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Unit 1: Electric Charge and Coulomb’s Law

Lesson 1.2

Coulomb's Law

From the spark that you feel as you walk through the mall and suddenly touched a cold
metal up to the laser printer that you can see in the photo above, all are applications of
electric charges and Coulomb’s law. The technology of laser printers is the same as when
you write a word in the air using a flashlight. When a document is sent to the printer, a
laser beam "draws" the document on a selenium-coated drum using electrical charges.
When the drum is charged, it is rolled in a toner, a dry powder type of ink. The toner
attaches to the charged image on the drum. The toner is transferred onto a piece of paper
and fused to the paper with heat and pressure. In this lesson, we will further discuss how
electric charges interact with each other.

1.2 Coulomb’s Law 1

Unit 1: Electric Charge and Coulomb’s Law

Learning Objectives DepEd Competencies

● State that there are positive and
In this lesson, you should be able to do the negative charges, and that charge
is measured in coulombs
● Predict the direction of the net ● Calculate the net electric force on a

force in a charge in a system of point charge exerted by a system

of point charges
charges. (STEM_GP12EMIIIa-6).

● State Coulomb’s law. ● Solve problems involving electric

charges, dipoles, forces, fields, and
● Calculate net electric force in flux in contexts such as, but not
one-dimensional and limited to, systems of point

two-dimensional problems. charges, classical models of the

atom, electrical breakdown of air,
● Solve problems involving charged pendulums, control of
electrostatic forces in the context electron and proton beams,

of systems of point charges. electrostatic ink-jet printers


Learn about It!

We know that if there are two oppositely charged spheres hanging from the ceiling by
insulating strings, they will have the tendency to attract each other. On the other hand, if we
charge the other sphere with the same charge as the other, the spheres will repel. We can
deduce from this that charged particles exert forces with each other. This force can be
described using Coulomb’s law.

What are the factors that affect the forces

between two charges?

Coulomb’s Law
Charles-Augustin de Coulomb (1736–1806) described the force between two charges using
a torsion balance. He discovered an inverse square relationship between the electrostatic

1.2 Coulomb’s Law 1

Unit 1: Electric Charge and Coulomb’s Law
force (Fe) and the distance of separation (r) of the charges—that is . He further
discovered that the force is dependent on the quantity of charge on each body, which is
denoted by q1 and q 2. He found that the forces that two point charges q 1 and q2 exert on
each other are proportional to each charge and therefore are proportional to the product
q1q2 of the two charges. Because of these findings, he was able to formulate the Coulomb’s

Coulomb’s Law states that the magnitude of the electric force
between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of
the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance
between them.

Did You Know?

Charles Coulomb (1736–1806) measured the magnitudes of the
electric forces between charged objects using the torsion balance,
as shown in the figure below.

Fig. 1.2.2. An example of a torsion balance used by Coulomb to formulate

the Coulomb’s Law.

1.2 Coulomb’s Law 2

Unit 1: Electric Charge and Coulomb’s Law
Mathematical Statement of Coulomb’s law
The Coulomb’s Law can be expressed mathematically through the following equation:


where Fe is the electrostatic force

q1 and q2 are the charges that are interacting
r is the distance separation between the two charges
is the permittivity of free space with a value of 8.8542 × 10−12 N-1 C2 m-2.

The absolute value symbol suggests that the force is always positive. The directions of the
forces the two charges exert on each other are always along the line joining them. When the
charges q1 and q2 have the same sign, either both positive or both negative, the forces are
repulsive; when the charges have opposite signs, the forces are attractive.

For brevity, we can also express the Coulomb’s Law using the constant k.


where the constant is just noted by k with an equal value of 8.988 x 109 N m2 C-2. This
can be usually approximated to be 9 x 109 N m2 C-2.

It is important to note that given two charges q1 and q2 such that q1 has greater charge than
q2, q2 exerts the same force to q1 as q 1 exerts to q2. Thus, two charges will exert an equal
force to each other regardless of their individual charge. This is a consequence of the third
law of motion.

Example 1
Two point charges, q1 = +5 C and q2 = -3 C, are separated by a distance r = 30 000 m. Find the
magnitude of the electric force that q1 exerts to q2. Predict whether it will be attractive or

1.2 Coulomb’s Law 3

Unit 1: Electric Charge and Coulomb’s Law

Step 1: Identify the given in the problem

The individual charges are given q1 = +5 C and q2 = -3 C. The distance separation is
also given r = 30000 m.

Step 2: Identify what is asked in the problem.

You are asked to solve for the magnitude of the electric force that q1 exerts to q2.

