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Bulacan State University

College of Education
Bustos, Bulacan


Date: February 6, 2023
Course/Year/Section: BSED 3C
INSTRUCTION: Research on the following ethical theories and based on your
understanding of your readings about each theory then on the succeeding columns state
what is the basis or standard of what is moral and immoral.
Ethical Theory Basis/Standard of what is Basis/Standard of what is
Moral(Good) Immoral ( Bad/Evil)
1. Hedonism This approach emphasizes Hedonism disregards other
the importance of pleasure ideals like fairness and
and desire. It influences freedom. To alleviate their
people's conduct, whether it's suffering, individuals just
psychological or motivated.. act in accordance with their
2. Epicureanism According to this theory, being self-sufficient or too
finding small, long-lasting self-centered
pleasure is the highest good.
Knowing the limitations of
our actions and desires comes
from understanding how the
world functions and how to
control our impulses.
3. Utilitarianism By concentrating on the Utilitarianism is essentially
result, it may decide what is wrong since it calls for one
right and incorrect. to take unjust behaviors in
specific circumstances.
Some activities should never
be done, regardless of the
favorable outcomes that
might result.
4. Divine Command This theory is significantly We have good grounds to be
Theory impacted by religions. They concerned that God's
judge something to be good if commandments are
it is God's command. arbitrary as of divine
command provides us
reason to worry about this.
They might be severe and
brutal, or they might be
generous, loving, or possess
any other quality we find
morally admirable. The
divine command theory
provides no assurances.
5. Natural Law According to the ethics and It is deemed "unnatural" or
Theory philosophy notion known as "immoral" to take actions
"natural law," human beings that would prohibit another
have inherent values that person from leading a
guide their thought and decent, happy life.
behavior. According to
natural law, people naturally
possess these concepts of
good and wrong; they were
not developed by society or
legal authorities.
6. Natural Rights People have certain rights, Natural rights are those
Theory such the right to life, liberty, that human societies share
and property, because they in common. This method
are inherently good people has a flaw in that there are
and not because of prevailing probably no rights that
rules or norms. apply to all societies.
7. Social Contract In political philosophy, a It provides the government
Theory social contract is a excessive authority to enact
hypothetical or real legislation in the name of
agreement outlining the public safety.
rights and obligations of both
the ruled and their rulers.
8. Cultural Relativism not applying our own Cultural relativism falsely
standards of what is right or asserts that every culture
wrong, weird or normal to has a unique but equally
other cultures valid method of perception,
reasoning, and decision-
9. Ethical the notion that our moral We can have flawed moral
Subjectivism judgments are solely based judgments or flawed moral
on our emotions. convictions.

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