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Prepared by
Elom and Julie
Target Audience
Private Language
Upper Intermediate
Practice all the abilities in order to
achieve fluency through MI Theory
90 to 120 minutes
Handout, computer, speakers,
videos, paint, brush, playdough,
color markers, paperboard, shadow
puppets, shadow screen, color
pencils, paper and pen.

Do you like horror stories?

Can you remember your first

contact with urban legends?

Do you know any urban legend

from the town you grew up?
Kuchisake-onna; Slit Mouth Woman
1, 2... 1,2...
The Devil Never Left
Table Mountain
El Chupacabra
(Hidden People)
Narrative Entry Point
You saw the “Slit mouth woman” legend from Japan, that the
teachers showed you. Now, in groups, you will make a rereading of
this legend for a Shadow Puppetry show! Be creative! Create a
written script for the story and present the shadow theater to your

Time: 20-30 minutes

Material: Shadow Screen, Shadow Puppets, Lamp, Paper and Pen.
intelligences: linguistic, bodily kinesthetic, interpersonal.
Aesthetic Entry Point
You’ve heard the urban legends “One, Two…”, “The Devil Never
Left Table Mountain” and “El Chupacabra”. In groups of 3, create
a illustration for each one of these legends, and then present it to
the class.

Time: 10-15 minutes

Material: gouache paint, brush, rag, container, water.
intelligences: visual-spacial, bodily kinesthetic
Experiential Entry Point
After seeing the video and knowing more about the Chupacabra,
use playdough to create a sculpture for what you think the
Chupacabra looks like and then present the idea for your

Time: 10-15 minutes

Material: Playdough.
Intelligences: Bodily-Kinesthetic; Visual Spacial
Logical Entry Point
Have you heard of the Venn Diagram?
Create a Venn diagram with the elements you’ve seen in all the
legends that the teachers presented to you. It can be any element
you want (ex: woman, animal, devil, death…). Draw it in a
paperboard and present it to your classmates.

Time: 15-20 minutes

Material: Paperboard, color markers, glitter glue, color pencils.
Intelligences: Logical-Mathematical, Visual Spacial, Naturalistic.
Foundational Entry Point
Discuss with your classmates the following topics:
At what level, these Urban Legends affect the reality of the
Why do you think they appeared in the country? Do you think
they have a purpose? Do you believe in them?
Time: 20-30 minutes

Material: handout or projector with guiding questions, can be used

with talking tolkens.
Intelligences: Intrapersonal, interpersonal.

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