Pay Per Click VS Search Engin Optimization

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The best advertising tool I can adverse you to venture in and which will work for business,
considering that you have the small business and audience is Pay-per-click advertising, or
PPC, which involves placing ads in prominent places, like search engine results, social media
platforms, and directly on other people's websites. The advertiser in this case that's you,
pays a set of amount each time your ad is clicked on. (That amount is determined by factors
such as the popularity and competition score of the chosen keywords.)

Therefore, Google Ads is the world's biggest provider of PPC advertising platform. When you
perform a search on Google, you might notice that the top few results sometimes have an
"Ad" tag. That's how you know you're looking at a PPC ad on the searched results or a
search engine results page.

PPC has a lot of benefits for small businesses such as: You can instantly tap into and reach a
potential global audience of millions of people. You almost certainly can't get that through
SEO, at least not quickly. You can target local keywords for your specific geographical
location (e.g., "Italian restaurant in Scranton"). People love to support small, local
businesses, and a good chunk of searches have a local intent. (Mcginley . C :2022)

They tend to have higher conversion rates (meaning the people who click on it end up using
your product or service). This is because you can target your PPC ads towards particular
search terms that qualified leads are likely to use. Of course, it's expensive. You won't pay
for your ad until you get those clicks and these clicks are guaranteed, but it can be
challenging to target high-volume keywords on a limited budget. And since you may not get
it perfectly right and see a good return on ad spend (ROAS) the first time, learning to do PPC
well through trial and error can be an expensive mistake. (Matt D: 2020)

When you are using PPC it’s important to understand how General ads vs. retargeted ads
works and the difference. General ads target cold traffic: their goal is to bring people to your
website, social media page, or landing page for the first time. They're generally easier to
implement and require a simpler keyword strategy. You're using general tendencies,
preferences, and online habits to target people. For example, a local nail salon's PPC ad
might target women between 18 and 35 within their region who are searching online for
nail polish brands.
Retargeted ads, on the other hand, are used when a visitor comes to your website but
leaves before buying or signing up. These kinds of visitors are known as "warm leads": since
they were interested enough to check out your website, retargeting them can reignite their
interest and close the sale. For small businesses on limited budgets, retargeting can give you
more bang for your buck since you know you're focusing on people with an interest in what
you're selling. (Matt D: 2020)
Therefore, I strongly recommend this advertising tool because of the afore mentioned
points, for your business to grow and have a lot of customers.

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