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4 UNIT 4 TEST |  Higher B1

Listening Grammar
1 UT Track 4  Listen to the speaker. Number 3 Complete the dialogue with will, shall or
the ideas in the order you hear them. There an appropriate form of be going to and the
are two extra ideas which you do not need verbs in brackets.
to use. Then decide which is the main idea. Hi, Mel.
A photography        Hi, Frank. (1)             
B swimming        (you / do) anything interesting this
C food and drink        weekend?
D weekend trips        No, my parents (2)             
(visit) my uncle, but I don’t have
E hiking        anything to do.
F climbing        (3)              (we / go)
G Main idea:        to the cinema?
It’s a bit expensive. (4)       
       (you / pay) for me?
No, sorry – I haven’t got enough money
2 UT Track 5  Listen to five short extracts in
for two tickets. Wait. I saw on Facebook
which people are talking about different that Jim’s band Small Trees (5)       
activities. For questions 1–5, choose from        (have) a concert tonight.
the list (A–H) what each speaker says about
Tonight! (6)             
their activity. Use the letters only once. (we / go) and see them then?
There are three extra letters which you do
Yes. And I have a plan.
not need to use.
What is it?
Speaker 1:    
I (7)              (call)
Speaker 2:    
all Jim’s friends so that there are
Speaker 3:     lots of people in the audience. He
Speaker 4:     (8)              (be) really
Speaker 5:     happy when he sees us there! Can you
bring your video camera?
A People who enjoy relaxing probably won’t like
this activity. Yes, I (9)             
(record) the concert and put it on
B I only took up this activity recently.
C It’s better to do this activity with other people.
Fantastic! Jim’s concert with
D I do more than one activity at the same time. all his friends. This (10)          
E I would like to do this activity more often. (be) a great night!
F My family weren’t keen for me to do this
G I do this activity twice a day.
H This isn’t a suitable activity for everyone.

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4 UNIT 4 TEST |  Higher B1

4 Complete the blog post using a verb from the box in the correct form of the present simple or
present continuous.

buy | finish | go | leave | meet | play | put | start | take | write

Sam’s Life Blog

Hello followers! As you know, we moved to a new town last weekend so I have lots to tell you about! Next Monday
will be my first day at my new school. Classes (1)              at 9 am every day, which means
I need to catch the bus which (2)              from the bottom of my road at 8:30 am. The journey
(3)              about 20 minutes. I (4)              my mum at lunchtime on
the first day and she (5)              me lunch at an Italian restaurant. On Wednesday
at 7 pm I (6)              to a basketball match. I can’t believe my favourite player Pau Gasol
(7)              that night! The match is quite long and (8)              at 9 pm. As
soon as I get home, I (9)              a review of the match and then I (10)             
all the photos on my blog!

Do Something Different!
A Monster Fun! E Join the Stars
Head Room is a virtual reality challenge. You and
 Be Live! Concert Experience uses the latest technology
five others are in a large room facing another team. to recreate a live concert with sounds and movement.
Through a headset, you can see the other players as Put on your headset and sing with your hero while a
monsters and vampires. You need to think and move virtual audience watches. If you are shy, don’t worry – it’s
fast as you fight the monsters. Play for £45. It’s not all in your head while you sing with the stars.
cheap, but it’s exciting. F Head for Heights!
B Sports Workout The High Flyer is not a roller coaster, but it will give you

In this interactive museum, you can try all kinds of a thrill. The pod will suddenly fly up at 20 kilometres an
sports. You can play in real time to practise a penalty hour then return even faster! If you are frightened of
shot or use virtual technology to throw a javelin. heights, this isn’t for you!
Great for seeing which sports you are good at and G Be a Time Traveller
learning more about sport.
Time Travel Hunt offers a fun hour for teams of 3–5

C Singing Superstars players who answer history questions and solve puzzles
Play Pop Stars if you know a lot about music past and in six rooms. Each room is a different period in history
present and are not too shy to sing in public. Teams and you must travel from the time of the dinosaurs to the
of four people play against another team in the same present day. It only costs £5, so you can learn a lot for
room and get points for answering questions and very little money.
singing songs accurately. The winning team gets a H Dare the Dragon!
certificate and a group photo for no extra charge.
The Flying Dragon is the new attraction that takes

D Be a Champion! you round a track at over 30 kilometres an hour! The
Games players will love Champion Challenge. Using
 ‘Dragon’ then turns upside down and repeats the
hand-held controls, players compete in a wide range of experience. Don’t eat before going on this ride! Also,
virtual reality sports including tennis, bowling and even don’t forget to smile when they take your photo. Ride
sword fighting. Suitable for beginners. There are no £25. Photo £5.
prizes, but you can enjoy playing many types of games.

5 Scan the text and write the paragraph (A–H) which mentions these ideas.
1 no experience is necessary     4 good value for money     
2 going up and down fast     5 learning about history     
3 moving from room to room    

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4 UNIT 4 TEST |  Higher B1

What about (8)        ? It’s not

6 Which activity from the text would be most dangerous or cold, you can see beautiful
suitable for these teenagers? For each places, and you get lots of exercise.
question, choose the correct answer. Sounds perfect!
1 Abby loves singing in her room to her favourite
pop group. She is not keen on singing in public!

