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Ch-1 Crop Production And Management

(Topic – Food From Plants and Agricultural Practices)
Answer Key

1. In which period of the year are kharif crops cultivated?

a. June to October
b. November to April
c. June to December
Ans a. June to October

2. Which of the following crop is not a rabi crop?

a. Wheat b. Groundnut c. Pea
Ans b. Groundnut

3. Which agricultural activity should be undertaken before sowing?

a. Irrigation b. Soil preparation c. Harvesting
Ans b. Soil preparation

 Define agriculture
Ans Growing plants and rearing animals for food, clothing and other useful products is called agriculture.
Ch-1 Crop Production And Management
(Topic – Soil Preparation {Ploughing and Levelling})

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

(a) __________ is the organic component of soil, formed by the decomposition of leaves and other plant
material by soil microorganisms.
(b) Tools needed to carry out agriculture practices are called __________________.

2. Mention any four reasons to show the importance of ploughing.

3. Why does the soil need levelling?

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