B1 - Clase 1: Adverbs Describe HOW Things Are Done, The Way You Do Something

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B1 - Clase 1



Adverbs describe HOW things are done, the way you do something.
1. An adverb is usually formed by adding ‘-ly’ to and adjective.

slow - slowly; loud - loudly

In case the adjective ends in ‘y’, we will change it to an ‘i’.

heavy - heavily; funny - funnily

If the adjective ends in ‘-ic’, we add ‘ally’.

Physical - physically; energetic - energetically

2. Some adverbs are irregular, and do not end in ly.
good - well She dances well.
hard - hard He works hard.
fast - fast He runs fast.
late - late He arrives late.
3. Usually, the adverb goes after the verb it describes.
She talks quietly.
He runs fast.
3a. If the verb has a direct object WITHOUT A PREPOSITION the adverb should go
after the object.
You read the poem nicely. 
He brought the food late. 
3b. If the verb is followed by a preposition and an object, you can put the adverb in
different places.
He quickly went to the school.  
He went quickly to the school.
He went to the school quickly.
4) The verbs below do not use adverbs but adjectives to describe their actions.

To be : She is nice.  
To seem: it seems interesting.
To look: Those look nice. 
To smell: this cake smells good.
To sound: This song sounds great.
To feel: That feels boring.  
5) Some words end in ‘ly’ but they are not adverbs. Friendly is an example.
Friendly is an adjective. We can say ‘She is friendly’ but not ‘She talks friendly’.
There is no adverb for friendly, but we can say ‘She talks in a friendly
way’. Elderly and lonely are also adjectives, not adverbs. Kindly and early are
adjectives and adverbs.



1. I can't carry this suitcase. It's _____________ heavy.

2. This bag isn't big _____________. I can't put all my possessions in it.

3. Is your meal warm _____________? If not, I'll put it in the microwave.

4. Mom was _____________ worried to go to sleep, so she stayed up all night.

5. I don't like this fizzy drink. It's much _____________ sweet.

6. I'll ring you up later. I haven't got _____________ time at the moment


1. If anything goes _________________ , someone must be blamed. (WRONG)

2. The parliament was _________________ elected. (FREE)

3. You shouldn’t go up that ladder. It’s not _________________. (SAFE)

4. Coffee in the morning smells _________________. (FANTASTIC)

5. The western part of the US was colonized _________________ by the Spanish.

6. The sun was shining _________________ in the sky. (BRIGHT)

7. The prisoner was treated _______________ by the guards. (BAD)

8. Tom _______________ tries to improve his English. He’s very _______________

about it. (HARD, LAZY)

9. The sweater feels _______________ and _______________. (NICE, SOFT)

10.The government proposals were _______________ disputed. (HIGH)

11.Some shops in town close every _______________. (LATE)

12.The bullet _______________ missed the man’s head. (NARROW)



1. Carbon dioxide is one of the ________________________ that leads to global


2. ___________________, like coal and oil, must be reduced if we want to save our
____________________ .

3. When polar ice caps melt ___________________ will rise and many areas will be

4. The existence of the rainforest is __________________ by companies that cut down


5. Examples of ____________________ energy are wind and solar power.

6. Many animals will ________________________ if we don’t save them.

7. We should try to recycle our _________________ and try not to use too much

8. __________________________ will go up by up to 4° by the end of the century.

9. The ________________________ tells you how much how much carbon dioxide you
produce with your activities.

10.The population in big cities suffer from _____________________, caused by

factories and cars.

11.Trees in the tropical rainforest produce much _________________ that we need to


12.More and more people are putting ___________________ panels on their roofs.
PART 1 -Mark the letter next to the correct explanation, A, B or C

A Do not leave your bike touching the

NO BICYCLES AGAINST B Do not ride your bicycle in this area.
C Broken glass may damage your
bicycle tyres.

A You must show a receipt if you want to

remove luggage.
LUGGAGE CANNOT BE B When you remove your luggage you are
REMOVED WITHOUT A given a receipt.

RECIPE C You can leave your luggage here

without charge.

For the festival, Anna should bring

A Her ticket

Jeff rang: suggests taking a blanket (cold B a blanket

there!) No need to bring programme now.
He’ll meet you at the festival entrance with C the programme
your ticket.

A Don’t turn the lights on until it’s

Will the last person necessary.
to leave please B Switch the lights on when you’re in the
switch off the lights. room.

C Don’t leave the lights on if the room is


This shop

A Has just opened and jobs are available.

Assistants needed
necessary. B is opening for longer and needs extra
because of new staff.
opening hours. C will open late because of job interviews
Apply inside.
PART 2 -The people below all want to buy a book on travel. It follows the
description of eight books. Decide which book (letters A-H) would be the most
suitable for each person (numbers 1-5)

1. ROBERT is planning to travel round the world by train. He would like a book with
pictures and maps to take with him on his long journeys.

2. MRS JONES used to love visiting France, but now she is too old to travel. She
wants a book with lots of photographs, which help her to remember everything she

3. THE HARPERS are planning to go on holiday round Europe. They intend to drive
their car and go for walks, so they need a book with maps and pictures to guide
them on their way.

