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Book of Abstracts

message from the organizing committee

Dear participants,

Welcome to Florianópolis, Brazil, for the 8th edition of the Hutton Symposium
on Granites and Related Rocks.

Exactly two hundred and twenty years ago James Hutton’s Theory of the Earth
was published in its first complete and illustrated form. An abstract of this
theory had been read by Hutton at the July 4, 1785, meeting of the Royal Society
of Edinburgh, and circulated privately since then. Besides the origin of granites
as plutonic rocks, this publication presents a rather bold and inspired view of
the planet as a dynamic and self-organized body, as opposed to the static views
common at his time. Nowadays, this would adequately correspond to a systemic
view of the Earth.

We have come a long way since then, but still many questions are open to
debate regarding the origin of granites, and debate is as stirred as ever by new
observations and experimental data produced by scientists every year.

As it is usual for the Hutton Symposium, we will enjoy four days of indoor-
discussions and presentations, and one day of field work around the island with
visits to Neoproterozoic granites and ignimbrites, as well as to Cretaceous mafic
dikes. Our discussions shall address long-lived themes, such as the sources
and processes involved in the origin of granites; their tectonic environments;
the space and time approach to magmatic processes and the connection to
volcanism through shallow-level intrusive activity.

We hope these live themes will keep you happy and relaxed, and we invite you
all to continue discussions while drinking a beer by the sea every night. For
those of you who are joining the pre- and post-meeting fieldtrips, we wish
you a very pleasant time and nice walks through granites from Archaean to
Neoproterozoic times.

We would like to end this note by quoting René Descartes who says (in free
translation), referring to the search for truth: “I can not imagine a better means
for that discussion than a conversation where several friends will expose the
best of their thoughts to one another frankly and at ease.”
Our most warm welcome,
The Organizing Committee

Sunday September 20
17h00 – 19h00 REGISTRATION
19h00 – 21h00 ICE-BREAKER PARTY

Monday, September 21st


Sources and processes of granite magma generation

Chair: Nelson Eby
Insights into the mechanisms of crustal anatexis from experiments and melt
8h30 inclusions
Antonio Acosta-Vigil, Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Università di Padova, Padova, Italy
What Leucosomes tell us about Crustal Differentiation
9h20 Edward Sawyer, Université du Québec, Canada
Water-Fluxed Melting of Continental Crust Including High-Pressure Rocks
10h40 Roberto Weinberg, Monash University, Australia
12h10 LUNCH

Monday, September 21st

Sources and processes of granite magma generation
Chair: Alcides Sial
The granodiorite-granulite connection and the origin of continents
14h00 Antonio Castro, Universidad de Huelva, Spain
Brenda C. Rocha (Rocha BC, Moraes R, Möller A, Cioffi CR, Jercinovic MJ)
Bruna C. Carvalho (arvalho BB, Sawyer EW, Janasi VA)
Kieran Iles (Iles KA, Hergt JM, Woodhead JD)
Marco Delinardo (Delinardo M, Monteiro LVS, Santos TJS, Moreto CPN, Sousa SD)
Simon Couzinié (Couzinié S, Laurent O, Moyen JF, Zeh A, Villaros A, Bouilhol P)
16h00 – 18h00 POSTER SESSION 1 – Posters from 1 to 52 (see list on page 10)

Tuesday, September 22nd

Shallow-level granites and their volcanic connection
Chair: Cristina de Campos
Magma reservoir dynamics and the volcanic-plutonic connection
8h30 Olivier Bachman, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
The thermal history of magma storage in the shallow crust
9h20 Adam Kent, Oregon State University, USA
The volcano-pluton connection: practical conundrums and lessons from phase equilibria
10h40 Guilherme Gualda, Vanderbilt University, USA
12h10 LUNCH

Shallow-level granites and their volcanic connection

Chair: Calvin Miller
Schlieren structures in granitic rocks
14h00 Robert Allan Wiebe, UC Davis, USA
Fernando Silva (Silva FF, Oliveira DC, Antonio PYJ, D'Agrella Filho MS)
Francesco Narduzzi (Narduzzi F, Farina F, Stevens G, Lana C, Nalini Jr HA)
Hugo S. Moreira (Moreira HS, Lana C)
Luojuan Wang (Wang LJ, Guo JH)
Kong-Yang Zhu (Zhu YS, Yang JH)
16h00 – 18h00 POSTER SESSION 2 – Posters from 53 to 113 (see list on page 17)

Wednesday, September 23rd


Thursday, September 24th

Granites and tectonic environments
Chair: Lauro Nardi
Connecting granites to their sources - mantle vs. crust origin and geotectonic
8h30 tracing, with special reference to Archaean granitoids
Jean-François Moyen, Université Jean-Monnet, France
The generation of granitic magmas in arc related deep crustal hot zones
9h20 Peter Ulmer, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Crustal Paleoproterozoic A-type granites and Neoarchean granites associated
10h40 with charnockites: Geochemical, petrological and tectonic setting contrasts
Roberto Dall’Agnol, Universidade Federal do Pará, Brasil
12h10 LUNCH

Thursday, September 24th

Granites and tectonic environments
Chair: Ignez Guimarães
Contemporaneous Carboniferous subduction-related and Intraplate-type
magmatism in the Pre-Andean of SW Gondwana Margin, Sierras Pampeanas,
14h00 Argentina: petrological, geochemical, geochronological and zircon Hf isotope data
Juan Andres Dahlquist, CONICET-Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina
Gabriele Paoli (Paoli G, Sirevaag H, Stokke HH, Jorgensen H, Ksienzyk A, Jacobs J,
Rocchi S)
Kumar B. Joshi (Joshi KB, Bhattacharjee J, Rai G1, Halla J, Kurhilla M, Heilimo E,
Ahmad T)
Pablo Lara (Lara P, Oyhantcabal P, Dadd K)
Vinicius T. Meira (Meira VT, Schorscher JHD, Juliani C, García-Casco A)
Yang Zhang (Zhang Y, Yang JH)
16h00 – 18h00 POSTER SESSION 3 – Posters from 114 to 170 (see list on page 25)

Friday, September 25th

Space and time in granite magma processes
Chair: Joern Kruhl
How do we unlock the full potential of an extensive geological record of silicic
8h30 magmatic processes to rigorously constrain key dynamics governing volcanism?
Mark Jellinek, University of British Columbia, Canada
Understanding granite textures using cathodoluminescence and other imaging
9h20 techniques
Michael Higgins, Université du Québec, Canada
From chaos to coherence: decoding granite texture for disclosing continental crust
10h40 formation
Ewa Slaby, Institute of Geological Sciences (Polish Academy of Sciences), Poland
12h10 LUNCH
U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes and the origin of granitic magmas: examples from South
14h00 America
Márcio Martins Pimentel, UNB
Metallogenetic systems associated with granitoid magmatism in the Amazonian
Craton: an overview of the present level of understanding and exploration
15h00 significance
Jorge Bettencourt, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
16h30 Where will the 9th Hutton Symposium be held?

Acosta-Vigil A1, London D2, Morgan VI GB2, Cesare B1, Buick I3, Hermann J4, Bartoli O1 - 1Dipartimento
di Geoscienze, Università di Padova, Italy, 2School of Geology and Geophysics, University of Oklahoma,
USA, 3Department of Earth Sciences, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 4Research School of Earth
Sciences, The Australian National University, Australia

Allochthonous crustal granitoids represent the end product of the process by which the continental
crust differentiates through time. Their study, however, provides a partial view of the differentiation
process, because primary melt compositions are established at depeer sites of melting. Classical studies
of anatectic terranes also have limitations to retrieve the composition of primary melts. To investigate
the mechanisms of anatexis, and the controls on, and the nature of compositions of primary anatectic
melts, we have undertaken a research program that utilizes experimental melting and diffusion studies
in granitic systems, and comparison of the products with the compositions of melt inclusions (MI) and
matrix glasses from natural anatectic samples.
It is commonly assumed that melting begins at multiphase grain junctions where all necessary reactants
meet, and that the first melt produced is of eutectic composition. Melting experiments using solid rock
cores, however, show that melt forms an interconnected network along most mineral boundaries and
cleavages from the very beginning. The compositional variation of this melt in space and time results
from the interplay among the rate of heat supply and extent of reaction overstepping, the kinetics of
interface reaction, the extent of mineral recrystallization, and the kinetics and mechanisms of diffusion
in both minerals and melt. In scenarios with infinite (though transient) rate of heat supply and reaction
overstepping >50 ºC, applicable to crustal melting associated with underplating and intraplating of
mantle magmas, the rate of melting, melt composition and timeframes for both melt homogenization
and residue-melt equilibration, depend mostly on the rates and mechanisms of diffusion in melt. For
water-saturated systems, large volumes of melt at equilibrium with residue form in short timeframes
(10-100 years). Diffusive homogenization of melt derived from a heterogeneous protolith at scales of ≈1
meter, however, takes 5-10 million years. This includes equilibrium distribution of fast diffusing alkalis
because of coupling with slower diffusing Al. Importantly, the melt ASI equilibrates in less than 1 year,
due to far-field chemical diffusion of alkalis. Hence, even at conditions of water saturation and infinite
heat supply, melt heterogeneity at the source is likely to occur in the timeframes of melt generation and
extraction if the protolith is heterogeneous. At water-undersaturated conditions, melt heterogeneity is
expected even in homogeneous protoliths due to the decrease of elemental diffusivities in melt. This is
supported by the compositon of glasses in specific microstructural locations –MI in plagioclase, MI in
garnet and matrix glass– of cm-to-dm homogeneous metasedimentary anatectic enclaves, recording
regional anatexis at 6 kbar, whose major and trace element concentrations show some diffusion-
controlled heterogeneity. However, melt was mostly at or close to equilibrium with the residue during
prograde (700 to 850 ºC) melting of the enclaves, except for the case of garnet and, to some extent, zircon
and monazite. This, and new studies from anatectic terranes, confirm that MI can provide a wealth of
information on the nature and mechanisms of anatexis during the prograde suprasolidus path, and that
MI and coexisting leucosomes may differ in composition.

Sawyer EW1 - 1University of Quebec at Chicoutimi - Applied Sciences

Information on the processes of crustal differentiation and the formation of granitic magma is contained
in the distribution and compositions of rocks derived from anatectic melt. In the deep crust these are the
leucosomes in migmatites, and at higher crustal levels, granitic dykes and sills.
Leucosomes in migmatites are divided into in situ, in-source and vein/dyke types with increasing
distance from where segregation occurred. The microstructure and geometry of in situ leucosomes
contains information about the melt segregation process; where, how and when it occurred. This stage
also records the first contamination of the melt by peritectic, refractory or excess phases. It is common
that some of the in situ, in-source and vein leucosomes in an outcrop are linked. However, it is not
certain whether these arrays develop into a connected pathway that enables melt to move to higher
crustal levels, i.e. become a backbone permeability structure. Many arrays represent isolated elements
(blind ending) and did not contribute to melt depletion beyond the local scale. Field examples indicate
that leucosome veins/dykes large enough to form a backbone permeability structure may emanate from
sites where anatectic melt had previously collected, e.g. beneath a thick impermeable layer or structural
barrier. Similarly some granitic dykes at higher crustal levels are not backbone structures that transfer
magma to a pluton, or to the surface.
Partial melting experiments have determined the compositions of anatectic melts from common
crustal protoliths. Few leucosomes, or granitic dykes, have such compositions. The absence of melt
compositions has been attributed to diffusive exchange (e.g. loss of H2O and K2O) between melt and wall
rock at near solidus conditions. However, the microstructure and bulk compositions suggest that this
is not a complete explanation. Field relationships commonly permit “older” and “younger” leucosomes
to be recognized and these have different compositions. The oldest leucosomes are typically enriched in
phases that crystallise first (e.g. plagioclase), whereas the youngest are richer in K-feldspar and quartz.
This can be modelled by fractional crystallization; in physical terms, stress-driven melt segregation
occurred as the melt crystallised. Some leucosomes have extreme compositions (~77% SiO2, ~7% K2O)
outside the range of anatectic melts, but can be modelled as the products of subsequent segregation
events. These trends are found irrespective of whether melting was by fluid-absent hydrate breakdown
or the addition of H2O. Many leucosomes have low contents of high field strength elements. This may
arise through disequilibrium melting, but other possibilities may be more likely. For example, low-
temperature, H2O-fluxed melting produces similar traits because of the low solubility of accessory phases
such melts. Granitic dykes in the middle crust also show an overall compositional trend consistent with
fractional crystallization during melt ascent.
The microstructural and compositional trends indicate that anatectic melt evolves considerably through
further melt-solid segregation after initial segregation from its residuum. The degree of change may be
linked to how complex the transfer path the melt followed was.

