Replication Assesment

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1. What is the purpose of Replication Process?

Ans: Purpose of Replication Process is copy / Move / transfer data from one server to another
server or One place to another place or Between 2 or more databases.

2. Why Clients is preferring Attunity Replicate tool?

Ans: Attunity Replicate tool can handle server databases as source and target , SLT “SAP
landscape transformation” is more compatible/ suitable for SAP environment only.

3. Difference between Full Load CDC?

Ans: Using Full load we can copy/ transport / dump complete data at time from source table to
target table. CDC will pick changes instantly from source and immediately it will apply on target

4. What are all the different Full Load option can define? And where?
Ans: Truncate before Load:
Drop and recreate table:
Archive: Only applicable for file
Do nothing

Got to Task Setting-> full load -> target table preparations

5. How to perform full load with specific filter condition without truncate/drop target table?
Ans: if we want to perform full load without truncate or without drop target table should select
Target table preparation type as do nothing in full load settings. For applying filter conditions go
to tables settings, filter tab, select required field and move to filter conditions, click on edit
range, it will display range window and put range specify conditions as per requirement

6. How to specify transformations at table level and Task level?

Ans: Specify transformations at table level
Goto table settings in table settings we have different tabs
General tab, Transform, Filter, Parallel load, LOB column handling
IN general tab we can change target schema and target table name
IN transformation tab we can have both input and output fields, an Output field there is
an option call edit expressions for individual columns, if we click on edit expressions it will
display expression builder window there in Build expression box we can specific required
expression for validations

specify transformations at Task level

If you want to specific task level, click on global transformation rules “in Designer” tab it
will display window and click on new global transformation rules and then select type of
operation and continue with validation.
7. How to perform full load of big tables without fail in middle?
Ans: With using segments

8. How to add a table to an existing CDC task without performing full load? Table should start CDC
Ans: Stop running CDC task, Goto table selection then select required table, click on ok and save
the task, before going to resume the task table should create manually at target database. Then
resume CDC task with backdated time in advance run option.

9. How can you resume a task from specific time period?

ANS: Using advance Run option. Select table already loaded start processing changes from
under this option we have two more options first one is 1. BY using date and time .2. source
change positions i.e. LSN
Using this option, we can process the data from where we want.

10. How to export and Import task?

Ans: IN replicate console there is options called Import and Export task.
Select the task and click on export task. It will automatically export in our location machine.
If we want to import any task,
Go to replication console click on Import task it will display import task window there we can
select task and then click on import.

11. What is mean by Parallelism and how to specify parallel segments?

Ans: Parallelism is concept of processing/ loading the data from source to target parallelly with
multiple processors.

Segment is nothing but splitting big table into multiple buckets. Each bucket having set of

Goto Table settings click on parallel load tab then select parallel load method then select use
data range. It will enable segment columns details. Then select segment columns, all selected
columns will add under different segment boundaries then click on add segment. There we can
specific all segments. Replication task will execute 5 segments at a time.

12. How to specify pass-through filter condition?

Ans: Ctrl + Table Setting then Goto Filter tab. It will enable pass through filter.

13. What are the types of Notifications? how it will work?

Ans: Task events and Server Events

A) Task Events

1.Processing stats
2.Performance \ resources
3.Error & Warnings

B) Server Events
1.Disk space
2.System Memory

As per our requirement we can select the type of notification as listed above.
This notifications activity will send an email to all the receipts with complete details

14. What are the different levels of logging?

Ans: Error, Warning, info, trac, Verbose

15. What are the components in server?

Ans: Notification, license, Global Error handling, Logging, File transfer service, schedular, user
permissions, resource control.

16. Difference between Apply changes and store changes?

Ans: Apply changes: Will apply all source changes into target main table
and store changes: Will store change into __ct table as partitions.

17. How to handle duplicates?

Ans: There are 2 ways.
1. Continue the load without keys on target tables. Once the load complete we can delete
duplicates manually (using query)
2. While creating primary key constrains on target table, we can specific ignore duplicate on

18. How to recover missing data?

Ans: There is process of comparing target data with source.
First, we must load target data in temporary table find out the records and process those
records using replication task with filter conditions.

19. How can you overcome data error (insert or Update failures)?
Ans: Goto task settings, click on error handling, then select apply conflicts then enable change to
task policy, in that select duplicate key.

Then apply insert, select update existing target records.

No records found for applying an update, select insert the missing target record.

20. What are the steps need to follow for software upgrade?
1. Stop all running task
2. Stop services
3. Take a backup of Data folder and rename with version. i.e. Data_xx.xx.xx
4. Copy new software, Right click on .exe file, run as administrator and continue as suggested.
5. Once upgrade completes then reboot server / machine then resume replication services and
replication UI services
6. Resume CDC task.

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