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A rising issue that results in the destruction of many ecosystems and habitats around the world.
Deforestation is a rising issue around the world and has stayed that way for many years with its
growth only resulting in more destruction and loss of forests and ecosystems in the world that
has pushed some species into or close to extinction.
But compared to past Deforestations both legally and illegally, the present cannot be compared
because of the covid pandemic that ravaged the whole world, which caused much damage and
made deforestation more widespread because of the constant need of wood for building
materials in new quarantine facilities.
Which results in further damage and loss of forests which not only have an affect to the wildlife
living there it also has an affect to our livelihood it many ways, mainly to erosion of soil and
changing of water cycles which may cause droughts.
I agree and support the preservation and protection of our forests before it’s all too late.
Preserving and protecting the forests not only lets life thrive it also greatly reduces the emission
of greenhouse gasses or carbon dioxide that is responsible for the change in weather and water
patterns, and rising temperatures.
Preventing Deforestation also helps keep the habitats and ecosystems from going extinct or
being lost and helps maintain and multiply the species inside the forests we preserve.
Prevention of Deforestation also promotes more protection from floods when a storm comes
with the trees that act as a protective barrier that more often than not help redirect the flow of
water during storms and floods.
But some might disagree with my view, saying that deforestation can be easily solved with
planting more trees and that without more wood and other materials obtained from forests
some human necessities are reduced and so deforestation is needed for the advance and
welfare of humanity.
In short deforestation is a process that only damages us in the long run with all the changes that
happen with the weather and temperature, which urges us to preserve and protect our forests
instead of destroying it.
Deforestation is needed for the advance and welfare of humanity, but what of the habitats and
ecosystems that are destroyed in this process?
I would like to propose ideas and suggestions that might help it preventing even more losses in
our forests, my suggestions include reforestation, reducing the use of wood if there’s another
viable substitute for wood, and avoid lighting fires near grassy and areas near a forest.

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