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Name: Marian B.

Course & Year: BSA-2

Contemporary World

Module 1: Introduction to Globalization

Topic 1: Defining Globalization

Process Questions
1. If the world produces enough food to feed itself, why does hunger still exist?
• The world can produce enough or more than enough food for every human in this world,
but not everyone can afford to buy and get one. I always heard in the news, documentaries,
and class sessions why a lot of people are hungry. It is because of poverty. I absolutely agree
with that. Those people who produce foods and goods that will help our bodies to be healthy
and alive are those businessmen and entrepreneurs who have the upper hand , milk the
consumers from what they offer, earn a big profit and keep it with themselves, and make
more businesses to earn more than what they are earning right now. Thus, hunger exists
because of poverty.

2. Do we need to take action on the above situation?

• Actually, when it comes to the national crisis that is very relevant here in the Philippines,
the government is doing their best and putting poverty on their major priorities, and it is
through feeding programs, giving jobs to jobless citizens, free education, tax exemption, and
other government benefits for the poorest of the poor in the country, and also including
those who need help regardless of their social status. The government is not only assisting
and providing for its citizens, but it is also attempting to teach them to stand on their own
two feet and earn a living through hard work. Hunger is the cause of poverty, and poverty
is not only limited to one country like the Philippines. Even the most developed country
right now has a poverty problem, but the difference is the level rate.

Direction: Identify what is asked in each item below.

1. It refers to the emerging of an international network belonging to an economic and social system.
• Globalization

2. This transaction can be real merchandise, various forms of services, financial instruments, or
investments in local production facilities by multinational firms.
• Economic Transaction
3. It practically connects everyone on earth with everyone else.
• Supply Chains

4. It is a constant interaction where it is the one increasing and proliferating today.

• Liquidity

5. They identified four basic aspects of globalization: trade and transactions, capital movements and
investment, migration and movement of people, and the spreading of knowledge.
• International Monetary Fund(IMF)

Answer the following items:
1. What are the greatest challenges of globalization in your local place? Cite and explain each.
• 5 greatest challenges of globalization in the Surigao City:
1. Labor Exploitation
2. Laborer Shortage
3. Climate Change
4. Loss of Cultural Identity
5. Environmental Degradation

2. Do you think that the Philippines is being harmed as other countries transfer their activities to us also
known as outsourcing?
• Based on my observation of some outsourcing activities that are happening right now inside
our country, outsourcing helps a lot to lift the economy of the Philippines. It's one of the
major reasons why we’re still on track. Additionally, outsourcing helps to reduce the jobless
rate in our country right now. One of the main activities of outsourcing is call centers, and a
lot of call center employees were able to help their families because of their job. Thus,
outsourcing in its majority helps a lot in the Philippines.

3. How do you assess globalization in the sphere of production?

• I assume that globalization would increase as productivity did, and vice versa, with the
better productivity, the greater the effect of the industrial sector on globalization. As a
result, China's productivity, which is the main driver of economic development and
competitiveness, has significantly fallen because of the coronavirus, and as a result, so have
its carbon dioxide emissions.

4. Does the position of the USA and China as giants in the economic chain threaten the status of less
developed countries in the global market?
• Yes, I do think so. The USA and China are two of the major leading countries in the
market. And thus, this situation tends to be ignored or given less attention in those
developing countries. I do think that they are not a threat, but they are one of the reasons
why developing countries are still developing until now. They are also an obstacle to be beat
for the developing countries around the globe.

Topic 2: Globalization Theories

Process Questions
1. What are the similarities and differences of homogeneity and heterogeneity?

Differences: Homogeneity is the term used to describe how the globe is becoming more and more
similar as a result of the spread of common behaviors, certain economies, and comparable kinds of
governance brought about by cultural influences. Cultural homogeneity and cultural imperialism
are frequently associated. This indicates that one culture has an impact on other civilizations.
Heterogeneity is focused on the development of distinct cultural customs, political parties, and
growing economies, as well as the interactions between parts of various cultures around the globe.
It refers to the distinctions resulting from their permanent variations between the various
civilizations that can be created by the various transplanetary processes. Cultural hybridization is
related to cultural heterogeneity, not cultural imperialism.

The Parallels Between Homogeneity and Heterogeneity: Both discuss and include the important
issues and topics of each country around the world; their history; their conflicts; and what
supposedly moving steps the world needs to take to achieve solutions to these topics. Differences
make the world united with their similarities.

2. Are there advantages or disadvantages of homogeneity and heterogeneity? What are those?

Advantages: The advantages of homogeneity and heterogeneity are that everyone can have the
benefit and be part of the discussion and solution to a certain problem or conflict that a specific
country wants to put an end to, and this helps other countries to be aware of the certain issue that
they also have in their culture, politics, or even their economy. This is where unity can be developed
and achieved.

Disadvantages: One of the disadvantages of homogeneity and heterogeneity is conflict created by the
misinterpretation and misinformation that other countries can learn and know because of the
unrelated feelings or experiences that they have because of their differences.

3. Which of the aforementioned views on the history of globalization you find most appealing? Why?
• To be honest, the thing about globalization that really struck me the most is that its
definition has a lot of descriptions, so really anyone can define it by their own experiences,
understanding, and interpretation. This just means that it can be freely described by
anyone, and this just means that anyone is free to express what they do think about a
certain topic because of what they understand and are so related to it.

Directions: Match column A with the correct answer in column B. Write only the letter of answer on the
blank provided before each item.

1. C It refers to the increasing sameness in the world as cultural inputs, economic factors, and
political orientations of societies expand to create common practices, some economies, and
similar forms of government.
2. A It is also a product of homogeneity in economic globalization.

