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The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:4317–4328


Multi‑parameter optimization of PLA/Coconut wood compound

for Fused Filament Fabrication using Robust Design
John D. Kechagias1   · Stephanos P. Zaoutsos2 · Dimitrios Chaidas1 · Nectarios Vidakis3

Received: 12 November 2021 / Accepted: 4 January 2022 / Published online: 11 January 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2022

This study investigates the effects of four variables during fused filament fabrication of organic biocompatible composite
material, PLA with coconut flour, at the ultimate tensile strength (UTS), and elasticity module (E) of the printed parts. The
parameter optimization uses Taguchi L18 design and regression models. The examined deposition variables are the layer
thickness, the nozzle temperature, the raster deposition angle, and filament printing speed. The effects of the above variables
on the strength of the parts are essential to enhance the mechanical response of the printed parts. The experimental outcomes
are investigated using the ANOM and ANOVA and modeled utilizing linear regression models. In addition, an independent
experiment was repeated three times at optimum parameters’ levels to evaluate the methodology, giving predictions errors
less than 3%. The observed results showed that the raster deposition angle dominates among the other variables in the studied
experimental area.

Keywords  Taguchi · Optimization · Additive manufacturing · 3D printing · FFF · FDM · Mechanical strength · PLA wood ·
Eco-friendly material · Sustainability

1 Introduction techniques [1–3]. Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), also

known as Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) or 3D printing
Additive manufacturing (AM) is a sub-group of manufac- (3DP), is the most popular among AM processes due to the
turing processes that uses metallic, plastic, ceramic, and simple deposition mechanism and the variety of available
composite materials in solid-state (powders, filaments, materials that exist in the market. Nowadays, more innova-
sheets, bars, etc.) or fluids (liquid or droplets) that are depos- tive materials and colors are extensively used in an eco-
ited using plenty of different deposition mechanisms and friendly way in applications, including the furniture industry,
design, and fashion, among others [4–9].
The strength of the FFF parts is one of the main apprehen-
Article Highlights sions of the end-users when the material deposition param-
• Organic PLA wood material for eco-friendly additive eters are selected before the printing process starts [10–12].
The researchers have studied the strength characteristics of
• Robust design with applying the L18 Taguchi orthogonal array
• Mechanical response optimized considerably after Taguchi FFF parts for over two decades [1, 13–16]. Part orientation
methodology (PO) inside the build space and the deposition parameters
• Three evaluation experiments at optimum conditions with errors affect the interlaminar strength between the deposited mate-
less than 3%
rial [17, 18] and, consequently, the FFF parts' mechanical
* John D. Kechagias response and surface quality [19–24]. The raster Deposi- tion Angle (DA) also affects the tensile stress of polylactic
acid (PLA) FFF parts; 0° raster DA results in higher tensile
Department of Forestry, Wood Science and Design, stress than 45° and 90° [25]. Finally, the Layer Thickness
University of Thessaly, Karditsa 43100, Greece
(LT) interacts with the part orientation and affects the tensile
Department of Energy Systems, University of Thessaly, strength of the ABS-FFF parts [26].
Larissa 41500, Greece
Many other studies investigated the effects of the layer
Mechanical Engineering Department, Hellenic thickness, part orientation, raster deposition angle, raster
Mediterranean University, Heraklion 71410, Greece

