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Paying For Healthcare

Everybody has been felt sick in their life before. Everyone has due being treated when they
feel sick, but unfortunately most of people cannot use this due because of medicine,and hospital
costs. Every day diseases killed thousands of people who cannot pay their halthcare paids. In social
governments people do not have to pay their healthcare costs, but in unsocial governments people
face death. Money should not be paid to receive treatment, because treatment is a human right ,and
governments should take care of their citizen.

First of all, human rights has become one of the most important concepts these days. From
the past to present people’s dues more important day by day especially in healthcare. To begin with,
nobody does not choose where they will be born. Children who live in Africa dies when they were a
baby, because they cannot take a medicine, because of the costs. Being born in Africa is not their
crime. Secondly, everyone has the right to lead a healthy life. No one should be deprived of this right.
For example, in the USA people connot be cured like Africa ,because human rights are not given
much importance, human rights are given importance in Scandinavian countries. So people cured
free easily ,and people living there live longer than those living in other countries. Finally, human
rights are important to cured.

Second of all, a developed country has to be a social government. Firstly, social governments
must take care of lives people there, such as education, and health. All these are a condition of being
a social state and are guaranteed by the constitutions. Secondly, in social governments which lives
there people are happier. They lives longer because of free healthcare. This situation affect their
work life balance. They can more successful, so country’s economy more increases. To sum up, the
fact that health is free affects both people and the economy.

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