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Test English 2


1. My parents __________ me stay up late on the weekends.

2. I'm sorry, but I can't __________ it to your party this weekend.
3. Please __________ me know if you need any help with your homework.
4. The teacher __________ the students work in groups for the project.
5. You __________ wear whatever you want to the party, there's no dress code.
6. She __________ her son play outside for an hour before dinner.
7. He didn't __________ his girlfriend borrow his car for the weekend.
8. The sign says that dogs __________ in the park, but cats are not allowed.
9. The boss wouldn't __________ the employees take a break until they finished the
10. My doctor __________ me to exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.
11. The security guard wouldn't __________ me into the building without a valid ID.
12. My mom __________ me bake cookies for the family gathering.
13. The museum __________ visitors take photos of the exhibits, but without flash
14. The coach __________ the players warm up before the game.
15. They __________ their children stay up late to watch the fireworks on New Year's
16. I __________ to leave early because I had an early morning meeting.
17. The hotel __________ guests to use the swimming pool from 8 am to 10 pm.
18. The restaurant __________ customers customize their pizza toppings.
19. My friend __________ me borrow her car to run errands.
20. The library __________ students check out up to 10 books at a time.
21. The park __________ visitors bring their own food for a picnic.
22. The teacher __________ the students listen to the audio recording for the listening
23. The company __________ employees work from home during the pandemic.

1. Using Be/get used to

2. I'm not used to __________ early in the morning.
3. She had to __________ being the new kid in school.
4. We will __________ to be patient while waiting for the results.
5. They need to __________ to the cold weather if they want to live in Canada.
6. He's been __________ to working late hours since he started his new job.
7. It can be difficult to __________ to a new diet at first.
8. I'm not used to __________ spicy food, so this is a new experience for me.
9. The puppy needs to __________ to being alone at home without his owner.
10. She __________ to be more assertive in meetings to advance her career.
11. They are getting used to __________ in a big city after moving from a small town.
12. He's never had to __________ his own laundry before, but now he's getting the hang of it.
13. We will __________ to be flexible if we want to meet the project deadline.
14. She __________ to be more organized if she wants to manage her time better.
15. They are getting used to __________ in a different time zone since moving to Europe.
16. He needs to __________ to wearing a suit every day for work, even though he prefers
casual clothing.

1. Using reported speech

2. A friend asks you, "Can you lend me your car tomorrow?" Reported speech: Your friend
asked if you __________.
3. Your boss tells you, "Please prepare the report by the end of the day." Reported speech:
The boss asked you __________.
4. Your sister asks you, "What time is our flight tomorrow?" Reported speech: Your sister
asked __________.
5. Your colleague asks you, "Could you send me the email you mentioned earlier?"
Reported speech: Your colleague asked if you __________.
6. A friend suggests, "Why don't we go to the beach this weekend?" Reported speech:
Your friend suggested __________.
7. Your classmate asks you, "Can you explain this concept to me?" Reported speech: Your
classmate asked if you __________.
8. Your teacher tells the class, "Please submit your assignments by Friday." Reported
speech: The teacher asked __________.
9. Your parent asks you, "What did you do today?" Reported speech: Your parent asked
10. A customer service representative tells you, "Please hold while I transfer you to the
appropriate department." Reported speech: The customer service representative said
11. Your friend asks you, "What are your plans for the weekend?" Reported speech: Your
friend asked __________.
12. Direct speech: "Please don't forget to water the plants while I'm away." Reported
speech: She reminded you __________.
13. Direct speech: "Why did you come here so late?" Reported speech: He asked you
14. Direct speech: "Make sure you double-check your work before submitting it."
Reported speech: The boss advised you __________.
15. Direct speech: "What do you think of this idea?" Reported speech: She asked for
your opinion __________.
16. Direct speech: "Please turn off your phone during the movie." Reported speech:
The usher requested __________.
17. Direct speech: "Can you give me a hand with this heavy box?" Reported speech:
She asked for your assistance __________.
18. Direct speech: "Be sure to lock the door before you leave." Reported speech: The
roommate reminded you __________.
19. Direct speech: "What time does the train leave?" Reported speech: He inquired
about the departure time __________.
20. Direct speech: "Make sure you wear a warm jacket outside." Reported speech:
The mother advised her child __________.
21. Direct speech: "What is the best way to get to the museum?" Reported speech:
She asked for directions __________.

