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Stock GSL speech- The pain and suffrage of Ukrainian citizens is greater than what any

of us could imagine. Citizens have been forced out of their houses to be displaced over
borders. Some still live in fear, cowering over the bombs that drop over them. The
international community has failed their humanitarian duty to save these people from
the agony that they go through every single day. If we do not act now, the number of
refugees and internationally displaced people increases and we risk the chance of their

Mod on where the refugees should go- Iceland believes that the refugees must first and
foremost be taken away from the frontlines and into safe territory outside of Ukraine.
Therefore we propose that the neighboring countries of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and
Romania temporarily give asylum to refugees. But there is a high concentration of
refugees in these areas with 4.2 million out of the 7.4 million refugees concentrated in
the previously mentioned countries. To stop the mismanagement of refugees, we must
work towards spreading refugees away from these countries and attempt to relocate
them in other European and North American countries.

Mod on how to tackle IDPs- There are still individuals inside Ukraine who wish to leave
the country but do not have the ability to do so. We as the international community must
work on rescuing these civilians from war. Currently, various parties from across the
globe have given aid to Ukraine in order to win their conflict. The United States provides
the most aid with 47.8 billion euros and countries like Germany provide military support.
Iceland proposes that a portion of the aid be segmented off as well as few troops on the
ground be relocated in order to safely guide internally displaced people towards
Ukrainian borders away from the ongoing conflict.

Mod on the logistical struggles - In the crisis like these in the past, refugees were not
given good enough treatment, with the most recent example being the Afghan crisis. To
avoid this, Iceland believes that refugees should be properly put into refugee camps
where all basic necessities such as food, water, shelter and clothing must be given for
free. Economically, this is a challenging task but funding for this can be provided by
setting up an emergency refugee fund. This can also give ample aid for the
transportation of these refugees away from countries neighboring Ukraine and into other
countries where the refugees can find a home and be reintroduced to normality. But
even when the refugees do escape, they only receive 350 euros as aid. We must have
a larger reserve of funds to give to the citizens who have found asylum in other

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