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SECTION 1: Identification of the product/material and Company information

1.1 Product information

The regranulate (or pellet) is based on the recycling of film scrap (mainly LDPE) collected from the commercial industry
(i.e. supermarkets, retail, distribution, hospitality).
The film scrap is sorted, baled, washed and regranulated. The regranulate will be packed in big bags, octabins, plastic
bags or bulk silo.
1.2 Intended use of the product
The regranulate is used for the manufacturing of plastic applications with recycled raw material content. The production
techniques can vary, but as the material is film grade, a common technique will be blown-film extrusion. It can be used at
100%, or in a mix with thermoplastic polymers and additives.
1.3 Identification of the company
Str. Unirii 14B.
Baia Mare, Romania
1.4 Telephone : +40 753 022 083
1.5 Author: Ioan Floria

SECTION 2: Identification of the hazards

The product not classified as dangerous in the sense of Directive 1999/45/EC

SECTION 3: Composition and information about the components

The pellet is a mixture:

Polypropylene, copolymers: CAS n°: 9010-79-1 <= 10%
Polyethylene: CAS n°: 9002-88-4 >= 80%
Other polymers: <= 5%
Mineral fillers, such as Talcum, limestone and pigments: <= 10%
Others: <= 3%
All components or substances are encapsulated in the polymer matrix

SECTION 4: First aid measures

4.1 General information
No particular measures required
4.2 Skin contact
Normal washing with clean water
After contact with molten and hot material, severe burns can occur: cool down over a long period with clean water.
Never try to remove the molten material, call for medical assistance.
4.3 Eye contact
Clean the eyes with clean water. Call for medical assistance. Call for medical assistance if irritation persists, or in
case of burns.
4.4. Oral ingestion
Call for medical assistance and show this SDS. The product is not toxic
4.5 Instructions for the physician
No particular instructions. Symptomatic treatment

SECTION 5: Firefighting measures

5.1 Appropriate firefighting media

All classical firefighting methods, such as extinguishing powders, water spray or fog, carbon dioxide
5.2 Non appropriate firefighting media
5.3 Exposure hazards
Dangerous combustion gasses in case of fire: CO and CO2, Hydrocarbons
Evacuate persons from the place
No specific explosion danger
5.4 Special firefighting protective media
Fire fighters by preference to be equipped with face protecting masks and autonomous breathing equipment
5.5 Remark
Electrical and light devices should be protected according to suitable standards, against eventual dust to avoid
contact with hot surfaces, sparks and other ignition sources

SECTION 6: Accidental release measures

6.1 Personal precautions
See Section 8.
6.2 Environmental precautions
Don't allow pellets to enter waterways, sewers or drains
6.3 Cleaning methods
Sweep, shovel or vacuum clean spilled pellets to avoid slip on the floors.
Store spilled material in a suitable way, and treat it eventually according to Section 13

SECTION 7: Handling and Storage

7.1 Instructions for safe handling

During handling, use a suitable breathing mask (preference P2) against eventual dust. Respect general instructions
with respect to eating, drinking and smoking. Wash hands after handling the pellets.
7.2 Storage instructions
Store the product in a dry and well ventilated warehouse at temperatures < 45°C

SECTION 8: Exposure controls and personal protection

8.1 General protecting measures
In normal circumstances, the pellets are not irritating
Wear normal a normal standard work clothing
During operations where the risk exists for contact with hot molten product, all
necessary protecting accessories should be used to prevent burning: non-synthetic
work suits, thermally insulated gloves and eye protection (safety glasses, face
8.2 Exposure control limits
8.2.1 Breathing protection
While working with the material in its granulate form, a suitable breathing mask should be used (P2 by preference).
General local regulations related to eating-, drinking and smoking have to be respected. Hands have to be washed
after handling the product.
The transformation at high temperatures of the molten material (i.e. injection molding, extrusion) has to be realised
in well ventilated areas.
8.2.2 Hand protection
The product is not irritating in normal circumstances. No particular hand protection is necessary during
manipulation of the pellet. While working with the hot molten material, thermal insulating gloves should be used
8.2.3 Eye protection
The product is not irritating in normal circumstances. Safety glasses should be used to protect against possible dust
while working with the pellet.
8.2.4 Skin protection
The product is not irritating in normal circumstances. No particular measures applicable: normal standard work
clothing to be used.
8.3 Environmental protection
Avoid spilling to prevent the material to be released in the environment

SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties

9.1 Instructions for safe handling

Physical state: Solid
Melting point: Circa 105 °C
Self-ignition temperature: > 330 °C
Specific gravity: 0.90 to 1.1 g/cm3
Solubility in water: Not soluble in cold or warm water
Colour: Variations according to origin
Smell: Slight paraffin smell and possible smell of
decomposition products at elevated temperatures (see

SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity

10.1 Thermal decomposition

Occurs at temperatures above 300°C
10.2 Conditions to avoid
Molten products at temperatures >300°C
10.3 Contact with substances to avoid
10.4 Dangerous decomposition products, possibly released in the environment
In case of normal use, no dangerous decomposition products are released in the environment

SECTION 11: Toxicological information

Accute toxicity: OralLD50 (rats) > 5000 mg/kg

Not tested but based on the available information on the
individual substances
Risk for chronic effects on humans: no known significant or critical hazards
Carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic effects: Unknown
General information: when used and handled according to the specifications,
there is no known harmfull effect to humans

SECTION 12: Ecological information

No known significant or critical hazards

Insoluble in water
Not expected to bio-accumulate

SECTION 13: Disposal considerations

Waste has to be treated according national and local applicable regulations, by a legal and certified waste
collecting company, in view of reuse, recycling or destruction

SECTION 14: Transport information

No special measures necessary, if general and local transport regulations are respected.

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