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It is defined as a set intervention
designed to optimize functioning and
reduce disability in people with
health conditions who interact with
their surroundings.

As defined by the Revised Implementing
Rules and Regulations of the Republic Act No.
10575, also known as The Bureau of
Corrections Act of 2013, as a detainee,
inmate, or prisoner, or any other person
under confinement or custody in any other

***Person Deprived of Liberty (PDL)***

It is a self-help social learning treatment
model which utilizes the community as
the primary therapeutic vehicle to foster
behavioral and attitudinal change.

***Therapeutic Community
Modality Program***
It is recognized as the backbone program
of the BJMP for inmate development and
is being implemented in majority of the
jails nationwide.

***Therapeutic Community
Modality Program***
Which of the following is not
included in the Therapeutic
Community Modality Program and
the Four Interconnected
Development Aspects?

***Religious and Sexual ***

It is the first stage of Therapeutic Community Modality
Program where an inmate is committed to jail, he
undergoes a series of examination to determine his
physical, social and psychological status. In here, he is
acquainted with the TC program: - The rules and norms of
the community - TC concepts, written and unwritten
philosophy - The staff and the members of the community
- The tools of the house - Job functions and TC hierarchy.

***Entry/Orientation Phase***
It is the state of Therapeutic Community
Modality Program which is an outpatient
program that requires clients to report twice
a week to an outreach center. They are
required to attend group sessions to ensure
their adjustment to life outside jail to
reduce recidivism.

It is the state of Therapeutic Community
Modality Program where the resident
becomes a part of the community
starting as a crew member of the
Housekeeping department until he
gradually ascends in the hierarchy.

***Primary Treatment Phase***

It is the state of Therapeutic Community Modality
Program where a resident at this stage is now
ready to be released back to society as he has
demonstrated adequate self-control and discipline.
The inmate is now preparing for his life outside of
jail and is focused on making himself a productive
citizen. He may start planning for job hunting and
rebuilding family ties and relationships.

***Re-entry Phase***
It is a component of Therapeutic Community
Modality Program (TCMP) that introduces the
concept and mechanics of the various
shaping tools to include Morning Meeting in
order to facilitate the management of and
shape the behavior of the residents.

***Behavior Management***
Which of the following is
not behavior shaping tool?

***Peer Confrontation
It is a daily ritual that starts the day in a TC
faclility. It is attended by the whole community
and lasts for an hour. It is usually facilitated by any
member of the community. It is divided into two
(2) parts namely: (1) public announcements and
community concerns and (2) community-spirit
building or up rituals.

***Morning Meeting***
It is an outright correction done by any
member of the TC community to another
member who has done a minor infraction
but is not aware of it. It is a friendly
reminder/advice about an unacceptable
behavior and must be done privately.

***Talk To***
It is done as a result of lack, missed or lapses
in awareness in a resident. It encourages
honesty, demeanor awareness and owning up
to one’s mistakes. This is done when the
violator is unknown and must be validated
first prior to bringing up in the Morning

It is done when negative behaviors or infractions to
the House Rules/Norms in same offense are done
for the third time or more or for first time grave
offenses. It is a carefully planned and structured
verbal reprimand given by a Staff with four other
residents - Senior Resident, Peer, Big Brother, and
Department Head. The tone is more serious and
can be loud, more harsh and exaggerated.

It is an action or activity given to a resident who was
subjected to haircut or general meeting who did an
infraction to correct or modify a behavior. It may be task –
oriented, written task or peer interactions. Since TCMP is
educational rather than punitive in its approach to
behavioral change, the it should be done in a way that
would remind the person of the negative attitude he has
done without compromising his human dignity.

***Learning Experience***
These are sanctions to members who commit
repeatedly infractions or violation to the cardinal
rules by prohibiting, disallowing or limiting an
activity or affiliation to a group. Example of these
are regulation of visiting privilege and banned
from attending entertainment and recreational

It is defined as a professional activity of
helping individuals, groups or communities
enhance or restore their capacity for
psychological, emotional and social
functioning and creating an environment
favorable for the attainment of these goals.

A psychosocial skills and characteristics
of counseling that is the ability to
perceive the client’s feelings and to
demonstrate accurate perception of the
client. It is merely “putting oneself in
the client’s shoes”.

A psychosocial skills and characteristics
of counseling that is being honest and
authentic in dealing with the client. It is
showing real concern rather than
focusing on techniques during sessions.

It is done by a counselor to newly
admitted residents. The main purpose is
to elicit information about the resident
and provide information about the
program and what the expectations are
on both parties.

***Intake Interview***
It is done in a more compassionate way
where each resident try to help one
another. Participants confront each
other on what they do for themselves
while in the facility and ask how they
are coping with it.

***Peer Confrontation Group***

It is a permanent group of peers and leaders that
meet regularly while the residents are in
treatment. It is a sort of “home” group who
provides support for one another and to the new
members of the community. This is designed to
provide a forum for self-expression and disclosure.

***Static Group***
A group activity where participants
are given the opportunity to unload
emotional baggage and thus
experience freedom from internal
psychological conflicts.

This is to ensure that the resident to be
released is/are well-prepared to face
new challenges in the community upon
their reintegration into the mainstream
of society.

***Pre-release Interview***
It is any action or activity that reflects or
brings out the goodness in a man. It is
designed to respond to the inner longing of
residents to find greater faith where they
can anchor themselves within their struggle
to find meaning to their existence.

This is in responds to the natural human
characteristics of yearning for knowledge in order
to attain a higher level of understanding. It helps
the residents restore their self-esteem as their
minds become open to ideas and their intellect
does not cease to feed on a free and open
interchange of opinions.

***Intellectual Component***
It is recited daily during the morning
meeting. It embodies all the challenges and
aspirations of most residents who feel
alienated and the desire to overcome the
imposed limitations on their freedom and
find their own place where they could feel
safe and welcome.

***TC Philosophy ***

It refers to a word or saying that will serve as a
guide for the community to ponder upon in
relation to their day to day interactions and
behaviors. It is elaborated during the morning
meeting by some members of the community to
emphasize its relevance and how it can stimulate
the residents’ thoughts and help them change
their behavior into something positive.

***Theme/Concept of the Day***

This is introduced to provide the residents
the opportunity to learn how to reason ably
and put together arguments in a logical
manner. This is also an exercise on how to
listen and formulate ideas and demonstrate a
broader understanding of certain issues.


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