4318 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:4317–4328

width, and air gap (infill density) on the strength character- LT increases the water absorption and the cross-sectional
istics of the FFF test specimen [14, 27, 28]. They concluded porosity, and the durability decreases. More, the density
that the strength of the FFF parts varies according to the of the printed PLA/W part increased as the printing speed
quality of the interlayer bond formation [27, 29]. The ther- decreased, and the tensile and flexural strength altered sig-
mal properties of the polymeric materials and the deposition nificantly by the deposition rates [36].
rates need optimization to achieve a robust bond interface The above researchers investigated the influence of the
and better strength [30]. All the investigations conclude that FFF parameters on the strength of different PLA wood flour
different printing parameters are appropriate for each other contents. In conclusion, to the authors' knowledge, it was not
material for optimizing the quality of FFF parts, such as reported any research in the literature where the influence of
mechanical response and shape accuracy [31]. four parameters, i.e., the LT, NT, raster DA, and PS, on the
In the literature, the organic biocompatible composite, mechanical response of the 3D printed PLA/W is studied.
PLA with wood compounds (PLA/W) investigated in dif- Moreover, the proposed experimental area of the selected
ferent material synthesis [12, 32–35] and FFF 3D printing parameters is investigated for the first time.
conditions [36–38]. Faludi et al. [12] reported dependable Therefore, this work is an experimental investigation of
adhesion between PLA and wood flours, and they proved how these four FFF parameters, the LT, NT, raster DA, and
that interfacial adhesion is strong in PLA/wood composites. PS, influence the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and the
The use of para-wood powder derived from the furniture elasticity module (E) of the PLA mixed with coconut wood
industry was tested as an infilled material in the PLA matrix flour FFF parts. The results were analyzed and presented
in Chansoda et al. [35]. The authors showed that wood pow- using statistical tools such as main effect plots (MEP), anal-
ders influence composite PLA/wood filament quality and ysis of variances (ANOVA), interaction charts, and linear
mechanical properties. Zandi et  al.[38] investigated the regression models. So, the optimum parameters proposed
fatigue behavior of a PLA/W (Timberfill, 8% wood fibers) to optimize the strength of the organic biocompatible com-
processed through FFF process parameters, i.e., the layer posite FFF-PLA/W material.
thickness (LT), the nozzle diameter, the infill density (ID),
and the printing speed (PS). They used the Taguchi L27
orthogonal array and found that the LT was the most critical 2 Materials and methods
parameter. In Kain et al. [19], two wood fiber contents (15
and 25%; Wood fibers, ARBOCEL® C100) mixed with PLA 2.1 Preparation of experiment
(Ingeo™ 3251D) tested in different raster deposition angles
(DA) during FFF (0–90°; step 15°). The wood content of According to ASTM D638 standards (see Fig. 1a), a dog-
25% gave better strength than 15%, and that the raster DA bone was designed having a thickness of 4 mm and trans-
affected FFF parts' mechanical response. The mechanical lated in STL format at the SolidWorks CAD program. Then,
performance of PLA/W parts, changing the nozzle tempera- the Craftbot Plus 3D printer (Fig. 1b) fabricated the speci-
ture (NT) between 210 and 250 °C, was also investigated in mens. Its platform is made of aluminum, thus giving the
[39]. The increase in the NT from 210 to 230 °C improves capability for printing specimens using different types of
the strength slightly, which agrees with other studies con- material. The maximum volume of the vat was 250 X 200
cerning FFF composites with PLA as a base material (see X 200 mm, and the printing speed was up to 200 mm/s.
[18, 31]. However, above 230 °C, the wood particle’s degra- The commercially available material NEEMA3D™ WOOD-
dation influences the strength and is not suggested. Ayrilmis PLUS consisted of 30% wood fibers of coconut and addi-
et al. [37] investigated the impact of LT on the water absorp- tives, and 70% pure PLA polymer was utilized. The filament
tion and strength of FFF-PLA/W specimens. Increasing the diameter was 1.75 mm. The specific gravity was 1.2 g/cc

Fig. 1  Dogbone: (a) 2D views,

and (b) 3DP of the specimens

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:4317–4328 4319

Fig. 2  (a) A view of a PLA/

Coconut organic composite
specimen mounted in the tensile
grips of the INSTRON 3382
universal testing machine,
and (b) broken specimens of
0.1 mm LT

(ASTM D1505), the melting point between 140–150°, and in Fig. 2. The cross-head speed rate was 1 mm/min. At the
the nozzle's diameter was 0.4 mm. The minimum contended same time, force and displacement data for each test coupon
tensile strength and modulus for the NEEMA3D™ PLA were recorded through a data acquisition system and stored
series filaments is 70 MPa 1900 MPa, respectively (ASTM through BlueHill software for further treatment.
D882) as measured by the manufacturer. Figures  3a–f presents all graphs of eighteen experi-
The static tensile testing is performed on a strain-controlled ments of the L18 Taguchi orthogonal array. At first glance,
Instron 3382 universal testing machine with a load capacity of Figs. 3a–f shows that the raster DA most affects the UTS and
100 kN, as per ISO, equipped with a gripping fixture as shown E. The 0° DA presents the higher UTS and E in all graphs,

