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3 Nature of the Business

This business is established in order to overcome the shortage of game zone. It
serve as market center area of knowledge for customers in that. Basically, the
business is believed to address the necessary service to our customers as well as
to create job opportunity for the members and for others.

2.4 Statement of confidentiality of report

The owner of this game zone business center spend
knowledge ,time ,money, resource and experience to prepare the business plan
because of this reason , the owner have the legal right in order to protect the
business plan which is the result of all partners effort for this reason should be
copied to another individual or partner .If any one refuse to accept this the
owners have to accuse individual or that business to bring them in front of law.
Because of “all rights are reserved!”

3. Market Analysis summary

Our gaming zone center provide service for customers in AWARO. The service
delicate for all private and higher governmental educational institutions. The
service of our business is providing good gaming zone for customers.
3.1 Office Equipment needed
The materials needed are :-

 Computers
 tables
 Books
 Exercise Book
 Chairs
 Chalk
 Duster
 Lectures uniform

Those all the above mentioned materials are would be purchased.

 The motivation to start this business is :-

 To create job opportunity
 Desire to exploit the opportunity desire for independence
 For financial rewards
 To turn our hobby into reality
 Adoption of business works
 To get excess profit
 To change previous theoretical knowledge into busine

3.2 Business forecast

There is no doubt that the people need to refresh their brain through their day to
day life. Because refresh the mind is important for human beings in order to
adjust their life and for making your self healthy.

Gaming zone business is a peace or business to give relaxation, so this type of

business is going to expand its branch in different areas in the coming

years. in this case it will increase the number of customer and this is cause for the
development of the business.
3.3 Customer analysis
Our target customers are:
 AWARO university regular students.
 AWARO university extension students.
 Then apply this idea in to other campass
 Finally for all

4 Competitor analysis summary

This type of business is profitable but not overdone, so there is no more
competitors in the area.

Our competitors are:

 Home to home tutorial providers

 Tutorial giving by university itself
 Private computer training service providers
 Internet service provider and others
 Tutorial service provides by other religious institutions
4.1 Strengths of competitor
o high initial capital
o good coordination among the members
o there are good manager in the members

4.2 weaknesses of competitors

o they provide poor quality of service
o there service of time is limited
o because of low promotional activity there are no gain
recognition by customers
4.3 Competitive Advantage
 we provide quality service of for our customer more than our competitors
 Providing this service with in small price
 We delivered the service to the customers with reasonable price
 We focused on the challenged courses.

5.1 Demand and Supply analysis

Most the time in the real market situation demand for and supply of service
does not in equilibrium conditions, due to scarcity of services. In order to
achieve the equilibrium condition we must expand this gaming zone center.

5.1.1 Pricing Strategy

The base for our business pricing strategy considers the market price and cost
benefit analysis. Even our competitors have so much strength we can reduce our
service price in order to attract customer attention. Consequently, we can
increase our profit from large number of customer that means concept of
economy of scale.

5.1.2 Promotional Strategy

Methods for promote customers or promotional strategies we used two

1. Pricing strategies

Reducing price of service

Reduce cost service

2. Non pricing strategies

 Advertising
 Notice
 pamphlets

5.3 Service plan

Basic equipment needed is

 Raw material like, chair, table and gaming materials

 Free space
 Computer

The cost of business includes the following.

 Cost for license

 Cost of for advertisement and promotion

5.4 Assessment of risk

The expected risks are:

 Reduction of demand
 Inflation I.e. when inflation is occurred at higher rate it will be leads to an
increment in the salary of the teachers and also it will be leads to decline
the capacity to payment.
 The increment of raw material price
 Depreciation computer services
 Increment of house rent

6 Business analysis
Pro-form income statement
The average monthly revenue of Brihan tutorial and computer training center
will be 42,000. The revenue generated from different services like, tutorial for
regular extension student and from computer training.

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