Fourth Quarter Long Test in Science

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Multiple Choice: Read the questions belowmcarefully and choose the letter of the orrect answer.
Write your answer in your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following characteristics best describes gas?

a. Gases are lighter than air.
b. Gases have high densities.
c. Gases exhibit similar chemical behavior.
d. Gases do not have definite shape and volume.
2. How are gas particles described according to the Kinetic Molecular Theory?
a. Gases have mass.
b. Gas particles move rapidly in straight lines, travel constantly, and in a
random direction.
c. Gas particles collide with each other and with the walls of the
container in a perfectly elastic manner.
d. All of the above
3. Which of the following changes will result to a decrease in gas pressure?
a. Adding more gas particles
b. Increasing the temperature
c. Liquefying the gas particles
d. Increasing the volume of the container
4. Which gas law describes the relationship between pressure and volume at
constant temperature?
a. Avogadro’s Law
b. Boyle’s Law
c. Charles’ Law
d. Gay-Lussac’s Law
5. Which of the following is not equal to 1.00 atm of pressure?
a. 760 cm Hg
b. 760 mm Hg
c. 760 torr
d. 101,325 Pa
6. Which gas law is a combination of all gas laws?
a. Boyle’s Law
b. Charles’ Law
c. Gay-Lussac’s Law
d. Ideal gas Law
7. Which of the following is the standard unit of volume?
a. liter
b. mm Hg
c. second
d. torr
8. Who formulated the law which states that the volume of a fixed amount of gas
at constant pressure is directly proportional to its absolute temperature?
a. Amedeo Avogadro
b. Jacques Alexander Charles
c. Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac
d. Robert Boyle
9. Which of the following best describes Avogadro’s Law?
a. At constant pressure and volume, the temperature of gas is directly
related to its number of moles
b. At constant temperature and pressure, the volume of gas is directly
related to its number of moles
c. At constant volume and number of moles, the temperature of gas is
directly related to its pressure
d. At constant volume and temperature, the pressure of gas is directly
related to its number of moles
10.Which of the following expresses an inverse proportionality?
a. As n increases, P increases
b. As n increases, V increases
c. As P increases, V decreases
d. As T decreases, P decreases

11. Amino acids are the building blocks of which group of biomolecules?
a. carbohydrate b. fat c. proteins d. nucleic acid

12. Which of the following groups are all classified as polysaccharides?

a. glycogen, cellulose and starch
b. glycogen, sucrose and maltose
c. maltose, lactose and fructose
d. sucrose, glucose and fructose
13. Lipids are insoluble in water because lipid molecules are _________?

a. hydrophilic b. hydrophobic c. neutral d. zwitter ions

14. Which of the biomolecules contain other elements aside from carbon, hydrogen,
and oxygen?
a. carbohydrates, lipids
b. lipids and proteins
c. nucleic acids, proteins
d. proteins, lipids
15. Which of the following is a correct pair?
a. glucose: disaccharide
b. starch: polysaccharide
c. sucrose: monosaccharide
d. triglyceride: polysaccharide
16. Which is a correct pair of an example of protein and its function?
a. enzymes: speed up reactions in the body and eventually used up in the process.
b. collagen: provides strength and flexibility to connective tissues.
c. actin and myosin: supplies amino acids to baby mammals
d. hemoglobin: helps regulate blood sugar levels
17. What kind of molecule is represented by the structure below?
a. monosaccharide
b. phospholipid
c. saturated fatty acid
d. unsaturated fatty acid
For items 18-19 refer to the structure below:
A. B.
18. Which of the given structures (A, B, or C) represents molecules that provide
energy and are very soluble in water?
19. Which of the given structures (A, B, or C) represents hydrophobic molecule
that is used as storage of energy?
20. Maria wanted to determine what types of biomolecules are present in the three
unknown substances that her teacher gave her. The table below shows her

Substance Iodine Test Biuret Test Benedict’s Test

A Black solution (+) (-) (-)

B (-) (+) (-)

C (-) (-) (+)