Weinberg RF1, Hasalová P2 - 1School of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment, Monash University,
Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia, 2Centre for Lithospheric Research, Czech Geological Survey, Klárov 3,
Prague 1, 11821, Czech Republic

The importance of water-fluxed melting in the differentiation of continents may have been
underestimated in the past 20 years. The focus has been mainly on dehydration melting reactions in the
absence of a separate aqueous phase. The importance water-fluxed melting has been questioned based
on difficulties in visualizing how aqueous fluids become available in the deeper crust and how they
invade hot rocks. It has also been argued that water-fluxed melting produces water-saturated melts that
are trapped at the source, incapable of rising because they cross the solidus during decompression. We
argue that water-fluxed melting is a common process, to judge from common migmatite exposures, and
offer a number of possible processes that are capable of circumventing these limitations. The literature
shows that water-fluxed melting is common and can take place in diverse tectonic environments. Active
tectono-magmatic processes create conditions that trigger the release of aqueous fluids and deformation-
driven, transient high permeability channels, capable of triggering voluminous melting. The presence of
a free aqueous phase in anatectic terranes influences all major physical and chemical aspects of melting.
Melting can be either congruent in regions at the water-saturated solidus, or incongruent at higher,
suprasolidus, P-T conditions. Incongruent melting reactions can give rise to peritectic hornblende, or to
nominally anhydrous minerals such as garnet, sillimanite or orthopyroxene. In this case, the presence
of an aqueous phase is indicated by a mismatch between the large melt fraction generated and the much
smaller fractions predicted in its absence. Crustal regions at conditions equivalent to the water-saturated
solidus represent a natural trap for up-temperature migration aqueous fluids. Because of the relatively
small volumes of aqueous fluids compared to rocks, melting is generally rock buffered and fluids are
entirely consumed generating water-saturated melts. Despite consumption of the aqueous fluid phase at
the water-saturated solidus, up-temperature migration of water continues through migration of water-
rich melts. Thus, melts become the transport agent of water into supra-solidus terranes and responsible
for water-fluxed melting. A number of other processes also allow regional aqueous fluids to by-pass the
water-saturated solidus fluid trap and trigger melting above solidus conditions. When water or hydrous
melts flux rocks at supra-solidus conditions, they equilibrate with the surroundings through further
melting and generally decreasing water activity giving rise to undersaturated melts. Unlike dehydration
melting, the melt fraction is not limited by the water contained in hydrous minerals but by the volume of
water added to the system. Unlike melting at the water-saturated solidus, melts formed at supra-solidus
conditions and rise to give rise to upper crustal granitic bodies.

Castro A1 - 1University of Huelva, Spain

The paradox of the Earth’s continental crust is that although this reservoir is generally regarded as
having differentiated from the mantle, it has an andesitic bulk composition that contrasts with the
intrinsic basaltic composition of mantle-derived melts. The layered architecture of continents, confirmed
by geophysical surveys, is also found in mature magmatic arcs. Consequently, the Taylor’s andesite
model for continental crust generation in relation to subduction is a plausible hypothesis that must be
taken into account. It is envisaged that lower and upper layers of the continental crust are closely related
in origin; lower crust representing the solid residue left after melt extraction to form silicic, mostly
granodioritic batholiths. The study of lower crust xenoliths reveals important insights on a hypothetical
granodiorite-granulite connection. These xenoliths are characterized by an andesitic (low silica)
composition and strongly-depleted (incompatible elements) geochemical signatures; likely representing
magmatic residues that evolved as solid rocks, at high temperatures, to form metamorphic-like textural
reorganization. Regarding mineralogy, xenoliths show strong similarities with mineral assemblages
produced in melting experiments with andesite systems at 1.5 GPa and 1000-1100 °C . According to
these experimental results, the mass melt fraction (f) extracted form the parental magma source may
range from 0.5 to 0.8 at 1.5 GPa and 1000 to 1100 °C respectively. Values of f=0.5 and greater are needed
to get melts of granodiorite to tonalite compositions. Assuming a minimum value of f =0.5, we may
estimate by mass balance the composition of the primary magma. This is an evolved andesite with
SiO2=58.3 wt%, MgO=4.0 wt%, CaO=7.5 wt%. Melt compositions from these experiments are compared
with the trend of silicic plutons of Cordilleran Patagonian and Peninsular Range batholiths. Interestingly,
the model primary composition is almost coincident with the silica gap displayed by the Patagonian
batholith compositional trend, with the consequence that a single process of magmatic differentiation
may produce batholiths and residues that fairly mimic the composition of upper and lower crust
respectively, starting from an andesitic precursor. The implications from these results are twofold. On
one hand, they strongly support a close link between mafic granulites (=lower crust) and granodiorite-
tonalite batholiths (= upper crust). On the other hand, they support an infra-crustal origin for andesite
magma precursors that are emplaced in the crust to form batholiths and solid residues. Based on the
high temperature of generation of lower crust xenoliths and the absence of ultramafic residues in the
continental crust, it is proposed here that the andesite precursor was thermally equilibrated and possibly
fractionated within the lithsosphere mantle before to reach the continental crust. An andesitic magmatic
precursor not only solves the paradoxes around the bulk composition of the continents, it also accounts
for the layered structure of the continental crust with granite (s.l.) batholiths at the upper crust and
mafic granulites at the lower crust. It is suggested that the origin of this andesite precursor is represented
by partially molten subducted mélanges that were delaminated from the subduction channel and
incorporated to the mantle wedge in the form of silicic plumes. Other alternative origins for the andesite
precursor cannot be excluded.

Bachmann O1 - 1ETHZ - Earth Sciences

The connection between volcanic and plutonic units remains a debated issue in earth sciences. What
happens in magma reservoirs, particularly in the upper crust, is key to this debate. Are most plutonic
lithologies cumulate leftovers, representing fossil magma reservoirs that have lost melt to volcanic
eruptions, or are they trapped melts representing failed eruptions? Finding evidence of crystal
accumulation in both plutonic and volcanic units of intermerdiate to silicic composition provide a strong
argument to suggest that melt extraction commonly occurs in upper crustal “mushy” magma reservoirs.
Melt-rich pockets stored at these shallow levels are highly eruptible, and generate some of the largest
eruptions that the Earth has produced. This contribution will focus on describing several examples of
zoned ignimbrites, in different tectonic settings, containing erupted cumulates and will provide some
physical basis on how crystal-melt segregation occurs, with links to the “Daly Gap”. Geophysical data will
also be integrated to obtain a complete pictures of plumbing systems below volcanic edifices.

Kent AJR1, Cooper KM2, Huber C3, Bradshaw R1, Degruyter W3, Schrecengost K2 - 1Oregon State
University, 2University of California at Davis, 3Georgia Tech

Constraining the conditions of magma storage within the shallow continental crust (< 10 km) is critical
for constraining the links between volcanic and shallow plutonic magmas and the lithosphere-scale
magmatic systems that underlie them. Although numerical modeling, phase equilibria and experimental
studies, and studies of xenoliths and exhumed crustal sections show that important magmatic processing
occurs over a broad range of crustal depths, recent results point to the importance of shallow crustal
environments for controlling the composition of many volcanic rocks and the behavior of active volcanic
systems. Geophysical data show that shallow magma storage zones underlie almost all active volcanic
systems, typically at crust depths of < 8 km, and petrological studies highlight the importance of these
zones as regions of magma assembly, where deeper magmas ascend and interact with shallowly stored
magmas to produce a spectrum of compositions.
Despite this the conditions under which long-term magma residence occurs in the shallow crust are
relatively poorly known, although they place important constraints on the processes by which magmas
evolve and are mobilized within shallow crustal environments. The thermal conditions of magma
storage are particularly important due to the strong relation between magma viscosity, crystallinity and
temperature, and the potential for using the thermal history as a proxy for the relative importance of
magma input and eruption. We have developed an approach to gauge the integrated thermal history
of magma storage in crystal-rich shallow magma storage zones, based on the comparison of crystal age
estimates derived from radiometric systems, with estimates from thermally sensitive chronometers,
such as crystal growth and trace element diffusion. This approach can also be coupled with numerical
models for thermal history of shallow magma chambers. Initial results for Mount Hood, OR suggest
long-term magma residence occurred as relatively cool crystal-rich mushes that are difficult to mobilize.
New data for a range of other volcanic systems, ranging from small systems like Mount Hood to massive
“supereruptions” also suggest that long-term magma residence occurs in crystal-rich states for a range
of volcanic systems. This reinforces the idea that many eruptions often involve rapid rejuvenation
of viscous crystal-rich mush zones, and provides an explanation for why geophysical detection of
low crystallinity magma bodies, even under active volcanoes, is rare. Numerical models also reveal
the importance of the interplay between long and short-term magma supply rates to influence the
mobilization and eruption of shallow magmas.

Gualda GAR1, Miller CF1, Ghiorso MS2, Gravley DM3, Deering CD4, Pamukcu AS5, Bégué F3 - 1Earth &
Environmental Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA, 2OFM Research, Seattle, WA, USA,
University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 4Michigan Technological University, Houghton,
MI, USA, 5Brown University, Providence, RI, USA

Large volumes of silicic magmas are generated within the Earth and they accumulate and crystallize at
depth; some of them ultimately erupt to the surface. Why do some silicic magmas erupt while others
stall? What are the genetic relationships between the plutonic and volcanic silicic rocks? What controls
the depths from which eruptions emanate? From what levels in the crust is it possible to generate silicic
magmas? How are silicic magmas distributed in the crust? Understanding these questions requires an
integrated view of magmatic systems, which includes both studies of the crustal granitoid record and
of the erupted silicic volcanics preserved at the surface. One fundamental difficulty in approaching
magmatic systems as a whole is the problem of level of exposure of the crust: only in rare situations are
we fortunate enough to have direct access to volcanic and plutonic material from the same magmatic
system (e.g. cognate granitoid blocks in silicic volcanics, terrains that expose vertical sections of the
crust, erupted cumulates that resemble granitoid rocks). Even when volcanic-plutonic pairs can be
identified (e.g. Searchlight Pluton-Highland Range Volcanics, NV–USA; Peach Spring Tuff, SW USA),
what critical measurements can be made to clarify these questions? We have relied on a combination
of direct measurements in rocks and phase equilibria modeling. By exploring the phase relations
relevant for silicic systems we demonstrate that: (1) the composition of magmas varies systematically
as a function of crustal depth, with high-silica rhyolites being intrinsic features of the shallow crust;
(2) the need for fractionation at low pressures to generate high-silica rhyolites requires the segregation
of low-pressure cumulates; (3) silicic magmas erupted to the surface mostly derive from the shallow
crust, due to the variation in density of the exsolved volatile phase with depth. The study of silicic
volcanic deposits further shows that: (4) some eruptions tap multiple magma bodies located at different
depths, showing that magmatic systems are made of more or less isolated batches of magma that can be
destabilized by crustal accommodation associated with eruption; (5) some systems show strong evidence
for interaction between mafic and silicic magmas – with corresponding thermal events recorded in the
resulting crystal assemblage – while other systems show a complete lack of such evidence; (6) eruption
of remobilized cumulates preserves a record of in-situ segregation of silicic magmas and formation of
granitoid cumulates, while other eruptions tap magma that lacks such evidence and which may have
been disconnected from its segregated counterpart. The evidence accumulated can be used to draw a
picture of magma stratification within the crust, particularly at its shallow levels.

