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Teaching Date February 16, 2023 Quarter: 3rd
and Time: 03:00-4:00 PM

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the underlying concepts and principles of flowering plant life cycle
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to discuss the flowering plant life cycle
C. Learning Competencies At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. identify and recognize what is flower;
2. define clearly what is the life cycle of flowering plant;
3. value the importance of life cycle of a plant; and
4. draw the life cycle of flowering plants.

II. CONTENT Flowering plant Life Cycle

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Learners module
2. Learner’s Guide 1. Materials
 Visual aid
 Laptop
B. Other Learning Resources Internet
IV. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary activities Prayer In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit Amen.
Every one stand up _____ kindly lead the prayer. Our father…

Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am!

Please pick up the paper under your chair and arrange your chairs (Students will execute)

You may take your seats.

Checking of attendance
Who’s absent today? None ma’am.
Very good!

Before we proceed with our lesson, kindly pass your assignment that I
give you last meeting.
(Student will pass the paper)
B. Reviewing Previous Lesson Okay class, before we start to our next topic. Who can recall our past (Students will answer)
topic? Our past topic is all about parts of the insect.

Very good! And what is the part of insect? Ma’am

Yes ___________ The parts of insect are Head, Thorax, and abdomen

Very good! Do you have any questions and clarification from our past
lesson? No ma’am.

Are you sure?

Yes Ma’am.
C. Establishing the Purpose of A. MOTIVATION Activity number 1: Direction: The class have to form a 2
Before we start our next lesson let’s have a short activity regarding on groups then find and circle all of the direction words that are
the Lesson our lesson today. hidden in the grid.
A. Motivation The words may be hidden in any direction. The first
groups who finish the game first, will be declare as
winner. You only have 2 minutes to do the activity.
Very good class, please give yourselves a wonderful clap
. 1, 2, 3 go!

(Ask the students )

Class what did you observe in the pictures? Ma’am, they are flowers and plants.

Very good!

But before we go deeper with our discussion let us first identify our At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
objectives. Please read! 1. identify and recognize what is flower
2. value the importance of life cycle of a plant,
3. define clearly what is the life cycle of flowering plant
4. draw the life cycle of flowering plants.

B. Unlocking Difficulties
As we go along with our discussion, I have here some words to
remember Germination- It is a process by which an organism grows
from a seed or spore.
Life Cycle- The series of changes that the members of a
species undergo as they pass from the beginning of a
given developmental stage to the inception of that
same developmental stage in a subsequent generation.
Seed Formation- A seed is formed when fertilized ovule
divides by mitosis.
Fertilization- Process where seed formation begins with the
combination of a male and female gamete.
Seed Dispersal- It is the movement, spread or transport of
seed away the parent plant.

D. Presenting New And today, we will tackled the life cycle of a flowering plants, but Activity 2: Where I Belong
Lesson/Instances of the new before that I will group you into two groups. I have here some Direction: In your same group, you will be going to label the
lesson pictures and you will going to classify them according to their stages. life cycle of flowering plants based on their stages. You only
have 1 minute to do the activity.
E. Discussing the new concept Very good class, and this time we will going to discuss the stages or
and Practicing New Skill #1 life cycle of flowering plants and see if your answer is correct.

Please read the first paragraph.

A life cycle is a chain of events that an organism goes
through during its life until the next generation starts the
cycle again. Throughout a life cycle, there will be several
different stages in development and reproduction.

In your own idea, what is life cycle all about? (Students will raising their hand)
Yes ______________ (Students will answer)

Very good!
(Teacher will be giving additional ideas and discussing)

Do you know that every living organism goes through a cycle during
its life, plants included? However, these life cycles have important
differences particularly when it comes to flowering and non-flowering
plants. But today, we will focused in the life cycle of a flowering
First, let’s define what a flowering plants is. Everybody read! A Flowering plant is a plant that produces flowers, and
these flowers turn into fruits.

From the word itself, flowering plants meaning it produces flowers in

order to reproduce, scientifically known as angiosperms.
We have here the stages of a flowering plant life cycle, it includes;
1. Germination
2. Growth
3. Flowering
4. Seed Formation and
5. Seed Dispersal
And today, we will discuss it one by one. Germination is a process by which an organism grows from
a seed or spore.
Jessa Fae please read and explain based on your understanding!
(student will explain)

Very good, in this stage seeds come in all different shapes and sizes,
but every seed contains an embryo. This embryo is what will go onto
become a fully grown plant. So when a seed finds itself in the right
conditions it will start to grow, this is called germination.

