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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Rick Gould Direct: 212-896-1909 StevensGouldPincus, LLC One Penn Plaza Suite 5335 New York, NY 10119


NEW YORK, July 19, 2011 -- The nations PR agency field increased their hourly rates in every category in 2010 according to a survey released today by Stevens Gould Pincus, the merger and management consulting firm specializing in the PR field.

Average Rates & Utilization- 2010 vs. 2009

Average hourly rates for just about every staff level were within a few dollars of a year ago. Average utilization was slightly up for account staff. Firms in Excess $25 Million 2010 Firms in Excess $25 Million 2009

Average Billing Rates 2010

Average Billing Rates 2009

Average Utilization 2010

Average Utilization 2009

President/CEO EVP/SVP VP Account Manager Senior Account Executives Account Executives Account Coordinators Blended Rate

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

360 309 261 208 178 153 113 182

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

338 283 241 199 168 142 110 171

39.0% 63.1% 75.1% 84.5% 89.9% 91.7% 85.9% ---

43% 64% 73% 85% 88% 92% 88% ---

29.7% 56.7% 75.3% 90.0% 89.4% 89.6% 91.0% ---

37% 61% 81% 91% 96% 93% 97% ---

Based on responses from 104 PR agencies coast to coast, billing rates are now averaging $513 per hour for CEOs of agencies with $25 million or more in revenues, and $291 among smaller agencies, said Rick Gould, a managing partner and director of the survey. Agency VPs average $261, with the highest among Washington DC agencies averaging $306 and SVPs $356. Rates appear to be highest among agencies specializing in sports/entertainment, Investor Relations and public affairsamong the 13 categories identified, he said. I believe this uniform spike in billing rates is indicative of a marginally improved economy and is consistent with growth of the industry in both net revenues and operating profit. Productivity measured by billable time utilizationhas been far below optimal levels, he said. Senior VPs are billing out only 63% of their theoretical yearly capacity of 1700 hours, respondents are reporting, he said. And while some

rank and file account managers are averaging as high as 99%, some are averaging as low as 70%. The goal for account executives should be at least 90%, a goal reached by almost all firms achieving 20% profitability. Productivity has been generally highest among agencies specializing in sports & entertainment, economic development, financial and investor relations and crisis management, according to the report.

Billing Rates Tops In Each Category: 2010 Year-End Billing Rates

Top Size Two Top Regions D.C.& Suburbs Two Top Specialties Public Affairs Sports/ Enterntainment

> $25 Mill


President/CEO EVP/SVP VP Account Manager Senior Account Executives Account Executives Account Coordinator Blended Rate

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

513 387 298 256 188 168 133 N/A

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

424 353 287 214 182 154 110 192

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

418 356 306 219 179 156 123 163

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

397 318 272 228 190 162 114 192

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

391 319 256 218 168 151 108 195

The survey is the third annual poll focused on billing rates and agency staff utilization by StevensGouldPincus, which has been conducting other industry wide surveys for 23 years including the recently released Best Practices Benchmarking Report.

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