Wiebe RA1 - 1Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, UC Davis

Schlieren structures that lack evidence for solid-state deformation appear to have the potential to
provide insights into how granitic plutons solidify – i.e., provide a record of the physical processes that
occur during crystallization. While some types (e.g., gently dipping planar to arcuate schlieren) appear
straightforward to interpret, others, like ladder dikes and cylindrical schlieren, have attracted a wide
range of interpretations. All of these schlieren must have formed in granitic magmas with intermediate
fractions of melt and crystals. Several recent studies of granitic plutons suggest that crystal accumulation
commonly occurs on magma chamber floors and, where it does, there is a rheological transition
from strong cumulates upward through increasingly weak crystal mush to a liquid with Newtonian
rheology. This rheological transition may be as much as 10s of meters thick based on deformation of
granitic crystal mush beneath thick mafic sheets (e.g., in MASLI). This apparently common magmatic
environment is an appropriate one in which schlieren could form.
This paper reviews and compares examples of three widely occurring types of schlieren: (1) gently to
moderately dipping planar to arcuate schlieren, (2) steep cylindrical schlieren, and (3) ladder dikes. I
focus on relatively accessible and well described locations, all of which I visited with different colleagues
in the last several years: coastal Maine plutons (USA), the Tuolumne intrusive complex (TIC) (USA),
the Courtright Reservoir (USA), Ploumanac’h (France), and the South Mountain batholith (Canada).
While the origin of many complex schlieren may remain obscure, I think for many occurrences of these
three types, particularly those with good 3-D exposures, a simple explanation is possible. One purpose
of the paper is to encourage careful observation of comparable features by other workers in many
more occurrences. Locating and characterizing scarce good 3-D exposures can provide a key to their
Planar to arcuate schlieren typically resemble common sedimentary structures (e.g., cross-bedding),
which form in stream deposits involving turbulent flow of water. Recent fluid dynamic experiments
have demonstrated that turbulence is not essential to their formation and that comparable structures
can be produced by laminar flow in multiphase fluids with complex rheologies - consistent with their
occurrences with granitic magmas. So there is no barrier to what seems like a simple explanation
for these features. Steep cylindrical schlieren appear to require vertical flow in a zone of rheological
transition. Many occurrences (Maine, Ploumanc’h) are closely associated with enclaves from 10 cm
to several meters in diameter, suggesting these schlieren formed in response to inclusions that sank
downward until reaching crystal mush with a yield strength exceeding the buoyancy of the inclusion.
Others appear to have formed by buoyant upwelling of material rising through the rheological transition.
At present, there appears to be no consensus on the origin of ladder dikes. Detailed examination of some
good 3-D exposures in Maine and the TIC provide some support for believing they are more closely
related to troughs and planar schlieren and that they did not form by “migrating tubes”.

Moyen JF1, Laurent O2 - 1Université de Lyon, Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, UJM-UBP-CNRS-IRD, 23
rue Dr. Paul Michelon, 42023 Saint Etienne, 2Université de Liège, Département de Géologie B20, Quartier
Agora, Allée du Six Août 12, 4000 Liège-Sart Tilman, Belgium

The ultimate source of granites (mantle vs. crust) has always been controversial in the granite
community. Whereas few types are unambiguously crustal or mantle-derived, most rock types show
clearly mixed characteristics. To assess their contribution to crustal growth, it is therefore necessary
to unravel the respective contribution of crust- and mantle components in granite petrogenesis. When
dealing with Archaean granites, this issue intermingled with the tectonic setting in which they formed
and its implications for Archaean geodynamics. Common tools used as tracers to determine the origin of
granites, and typically distinguish between crust and mantle origin, involve (i) radiogenic isotopes and
(ii) geotectonic tracers based on key trace element. However, most of those tracers rely on incompatible,
lithophile elements. The behavior of those elements is typically controlled by crustal lithologies, such
that the resulting geochemical signal is biased as soon as a crustal component is involved (e.g. enriched
mantle source), regardless of its proportions in the source and the geotectonic setting in which this
source melted. Based on a large experimental database, we rather demonstrate that the major elements
compositions of granitic suites (taken as a whole) are best suited to identify their source. More than the
composition of individual samples, their position within the suite is a critical parameter. When applied
to Archaean granitoids, this allow the identification of five groups, based on the nature of the source: (i)
granites related to an alkaline basalt, i.e. (uncommon) alkali granites and syenites; (ii) granites related
to calc-alkaline basalts, i.e. sanukitoids, Mg-K, and related rocks; (iii) granites related to a MORB, i.e.
TTGs; (iv) granites related to an intermediate (tonalitic) source, i.e. potassic granites; (v) (rare) granites
connected to aluminous metasediments (S-types). The correlation between such types, and isotopic
(and to a lesser extent trace element) signatures of Archaean granitoids is weak to non-existent.This
approach is not able to identify the differentiation process, i.e. fractionation from a parental melt or
melting of a source rock. For the first two groups, the existence of continuous differentiation trends and
the coexistence of mafic and felsic magmas suggests that fractionation is more adequate. The last two
groups clearly imply the melting of a preexisting rock. The situation remains more ambiguous for TTGs,
which origin may be equally explained by either fractionation from, or melting of MORB-like material,
corresponding respectively to low and high-pressure TTGs. Based on this typology, it is possible to refine
models for Archaean crustal evolution and differentiation. Initial stages of accretion are dominated by
TTGs – both of the low-pressure type, reflecting differentiation of the basalts that form the greenstone
belts; and of the high-pressure type, suggesting some form of burial of similar, but altered, basalts. Latter
stage granitoids show geochemical signatures dominated by a crustal component, featuring the recycling
of this early TTG crust – nevertheless, this does not preclude further crustal growth, since recycling takes
place not only by direct intracrustal melting (potassic and S-type granites), but also by cycling into the
mantle(alkali and Mg-K rocks).

Ulmer P1, Müntener O2 - 1ETH Zurich - Department of Earth Sciences, 2University of Lausanne -
Geosciences Institute

The generation of intermediate composition arc crust and directly related to this, the formation of
continental crust that has a very similar bulk composition, is intimately linked to the sources and igneous
processes operating at convergent plate margins. The main hypotheses to generate intermediate to
acidic magmas in such environments are (1) melting of mafic or pelitic lower crust while the alternative
is (2) differentiation from primary mantle derived melts that are modified through interaction with
lithospheric mantle and assimilation of lower crust and by polybaric fractional crystallization that
drives them towards andesitic to rhyolitic liquids. Volatiles and heat play a key role in determining the
respective solidi of lower crustal rocks, with the important difference that volatiles available for partial
melting processes are restricted to structural bound volatiles in hydrous phases, while crystallization
differentiation produces a much larger variability of potential magmatic water contents. Here we
present an experimental perspective on both melting and crystallization processes with an emphasis on
experimentally derived liquid lines of descent by fractional and equilibrium crystallization for (near)
primary hydrous, calc-alkaline magmas under conditions prevailing at the base and in the lower part
of growing arc crust (0.7-1.5 GPa) simulating conditions of the deep crustal hot zone during active
arc magmatism. We employed high-Mg basaltic to andesitic starting materials that are representative
for mantle extraction depth between 90 and 40 km. We investigated the mutual phase relations of the
principal phases olivine, cpx, opx, garnet, amphibole, plagioclase and Fe-Ti-oxides from near-liquidus
conditions at 1300°C to near-solidus condition at 700°C. At pressures exceeding 0.6 GPa (20km) between
40 and 70% of ultramafic, clinopyroxene and amphibole dominated cumulates are produced to obtain
andesite to dacite compositions that are typical for more evolved island-arc magmas and rocks (tonalites
and granodiorites) forming the upper part of the igneous system. Delayed plagioclase crystallization at
the expense of early cpx and amphibole saturation shifts derivative liquids to (slightly) peraluminous
dacitic to rhyolitic compositions. Below 1000°C intermediate calc-alkaline magmas differentiate
continuously to rhyodacites and rhyolites by crystallization of amphibole, plagioclase and Fe-Ti-oxide at
0.7 GPa and amphibole, garnet, plagioclase and Fe-Ti-oxide at 1.0 GPa. The differentiation from andesite
to rhyolite only requires about 50-60% additional crystallization of (garnet)-amph-gabbroic cumulates
over a temperature interval >250°C and generates between 16 and 24% of high-silica rhyolitic liquids
relative to the mass of initial mantle derived magma.
New partitioning data obtained for the major phases along the liquid lines of descent at 0.7-1.5 GPa are
utilized to model the trace element evolution of siliceous magmas produced by fractional crystallization
in deep seated crustal magma reservoirs, demonstrating that many plutonic and volcanic rocks
worldwide are hallmarks of crystallization moderated by lower crustal processes. Many characteristics
commonly attributed to either melting of subducted slabs (adakites) and/or partial melting of garnet-
bearing lower crustal mafic lithologies (TTGs) can easily be reproduced by fractional crystallization from
mantle-derived parental melts.

Dall’Agnol R1,2 - 1Vale Institute of Technology - Belém - PA - Brazil, 2Programa de Pós-graduação em
Geologia e Geoquímica - Instituto de Geociências - UFPA - Belém - PA - Brazil

Two distinct crustal ferroan granites occur in the Archean Carajás Province (CP; southeastern
Amazonian Craton, Brazil). The first group is composed of granites related to charnockitic/granulitic
assemblages. It includes the Estrela Granitic Complex, the Planalto and Vila Jussara suites and the Serra
do Rabo and Igarapé Gelado granites, all them of Neoarchean age (2.76-2.73 Ga). The second group is
formed by the A-type Paleoproterozoic (1.89-1.86 Ga) Jamon, Serra dos Carajás, and Velho Guilherme
suites. The CP was tectonically stabilized at the end of the Archean. The Neoarchean granites are
strongly deformed, foliated and partially recrystallyzed. They were emplaced at middle to shallow crustal
levels (300-500 MPa) in a compressional tectonic environment and are synkinematic. The anorogenic
granites crosscut discordantly the Archean units, are not foliated and were emplaced as sheeted bodies
in the upper crust (100-300 MPa). The Neoarchean granites are composed of biotite-amphibole granites
with subordinate granodiorites and tonalites. The amphibole is Al-enriched hastingsite or ferro-pargasite
and the biotite approaches annite in composition. Ilmenite is dominant but magnetite is also present
in some varieties. They vary generally from reduced (below or near QFM conditions) to oxidized (near
NNO) ferroan granites but slightly magnesian facies with calc-alkalic character also occur. The magmas
evolved at high temperatures (near 900°C to 870°C for the liquidus) and were formed at pressures of
700-900 MPa. The ϵNd(t) values are negative (–0.38 to –2.2), with model ages (TDM) ranging from 2.97
to 3.19 Ga. Their magmas derived from partial melting of a tholeiitic to calc-alkalic granulitic crust. The
Paleoproterozoic granites have amphibole-biotite monzogranite, biotite syenogranite and alkali feldspar
granite composition. The amphiboles are edenite to ferro-edenite in the oxidized A-type suites and
hastingsite to ferro-edenite in the reduced ones. Biotite shows variable Fe/(Fe+Mg) depending of the
oxygen fugacity. The oxidized granites contain magnetite and ilmenite, associated with titanite (~NNO
conditions), the moderately reduced granites have magnetite and evolved on or slightly above QFM,
whereas the reduced tin-mineralized granites show only ilmenite and evolved below QFM. Liquidus
temperatures of ~900°C to 870°C were estimated for the oxidized suites and ~850°C for the reduced
ones. The ϵNd (at 1880 Ma) values are strongly negative for all suites (–7.9 to –12.2), with model ages
(TDM) ranging from 2.6 to 3.0 Ga. The oxidized suites were derived from intermediate sanukitoids
and the reduced suites from more evolved quartz-feldspathic sources with a possible contribution of
sedimentary rocks. The original magmas evolved by fractional crystallization. The studied Neoarchean
and Paleoproterozoic granites differ in some aspects: The anorogenic granites are typical A-type granites
independent of the fO2 conditions of their magmas and were emplaced in an extensional tectonic
setting. The synkinematic Neoarchean granites were emplaced under regional stress, are associated with
charnockitic assemblages and show larger variations in composition and geochemical signature. Their
main mafic minerals are enriched in Al compared to similar phases in the Paleoproterozoic granites, a
possible effect of pressure. Granites associated with charnockites were also identified in other collisional
belts and their classification remains ambiguous.

