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Journal of Neuroscience Methods 190 (2010) 289–298

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A brain–computer interface method combined with eye tracking for 3D

Eui Chul Lee a , Jin Cheol Woo b , Jong Hwa Kim c , Mincheol Whang d,∗ , Kang Ryoung Park e
Division of Fusion and Convergence of Mathematical Sciences, National Institute for Mathematical Sciences (NIMS), 628, Daeduk Boulevard,
3F Tower Koreana, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-340, Republic of Korea
Culture Technology Institute, Sangmyung University, 7 Hongji-dong, Jongro-Ku, Seoul 110-743, Republic of Korea
Department of Emotion Engineering, Sangmyung University, 7 Hongji-dong, Jongro-Ku, Seoul 110-743, Republic of Korea
Division of Digital Media Technology, Sangmyung University, 7 Hongji-dong, Jongro-Ku, Seoul 110-743, Republic of Korea
Division of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Dongguk University, 26 Pil-dong 3-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul 110-715, Republic of Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: With the recent increase in the number of three-dimensional (3D) applications, the need for interfaces to
Received 22 December 2009 these applications has increased. Although the eye tracking method has been widely used as an interaction
Received in revised form 6 May 2010 interface for hand-disabled persons, this approach cannot be used for depth directional navigation. To
Accepted 11 May 2010
solve this problem, we propose a new brain computer interface (BCI) method in which the BCI and eye
tracking are combined to analyze depth navigation, including selection and two-dimensional (2D) gaze
direction, respectively.
BCI (brain computer interface)
The proposed method is novel in the following five ways compared to previous works. First, a device to
Eye tracking
3D interaction
measure both the gaze direction and an electroencephalogram (EEG) pattern is proposed with the sensors
needed to measure the EEG attached to a head-mounted eye tracking device. Second, the reliability
of the BCI interface is verified by demonstrating that there is no difference between the real and the
imaginary movements for the same work in terms of the EEG power spectrum. Third, depth control for
the 3D interaction interface is implemented by an imaginary arm reaching movement. Fourth, a selection
method is implemented by an imaginary hand grabbing movement. Finally, for the independent operation
of gazing and the BCI, a mode selection method is proposed that measures a user’s concentration by
analyzing the pupil accommodation speed, which is not affected by the operation of gazing and the BCI.
According to experimental results, we confirmed the feasibility of the proposed 3D interaction method
using eye tracking and a BCI.
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Lebedev and Nicolelis, 2006). Also, most eye tracking methods
obtain only gaze positions on a plane, such as a computer mon-
With the recent increase in the number of three-dimensional itor or a 2D image (Lee and Park, 2009a; Gonzalez and Woods,
(3D) applications, the need for interfaces with these applications 2002; Yoo et al., 2002; Shih and Liu, 2004; Lee et al., 2009a). Con-
has increased. For example, there are many kinds of next- sequently, current eye tracking methods cannot acquire a depth
generation interfaces, such as a 3D mouse having six degrees directional gaze position but only an X–Y plane, since they calculate
of freedom (DOFs), gesture interaction, and full body interaction gaze position by using a single eye. In general, a human recog-
(Bowman et al., 2005). Among these new types of interfaces, a nizes the depth of an object using information from both eyes.
brain computer interface (BCI) and eye tracking can acquire a To determine the depth direction gaze position, both eye images
user’s intention through electroencephalography (EEG) and gaze need to be analyzed. A study of 3D eye tracking analyzing the
direction, respectively. However, a BCI is commonly used for relationship between the inter-distance of both eye centers and
one-dimensional (1D) controlling or object selection including the Z distance is described in Essig et al. (2004). However, since
emulations of arm reaching or grabbing (Santhanam et al., 2006; both eye regions had low resolution and were extracted and ana-
lyzed from one face image, the accuracy of the depth directional
gaze tracking was low. To solve this problem, two high resolu-
tion cameras need to capture each eye image at a close distance,
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +82 2 2287 5473.
which increases the weight and the cost of device. In addition, a
E-mail addresses: (E.C. Lee),
(J.C. Woo), (J.H. Kim), (M. Whang),
complex 3D calculation is required to evaluate the eye and facial (K.R. Park). movements. Consequently, combining a gaze tracking method with

