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1. Largest rectangle inscribed in a 5. Largest rectangle that can be

circle. inscribed in an ellipse.

a X
The maximum rectangle is a

2. Largest rectangle that can be 6. Largest area of a triangle with

inscribed in semicircle. given perimeter.


3. Largest rectangle that can be
inscribed in a triangle with one 7. Sector with given area but
side lying on the base of the minimum perimeter.
r= ✓A
Y=- 8 = 2rad

8. Rectangle with given area but with

4 Largest rectangle that can be minimum perimeter.
inscribed in a right triangle with the
sides of the rectangle parallel to
the legs of the triangle.
y X=Y

{-� h X

b ►
17. Strongest beam that can be cut 20. Length of rigid beam that can pass
from an elliptical section. a perpendicular hallways.
"Strength is proportional to the
product of breadth (x) and square of
the depth (y)"

L = V(a2/3 + b2/3 r
21. Minimum length of ladder/rod to be
extended from ground to a wall
with an intervening fence.
18. Largest rectangle that can be
inscribed in a given ellipse.

L = V(a2/3 + b2/3 r
22. Best possible view of a picture or
Aellipse =-
2 clock.

19. Most efficient trapezoidal section.

"Maximum capacity with minimum

It is ½ of a rel(Ular hexaf?on.

Best view means 0 is maximized,

X = ✓Y1Y2

23. Parallelepiped with maximum

base volume.

width at top= sum of sides
width at top = 2x X=Y=Z
e = 120° :.a cube
X y
33. Largest cylinder that can be 34. Maximum volume of right circular
inscribed in a cone. cylinder inscribed in a sphere of
radius r.

V C = r;:;::; 7tf 3


' ll:>i6 41>ou Know tfjat ... that the term "algebra w comes From an Arabic
term "al-jabrN meaning to h-anspose terms From one side oF an
equation to the other! This was fnttoc:iucec:t by a Persian
mathematician, al-Khowatizmi in around 825 AD.

test. GOODLUCK !
Proceed to the next page for your 14 &"
Problem f»Oo: CE Board May 1991
Find the minimum amount of t� sheet that can be made into a closed cylinder
having a volume of 108 cu inches in square inches.

A. 125.50
B. 127.50
C. 129.50
D. 123.50

Problem f»OI: ME Board April 1998

A box is to be constructed from a piece of zinc 20 by cutting equal squares
from each comer and turning up the zinc to form the side. What is the volume of the
largest box that can be so constructed?

A. 599.95 cu in.
8. 592.59 cu in.
C. 579.50 cu in.
D. 622.49 cu in.

Problem 602: EE Board April 1997

A poster is to contain 300 (cm square) of printed matter with margins of 10 cm at
the top and bottom and 5 cm at each side. Find the overall dimensions if the total
area of the poster is minimum.

A. 27.76 cm, 47.8 cm

8. 20.45 cm, 35.6 cm
C. 22.24 cm, 44.5 cm
D. 25.55 cm, 46.7 cm

Problem f,03: CE Board November 1996

A norman window is in the shape of a rectangle surmounted by a semi-circle.
What is the ratio of the width of the rectangle to the total height so that it will yield a
window admitting the most light for a given perimeter?

A. 1
B. 1/2
C. 2 ..
0. 2/3

Problem 6o4: CE Board May 1998

Determine the diameter of a closed cylindrical tank having a volume of 11.3 cu.
m to obtain minimum surface area.

A. 1.22
8. 1.64
C. 2.44
D. 2.68
C. 3.25 km
D. 4.0 km

Problem 610: EE Board March 1998

A fencing is limited to 20 ft length. What is the maximum rectangular area that
can be fenced in using two perpendicular corner sides of an existing wall?

A. 120
8. 100
C. 140
D. 190

Problem 611: EE Board October 1992

The cost per hour of running a motor boat is proportional to the cube of the
speed. At what speed will the boat run against a current of 8 km/hr in order to go a
given distance most economically?

A. 10 kph
8. 13 kp h
C. 11 kph
D. 12 kph

Problem 612: ECE Board November 1998

Given a cone of diameter x and altitude of h. What percent is the volume of the
largest cylinder which can be inscribed in the cone to the volume of the cone?

A. 44%
8. 46%
C. 56 °/�
D. 65%

Problem 613: EE Board October 1993

At any distance x from the source of light, the intensity of illumination varies
directly as the intensity of the source and inversely as the square of x. Suppose that
there is a light at A, and another at 8, the one at B having an intensity 8 times that of
A. The distance AB is 4 m. At what point from A on the line AB will the intensity of
illumination be least?

A. 2.15 m
B. 1.33 m
C. 1.50 m
D. 1.92 m

Problem 614: CE Board May 1995

A wall "h" meters high is 2 m away from the building. The shortest ladder that
can reach the building with one end resting on the ground outside the wall is 6 m.
How I 1igh is the wall in meters?

A. 2.34
8. 2.24
C. 0. 75 m/min
D. 0.45 m/min

Problem 620: CE Board November 1998

Water is pouring into a conical vessel 15 cm deep and having a radius of 3.75
cm across the top. If the rate at which the water rises is 2 cm/sec, how fast is the
water flowing into the conical vessel when the water is 4 cm deep?
A. 2.37 m /sec
B. 5.73 m3/sec
C. 6.28 m /sec
D. 4.57 m /sec

Problem 621: ME Board October 1996

Water is pouring into a swimming pool. After t hours, there are t + Ji. gallons in
the pool. At what rate is the water pouring into the pool when t = 9 hours?

A. 7/6 gph
B. 8/7 gph
C. 6/5 gph
D. 5/4 gph

Problem 622:
A helicopter is rising vertically from the ground at a constant rate of 4.5 meters
per second. When it is 75 m off the ground, a jeep passed beneath the helicopter
traveling in a straight line at a constant rate of 80 kph. Determine how fast the
distance between them changing after 1 second.

A. 12.34 mis
B. 11.10 m/s
C. 10.32 m/s
D. 9.85 mis

Problem 623: ECE Board November 1.991

A balloon is released from the ground 100 meters from an observer. The balloon
rises directly upward at the rate of 4 meters per second. How fast is the balloon
receding from the observer 10 seconds later?

A. 1.68 m/sec
B. 1.36 m/sec
C. 1.55 m/sec
D. 1.49 m/sec

Problem 624: ECE Board April 1998

A balloon is rising vertically over a point A on the ground at the rate of 15 ft./sec.
A point B on the ground level with and 30 ft from A. When the balloon is 40 ft. from
A, at what rate is its distance from B changing?

A. 13 ft /s
Problem 629: ECE Board November I998
What is the allowable error in measuring the edge of the cube that is intended to
hold 8 cu. m., if the error of the computed volume is not to exceed 0.03 cu. m?
A. 0.002
B. 0.003
C. 0.0025
D. 0.001

Problem 630: EE Board October I993

A standard cell has an emf "E" of 1.2 volts. If the resistance "R" of the circuit is
increasing at the rate of 0.03 ohm/sec, at what rate is the current "I" changing at the
instant when the resistance is 6 ohms? Assume Ohm's law E = IR.

A. -0.002 amp/sec
8. 0.004 amp/sec
C. -0.001 amp/sec
D. 0.003 amp/sec


0 30-35 Topnotcher
0 21-29 Passer
0 18-20 Conditional
0 0-17 Failed
If FAILED, repeat the test.

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