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Questions for Self-Practice (1) Select the most appropriate option and complete the statement: (a) occurs when the receiver employs any of his/her senses in an attempt to capture a message. (Decoding, Encoding, Feedback, Communication) Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communication row 61 (b) (c) (a) (e) (9) (h) (i) i) (k) () (m) (n) is a tangible reward for a particular act, usually purchasing your product or visiting the point of purchase. (Premium, Samples, Coupons, None of these) is defined as customer centric data driven method of communicating with customers. (IMC, Personal selling, Public relations, None of these) The primary role of IMC program is to (communicate, advertise, convince, none of these) __________ is an ongoing conversation that like text messaging, has become widely popular. (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Pin interest) The ultimate goal of IMC is to affect the behaviour of . (April 18) (employee, target audience, shareholder) The basic tools used to achieve organisation's communication objectives is known as mix. (April 18) (marketing, promotional, communication) is an ongoing conversation on social media that has gained wide popularity and is growing. (April 18) (Twitter, Tinder, Snapchat) Decoding is a process which involves the (April 18) (sender, receiver, outsider) is a process of exchanging information, thoughts, and ideas. (April 18; Oct. 18) (Letters, Communication, Recorded conversations) is the practice of managing the spread of information between an organisation and the public. (April 18) (Customer care, Public relation, Publicity) has brought media to global audience. (April 18; Oct. 18) (Communication, Marketing, Internet) is possible only by establishing personal communication contact with customers via telephone, emails, booklets and letters. (April 18) (Direct Marketing, Internet Marketing, Retailing) In AIDA Model if A—Attention, I—Interest, D—Desire, then what does A-stands for (Awareness, Action, Activity) wwe Vipul’s™ |ntegrated Marketing Communication (BMs) (0) It can be an option and it is form of dyadic communication. (Oct. 19) (Expensive, Cheap) [Ans.: (a) Decoding, (b) Premium, (c) IMC, (d) Communicate, (e) Twitter, (f) Target audience, (g) Communication, (h) Twitter, (i) Receiver, (j) Communication, (k) Public Relation, (1) Internet, (m) Direct Marketing, (n) Action, (0) Expensive] State whether the following statements are True or False: (a) IMC is the application of consistent brand messaging across both the traditiqnal and non-traditional marketing channels and using different Promotional brands. ' (b) Direct marketing plays a minor role in the Integrated Communication Program. (April.18) (c) Publicity refers to non-personal communication. (April 18) (d) Face book is ‘one of the most used social platforms in the world. (e) DAGMAR is a model of sales process. (April 18) (f) All messages under integrated marketing communication are consistent and have a clear voice. (Oct. 19) (g) Integrated marketing communication refers to disintegrating all the methods of brand promotion. (Oct. 19) [Ans.: (a) True, (b) False, (c) True, (d) True, (e) False (f) True, (9) False] Match the Pairs: (2) (3) Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’ (a) IMC (i) Attention (b) Samples (April 18) (ii) Purchase process (c) Encoding (iii) Promotional tool (d) DAGMAR (April 19) (iv) Free of Cost (e) Trade Promotion (v) Catalogue (f) Direct Marketing (April 18) | (vi) Editorial (g) Publicity (April 18) (vii) Avoid duplication (h) AIDA (April 19) (viii) Sender of message [Ans.: (a - vii), (b - iv), (¢ - vill), (d- ii), (@ - il), (f- v), (g - vi), (h-i)] (4) Define Integrated Marketing Communication and explain its features. (April 18; Oct. 18, 19) (5) Explain the integrated marketing communication evolution. (Oct. 19) (6) State and explain different components of IMC. a = wT Vipul's™ integrated Marketing Communi ney Questions for Self-Practice (1) Select the most appropriate option and complete the @ (hy ® are more units of the products sold at a j price tan they were bought atthe regular single unt giect™ (Banded packs, Samples, Coupons, none of these) camry essential information of the sold by the company. oe! (Catalogues, dealers kt, price