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Job Analysis

By: Damian Anderson Case, Module 1 MGT 511: Adv. Topics in Human Res. Mgmt TUI University

Dr. Paul White

Date: 24 July 2011

Job Analysis Abstract In any organization it is good to have the right person doing the job and though at times this might be impossible it is wise to do a job analysis so as to at least update the description of the job or to

rotate jobs. This also prevent work overload or work under load on one person or section. At times it may be time consuming to do a full analysis but it is needed especially if the company is thinking about recruiting new employees.

Job Analysis It is very important that prior to one writing or verifying a job description that an analysis of the

job has to be done. The process of collecting information which will describe the duties, responsibilities, or the necessary skills needed to do a particular job is very important. At an organization such as the Dirt Finder Professional Vacuum Cleaner that employs about 200 workers it is good to have the best person doing the right job. Doing an analysis of all the jobs that are available will help to contribute to the writing of the job description and will also assist in the job design process. It will be a cumbersome process to get a job analysis especially for 65 job vacancies that has no continuity or current information with which to build on or to use as an example. In some ways this is good for the organization as the job study will provide current information that can be used in the future. Job Analysis The website describes job analysis as a systematic exploration of not only the work environment but also a look at the responsibility, duties, skills, and ability of the person that is performing certain job. This analysis will concentrate on determining duties, responsibilities, physical, and emotional skills for the vacant spots in the organization. There are other factors involved such as the level of education, experience, judgment, leadership skills, emotional characteristics, communication skills, and sensory demands that is also involved in the analysis of a job ( Dirt Finder Professionals are looking for that is suitable for the positions that are vacant and those who will not quit in times of adversity. The prospective employees need to realize that the job analysis will continue throughout their training and development and they would also become a part of the process. The website also provides an example of a model that the company can use to conduct the job analysis. Recruitment and Selection The organization will insure that the following happen during this phase: The right person will be selected for the job

Job Analysis The education qualification that is needed for the job will be met The level of physical and emotional skill need will be met

It is a matter of being upfront so that the client will know during the application process if they have the knowledge base that the job required. This also give them their first insight into the way in which their performance will be measured. Job Content This is the area that has all the information which let the prospective employee know the type of activity that they will be doing in the job. If the following information is not available then it is the job of the Human Resource Manager to come up with them: Employee duties The type of work that the employee does The tools and equipments that is needed for the job The additional duties that goes with the job The expectation from the employee Most importantly if specific training is required it need to be listed Job Content It seem kind of odd that more than a third of the employees decided not to return to the job and although it is understandable that they have to go and take care of their family after the Tsunami, but to learn the job totally new that is a different story, thus according to the following has to be assessed:

Job Analysis The past working conditions - what did the employee do, when they allowed breaks, did they have the proper equipment/protective gear etc The type of risk that is involved working for the organization The reporting process - were they reporting to the right person or were there any reporting involved Hazards The type of hazards that is involved and how it will affect employees health

The physical and mental demands that will be placed on the employees was it too much or was management expecting too much from them

The type of judgment that the employees were expected to exercise and if there were any limitations to their judgment

This has to be done in all job areas not only for the vacancy that needed to be filled but even for those that is currently filled because in so doing we can make the job better for the current employees. Methods There are three common methods of job analysis that can be used and they are observation, interview, and questionnaire. Since the situation is far gone the observation method will be useless because the 65 position is void and although the observation of the two thirds employed can help in some way it is time dependent that this analysis get done because the observation method have to occur over a period of time.. The interview method is the best method to be used as we can go back and interview the employees who have left and find out the reason why they are not returning to the organization. The question method can be combined with the interview method but care has to be taken to insure that correct questions are asked to the correct employees or ranked employees. It is best if using this method along with the interview method that the questions are reviewed prior to being asked. Our organization need to insure that the

Job Analysis support of upper management is given throughout the analysis, also the employees both past and present have to corporate or else it will be a waste of time and money. The issue is that these vacancies need to

be filled now and if there is anything that takes a lot of time then this is going to delay the hiring process. Also it takes a lot of manpower and at this time the organization is lacking this type of resource. Job Description The type of job description that we are aiming to have in place at this organization is one that will be attractive to prospective employees. In some organization job description is used to identify the tasks that need to be performed. At times it can be confused with job specification which comes with the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the job because this will be used as an objective benchmarked to measure the performance of all employees. There might have been job description written for this organization but it best to replace it, especially after doing a job analysis because there might be issues such as the job description being poorly written and it restricts the employees thus keeping them from performing their jobs. A flexible description is the type that we will use as it will not be based on the job roles are skilled based. The website states that a good job description will do the following: Can be used as a reference guide for success Ensure that the experience and skills needed for the job are detailed and matched with the correct employee Help to function as a foundation that is used to develop questions for interviews Details information about the position can also be used in the wanted ads

