Argument 1 - Agraam

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Divorce its Pros and Cons, and the effect it has both physically and mentally to both the parties
involved, divorce is a viable and effective way of ending a relationship or marriage that one or both
parties deems that the relationship is going the wrong way or when a problem arises that cannot be
fixed through the marriage and have to resort to a Divorce.
Divorce has both Pros and Cons, Pros of a Divorce may be; Finding a better fit, gaining a new sense
of freedom, and reconnecting with your kids, the Cons to a Divorce may be; You’ll have financial
issues because of the Divorce, and you’ll have to deal with your friends and family picking sides, and
you’ll have to deal with the emotional and mental strain it has on your body.
Besides these conditions to be considered Divorce is still the best way to end a relationship if things
aren’t working out well, some might disagree that this is the only thing to do when a relationship hits
rock bottom, but I think it’s the only way for both sides to coexist peacefully, with this in mind I firmly
believe Divorce should be passed into Law.
What can be a root cause of Divorce?
There are many causes of a Divorce but mainly due to infidelity, financial problems and a lack of
commitment between the two parties in the marriage, Divorce not only affects the two sides but also
has adverse effects to your family, co-workers, friends, and your children the most.
I picked infidelity, financial problems, and lack of commitment, because of my personal experience
with these topics, and mainly because these are the three main causes of divorce in a relationship or
Firstly, I chose these three as my main reasons for a divorce because of personal experience with the
three topics, because these three topics is what mainly causes divorce among married couples, and
Secondly, I also chose Divorce as my topic because of its dire need of implementation in our country,
the Philippines and how it would solve so much problems in the line of custody and guardianship
during a separation or Divorce it also settles many financial affairs during and after a Divorce is filed.
Lastly, a Divorce can also give way to a newfound sense of freedom and a fresh new start to
reconnect with your children, it also lets you enjoy the feeling of finding someone who’s a better fit for
On the contrary, The Churches view of marriage is sacred and holy which makes it a heavily opposed
law in the Philippines because Divorce forsakes the holy vow made it the presence of GOD. Which
makes the implementation of Divorce in the Philippines heavily opposed because the majority of the
county is Christian.

Though the churches view of marriage is sacred and holy it is still a must that Divorce be
implemented in the Philippines to prevent any mishaps and problems from happening like in the
process of taking custody of children, spousal support, etc.… and with that I say Divorce be
implemented in the Philippines.
To sum it all up, I don’t think Divorce is always a negative thing because it can open many new roads
and paths for both the parties to develop and grow, but with that divorce can still carry many
hardships both physically and mentally for everyone involved and may lead to some feelings to linger
and hold on for a long duration of time.

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