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Sensuality(kāma) based on Cūḷadukkha-kkhandha Sutta

The pāḷi word “kāma” means sensual pleasure and may refer to either the subjective
defilement (kilesā kāma) or the object of desire (vatthu kāma). In Cūḷadukkha-kkhandha Sutta,
the Lord Buddha said that how sensual pleasures provide little gratification, much suffering, and
much despair, and how great is the danger in them but zest and joy that are apart from
unwholesome states or something more peaceful than that.
Here kilesā is sense desire, attachment, mental defilement based on sensuality. It has
three meaning; attachement to sensual pleasure (Chando), sensual passion (Rāgo kāmo) and
craving for sensual pleasures(kāmataṇhā). The different between the object of desire and sensual
pleasure is that sense’s object is to be known exactly (vatthukāmo pariññeyo) and sense desire is
to be remove because it tortures or it causes vexation.
Moreover, under the illusion of ignorance, sense object appears to be beautiful and
desirable. The objects which come in contact with the sense door are known as the five kinds of
cords; Rūpa, Sadda, Gandha, Rasa and Photthabba. They are wished for, desirable, agreeable and
pleasing, connected with sensual pleasure, then, causes for arousing lust. So, the gratification of
sensual pleasure is the physical joy and mental pleasure which arise on account of these five
cords of sensual pleasure (kāmaguṇa).
In Cūḷadukkha-kkhandha Sutta, Mahānāma understood very well about the Dhamma but
the defilements still assailed his mind and remain. Then, he asked to the Buddha, “I had
wondered what state is still not abandoned by me internally, on account of which at times these
thoughts of lust, of hate and of delusion assailed my mind and remain?”
Then, the Buddha answered to Mahānāma that there was still that state was not yet
abandoned internally on account of which the thoughts of lust, thoughts of hate, thoughts of
delusion assail his mind and remain. Therefore, if that state had been abandoned, he would not
be living the household life, he would not be enjoying sense-desire. But because that state had
not been abandoned, he was still living the household life, enjoying sense-desire.
Indeed, the Buddha explained more to Mahānāma that the disadvantage with regards to
sense-desire, a mass of suffering in this very life is;
1. Kāmahetu – sense-desires as the cause,
2. Kāmanidāna – sense-desires as the source,
3. Kāmādhikaraṇa – sense-desires as the basics.
The disadvantage of sense-desire in the next life after death, he will be reborn in woeful state.
To conclude, the pleasure which is connected with sensuality(kāma) cannot compare with
the pleasure of zest and joy. Sensual pleasure is little gratification, on the other hand, its results
are mass of suffering in this present life and here after.

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