list, none of these) strategy is called a pressure strategy. (Push, Pull, Promotion, Direct Marketing) advertising is a type of public relations and ‘advertising. (institutional, Surrogate, Financial, None of these) A may be an individual or a firm having something to adverse (Sponsor, direct marketer, dealer, none of these) Sales Promotion consists of all the offered to consumers and channel members to encourage product purchase. (April 18; Oct. 18) (Incentives, Brokerage, Commission) ang creates a short term increase in sales by motive {rial use and encouraging larger purchases. (April 18; Oct. 18) sear (Sales promotion, Marketing mix, Sampling) Firm uses the strategy when they target final Consumer with promotion. (April 18) (Pull, Push, Advertising) — marketing is an effective way to connect customers in an environment where they are comfortab ee WviNg @ promotional. message. (April 18) vent, Campaign, Trade) ds advertising can help the company attract une iret anning 10 grow business or make & fi (April 18; Oct. 18) ‘nancial, Public, Political) ements of1MC~! aa woo flective method of connect (W) Anet Ing with customers in a relaxed and fun-filled atmosphere is a 135 Advertsing is gaining highest popularty ue to Personal gadget of high frequency use. (April 18; ) , Desktop, Video Games) 1) Banded packs, (b) Catalogues, (c) Push, periodical publications. Billboards are long banners tied to a low-lying plane. ‘and exhibitions attract large crowd of diversified buyers in a common area. (Oct. 18) Push Strategy Is a Pressure Strategy. (April 19) Bait advertising takes place when a product is available in bulk (Oct. 18) ‘Advertisers direct his message to a selected group called 2s target audience. (Oct. 18) ition When _instit dvertising is _ present aggressive mann known as an Advocacy advertising, (Oct. 18) Radio is a vehicle to which advertisers can reach chikiren easily. (Oct. 18) - ‘An advertising goal involves communication task which §S specific and measurable. (Oct. 19) , (a) Tre, (2) neon (0) Tru, () Fats, () False, 4) Tas () Te (mF (9) False, a 136 ooo Vipul’s™ integrated Marketing Communication (8Ms) (3) Match the Pairs: Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’ (a) Yellow Pages (i) Price deal (b) Film Advertising (ii) Early-bird offers (c) Bonus Packs (ili) Extensive advertising (d) Point of Sale Promotion (iv) Direct and personal appeal (e) Pull Strategy (v) Support media (f) Trade Shows (April 18) (vi) Society benefits (g)_ Sales Promotion (April 18) | (vii) POP [Ans.: (a - v), (b - iv), (¢ - i), (d - vii), (e - iii), (F - ii), (g - vil] (4) Match the Pairs: (April 19) Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’ (1) AIDA (a) Society Benefit (2) DAGMAR (b) Applied Science (3) Publicity (c) Non-Profit Event (4) Pull strategy (d) Eye- Tracking (5) Contest (e) Arousing Interest (6) Corporate Sponsorship (f) Promotion (7) Cause Sponsorship (g) Number of Clicks (8) Human mind (h) Attention (9) Innovative technique (i) Advertising Goals (10) Online Evaluation (i) Editorial [Ans.: (1 - e), (2 - i), (3 - j), (4 - h), (5 - f), (6 - c), (7 - a), (8 - b), (9- a), (10- g)] (5) What is sales promotion? Give reasons for the growth of sales promotion. (April 18) How would you evaluate the effectiveness of sales promotion campaign? (April 18, Oct. 18) (7) Define advertising. Explaining the features of advertising. (April 19, Oct. 19) (8) Define advertising and various types of media that is to be used for advertising. (Oct. 18) (9) How would you evaluate the effectiveness of sales promotion campaign? (Oct. 18) (10) Explain the role of advertising in IMC. (Oct. 18, 19) (11) Distinguish between Push Strategy and Pull Strategy. (April 19) 6 your customers. (9. Aoverising is asking actual sales. (pr 16 Public Relation is applicable ony to Public Sector (Oct. 18) {hy_ Publeiy refers to non-personal communcaton. (Cet, 1) ) lows delivery of people based messages over that adopted an integrated marketing approach. (Oct. 18) saeatone Wee Sample refers to distribution of product in an atemt to cbsin (Fax mai, email, voicemail, none of these) sales. (Oct. 19) a“ (k) Public relation is the means to provide both information and veri ” aig area taucation to people. (Oct. 1) also called corporate or image jonal, Advocacy, Public Service, None of these) () Sponsored doesn't