3. B It is a long-term cyclical process.

4. D These are also called “waves.”

5. E It refers to the differences because of their lasting differences of the hybrids or

combinations of cultures which can be produced through the different transplanetary processes.

A. global economic crises
B. globalization
C. homogeneity
D. epoch
E. heterogeneity
F. transplanetary process
G. hardwired

Research on the following global economy topics:
1. Surpluses and Deficits
• A resource or item that has more than is used is said to have a surplus. A deficit, on the
other hand, occurs when a needed resource, particularly money, is less than what is needed
and costs outpace receipts.

2. Economic Chains and Networks

• A collection of people, organizations, or nations that cooperate together to share resources
and competitive advantages is known as an economic network. Joint ventures involving two
or more firms or corporate partnerships are typical examples of economic networks.

3. Global Value Chains: China and the US (Scrap Metal, Waste Paper, T-shirts, iPhones)
• A particular finished product, like the smartphone(iPhone), is usually the result of
production and assembly occurring in several different countries. Globalization has
encouraged businesses to outsource their activities in order to restructure them. It is
challenging to determine the value of international trade because the parts for the majority
of complex goods come from several nations.

4. Increasing Competition for Commodities

• As used in this article, the term "commodities competition" refers to businesses that
produce certain commodities and compete with one another for investors. In contrast to
businesses that produce agricultural, industrial, and other commodities, energy
corporations seek to increase investor interest and grow their operations when global
energy prices are high. This is the next installment in a collection of essays about
competitiveness. Commodity prices are becoming more competitive as demand has
increased due to: Massive demand in affluent nations and Increasing consumption habits in
emerging countries e.g. China and India. The global economic system has unquestionably
undergone a fundamental transformation, according to Kruss (2008). resulted in a spike in
commodity prices, with oil being severely affected.

5. Outsourcing
• Outsourcing is a contract wherein one company contracts another company to handle a
planned or ongoing task that is being or might be handled internally. It occasionally entails
the transfer of assets and people from one company to another.

Reflection Guide
1. What have I LEARNED this day that has helped me do all aspects of this better?
• I've learned about globalization: its causes and effects, as well as the steps needed to
innovate, improve, and find a solution. I have learned its definition and the history of
globalization. Including the effects and implications that globalization has brought.

2. What have I DONE this week that has made me better at doing all aspects of this?
• I have done studying this module and made me understand what globalization is.

3. How can I IMPROVE at doing all aspects of this?

• By applying what I have learned from this module.

Expanded Opportunities

Topic 1:
1. Define globalization using your own concept map.

The Swedish
Vladislav journalist
Inosemtsev defines A satisfactory
In his paper Thomas Larsson,
To globalization as one definition of Martin
of the most popular globalization “Global in his book “The
international social studies of Albrow and Transformation Race to the Top:
must address
economists, it today, but is at the each of these Elizabeth s,” David Held The Real Story of
has a simple same time an empty
items: - e King, studies the Globalization,”
term.- After the Cold says that
definition, War, the term began
xtension, sociologists, definition of
intensity, celerity, globalization - "is
albeit one to be used to define globalization- the process of the
describe the world and impact.
with powerful globalization- says, "Although shrinking of the
becoming more Roland
implications. interdependent in Robertson, a as "all those in a simplistic world, the
To its economical and professor of sense, shortening of
informational processes by distances, and the
sociology at the globalization
international dimension. Because which the closeness of
University of refers to a rapid
economists, it of the complexity of
Aberden, was the peoples of the global things. It allows
the concept,
has a simple research projects, first person who world are interconnection
the increased
interaction of any
definition, articles, and debates defined incorporated , deep and on
have remained globalization.- person on one
albeit one mostly focused on into a single large scale, part of the world
with powerful one aspect of understanding of world such definition to someone found
globalization. but requires
implications. the world and the society.” on the other side
increased now a more of the world, in
perception of the complex order to benefit."
world as a research."
Topic 2:
1. Differentiate the competing conceptions of globalizations by board-tagging activity.
2. Explain the positive and the negative aspects of globalization in a form of an observation report.

It was stated in every website and even books that globalization has a lot of
definition and some researchers and professionals are making their own definition
based on what they understand, what really globalization is, in other words the
description of globalization is very wide and extent.

Same goes with the positive and negative aspect that globalization have and
what it can bring in the world. With the advent of globalization, it has never been
simpler to access international cuisine, entertainment, music, and visual arts.
Additionally, it heightens international competition, which lowers costs and gives
customers a wider range of options. Globalization benefits businesses greatly,
bringing in new clients and generating a variety of revenue sources. The adverse
aspects of globalization on the environment have also been noted by many critics.
Therefore, the vast transportation expansion that has served as the foundation for
globalization is also to blame for major environmental issues like carbon dioxide
emissions, global warming, or air pollution. The discrepancy in earnings between
people of a society with higher and lower levels of education, according to studies,
may also be a result of globalization. This indicates that low-skilled employees may
be impacted by the ongoing pressure of globalization on wages, which are dropping.
Exports and imports go around the world more slowly. For a few things, nations start
to rely on one another. All around the developing world and third-world countries,
jobs are being destroyed. For a few things, nations start to rely on one another.

Thus, globalization will always be there and we cannot stop it because it will
happen naturally. Globalization is a big help for a country to develop and gain
connectivity, power, and innovation through connectivity to other neighboring
countries. But, globalization's negative side comes from the result of globalizing.
There will always be pros and cons to everything.

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