Fig. 3  Stress–Strain curves
for all specimens: (a-c) with
LT 0.1 mm, and (d-f) with LT
0.3 mm

4320 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:4317–4328

Table 1  Parameters with levels strands of the woven pattern. Finally, the printing speed
Parameters Units Levels determines the time between layers and affects the inter-
laminar quality [30]. All other FFF process parameters were
1 2 3
kept constant in this study to minimize the noise error.
Variable parameters This study utilizes the L18 Taguchi Orthogonal Array
Layer Thickness (LT) (mm) 0.1 0.3 - (OA). This OA consists of eighteen arrays and eight columns
Nozzle Temperature (NT) (°C) 180 200 220 [44, 45]. The eighteen arrays show the number of the experi-
Deposition Angle (DA) (o) 0 45 90 ments, 18 experiments, and the columns show the possible
Printing Speed (PS) mm/s 30 40 50 variables [41]. We have used only 4 out of 8 columns, i.e.,
Constant parameters four parameters (LT, NT, DA, and PS). The process error
Travel speed mm/s 40 (e) is estimated by considering the empty columns. So, it is
Infill density % 100 unnecessary to repeat each combination of the 18 experi-
Bed temperature o
C 60 ments. Table 2 lists the variable parameters (LT, NT, DA and
Room temperature o
C 20 PS), the measured attributes (UTS and E), and the eighteen
Room humidity % 50 (18) fractional combinatorial experimental design accord-
Outline/perimeter shells/top Number 1/1/1 ing to the Taguchi L18 ­(21 × ­37) OA. A qualified individual
layers/bottom layers carefully did the eighteen mechanical response experiments
to eliminate noise errors.
Table  2 shows substantial max–min values between
and the 90° DA is the lowest. However, the effects of the eighteen experiments that were DA, LT, NT, and PS values
other processing parameters are not apparent, and statistical changing.
modeling should be applied to optimize the levels of the
3 Results and discussion
2.2 Design of experiment
Table 2 tabulates all the results from the experiments con-
In the current study, the Taguchi L18 (2 1 × 3 7) experi- ducted in this work. The UTS is the higher tension a mate-
mental approach was employed [40–42]. This methodol- rial can sustain while being stressed before breaking. At the
ogy adopts balanced experiments according to Taguchi's same time, the elasticity module (E) is the linear proportion
proposed Orthogonal Arrays (OA). Although the number of between the stress and the strain in the elastic deformation
the executed experiments is a fraction of the full combina- zone of the stress–strain curve. Both UTS and E characterize
torial design, the methodology can find the best parameter the materials' withstand properties. Table 2 also summarizes
levels and construct predictive mathematical models [20, the basic statistics of the mechanical performance (mean,
43]. Finally, three validation experiments against the best min, max, spread). The spread values (max–min) of the UTS
conditions are applied to verify the experimental design and and E are considerable concerning the data set of the 18
evaluate the experiment's spread at the optimum conditions. samples. This variability is about 100% for the UTS and 69%
The first step in the above approach is selecting the vari- for E. Therefore, modeling the process is highly significant,
able parameters that affect the aspired attributes: the UTS reducing variability considerably. Finally, process optimiza-
and the elasticity module (E). This task is critical and has tion is vital for sustainable FFF printings [46].
two main concerns: (i) to select the appropriate variable It is worth here noting that the deposited beds' cooling
parameters and levels and (ii) all the experiments of the process affects the adhesion and fusion between sequential
decided orthogonal array (OA) to be achievable (should do layers, which, in turn, are affected by the LT, NT, and PS
all experiments contained in the OA). [10, 47–50]. Therefore, controlling the FFF process PS, NT,
Table 1 summarizes the selected variables and the con- and LT is conclusively significant [38, 51–54]. In Fig. 4,
stant parameters after the literature review in the introduc- side views and broken surfaces pictures are presented by
tion section and a 'trial-and-error' procedure. According to SEM for 0.3 mm LT, showing good interlaminar adhesion
the literature review, layer thickness and nozzle temperature and bonding. Scanning electron microscopy enabled detailed
(LT and NT) influence the dimensional accuracy, surface examination of the area of failure and the failure mode of
roughness, and mechanical response of the FFF parts [10]. the fabricated specimens. The morphological shape of the
In addition, raster deposition angle (DA) is also an essen- fractured cross-sectional surface implies a brittle mode of
tial parameter [18]. Furthermore, it affects the strength of failure (Fig. 4a-f). This fact verifies the already observed
the FFF parts, as this parameter defines the direction of the failure mode optically exhibited in tensile testing with no