Job Analysis Serves as legal documentation that can be useful if an employee files a termination or discrimination suit ( The most important statement that needs to be included in the description is and other duties assigned.

This is crucial because if the vacancies in the organization are not filled then personnel will be required to do extra work and this phrase will help to clear up all misunderstanding. There is a lot of physical demands involved in working at Dirt Finder so in order to be complaint with the Americans with Disability Act also known as ADA, there has to be a list of all the physical demand that goes with the job. Philip C. Grant in his article What use is a Job Description states that job descriptions provide powerful tools for motivation in that it also clarifies the company expectation of the workers (Grant). Therefore we have to make sure that we state if there is there is going to be a lot of lifting, prolonged standing, stooping, or even walking to include any other type of physical demands. This organization mission does involve interaction with the environment or the elements thus environmental factors has to be taken into consideration, exposure such as heat, cold, noise and other elements have to be a part of the description. Job Specification Though somewhat similar to job description, it tells the type of knowledge, skills, abilities, education, training, and experience that is needed to perform the job. This is where the minimum qualification of the job is listed. Taking advantage of this will allow prospective employees to know beforehand if they are qualified for the job. Although some organization will include facts such as health, intelligences, leadership skills and other abilities, our organization is just laying out the basic specification in written format and they are educational qualifications, specific quantities, experience, physical, emotional, technical, and communication skills. At times specification is written but there is always improvement that can be done to it. The specifications need to be strong and it also needs to be written in a way so that employees know that the job is not temporary.

Job Analysis Job Design The process of putting together various elements to form a job is called job design. It is very important that the requirement of the organization has to be kept in mind. The job has to be designed so as to consider the health, safety, and ergonomics of the employees. There are several performance objectives against which the organization can base the job design. According to the website they are: Quality Speed Dependability Flexibility Cost Health and Safety Quality of life

Dirt Finder Professional Vacuum Cleaner will focus on these and the prospective employee has to be aware that the job is designed with a number of tasks connected together and all these tasks have to be accomplished in order for the job to get done. As long as the requirement of the organization is met and the individual requirement of the employees is being satisfied then job design is working perfectly. The intent of the organization is to insure that they do not fall into the situation that they are presently in, according to they are: Rotation of the job Enlargement of the job

Job Analysis The task/machine pacing Amount of work breaks The working hours

Current employees also benefit from job design as it can address problems of overload or under loads of work, excessive hours and delays in filing vacant positions. Job design is an ongoing process and when the new employees come on board and are fully integrated into the work force they will have a chance to give their input and to be provided feedback about their performance. Note should be taken that the job design can be done for a group of employees or for a team since most task that are involved are inter connected. Implementation of New Design The final step in the process is the implementation of the new design. This will not be a problem for the new employees coming as they are not aware of what the job design look consists of, but as for the other two third work forces it will have to be implemented slowly. Training will have to be provided so that old employees can become familiar with the new procedures, also they need a period in which to be experienced with the new design. Getting the company fully staffed is the priority but until then the remaining two thirds will have to pick up the slack and keep the company going. The job document or the position description will also provide the applicant a clear indication of the duties. This must be simple and must not contain any technical jargon. The key is to get the positions filled as fast as possible so as to relieve stress and overload that is being faced by the current employees.

Job Analysis Work Cited Unknown. (2011). Job Analysis A Basic Understanding. Retrieved July 13, 2011, from Wolfe, L. (2008). Human Resources: The Importance of Having Written Job Descriptions. Retrieved July 13, 2011, from Unknown. (2010). Job Design and Work Organization. Retrieved July 13, 2011, from Unknown. (2002). Job Design. Retrieved July 13, 2011, from


Grant, Philip C.. (1988, February). WHAT USE IS A JOB DESCRIPTION. Personnel Journal, 67(2), 44. Retrieved July 24, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 715875).

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