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READING TEST sees an UGC SMR Cee Pelee nae eon MMM iu ICMR -telie Coe three parts, and directions are given for each part, You are encourac hin the time allo Deora tree eR Cm mt Mecncres Mer eM ge VTn reteor rer CS nine eer ro aaa ine incur a (©), oF (D) on your answer 101. The mechanic is replacing the part 104, Mr. McDaniel plans advertisements and will require around an hour to fix the for his studio in all of the local papers and engine. magazines. (A) defection (A) placing (8) defecting (©) will place (C) defective (C)to place (0) defect (0) having placed 102. All the invitations to the company’s annual —_105. Every shipment is to arrive within 48 ball have been sent to associated hours, or Gateway Logistics will refund the with the firm, sender's payment. (A) everyone (A) promised (8) each one (8) assumed (C) someone (C) conditioned (0) anyone () guaranteed 103. It is widely expected that Mr. Durant will 106. ___ expenses enabled Wilson Electronics the decision to sell the Davenport to become profitable during the second facility to Kenmore Technology. quarter of the year. (A) approve (A) Abandoning (B) prompt (B) Declining (©) withdraw (C) Reducing (O) portray (D) Supporting 188 Actual Test 04 107. Customers may opt to receive their invoices either _ the mail or by fax. (A) within (8) on (©) through (0) around 108. Because the machinery has been in ____use, itneeds to be inspected sometime next week. (A) continue (8) continual (C) continuity (0) continuing 109. On account of the poor harvest, many people in the agricultural sector had to declare__. (A) bankrupt (8) bankrupted (©) bankruptcy (0) bankrupting 110. Dr. Beale is internationally __ for his. work in the fields of robotics and medicine. (A) renowned (8) approved (C) revealed (0) anticipated 111. The special discount ____ offered to all members does not apply for purchases of $1,000 or move. () was Bis (C) will be (0) being 112. The latest version of Robin Electronics’ laptop is twice the earlier version of the model. (A) faster (B)as fast as (C) fastest (0) faster than 113. Thousands of individuals in search of gainful appeared at the job fair in Peoria over the weekend. (A) employee (©) employer (C) employment (0) employable 114, Ms. Rogers had to pay an extra fee because her suitcase more than 3 kilograms above the permitted amount. (A) weighed (©) appeared (C) measured (0) evaluated 115. Two days after the jobs ___ on the website, more than 200 applications arrived in the company’s mailbox. (A) posted (8) will be posted (©) are posting (D) were posted 116. The new software by Poko, Inc. is not just inexpensive but is also more efficient than anything ___on the market. (A) other (8) then (C)else (0) which GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE FO ONTO TENET AG 189 117. The staff members unanimously agreed to accept the offer of a bonus and pay from manegement. (A) rose 8) raise (C) raising (0) raised 118. Jefferson Lee has a inthe local business community for being a dependable and honest man. (A) standard (8) status (C) condition (0) reputaton 119. Only ___ applicants who have graduated with a degree in engineering will be considere¢ for the positions at World Tech, Ino. (A) qualifies (8) qualified (©) qualification (0) qualitied 120. In an effort to get rid of its unwanted winter clothing, New Style Fashions had a sale in ___ it offered discounts of up to 70%, (A) that (B) when (C) where (0) which 121. The only people who ate permitted into the boarding area are those individuals with tickets. (A) dignified (8) valid (©) verbal (0) legal 190 Actual Test 04 122. When the survey __, the data must be compiled in a form that can be properly analyzed. (A) is completed (©) completes (C) will complete (0) is being completed 123. According to the terms of the agreement, payment must be made no later than the fifth day of ____ month for the next two years. (A) each (8) some (C) any (0)no 124, WTRT, the local radio station, is offering discounted rates on advertisements to its primary (A) sponsorships (8) sponsoring (C) sponsors (0) sponsored 125. The store manager at David's always calls customers to ____if they file complaints about service. (A) ask around (B) follow up (C) advise (0) feedback 4126. Henry's Fish and Chips, a chain restaurant, is going to expand to more than 25 countries by this time next year. (A) growth (8) growing (C) grow (0) grower 127. 128. Mr, Scott, Ms. Chandler's lawyer, _ to permit the release of any of her personnel files last nigh:. (A) refuses (B) is refusing (C)has refused (0) refused Several items on the had not been covered at the meeting by the time it adjourned. (A) degree (®) agenda (©) transcript (O) staff 129. _ 130. _ additional information on its products, people can visit the company’s website to download a pamphlet. (A) For (®) With (oO) By (0) Through There is some beneficial research on pharmaceuticals being done in the laboratories at the Nelson Corporation. (A) energetically (©) potentially (©) carefully (D) patiently GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE SO ONTO TEMAT IGT 191 PART 6 Dieu asc CR unc ar itera To ce Moire MMS eu! each text. Four answer choices for each question are given below the text, Select the best EUR Keoa olen keyeaiiac aman Wea tad sia) CO) eam Pela ol ae Vicia Questions 131-134 refer to the following e-mail. To: Samantha Wallace, Edward Kershaw From: Ted Winters Subject: Changes Date: June 10 I've been giving some thought to an idea, and I'd like to find out what of you think about it Since the Sales and Merketing departments collaborate so much, I'm considering putting the two offices in the same room. So Sales would no longer be on the first floor, _ would Marketing be on the third floor. Instead, they'll be on the second floor in a large, copes There will be no individual offices except for those of the director and assistant director of each department. | believe this would foster a sense of teamwork between the members of both departments. By what the salespeople are doing, the marketing people could create better advertisements. 