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:4317–4328 4321

Table 2  Parameter Variable parameters, ­L18 ­(12 × ­73) Attributes measured

combinations and experimental
measurements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
o o
No exp LT (mm) NT ( C) DA ( ) PS (mm/s) Empty Columns UTS (Mpa) E (MPa)
1 0.1 180 0 30 1 1 1 1 17.420 692.62

2 0.1 180 45 40 2 2 2 2 7.043 410.59

3 0.1 180 90 50 3 3 3 3 5.480 347.95
4 0.1 200 0 30 2 2 3 3 15.410 627.77
5 0.1 200 45 40 3 3 1 1 10.240 448.88
6 0.1 200 90 50 1 1 2 2 7.745 375.92
7 0.1 220 0 40 1 3 2 3 16.920 651.88
8 0.1 220 45 50 2 1 3 1 12.580 478.50
9 0.1 220 90 30 3 2 1 2 10.010 445.97
10 0.3 180 0 50 3 2 2 1 16.920 678.84
11 0.3 180 45 30 1 3 3 2 12.145 425.52
12 0.3 180 90 40 2 1 1 3 8.970 374.89
13 0.3 200 0 40 3 1 3 2 15.420 624.65
14 0.3 200 45 50 1 2 1 3 12.080 468.83
15 0.3 200 90 30 2 3 2 1 10.010 402.12
16 0.3 220 0 50 2 3 1 2 15.210 611.23
17 0.3 220 45 30 3 1 2 3 12.007 483.17
18 0.3 220 90 40 1 2 3 1 10.150 431.88
Average 11.987 498.96
Min 5.480 347.95
Max 17.420 692.62
Spread 11.94 344.67

necking phenomena. Figure 4a, b presents an SEM magnifi- A way for identifying how one parameter interacts with
cation of the side view of a specimen where illustrated both another is by utilizing the interaction plots [44, 53, 55–57].
the number and length of PLA sequenced layers. Moreover, For example, Fig. 6a, b shows the LT, NT, DA, and PS inter-
in Fig. 4c, d, the brittle nature of the failure is also confirmed actions concerning the UTS and E accordingly. In addition,
by the resulting surface texture. these two plots show a strong interaction between the domi-
nant parameter raster DA and the others, PS, NT, and LT.
3.1 Effects of the variable parameters on UTS and E Analytically, the interaction plots showed that: (i) LT
interacts synergistically with NT and DA, i.e., the trend lines
The diagrams that show the effects of the variable param- have similar directions, (ii) LT interacts anti-synergistically
eters on an attribute are known as ANOM diagrams (analy- with PS, i.e., the trend lines have complex directions, (iii)
sis of means) or main effect plots (MEP). Such diagrams DA interacts synergistically with NT and PS, and (iv) NT
explain the influence of each variable graphically in consid- and PS interact anti-synergistically.
eration of the attribute measure. So, we quickly observe the After the MEP and interaction plots, the ANOVA is
optimum parameter levels and the trend lines. For example, the qualitative tool to investigate the importance of each
by employing these plots, the effects of the four process variable parameter on the quality attributes (here, the UTS
parameters (LT, NT, DA, and PS) on both the UTS and E and E). Analysis of variances (ANOVA) decomposes the
can be extracted (see: Fig. 5). errors of each variable on the total error. ANOVA fits
The MEP plots showed that the dominant parameter in linear or quadratic mathematical models and studies the
the utilized experimental space for the UTS and E measures least-squares differences. The 'MEP' plots showed that
is the raster DA. The three other variables are significant at the raster DA is the dominant parameter in our case by
a lower level. According to the MEP plots, the optimized utilizing linear mathematical models for the 'UTS' and 'E'
values for all the variables are zero raster DA, 30 mm/s PS, analysis of variances (see: Tables 3 and 4, respectively).
220 °C, and 0.3 mm LT; UTS and E are edified as 'the maxi- The ANOVA showed that the raster DA variable affects
mum the best' attributes. 80.1% and 92.6% on UTS and E, respectively. The three

