7-Perangkat Evaluasi - April-Making TLP

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Melakukan Panggilan Telepon/Making Telephone Calls

1. Mention expression that you use to make telephone call!

2. Mention expression when you want to leave a message?
3. How do you introduce yourself when you call some body ?
4. What will you say if you want end the telephone ?
5. Mention expression when you want to say thank!
6. Do you write the name of the person who you want to speak?
7. What is the expression if you want to repeat information?
8. Do you need a pen / a pencil before you make telephone call?
9. Do you write the aim /goal of making telephone call?
10. What will you say if you dial the wrong number?


A. Petunjuk

1. Baca dan pelajari setiap instruksi kerja di bawah ini dengan cermat sebelum melaksanakan praktek
2. Klarifikasi kepada Asesor apabila ada hal-hal yang belum jelas
3. Laksanakan pekerjaan sesuai dengan urutan proses yang sudah ditetapkan

B. Skenario
You are a supervisor at PT. PUTRA PRATAMA. The company is located on Jl. Thamrin KAV. 97 no
26 Jakarta. The company’s core business is motorcycle distribution

Tugas 1
Please call Mrs Anis Zuraidah , Marketing Manager of PT. Smart Indonesia Tehnology. Inform that
your company invite him to attand monthly meeting on 29 July 2021 at 9.00 a.m at PT putra Pratam
Office at meeting room.

Tugas 2
Please call Mr. Smith in Singapore , the General Manager of PT Shui Lie Mie. Inform him that you
order some spareparts a week ago. When the order will be send

Peralatan Praktek :

a. Pesawat telepon
b. Alat tulis
c. No telepon pelanggan
d. Form lembar pesan

C. Langkah kerja :
1. Make a call
2. Address the receiver
3. Tell with whome you want to speak
4. Explain the reason
5. Close the telephone call

Kunci Jawaban Tes Lisan

1 Good morning, May I speak to Mr. Green in the accounting department, please?
2 Can I leave a message
3 Hello, this is Julie Madison calling

4 I'll talk to you again soon. Bye Jules.

5 Thank you
6 Yes
7 I will repeat the message
8 Yes, I prepare a pen or a pencil
9 Yes, I write the goal
10 I am sorry, I make a mistake

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