Next stage is what we called growth, In your own idea, when can you (Student will answer)
say that a plant is in growth stage.

Excellent answer!
During this phase, a seedling develops into a mature plant. Depending
on the species of plant this can take anything from days to weeks to
even years.

(teacher giving additional ideas and discussing)

Let’s move on to flowering stage, please read! Once the plant has reached maturity the flower buds will
develop into flowers. These flowers are important in a plant’s
life cycle as this where the new seeds are made. In other
words, the flower is where reproduction happens.
(teacher giving additional ideas and discussing)

Pollination is the transfer of pollen to a stigma, ovule, flower

There are 2 key events involved in this stage, pollination and or plant to allow fertilization.
Fertilization- Process where seed formation begins with the
combination of a male and female gamete.

Next we have the seed formation, everybody read! Seed Formation- A seed is formed when fertilized ovule
divides by mitosis.
It stores food and has the potential to develop into a new
plant under optimal conditions.

At this point in a flowering plant life cycle, the flower will die and a
fruit will develop. The fruit protects the seeds from damage and helps
them in the final stages of the life cycle.

The final stage in flowering plant life cycle is seed dispersal, Roselle Seed Dispersal- It is the movement, spread or transport of
please read, and explain base on your own understanding! seed away the parent plant.
Seed dispersal can happen in so many different ways, and it
all depends on how seeds and fruits have been adapted.
(Student will explain)
F. Discussing the New Concept For your better understanding, I have here a short video showing the (Students will watch)
and Practicing New Skill #2 life cycle of a flowering plants.

Now, before we proceed with our last discussion let us have another Activity number 3: Pass the Bouquet
activity. Direction: While the music is playing, student should pass
the boquet around the class. When the music stops, the
student with the bouquet must choose one flower and answer
the question inside of it.
1. Explain seed formation in flowering plants.
2. Give at least 2 example methods of seed dispersal.
3. Flowering plant is scientifically known as?
4. What is the relationship of pollination and
fertilization in flowering plant?
5. What do you think will happen if a flower isn’t
G. Developing Mastery To determine if you really understand our lesson let’s have a short
Get ¼ sheet of paper and answer the following questions. Answer
1. During pollination, pollen is transferred from the anther to 1. C. stigma
the________? 2. B. ovary
a. Sepal 3. B. fruit
b. Style 4. B. stamen
c. Stigma 5. D. all of the above
d. Leaves
2. In which part of flower do seeds form?
a. Sepal
b. Ovary
c. Ovule
d. Filament
3. After seeds are produced in the flower, the ovary turns into a
_________ to protect the seeds.
a. Vegetable
b. Fruit
c. Flower
d. Receptacle
4. The male part of the flower that contains the pollen producing
parts is called the _________?
a. Petals
b. Stamen
c. Pistil
d. Style
5. Seeds can be dispersed of move to a new location
a. Animals
b. Wind
c. Water
d. All of the above
H. Finding Practical Applications What is the importance of studying the life cycle of plants? Farmers and gardeners need to know the life cycle of a plant
of Concepts and Skills in Daily so that they can predict when their crops will be ready.
How are you going to apply your learning today in your daily life?
I apply my learning for today in my daily life by planting
plants according to its time, I will find out the life cycle of
the plant that I will planted and give its need nutrient.
I. Making Generalization Let’s have quick summarized of today’s lesson. Who wants to Our lesson for today is all about the life cycle of a flowering
summarize? plants, there are five stages in flowering plant life cycle, it

1. Germination
2. Growth
3. Flowering
4. Seed Formation and
5. Seed Dispersal
J. Evaluating The Learners Now class, before we end our lesson get 1 whole sheet of paper, and (student will execute)
draw the life cycle of flowering plant, you only have 10 minutes to
K. Additional Activities for Assignments: Give at least 5 examples of a flowering plants and 5 (student will write the direction)
Application or Remediation non-flowering plants.

That’s all for today, before you leave our class kindly arrange your Goodbye ma’am, thank you!
chair pick up the paper you see. Goodbye class!

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