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INTEGRATIVE PERFORMANCE TASK SHEET GRADE FOUR QUARTER 2 WEEK NO. TAND 2 NAME SECTION DATE RATING PERFORMANCE TASK SHEET No. 1 TITLE: | Graphic Organizer Performance Objectives: Bumuo ng Graphic Organizer Learning Competencies: ENGLISH = Use clear and coherent sentences employing appropriate grammatical structures: Kinds of nouns Mass Nouns and Count nouns, Possessive nouns, collective nouns (EN4G-Id-33) MATHEMATICS = Identify factors of a given number up to 100 (M4NS-Ila-64). EPP = Naisasagawa ang mga kasanayan-at kaalaman sa pagtatanim ng halamang ornamental bilang isang Pagkakakitaan gawain MAPEH = Recognizes the meaning of the G-Clef (MU4MElIc-3). Supplies/Materlals | Graphic organizer, activity sheet, Equipment Tools: | Activity sheet INTEGRATIVE PERFORMANCE TASK SHEET ornamentals at home. GRADE FOUR GOAL: Create a Graphic Organizer ROLE: Gardener AUDIENCE: | People who are interested in gardening (Plantitos and Plantitas), SITUATION: You are a gardener and you will teach ways on how to plant CRITERIA: PRODUCT/ Graphic Organizer PERFORMANCE | Barangay Mallnis is having a Clean and Green Campaign. TASK: ‘The Barangay Captain asked you to teach thecommunity on how to plant and propagate ornamental plants since you are ‘a well known gardener in your place. You are given 90 seeds of Sunflower, 20 cuttings of Gumamela and 75 cuttings of Espada. Asa gardener here are the steps that you shared to the community. 1. For seedlings, first soak the seeds in water overnight. Then plant the seeds in a makeshift nursery. When 2-3 leaves sprouted, they are ready to be transferred in individual pots. You may apply fertilizers. 2. For cuttings, choose the best cuttings then prepare them by applying rooting hormones. Bore the cuttings in a pot with soil. Water the plants. 3. The best way to make ornamental plants healthy, sing “Magtanim ay di Biro” while happily planting. ‘STANDARD (See Rubrics below for each learning area) INTEGRATIVE PERFORMANCE TASK SHEET GRADE FOUR 5 4 3 2 1 Leamers’ Score leaner Leaner Learner Learner Learner wasable | was able | was able | was able | wasno! togives | togives5 | togive23 | to give | | ableto ‘examples | examples | examples | example | submit any of Mass of Moss | of Mass | of Mass performance Nouns and | Nouns Nouns Nounsand | @ task Count and and ‘Count Nouns Count Count Nouns Nouns Novas Grade: 0%, [Weighted sum is rounded to the nearest whole number). AF) 3=BB%, 2=B2%, Formula for Computing Final Score: Raw score + highest possible score « 30 +70 % 5 4 3 Z 1 Leamers‘ Score Learner Learner Leamerwas | Leamer Learner was able “}) was able |) able to was able | was not togive all {to give at to give | able to the give least 5 alleast 5 | submit any: factors of | atleast factors of and performance’ the given | more the given | belowot | task numbers | thané numbers the factors of factors the given of the numbers given numbers Grade: 5=100%, 70% Formula for Computing Final Score: Raw score = highest possible score * 30 +70 (Weighted sum ‘s rounded to the nearest whole number). INTEGRATIVE PERFORMANCE TASK SHEET GRADE FOUR 5 4 3 2 1 Learners’ Score Nasunod Nosunod | Nosuned inal Walang ng wasto | ong ng ai | nosunod at angkop hakbang sa | gaanong ang mga naibigay eng mga | pagtatanim| wasto at | hokbangsa} ng hakbangsa | ngbuloat | angkop pagtatanim pogictarim | songa ‘eng mga | ngbuloat | gawain rig buto at nekbong sa | songa sange. pagta‘anim ng bulo af songa.. >, 4=9A%, 3=BB%, 2=82%, 1=76% Formula for Computing Fincl Score: Raw score + highest possible scor6* 30 +70 (Weighted sumis rounded jo