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台北市立中山國民中學 109 學年度第一學期八年級第三次定期評量英語科試題卷

代碼: 02 Class: No. Name:

4. (A) (B)
Part One: 聽力測驗 (30%) (每題唸兩次)
※ 請以 2B 鉛筆於電腦卡上作答
一、 辨識句意: 根據聽到的內容,選出符合描述
的圖片代號 ( 每題 1 分,共 4% )
1.(A) (B) (C)

二、 基本問答:依據聽到的內容, 選出最適當的
回應句 ( 每題 2 分,共 16% )
5. (A) I will be busy then, sorry.
(B) Sure. I’m free now.
(C) I’ll take it.
6. (A) You’re on the first floor.
2.(A) (B)
(B) Go down this street and it’s at the end of it.
(C) You can get fresh vegetables at the market.
7. (A) Is this for sale?
(B) Here is my change.
(C) Can I pay by card?
(C) 8. (A) Let’s ask that guy for help.
(B) Getting to Piccadilly Circus took us thirty
(C) You can go sightseeing along the way.
9. (A) They are always at a low price.
3.(A) (B)
(B) Hmm, they are very expensive.
10:00 12:00 14:00  15:30
(C) The price of the tickets is not too bad.
10. (A) What a great idea!
(B) It’s close to Big Ben.
(C) I always go there on foot.
(C) 11. (A) About three hours.
11:00 13:00
(B) It takes a lot of time and money.
(C) I usually go biking in the mountains.
12. (A) Yes, we will spend it together this year.
(B) Yes, we went to the department store
1/ 共6頁
together. 20. Go down Zongshan Street two
(C) No, I am going to buy sweaters for them blocks and turn left Happy Road.
this year. (A) on; for; on (B) on; about; ×
(C) ×; about; × (D) ×; for; on
三、 言談理解:根據聽到的內容,選出一個最適合
21. Tom loves with his family every
的答案 ( 每題 2 分,共 10% )
13. (A) A T-shirt and shorts. (A) go picnicking (B) to go mountains climbing
(B) A dress. (C) to go picnicking (D) going picnicing
(C) A purple skirt. 22. girls love the handsome singer.
14. (A) About an hour. The ticket fare to his concert is eight
(B) One and a half hours. dollars.  ticket fare 票價
(C) Around thirty minutes. (A) Thousands of; thousands
15. (A) 20 dollars. (B) Thousand of; thousand
(B) 50 dollars. (C) Thousands of; thousand of
(C) 80 dollars. (D) Thousands of; thousand
16. (A) At the bank. 23. 選出與題目相同意思且句型正確選項:
(B) At the market. Buying the pretty dress cost her $1000.
(C) At the coffee shop. (A) It spent her $1000 buying the pretty dress.
17. (A) C – Alice’s house; F – department store (B) It took her $1000 to buy the pretty dress.
(B) B – pet shop; E – department store (C) She paid $1000 on the pretty dress.
(C) A – pet shop; D – swimming pool (D) She spent $1000 buying the pretty dress.
24. The sunglasses $40,000.
The price is really .
(A) cost; expensive (B) spend; expensive
(C) paid; high (D) cost; high
25. A: he not going to come here
tomorrow? B: Yes, he .
(A) Will; is (B) Is; won’t
(C) Is; will (D) Is; is
26. Bring your umbrella before you go to work.
It rainy this evening.
Part Two:綜合選擇 (45%)
(A) will (B) is going to have
※請以 2B 鉛筆於電腦卡上作答
(C) will be (D) is
四. 單題選擇 (每題 2 分, 共 22 分) 27. a summer camp soon.
18. A: What’s the ? B: It’s $2,999. (A) There are going to be
(A) T-shirt (B)skirt (C) total (D)checkout
(B) There will has
19. Please lend me a ruler. I need to draw a
(C) There will be
(D) There is going to have
(A) right (B) circle (C)left (D) straight
2/ 共6頁
28. Jolin will visit me when she to song. But, you know what? The American writer,
Tainan next week. James Lord Pierpont, wrote this song for
(A) will come (B) is coming celebrating races around Thanksgiving time, not
(C) comes (D) came for Christmas!