0165-0270/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
290 E.C. Lee et al. / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 190 (2010) 289–298

depth-controllable interaction methods offers a good solution for from the user was analyzed from the acquired EEG patterns. Depth
3D interaction. directional navigation is based on the dwell time of the imagery.
An arm reaching approach is an alternative solution for depth For example, the object of the second layer (A in Fig. 1) was con-
directional control (Bowman et al., 2005). Although the required sidered as the selection in the case of imagining about the arm
information can be easily measured by attaching acceleration or reaching for 2 s. In addition, for imaginary movements of the same
magnetic sensors to several positions on a glove or arm, this method activity for 4 s, the object of the third layer (B in Fig. 1) was con-
can be inconvenient for the user. Therefore, in previous studies sidered. The user then freely carried out 2D directional navigation
measuring arm reaching, a brain computer interface (BCI) was using the eye tracking system, as shown in Fig. 1(b). If the user
adopted (Santhanam et al., 2006; Lebedev and Nicolelis, 2006; gazes at one position on the X–Y plane, the operation mode of the
Pistohla et al., 2008). In these studies, arm reaching and hand grab- system is changed to the arm reaching mode based on the change
bing were characterized by measuring and analyzing EEG patterns. of pupil accommodation speed, which was analyzed from the cap-
Reaching and grabbing motions were triggered based on the imag- tured eye images. After gazing at the destination, the final selection
inary movement of the user and a pre-defined threshold, which of the object is performed by the imaginary movement of grabbing
was obtained by a user-dependent calibration. This BCI method has motion, as shown in Fig. 1(c). Consequently, the proposed method
been used to control artificial arms and hands for the disabled (Gao can provide navigation in the depth direction and in the 2D plane,
et al., 2005) consequently, an imaginary-based BCI method com- and also the selection of the object.
bined with an eye tracking method could be an important solution Actually, the optimal scheme of our proposed method is the
as an interface for 3D interaction. concurrent operation of the BCI and gaze tracking. However, it is
In this study, a head-mounted device was implemented to sup- requires a great deal of time for the user-dependent training proce-
port an eye capturing camera and EEG measuring sensors. From the dure in order to separate the three BCI statuses of idle, grabbing, and
captured eye images, the pupil position was used to determine the arm reaching. To reduce the duration of the user-dependent train-
gaze positions, and the pupil size was used to measure the user’s ing procedure, we adopted the mode switching method using the
concentration. By measuring the pupil accommodation speed from pupil accommodation speed. That is to say, the problem of triple
sequential eye images, two modes (a gaze mode and an arm reach- decisions such as idle, grabbing and arm reaching is divided into
ing mode) were automatically switched in order to independently two binary decisions by separating the two BCI stages (depth direc-
operate two navigation methods using the eye and arm. Imaginary tional navigation, and selection). Through using this method, the
movement of the grabbing was used for a selection method. Con- BCI training time was significantly reduced from about 5 min to
sequently, by combining these methods, we implemented the new about 30 s.
3D interaction method using eye tracking and imaginary-based BCI. The overall procedure of the proposed method is shown in Fig. 2.
The structure of this paper is as follows: explanations of each Each interface is described in the following sub-sections. The
interface, such as eye tracking, pupil measurement, and EEG anal- measurement and analysis of the EEG patterns are explained in
ysis are described in Section 2. In Section 3, several experimental Section 2.1. The eye tracking device and method are explained in
results used to verify the performance and the reliability of the pro- Section 2.2. The explanation of the measurement method of the
posed methods are shown. Discussions about experimental results, pupil accommodation speed is presented in Section 2.3.
conclusions, and future research plans are presented in Section 4.
2.1. Measuring the EEG signal
2. The proposed method
2.1.1. The device
A diagram of the proposed 3D interaction method is shown in The proposed head-mounted system includes a device to mea-
Fig. 1. First, imaginary movement of arm reaching was performed sure EEGs, which consists of eight head-attached electrodes
for depth directional navigation, as shown in Fig. 1(a). The imagery for measuring the EEG signal and an amplifier (EEG100C,
BIOPAC Systems Inc., USA) (
electroencephalogram-amplifier, accessed on 15th Mar., 2010);
a data acquisition module using an analog-to-digital converter
(ADC); and an analysis system(NI PXI-1042Q, National Instruments
Corporation, USA) for the EEG signal (, accessed
on 15th Mar., 2010).
As shown in Fig. 3, the eight shielded electrodes (F-E5GH,
An Astro-Med Inc., USA) (, accessed
on 15th Mar., 2010) were attached using conductive gel (Ten20,
Weaver and Company, USA) (, accessed
on 15th Mar., 2010) at locations: F3, F4, C3, C4, P3, P4, O1, and O2 on
the top of the subjects’ heads. Each location was calculated on the
basis of the international 10-20 system after having measured each
participant’s head size (Herwig et al., 2003). The reference locations
were A1 and A2, located on both earlobes. These measurement loca-
tions were selected to measure brain activities in most areas (the F3
and F4 locations originated at the prefrontal cortex, the C3 and C4
locations originated from the lateral premotor cortex, the P3 and
P4 locations originated at the posterior parietal cortex, and the O3
and O4 locations originated at the occipital cortex) by using min-
imum electrodes (Babiloni et al., 2002). The discrimination of the
imaginary and realistic movement was successfully done by using
Fig. 1. The conceptual diagram of the proposed method (a) the depth directional
extended C3 and C4 locations from these locations (Neuper et al.,
navigation based on the imaginary arm reaching movement, (b) the 2D navigation
using eye tracking and (c) the object selection based on the imaginary grabbing
2009). The EEG signals were sampled at 400 Hz. The 50 Hz notch
movement. interference filter was activated to shield the subject and electrodes
E.C. Lee et al. / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 190 (2010) 289–298 291