the necrest whole number). INTEGRATIVE PERFORMANCE TASK SHEET GRADE FOUR QUARTER 2 WEEK NO. TAND 2 NAME SECTION DATE RATING PERFORMANCE TASK SHEET No. 1 TITLE: | Graphic Organizer Performance Objectives: Bumuo ng Graphic Organizer Learning Competencies: ENGLISH = Use clear and coherent sentences employing appropriate grammatical structures: Kinds of nouns Mass Nouns and Count nouns, Possessive nouns, collective nouns (EN4G-Id-33) MATHEMATICS = Identify factors of a given number up to 100 (M4NS-Ila-64). EPP = Naisasagawa ang mga kasanayan-at kaalaman sa pagtatanim ng halamang ornamental bilang isang Pagkakakitaan gawain MAPEH = Recognizes the meaning of the G-Clef (MU4MElIc-3). Supplies/Materlals | Graphic organizer, activity sheet, Equipment Tools: | Activity sheet INTEGRATIVE PERFORMANCE TASK SHEET ornamentals at home. GRADE FOUR GOAL: Create a Graphic Organizer ROLE: Gardener AUDIENCE: | People who are interested in gardening (Plantitos and Plantitas), SITUATION: You are a gardener and you will teach ways on how to plant CRITERIA: PRODUCT/ Graphic Organizer PERFORMANCE | Barangay Mallnis is having a Clean and Green Campaign. TASK: ‘The Barangay Captain asked you to teach thecommunity on how to plant and propagate ornamental plants since you are ‘a well known gardener in your place. You are given 90 seeds of Sunflower, 20 cuttings of Gumamela and 75 cuttings of Espada. Asa gardener here are the steps that you shared to the community. 1. For seedlings, first soak the seeds in water overnight. Then plant the seeds in a makeshift nursery. When 2-3 leaves sprouted, they are ready to be transferred in individual pots. You may apply fertilizers. 2. For cuttings, choose the best cuttings then prepare them by applying rooting hormones. Bore the cuttings in a pot with soil. Water the plants. 3. The best way to make ornamental plants healthy, sing “Magtanim ay di Biro” while happily planting. ‘STANDARD (See Rubrics below for each learning area) INTEGRATIVE PERFORMANCE TASK SHEET GRADE FOUR 5 4 3 2 1 Leamers’ Score leaner Leaner Learner Learner Learner wasable | was able | was able | was able | wasno! togives | togives5 | togive23 | to give | | ableto ‘examples | examples | examples | example | submit any of Mass of Moss | of Mass | of Mass performance Nouns and | Nouns Nouns Nounsand | @ task Count and and ‘Count Nouns Count Count Nouns Nouns Novas Grade: 0%, [Weighted sum is rounded to the nearest whole number). AF) 3=BB%, 2=B2%, Formula for Computing Final Score: Raw score + highest possible score « 30 +70 % 5 4 3 Z 1 Leamers‘ Score Learner Learner Leamerwas | Leamer Learner was able “}) was able |) able to was able | was not togive all {to give at to give | able to the give least 5 alleast 5 | submit any: factors of | atleast factors of and performance’ the given | more the given | belowot | task numbers | thané numbers the factors of factors the given of the numbers given numbers Grade: 5=100%, 70% Formula for Computing Final Score: Raw score = highest possible score * 30 +70 (Weighted sum ‘s rounded to the nearest whole number). INTEGRATIVE PERFORMANCE TASK SHEET GRADE FOUR 5 4 3 2 1 Learners’ Score Nasunod Nosunod | Nosuned inal Walang ng wasto | ong ng ai | nosunod at angkop hakbang sa | gaanong ang mga naibigay eng mga | pagtatanim| wasto at | hokbangsa} ng hakbangsa | ngbuloat | angkop pagtatanim pogictarim | songa ‘eng mga | ngbuloat | gawain rig buto at nekbong sa | songa sange. pagta‘anim ng bulo af songa.. >, 4=9A%, 3=BB%, 2=82%, 1=76% Formula for Computing Fincl Score: Raw score + highest possible scor6* 30 +70 (Weighted sumis rounded jo the necrest whole