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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IX-Zamboanga Peninsula
Schools division of Zamboanga city
Mialim, Vitali, Zamboanga city


School Year 2022-2023
Name: _________________________________ Score: __________________
Grade & Section: ________________________ Date: __________________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICES: DIRECTIONS: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided for.

_____1. Deals with the concepts, underlying principles, and processes in the preparation of a _________.
a. Entrepreneurship b. business plan c. competencies d. functions.
_____2. This are the four (4) major business function of business or entrepreneur.
a. Marketing, production/operation, human resources/organization, finance
b. Marketing, finance, functions, people
c. Marketing production, operational, human resources
d. Marketing, production, human resources, organization
_____3. What is ITDI stands for:
a. Industrial Technological Distribution Institute c. Industrial Technology Development Institute
b. Industrial Technology Development Institute d. Industry Technology Development Institute
_____4. __________ is a process of creating incremental wealth through the efforts of individuals who find new and useful ways to employ resources that lead to the
creation of new products, services, or technologies.
a. Business plan entreprenuership c. entrepreneur d. entrepreneurship
_____5. Entrepreneurship also involves individuals who actually perform the process, and most instances, they are aided be technology in the innovation of
products and services. These inividuals are what we call :
a. Consumers b. employees c. owners d. entrepreneurs
_____6. Taro chips is product of city where most of the population’s are source of living, and their business office is located at:
a. Gateway, Binan Laguna c. Gateway Avenue, Binan Laguna
b. Gateway Avenue, Lagunna Binyan d. Gateway Avenue, Bicol Laguan
_____7. Entrepreneurs who venture of 10,000.00 Ten Thousand Pesos are what we call?
a. Competition b. Financial Plan c. implementation d. the product
_____8. Developing the habit of continually examining and reexamining the prices of the products and services you sell to make sure they’re still
appropriate to the realities of the current market.
a. Product b. place c. promotion d. price
_____9. Customers of all types love to buy discounted or bargain products.
a. free delivery and acknowledgment report b. flash sales c. buy more, save more d. discount products
_____10. this portion in intended for miscellaneous items which may not be put on the main part of the business plan such as photos, contract, forms, certificate,
permits and others related to the business.
a. Organizational plan the proponent c. glossary d. appendices
_____11. _____ does not need to be lengthy:
a. Introduction b. industry analysis c. market analysis d. business plan
_____12. Persuasion and networking- an entrepreneur knows he/she has the power to achieve the goals planned for the business.
a. Achievement cluster b. power cluster c. planning cluster d. planned cluster
_____13. _______. The entrepreneur needs to be more smart; the entrepreneur needs to be SMARTER.
a. Goal setting b. information seeking c. manifesting d. target
_____14. The popular Filipino Saying, “Kung walang tiyaga, walang nilaga,” translated as without ____________, you will not get what you aim for.
a. Courage b. persistence c. persistance d. commitment
_____15. Entrepreneurs sees opportunities where most see none, entrepreneurship thus level the field in terms of employment opportunities between small rural town
and big city. In addition to being the “backbone of the economy,”
a. Entrepreneurship begets entrepreneurship c. career opportunities
b. Entrepreneurship promotes inclusive growth d. entrepreneurship aids in human development.
_____16. The entrepreneur is derived from the French words entre and prendre, which means:
a. Entry/ exit b. entre/ take c. enter/take d. entry/take
_____17. What are the rewards being an entrepreneur?
a. Unwanted responsibilities, long hour of hard work, be your own boss
b. Be your own boss, gain self- satisfaction, make money
c. Make money, bet your own money, gain self-confident
d. Make money, be your own boss, gain self- satisfaction
_____18. In establishing a business, it is important that everything must be done systematically, there is no room for ________.
a. Quitting b. guessing c. thinking d. pointing
_____19. This contains a brief description of each part od the business plan.
a. Summary b. executive summary c. services d. description
_____20. ____ refers to the set of actions, or tactics, that a company uses to promote its brand or product in the market.
a. Ps of marketing b. marketing mix market center d. price