4. CLIVE wants to buy a book as a present for his friend Tom. Tom enjoys fishing
and driving round England.

5. PETER has to write something for his history teacher about world explorers. He
wants to know about explorers from the past and their travels to different parts of
the world.


A. Allan Jowett - Jowett’s Railway Centres: Volume 1

Packed with information about 20 British railway centres, this wonderful book is
handwritten and illustrated throughout with clear hand-drawn maps - a true collector’s piece
for those who are interested in railways.

B. Alan Titchmarsh - The English River

Alan Titchmarsh explores 18 rivers, telling their interesting stories with his appreciation of
them. A saying from a past age introduces each chapter as his exploration moves across the
English countryside.

C. Robin Hanbury-Tenison - The Oxford Book of Exploration

This is a collection of the writing of explorers through the centuries. It describes the
feelings and experiences of these brave adventurers who changed the world through their
search for new lands.

D. The Travel Club - Train Journeys of the World

First-hand accounts of 30 of the world’s most beautiful and dramatic railway journeys are
found together with specially drawn maps and wonderful photographs that show the people
and places on the route.

E. Bruce Chatwin - Photographs and Notebooks

On all his travels, Bruce Chatwin took thousands of photographs and kept daily notebooks.
Published here for the first time, the photographs are excellent, the notebooks both scholarly
and funny. Will give great pleasure.

F. Automobile Association - Walks and Tours in France

Explore spectacular and pretty France with 61 expertly researched motor tours and 114
walks, complete with route directions, super mapping, and descriptions and pictures of
places of interest for the traveller.
G. Shirley Pike - The Book of French Life

This beautiful volume contains forty wonderful photographs that show the very nature of
French life - the perfect gift for anyone who finds this country as wonderful as Shirley Pike

H. Ranulph Fiennes - Mind over Matter

The epic crossing of the Antarctic continent

The amazing story of his recent crossing of the Antarctic continent with another explorer,
in which both showed great strength and courage.

PART 3 -Read the text and questions below, for each question mark the letter
corresponding to the correct answer (A,B, C or D).

Winter Driving

Winter is dangerous because it’s so difficult to know what is going to

happen and accidents take place so easily. Fog can be waiting to meet
you over the top of a hill. Ice might be hiding beneath the melting snow,
waiting to send you off the road. The car coming towards you may
suddenly slide across the road.

Rule Number One for driving on icy roads is to drive smoothly. Uneven
movements can make a car suddenly very difficult to control. So every
time you ether turn the wheel, touch the brakes of increase your speed,
you must be as gentle and slow as possible. Imagine you are driving
with a full cup of hot coffee on the seat next to you. Drive so that you
wouldn’t spill it.

Rule Number Two is to pay attention to what might happen. The more
ice there is, the further down the road you have to look. Test how long
it takes to stop by gently braking. Remember that you may be driving
more quickly than you think. In general, allow double your normal
stopping distance when the road is wet, three times this distance on
snow, and even more on ice. Try to stay in control of your car at all
times and you will avoid trouble.
1. What is the writer trying to do in the text?

A complain about bad winter driving

B give information about winter weather

C warn people against driving in winter

D advise people about safe driving in winter

2. Why would somebody read this text?

A to find out about the weather

B for information on driving lessons

C to learn about better driving

D to decide when to travel

3. What does the writer think?

A People should avoid driving in the snow.

B Drivers should expect problems in winter.

C People drive too fast in winter.

D Winter drivers should use their brakes less.

4. Why does the writer talk about a cup of coffee?

A to explain the importance of smooth movements

B because he thinks refreshments are important for drivers

C because he wants drivers to be more relaxed

D to show how it can be spilled

5. Which traffic sign shows the main idea of the text?





PART 4 -Five sentences have been removed from the text below. For each
question, choose the correct answer.

There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use.

Planting Trees

By Mark Rotheram, aged 13

This spring, our teacher suggested we should get involved in a green project and
plant some trees around the school. Everyone thought it was a great idea, so we
started looking online for the best trees to buy. 1 …………….. If we wanted them
to grow properly, they had to be the right type - but there were so many
different available! So our teacher suggested that we should look for trees that
grew naturally in our part of the world. 2 ……………….. They’d also be more suitable
for the wildlife here.

Then we had to think about the best place for planting the trees. We learnt that
trees are happiest where they have room to grow, with plenty of space for their
branches. The trees might get damaged close to the school playgrounds, for
example. 3 …………………. Finally, we found a quiet corner close to the school garden
- perfect!

Once we’d planted the trees, we knew we had to look after them carefully. We all
took turns to check the leaves regularly and make sure they had no strange spots
or marks on them. 4 ……………………. And we decided to check the following spring in
case the leaves turned yellow too soon, as that could also mean the tree was sick.

We all knew that we wouldn’t be at the school anymore by the time the trees grew
tall, and that was a bit sad. But we’d planted the trees to benefit not only the
environment, but also future students at the school. 5 …………………… And that
thought really cheered us up!

A So we tried to avoid areas where students were very active.

B However, our parents did offer to help with the digging!

C That could mean the tree had a disease.

D But we soon found that choosing trees was quite complicated.