Step 3: Write the working equation.

Step 4: Substitute the given values.

Step 5: Solve for the answer.

It is attractive since the two charges are opposite.

1 Try It!
Two charged spheres are hanging from two planes by an insulating string. One of the
spheres has a charge of 6 C, and the other has a charge of -12 C. When the two
planes are at a distance of 50 000 m, calculate the force that each sphere exerts on
the other. Assume that the only force that acts on the spheres is the electrostatic

Example 2
Two equally charged spheres exert 12 N to each other. If they are separated by a distance of
12 m, calculate the charge on either sphere.

1.2 Coulomb’s Law 4

Unit 1: Electric Charge and Coulomb’s Law


Step 1: Identify the given in the problem

The force between the two spheres is given which is equal to 12 N. The distance
separation r = 12 m is also given.

Step 2: Identify what is asked in the problem.

You are asked to solve for the value of the charges.

Step 3: Write the working equation.

Note that the spheres are equally charged. Thus, we can rewrite the

Coulomb’s law as . Therefore,

Step 4: Substitute the given values.

Step 5: Solve for the answer.

The charge on either sphere is 4.38 ✕ 10‒4 C.

2 Try It!
Two spheres, one is charged twice as much as the other, are separated with a
distance of 6 m. At this distance, they exert 20 N to each other. Calculate the charge
of each sphere.

1.2 Coulomb’s Law 5

Unit 1: Electric Charge and Coulomb’s Law

Example 3
Calculate the distance separation between charges q1 = 5 nC and q2 = 3 nC when they exert
a force equal to 3 N. Deduce what will happen to the electrostatic force when the original
distance separation is doubled.


Step 1: Identify the given in the problem

The force between the two spheres is given, which is equal to 3 N. The charges are
also given q1 = 5 nC and q2 = 3 nC.

Step 2: Identify what is asked in the problem.

You are asked to calculate for the distance separation.

Step 3: Write the working equation.

Step 4: Substitute the given values.

Step 5: Solve for the answer.

The distance separation between the two charges is 2.12 ✕ 10‒4 m.

If the original distance is doubled, the electrostatic force will be reduced by

one-fourth since there is an inverse square relationship between the distance
separation and the force.

1.2 Coulomb’s Law 6

Unit 1: Electric Charge and Coulomb’s Law

3 Try It!
How far will you separate two charges with an equal value of 3 mC in order for them
to exert 5 N to each other? Predict what will happen to the electrostatic force if the
distance separation was halved.

In solving problems involving Coulomb’s law, make sure that all of
the units are expressed in terms of SI.

Free-Body Diagrams
When dealing with forces, it is necessary to start the problem solving by drawing free-body
diagrams. Free-body diagrams are diagrams used to show the relative magnitude and
direction of all forces acting upon an object in a given situation.

An important concept that we have to remember in drawing free-body diagrams is to

determine the charges of the particles and relative to what particle we are considering the

You can refer to these three interacting particles A, B, and C.

Fig. 1.2.2. An illustration showing the interaction of three charges.

1.2 Coulomb’s Law 7

Unit 1: Electric Charge and Coulomb’s Law
Relative to A, the free body diagram shows

Fig. 1.2.3. A free-body diagram showing the forces at charge A.

Relative to B, the free-body diagram shows

Fig. 1.2.4. A free-body diagram showing the forces at charge B.

Finally, relative to C, the free-body diagram would look like:

Fig. 1.2.5. A free-body diagram showing the forces at charge C.

Note that the arrows represent the direction of the force. The fundamental rule for charges
apply in this situation: like charges repel and unlike charges attract.

1.2 Coulomb’s Law 8

Unit 1: Electric Charge and Coulomb’s Law
How can we solve the net force in a system of point

Superposition of Forces
Deducing from the equation provided by the Coulomb’s law—only the interaction of two
charges are considered. When more than two charges are present, the resultant force on
any one of them equals the vector sum of the forces exerted by the various individual
charges. For example, if four charges are present, then the resultant force exerted by
particles 2, 3, and 4 on particle 1 is F1 = F2 to 1 + F3 to 1 + F4 to 1. This important property, called
the principle of superposition of forces, holds for any number of charges. By using this
principle, we can apply Coulomb’s law to any collection of charges to get the net force acting
on a specific charge.

Example 4
Two point charges are located on the x-axis of a coordinate system: q1 = 3.0 C is at x = +2.0
m, and q2 = -5.0 C is at x = +4.0 m. What is the total electric force exerted by q1 and q 2 on a
charge q 3 = 5.0 C at x = 0? Where is the net force directed?