Fig. 2. The overall procedure of the proposed method (a), (b), and (c) corresponding to the operations shown in Fig. 1(a), (b), and (c), respectively.

from electrical disturbances. By using the headset device of Fig. 3 2.1.2. The analyzing method
and monitoring the wearing status of the device by the adminis- With the acquired EEG data, the signal powers were calculated
trator during the experiment, the locations, according to the 10-20 for two frequency bands: alpha (8–13 Hz) and beta (14–34 Hz). The
system, were confirmed for each individual. acquired data from the eight electrodes in the time domain were

Fig. 3. The configurations of the EEG measurement device and electrodes (a) the EEG acquisition system and (b) an example of the eight fixed electrodes.
292 E.C. Lee et al. / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 190 (2010) 289–298

transformed into the frequency domain using a fast Fourier trans-

form (FFT). Then, the changing patterns of each mode (gaze, arm
reaching, and grabbing) for real and imaginary movements were
analyzed based on the power of each time frequency block (Michel
et al., 1991).
In addition, we performed coherence analyses of the two fre-
quency bands in order to find mutual relations between two signal
patterns from different electrodes. A coherence-based analyzing
method can confirm a brain processing pattern by defining the rela-
tionship between the sub-regions of the brain through quantifying
the correlation between the two signal patterns. Coherence was
calculated using following equations:

xy (ω) = Cxy exp(−2irω), ω ∈ −1/2, . . . , 1/2 (1)
Fig. 4. The determination of the ERD/ERS thresholds used for the discrimination
between movements and idle.
2 2
Axy (ω)2 = Re(xy (ω)) + Im(xy (ω)) (2)

