Law On Central Register

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Article 1

This Law shall regulate: the establishment, organization and scope of operations of the Central
Register of the Republic of North Macedonia (hereinafter: Central Register), the relations between this
register and the other basic registers (hereinafter: basic registers) and their users; the relations with
other legal entities; as well as the issues related to inputting, processing, keeping and distributing
relevant data from the Central Register to the users of such data.

Article 2

The Central Register shall be established as a central information base of legal and other relevant
data, which in accordance with this or another law or agreement are entered therein.

The Central Register shall have the capacity of a legal entity, having rights, obligations and liabilities
stipulated by this Law.

The head office of the Central Register shall be in Skopje.

Article 3

On the basis of other laws, basic registers in which rights are constituted, as well as registers in which
rights are not constituted, shall be established within the Central Register.

Basic registers that are anticipated by other laws, in addition to the Central Register, shall be kept in
the Central Register as well.

Article 4

The registers referred to in Article 3 paragraph 1 in which rights are constituted, shall be organized as
separate departments, managed by heads of departments as persons with special authorizations.

The heads of departments shall be appointed by the director of the Central Register, and shall be
accountable for their work to the director.

Article 5

The Governing Board and the director shall be the bodies of the Central Register.

The Governing Board shall consist of five members.

The Governing Board members shall be appointed by the Government of the Republic of North
Macedonia with a six year term of office.

Two members of the Governing Board shall be appointed on a proposal of the Ministry of Finance, one
on a proposal of the Ministry of Justice, one on a proposal of the Ministry of Economy and one on a
proposal of the State Authority for Geodetic Works.

The Governing Board shall work and adopt decisions at sessions, in accordance with its Rules of

Article 6

The Governing Board of the Central Register shall appoint the director of the Central Register for a
four-year term of office at a public announcement which is published in at least three daily
newspapers that are printed on the whole territory of the Republic of North Macedonia one of which is
a newspaper printed in a language spoken by at least 20% of the citizens who speak an official
language other than the Macedonian.

The director of the Central Register should meet the following requirements:
1) to be a citizen of the Republic of North Macedonia;
2) at the moment of appointment, not to be issued an effective injunction banning him/her from
exercising a profession, business or office;
3) to have at least 240 credits under ECTS or completed VII/1 degree;
4) to have at least five years of work experience;
5) to hold one of the following internationally recognized certificates for active knowledge of the
English Language which is not older than five years:
- TOEFL IBT - at least 74 points,
- IELTS - at least 6 points,
- ILEC (Cambridge English: Legal) - at least B2 level,
- FCE (Cambridge English: First) - passed,
- BULATS - at least 60 points, or
- APTIS - at least B2 level.

The director of the Central Register shall be a managing body that presents and represents the Central
Register and shall be accountable for its work to the Governing Board.

Article 6-a

The term of office of the director of the Central Register shall terminate:
1) upon expiry of the term of office;
2) at his/her request;
3) upon meeting the requirements for retirement;
4) in case of death; and
5) in case of dismissal.

Article 6-b

The director of the Central Register shall be dismissed if he/she:

1) stops to meet the requirements referred to in Article 6 of this Law and
2) is not able to carry out the tasks for a period longer than six months due to illness or other justified

Article 6-c
The director of the Central Register may authorize a person from among the managerial
administrative servants to represent him/her in the case of his/her absence or prevention to come to
work, except for issues within his/her exclusive competence.

Article 7

The Statute of the Central Register shall be adopted by the Governing Board, upon consent of the
Government of the Republic of North Macedonia.

The Statute shall in detail regulate the internal organization of the Central Register, as well as the
authorizations, duties and responsibilities of its bodies.

Article 7-a

The employees in the Central Register who carry out administrative activities shall have the status of
administrative servants.

The Law on Administrative Servants and the general regulations on labor relations shall apply to the
issues that refer to the labor relation of the employees referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article and
that are not regulated by this Law and by the collective agreement.

The employees in the Central Register who carry out auxiliary and technical activities shall have the
status of an auxiliary-technical personnel.

The general regulations on labor relations shall apply to the auxiliary-technical personnel in the
Central Register.

