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Page | 1 7: AFFILIATIONS AND EXAMINATIONS UNIT OF HEALTH SCIENCES/UNZA FINAL EXAMINATIONS FOR DIPLOMA IN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES PMI 342: PRACTICAL MEAT INSPECTION FEBRUARY, 2021 EXAMINATIONS CANDIDATE'S DETAILS CANDIDATE'S EXAMINATION NUMBE CANDIDATE'S NRC NUMBER: NAME OF TRAINING INSTITUTIOI INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE 1. Time allowed is 10 minutes per station 2. Write your Examination Number in the spaces provided, 3, Students to write all questions but to be assigned two questions in section b through blind draw (each student to be assigned cither question 182, 384, 5&6 or question 7&8 ) CELLPHONES & PROGRAMMABLE CALCULATORS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN ‘THE EXAMINATION ROOM Page 12 SN DETAILS OF INSPECTION: MARKS TOTAL ‘SECTION A (10 MARKS) Each student is expected to have the following Safety ware as stipulated below White pane gum boots (4 Maris) Plastic apron (1 Marks) White overall (1 Marks), ‘Mouth cup (1 Marks) } Personal ysiene Short hair/tied hair (2 Mark) Cut/short nails (2 mark), Shaven beards/covered beards/if no beards at all (2 Mark) SECTIONS a Lungs (30 Marks) General appr03¢h Recognising the specimen (2 Mark) Washing hands before performing the inspection (1 Mark) Technleal approach * Olfactory examination (1 Mark) Palpation examination (1 marks) i SF Tncision techniques and approach fee] Tnclsion sites on the Lungs (8 Marks) 7a Fre inp nasion/incsions on the mph nodes and recogniing them (4 Mars) ‘Mentioning 3 affections/ diseases of the lungs ‘and describing the lesions (8 marks) Disposition/Judgement for each condition named (4 marks) ind 2 ‘Heart (20 Marks) Genera approach Recognising the specimen (1 Mark) LLI Technical approach Olfactory examination (1 Marks) Visual examination (1 Marks) Palpation examination (1 Marks) indson techniques and approach Incision sites on the heart (3 Marks) Recognising and naming the chambers (4 marks) Mentioning 3 ‘affections/ diseases of the heart and describing the lesions (6 marks) Disposition/ Judgement for each affection (3 marks) 3 Liver (30 marks) Recognising the specimen (2 Mark) ‘Washing hands before performing the inspection (1 Mark) Technical approach Olfactory examination (1 Mark) Visual examination (i Mark) page |3 Palpation examination (1 Mark) Removing the gall bladder and naming incision sites on the Liver (8 Marks) ‘Mentioning 4 affections/ diseases of the liver and describing the lesions (8 marks) Disposition/ Judgement for each affection (8 marks) 4 Kidney (20 marks) General approach Recognising the specimen (1 Marks) I ‘Washing hands before performing meat inspection ( 1 Mark) Technical approach Olfactory examination (1 Mark) Visual examination (1 Mark) Palpation examination (1 Mark) incision sites on the Kidney (2 Marks) Recognising and naming the renal capsule, cortex, medulla and renal lymph node (4 marks) Mentioning 3 affections/ diseases of the kidneys and. zal describing the lesions (6 marks) | Disposition/ Judgement for each affection (3 marks) 5 Head Inspection (30 marks) Recognising the specimen (2 Mark) Washing hands before performing the Inspection (1 Mark) Olfactory examination (1 Mark) Visual examination (1 Mark) Palpation examination (1 marks) Incision sites on the Head (8 Marks) ‘Making incision/incisions on the lymph nodes and muscles as well as recognizing them (4 Marks) ‘Mentioning 4 affections/ diseases of the head and describing the lesions (8 marks) Disposition/ Judgement for each affection (4 marks) 6 Fish Inspection (20 marks) Recognising the specimen (2 Mark) Washing hands before performing the Inspection (1 Mark) Olfactory examination (1 Mark) Visual examination (1 Mark) Palpation examination (1 marks) Mentioning 4 affections/ diseases of the chickens and describing the lesions (8 marks) page | 4 Disposition/ Judgement for each affection (6 marks) 7 Chicken inspection (30 marks) Recognising the specimen (1 Marks) Washing hands before performing the inspection (1 Mark) Olfactory examination (1 Mark) Visual examination (2 Marks) Palpation examination (2 marks) A Recognising different parts of the chicken (7 marks) wef ‘Mentioning @ affections/ diseases of the chickens and describing the lesions (8 marks) Disposition/ Judgement for each affection (8 marks) 3 Spleen Inspection (20 marks) Recognising the specimen (1 Marks) ‘Washing hands before performing meat inspection (11 Mark) Olfactory examination (1 Mark) Visval examination (1 Mark) Palpation examination (1 Mark) Incision sites on the Spleen (2 (Marks) Recognising and naming the red and white pulps (2 marks) ‘Mentioning 4 affections/ diseases ‘of the spleen and describing the lesions (8 marks) Disposition/ Judgement for each affection (3 marks) aissieaia Aico

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