Dahlquist JA1 - 1Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra, CICTERRA - CONICET-UNC.

Our petrogenetic understanding of the Carboniferous granites of the Sierras Pampeanas has improved
in recent years, but their geodynamic setting is still not well constrained. Recently, some authors have
postulated Middle-Late Devonian collision of a hypothetical microplate (Chilenia) and the subsequent
emplacement of Early Carboniferous (~ 340 Ma) post-collisional granites in the Cordillera Frontal,
although granites with such post-collisional signature remain unproven.
To shed further light on this issue, studies integrating in situ U–Pb and Hf isotope data from magmatic
zircon and whole-rock chemistry for granitic rocks of the Sierras Pampeanas were carried out in order
to evaluate the Palaeozoic growth of the pre-Andean margin of SW Gondwana and subsequently
understand the geodynamic setting.
Part of the Carboniferous magmatism occurred in the foreland, away from the orogenic front in the
west, and included metaluminous and F-rich peraluminous A-type granites (Dahlquist et al. 2010,
Morales Cámera this volume). Scattered Early Carboniferous A-type granite plutons were intruded in
a dominantly extensional setting and have ϵHft and ϵNdt values ranging from −6.7 to +2.6 and−0.5
to−3.6, respectively (av. t = 341 Ma, magmatism ranging from 357 to 322 Ma, Dahlquist et al. 2013).
Within the overall Carboniferous suite, the proportion of juvenile material increases towards the west,
where the westernmost granitic rocks (Cerro La Gloria pluton) have an average zircon ϵHft value of
+2.6 (Dahlquist et al. 2013). Conversely, generation of the Late Devonian intraplate magmas mainly
involved crustal reworking and stabilization rather than the formation of new continental crust by
juvenile material accretion (Dahlquist et al. 2013). The petrological and geochemical data from some
Carboniferous F-rich peraluminous A-type granites strongly suggest a similar within-plate geodynamic
setting to that but much larger, Late Devonian, Achala batholith. However, Hf isotope signatures of
zircon suggest a more uniformly crustal origin for the latter. Further studies are required to understand
whether these bodies represent two independent magmatic episodes or more continuous activity.
Remarkably, evidence of a Devonian magmatic arc is absent. Recent studies from Early Carboniferous
granites in the Western Sierras Pampeanas and Cordillera Frontal (ranging from 342 Ma to 321 Ma,
unpublished data) show juvenile (ϵHft = -0.20 – +7.11) and calc-alkaline characteristics (Dahlquist et al.
2015 and unpublished data).
Our current geochemical and geochronological data support a singular setting with the presence
of a magmatic arc from the Early Carboniferous, located in the western margin of Gondwana (i.e.,
present-day Cordillera Frontal and Western Sierras Pampeanas) with the synchronous development of
metaluminous and peraluminous A-type magmatism in the intraplate region (now the Eastern Sierras
We conclude that any geodynamic setting for Carboniferous time must include the presence of both a
magmatic arc and intraplate magmatism, suggesting a complex subduction process. A continental style
collision during the Middle–Late Devonian with subsequent post-collisional granite magmatism and a
cessation of the magmatic during the Early Carboniferous is not compatible with our data.
Dahlquist et al., 2010. Lithos 115, 65–81.
Dahlquist et al., 2013. Gondwana Research 23, 1617-1630.
Dahlquist et al., 2015. RAGA 71. In press.

Jellinek M1 - 1Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, BC, Canada

Identifying the key subsurface magmatic processes leading to catastrophic explosive volcanic
eruptions such as the 1980 Mount St. Helens, 1991 Mount Pinatubo, 1995 Soufriere Hills and the 2010
Eyjafjallajökull events represents one of the most important emergent challenges in Earth science. With
a steady increase in human populations near volcanoes, along with a continuous shift towards economic
and social globalization that relies, in part, on unperturbed air travel and satellite communications, it
is clear that understanding and ultimately forecasting volcanic hazards will become critical. Although
the geological record of deep crustal magmatic processes and explosive volcanism is at least 3.5 billion
years old, there has historically been no way to rigorously exploit the information in this vast time
series to make better models for the processes that give rise to eruptions at the surface. The crucial
problem is not surprising-- the geological record of magmatic activity preserves only snapshots of the
vestiges of processes-- both important and trivial-- in rock outcroppings. Moreover, these snapshots
record ultimately failed processes. Otherwise, why would they be preserved at all? In trying to apply
the potential wealth of field observations available from the full geologic record to make better models
for magma dynamics and volcanism, for decades the inevitable question has always been the same one:
How do we decide which features really matter and then how do we use them to uniquely reconstruct
intrinsically dynamical phenomena, in turn? This talk will explore how field and mineral chemical
studies, laboratory fluid dynamics experiments, quantitative data analysis techniques and scaling
theory can be applied to investigate generic dynamical aspects of the growth, differentiation and
eruption of silicic magma chambers. In particular, I will discuss how classes of relict fingerprints of
vigorous processes observed in rock outcrops might be used to constrain potentially key aspects of their
underlying dynamics. Philosophically, a broad aim is to illustrate a way to potentially exploit data from
Earth's full record of crustal magmatism and volcanism, together with modern real time observations, to
better understand explosive volcanism in general. Specifically, I will focus on mixing and “rejuvenation”
processes related to the injection of hot, dense basaltic magma into relatively cold, upper crustal silicic
magma chambers. In addition to the often discussed roles of viscosity variations and buoyancy effects, I
will show that the rheological complexity of the injected and resident magmas can play a crucial role in
processes required to explain diverse field and mineral chemical observations from a number of volcanic
and plutonic settings. In particular, new and surprising insight into phenomena such as the extent to
which silicic and injected basaltic magmas mix leads to predictions for the enigmatic origin of andesitic

Higgins MD1 - 1Sciences de la Terre, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 555 boulevard de l'université,
Chicoutimi, Québec G7H 2B1, Canada

The qualitative and quantitative study of granitic textures (microstructures) has been somewhat
neglected, as compared to mafic rocks. Certainly some granite samples are not readily susceptible to
textural analysis, particularly if they are altered, but many acidic rocks can be examined in the same
way as mafic rocks, using the same techniques. The earliest studies were of K-feldspar megacrysts
in granitoids. This component can be easily quantified by direct measurement in the field and
laboratory. These data can be complemented by quantification of stained slabs using image analysis.
However, analysis of thin sections requires other techniques. Although the main components of
granites, plagioclase, K-feldspar and quartz, can be readily distinguished in thin section by experienced
petrographers, they cannot be quantified from optical images using automatic image analysis methods.
An alternative approach is to use cold-cathode cathodoluminescence (CL). This microscope-based
method easily distinguishes these three phases and can also identify alteration. Minor colour differences
and zonation in CL can sometimes reveal the presence of different crystal populations. Apatite, zircon
and other minor phases are also imaged, but all silicate minerals that contain iron do not luminesce. A
combination of CL and transmitted light images can be used to automatically classify a thin section into
almost all significant phases. In these phase maps adjoining crystals of the same phase are amalgamated.
Segmenting the phase maps into crystal maps commonly requires manual intervention, but provides
much richer data. CL images of unaltered granites can reveal a wealth of different textures which will
be illustrated with granodiorite to granite samples from the Illapel Plutonic complex, Chile. The overall
goal is to understand the solidification process. CL was used to select the least altered samples and a
mosaic of about half a thin section was produced for each sample. Plagioclase is always the earliest
phase and commonly forms a network of euhedral crystals. Despite the apparent simplicity CL shows
that there may be different populations of crystals. Quartz can be sub-euhedral or interstitial and there
is considerable variation in the clustering of the crystals. The greatest textural variation is shown by
K-feldspar. In all these samples it is interstitial, but can be distributed evenly, in clusters of crystals or as
oikocrysts. In some cases the phase appears to spread out along grain boundaries and may pseudomorph
the residual liquid. CL images show that apatite, and perhaps zircon, are closely associated with
amphibole. The same behaviour has been seen in dacite lavas, but at the moment there is no obvious
explanation for this.

Słaby E1 - 1Institute of Geological Sciences, PAS, Research Centre in Warsaw, Twarda 51/55, 00-818
Warsaw, Poland

Composite granites are substantially involved in continental crust formation. Their genesis is particularly
well encoded in the textural features; thus, careful investigation of these textures gives precise insight
into the driving phenomena involved in their formation. Granite development is related to many magma
sources. The process of mixing-mingling and the homogenization of melts with different physico-
chemical features is chaotic; however, it tends to become coherent over time. The mechanism and
evolution of such systems, leading to numerous characteristic fabrics, is mostly a consequence of the
chaos and progressive coherence in the behavior of elements in the system. Although their behavior
is key to understanding the system on the macro scale, the most promising data for macro system
interpolation have been derived from studies on the micro level. Primordial rock geochemical signatures
are frequently obscured as a result of multiple, overlapping processes, which present average information
related to rock genesis. To confirm multiple changes in the system, research on individual phases is
highly recommended. Successful definition and examination of complex mutual relationships in major
trace-element composition, including their mobility, and successful reconstruction of the system origin
and evolution depends on proper choice of the data processing and modeling methods.
Trace-element distribution in a single phase, formed during intensive stirring of magmas, shows a
complex pattern of micro-domains (Słaby et al., 2011). Probabilistic and non-probabilistic models
for in-depth interpretation of trace-element distributions permit pattern correlation with progressive
equilibration as heterogeneous domains become more coherent with magma homogenization. The
former are based directly on the non-interpolated, the latter on interpolated data collected by LA ICP
MS. Although probabilistic approach can introduce measurement errors into the model, it is free of
uncertainties caused by interpolation. Both approaches may be used to search accordant and discordant
element behaviors during the evolution of magmas. Though these features make the ‘probabilistic’
approach more reliable, they do not fully encompass the spatial relationships (better demonstrated
with use of non-probabilistic approach) of the data because only data from discrete collection points
are involved in the comparison. The concentration and gradient models provide a tool for geochemical
heterogeneity tracking at two levels of precision. At both levels, the characteristics of a chaotic system are
Whole rock composition, synthesizing the temporal and chemical evolution of composite pluton, usually
indicates many stages of replenishment. A comparison of micro scale and macro scale models gives
complementary and more precise data on pluton development. Similar to the models based on whole
rock composition, the models show that the replenishment process proceeds from multi-source-derived
magmas. These models, however, provide many more pieces of information that suggest a much more
complicated picture of the chamber replenishment and better characterize the timing and geochemical
nature of the magma batches that are either directly or indirectly supplied. Thus, output models of phase
geochemical phase heterogeneity can be useful, giving a more precise insight into the mechanism of the
magmatic mass evolution than that yielded by whole rock composition.
Słaby, E., et al. 2011. Contr. to Min. and Petr., 162, 909-927. DOI 10.1007/s00410-011-0631-6.