Axy (ω)2
kxy (ω) = (3) et al., 2009; Lee and Park, 2009a,b; Lee et al., 2009b; Daugman,
xx (ω)yy (ω)
Eq. (1) was used to determine coherence by calculating the
cross-spectrum, which is defined by covariance Cxy . As shown in (2), ∂ I(x, y) 
max(r,x0 ,y0 )  ds (4)
the power spectrum Axy can be acquired by summing the squares  ∂r 2r
of the real and the imaginary terms of cross-spectrum xy . Eq. (3) r,x0 ,y0

was used to calculate the coherence kxy . The calculated coherence

value is represented in the range from 0 to 1. The coherence values where I(x, y) represents a gray level at the (x, y) position, and
of 0 and 1 represent no correlation and the strongest correlation, (x0 , y0 ) and r represent the center position and the radius of a
respectively (Ruchkin, 2005). pupil to be detected, respectively. However, the CED algorithm
The following process was the analysis method of the move- may not determine an accurate pupil center, as shown in Fig. 5(b),
ment cognition. First, EEG training data, which consist of repeatedly because the actual pupil shape can be distorted or become ellip-
imaginary movements and idle was measured over 30 s. Next, sig- tical as a result of gazing. Therefore, the radius value estimated
nal powers were calculated for the alpha and beta bands using the from the CED algorithm cannot be used to represent the size of the
EEG training data. As shown in Fig. 4, the thresholds that extract pupil.
the event-related desynchronization/event-related synchroniza- To solve this problem, we used a local thresholding method
tion (ERD/ERS) patterns are determined. using an adaptive thresholding of the local area based on the initial
The ERD/ERS thresholds were defined by the Bayesian rule based pupil center, as shown in Fig. 5(c). Through this method and mor-
method for determining among ERD/ERS and idle distributions. To phological operations, an accurate pupil region was acquired, as
avoid excessive switching between ERD/ERS and idle status, the shown in Fig. 5(e). The geometric center of the pupil area was used
thresholds were flexibly applied by considering the 2 sigma. Con- to calculate the gaze position, and the acquired pupil sizes from the
sequently, these two thresholds are applied to recognize imagery image sequences were used to calculate the pupil accommodation
based movements such as arm reaching and grabbing. speed (Lee and Park, 2009b; Lee et al., 2009b).
User-dependent calibrations were performed to obtain an accu-
2.2. Eye tracking rate eye gaze position. According to the wearing position of the
proposed device from Fig. 4 and the sitting position of the user, the
Eye tracking was used to determine the 2D gaze direction. The movements of the pupil can vary even when gazing at the same
device and algorithm used for the eye tracking are explained in position. Thus, in the initial stages, user-dependent calibrations
Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2, respectively. must be performed. To achieve this, a user was asked to look at
four positions in the 2D virtual plane, as shown in Fig. 6. The four
pupil centers of (x1 , y1 ), (x2 , y2 ), (x3 , y3 ), and (x4 , y4 ) in the captured
2.2.1. The eye tracking device
images were obtained, as shown in Fig. 7, and were used to obtain
There are two components in the proposed eye tracking sys-
the eye gaze position.
tem (Cho et al., 2009): a universal serial bus (USB) camera, and a
Fig. 7 shows the mappings between the pupil movable area
near-infrared light-emitting diode (NIR LED), as shown in Fig. 4.
defined by the four pupil centers at the calibration stage and the
The captured image from the USB camera has a spatial resolu-
virtual 2D plane shaped by the four gazed positions. The mapping
tion of 640 × 480 pixels and the capturing speed is 15 frames/s
function was defined as a transform matrix T between the pupil
(, accessed on 15th Mar., 2010). The illu-
movable area ((x1 , y1 ), (x2 , y2 ), (x3 , y3 ), and (x4 , y4 )) and the vir-
mination angle and wavelength of the NIR LED are about 23 degrees
tual 2D plane ((x1 , y1 ), (x2 , y2 ), (x3 , y3 ) and (x4 , y4 )), as shown in
(horizontally and vertically) and 850 nm, respectively. The eye cap-
Fig. 7. Here, we defined the virtual 2D plane in a monitor region.
turing camera was attached to the end of the flexible frame from
To determine the transform between these two distorted squares,
the head mounting device in order to user independently capture
a geometric transform method was used based on the following
NIR light images of the eye, as shown in Fig. 3(b).
equations (Lee and Park, 2009a; Gonzalez and Woods, 2002; Cho
et al., 2009):
2.2.2. The eye tracking method
In this section, the procedure for detecting the pupil center is
described. To detect the initial pupil center, we used a circular edge x1 = ax1 + by1 + cx1 y1 + d
detection (CED) algorithm based on (4) and shown in Fig. 4(a) (Cho y1 = ex1 + fy1 + gx1 y1 + h
E.C. Lee et al. / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 190 (2010) 289–298 293