pay money for promotion nor have any (@) —— _ are advertisements in the form of news and control over publicity materials. (Oct. 19) reviews or articles. (April 18) (m) There is no much difference between publicity and public ions, they are one and the same. (Oct. 19) [Ans.: (a) True, (b) True, (c) False, (d) True, (e) False, () False, (a) False, (h) True, (i) False, () False, , () = __'is not an external media tool for public relations (@) Match the Pairs: (Oct. 19) Group ‘A (Document sharing brary, books, Periodicals) : ret @ includes item informatio SUGh as a news release, pposiabase Marksling ‘company background, keys spokesperson biographies and () Public Relations Personal connections. other supporting material. (Oct. 19) (c) Personal Selling (April 18) Dealer benefits SS kits, Books, co (h) iv) Tools of direct marketing (@)_ Newsletters mainly focuses on building relationships and imanaging an image ofthe organization. (Oct. 19) (€) Cause Sponsorship (April 18) |(v) Spokesperson /, Promotion) (f) Media Relation (April 18) Public affairs 0 ing is _____to other promotional tools amas ay, i.e 9, (E-WN0O-V (4) Define direct marketing and explain the role of IMC. (April 18) Explain the different tools of direct marketing. do you mean the public relation? Explain the in IMC. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of public relations rect marketing in (Complementary, Supplementary) fAns.: (a) advertising, (b) Fax mal, () institutional, (d) Newsletters, ) Press kits, (h) PR, (i) Supplementary] ing statements are True or False: Integrated Marketing Approach first adopted direct marketing role of public © Goermatsc pir, mere enews | I Wage eaasengpes tna amon (€) Advertising results in actual sale. ®o sponsorship and explain the essentials a (April 18) Questions for Self-Practice (1) Select the most appropriate option and complete the statement: (a) research examines ads that have been launched. (Tracking, Marketing, Advertising, None of these) (b) test is a common copy testing technique. (Portfolio, Recall, Sales area, None of these) (c) are a moral principles and values that govern the actions and decisions of an individual or group. (April 18) (Personality, Childhood habits, Ethics) (d) Companies can e-advertise on (search engines, portals, blogs, none of these) (e) | exist when a form makes an exaggerated statement about its goods or services. (Puffery, Stereotyping, Misleading, None of these) 254 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Vipul’s™ integrated Marketing Communication (BMS) (f) advertising is false advertising and it is illegal according to Federal Trade Commission. It is also unethical. (April 18) (Receptive, Deceptive, Puffery) (9) Most stereotypes tend to convey a _____ impression. (April 18) [Ans.: (a) Tracking, (b) Portfolio, (c) Ethics, (d) Search engines, (e) Puffery, (f) Puffery, (g) Negative] State whether the following statements are True or False: (a) Morals are beliefs or principles that individuals hold concerning what is right and what is wrong. (b) Marketing professionals should select media that are appropriate as well as create as that will not offend. (c) The most common form of advertising on the web is Facebook. (April 18) (d) Radio is a vehicle through which advertisers can reach children easily. (April 18) (e) Advertisers must be sensitive to the portrayal of specific type of people in their ads, for both ethical and commercial reasons. [Ans.: (a) True, (b) True, (c) False, (d) False, (e) True] Match the Pairs: Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’ (a) POPAI (i) Negative impression (b) Internet (ii) Brain image measurement (c) Brand Infringement (iii) Current customers (d) Cognitive Neuroscience (iv) Creates strong brand (e) Response Cards (v) Number of clicks (f) Stereotypes (April 18) (vi) Popular brand resemblance (g) Online Evaluation (April 18) | (vii) POP [Ans.: (a - vii), (b - iv), (c - vi), (d - ii), (e - ill), (fF -i), (g - v)] Explain the three broad categories of evaluation tools that can be used to evaluate the IMC system. What is advertising tracking research? Explain its methodology. Explain the different techniques of behavioural evaluation. (April 18) Define ethics. Explain the importance of ethics in marketing communication.

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