五、文意選填 (每題 1 分,共 6 分) Bill: How interesting! I never heard about that
請根據文意選填空格中的代號完成句子,每 before. I would like to talk about Christmas
字只能選一次。 spiders. In some countries, it’s lucky to find a
(A) causes (B) avoids (C) happened spider on your Christmas tree. People in Germany,
(D) served (AB) confused Poland and Ukraine often put spider webs on their
29. Sheila everyone chocolate cake at trees.
her birthday party.
30. Some people think having wet hair outside Cathy: Spider Webs on the trees? It’s hard to
colds. However, it’s not true. believe because a lot of people in my country think
31. The map David because it was spider webs mean bad luck. People in my country,
hard to read. Japan, enjoy having fried chicken from KFC on
Christmas Eve, December 24. At first, Japanese
(A) unique (B) pajamas (C) pressure people couldn’t find turkey to celebrate Christmas.
(D) against (AB) directions So, they started eating fried chicken at KFC. In
32. Annie feels a lot of because 1974, KFC started putting fried chicken in paper
she has too much homework. boxes. It was easy to eat at Christmas parties.
33. Every night, I put on my before Their idea was a big success. Now people wait in
I go to sleep. long lines to eat at KFC on that day.
34. Alyssa held the dress her body
and looked in the mirror. Dorothy: I love fried chicken. I will have that on
Christmas Eve this year. It’s my turn now. Do you
六、 閱讀測驗與克漏字測驗 ( 共 17 分) know why people put stars on their Christmas
【1】 tree? Look to the story of Jesus’ birth. In it, three
Happy Holidays! Today is December 23, and wise men saw a bright star in the sky. They
Christmas is right around the corner! Andy, Bill, followed it to find baby Jesus. The star on the
Cathy, and Dorothy is having a Christmas party Christmas tree means this bright star.
now. Everyone in the party is going to tell others
an interesting Christmas fact (事實). 35. What did Andy, Bill, Cathy, and Dorothy do in
their Christmas party? (2%)
Andy: I go first! Do you know the song, Jingle (A) They ate fried chicken and sang Jingle Bells
Bells? Lots of kids love this popular Christmas to celebrate the holiday.

3/ 共6頁
(B) They talked about something interesting
about Christmas.
(C) They followed the star on their tree to find
baby Jesus.
(D) They found out people in America put The next morning, my sister Sarah
and I opened our Christmas presents.
spider webs on their Christmas trees.
There was a small box with my name on it
behind the Christmas tree. It came with a
36. What does “around the corner” mean in the note. It said, “Fix that hole in your pocket.
reading? (1%) – Mr. C.” Santa Claus sent me the bell
(A) The corner is in the shape of a circle. inside the box! When I rang it, Sarah and I
(B) Something is coming in a short time. heard a beautiful sound. However, my
parents couldn’t hear it!
(C) A happy holiday, and people enjoy having
Most people can’t hear the bell
food and being together.
when they grew up. I’m an old man now,
(D) Something people can’t see often. but I still hear it because I truly believe.

37. From the reading, which one is true? (2%)

(A) French fries and fried chicken are popular food
for people in Japan for Christmas holidays.
(B) Spider webs mean bad luck, so you can never
see people put them on a Christmas tree. B
Years ago, when I was a boy, I
(C) The writer of Jingle Bells, wrote the song for lay in bed on Christmas Eve. It was late at
races around Thanksgiving , not for night. I hoped to hear the sound of Santa
Christmas. Claus’s sleigh bells. However, I heard the
(D) Now, people can tell the directions from the sound of a train! It stopped outside my
star on the Christmas tree. house as snow fell from the sky. I put on my
slippers and a coat and left the house soon,
but I didn’t see there was a hole in my
38. Why do people in Japan have KFC fried chicken
to celebrate Christmas? (2%)
“This is the Polar Express to the
(A) Because KFC has a big sale on Decemeber
North Pole,” said the train’s conductor. I got
on the train and saw other children in their
(B) Because the price of KFC fried chicken is
pajamas. As the train passed houses and
forests, went fast across snowy mountains,
(C) Because they don’t want to wait in line to
we sang Christmas songs and drank
get other food.
yummy hot chocolate.
(D) Because they couldn’t find turkey and the
fried chicken in the box was easy to enjoy
at the party.