number). INTEGRATIVE PERFORMANCE TASK SHEET GRADE FOUR QUARTER 2 WEEK NO. TAND 2 NAME SECTION DATE RATING PERFORMANCE TASK SHEET No. 1 TITLE: | Graphic Organizer Performance Objectives: Bumuo ng Graphic Organizer Learning Competencies: ENGLISH = Use clear and coherent sentences employing appropriate grammatical structures: Kinds of nouns Mass Nouns and Count nouns, Possessive nouns, collective nouns (EN4G-Id-33) MATHEMATICS = Identify factors of a given number up to 100 (M4NS-Ila-64). EPP = Naisasagawa ang mga kasanayan-at kaalaman sa pagtatanim ng halamang ornamental bilang isang Pagkakakitaan gawain MAPEH = Recognizes the meaning of the G-Clef (MU4MElIc-3). Supplies/Materlals | Graphic organizer, activity sheet, Equipment Tools: | Activity sheet INTEGRATIVE PERFORMANCE TASK SHEET ornamentals at home. GRADE FOUR GOAL: Create a Graphic Organizer ROLE: Gardener AUDIENCE: | People who are interested in gardening (Plantitos and Plantitas), SITUATION: You are a gardener and you will teach ways on how to plant CRITERIA: PRODUCT/ Graphic Organizer PERFORMANCE | Barangay Mallnis is having a Clean and Green Campaign. TASK: ‘The Barangay Captain asked you to teach thecommunity on how to plant and propagate ornamental plants since you are ‘a well known gardener in your place. You are given 90 seeds of Sunflower, 20 cuttings of Gumamela and 75 cuttings of Espada. Asa gardener here are the steps that you shared to the community. 1. For seedlings, first soak the seeds in water overnight. Then plant the seeds in a makeshift nursery. When 2-3 leaves sprouted, they are ready to be transferred in individual pots. You may apply fertilizers. 2. For cuttings, choose the best cuttings then prepare them by applying rooting hormones. Bore the cuttings in a pot with soil. Water the plants. 3. The best way to make ornamental plants healthy, sing “Magtanim ay di Biro” while happily planting. ‘STANDARD (See Rubrics below for each learning area) INTEGRATIVE PERFORMANCE TASK SHEET GRADE FOUR 5 4 3 2 1 Leamers’ Score leaner Leaner Learner Learner Learner wasable | was able | was able | was able | wasno! togives | togives5 | togive23 | to give | | ableto ‘examples | examples | examples | example | submit any of Mass of Moss | of Mass | of Mass performance Nouns and | Nouns Nouns Nounsand | @ task Count and and ‘Count Nouns Count Count Nouns Nouns Novas Grade: 0%, [Weighted sum is rounded to the nearest whole number). AF) 3=BB%, 2=B2%, Formula for Computing Final Score: Raw score + highest possible score « 30 +70 % 5 4 3 Z 1 Leamers‘ Score Learner Learner Leamerwas | Leamer Learner was able “}) was able |) able to was able | was not togive all {to give at to give | able to the give least 5 alleast 5 | submit any: factors of | atleast factors of and performance’ the given | more the given | belowot | task numbers | thané numbers the factors of factors the given of the numbers given numbers Grade: 5=100%, 70% Formula for Computing Final Score: Raw score = highest possible score * 30 +70 (Weighted sum ‘s rounded to the nearest whole number). INTEGRATIVE PERFORMANCE TASK SHEET GRADE FOUR 5 4 3 2 1 Learners’ Score Nasunod Nosunod | Nosuned inal Walang ng wasto | ong ng ai | nosunod at angkop hakbang sa | gaanong ang mga naibigay eng mga | pagtatanim| wasto at | hokbangsa} ng hakbangsa | ngbuloat | angkop pagtatanim pogictarim | songa ‘eng mga | ngbuloat | gawain rig buto at nekbong sa | songa sange. pagta‘anim ng bulo af songa.. >, 4=9A%, 3=BB%, 2=82%, 1=76% Formula for Computing Fincl Score: Raw score + highest possible scor6* 30 +70 (Weighted sumis rounded jo the necrest whole number). INTEGRATIVE PERFORMANCE TASK