4322 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:4317–4328

Fig. 4  SEM images of the

longitudinal layered side of
specimens (a, b) and cross-sec-
tional fracture surface (c, d, e, f)
in SPC13 0.3–200-0–40

other variables (PS, NT, and LT) are insignificant for UTS and E) increases by decreasing the raster deposition angle.
and E, respectively. The F values are below two, and the P It means physically that the 0° aligned filament shows the
values are higher than 0.05. highest UTS and E values.
The outcomes occurring from Figs. 5 and 6 as well as of The other three parameters, NT, PS, and LT, are less
Tables 3 and 4 conclude in the following: important for the utilized experimental space. The F values
The raster DA parameter dominates both the UTS and are smaller than 2, and P values are higher than 0.05 (F < 2
E values; 80.1% and 92.6%. The F values are higher than and P > 0.05). The F value for the LT concerning the UTS
four (F > 4) and P values smaller than 0.05 (P < 0.05), which attribute is between 2 and 4 (2 < F < 4), which statistically
means this conclusion is statistically significant. The best means that it is more significant than the NT and PS. These
value for the raster DA is 0°, and the worst the 90°. The statistical values show that the PS, NT, and LT affect the
interactions of raster DA with the other parameters are optimal thermal bonding condition in an anti-synergistic
slightly synergistic (Fig. 6). The mechanical response (UTS way (see interaction charts, Fig. 6).

Fig. 5  Main effects plot for (a)

UTS and (b) E

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:4317–4328 4323

Fig. 6  Interaction plots between DA, PS, NT, and LT according to the: (a) UTS and (b) E

Considering previous experimental work and knowing PS leads to a rise in UTS and E for 0.1 mm LT, which fol-
that the interlaminar bonding conditions are affected ini- lows the finding of a similar investigation for the same range
tially by the PS and NT, and secondly, by the LT [58], we of PS values, 30–50 mm/s [59].
decided to construct two 'MEP' plots for 0.1 and 0.3 mm LT The NT has different trend lines for 0.1 and 0.3 LT. In
(see Fig. 7). These MEP plots decompose better the influ- the case of 0.1 LT, when the NT increases, the UTS and E
ence of raster DA, NT, and PS according to each LT level. increase (Fig. 7a, b). On the other hand, for 0.3 LT, the NT
Figure 7a–d shows that the NT is a significant parameter for is insignificant for both UTS and E (Fig. 7c, d).
0.1 mm LT and minor for 0.3 mm LT, denoting that the inter- Finally, concerning the PS parameter, Fig. 7a–d shows a
laminar conditions are different in the case of 0.3 and 0.1 LT. significant influence for both UTS and E attributes for each
Specifically, the deposited strands cooling process is of the two LT (0.1 and 0.3 correspondingly). By increasing
affected more by the PS than the NT for 0.3 LT, while for 0.1 the PS, the UTS and E decrease for the 0.1 mm LT while
LT is affected evenly by NT and PS. Furthermore, Coogan rising for the 0.3 mm LT. In the total experimental space
and Kazmer [29] proved that the longer the material stays at (Fig. 5), the trend line of the PS is similar to that of the
a higher temperature than its glass transition level, the better 0.1 LT (Fig. 7a, b). The ANOVA shows that the PS is an
the bond becomes. Therefore, increasing NT or decreasing insignificant parameter (F < 2 and P > 0.05; Tables 3 and

Table 3  ANOVA: UTS versus Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value %

DA 2 176.746 88.373 35.68 0.000 80.1%
PS 2 6.592 3.296 1.33 0.307 3.0%
NT 2 6.857 3.428 1.38 0.295 3.1%
LT 1 5.627 5.627 2.27 0.163 2.6%
Error 10 24.766 2.477 11.2%
Total 17 220.587 100.0%
R2 88.77%
R2 adj 80.91%
R2 pred 63.62%

