-infiltrating
CD8 T cells has been observed following immunotherapy
Concurrent use of inflammatory markers in
(Daud et al. 2016).
oncology and COVID-19
Understanding the role of each of these markers in
the biology of the T-cell response has enabled powerful Long-standing chronic inflammation is known to be a risk
analysis of the anti-tumor immune response and the factor for the development of cancer, and measurement
response to immunotherapy in the absence of robust of inflammatory markers – such as IL-6, neutrophil to
and accessible techniques for assessing cancer antigen lymphocyte ratio (NLR), and C-reactive protein (CRP) – is
specificity. However, it is important to note that increasingly appreciated as predictors of prognosis
expression of these markers is not specific to activation and/or the response to therapy in a variety of tumor
of the cancer-related immune response. For example, types (Table 1). As sustained inflammation is suggested to
the surge in activation marker expression 14 days mediate some severe complications of COVID-19, many
following yellow fever vaccination can be attributed to of these markers are also being investigated in the setting
the generation of many new effector CD8 T cells specific of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The overlap between these two
for the virus (Miller et  al. 2008, Akondy et  al. 2009). applications of blood inflammatory markers offers both
Similarly, assessment of activated CD8 T cells (HLA-DR+, reason for special consideration of cancer patients as
CD38+) was used to describe the immune response of ‘high risk’ amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and potential
patients acutely infected with Ebola virus, prior to specific insight into understanding the pathogenesis of these
major histocompatibility complex tetramer development inflammatory states.
(McElroy et  al. 2015). Thus, assessment of the response Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) has been used
to viruses as they emerge, such as Ebola in 2014 and as an inflammatory marker for a variety of conditions,
SARS-CoV-2 presently, often relies on these more general including cardiovascular disease, stroke, metabolic
readouts of immune activation. This lack of inherent syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, and chronic obstructive
specificity is an increasingly important consideration pulmonary disease (Gibson et  al. 2007, Chandrashekara
amidst the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, particularly in the et  al., 2017, Goyal et  al. 2018, Ye et  al. 2019). NLR has
context of currently utilized biomarkers of the response also been investigated as a biomarker for cancer-related
to immunotherapy. prognosis, disease recurrence, and therapeutic response.

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Endocrine-Related J W Carlisle et al. Cancer Immunotherapy 27:9 C4
Cancer Research during COVID-19

Table 1 Blood inflammatory markers.

Use in oncology Use in COVID-19

Neutrophil to Ratio of absolute neutrophil count Associated with poor prognosis, Reported to identify severe
lymphocyte ratio (NLR) (ANC) to absolute lymphocyte disease recurrence in multiple COVID-19 illness at an early
count (ALC) tumor types stage
C reactive protein (CRP) Acute phase protein secreted in the Associated with increased risk of Elevated CRP associated with
liver in response to signals such as cancer, disease progression, and increased need for
IL6. Activates complement system reduced survival in cancer patients mechanical ventilation in
COVID-19 patients
Interleukin 6 (IL-6) Pro-inflammatory cytokine. Elevated baseline levels present in Elevated serum levels
Mediator of acute phase response cancer patients, associated with associated with severe
and of fever poor response to immunotherapy outcomes in COVID-19

