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Biomol NMR Assign

DOI 10.1007/s12104-013-9506-2


H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments of Rpn9, a regulatory
subunit of 26S proteasome from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Yujie Wu • Yunfei Hu • Changwen Jin

Received: 8 May 2013 / Accepted: 29 June 2013

Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

Abstract The 26S proteasome is an essential molecular Biological context

machine for specific protein degradation in eukaryotic
cells. The 26S proteasome is formed by a central 20S core The eukaryotic 26S proteasome is a multi-subunit protein
particle capped by two 19S regulatory particle (RP) at both complex which plays an important role in selected protein
ends. The Rpn9 protein is a non-ATPase subunit located in degradation in the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway (Glick-
the lid complex of the 19S RP, and is identified to be man and Ciechanover 2002). The 26S proteasome holo-
essential for efficient assembly of yeast 26S proteasome. complex contains two types of particles: the cylindrical
Bioinformatics analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rpn9 core particle (CP) harboring the protease activity (Heine-
suggested it contains a PCI domain at the C-terminal meyer et al. 1997), and the regulatory particles (RPs)
region. However, high-resolution structures of either the binding to both ends of the CP (Peters et al. 1994; Murata
PCI domain or the full-length Rpn9 still remain elusive. et al. 2009). The central cavity inside the CP is the place
Herein, we report the chemical shift assignments of 1H, 13C where targeted protein degradation takes place; while the
and 15N atoms of the individual N- and C-domains, as well RPs participate in ubiquitinated proteins recognition,
as full-length S. cerevisiae Rpn9, which provide the basis deubiquitylation, unfolding, and assisting substrates trans-
for further structural and functional studies of Rpn9 using location into the CP (Glickman et al. 1998).
solution NMR technique. The RP is composed of two complexes, the base com-
plex and the lid complex (Glickman et al. 1998). Rpn9 is an
Keywords Proteasome  Rpn9  PCI  NMR  important subunit of the lid complex, and is necessary for
Assignments the integrity and efficiency of the 26S proteasome
(Takeuchi et al. 1999; Inai and Nishikimi 2002). Rpn9
interacts with the ubiquitin receptor Rpn10 (Takeuchi et al.
1999), and the Drpn9 strain was found to accumulate multi-
ubiquitinated proteins at restrictive temperatures in Sac-
Y. Wu  Y. Hu  C. Jin charomyces cerevisiae (Takeuchi et al. 1999). Bioinfor-
Beijing Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Center, Peking University, matic and biochemical analyses of S. cerevisiae Rpn9
Beijing 100871, China suggested it contains an N-terminal domain (NTD) and a
C-terminal PCI domain. A structure model of the 26S
Y. Wu  C. Jin
College of Life Sciences, Peking University, proteasome has been derived from cryo-EM maps, sug-
Beijing 100871, China gesting that the NTD and PCI domains of Rpn9 may sep-
arately contribute to interactions with the Rpn10 and Rpn5
Y. Hu (&)  C. Jin (&)
subunits in the 19S RP (Beck et al. 2012). However, high-
College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking
University, Beijing 100871, China resolution structures of the Rpn9 subunit are still lacking.
e-mail: Herein, we report the 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assign-
C. Jin ments of S. cerevisiae Rpn9 NTD and PCI domains sepa-
e-mail: rately, as well as the full-length protein. Our results provide