Article 7-b

The manner of determining the basic salary and the salary supplements of the employees in the
Central Register shall be regulated by a collective agreement, and the value of the point of the basic
salary shall be determined by the director.


Input of data

Article 8

The data determined by this or another law, shall be entered in the Central Register where they are
electronically processed, integrated, selected, kept and made available to the interested users.

The processing, integration and classification of the entered data shall be carried out by the Central
Register according to its procedures and forms.

The Central Register shall adhere to the principle of professionalism, independence, objectivity,
economy and efficiency, when entering and managing the data.

Article 9

The data from the basic registers, with or without the capacity of a legal entity, as well as data from
other legal entities and natural persons shall be entered in the Central Register.
The data that refer to the constituted rights to ownership and the real rights to third party's items
(pledge, mortgage, servitude, actual burdens, long-term lease and transfer of ownership of items and
transfer of rights for the purpose of securing), acquired status of a trade company or status of another
type of legal entity and annual accounts and financial reports, shall obligatorily be entered in the
Central Register.

The entry of other types of data, such as: credit information, prenuptial agreements, different types of
insurance and alike, shall be carried out on a basis of an agreement, unless otherwise determined by a
law for a specific type of data.

Article 10

The basic registers and the other entities and the Central Register, shall enter the data in the Central
Register on the basis of single procedures and Forms in electronic or other shape (form), in order to
achieve rationality in the operations and their easier and faster accessibility to the interested users.

Article 11

The data in the Central Register shall be entered according to the contents determined in a specific
form, in which the specifics of certain basic registers or some other legal entities are expressed.

The content of the form shall be jointly determined by the Central Register and the relevant basic

Keeping of the data

Article 12

The processed, integrated and classified data entered in the Central Register shall be stored and kept
at the head offices of the registers.

Article 13

The data entered in the Central Register may be modified, supplemented, updated and deleted only by
the basic registers and the other legal entities and natural persons that have entered them.

Use of the data

Article 14

The data from the Central Register may be used by the state administration bodies, all natural persons
and legal entities, both domestic and foreign, unless otherwise stipulated by a law or an agreement for
some of them.

Article 15

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Article 16

The interested users may receive information and a certified copy of the data entered in the registers.
The information referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may be received in person and via electronic
means, except the certified copy received exclusively in person.

Article 17

The Central Register may make available the data entered therein, in a form of information as
unprocessed, processed or in any other form stipulated by this or another law.

Article 18

The Central Register may develop its own infrastructure for receipt or distribution of the data, or by
agreement with the other entities, a joint infrastructure on the territory of the Republic of North

Charges payable to the Central Register

Article 18-a

With regard to the services rendered within the scope of its work, determined by this or another law,
and referring to entering inputting, processing, integrating, classifying, selecting, storing, keeping and
using the data in the Central Register, as well as for distributing the data to the interested users, the
Central Register shall charge a proper amount determined by a Tariff of the Central Register, adopted
by the Governing Board of the Central Register, upon consent of the Government of the Republic of
North Macedonia.

The charge referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall not be paid by the users and the individual
beneficiaries of the funds from the Budget of the Republic of North Macedonia in the field of
legislative, executive and judiciary authority and by the local self-government units.

If the appropriate charge is not paid, a time period not exceeding three days shall be determined
obliging the submitter to pay the charge.

If the charge is paid in the prescribed time period, the submission shall be considered as accepted the
first time.

If the charge is not paid in the prescribed deadline, the submission shall be rejected by a conclusion
and shall be considered as not submitted.

Conducting control

18-b 3

The Central Register shall conduct control of the entities that are authorized by law regarding the
taking of actions when submitting applications for entry and the provision of the services for entry
through the e-registration system of the Central Register in accordance with the law.


Article 19
In the performance of its activity, the Central Register shall cooperate with other state bodies, legal
entities and natural persons and shall exchange information with other registers from abroad, unless
otherwise stipulated by law for specific types of exchange of information.

Article 20

The Central Register and the basic registers, as well as other legal entities and natural persons shall
be obliged to mutual cooperation and to present each other the data they have at their disposal, as
well as to give explanations and assistance in regard to the performance of the activities within their

The bodies that keep the basic registers and the other legal entities shall be obliged to enable
continuous use of the data by the Central Register, for the purpose of exercising its functions
determined by this Law.