2 Colin likes exciting activities, especially fast 8 Complete the dialogue with a phrasal verb,
rollercoasters, but he doesn’t like going up high. using one word from each box. You may use
He wants to remember his experience for a long each word from the second box more than
time.     once.
3 Sally loves video games and playing sport with
friends. She likes doing different activities. For call | eat | get | sleep | stay | take | work
her, having fun is more important than winning.
    in | off | out | together | up
4 Steve prefers history and geography to
Hey, Lauren! What’s up?
technology. He would like to use his brain but not
spend too much money.     I’m thinking about what to do this
evening. They have decided to
5 Gayle likes being with people and enjoys
(1)            our football
sport and music, but she isn’t keen on virtual
match tomorrow morning because
technology. She wants to do something where
of bad weather. I usually don’t
she can win a prize!    
(2)            late on Friday
because I have to get up early the
next day.
I didn’t know you played football. When
Vocabulary did you (3)       it       ?
About three months ago. I used to
7 Complete the dialogue with the words from (4)            at the gym, but
the box. playing football is more fun.
If you want, I could call Ben and Beth
hiking | horse-riding | ice-skating
and we could all (5)           
rock-climbing | sailing | skiing and do something?
sky-diving | snowboarding Yes, we could (6)           
together in a restaurant for a change,
I’d like to try a new activity this year. Last
then go to a disco. The best thing is that
year I did (1)          , but it was
whatever we do, I can (7)      
a bit boring going round and round. And I
      late tomorrow!
kept falling over!
I stayed on a farm and I tried

(2)          which was fun when
I was moving, but terrible when I fell off! 9 Complete the dialogue with the correct
Have you ever tried (3)          ?
Ian:  alternative.
It’s a bit like a mix between skateboarding
Did you (1) spend / enjoy / take yourself
and (4)          .
on Monday?
No, I don’t think I want to either. I hate
Yes, I (2) had / was / went the day off
the cold!
school so I decided to (3) try / have / make
What about an extreme sport? I want to
Ian:  a go at using a virtual reality headset.
try (5)          , but it’s expensive.
What was your opinion?
But imagine the feeling as you jump!
It was fantastic. I played all day on my
Too scary for me! I don’t like high
own. The only problem was that every
places. That’s why I have never tried
30 minutes I needed to (4) make /
(6)          . Imagine if you
take / leave a break from playing
almost reached the top and then fell!
because my eyes were tired.
Yes, but you have ropes and other
You should (5) pass / make / spend more
people to help you. I like the idea of
time with real people and not stay in your
(7)          , but we don’t live
room all day alone!
near any lakes and the coast is too far

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4 UNIT 4 TEST |  Higher B1

Speaking Language in Use

10 Complete the sentences with the correct 12 Complete the second sentence so it has a
alternative. similar meaning to the first sentence, using
1 I prefer watching historical dramas as / why / the word given. Do not change the word
reason I am interested in the clothes they wear. given. You must use between two and five
2 I love photography. That’s why / because / since words, including the word given.
my father is a professional photographer.
1 Although she wasn’t a great
3 I prefer rock music than / with / to pop music. swimmer, Sasha went sailing
4 I’m not really keen of / in / on tennis. It’s a bit with her parents. SPITE
boring. In        a great

5 I don’t have a deep / strong / high preference swimmer, Sasha went sailing
for going to the beach or the mountains – you with her parents.
can choose. 2 Despite the warm weather, she
wore a jumper and a jacket. WAS
Although        , she

wore a jumper and a jacket.
11 Respond to the questions with complete
3 She had no experience, but her
sentences. EVEN
dad showed her what to do.
1 How do you feel about watching TV series?
Her dad showed her what to do

       no experience.
 4 She wasn’t strong, but she still
managed to turn the wheel. NOT

Despite        , she still

2 What is something you don’t mind doing? What
managed to turn the wheel.
are your reasons?
5 It was difficult at times, but she
 still enjoyed herself. FACT

 She enjoyed herself       

that it was difficult at times.
3 Do you prefer going to concerts to reading
books? Why / Why not? 6 Later, it started to rain, but they
kept on sailing. DESPITE
 They kept on sailing       

 to rain.
4 How do you like spending your free time? Give 7 In spite of not liking fish, Sasha
two examples. decided to catch one. LIKE
Although Sasha       

 fish, she decided to catch one.
 8 Despite not having any
experience, she caught five fish! THOUGH
5 What would you like to do in the future? Why?
She caught five fish,       

 have any experience.
 9 She was enjoying herself, but
stopped as she was hungry. IN
She stopped as she was hungry,

       that she was
enjoying herself.
10 Although she caught a lot of
fish, she refused to eat them. CATCHING
In        a lot of fish, she

refused to eat them.

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4 UNIT 4 TEST |  Higher B1

13 Write one word in each gap to complete the 14 Read the writing task and write your
sentences. article.
1 In my           , outdoor activities
Articles wanted!
are better.
2 If you          me, indoor activities are WHICH ARE BETTER – INDOOR OR
less exciting. OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES?
3 I’m a big          of all sorts of activities. Write an article telling us whether you prefer
4 My view is          any activity can be indoor or outdoor activities.
interesting. What do you think makes an activity exciting?
5 There are no activities that I         
The best articles will be published next month

Total score 

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