Bettencourt JS1, Juliani C1, Xavier RP2, Monteiro LVS1, Bastos Neto AC3, Klein EL4,5, Assis RR2, Leite
Jr WB6, Fernandes CMD7, Moreto CPN2, Pereira VP3 - 1Instituto de Geociências, Universidade de São
Paulo, São Paulo - SP, Brazil, 2Instituto de Geociências da Universidade de Campinas, SP, Campinas - SP,
Brazil, 3Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre - RS, Brazil,
CPRM/Geological Survey of Brazil. Economic Geology Division, Belém - PA, Brazil, 5GPGE - Grupo de
Pesquisa em Geologia Econômica, (PPGG), Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém-Pará, Brazil, 6Instituto
de Geociências e Ciências Exatas, Universidade Estadual Paulista-UNESP, São Paulo-SP, Brazil, 7Federal
University of Pará, Belém, PA-Brazil

The Amazonian Craton hosts world-class metallogenic provinces with a wide range of styles of primary
precious, rare, base metal and placer deposits. This paper provides a synthesis of the geologic database,
with regard to granitoid magmatic suites, spatio temporal distribution, tectonic settings and the nature
of selected mineral deposits. The Archean Carajás Province: comprises granitoids (3.07-2.84 Ga) formed
in a magmatic arc and syn-collisional setting, post-orogenic (2.74-2.70 Ga) (A2), anorogenic (A1-type)
granites and anorogenic granites (1.88 Ga). Fe-oxide Cu-Au (IOCG) deposits were synchronous or later
than bimodal magmatism (2.74-2.70 Ga), which reflects transition from an arc crust extension to a rift
setting. U-Au IOCG, emplaced in shallow-crustal levels, Sn-W, and Au-EGP deposits are coeval with
1.88 Ga A1-type Nb-Y-Sn-U-enriched granites. The Tapajós-Parima Mineral Province: includes a low-
grade meta-volcanosedimentary sequence (2.01 Ga), tonalites to granites (2.0-1.87 Ga), two calc-alkaline
volcanic sequences (2.0-1.95 Ga - 1.89-1.87 Ga) and A-type rhyolites and granites (1.88 Ga). The calc-
alkaline volcanic rocks host epithermal Au and base metal mineralization, whereas Cu-Au and Cu-Mo±Au
porphyry-type mineralization is associated to sub-volcanic felsic rocks, formed in two continental magmatic
arcs related to an accretionary event, resulting from an Andean-type northwards subduction. The Alta
Floresta Gold Province: consists of Paleoproterozoic plutono-volcanic sequences (1.98-1.75 Ga), generated
in continental arc settings. Disseminated and vein-type Au ± Cu and Au+ base metal deposits are hosted
by calc - alkaline I - type granitic intrusions (1.98 Ga, 1.90 Ga and 1.87 Ga) and quartz - feldspar porphyries
(1.77 Ga). Timing of the gold deposits has been constrained between 1.79 Ga and 1.78 Ga and linked to
post-collisional Juruena arc felsic magmatism (e.g., Paranaita and Colider suites). The Transamazonas
Province: corresponds to an N-S-trending orogenic belt consolidated during the Transamazonian cycle
(2.26-1.95 Ga), comprising the Lourenço, Amapá, Carecuru, Bacajá and Santana do Araguaia tectonic
domains. They show a protracted tectonic evolution, and are host to the pre- syn- and post-orogenic to
anorogenic granitic magmatism. Gold mineralization associated to magmatic events is still unclear. Greisen
and pegmatite Sn-Nb-Ta deposits are related to 1.84 to 1.75 Ga late-orogenic to anorogenic A-type granites.
The Pitinga Tin Province: the Madeira Sn-Nb-Ta-F deposit, Sn-greisens and Sn-episyenites are associated
to A-type granites of the Madeira Suite (1.84-1.82 Ga), which occur within a cauldron complex (Iricoumé
Group). The A-type magmatism evolved from a post-collisional extensional, towards a within-plate setting.
The magmatic-hydrothermal processes (400 °C to 100° C) resulted in: a- albitization and formation of
disseminated cryolite, b- pyrochlore columbitization, and c- formation of a massive cryolite deposit in
the core of the Madeira deposit. The Rondônia Tin Province: rare-metal (Ta,Nb,Be,Zr,REE+Y) and Sn-W
mineralization is associated to the São Lourenço-Caripunas (1.31-1.30 Ga), related to the post-collisional
stage of the Rondônia San Ignácio Province (1.56-1.30 Ga) and to the Santa Clara (1.08-1.07 Ga) and
Younger Granites of Rondônia (0.99-0.97 Ga) A-type granite intrusive suites, both linked to the evolution of
the Sunsás-Aguapeí Province (1.20-0.95 Ga). Rare-metal polymetallic deposits are associated to late - stage
peraluminous granites, mainly as greisen, quartz- vein, and pegmatite types.
Keywords: Amazonian Craton, granitoids, precious, rare and base-metals.

Rocha BC1, Moraes R1, Möller A2, Cioffi CR1, Jercinovic MJ3 - 1Instituto de Geociências - Universidade
de São Paulo - Departamento de Mineralogia e Geotectônica, 2University of Kansas - Department of
Geology, 3University of Massachusetts - Department of Geosciences

Linking geochronological information from zircon and monazite to petrological data can ideally provide
a direct assessment of the duration of metamorphic processes and events. The growth of monazite under
high-grade conditions tends to define a narrower age distribution than zircon within the same rock,
because pre-metamorphic inheritance is less common. Integration of full thin-section compositional
maps with high-resolution X-ray compositional maps has the potential to link dates obtained from
distinct monazite compositional domains to specific metamorphic reactions. This approach is used to
investigate high-grade metasedimentary rocks from the Socorro-Guaxupé Nappe (MG) Brazil, to place
constraints on the timing of the partial melting. The Socorro-Guaxupé Nappe represents the root of
a magmatic arc emplaced at the active margin of the Paranapanema plate during the Neoproterozoic.
High-temperature metamorphism recorded by granulites and migmatites is a result of the Ediacaran
collision between the Paranapanema and the São Francisco plates during the southern Brasília orogeny.
Studied rocks include a stromatic metatexite, a schollen migmatite (leucosome and host garnet-biotite
gneiss) and mafic granulite within the segregated leucosome. Three distinct REE patterns are recognized
within leucosome, suggesting fractional crystallization in the evolution of an anatectic melt. Mesosome
exhibits the highest REE contents and is characterized by negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 0.4-0.8). The
Sr/86Sr(625Ma) and ϵNd(625Ma) values of leucosome and mesosome range from ~0.706 to 0.709 and from -7
to -8, respectively, suggesting Sr and Nd isotopic homogenization during partial melting. U-Pb zircon
dates from the analyzed samples show a large spread from ca. 600 to 720 Ma. The younger dates ranging
from 600 to 630 Ma are interpreted to date major episodes of melt crystallization after granulite-facies
metamorphism. The older dates from 640 to 720 Ma may be related to inheritance. Mafic granulite yields
zircon ages from 600-650 Ma. Inherited zircon cores with oscillatory zoning from mafic granulite have
higher Th/U ratios (0.7-1.2) than CL-bright rims and recrystallized domains (0.02-0.5). Migmatites are
characterized by zircons with low Th/U ratios and by abundant monazite in a variety of textural settings
(locally up to 3mm large euhedral grains within leucosome). Zircon growth related to the partial melting
event typically has lower Th/U ratios as monazite scavenges Th. Monazite mapping and chemical dating
revealed complex zoning patterns. Y-rich resorbed monazite cores (14000-26000 ppm) occur mainly
as inclusions in garnet and most likely correspond to the pre-garnet stages of prograde metamorphism
at ca. 630 Ma. Monazite crystallized from melt is Th-rich (60000-125000 ppm) and Y-depleted (<4000
ppm) due to growth in the presence of peritectic garnet at 620-600 Ma. High-Y rims (7000-12000 ppm)
can be related to retrograde garnet-breakdown between 618 and 594 Ma. High-Th rims (70000-100000
ppm) are interpreted as a late recrystallization event at 608-592 Ma. The main growth stage of monazite
is related to melt crystallization. Thus, monazite is a valuable tool in deciphering distinct episodes of
metamorphism, partial melting and crystallization in arc-related metasedimentary rocks compared to
zircon, as monazite grains grow entirely during the metamorphic event and inheritance is only seen in

Carvalho BB1, Sawyer EW1, Janasi VA2 - 1Université du Québec à Chicoutimi - Département des Sciences
Appliquées, 2Universidade de São Paulo - Instituto de Geociências

Granites and quartzo-feldspathic gneisses have the potential to produce large volumes of granitic
magma in the continental crust during water-fluxed melting. If partial melting occurs via a reaction
such as plagioclase + quartz + K-feldspar + H2O = melt, then the melt produced may have a distinctive
composition because neither biotite nor amphibole is a reactant. The melt generated is expected to be
leucocratic; moreover it remains leucocratic even if contaminated by its source, because quartz and
plagioclase are the most abundant phases in the residua from granitic protoliths. Thus, magmas from
granitic sources should differ from those from pelitic rocks in which ferromagnesian phases are more
We investigate the petrogenesis of the Kinawa Migmatite, part of a reworked Archaean Tonalite-
Trondhjemite-Granodiorite (TTG) terrane in the São Francisco Craton, Brazil. This migmatite formed
when a leucocratic meta-granodiorite partially melted and generated a considerable volume of
leucogranitic magma.
The migmatite consists principally of three types of diatexite: grey, schlieren and homogeneous.
Grey diatexites [SiO2 70 to 73 wt.%; FeO*+MgO+MnO+TiO2 (FMMT) 3 to 5 wt.%] have a low modal
abundance of K-feldspar, but high modal plagioclase, quartz and biotite relative to the protolith;
therefore these diatexites are interpreted to be the residuum after water-fluxed partial melting by
the reaction plagioclase + quartz + K-feldspar + H2O = melt, during which biotite remained stable.
Geochemical mass balance indicates the degree of partial melting was between 0.35-0.4. Schlieren
diatexites [SiO2 72 to 75 wt.%; (FMMT) 1.15 to 4.3 wt.%] are heterogeneous and composed of biotite-rich
schlieren, which represent residuum, alternating with pink coarse-grained quartzo-feldspathic domains,
interpreted to have crystallised from melt. The homogeneous diatexites [SiO2 73 to 75.65 wt.%; (FMMT)
0.49 to 3 wt.%] are leucocratic, have no schlieren and are characterised by an igneous microstructure in
which euhedral to subhedral plagioclase (An25) forms a framework. Microcline in these rocks contains
rounded inclusions of plagioclase and quartz; the former typically have compositions (An30) similar to
plagioclase in the residual grey diatexites, and thus are interpreted to be residual crystals carried in the
Crystal fractionation can explain the broad geochemical trends of the homogenous diatexites and
the leucosomes, but it cannot explain all the features. Geochemical modelling shows that incomplete
segregation of melt from its residuum is also evident in the schlieren diatexites, which contain the largest
(up to 50 %) residual component. A similar, but smaller contamination effect can also be traced in the
homogeneous diatexites. Although these diatexites correspond to a magma containing a high fraction
of anatectic melt, entrainment of up to 15% residual plagioclase and 9% quartz results in geochemical
compositions that are different from those expected for a pure melt (e.g., higher CaO + Na2O contents).
Thus, the compositional trends in leucogranites generated by water-fluxed melting of a granitic protolith
are controlled by both incomplete segregation and crystal fractionation.