Y. Wu et al.

the basis for further investigations of Rpn9 structures and in 50 mM MES buffer (pH 6.7). D2O (10 %) was added
interactions using NMR technique. into the NMR samples, and 2,2-dimethyl-2-silapentane-
sulfonic acid (DSS) was added as the internal chemical
shift reference.
Methods and experiments The NMR experiments were performed on Bruker
Avance 500, 600 and 800 MHz spectrometers equipped
The S. cerevisiae rpn9 gene encoding the Rpn9 protein was with cyroprobes. For Rpn9-NTD and Rpn9-PCI, two
cloned into pET-21a (?) vector with or without a C-ter- dimensional 1H–15N and 1H–13C heteronuclear single-
minal His6-tag. The NTD (residues 1–160) of S. cerevisiae quantum coherence (HSQC) spectra and three-dimensional
Rpn9 (abbreviated as Rpn9-NTD later on) was cloned into (3D) HNCA, HN(CO)CA, HNCO, HN(CA)CO, HNCACB,
pET-28a (?) vector. All recombinant proteins were CBCA(CO)NH, 15N-edited TOCSY–HSQC (mixing time
expressed in E. coli BL21(DE3) strain (Novagen). The 30 ms), HBHA(CO)NH, HCCH–TOCSY, (H)CCH–TOC-
E. coli cells were cultured in 1 L Luria–Bertani (LB) liquid SY, HCCH–COSY, and (H)CCH–COSY (Sattler et al.
medium with ampicillin (100 mg/L) or kanamycin (50 mg/ 1999) were collected for chemical shift assignments. 3D
L) at 35 °C. When OD600 reached 0.8, cells were centri- N and 13C edited NOESYHSQC spectra (mixing time
fuged at 4,000g and re-suspended in 500 ml M9 medium. 100 ms) were collected to confirm the chemical shift
Protein expression was induced by adding isopropyl-b-D- assignments. The above NMR experiments were performed
Thiogalactoside (IPTG) to a final concentration of 0.4 mM, at 25 °C.
and cells were harvested after 16 h induction at 25 °C. For full-length Rpn9 backbone chemical shift assign-
13 15
C/ N-labeled or 15N-labeled protein was produced using ments, TROSY-based 1H–15N HSQC (Pervushin et al.
M9 media containing 15N–NH4Cl (1 g/L) with or without 1997) and triple resonance experiments were collected with
C6 glucose (4 g/L) (Marley et al. 2001). Uniformly 2H, 2
H/13C/15N-labeled samples, including TROSY-based
C, 15N-labeled Rpn9 protein was expressed in minimal HNCA, HN(CO)CA, HN(CO)CACB, HNCACB, HNCO,
M9 culture prepared in D2O with 15N–NH4Cl and 13C6 and HN(CA)CO (Salzmann et al. 1998). HCCH–TOCSY,
The full-length Rpn9 (with C-terminal His6-tag) and the were collected with 13C/15N-labeled protein samples for
Rpn9-NTD (with N-terminal His6-tag) were purified by side-chain assignments. Since the C-terminal tail of Rpn9
affinity chromatography Ni–NTA (nickel nitrilotriacetic was prone to degradation, a 13C/15N-labeled Rpn9 sample
acid agarose) followed by gel filtration (Superdex-75) with C-terminal His6-tag was prepared and conventional
using ÄKTA FPLC system (GE Healthcare Life Sciences). HNCACB and CBCA(CO)NH experiments were collected
The N-terminal His6-tag of Rpn9-NTD was removed by to confirm the chemical shift assignments for this region
thrombin cleavage. Full-length Rpn9 protein without any (residues 367–393). The above NMR experiments were
fusion tags was purified by ion exchange chromatography performed at 30 °C.
(Q- Sepharose) and gel filtration (Superdex-75). The puri- All spectra were processed by NMRPipe (Delaglio et al.
ties of the proteins were greater than 95 % identified by 1995) and analyzed using CARA (Keller 2004) and
SDS-PAGE. NMRView (Johnson and Blevins 1994).
For preparation of PCI domain of Rpn9 (abbreviated as
Rpn9-PCI later on), full-length Rpn9 protein (with or
without C-terminal His6-tag) was digested by trypsin (at Assignments and data deposition
Rpn9:trypsin mass ratio 100:1) at 25 °C for 2 h. PMSF was
added at a final concentration of 1 mM to quench the The 2D 1H–15N HSQC spectrum of S. cerevisiae Rpn9-
protease activity. Rpn9-PCI was subsequently purified by NTD is shown in Fig. 1. Rpn9-NTD contains 160 amino
gel filtration (Superdex-75). Analysis by mass spectroscopy acid residues and has a molecular weight of 18.9 kDa. The
and amino acid N-terminal sequencing suggested that the backbone chemical shift assignments were obtained for
Rpn9-PCI thus obtained is comprised of residues 181–356. 154 out of 160 residues. Besides three prolines, the unas-
Purity of the Rpn9-PCI sample was higher than 95 % signed residues include Asn116, His122 and Glu154. More
identified by SDS-PAGE. than 90 % of the backbone and side-chain chemical shift
For NMR studies, both the Rpn9-NTD and the full- assignments were obtained.
length Rpn9 with C-terminal His6-tag samples were pre- The 2D 1H–15N HSQC spectrum of Rpn9-PCI is shown
pared in 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) with in Fig. 2. Rpn9-PCI contains 176 amino acid residues and
100 mM NaCl. The Rpn9-PCI samples were prepared in has a molecular weight of 20.2 kDa. The backbone
20 mM Tris buffer (pH 7.5) with 50 mM NaCl, and the chemical shift assignments were obtained for 166 out of
full-length Rpn9 samples without His6-tag were prepared 176 residues. Besides five prolines, the unassigned residues

1 13 15
H, C and N resonance assignments of Rpn9

Fig. 1 2D 1H–15N HSQC

spectrum of Rpn9-NTD
annotated with the backbone
assignments. The assignments
are labeled with the one-letter
amino acid code and residue
number. The side chain NH2
peaks of Asn and Gln are
connected by horizontal lines.
Folded peaks are colored by red

Fig. 2 2D 1H–15N HSQC

spectrum of Rpn9-PCI
annotated with the backbone
assignments. The assignments
are labeled with the one-letter
amino acid code and residue
number. The side chain NH2
peaks of Asn and Gln are
connected by horizontal lines.
Folded peaks are colored by red

Y. Wu et al.

Fig. 3 2D TROSY-based 1H–15N HSQC spectrum of full-length Rpn9 (with C-terminal His6-tag) annotated with the backbone assignments. The
assignments are labeled with the one-letter amino acid code and residue number. Folded peaks are colored by red

include Phe181–Asp184 and Ser246. More than 90 % of segments correspond to the region linking NTD and PCI
the backbone and side-chain chemical shift assignments domains, and may have different conformations in the
were obtained. isolated domains and the full-length protein.
The 2D TROSY based 1H–15N HSQC spectrum of full- The chemical shift assignments of the full-length Rpn9
length Rpn9 with C-terminal His6-tag is shown in Fig. 3. and the Rpn9-NTD, Rpn9-PCI domains and have been
Rpn9 contains 393 amino acid residues and has a molecular deposited in the BioMagResBank (http://www.bmrb.wisc.
weight of 45.8 kDa. The backbone chemical shift assign- edu/) under the accession numbers 19219, 19220 and
ments were obtained for 370 out of 393 residues. Besides 19221, respectively.
nine prolines, the unassigned residues include Met1, Phe2,
Asn116, Asp121, His122, Asp148 and Thr364–Val371. Acknowledgments All NMR experiments were carried out at the
Beijing NMR Center. This research was supported by Grant
About 70 % of the backbone and side-chain chemical shift 2006AA02A323 from the Ministry of Science and Technology of
assignments were obtained. The chemical shifts observed China to C. J.
for residues in the isolated domains did not show much
difference from the full-length protein, suggesting that the
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H, C and N resonance assignments of Rpn9

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