Chapter 5 - Data Processing

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Chapter 5


Giảng viên: ThS. Bùi Xuân Huy


• What Is the Purpose of a

Q1 Database?

• What Is a Database?

• What Is a Database Management

Q3 System (DBMS)?

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• How Do Database Applications Make

Q4 Databases More Useful?

• How Are Data Models Used for

Q5 Database Development?

• How Is a Data Model Transformed into

Q6 a Database Design?

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Q1. What Is the Purpose of a

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What Is the Purpose of a
 It keeps track of things.
 A spreadsheets can do it also, but they still
have disadvantages

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What Is the Purpose of a

Có giới hạn số lượng dòng

1.048.576 hàng với 16.384 cột
Spreadsheet: Order

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What Is the Purpose of a
 Problems with spreadsheets
 Duplicated trùng lặp

 Inconsistency ko nhất quán trong dữ liệu

 Intergity ko tích hợp

 Inefficiency

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What Is the Purpose of a

Database: Global Superstore

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What Is the Purpose of a
 General rule
 Lists of data involving a single theme can
be stored in a spreadsheet
 lists that involve data with multiple
themes require a database

 The purpose of a database is to keep track

of things that involve more than one theme.

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Q2. What Is a Database?

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Source: Textbook[1]

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 A database is a self-describing collection of

integrated records
 a byte is a character of data
 Bytes are grouped into columns called
 Each row, the collection of data for all
columns called records
 A group of similar rows or records is called
a table or a file
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Source: Textbook[1]
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Components of a Database

Source: Textbook[1]

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Relationships Among Rows

Source: Textbook[1]

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Relationships Among Rows

 Key: A column or group of columns that

identifies a unique row in a table (Every table
must have a key).
 Foreign keys: These are keys of a different
(foreign) table than the table in which they
 Relational databases: Relationships among
tables are created by using foreign keys.
 Relation: Formal name for a table

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 Metadata: data that describes data

Source: Textbook[1]

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Q3. What Is a Database
Management System (DBMS)?

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Database Management
System (DBMS)
 A database management system
(DBMS): a program used to create, process,
and Phân
administer a database
quyền, có bản backup restore.

 Licensed from vendors: IBM (DB2), Microsoft

(Access and SQL Server), Oracle (Oracle
Database), …
 Open source: MySQL

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Database Management
System (DBMS)
 Creating the database and its structures:
create tables, relationships, and other
structures in the database
 Processing the database: Read, Insert,
Modify, Delete data

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Database Management
System (DBMS)
 Administering the database:
 Sset up a security system involving user
accounts, passwords, permissions, and
limits for processing
 backing up database data, adding
structures to improve the performance of
database applications, removing data that
are no longer wanted or needed, and
similar tasks.

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Q4. How Do Database
Applications Make Databases
More Useful?

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Database Applications

Elements Functions
View data;, insert new, update existing, and
delete existing data

Structured presentation of data using sorting,

grouping, filtering, and other operations

Search based upon data values provided by

the user
Provide security, data consistency, and special
purpose processing, e.g., handle out-of-stock

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Database Applications

Source: Textbook[1]

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Database Applications

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Q5. How Are Data Models Used for
Database Development?

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Components of the Entity-
Relationship Data Model

• Something users want to track

• Ex: Order, customer, salesperson, item, …

• Describe characteristics of an entity

Attributes • Ex: orderDate, customerID, itemName

• Uniquely identifies one entity instance

Identifier from other instances
• Ex: StudentID, ProductID, EmployeeID, …

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Components of the Entity-
Relationship Data Model

Source: Textbook[1]

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Components of the Entity-
Relationship Data Model

Source: Textbook[1]

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Components of the Entity-
Relationship Data Model

Source: Textbook[1]

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Q6. How Is a Data Model
Transformed into a Database

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Database Design

 Database design is the process of converting

a data model into tables, relationships, and
data constraints

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Database Design

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Khoá chính ko rỗng ko trùng phải có cho mỗi bảng
Thiết lập bảng hai biến trùng lặp merge hai ô thành khóa chính
[ truy vấn có tham số ]

Cột mới design/build

Cột chuỗi & cột cuỗi


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