193. and devise more ways to induce shoppers to buy our products. And by learning how the marketers think, the sales staff could come up with more effective ways to pitch our products. What do you two think of this proposal? 131. (A) each 183. (A) knowledge (8) some (8) knowing (either (©) knowable (O) both (0) will know 132. (A) and 134, (A) Wouldn't you agree that everything | did (8) nor worked out well? (©) thus (8) Don't you think that everyone approves (0) which of the changes we made? (C) How about providing feedback on this idea when you have some time? (0) When will you two have some time to start moving the desks around? 192 Actual Test 04 Questions 135-138 refer to the following notice. Electricity to Be Disconnected The area that is going to be covered by the blackout will be on Carter Street between 135, Eastern Avenue and Kenmore Road. Work crews from Alameda Power ate going to be working on some high-powered lines on Carter Street, so electricity there must be turned off to let them do their jobs. Electricity will be disconnected at 9 A.M. and should be turned back on around 136. 11:30 A.M. Residents who will be during this time. If the work is not complete by 11:30, the electricity will remain off. City employees will make by loudspeaker in the area so that residents can be updated on the work crews’ progress. Please visit the Alameda Power website at to learn more about which areas will be covered by the blackout. Questions or complaints can be e-mailed to and will be responded to within 4 hours of being received. 135. (A) Work crews are going to be repairing 17. (A) affected the street this Friday, October 10. (©) upset (8) On Wednesday, July 25, a water pipe is (C) absent going to be repaired on Carter Street. (D) reported (C) Some paris of the city will not have electricity on Thursday, September 14. 138. (A) decisions (0) This Saturday, August 11, the gas will be (8) announcements shut off in the Freemont neighborhood. (©) repairs (0) upgrades 136. (A) safer (8) the safest (C) safely (0) safety GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE SOON TO THENEAT AGE 193 Questions 139-142 refer to the following e-mail TO: Mary Lewis FROM: Eloise Purcell SUBJECT: Meeting DATE: October 3 Mary, | know we are supposed to meet today right after lunch, but I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to get together with you then. Mr. Colter, my supervisor, requested that I give a presentation for the delegation fram Spain arrived last night. | need to discuss the benefits of our latest line of software with them at 2:30 this afternoon, ___-__ I therefore need to spend every minute unt then working on what | intend to say. How does your schedule look tomorrow morning? I've got time between 9 and noon, so can meet you then. If that doesn't work for you, I'm also available between the hours of 4 and 6, Why don't you let me know what the best time for you to meet is? | apologize for canceling ‘our meeting on such notice, but this is a matter that is out of my control. | hope you understand. Regards, Eloise 139. (A) what 4141. (A) a variety of (8) when (8) very little (©) where (C)no type of (0) that (0) plenty of 140, (A) However, | haven't prepared any of my 142, (A) apparent remarks yet (8) short (8) In case you don’t know, | was the lead (©) surpri designer on the software. (0) tight (C) Unfortunately, the software still has some big problems. (D) Consequently, I'll be leaving for Spain as soon as possible. 194 Actual Test 04 Questions 143-146 refer to the following article. Bixby Bank to Open New Branch Downtown Hampton City (January 17) ~ Yesterday, a spokeswoman for Bixby Bank announced that the bank anew kranch in the downtown part of Hampton City. The office will be located on the 743. second floor of the Silverwood Shopping Center. Headquartered in Montgomery, the bank 144, has been opening branch offices at a swift pace during the past two years. This year, it plans to ‘open more than 30 branch offices across the entire state. The office in the mall will be Hampton on customer City’s fourth Bixby Bank. The bank has been growing so much thanks to its 146. relations and quality service. In a recent survey, Bixby Bank ranked much higher than all of its competitors regarding how well it___its customers and which services it provides for them. Bixby Bank recorded more than $25 million in profits last year, and analysts believe it will more than double that number this year. 143. (A) opened 145. (A) emphasis (8) has opened (8) impression (C)is opening (©) consideration (0) to open (0) dedication 144, (A) The shopping center recently closed 146. (A) considers due to poor sales. (8) treats (8) Experts balieve Bixby Bank must (C) appoints improve its services. (0) behaves (C) Bixby Bank is the state's fastest growing bank. (D) This will be the first branch that the bank has opened. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE GOON TO THENEXT PAGE 195

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