For example, elevated NLR has been associated with a poor (Neelapu et  al. 2018), and use of anti-IL6 regimens (e.g.
prognosis in a number of tumor types (Templeton et  al. tocilizumab) have proven successful in mitigating the
2014, Baum et al. 2016, Diem et al. 2017, Bilen et al. 2018, mal-effects of CRS (Maude et al. 2014).
Duan et al. 2018, Yin et al. 2019), as well as with inferior Not surprisingly, elevated blood inflammatory
responses to checkpoint blockade or CAR-T therapy (Saied markers have recently been reported in COVID-19
et al. 2014, Diem et al. 2017, Bilen et al. 2019). patients. In a preliminary study, NLR was reported to
C-reactive protein (CRP) is another serum enable early identification of severe illness (Liu et  al.
inflammatory marker studied in numerous infections 2020a). Similarly, elevated serum IL-6 has been associated
(e.g. malaria, influenza) (Vasileva & Badawi 2019, Addai- with severe outcomes in COVID-19 patients, such as
Mensah et al. 2019), and CRP has been reported to correlate respiratory failure and acute respiratory distress syndrome
with risk for and outcomes in chronic conditions such as (Chen et al. 2020, Ruan et al. 2020). Increased serum IL-6
diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease (King and CRP levels have also been associated with increased
et al. 2003, Ridker et al. 2005, Jain et al. 2011, Hage 2014). need for mechanical ventilation (Liu et al. 2020b, Herold
Indeed, CRP has also been employed as an inflammatory et al. 2020). CRS has also been reported as a complication
biomarker in patients with cancer. Elevated CRP has been of SARS-CoV-2 infection (Chen et  al. 2020, Ruan et  al.
associated with increased risk of cancer (Siemes et  al. 2020, Moore & June 2020).
2006), with cancer progression (Hall et  al. 2013, Weber The corresponding trends in inflammatory markers
et al. 2019), and with reduced survival in cancer patients in cancer and COVID-19 raise a number of questions.
(Allin et al. 2011, Weber et al. 2019, Iivanainen et al. 2019). Could cancer patients be at a higher risk of severe
While there are numerous mechanisms that may complications of SARS-CoV-2 infection due to an already
cause elevation of CRP, increased IL-6 related signaling is elevated baseline inflammatory marker status? Or could
well established as a driver of elevated CRP (Moore & June the inflammatory state associated with severe COViD-19
2020). As such, IL-6 levels are followed as an inflammatory precipitate cancer progression or impair the response
biomarker. Elevated serum IL-6 levels have been reported in to therapy? Preliminary reports suggest cancer patients
patients with breast, cervical, esophageal, head and neck, may experience severe complications of SARS-CoV-2
ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, and renal cancers (Johnson infection at a higher rate (Dai et al. 2020, Liang et al. 2020,
et al. 2018). Moreover, elevated serum IL-6 predicted poor Zhang et  al.). For example, as of February 28, 2020, the
prognosis in a number of cancer types (Johnson et  al. WHO-China Joint Mission on COVID-19 reports a crude
2018, Weber et  al. 2019) and has been associated with fatality ratio (CRF) of 7.6% for patients with cancer as a
poor response to immune checkpoint blockade (Weber comorbid condition and laboratory-confirmed infection,
et  al. 2019). Conversely, low levels of IL-6 have been compared to an overall CFR of 3.8% (https://www.who.
associated with positive responses to CAR-T cell therapy in int/publications-detail/report-of-the-who-china-joint-
hepatocellular carcinoma (Enblad et al. 2018). High levels mission-on-coronavirus-disease-2019-(covid-19)). More
of IL-6 are associated with increased incidence of adverse investigation is needed to determine the etiology of the
events in patients receiving immunotherapy (Johnson apparent elevated risk for severe COVID-19 outcomes in
et al. 2018), as well as with occurrence of cytokine release cancer patients and if a baseline inflammatory state may
syndrome (CRS) in patients receiving CAR-T cell therapy contribute to this risk. There are also supportive care

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Endocrine-Related J W Carlisle et al. Cancer Immunotherapy 27:9 C5
Cancer Research during COVID-19

