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The Starry Night

To begin with, this painting is One of the most prominent paintings of Vincent van Gogh -
The Starry Night. It is currently exhibited in the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Painted in
June 1889, it depicts the view from the east-facing window of his asylum room at Saint-
Rémy-de-Provence, just before sunrise, with the addition of an imaginary village.
Looking at the picture, the viewer sees a night landscape. A significant part of the canvas is
occupied by the sky, the stars, and the moon, which are depicted mainly on the right side. Many
feel that van Gogh´s turbulent quest to overcome his illness is reflected in the dimness of
the night sky. The village is painted with dark colors but the brightly lit windows create a
sense of comfort. The village is peaceful in comparison to the dramatic night sky and the
silence of the night can almost be felt in Starry Night. The steeple dominates the village and
symbolizes unity in the town. In terms of composition, the church steeple gives an
impression of size and isolation. In the left foreground is a curvy cypress tree which is
typically associated with mourning. The buildings in the centre of the painting are small
blocks of yellows, oranges, and greens with a dash of red to the left of the church. The
dominance of blue in Starry Night is balanced by the orange of the night sky elements. To
the right in the foreground, trees are located, and to the left, below is a town or village hidden in
the trees. In the background, there are dark hills on the horizon line. The value of the art lies in a
specific oily technique of strokes that van Gogh used. The composition of The Starry Night is
balanced with diagonal lines – on the left side, there are trees at the bottom, and on the right
side, there is a bright yellow moon at the top. At first glance, it looks strange, confusing but if
you look closely, you can see that Van Gogh´s passion for nighttime is evident in the Starry
Night painting, where the powerful sky sits above the quiet town. It seems that van Gogh is
contrasting life and death with luminous stars and a gloomy, peaceful village. The main
light sources are the bright stars and crescent moon.
It is brilliant, amazing. It is a real masterpiece by Vincent van Gogh. These colorful and
extraordinary features make this painting exceptional and perfect. The beauty of the painting
is timeless and universal, and it resonates with many people.

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