Step 1: Identify the given in the problem

The individual charges are given and their positions in the cartesian plane (x-axis).

Step 2: Identify what is asked in the problem.

You are asked to solve the magnitude of the net electric force at q 3.

1.2 Coulomb’s Law 9

Unit 1: Electric Charge and Coulomb’s Law
Step 3: Draw the free-body diagram of the problem.

Step 4: Write the working equation.

Note that the first term is negative since it is directed to the -x direction (going to
the left).

Step 5: Substitute the given values.

Step 6: Solve for the answer.

The net force on q3 is ‒1.97 ✕ 1010 N. It is directed to the left because of the
negative sign.

1.2 Coulomb’s Law 10

Unit 1: Electric Charge and Coulomb’s Law

4 Try It!
Three charges q1 = 3 C, q2 = -4 C, and q3 = 5 C are placed along the y-axis with the
positions y1 = 0, y2 = 5 m and y3 = 20 m, respectively. Calculate the net force at q2.

Example 5
Two equal positive charges q1 = q2 = 10.0 mC are located at x = 0, y =
0.70 m and x = 0, y = -0.70 m, respectively. Calculate for the net force
at q3 = 10.0 mC at x = 0.80 m, y = 0.


Step 1: Identify the given in the problem

The individual charges and their position are given.

Step 2: Identify what is asked in the problem.

You are asked to solve the net force at q3.

Step 3: Draw the free-body diagram of the problem.

1.2 Coulomb’s Law 11

Unit 1: Electric Charge and Coulomb’s Law

Step 4: Write the working equation.

By symmetry, we can see that the y-components of the net force is just equal to

zero. Therefore, .

Step 4: Substitute the given values.

Since the y-components will just be cancelled, we are only after the x-component.

Step 5: Solve for the answer.

The net force at q3 at x = 0.80 m, y = 0 is 1.04 ✕ 106 N.

5 Try It!
Two point charges are arranged in the Cartesian plane as follows: charge q1 = -1.50
nC at y = -0.600 m, and charge q2 =+3.20 nC at the origin (y = 0). What is the total force
(magnitude and direction) exerted by these two charges on a third charge q3 = +5.00
nC located at y = -0.400 m?

1.2 Coulomb’s Law 12

Unit 1: Electric Charge and Coulomb’s Law

Example 6
Three charges lie along the x-axis as shown in the figure below. A positive charge q1 = 15.0
nC is at x = 2.00 m and another positive charge q2 = 6.0 nC is at the origin, and the resultant
force acting on q3 is zero. What is the x coordinate of q3?


Step 1: Identify the given in the problem

The value of the charges are given q1 = 15 nC, q2 = 6 nC. Further information are
given in the diagram above.

Step 2: Identify what is asked in the problem.

You are asked to solve for the position of q 3 where its net force is equal to zero.

Step 3: Write the working equation.

Since we are looking for the position where there is zero net force for q3, the force
caused by q1 should be equal to the force caused by q2. Thus,

Further simplification will give us

1.2 Coulomb’s Law 13

Unit 1: Electric Charge and Coulomb’s Law
Recalling about the quadratic equation will also be handy for this problem:

Step 4: Substitute the given values.

Simplifying the equation will give us:

Step 5: Solve for the answer using the quadratic equation.

The charge q3 is located at x = 0.775 m.

6 Try It!
Three charges are along the x-axis. Charge q1 is at x = -2.00 cm, q2 = -3 nC and is
located at x = 4 cm and q3 is at the origin with a charge of 5 nC. Calculate for the
charge of q1 if the net force at q3 is zero.

How are we going to solve the net force on a

charge in a two-dimensional system?

1.2 Coulomb’s Law 14

Unit 1: Electric Charge and Coulomb’s Law
Key Points

● Coulomb’s law quantifies the amount of force between two stationary charged
● The electrostatic force is directly dependent on the amount of charge of the
interacting particles.
● There is an inverse-square relationship between the electrostatic force and the
distance separation of the charges.
● In getting the net force on a point charge in a system of charges, superposition of
forces should be applied.

Key Formula

Concept Formula Description

Coulomb’s Law Use this formula in solving

for the electrostatic force
between two stationary
charges. Note that this
where: shows an inverse-square
● Fe is the electrostatic force relationship between the
force and the distance
● is the electric separation.
constant which can also be
noted as k with a value of
8.988 x 109 N m2 C-2
● q1 and q2 are charges
expressed in terms of
Coulomb (C).
● r is the distance separation
of q1 and q2.


1.2 Coulomb’s Law 15

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