Direction: Identify what is being asked on the following questions, choose your answer on the Box, write your answer on the space provided:

10.commitment to work contract

2.Self- Confidence SMARTER 4. Flash Sales

5.Tool/Sales Promotions 6.Reach/ Personal Selling

1. Cost-plus pricing entrepreneurship/employers

8.Failure 9.entrepreneurs/employees 3.product 7.Goal setting

_____________________1. This is the simplest of all the pricing method. All cost are added up and then divided by the number of units produced.
_____________________2. An entrepreneur must believe in oneself if he/she wants others to believe in him or her, inconsequently in the product or
services offered.
_____________________3. To begin develop the habit of looking at your product as through you were outside marketing consultant brought in to the help
of the company decide whether or not it’s in the right business at this time.
_____________________4. _______________ is basically an offer that only last for a limited time and it’s a great way to create a sense of urgency for the
customers to buy.
_____________________5. Sampling, coupons, price pack, exhibits, giveaways, contest, games, discounts, fair, and trade shows.
_____________________6. Very personal and persuasive; very effective when nearing the point of closing a sale.
_____________________7. Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and result-oriented, time-bound ethical and recorded.
_____________________8. As a entrepreneur, you gain most in the success of the enterprise but if it fails, you also have the most to lose in terms of
investments and social stature among others.
_____________________9. Both are productive members of the society.
_____________________10. An entrepreneur owns full accountability for words and actions. They value palabra de honor or word of honor.


Enumerate the following:

1.__________________ 1.__________________
4.__________________ ____
2.__________________ ____
____ PLANNING CLUSTER 2.__________________

5.__________________ 3.__________________
3.__________________ ____ ____

TEST IV: Numbers from 1 to be the first and 10 to be the last part of a business plan. “SIMPLE BUSINESS PLAN” Related to (TARO CHIPS)

5_________1.THE PRODUCT- In marketing, a product is an object, or system, or service made available for consumer use as of the consumer demand; it is
anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy the desire or need of a customer. [1] In retailing, products are often referred to as merchandise, and in
manufacturing, products are bought as raw materials and then sold as finished goods. A service is also regarded as a type of product.
3_________2.THE ORGANIZATION- The "organization" in this section refers to how your business is structured and the people involved. "Management" refers to
the responsibilities different managers have and what those individuals bring to the company
4_________3.OBJECTIVE OF THE PROPOSED BUSINESS-Business objectives are the specific, measurable results that companies hope to maintain as their
organization grows. When you create a set of business objectives, you focus on specifics. This means analyzing, assessing, and understanding where you
are now and where you want to be in the future.
6_________4.TARGET MARKET-using the applicable marketing Ps. Will be part of the marketing strategies of the proposed business.
7_________5.MARKETING MIX- A marketing mix includes multiple areas of focus as part of a comprehensive marketing plan. The term often refers to a common
classification that began as the four Ps: product, price, placement, and promotion.
8_________6.COMPETITION-related competitors’ product, which are available in stores and supermarkets, are considered direct competitors but have different
product to offer as stated.
1_________7.COMPANY BACKGROUND- The company background should include a brief history of the company. Your company background could be
very brief at the beginning stages of starting up, but you can still detail what you want your company to be about and the origin of your idea.
2_________8.THE PROPONENT- Proponent comes from the same Latin word as propose, so a proponent is someone who proposes something, or at least
9_________9.FINANCIAL PLAN-A financial plan documents an individual's long-term financial goals and creates a strategy for achieving them. The plan should be
comprehensive but also highly individualized, to reflect the individual's personal and family situations, risk tolerance, and future expectations supports it by
speaking and writing in favor of it.
10_________10.IMPLEMENTATION- Business implementations, also called a business implementation plan, is a set of steps that companies use to determine
how to implement a strategic plan within company activities to achieve one or more business plan objectives

WINNERS are not people who never fail, but people who never QUIT!

G O O D L U C K !!!

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Entrepreneurship teacher SHS LAC FACILITATOR

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