Article 20-a

The Central Register shall submit the documents that contain a legal ground for entry in the real
estate cadastre, together with the applications for entry and the proof for a paid fee, to the Agency for
Real Estate Cadastre by electronic means.

Article 21

The Central Register shall provide technical possibility for mutual connection between the basic
registers and the other legal entities, which enter legal and other type of relevant data on the basis of
this or another law or agreement.

Article 22

The basic registers and the Central Register may also give oral and written information on the
constituted rights and other features entered in the basic registers, that is, the Central Register.

The written information issued by the Central Register shall be of informative character only.

Article 23

Whosoever enters the data in the Central Register shall be liable for their accuracy, according to the
general rules of the civil law.

Article 24

Provided that the data contained in the Central Register do not comply with the data entered in the
basic registers, the data in the basic registers shall be considered legally valid.

Article 25

The relations between the Central Register and other entities, which enter certain data (such as
insurance of property and persons, prenuptial agreements and other legal acts and alike) in the
Central Register on the basis of an agreement, shall be regulated by an agreement.

The provisions of this Law shall correspondingly apply to issues that are not regulated by the
Article 26

The financing of the work of the Central Register shall be carried out from its own revenues.

The revenues from the work of the Central Register shall be used for covering the costs for the current
operations, development and salaries of the employees.

The excessive revenues shall be transferred to the Budget of the Republic of North Macedonia.

The amount of the revenues and expenditures shall be determined by a financial plan, upon consent of
the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia.

Article 27

The Ministry of Finance shall supervise the implementation of this Law.

Article 28

The Central Register shall be accountable to the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia for
the performance of the activities determined by this Law, and once a year shall submit an annual
account and report for its work to the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia.


Article 28-a

With regard to the misdemeanors determined in Article 29 of this Law, a misdemeanor procedure shall
be conducted and misdemeanor sanctions shall be imposed by a competent court.

Article 28-b

The Central Register shall be responsible for conducting the misdemeanor procedure and for imposing
the misdemeanor sanction for the misdemeanors in the amount of up to Euro 1.000 in Denar counter
value for which the Central Register is determined as a misdemeanor body by law.

With regard to the misdemeanors in the amount above Euro 1.000 in Denar counter value, a
misdemeanor procedure shall be conducted and a misdemeanor sanction shall be imposed by a
competent court.

Before initiation of a misdemeanor procedure for the misdemeanors of this Law, the authorized official
in the Central Register shall propose settlement to the perpetrator by issuing a misdemeanor payment

The misdemeanor procedure shall be conducted by a Commission for Decision-making Upon a

Misdemeanor (hereinafter: Misdemeanor Commission) appointed by the director of the Central

The Misdemeanor Commission shall be composed of three members having at least three years of
work experience, from among the managerial and expert administrative servants employed in the
Central Register, one of whom shall be a law graduate having passed the bar exam and who shall be
the president of the Misdemeanor Commission.

The members of the Misdemeanor Commission shall be appointed for a four-year term of office, with
the right to re-appointment. 

The members of the Misdemeanor Commission shall have deputies, appointed by the director of the
Central Register, who meet the requirements referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article.

The Misdemeanor Commission shall adopt rules of procedure for their work.

The administrative and technical activities of the Misdemeanor Commission shall be carried out by a
secretary, determined from among the employees in the Central Register.

Article 29

Fine in the amount of Euro 2.000 to 3.000 in Denar counter-value shall be imposed for a misdemeanor
on the Central Register if it:
- does not perform the processing, integrating and classifying of the entered data in accordance with
the determined procedures and forms (Article 8),
- rejects or in any other manner does not give information about the data entered in the Central
Register or rejects to issue a certified copy (Article 16 paragraph 1) and
- rejects to give information on specific data, although not processed (Article 17).

Fine in the amount of Euro 500 in Denar counter value shall be imposed on the responsible person in
the Central Register for the misdemeanors referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.

Article 29-a

The amount of the fine for the legal entity shall be determined in accordance with the Law on

Article 30

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Article 31

The Government of the Republic of Macedonia shall appoint the members of the Governing Board of
the Central Register within 30 days as of the day this Law enters into force.