E It can be quite good for young trees, though.

F We knew they’d get as much pleasure from them as we had.

G But at least we were doing it in the right season.

H That way, the trees would be used to local conditions.

PART 5 -Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. Mark
the letter next to the correct word (A, B, C or D).


The most famous diary (1) ……….. English was written by Samuel Pepys. It gives a
detailed and interesting (2) …………. of everyday life in England (3) ……….. 1660 and
1669. Pepys writes about important new stories of the time, like disease, an enemy
navy (4) ……… up the River Thames and the Great Fire of London.

He also writes about himself, even about his (5) ………. - he often slept during
church or looked at the pretty girls. He describes his home life - a (6) ………… with
his wife and how they became friends again, his worry about her illness.

(1) A in B about C from D of

(2) A description B letter C notice D story

(3) A between B from C through D to

(4) A driving B flying C running D sailing

(5) A accidents B plans C dreams D faults

(6) A conversation B discussion C quarrel D talk

PART 6 -For each question, write the correct word. Write one word for each gap.

The Oldest University in the World

Many universities around the world are proud to (1) ______________ long

histories and strong traditions. However, very few universities can claim to be
among the oldest in the world.

According (2) ______________ the Guinness Book of World Records, the

University of AI-Karaouine in Fes, Morocco, is the oldest surviving university in
the world. It was probably founded in 859 and became a famous place to study
natural sciences. In 1957, after (3) _____________ than 1,000 years as a
university, AI-Karaouine added mathematics, physics, chemistry, and various
foreign languages to (4) ____________ traditional list of subjects for study.
Today there are (5) ____________ many universities that students don't need
to go far to study. They (6) ________________ sure to find one close to home.


PART 1 -Write an email with the information below. 100 words.

Your family is visiting London next month. You have an English pen friend called
Zara who also lives in London. You would like to meet here when you go to London.
Write an email to Zara. In your email, you should:

 say when your family is coming to London

 ask if you can meet up, and suggest a day
 suggest what you can do together

PART 2 -Write an article or a story using the topic below. Write 100 words.

 What is your opinion about cloning?


PART 1 -Choose the best of the three pictures. You can hear the recording twice.






PART 2 -Listen and choose the right opinion. You can hear the recording twice.

1. You will hear two friends talking about buying a new camera. Where does the

woman recommend buying one?

A From a website B From a mall C From a local shop

2. You will hear two friends talking about a film they have just seen. They agree
that the film would be better if …

A it had fewer special effects B it was shorter. C the costumes were


3. You will hear a man talking about a job he has just been offered. Why does he
feel happy about it?

A He has always wanted a job like this. B He will not have to travel far.

C He will be able to learn new skills.

5. You will hear two people talking about a local curry restaurant. They both agree
that …

A the food is good quality. B the service was good. C the price was reasonable.

6. You will hear two people talking about climbing. The woman wants the man to …

A give her some climbing advice. B help her choose some climbing shoes. C work
out with her.

PART 3 -Use the information from the audio to complete the spaces with words.


The games will (1) ………………………………….. 12 minutes each.

There will be eight groups with four teams in the first (2) …………………………

The knockout stage comes after the (3) ……………………………… stage.

The winners from the last sixteen will play the (4) …………………………… finals.

The team that doesn’t win the final will be the (5) …………………………….. up team.

If the score is a (6) …………………………………….. at the end of a match, the result will be
decided on penalties.
PART 4 - You will hear an interview with a student called Sarah Mercer, who is
planning to become a weather forecaster. For each question, choose the correct
answer A, B or C.

1 Why did Sarah first become interested in the weather?

A She studied weather in school science lessons.

B She had experience of bad weather where she lived.
C She saw programmes about weather on TV.

2 Who encouraged Sarah’s interest in the weather at home?

A her mother
B her father
C her grandfather

3 Pupils at Sarah’s school club

A produced a book about the weather.

B provided information to the school for projects.
C set up equipment for studying the weather.

4 What mistake did Sarah’s family make during a sailing trip?

A They didn’t recognise signs of bad weather coming.

B They hadn’t made preparations for bad weather.
C They failed to check weather forecasts regularly.

5 Sarah thinks in future she’d like to

A work in the area of sport.

B be on TV weather programmes.
C travel abroad for her job.

6 What kind of weather does Sarah like best?

A when the sun is shining

B when it’s raining hard
C when there’s fog
PART 1 -

Good morning/afternoon/evening.
I’m and this is .

Now, what’s your name? - What’s your surname?

How do you spell it? - How do you write your family/second name?

Where do you live/come from? do you live in …?

Do you study English at school? - Do you like it? - Do you have English lessons?

How will you use English in the future?

What did you do during your last school holiday?

What do you like doing when you’re not at school?

Tell us about your family.

PART 2 - Describe the photograph.

PART 3 - you’re both going on a three-day school walking trip in the countryside.
talk together about the things you will need, and decide which are the most
important things to take with you.
Here are some pictures with some ideas to help you.

PART 4 - Conversation.

- Do you think knowing foreign languages is important nowadays? Why?

- What do you think about how foreign languages are taught in Spanish Schools?

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