Exercises with Reporting verbs

1. __________ me the truth, he said. (suggest)

2. The boss __________ him to work overtime. (order)
3. The teacher __________ the students to study for the test. (advise)
4. The detective __________ the witness's testimony. (question)
5. The doctor __________ him to rest for a few days. (recommend)
6. The news anchor __________ the latest development in the story. (report)
7. The manager __________ the employees to be on time for the meeting. (instruct)
8. The customer __________ the store about the faulty product. (complain)
9. The politician __________ his opposition's policies. (criticize)
10. The travel agent __________ the best places to visit in the city. (suggest)
11. The coach __________ the players to work harder in the next game. (encourage)
12. The lawyer __________ her client to plead guilty. (advise)
13. The customer service representative __________ the caller to hold for a moment.
14. The scientist __________ the results of the experiment. (explain)
15. The professor __________ the students to read the assigned chapter. (remind)
16. The manager __________ the staff about the new policy. (inform)
17. The witness __________ the prosecutor about what she saw. (tell)
18. The journalist __________ the spokesperson for a comment. (ask)
19. The therapist __________ her patient's progress. (report)
20. The parent __________ the child to eat their vegetables. (urge)
21. "I can't come to the party tonight," she said. Rewritten: She __________ that she
couldn't come to the party that night.
22. "I will finish the project by tomorrow," he promised. Rewritten: He __________ that
he would finish the project by the next day.
23. "We should buy more groceries," they suggested. Rewritten: They __________ that
they should buy more groceries.
24. "I'm going to study abroad next year," she announced. Rewritten: She __________
that she was going to study abroad the following year.
25. "Don't forget to water the plants," he reminded me. Rewritten: He __________ me
not to forget to water the plants.
26. "I have to leave early today," she informed us. Rewritten: She __________ us that
she had to leave early that day.
27. "I didn't steal the money," he denied. Rewritten: He __________ that he didn't steal
the money.
28. "I want to watch a movie tonight," she suggested. Rewritten: She __________ that
she wanted to watch a movie that night.
29. "I have a headache," he complained. Rewritten: He __________ that he had a
30. "I love this book," she said enthusiastically. Rewritten: She __________
enthusiastically that she loved the book.

Reported verbs

1. "I have never seen that movie before," she claimed.

2. "I don't know how to solve this problem," he confessed.
3. "I promise I won't be late," she assured us.
4. "I have to cancel our meeting for tomorrow," he informed me.
5. "I heard the news from my friend," she mentioned.
6. "I suggest we should take a break," he proposed.
7. "I recommend you read this book," she advised.
8. "I admit that I made a mistake," he confessed.
9. "I insist that we need to improve our communication," she argued.
10. "I appreciate your help with the project," he thanked me.
11. I am sorry for what happened," she apologized.
12. "I am not sure if I can make it," he doubted.
13. "I suggest we wait for her," she proposed.
14. "I will do my best to meet the deadline," he promised.
15. "I believe in equality for all," she stated.
16. "I need more information about the project," he requested.
17. "I am really excited about the opportunity," she exclaimed.
18. "I am interested in learning more about the topic," he expressed.
19. "I am worried about the outcome of the meeting," she confided.
20. "I am happy with the progress we have made so far," he acknowledged.
21. "I am applying for the job," she said.
22. "I have a meeting tomorrow," he informed me.
23. "I need your help with the project," she requested.
24. "I have finished the report," he announced.
25. "I am not feeling well," she admitted.
26. "I won the competition," he exclaimed.
27. "I am going on vacation next week," she revealed.
28. "I am sorry for what I did," he apologized.
29. "I am really enjoying this class," she expressed.
30. "I am looking forward to the party," he anticipated.

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