Iles KA1, Hergt JM1, Woodhead JD1 - 1University of Melbourne - School of Earth Sciences

Understanding granite petrogenesis is an important part of unravelling crustal processes and growth;
however, recent research has demonstrated that commonly utilised isotope systems (Sr, Nd and Hf)
could behave in a more complex manner during partial melting and crystallisation than is often assumed
in petrogenetic models. This study examines a set of diverse granite samples from the Lachlan Fold Belt,
southeastern Australia, including low temperature S- and I-type granites and the high temperature I-type
Boggy Plains Suite. Comparison of magmatic zircon and bulk rock initial Hf isotope compositions reveal
ΔϵHfbulk-zircon discrepancies ranging from -0.9 to +2.8 ϵ units, thus providing evidence for intra-sample
(and hence inter-phase) Hf-isotopic heterogeneity. For the Boggy Plains Suite, the change from ΔϵHfbulk-
=+0.1 to +1.9 with progressive evolution from primitive, mafic samples to more evolved, felsic
samples is consistent with a previously proposed petrogenetic model involving decoupled assimilation
and fractional crystallisation (Ickert 2009, Ickert et al. 2011). In contrast, low temperature I- and S-type
granites preserve linear variations on Harker diagrams and negligible covariation between O and Hf
isotopes in magmatic zircon, which are inconsistent with assimilation or simple mixing hypotheses. In
these samples, the bulk-zircon differences observed can be explained by isotopic disequilibrium between
the melt and the restite assemblage. Using a range of experimentally determined melting reactions
and accessory mineral dissolution equations, the isotopic compositions of melt, source (protolith)
and restite have been calculated for a variety of hypothetical melting scenarios, in which the protoliths
had acquired an isotopically heterogeneous mineral assemblage by aging in the crust prior to melting.
Assuming that magmatic zircon records the melt composition and that the bulk rock (particularly of a
mafic granite) images the source, the ΔϵHfbulk-zircon values measured for I-type granites (0.4-2.8) can largely
be explained by disequilibrium amphibole dehydration melting of meta-igneous protoliths that have
aged in the crust for 0.5-1.0 billion years before melting. For S-type magmatism the data and models
suggest greater complexity. The majority of S-type melting scenarios modelled (muscovite and/or biotite
dehydration melting) predict negative ΔϵHfsource-melt values, and although samples from one of the studied
suites are consistent with this ( ΔϵHfbulk-zircon values -0.4 to -0.9), most record positive values (+0.2-1.1). A
recently proposed hypothesis in which magmatic zircon acquires its Hf isotope composition both from
the melt and from the inherited zircon population (Villaros et al. 2012, Farina et al. 2014) can explain
why measured ΔϵHfbulk-zircon values could become positive in such rocks. This hypothesis is currently
being tested by a detailed comparison of zircon core and rim compositions from a restite-rich S-type
granite. The results of this study imply that great care should be taken in the interpretation of isotopic
compositions of zircons in granite and that mafic members of granitic suites, not zircons, may provide
the most reliable constraint on the protolith isotopic composition.

Delinardo M1, Monteiro LVS2, Santos TJS, Moreto CPN1, Sousa SD2 - 1University of Campinas,
University of São Paulo

The Xingu Complex is composed of migmatized orthopyroxene-diopside gneisses of tonalitic to

granodioritic composition with boudins of amphibolites. These rocks are juxtaposed by mafic granulite
gneisses from the Pium Complex, which are also variably migmatized. Geological and geochemical
characteristics of the Xingu Complex gneiss are similar to those of sodic TTG suites with intermediate
HREE content, including: (i) the association of polyphasic orthogneiss with mafic enclaves and
leucosome; (ii) Na2O content between 4.36 and 4.66%; (iii) K2O/Na2O ratio of 0.21 to 0.53; (iv) Al2O3
content between 15 and 16% for rocks with more than 70% of SiO2; (v) Yb content of 0.18 to 1.23 ppm;
(vi) (La/Yb)N between 12 and 49; (vii) Sr/Y values between 43 and 168 ppm; (viii) Nb-Ta and Ti negative
anomalies; (ix) no significant Sr anomalies and absence of Eu negative anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.81 to 2.1);
and (xi) V/Sc values between 6 and 15. The crystallization age of the gneiss protolith was dated at 3,066
± 6.6 Ma (U-Pb SHRIMP IIe zircon core analysis from paleosome). Its genesis was related to melting
of hydrated metabasalts under compatible conditions with garnet, hornblende and rutile stability in
the restite. The successive granulite facies metamorphism was synchronous to the development of a
low angle gneissic banding (S1) with N70E/40NW to N24E/50NW direction and down-dip stretching
lineation. S1 banding was affected by isoclinal folds with subvertical axial foliation (S2) with WNW-ENE
trend and by E-W strike-slip ductile shear zones (C1). The first partial melting event occurred at 2,959
± 15 Ma (U-Pb SHRIMP IIe in zircon core from the leucosome) and reflects the biotite dehydration
reaction to form peritetic orthopyroxene (Bt + Qtz + Kfs = Opx+ melt; ~800 ºC) in the thermal
peak of the metamorphic trajectory of the Xingu Complex gneiss. The products of anatexis include
patch and stromatic metatexites and schlieren and schollen diatexites, in which the leucosomes show
granoblastic texture. The second anatetic event was related to crosscutting coarse-grained undeformed
leucosomes formed at ca. 2.86 Ga. The geochemical, geochronological and metamorphic data from
the Xingu Complex gneiss reinforce the importance of active tectonic margin process in the genesis of
the Mesoarchean continental crust. The preliminary metamorphic evaluation indicates also that the
Xingu and the Pium complexes could represent part of the exhumed lower crust of the northern Carajás
Province, probably reworked during the granite genesis events recognized in the area between ca. 2.96
and 2.86 Ga.

Couzinié S1,2, Laurent O4,3, Moyen JF1, Zeh A3, Villaros A5, Bouilhol P6 - 1Université de Lyon, Laboratoire
Magmas et Volcans, UJM-UBP-CNRS-IRD, 23 rue Dr. Paul Michelon, 42023 Saint Etienne, 2Earth
Sciences Department, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1, 7602 Matieland, South Africa, 3J.W.
Goethe Universität, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Altenhöferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main,
Germany, 4Université de Liège, Département de Géologie B20, Quartier Agora, Allée du Six Août 12,
4000 Liège-Sart Tilman, Belgium, 5Université d?Orléans, ISTO, BRGM, UMR 7327 CNRS, 45071, Orléans,
France, 6Department of Earth Sciences, Durham University, DH13LE, Durham, UK

The post-collisional stage of orogenies arguably represents the most favorable geological setting for the
preservation of continental crust, but the extent to which new crust is formed in this setting remains
debated. Post-collisional magmatism is characterized by the emplacement of voluminous granitoid
magmas which potential sources cover a wide spectrum, including not only the middle and lower
continental crust, but also the lithospheric mantle and the asthenosphere. Consequently, in terms of
crust evolution, those granitoids range between two end-members: (i) pure recycling of pre-existing
crust and (ii) “juvenile” magmatism (i.e. extracted from mantle reservoirs devoid of any crustal
remnant). The relative proportion of recycled versus juvenile components in granitoid magmas is then
a critical information to grasp how much material is transferred from the mantle to the continental
crust at the post-collisional stage and to what extent they participate to crustal growth. We provide new
constraints on those issues using whole-rock geochemical and zircon U-Pb-Hf-O isotope data on a range
of granitoids from the Variscan French Massif Central. Investigated granitoids belong to three groups,
namely: (i) peraluminous two-mica or cordierite-bearing granites (MPG and CPG); (ii) metaluminous,
biotite- ± amphibole-bearing granitoids (KCG) and (iii) Mg-K-rich diorites. LA-ICP-MS U–Pb dating
of 31 samples from all groups show that they emplaced synchronously during ~35 Ma. All data from
MPG and CPG comply with an origin by partial melting of the local nappe pile. Diorites display a marked
enrichment in both compatible (Mg, Fe, Ni, Cr) and incompatible (K, Rb, Ba, Sr, REE) elements along
with crust-like, non-radiogenic Hf isotope signatures which argue for derivation from an enriched,
lithospheric mantle source. Diorite zircons have δ18O ranging from mantle-values (ca. +5‰) to up to
+10‰, showing that crustal contaminants present in the lithospheric mantle involved a diversity of
materials, having experienced a weathering cycle or not, and possibly ranging from upper to lower
crustal lithologies as inferred from variable Th/La ratios. Several independent modelling methods, based
on Hf contents and isotope compositions of the diorites and their postulated source (metasomatized
peridotites), suggest that the crustal component represents 0.8–13 wt.% of the bulk, enriched mantle
source. Finally, available data on KCG support an origin by fractionation of diorite magmas and
subordinate mixing between the resulting magmas and MPG / CPG melts. Thus, crust recycling during
late-orogenic periods does not only take place by direct anatexis of the thickened orogenic crust, but
also by melting of metasomatized mantle domains, previously enriched by crustal components stored in
the mantle (via subduction and/or delamination). That being said, this process would not be recorded
the same way, depending on the chemical behavior of the considered elements. Incompatible elements
already enriched in the crust remnants (such as K, Sr, Hf, REE, Th) should be more sensitive to recycling
than compatible elements with mantle affinities (Mg, Fe, Ni, Cr). Commonly used isotopic tracers are
typically incompatible elements that would therefore under-estimate the mass transfer from the mantle
to the crust and associated crustal growth at the post-collisional stage.

Silva Filho AF1, Guimarães IP1, Santos L1, Armstrong R2, Van Schmus WR3 - 1UFPE - Geologia,
Australian National University - RSES, 3University of Kansas - Department of Geology

The Pernambuco Alagoas (PEAL) domain shows the major occurrence of granitic batholiths of the
Borborema Province, NE Brazil, with Archean to Neoproterozoic range of TDM model ages, giving clues
on the role of granites during the Brasiliano orogeny. SHRIMP U/Pb zircon data for seven granitic
intrusions of the PEAL domain, emplaced from early- to post-collision stages, divide the studied
granitoids into three groups: 1) granitoids with crystallization ages ca 635 Ma (Serra do Catú pluton),
2) granitoids with crystallization ages 610-618 Ma (Santana do Ipanema, Água Branca, Mata Grande
and Correntes plutons) and 3) granitoids with ages of ca. 590 Ma (Águas Belas, and Cachoeirinha
plutons). The intrusions of group 1 and 2, except the Mata Grande and Correntes plutons, show Nd
TDM model ages ranging from 1.2 to 1.5 Ga, while the granitoids from group 3, and Mata Grande Pluton
and Correntes plutons have Nd TDM model ages ranging from 1.7 to 2.2 Ga. The studied granitoids are
in part high-K, calc-alkaline, shoshonitic, ultrapotassic and in part transitional high-K calc-alkaline to
alkaline. The volcanic arc signatures associated with the Paleoproterozoic TDM model ages are interpreted
as inherited from the source rocks. The oldest ages and higher Nd TDM model ages are recorded from
granitoids intruded in the southwest part of the PEAL domain, suggesting that these intrusions are
associated with slab-tearing during convergence between the PEAL and the Sergipano domains. Zircon
oxygen isotopic data in some of the studied plutons, together with the available Nd isotopic data suggest
that the Brasiliano orogeny strongly reworked older crust, of either Paleoproterozoic (Rhyacian?) and
Tonian ages.
The studied granitoids are coeval with high-K granitoids intruded within the Transversal Zone domain
of the Borborema Province and calc-alkaline granitoids of the Sergipano domain. This suggests that
these domains belonged to the same crustal block during the Brasiliano Orogeny. Such large volumes
of high-K granitoids with crystallization ages older than 600 Ma are not recorded in the Sergipano and
Transversal Zone domains, suggesting differences in the crustal evolution of these two areas, when
compared to the PEAL domain.