treatment implications, and with the successful use of tumor type, stage, and line/intent of treatment inform
anti-IL6 regimens in cancer-related CRS, anti-IL6 agents decision making for treatment modification if necessary
are being investigated for use in COVID-19 patients or access to care. For example, kidney cancer patients
with critical complications. Preliminary studies report with suspected significant immune-mediated side
decreased fever and reduced oxygen requirements in effects, large or critically located renal masses that cause
COVID-19 patients receiving anti-IL6 therapy (Xu et  al. symptoms, or cancer-related emergencies (such as spinal
2020). Several global clinical trials are ongoing to further cord compression or progressive brain metastasis) need to
investigate the potential of anti-IL6 therapy for severe be high priority for medical care (https://www.esmo.org/
SARS-CoV-2 infections (Genentech, Sanofi/Regeneron). guidelines/cancer-patient-management-during-the-covid-
As with T-cell activation biomarkers, systemic 19-pandemic/genitourinary-cancers-renal-cell-cancer-in-
inflammatory biomarkers are non-specific readouts of the-covid-19-era). However, patients with favorable risk
immunobiology, whether in the setting of cancer or disease, good tolerance on an established treatment (such
COVID-19. Accordingly, careful annotation of clinical as VEGF targeted therapy or immunotherapy) or in long-
data will be necessary to enable accurate interpretation term follow-up can be safely followed by telemedicine
of clinical trials data collected during and following or deferred for later in-person visits (https://www.esmo.
this pandemic. Additionally, knowledge of elevated org/guidelines/cancer-patient-management-during-the-
inflammatory markers at baseline in a number of covid-19-pandemic/genitourinary-cancers-renal-cell-
conditions, such as cancer, should be considered in the cancer-in-the-covid-19-era; https://www.dana-farber.org/
study of clinical data correlates in COVID-19 patients. uploadedFiles/Pages/COVID-19_Facts_and_Resources/
gu-cancer-covid-19-guidelines.pdf). For patients with
resected early stage lung cancer (T2bN0) or over the age
of 70 with medical comorbidities, omission or delay of
Clinical and research program considerations
adjuvant chemotherapy may be considered. In advanced
As highlighted by the limited data currently available, non-small cell lung cancer, data for the use of single-
patients with solid tumors are generally older, have agent immunotherapy if PD-L1 ≥1% may enable patients
other medical comorbidities, and may be functionally to delay cytotoxic therapy (Mok et  al. 2019). Treatment
immunosuppressed from their disease or treatment or intervals with single-agent immunotherapy may also be
both, putting them in the highest risk category for severe extended from 2 to 4 weeks with nivolumab or 3 to 6 weeks
outcomes with COVID-19. Patients with potentially with pembrolizumab (Long et  al. 2018, Lala et  al. 2018,
curable malignancy should be approached differently FDA). Patients on immunotherapy who have achieved
than those with progressive metastatic disease after complete or partial response and completed 12–18
multiple lines of therapy and declining functional status. months of therapy can consider longer delays and, given
This has critical implications for the timing of discussions the lack of prospective data, those who have completed 2
around transitioning care to palliation and/or hospice. In years may move to surveillance (https://www.esmo.org/
effort to limit further spread, some hospital systems are guidelines/cancer-patient-management-during-the-covid-
making the tough decision to restrict or deny any visitors, 19-pandemic/lung-cancer-in-the-covid-19-era).
which can be heartbreaking for patients at the end of life, In a time of such uncertainty, clinical trials, especially
whether due to SARS-COV-2 or their cancer. early stage, carry the additional burden of potentially
For patients who need to continue on treatment, unknown side-effect profiles and associated frequent visits
multiple consensus-based guidelines are beginning for lab monitoring. This is not to say that these trials are
to direct clinicians (https://www.dana-farber.org/ too risky to be considered. In patients with progressive
uploadedFiles/Pages/COVID-19_Facts_and_Resources/ cancer and good performance status with no standard-of-
gu-cancer-covid-19-guidelines.pdf; https://www.esmo. care therapeutic options, the risk of dying of their cancer
org/guidelines/cancer-patient-management-during- is a near certainty, while succumbing to SARS-CoV-2 is a
the-covid-19-pandemic; https://www.nccn.org/covid- possibility. Both pharmaceutical and institutional sponsors
19/). Overall, the general goals are to avoid, if possible, of clinical trials are making practical accommodations
immunosuppressive steroids, minimize hospital to limit interactions with the healthcare system while
exposure when safely feasible, and use growth-factor maintaining safety on studies. This has been supported
support in patients who are receiving systemic cytotoxic by the FDA guidance document on the conduct of
chemotherapy at risk for neutropenia. The individual clinical trials during this public health emergency

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Endocrine-Related J W Carlisle et al. Cancer Immunotherapy 27:9 C6
Cancer Research during COVID-19

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C S J, J W C, M A B, and H K conceived and composed the manuscript. C S Fang J-Y & Lin C-Y 2019 Functional change of effector tumor-
J created the accompanying figures. All authors reviewed the manuscript. infiltrating CCR5+CD38+HLA-DR+CD8+ T cells in glioma

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Received in final form 28 May 2020

Accepted 1 June 2020
Accepted Manuscript published online 5 June 2020

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