4/ 共6頁
【3】 4% (每題 1 分)
Deserts are very hot and dry places. Living in
C Finally, we arrived at the North
the desert is difficult. Few animals can live without
Pole. The conductor told us, “Santa will give
water for a long time. 42. , some animals and
the first gift of Christmas there.” When we
plants can survive in the desert. How can they live
got off the train, we saw hundreds of elves –
the Santa helpers, Santa himself and his
Camels have a perfect body to live there. They
reindeer. Santa picked me to get the first gift
have thick hair and skin to protect them from the sun.
of Christmas! I asked for a silver bell from
The thick hair in their ears keeps the sand out. Their
his sleigh. I put the bell in the pocket of my
feet are wide and soft enough to walk on the sand for
coat. Soon, Santa and his reindeer flew away
a long time. Their long eyelashes are beautiful and
on the sleigh.
helpful to stop the sand from entering their eyes.
Back on the Polar Express, everyone
43. , their humps are important and helpful to
wanted to see the bell. However, when I put
store fat. The fat can turn into the energy to make
my hand in my pocket, I couldn’t find it! I
them not feel hungry when there is no food.
was very sad to lose the bell. When the train
The temperature in the desert can change 44.
reached my house, I sadly waved goodbye.
in a day. It can be over 45°C at noon, but it can go
down to 5°C at night. 45. in the dropping-
☀Word Bank dramatically temperature at night, they can change

sleigh 雪橇 the North Pole 北極

their body temperature. When it is hot, they can make
conductor 列車長 pocket 口袋 their body temperature higher to 41°C. When it is
cold, they can lower their body temperature to 34°C.
39. Put the three pieces of paper in the correct order ☀Word Bank
to make a story. (2%) camel 駱駝 desert 沙漠 survive 生存 perfect 完美的
(A) BAC (B) BCA skin 皮膚 protect 保護 wide 寬 soft 柔軟的
eyelash 眼睫毛 hump 駝峰 role 角色 energy 精力
(C) ACB (D) CAB
temperature 溫度 dropping 下降 dramatically 明顯地
40. What does it mean in part A? (2%)
(A) The Christmas tree. (B) The sleigh bell. 42. (A) For example (B) Besides (C) However
(C) The note. (D) The box. (D) In fact
41. What is the correct use of the word “reach?” (2%) 43. (A) What’s more (B) However (C) In fact
(A) He is a reach guy and always spends a lot of (D) Therefore
44. (A) lots of (B) a little (C) a few (D) a lot
(B) It took us five hours to finally reach the
45. (A) Surviving (B) Survive (C) To survive
mountain top.
(C) They still don’t know the reach of the story (D) To surviving
(D) A taxi driver came reach his window and
then left.

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七、文意字彙:每題 2 分,共 20 分。
1. 餐廳 (n.)
2. 醫院 (n.)
3. 電影院 (n.)
4. 地面 (n.)
5. 大自然 (n.)
6. 短褲 (n.)
7. 任何事物 (pron.)
8. 美好的 (adj.) [ w~ ]
9. 玩帆船;航行 (片語)
10. 寺廟 (n.)

八、句型題: 依提示作答與翻譯:
(共 5 分)
1. We spent forty minutes driving to the
park. (用 It 開頭改寫句子) (2%)

2. Yuki 明天下午將忙著拍照嗎? (3%)

(用 be 動詞開頭)


6/ 共6頁

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