4324 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:4317–4328

Table 4  ANOVA: E versus DA; Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value %

DA 2 208,926 104,463 88.24 0.000 92.6%
PS 2 1769 884 0.75 0.498 0.8%
NT 2 2991 1495 1.26 0.324 1.3%
LT 1 25 25 0.02 0.888 0.0%
Error 10 11,838 1184 5.2%
Total 17 225,548 100.0%
R2 94.75%
R2 adj 91.08%
R2 pred 82.99%

4) following Zandi et al. [38]. Remark that Fig.  7a–d is 4 is the raster DA having F-values higher than four and
employed to analyze MEP plots for the two different LTs P-values lower than 0.05.
as explained in the text to construct more accurate linear Considering the ANOVA (Tables 3 and 4) and the MEP
regression models and not replace Fig. 5a, b. Process opti- plots (Figs.  5 and 7) as well as the interactions charts
mization employs the L18 OA and not Fig. 7a–d. (Fig. 6), linear regression models were developed for both
the UTS and E for the 0.1 and 0.3 mm LT, respectively
3.2 Modeling and validation (Eqs. 1–4).
UTSLT=0.1mm =2.84 − 0.0889 ∗ DA − 0.0839 ∗ PS
In the case of our optimization problem, it is evident that (1)
the raster DA affects the most in the proposed experimental + 0.0797 ∗ NT ± e
area and that the other three parameters have minor effects.
ANOVA (see Tables 3 and 4) validates these results, where ELT=0.1mm = 549 − 2.570 ∗ DA − 3.62 ∗ PS + 1.04 ∗ NT ± e
the F-values of LT, PS, and NT are all below the number 4, (2)
which statistically means that they have minor significance. UTSLT=0.3mm =15.89 − 0.06615 ∗ DA + 0.0186 ∗ PS
The only significant parameter according to Tables 3 and (3)
− 0.0056 ∗ NT ± e

Fig. 7  MEP plots: (a) DA, NT

and PS vs UTS for 0.1 LT, (b)
DA, NT and PS vs E for 0.1 LT,
(c) DA, NT and PS vs UTS for
0.3 LT and (d) DA, NT and PS
vs E for 0.3 LT

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:4317–4328 4325

Table 5  Validation tests No LT NT DA PS UTS E UTS E UTS E

Actual Predicted (Eqs. 1 & 2) error

1 0.1 180 0 30 17.42 692.6 14.66 627.6 -15.8% -9.4%

2 0.1 180 45 40 7.043 410.6 9.82 475.7 39.6% 15.9%
3 0.1 180 90 50 5.48 348.0 4.99 323.9 -8.9% -6.9%
4 0.1 200 0 30 15.41 627.8 16.26 648.4 5.5% 3.3%
5 0.1 200 45 40 10.24 448.9 11.42 496.5 11.6% 10.6%
6 0.1 200 90 50 7.745 375.9 6.58 344.7 -15.0% -8.3%
7 0.1 220 0 40 16.92 651.9 17.01 633 0.6% -2.9%
8 0.1 220 45 50 12.58 478.5 12.17 481.1 -3.2% 0.6%
9 0.1 220 90 30 10.01 446.0 9.85 437.9 -1.5% -1.8%
Predicted (Eqs. 3 & 4)
10 0.3 180 0 50 16.92 678.8 15.81 620.5 -6.5% -8.6%
11 0.3 180 45 30 12.145 425.5 12.465 471.1 2.6% 10.7%
12 0.3 180 90 40 8.97 374.9 9.67 385.2 7.8% 2.8%
13 0.3 200 0 40 15.42 624.7 15.51 607.2 0.6% -2.8%
14 0.3 200 45 50 12.08 468.8 12.725 521.3 5.3% 11.2%
15 0.3 200 90 30 10.01 402.1 9.37 371.8 -6.3% -7.5%
16 0.3 220 0 50 15.21 611.2 15.58 636.2 2.5% 4.1%
17 0.3 220 45 30 12.007 483.2 12.235 486.7 1.9% 0.7%
18 0.3 220 90 40 10.15 431.9 9.44 400.9 -6.9% -7.2%
Evaluation experiments Predicted (Eqs. 3 & 4)
19 0.3 220 0 30 14.93 591.1 15.23 593.8 2.0% 0.5%
20 0.3 220 0 30 14.79 579.4 15.23 593.8 3.0% 2.5%
21 0.3 220 0 30 15.28 578.8 15.23 593.8 -0.3% 2.6%
Average 15.23 593.8 15.23 593.8 1.5% 1.8%

