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Filipinos have a rich and diverse culture that is influenced by their historical events, geographical

location, and religion. However, like any other culture, there are negative and positive traits that
affect the behavior and attitude of the people. Some of the toxic Filipino traits are discussed
1. Crab Mentality - This is a common trait among Filipinos wherein they feel envious and
resentful towards the success and accomplishments of others. Instead of being happy and
supportive, they try to bring others down and pull them back to their level.
2. Colonial Mentality - This trait is rooted in the Philippines' colonial history, where
Filipinos were oppressed and subjugated by foreign powers. This mentality is
characterized by a preference for anything foreign or western and a lack of pride in
Filipino culture and identity.
3. Hiya - This is a trait that emphasizes the importance of saving face and avoiding shame.
This can lead to a lack of accountability and responsibility, as well as an aversion to
confrontation and criticism.
4. Pakikisama - This trait values harmonious relationships and avoiding conflict at all costs.
While this can be positive in some situations, it can also lead to a lack of honesty and
integrity, as well as a disregard for personal boundaries.
5. Ingrained sexism and misogyny - Despite being a matriarchal society, Filipinos still have
deeply ingrained sexist and misogynistic attitudes towards women. This can lead to
discrimination, harassment, and violence against women, as well as a lack of
representation and opportunities for women in various fields.
6. Fatalism - This is a belief that events are predetermined and out of one's control. This can
lead to a lack of agency and motivation, as well as a disregard for planning and

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