SHEET GRADE FOUR QUARTER 2 WEEK NO. TAND 2 NAME SECTION DATE RATING PERFORMANCE TASK SHEET No. 1 TITLE: | Graphic Organizer Performance Objectives: Bumuo ng Graphic Organizer Learning Competencies: ENGLISH = Use clear and coherent sentences employing appropriate grammatical structures: Kinds of nouns Mass Nouns and Count nouns, Possessive nouns, collective nouns (EN4G-Id-33) MATHEMATICS = Identify factors of a given number up to 100 (M4NS-Ila-64). EPP = Naisasagawa ang mga kasanayan-at kaalaman sa pagtatanim ng halamang ornamental bilang isang Pagkakakitaan gawain MAPEH = Recognizes the meaning of the G-Clef (MU4MElIc-3). Supplies/Materlals | Graphic organizer, activity sheet, Equipment Tools: | Activity sheet INTEGRATIVE PERFORMANCE TASK SHEET ornamentals at home. GRADE FOUR GOAL: Create a Graphic Organizer ROLE: Gardener AUDIENCE: | People who are interested in gardening (Plantitos and Plantitas), SITUATION: You are a gardener and you will teach ways on how to plant CRITERIA: PRODUCT/ Graphic Organizer PERFORMANCE | Barangay Mallnis is having a Clean and Green Campaign. TASK: ‘The Barangay Captain asked you to teach thecommunity on how to plant and propagate ornamental plants since you are ‘a well known gardener in your place. You are given 90 seeds of Sunflower, 20 cuttings of Gumamela and 75 cuttings of Espada. Asa gardener here are the steps that you shared to the community. 1. For seedlings, first soak the seeds in water overnight. Then plant the seeds in a makeshift nursery. When 2-3 leaves sprouted, they are ready to be transferred in individual pots. You may apply fertilizers. 2. For cuttings, choose the best cuttings then prepare them by applying rooting hormones. Bore the cuttings in a pot with soil. Water the plants. 3. The best way to make ornamental plants healthy, sing “Magtanim ay di Biro” while happily planting. ‘STANDARD (See Rubrics below for each learning area) INTEGRATIVE PERFORMANCE TASK SHEET GRADE FOUR 5 4 3 2 1 Leamers’ Score leaner Leaner Learner Learner Learner wasable | was able | was able | was able | wasno! togives | togives5 | togive23 | to give | | ableto ‘examples | examples | examples | example | submit any of Mass of Moss | of Mass | of Mass performance Nouns and | Nouns Nouns Nounsand | @ task Count and and ‘Count Nouns Count Count Nouns Nouns Novas Grade: 0%, [Weighted sum is rounded to the nearest whole number). AF) 3=BB%, 2=B2%, Formula for Computing Final Score: Raw score + highest possible score « 30 +70 % 5 4 3 Z 1 Leamers‘ Score Learner Learner Leamerwas | Leamer Learner was able “}) was able |) able to was able | was not togive all {to give at to give | able to the give least 5 alleast 5 | submit any: factors of | atleast factors of and performance’ the given | more the given | belowot | task numbers | thané numbers the factors of factors the given of the numbers given numbers Grade: 5=100%, 70% Formula for Computing Final Score: Raw score = highest possible score * 30 +70 (Weighted sum ‘s rounded to the nearest whole number). INTEGRATIVE PERFORMANCE TASK SHEET GRADE FOUR 5 4 3 2 1 Learners’ Score Nasunod Nosunod | Nosuned inal Walang ng wasto | ong ng ai | nosunod at angkop hakbang sa | gaanong ang mga naibigay eng mga | pagtatanim| wasto at | hokbangsa} ng hakbangsa | ngbuloat | angkop pagtatanim pogictarim | songa ‘eng mga | ngbuloat | gawain rig buto at nekbong sa | songa sange. pagta‘anim ng bulo af songa.. >, 4=9A%, 3=BB%, 2=82%, 1=76% Formula for Computing Fincl Score: Raw score + highest possible scor6* 30 +70 (Weighted sumis rounded jo the necrest whole number).

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