The Governing Board of the Central Register shall appoint the director within 15 days as of the
appointment of the Governing Board members.

Article 32

The basic registers shall be obliged, ex officio, within six months as of the day the Central Register
commences its work, to enter in the Central Register the data for the constituted property rights, the
acquired legal subjectivity of the legal entities and the other acquired features recorded before this
Law enters into force, except the data for the right to ownership for which the deadline shall be 12
months as of the day the Central Register commences its work.

Article 33

The Central Register shall commence its work the day following the day of receipt of the consent by
the Government of the Republic of Macedonia.

Article 34

By transferring the scope of operations from the Payment Operations Bureau to the Central Register,
the property, the equipment and the employees that perform the activities shall be transferred on the
basis of a Decision of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia.

Article 35

As of the day this Law enters into force, the Law on Keeping Registers in the Republic of Macedonia
("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" no.28/98) shall cease to be valid.

This Law shall enter into force the eight day as of the day of its publication in the "Official Gazette of
the Republic of Macedonia" and shall apply as of the day of receipt of the consent for the Statute.


Law Amending the Law on Central Register ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" no.
Article 4
The director of the Central Register who has been appointed before the beginning of
application of Article 1 of this Law, shall continue to exercise the office until the expiry of the
term of office for which he/she has been appointed.

Law Amending the Law on Central Register ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" no.
Article 5
The provisions of Article 1 of this Law shall start to apply one year as of the day of entry into
force of this Law, except the provisions that refer to the requirement for knowledge of a
foreign language which shall start to apply two years as of the day of entry into force of this
The provisions of Article 3 of this Law shall start to apply as of the beginning of application of
the Law on Administrative Servants ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" no.

Law Amending the Law on Central Register ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" no.
Article 4
The director of the Central Register shall appoint the members and the deputies of the
Misdemeanor Commission within a period of five days as of the day of entry into force of this

Law Amending the Law on Central Register ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" no.
Article 5
This Law shall enter into force on the eight day as of the day of its publication in the "Official
Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" and shall start to apply as of the day of beginning of the
application of the Law Amending the Law on Trade Companies ("Official Gazette of the
Republic of Macedonia" no. 38/2014).

Law Amending the Law on Central Register ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" no.
Article 2
The Central Register shall be obliged to connect electronically with the Agency for Real Estate
Cadastre within a period of three months as of the day of entry into force of this Law.

Law Amending the Law on Central Register ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" no.
Article 4
The bylaw determined by this Law shall be adopted within a period of 30 days as of the day of
entry into force of this Law.

Law Amending the Law on Central Register ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" no.
Article 5
This Law shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the "Official Gazette of the
Republic of Macedonia".

Law Amending the Law on Central Register ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" no.
Article 3
This Law shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the "Official Gazette of the
Republic of Macedonia".

Law Amending the Law on Central Register ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" no.
Article 2
The provisions of Article 6 paragraph (2) point 5) of the Law on Central Register ("Official
Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" nos. 50/2001, 49/2003, 109/2005, 88/2008, 35/11,
43/14, 199/14, 97/15, 153/15 and 27/16) and the provisions of Article 1 of this Law which
adds a new line 6 in Article 6 paragraph (2) point 5) shall not apply in the period between the
day of entry into force of this Law and 1 September 2018.

Law Amending the Law on Central Register ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" no.
Article 3
The director of the Central Register who is appointed in the period between the day of entry
into force of this Law and 1 September 2018 shall be obliged to meet the requirement for
knowledge of a foreign language within a period of one year as of the day of his/her
appointment at the latest.
The term of office of the director referred to in paragraph (1) who is not going to meet the
requirement for knowledge of a foreign language within the deadline set out in paragraph 1 of
this Article shall terminate.

Law Amending the Law on Central Register ("Official Gazette of the Republic of North
Macedonia" no. 311/2020):
Article 5
The procedures initiated by the day of entry into force of this Law shall end in accordance with
the Law on Central Register ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" nos. 50/2001,
49/2003, 109/2005, 88/2008, 35/11, 43/14, 199/14, 97/15, 153/15, 27/16 and 83/18).

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