Fig. 5. The procedure of the pupil detection method (Lee and Park, 2009b): (a) detecting the coarse position of the pupil by using circular edge detection, (b) the defined
local area based on the coarse pupil center, (c) the histogram of the detected pupil area, (d) the binarized pupil area and (e) the geometric center of the pupil after region
filling by using a morphological operation.

To obtain the eight unknown parameters (a through h), a matrix

representation was used as follows:
P = T P1
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤
x1 x2 x3 x4 a b c d x1 x2 x3 x4
⎢ y1 y2 y3 y4 ⎥ ⎢ e f g h ⎥ ⎢ y1 y2 y3 y4 ⎥
⎣ ⎦=⎣0 0 0 0 ⎦ ⎣ x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 ⎦
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1


Since the transformation matrix T was obtained using the

inverse matrix of P1 , the eight parameters (a through h) can be cal-
culated. Based on the eight parameters, the gaze position (gx , gy ) in
a virtual 2D plane (monitor region) was calculated using the pupil
center (cx , cy ) in a current image and (7):

Fig. 6. The procedure for the user-dependent calibration for eye tracking by gazing ⎡ = T⎤ C ⎡
G ⎤⎡ ⎤
at four points of a virtual 2D plane.
gx a b c d cx
⎢ gy ⎥ ⎢ e f g h ⎥ ⎢ cy ⎥ (7)
⎣ 0 ⎦ = ⎣0 0 0 0⎦⎣ 1 ⎦
0 0 0 0 0 1

Fig. 7. The mapping relationship between the pupil movable area defined by calibration and the virtual 2D plane.
294 E.C. Lee et al. / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 190 (2010) 289–298

accommodation speed for 1 s because the image acquisition speed

of our system is 15 frames/s (, accessed on
15th Mar., 2010). Because the scale of the pupil size has individual
variation, we normalized it to the range from 0 to 1.