ELT=0.3mm = 444 − 2.379 ∗ DA + 2.12 ∗ PS + 0.392 ∗ NT ± e that the models accurately predict both the UTS and the E
(4) attributes.
Note that the validation experiment is repeated three
Table 5 summarizes the model's predictions (Eqs. 1–4)
times at the optimum levels for the UTS and E according to
and error percentages. Finally, three evaluation experiments
the MEP plot for all 18 experiments (Fig. 5; raster DA = 0°,
are executed to validate the developed regression models
PS = 30 mm/s, NT = 220°, and LT = 0.3 mm). Therefore,
(Table 5; Fig. 8). The specimens for the validation experi-
Fig. 5 should be considered for the process optimization as
ments were built with the optimized parameters according
it has the orthogonality property and not Fig. 7a–d. Perceive
to the MEP in Fig. 5 (zero raster DA, 0.3 mm LT, 30 mm/s
that the orthogonality property is described in ref [44] and
PS and 220 °C NT). All three experiments give accurate
means that all combinations between two columns exist in
predictions with an accuracy lower than ± 5%, which means
an orthogonal array and appear evenly.

Fig. 8  Validation experiments
and strain–stress curves for the
optimized parameter values
(0.3mm LT, 220 °C NT, 0­ o DA,
and 30 mm/s PS)

4326 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:4317–4328

4 Conclusions gives accurate predictions, so the Taguchi methodology

is validated. In case that we had higher spreads or inac-
In this experimental research, four variable parameters (LT, curate predictions, the optimization would have flaws. In
NT, DA, and PS) are examined as far as their effect on the this case, a new design would be needed.
ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and the elasticity module As future work, the authors propose a multi-parame-
(E) of FFF specimens with PLA wood flour (70–30%) as ter multi-objective optimization of the PLA/wood parts,
filament material is concerned. including more wood flour types and wt. %.
The observed UTS and E values were between
5.48–17.42 MPa and 347–692 MPa, accordingly for solid
PLA/Coconut (70%PLA/ 30%Coconut) parts. In Afrose Authors contribution  Conceptualization was contributed by JK;
Methodology was contributed by JK, SZ and DC; Formal analysis
et al. [25], FFF of solid specimens of pure PLA remarked and investigation were contributed by JK, SZ, DC and NV; Writ-
values between 31–39 MPa and 1246–1538 MPa for the ing—original draft preparation, was contributed by JK; Writing—
UTS and E, respectively. The above indicates that UTS and review and editing, was contributed by JK, SZ; and NV; Resources
E of the composite PLA/C are considerably smaller than were contributed by JK and SZ; Supervision was contributed by JK;
All authors have given approval to the final version of the manuscript.
that of pure PLA. In Afrose et al. [25], zero raster DA also
optimizes the UTS for pure PLA, following the observations Availability of data and material (data transparency)  All data generated
of the current research for the PLA/C composite material. or analyzed during this study are included in this published article.
Additionally, it is notable that the specifications of the used
PLA/C material in filament form have UTS and E minimum Declarations 
values of about 70 and 1900 MPa, respectively, denoting that
the PLA/C FFF parts have the 25% and 36% UTS and E of Ethics approval  Not applicable.
the filament specifications correspondingly.
Consent to participate  Not applicable.
The experimental results were analyzed using the main
effect plots (MEP), interaction diagrams, and ANOVA and Consent for publication  Not applicable.
conclude the following:
Conflict of interest  The authors have no competing interests to declare
• The raster DA parameter dominates on both the UTS and that are relevant to the content of this article.
E values, while when this parameter increases, both UTS
Authors declaration  The submitted work is original and has not been
and E attribute decrease. The DA influences the UTS published elsewhere in any form or language.
and E about 80% and 90%. Physically the zero-oriented
filament shows higher UTS and E values like in fiber
composites. This conclusion follows the literature [25].
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