Alves A1, Janasi VA1 - 1Universidade de São Paulo - Instituto de Geociências

Neoproterozoic granites forming isolated plutons and some large batholiths are widespread in the
Embu Terrane (central Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil). Although covering a wide timespan (780-580 Ma),
most occurrences were formed in a short interval at the end of this period (600-580 Ma), with scattered
manifestations dated at ~ 780-750 Ma (small occurrences of orthogneiss), ~ 680 Ma (Serra do Quebra
Cangalha Batholith) and ~ 640 Ma (Santa Catarina Granite). In spite of the several episodes of granite
generation, their compositions are mostly restricted to two main rock types, slightly metaluminous
Bt monzogranites and peraluminousTur±Grt+Bt+Ms leucogranites. A single main pluton of basic to
intermediate composition is known (the Aparecida Monzonite), and fine-grained magmatic enclaves,
present in only a few Bt monzogranites, are of felsic composition [1]. Therefore, mantle contribution
should have been minor, and the granites are mostly products of crust reworking.The exposed granite
country rocks of the Embu Terrane comprise dominantly medium-grade metavolcano-sedimentary
sequences and a few small windows of gneiss-migmatite basement. Recent U-Pb dating indicates that the
main basement exposure (Rio Capivari Complex) corresponds to Paleoproterozoic (~2.2 Ga) migmatites
reworking Archean (~2.7 Ga) crust. The age of the supracrustal sequences is poorly constrained
between ~1.8 Ga (youngest detrital zircons in metasandstones and Nd TDM of metapelites) and ~0.78
Ga (age of intrusive orthogneisses). Sr-Nd-Pb isotope signatures of the granites allow identification of
some key characteristics of their magma sources. Many ~600-580 Ma plutons show similar 87Sr/86Sr(t)
(0.7107 to 0.7132) but important variations in ϵNd(t) (from -12 to -18, with less negative values in the
Bt monzogranites). More radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr(t) (0.7163-0.7276) and less negative ϵNd(t) (-7.3 to -12) are
typical of granites from the Lagoinha and Serra do Quebra-Cangalha batholiths. Pb isotopes from Bt
monzogranites show retarded common Pb signatures (model ages from 550 to 600 Ma), suggestive of
the contribution of unradiogenic sources and consistent with the extraction from a crustal reservoir with
U/204Pb (µ) ~8.75 and time-integrated U/Th (κ) ratios close to 4.9. Bt-Ms leucogranites show much
younger model ages suggestive of an extensive contribution of highly radiogenic material, most likely
metasediments, as indicated by higher µ and lower κ ratios (~9.0 and 4.0, respectively). These signatures
allow identify four major reservoirs, that may be predominant in a single granite occurrence or be a
component in mixing processes: 1) a young upper crust of low κ with radiogenic Pb, high 87Sr/86Sr(t) and
ϵNd(t) (Serra do Quebra Cangalha); 2) a young lower crust and/or old upper crust + juvenile component
with high κ and relatively unradiogenic Pb (Santa Catarina pluton); 3) an old upper crust with low κ,
radiogenic Pb and low ϵNdt (Ms-Bt granites); and 4) an intermediate old lower crust with high κ, non-
radiogenic Pb, and intermediate ϵNdt (Bt granites).
[1] Alves et al., 2009. JPet. 50, 2221-2247)

Alves A1, Janasi VA - 1USP

It has been experimentally demonstrated that the initial stages of the xenolith assimilation process
might involve local and transient perturbations of the magma redox potential, which can lead to
preferable stabilization of reduced oxidation states of multivalent elements, especially in cases where
granite magmas intrude sulfur and graphite-bearing rocks. As suggested by classic and contemporary
experimental studies, the partition of multivalent elements (particularly Eu) into the plagioclase
structure is a function of the prevailing fO2 conditions. Moreover the high Sr and low Rb contents
of plagioclase crystals allow tracking of contamination process on the mineral scale, which makes
plagioclase a suitable candidate for the investigation of simultaneous contamination and fO2 perturbation
of the granite magmas from which it crystallizes.
We reassessed the available experimental data in order to propose a new regression equation relating Eu
multivalent ratios and fO2 conditions (eg. Drake, 1975; Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 39, 55-64).
logfO2 = -4.27 (+/-0.24)xlog(Eu2+/Eu3+) - 11.752 (+/-20) r2=0.76 Std error = 1.26 log units
The equation successfully reproduces experimental fO2 data within 2 log units (with 60% within 1.0 log
We tested the possibility of combining plagioclase trace and isotope data on felsic microgranitoid
enclaves (FME) from two granite occurrences. The Mauá pluton intrudes graphite-bearing
metassediments that frequently occur as xenoliths within the granite. Multivalent Eu ratios were
calculated using the Lattice Strain Model and partition coefficients (D) for Gd and Sr as proxies to DEu3+
and DEu2+, respectively.
Resultant Eu2+/Eu3+ ratios define a strong positive correlation with Sr isotope composition, implying a
total fO2 variation of 4 log units. Plagioclase cores are reduced and more contaminated with fO2 of -12.5
and 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7131, followed by gradually more oxidized and less contaminated rims (fO2 = -8.5 and
Sr/86Sr = 0.71046 (in equilibrium with whole rock data. Sr isotope data from Alves et al., 2009; J.Petrol.
50, 2221-2247). Apparently assimilation of metapelites implied fO2 reduction and increased radiogenic
signatures, and this was followed by a gradual diminution of the contaminant/resident magma ratio,
with the recovery of the original redox conditions and isotope signatures.
The second case investigates FME from the Salto pluton, a small granite occurrence that intrudes sulfur-
and organic matter-free orthogneisses and bears a negligible amount of xenoliths. Inedited plagioclase
(xenocrysts, matrix crystals from FME, and phenocrysts from a host granite) trace element and isotope
data were used to calculate multivalent Eu ratios and to track the contamination processes. Sr isotopes
vary broadly (87Sr/86Sr from 0.7087 to 0.7121) and exhibit no clear correlation with calculated multivalent
Eu ratios. Variations in calculated fO2 values are discreet and reveal slightly more reduced xenocrysts
compared to matrix crystals (average values of -7 and -5.7, respectively), whereas a phenocryst from a
host granite shows a broader variation range (-8.1 to -6.2 log units), not correlated to 87Sr/86Sr values.
The resultant fO2 variation is roughly within the standard error of Eq. 1. Therefore we consider that
assimilation of orthogneisses xenoliths did not imply important perturbation of the magma redox
conditions. Interestingly, fO2 values obtained for Salto and Mauá plutons directly reflect the nature of the
country-rocks they intrude.

Heinonen A1, Mänttäri I2, Larjamo K1, Rämö OT1, Andersen T3 - 1University of Helsinki - Department of
Geosciences and Geography, 2Geological Survey of Finland - Research Laboratory, 3University of Oslo -
Department of Geosciences

A detailed petrographic investigation (optical and SEM), micro drill sampling and in situ U-Pb (SIMS)
and trace element (LAQ-ICP-MS) analysis of zircon from three different rapakivi granite types (pyterlite,
wiborgite, and dark wiborgite) of the ca. 1.65–1.62 Ga Wiborg batholith in southeastern Finland was
conducted. Zircon inclusions were extracted from within different types of alkali feldspar ovoids (up
to 10 cm in diameter) that form the rapakivi texture to compare their characteristics to zircon crystals
separated from the groundmass of respective samples and to investigate the effect of zircon entrainment
on whole-rock U-Pb age determinations.
U-Pb SIMS-analysis reveals statistical differences in the mean 207Pb/206Pb ages of the inclusion zircon
populations of the pyterlite (1635±3 Ma, 2σ, n=15) and wiborgite (1634±3 Ma, 2σ, n=22), when
compared to the groundmass zircons (1628±3 Ma, 2σ, n=18 and 1628±3 Ma, 2σ, n=19 respectively).
The pattern is similar in the dark wiborgite, but the populations have overlapping mean 207Pb/206Pb ages
(ovoids: 1631±3 Ma, 2σ, n=18; groundmass: 1629±3 Ma, 2σ, n=18).
In all three samples, the ovoid inclusion zircon domains with regular chondrite-normalized REE-
patterns and oscillatory zoning textures (in BSE images interpreted as primary magmatic growth zoning)
record, on average, higher Hf, Th, and U abundances than similar zircon domains in groundmass
populations. aTiO2 and pressure -uncorrected Ti-in-zircon thermometer temperatures (800 to 820 °C)
for the oscillatory-zoned zircon domains in all rock types and both population types are similar and
well in concordance with zircon saturation temperatures (800–810 °C) calculated from whole-rock
These observations imply that the alkali feldspar ovoids that form the rapakivi texture have in the
case of some rapakivi granites crystallized earlier than their respective groundmasses and, in the case
of all analyzed samples, from magmas of similar compositions but with higher levels of incompatible
elements. Furthermore, our results show that the previously obtained bulk sample zircon U-Pb analyses
from the rapakivi-textured granites of the Wiborg batholith may be substantially affected by entrained
zircon populations and lead to overestimates of the actual intrusion ages of the rocks.
The intrusion ages, as represented by the groundmass population U-Pb results, are similar in all
studied rock types (ca. 1628 Ma), which may point to a relatively short period of intensive magmatism
involved with the emplacement of the Wiborg batholith, possibly preceded by gradual injection of
the magmas that crystallized the ovoid material. Higher incompatible element levels in the entrained
zircon populations suggest that the magmas that crystallized the ovoid material were either more
fractionated or generated by lower degrees of crustal partial melting than the magmas that crystallized
the groundmasses.
We conclude that, depending on the timing of zircon saturation, entrainment of zircon crystals by major
early silicate phases such as alkali feldspar megacrysts (or ovoids in the case of rapakivi granites) may
be a significant factor in interpretation of zircon U-Pb data on bulk granite samples. Strong sampling
control is therefore warranted for justification of high-precision geochronological data on megacrystic
granitic rocks.

Vladimirov A1, Tsygankov AA2, Polyansky OP1, Khromykh SV1 - 1V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and
Mineralogy SB RAS, 2Geological Institute of SB RAS, Ulan-Ude, Russia

Large-scale batholiths in Central Asia were intruded on heterogenous basement during the
postcollisional (postorogenic or anorogenic) stage after closure of the Paleo-Asian and Mongol-Okhotsk
oceans. Formation of giant batholiths may be caused by: rifting and mantle thermochemical plume,
asthenospheric diapirism as a result of slab break-off, and delamination of mantle lithosphere during
the postorogenic stage. These mechanisms of extension of continental lithosphere are contradictory and
disputable, mainly due to: 1) insufficient knowledge of the relationship of formation of batholiths with
rifting and/or shear deformations of the lithosphere; 2) lack of full isotope and geochemical databases.
In this report, the following granitoid batholiths will be considered: Altai-Sayan (PZ1), Angaro-Vitim
(PZ2?) and Kalba-Narym (PZ3). A new approach is used to characterize processes of partial melting and
development of gravitational instabilities in granitic layers of the Earth’s crust affected by heating and
melting under intrusion of basaltic magma. In the mathematical modeling, three regimes of diapirism,
which response to different rheological parameters of mantle and crust, will be considered: 1) single
floating of mantle diapir; 2) oscillating mode of rising of mantle magma up to the crustal basement
with time period in 2-3 Ma; 3) formation of a large magmatic sill under crustal basement (underplating
regime). Numerical modeling by finite elements method showed that in the first two cases of the melting
of crustal material above mantle magma chamber causes single float (upwelling) of granite diapir with
irregular shape. In the third model the field of decompression partial melting emerge, a substance of
which quickly cools when climbing in the mantle. This material because a high viscosity and density can
not float to the upper levels of the crust.

Martini A1, De Toni GB1, Bitencourt MF1, Weinberg RF - 1UFRGS

The Camboriú Complex (CC) in the region of Camboriú-Itapema (southern Brazil) comprises ortho-
and para-metamorphic rocks as well as magmatic rocks. The CC metamorphic rocks show evidence of
pervasive partial melting at upper amphibolite facies conditions, with the generation of large volumes
of neosome (leucosome + residue). Key outcrop observations have lead to the determination of an
active structural control during melting, as well as the possible genetic relation of these rocks with the
plutonic part of the complex, named Itapema Granite (IG). The CC metamorphic rocks comprise a
thinly-laminated gneissic sequence of tonalitic to granodioritic composition, commonly interleaved
with amphibolite bands and calc-silicate lenses. The IG is a large body of ca. 100 km2 of hornblende-
biotite granodiorite to monzogranite mostly concordant with the CC banding. It is characterized by a
large amount of CC xenoliths (~20 fragments/m2) and strong, sub-horizontal flow banding given by
different proportions of mafic minerals (biotite, hornblende, titanite), pegmatites, disrupted xenoliths,
and schlieren. This banding dips gently SE or NW defining symmetrical, upright folds, mostly with
SW shallow-plunging axis, observed in a wide range of scales (cm to tens of m). Different styles
and degrees of partial melting are observed in the metamorphic protoliths, as well as a diversity of
leucosome migration and collection features. Amphibolites exhibit a larger volume of melt relative
to the granitic gneisses, reflecting their fertile character. The granitic gneisses begin to melt along the
mm-thick banding, resulting in concordant bands and lenses of leucosome. With progressive melting
these leucosomes tend to merge, migrating into syn-magmatic shear zones subparallel to the axial
planes of folds. More advanced stages of melting of the gneisses lead to widening of the bands, with
larger proportion of bands with igneous texture. In contrast, the massive amphibolites start to melt
in isolated patches. Euhedral hornblende and titanite are widespread in leucosomes. They are distinct
in form and size from their equivalent in the protoliths, and interpreted to be peritectic minerals, as
commonly seen in upper amphibolite facies, water-fluxed melting. In advanced stages abundant melt
promotes fragmentation and boudinage of amphibolite bands with accumulation of leucosome in
dilatant sites eventually resulting in amphibolite breccia. Meter-thick, subvertical leucogranite dikes are
locally observed, comprising abundant amphibolite and gneiss fragments. Textural and compositional
diagnostic characteristics of IG are observed in these dikes. Some dikes have both abrupt and diffuse
contacts with their leucosome-rich host rocks. Diffuse contacts are represented by a net of leucosome
veins from the host rocks which are interpreted to be feeding the dike, while the discordant character
of sharp contact dikes attests to magma mobility. These dikes are interpreted as channels of magma
mobilized from the migmatites to feed the IG collecting site. We conclude that the nature of the CC
melting and magma migration/collection, together with compositional compatibility, including the
presence of xenoliths of CC in the granite, and concordant structural pattern of both units, suggest that
the IG results from partial melting of the CC rocks in the presence of a free aqueous phase.