3. The experimental results

Twenty undergraduate students (age: 22.4 ± 1.7) participated in

the experiment. They did not have physical and cognitive problem
at hand grabbing. Visuo-motor tasks were done by the participants.
Visual light was presented in each stage of the visuo-motor task
indicating idle, attention, gaze, and arm reaching using an LCD
Monitor (24 in., Samsung, Korea). Participants tried to grab two ten-
nis ball attached to both horizontal ends of the monitor, as shown
Fig. 8. Examples of the same person’s pupil accommodation: (a) the expanded pupil
and (b) the contracted pupil. Fig. 9(a).
The movements were asked to be both real and imaginary in
this study. Fig. 9(b) shows the experimental procedure, which
2.3. Measuring the pupil accommodation speed was repeated ten times, five times with real movement and five
times with imaginary movement. This procedure consisted of idle,
From the captured eye image sequences, we measured the pupil attention, gaze, arm reaching and grabbing. This procedure had
accommodation speed in order to switch modes by estimating the five stages of sequential movements. The idle was non-movement
user’s concentration. The pupil accommodation speed was calcu- under the light-off condition for 5 s. The attention was performed
lated based on the following digital image processing methods. under a light-on for 5 s. The gaze was the stage of gazing at the ball
In our study, pupil accommodation means the natural change under light for 5 s. The next stage was to reach the arm to the ball
of pupil size which cannot be controlled by human intention or for 5 s; its moment starting the movement was indicated by light-
environmental illumination. The pupil accommodation speed was on for 1 s. The final stage was to grab the ball for 10 s at the velocity
calculated based on the extracted pupil sizes found in sequen- of one grab per 2 s.
tial eye images. Fig. 8 shows the example images of when pupil The ANOVA (analysis of variance) was performed to find the sig-
accommodation occurred. In previous studies, it was shown that nificant difference among stages in the EEG coherence and the EEG
pupil accommodation speed is related to eyestrain. If the amount power spectrum of the alpha and beta. Significant difference was
of eyestrain becomes high, the average pupil accommodation speed verified by Gabriel Post hoc. The Bayesian rule was adopted in order
decreased (Lee and Park, 2009b; Lee et al., 2009b). In addition, pupil to determine the threshold of the pupil accommodation speed for
size reflects the concentration (Kramer et al., 1997). However, since switching the modes from gaze to BCI, alternatively. The exper-
pupil size can be affected by other factors such as environmental imental results of the EEG power spectrum, the EEG coherence,
lighting conditions or emotions, pupil accommodation speed was the eye tracking accuracy, and the pupil accommodation speed are
used in the proposed system to estimate the concentration. shown in the following sections.
The experimental results used to validate the proposed scheme
are shown in Section 3.4. The average pupil accommodation speed 3.1. The EEG pattern analysis in terms of average power
was measured using the following equation (Lee and Park, 2009b):
In this section, we show the experimental results of the EEG

p= Sn+1 − Sn  (8) power according to user tasks such as arm reaching and grab-
bing. Performing three stages of gaze, arm reaching, and grabbing,
twenty participants repeated two times by both real and imaginary
In (8), Sn and Sn+1 are the sizes of pupil in the nth and (n + 1)th movements.
images, respectively. In (8), the size changes in the pupil are As shown in the results of real movement in Fig. 10(a), the power
summed over frame numbers 1–14, which correspond to the pupil of the alpha frequency band in the grabbing stage was significantly

Fig. 9. The experimental setting of (a) the experiment device and of (b) the experimental procedure.
E.C. Lee et al. / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 190 (2010) 289–298 295

Fig. 10. The average EEG power of the alpha and beta bands showing significant difference among movements (*, **, and *** indicate significance at <0.1, <0.05, and <0.01,
respectively) (a) the results for real movements and (b) the results for imaginary movements.

greater than that of the arm reaching stage, except for the EEG pat- areas. This may be due to the change from rest to grabbing caus-
tern from the C3 and O1 areas. The power of the beta frequency band ing event-related synchronization (ERS). Also, the EEG power of the
in the grabbing stage was significantly greater than that of the arm idle stage was significantly greater than that of the arm reaching
reaching stage, except for the EEG pattern from the C3, P4 and O1 stage in alpha frequency band at O1 area and in beta frequency at

Fig. 11. The EEG coherences of the alpha and beta bands showing significant difference between movements. Broken line showed significant different at p < 0.05 and solid
line at p < 0.01 and showing (a) the results for real movement and (b) the results for imaginary movement.
296 E.C. Lee et al. / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 190 (2010) 289–298

Fig. 12. The average normalized pupil accommodation speed at each stage.

