ABM21 Fontiveros HOCPREssay

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KC Monique B.


HOCPR Webinar

1. Give at least 3 facts or things that you have learned from the HOCPR Webinar.

- Brain cells begin to die after four to six minutes without oxygen
- Heart Diseases are the leading causes of death in the Philippines and worldwide.
- CPR can improve survival by 2.2x.

2. What are your overall thoughts, feelings, insights or impression about the webinar?

First and foremost, I feel relieved that I now have knowledge regarding Cardiopulmonary
resuscitation or CPR. The fact that CPR can improve survival by 2.2x, which I learned from the
webinar, added to my sense of relief and happiness as well. I am knowledgeable how this
procedure can save lives, therefore, I feel proud and glad that I now have an understanding on
how the aforementioned technique works and I that I can now do it myself, if needed. As much
as we wish that no emergencies will happen, we cannot fully predict what will happen. Thus, it is
a necessity that people are aware of what they can do and how they will execute it as this
knowledge can help them and the people surrounding them. This webinar is indeed beneficial in
order to further spread and educate the students on how CPR works that in return can be done
by the attendees and teach their knowledge to other people. Through these kinds of webinar,
facts and procedures can be spread that will build a knowledgeable community that aids in
helping and saving other people’s lives.

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