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a. Substances A and B are proteins while substance C is a lipid.
b. Substance A contains starch and substance B and C contain nucleic acid
c. Substances A and C are carbohydrates where A is an amylose in starch and
B is a protein and C may be a simple sugar
d. Substance B is a carbohydrate and substances A and C are lipids
21. Which of the following is not an evidence of chemical reactions?
a. Evolution of Gas
b. Production of light
c. Same substance
d. Temperature change
22. Who discovered the Phlogiston theory?
a. Amadeo Avogadro
b. Antoine Lavoiser
c. Charles Darwin
d. George Ernst Stahl
23. Who is the proponent of the Oxidation theory?
a. Amadeo Avogadro
b. Antoine Lavoiser
c. Charles Darwin
d. George Ernst Stahl
24. For burning to occur, the following factors should be present in proper conditions
I. Fuel II. Oxygen III Heat IV.Nitrogen
a. I, II, III
b. I, II, IV I, III, IV
c. II, III, IV
25. How does a reactant differ from a product?
a. Reactants are the entering material.
b. Products are the resulting substances.
c. Both a and b
d. none of a, b c
26. A + BC → AC + B is an equation used in __________________.
a. Combination reaction
b. Decomposition Reaction
c. Double displacement reaction
d. Single displacement reaction
27. NAOH + KNO3 → NaNO2 + KOH is the formula used in __________________.
a. Combination reaction
b. Decomposition Reaction
c. Double displacement reaction
d. Single displacement reaction
28. How many atoms of Zn, H, Cl are present in the reactants below?
Zn + 2 HCl → ZnCl2 + H2
a. 1;1;1
b. 1;2;2
c. 2;2;2
d. none of a,b
29. It is the law which states that the total mass of reactant is equal to the total mass
the product. No new atoms are created nor destroyed.
a. Law of Conservation of Energy
b. Law of Conservation of Mass
c. Law of Conservation of Momentum
d. Law of Conservation of Weight
30. It is an equation that uses chemical symbols and formulas to represent a chemical
a. Chemical equation
b. Nuclear equation
c. Nuclear reaction
d. Mathematical equation
31. What determines an atom’s ability to undergo chemical reactions?
a. innermost electrons
b. neutrons
c. outermost electrons
d. protons
32. During a chemical reaction, ___________________________.
a. atoms are destroyed
b. atoms are rearranged
c. elements are destroyed
d. new elements are produced
33. The minimum energy required to start a reaction is called ______________.
a. activation
b. bond energy
c. catalysts
d. reactants
34. Generally, the higher the concentration of the reacting substances, the
__________ is the reaction.
a. bigger
b. faster
c. higher
d. slower
35. A chemical reaction is a process in which _____________.
a. all reactants change state
b. products change into reactants
c. the law of conservation of mass applies
d. all of these
36. What is the most important factor influencing the frequency of collision?
a. catalyst
b. chemical reactions
c. concentration of reactants
d. experiments
37. Which takes place at different rates with accompanying energy changes?
a. activation
b. bond energy
c. chemical reactions
d. none of these

38. What reaction mechanism can give reliable information?

a. catalyst
b. chemical reactions
c. concentration
d. experiments
39. What substance speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction without itself
being contained in the reaction?
a. activation
b. catalyst
c. chemical reactions
d. all of these
40. What takes place around us and within our bodies at all times? They occur
simultaneously without our notice. The decay of plants and digestion of
foods are only some of these.
a. catalyst
b. chemical reactions
c. concentration of reactants
d. nature of reactants

41. The following statements are true about the rate of reaction EXCEPT:
a. Rate is dependent on the catalyst.
b. Rate is dependent on the temperature.
c. Rate is dependent on the volumes of reactants.
d. Rate is dependent on the concentration of reactants
42. A catalyst may be defined as_________________.
a. a substance that always speeds up a chemical reaction
b. a substance that changes the rate of a chemical reaction
c. a substance that is necessary in order to make a chemical reaction take
d. a substance that changes the rate of a reaction without taking part in the
chemical reaction itself
43. An increase in temperature will increase the rate of reaction because it
increases the _______________.
a. energy of particles
b. volume of the particles
c. velocity of the particles
d. number of collisions between the particles
44. The main points of the collision theory include the following EXCEPT:
a. The molecule must have proper orientation.
b. The higher the energy of the molecules, the slower the rate of a reaction.
c. Only certain collisions between particles result in the formation of
d. A more concentrated solution contains a greater number of particles
45. Which of the following reactions is considered a fast reaction?
a. H2 + I2
b. O2 + H2
c. SO2 + O2
d. NaCl + AgNO3
46. What factor is being shown when ripe fruits are placed inside a refrigerator to
slow down the ripening process?
a. concentration of the reactants
b. effect of pressure
c. effect of temperature
d. nature of the reacting substances
47. What factor is being shown when energy increases until energy is obtained for
the reactants to change into new substances?
a. catalyst and inhibitors
b. concentration of the reactants
c. effect of temperature
d. surface area
48. What factor is being shown when there will be more particles colliding with
each other in a given time interval, thereby increasing the chances that the
chemical reaction occurs?
a. concentration of the reactants
b. effect of temperature
c. nature of reacting substances
d. surface area
49. What factor is being shown when one or more of the reactants or products is
in a gaseous state?
a. catalyst and inhibitors
b. effect of pressure
c. effect of temperature
d. nature of the reacting substances
50. What factor is being shown when meat is cooked faster by using a pressure
cooker because of the higher temperature inside the pressure cooker?
a. concentration of the reactants
b. effect of temperature
c. nature of the reacting substances
d. surface area

Prepared by: Checked by:


Master Teacher I Head Teacher III
Teacher III

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