F4, O1 and O2 areas. The difference between idle and arm reaching experiment, we analyzed the gaze detection accuracy by calculat-
was caused from event-related desynchronization (ERD). ing the successful detection rate among 600 trials (20 subjects × 30
As shown in the imaginary movement results found in Fig. 10(b), trials). Based on a gaze detection accuracy rate of 97.2% (583/600),
the power of the alpha and beta bands in the arm reaching and grab- we confirmed that the eye tracking system could be used to val-
bing stages was significantly greater than in the idle stage except idate the feasibility of the proposed interface. In our experiments
for the EEG pattern from the C3, P3, and O1 areas. These results for measuring eye tracking accuracy, head movements after the
showed that the EEG pattern of imaginary movement was different user-dependent calibration were not allowed.
from that of real movement. Therefore, based on the results shown
in Fig. 10, we found that the power of the EEG could be used for
3.4. Analyzing the pupil accommodation speed for mode selection
discriminating between the three stages of the idle, arm reaching,
and grabbing on imaginary movements.
In this section, we describe the experimental results of the
pupil accommodation speed during eye gazing, arm reaching, and
3.2. Analyzing the EEG patterns in terms of coherence grabbing. One experimental set was organized into idle, gaze, arm
reaching, and grabbing stages. This set was performed two times
As shown in Fig. 11(a), the EEG coherence of the alpha and beta by real and imaginary movements for both the arm reaching and
bands for the arm reaching stage was significantly greater than for grabbing. 20 persons participated in this experiment and the exper-
the grabbing and idle stages. The EEG coherence increased when imental results are shown in Fig. 12. Here, we used the normalized
performed movement of the idle to arm reaching and grabbing pupil accommodation speed to reduce individual variations. The
to arm reaching. These results were the case of real movement. average pupil accommodation speed was calculated by using aver-
In contrast, during the imaginary movement, the EEG coherence age sliding window. The slowest and fastest normalization speeds
decreased when moved from the idle to reaching stage and grab- were measured from the training videos which were obtained
bing stage as shown Fig. 11(b). Therefore, three movements of the from 10 users for 300 s during pre-experiment. The slowest and
idle, arm reaching, and grabbing can be discriminated by strength the fastest speeds were obtained as 78 pixels/s and 6315 pixels/s,
of the EEG coherence in real movement. However, in imaginary respectively.
movement, the EEG coherence of the alpha and beta bands for
the idle stage was significantly greater than for the arm reaching
and grabbing stages meaning coherence decrease during move-
ment progress. Therefore, EEG coherence can discriminate between
movement and non-movement but not the three stages in the case
of imaginary movement.

3.3. The accuracy of eye tracking

In this section, the experimental results for the eye tracking are
described. To measure the accuracy of the proposed eye tracker,
two kinds of tests were performed. First, subjects sequentially
gazed at the pre-defined 25 points on the monitor plane. As a
result, the root mean square (RMS) pixel errors of the eye tracker
were 23.4 pixels (X-axis: 18.7 pixels, Y-axis: 14.0 pixels) which cor-
responded to the RMS angle error of 1.08 degrees (X-axis: 0.87
degrees, Y-axis: 0.65 degrees) when the user was positioned at the Z
distance of 75 cm from a 24 in. display having a 800 × 600 pixel spa-
tial resolution. Second, 20 subjects were asked to gaze at one of nine
pre-defined regions on the monitor plane (the right side of Fig. 7),
which was done by the random indication of the highlighted region.
And each subject repeated this procedure thirty times. After the Fig. 13. An example of selecting an object by using the proposed method.
E.C. Lee et al. / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 190 (2010) 289–298 297

Table 1
The success rate of the feasibility test.

Depth navigation using 2D navigation by eye Object selection using Final correct selection
imaginary movement gaze imaginary movement
of arm reaching of grabbing

Success rate (%) 77.5% (155/200) 98.5% (197/200) 81.5% (163/200) 74.5% (149/200)

Fig. 14. The sequence of selecting a yellow highlighted object: (a) selecting the 2nd layer by depth directional navigation using the dwell time of the imaginary movement
of arm reaching, (b) navigating to a mid-right object by using eye tracking and (c) selecting the mid-right object by using the imaginary movement of grabbing.

As shown in Fig. 12, we confirmed that there was no tendency were caused by mode switching error among the 51 failure cases
difference in real and imaginary movements. Surprisingly, a low of the final selection.
pupil accommodation speed was clearly observed in the gaze stage
compared to the other stages. Therefore, we can easily determine 4. Conclusion
the threshold of imaginary movement for switching between the
two modes (eye gazing, and arm reaching including grabbing). We presented a 3D interaction method in which depth direc-
Here, the threshold was determined based on the equal error rate tional navigation, 2D navigation, and selection were performed by
(EER) of switching between the two modes. When we determined the imagery of arm reaching, eye tracking, and the imagery of grab-
the threshold as 0.384, as shown in Fig. 12, the corresponding EER bing, respectively. Since a user’s concentration is estimated by the
was 5.97%. This means that the probability of falsely recognizing the pupil accommodation speed, two modes (the gaze mode and the
gaze stage as the arm reaching stage including grabbing is 5.97%. BCI mode) can be alternately switched. As demonstrated by the
experimental results, the proposed interface showed an acceptable
3.5. The feasibility test using an integrated system performance and we confirmed the possibility of 3D interaction
using eye tracking and the BCI.
In this section, we show the experimental results that par- Although previous eye tracking methods showed good perfor-
ticipants randomly selected highlighted objects by using the mance in terms of navigation, there were no appropriate selection
proposed system. Experiments were performed in a desktop mon- schemes. To perform the selection or triggering, eye blinking or
itor environment, as shown in Fig. 13. Virtual cylindrical objects dwell time of gazing was adopted (Sibert and Jacob, 2000). How-
of 3 × 3 × 3 were arranged in horizontal, vertical and depth direc- ever, natural blinks or dwell time of gazing having no intention
tions, respectively, as shown in Fig. 14. 20 subjects participated in with respect to the selection can result in erroneous selections. A
this experiment, and each subject performed 10 trials. We asked previous method combining eye tracking and a BCI used the BCI
each subject to select the highlighted virtual object in the monitor as the only selection method (Vilimek and Zander, 2009). Although
plane. using a BCI as a binary decision is acceptable in terms of the stability
When all the procedures including the depth directional naviga- of the system, the scheme is too simple, considering the complex
tion, the imaginary movement of arm reaching, 2D navigation using configuration involved in using a BCI interface. Therefore, in our
eye gazing, and object selection using the imaginary movement of proposed method, a BCI was used to perform both the selection
grabbing were successful, we regarded it as the case of final correct and the depth directional navigation. In previous researches, it was
selection. The rate of final correct selections is shown in Table 1. reported that the EEG patterns of the real and imaginary move-
All the failure cases of the first (depth navigation using the ments are similar (Decety and Michel, 1989; Decety and Ingvar,
imaginary movement of arm reaching) and the third stages (object 1990). In contrast, in our experimental results, we confirmed that
selection using the imaginary movement of grabbing) were caused the EEG power spectrum of the real movement and its correspond-
by the errors of the interpretation of BCI signal. Among the 45 fail- ing imaginary movement were different. This result could be due
ure cases of the first stage (depth navigation), the 4 cases were to our experiments being performed using open eye and training
occurred by user’s missing of his intended level of depth. And the of imaginary movement, which may be not enough to successfully
other failure cases were caused by the errors in the engagement of perform the imaginary movement as well as the real movement.
the system about the depth navigation. We expect that our mode selection method using pupil accom-
The 3 failure cases of the second stage (2D navigation by eye modation speed is applicable to other situations. We confirmed
gaze) were occurred by the errors of eye tracking. The 37 failure that the pupil accommodation speeds showed significant differ-
cases of the third stage (object selection) were definitely occurred ences before and after determining one position, i.e., concentration
by the errors of the interpretation of BCI signal. The 3 failure cases as a physical phenomenon can be quantitatively measured since
298 E.C. Lee et al. / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 190 (2010) 289–298

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