Antipin VS1, Perepelov AB1, Odgerel D2 - 1Vinogradov Institute of Geochemistry SB RAS, 2Institute of
Geology and Mineral Resources

The folded structures by fraiming the Siberian craton in the Baikal region and Mongolia display
extensive development of Phanerozoic granitoids of different ages and geochemical types. Their
formation could be related to the Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic age of intraplate magmatism. The
granitoids are represented by batholiths, individual massifs, and intrusive-dike belts containing
small intrusions and subvolcanic rocks of diverse composition. The following types of granitoids
are widespread in the Khamar-Daban magmatic province of the southern part of Baikal region: (a)
palingenic calc-alkaline granitoids (the Early Paleozoic Solzan massif, 513-516 Ma), (b) subalkaline
granitoids represented by a series from monzodiorite to monzonite, quartz syenite, and leucogranite (the
Late Paleozoic massifs, 332 Ma) and (c) the Khamar-Daban province and Mongolia hosting relatively
abundant products of rare-metal granitoid magmatism from the Late Carboniferous to the Cretaceous.
The rare-metal granitoids in Central Asia occur in various structural zones among Precambrian and
Hercynian metamorphic sequences.
Late Paleozoic rare-metal granites resulted in the formation of multiphase intrusions with exposed
areas of approximately 10 km2 (311–321 Ma) and dikes, which are subvolcanic analogues of granitoids.
The early intrusive phases are made up of biotite granites (usually fluorite-bearing), which are changed
during the late stage by typical rare-metal (topaz-bearing) amazonite-albite granites. The subvolcanic
subalkaline dikes (monzonite porphyry, granite porphyry, and elvan) are followed by ongonite, topaz
rhyolite, and topazite. The Daurian-Khentei batholith forms the central part of a huge Early Mesozoic
magmatic area. The rocks of the Abdar-Khoshutula series varies from biotite granites of the Khoshutula
massif (224 Ma) to the rare-metal granites of the Abdar intrusion (209-212 Ma). The relationship of
granite varieties recognized in the Abdar and other massifs (from early leucogranites to late amazonite-
albite granites) can point out a possible genesis of all rocks of the intrusions during the evolution of
granite melts, which supports the important role of magmatic and fluid-magmatic differentiation.
The geochemical evolution promoted an increase in F, Li, Rb, Cs, Sn, Be, Ta, and Pb and a decrease in Ba,
Sr, Zn, Zr, Th, and U contents in rare-metal granites of the final intrusive phases. Similar geochemical
evolution and regular decrease in some indicator element ratios, K/Rb, Zr/Hf, Nb/Ta and La/Yb, in the
amazonite-albite granites is common for subvolcanic rocks, which indicates the genetic relation of the
entire intrusive-dike series of the Baikal Region and Mongolia. The isotope-geochemical data (87Sr/86Sr =
0.705 – 0.706±8; ƐNd values ranging from – 1.2 to – 2.7) and model ages 1200-1260 Ma indicate that the
granite intrusions could be formed by melting of Precambrian continental crust. The obtained isotope
characteristics of granitoids of the Bitu-Dzhida massif are consistent with the derivation of primary
granitoid melts at the lower levels of continental crust. The accumulation of rare metal in granites is
responsible for genetic relation between these Carboniferous and Mesozoic intraplate magmatism and
Li, Ta, Sn and W mineralization.
Research has been supported by RFBR grant ¹ 15-05-02772_à.

Okrostsvaridze A1, Tormey D2 - 1Ilia state University, 0162 Tbilisi , Georgia - Faculty of Natural Sciences
and Engineering, 2Cardno ENTRIX, CA 90024 Los Angeles, California, USA

The Greater Caucasus represents a Phanerozoic collisional orogen formed along the Euro-Asian
North continental margin and stretches on 1200 km, from the Black to the Caspian seas. Currently,
it is an expression of continental collision between the Arabian and Eurasian lithospheric plates.
Two major stages are distinguished in its construction: Pre-Alpine crystalline basement and Alpine
volcanic-sedimentary cover. Crystalline basement complex (200 km x 40 km) is mainly constructed of
Precambrian and Paleozoic crystalline schist, amphibolites, gneisses, migmatites and granitoids [1].
The variscan plutonic magmatism has played significant role in the formation of the Greater Caucasus
crystalline basement complex. Our investigation indicate that granitoid melts are important component
of these plutonic series, represented by different genetic types, and is characterized by a specific
mechanism of magma generation processes. Four plutonic series of variscan generation have been
distinguished (from the S to N): 1. Gabbro-plagiogranite, 2. Diorite-monzogranite, 3. Plagiogranite-
granite, and 4. Granodiorite-alaskite.
Gabbro-plagiogranite series, which is exposed along the Main Trust of the Greater Caucasus in the
form of lesser tectonic wedge, was formed at early stage of variscan orogen evolution (355+/-15 Ma;
Rb-Sr; Isr=0.70343). The series should have been formed as the result of subducting oceanic crust partial
melting (P=8.2-8.7 kb; T= 620-6300 C) and high water potential regime (H2O/CO2=20.2). Crystallization
of plagiogranite melts occurred at 6000C temperature and 7.0-7.5 kb pressure condition. According all
data gabbro-plagiogranite series corresponds to the subducting oceanic crust I type formation.
The diorite-adamellite series was formed at a late stage of the orogen evolution (320+/-12 Ma, U-Pb).
Its protolith was located over the subducting oceanic crust and magma generation mechanism was tigel
melting (mantle injection) and formed mantle-crust generation H type (hybrid) granitoid melts. In this
series melts generation occurred at the temperature of 630-6700 C and 4.0-4.5 kb pressure condition.
Plagiogranite-granite series was formed at a late stage of the orogen evolution. Regional migmatization
and ultrametamorphizm processes of this series is started at 720-7500 C temperature and under 3.7- 4.2
kb pressure. In the evolution processes of this series two stages are distinguished: syn-kinematic and
post-kinematic. On the first stage of plagiogranite composition anatectic magma was genetated ( 318+/-7
Ma; Rb-Sr; Isr = 0.70843), which made mainly conforming bodies, and on the second stage the granite
composition melts were formed, which mainly made cross-cutting bodies (315+/-5 Ma; Rb-Sr; Isr =
The granodiorite-alaskite series was formed at a late stage of the orogen evolution (295+/-10 Ma; Rb-Sr;
Isr = 0.71572) and it ended the Greater Caucasus Variscan plutonic magmatizm. Magma in this series was
generated as a result of remelting of Upper Caledonian granite-gneisses. The crystallization temperature
ranges in the interval 710-7350 C, and pressure – in 3.2-3.5 kb. This series corresponds to syn-collisional
remelting, leading to formation of a S type granite.
[1] Okrostsvaridze A., Tormey D., 2011. J. of Nepal Geological Society, Special Issue, vol. 43, pp. 45-52.

Campos BCS1, Nascimento MAL1, Galindo AC1, Vilalva FCJ1 - 1Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do
Norte - Departamento de Geologia, Pós-Graduação em Geodinâmica e Geofísica

Ediacaran high-K calc-alkaline granitic batholiths, plutons and small bodies are widespread throughout
the Rio Grande do Norte Domain (RGND), northeastern Borborema Province. They comprise
porphyritic biotite (± amphibole) monzogranites with K-feldspar megacrysts. This work presents a
chemical characterization of the main mafic phases biotite and amphibole from many of these bodies
along the RGND: Monte das Gameleiras and Barcelona plutons to the east, Acari Pluton to the center,
and Tourão, Caraúbas and Catolé do Rocha plutons to the west. Biotite appears as euhedral to subhedral
platy crystals with yellow-greenish to brownish pleochroic colors, being locally replaced by chlorite
and muscovite. Based on their compositional variations, three distinct groups can be individualized:
biotites with (I) average FeOt = 19.3 wt.%, MgO = 11.4% and TiO2 = 1.8% (Acari and Monte das
Gameleiras plutons); (II) FeOt = 25.2%, MgO = 7.2% and TiO2 = 2.5% (Barcelona, Caraúbas and Tourão
plutons); and (III) with FeOt = 32.9%, MgO = 1.7% and TiO2 = 2.7% (Catolé do Rocha Pluton). The
Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratio increases from ~0.5 in group (I) to ~0.7 in group (II) and ~0.9 in group (III), along
with almost similar AlIV contents increasing from 2.3 cpfu in group (I) to 2.5 in group (III). Therefore,
group (I) biotite compositions are transitional between flogopite and annite, while group (II) and (III)
correspond to annite. Moreover, group (I) compositions correspond to re-equilibrated primary biotites
while groups (II) and (III) are transitional between primary and re-equilibrated primary biotites in the
ternary diagram MgO–10*TiO2–FeO+MnO. Of note, such post-magmatic re-equilibrium did not affect
to a great extent the Al contents in the biotite (AlVI = 0.3 – 0.5 cpfu in groups I and III and 0.1 – 0.7
in group II), which validates the use of magmatic association discriminant diagrams based on biotite
chemistry. These diagrams define a transitional calc-alkaline to peraluminous affinity of groups (I) and
(II), with Al2O3= 14.8 and 14.9 wt%, respectively, and alkaline affinity of group (III), with Al2O3 = 14.8 %,
which is compatible with the subalkaline/high-K calc-alkaline affinity of their host-granites. Amphibole
often appears in contact with biotite as subhedral to anhedral crystals exhibiting greenish to brownish
pleochroic color schemes and simple twinning. The observed compositional variations defined by the
Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) ratio can be used to recognize the groups previously defined: the amphiboles from the
Acari and Monte das Gamaleiras plutons (group I) have average values of 0.5, while lower values of 0.3
and 0.1 are typical of crystals from the Barcelona, Caraúbas e Tourão (group II) and Catolé do Rocha
(group III) plutons, respectively. They correspond to calcic amphiboles with CaB contents higher than
1.8 cpfu and (Na+K)A totals above 0.5 cpfu, being classified as ferro-edenite to edenite (group I), ferro-
pargasite to hastingsite (group II) and hastingsite (group III). The results here presented correlate with
the whole-rock geochemistry of the studied plutons and indicate that, although they all correspond
to high-K calc-alkaline porphyritic granites, their chief mafics minerals exhibit significant chemical

Hollanda MHBM1, Souza Neto JA2, Stein H3, Archanjo CJ4, Maia ACS4 - 1Sao Paulo University -
Geoscience Institute, 2Federal University of Pernambuco - Geology Department, 3Colorado State
University - Department of Geosciences, 4University of Sao Paulo - Geoscience Institute

The Seridó belt is a Neoproterozoic medium- to high-grade metasedimentary sequence located in the
Borborema Province, Northeastern Brazil, which hosts hundreds of deposits and minor occurrences
of W-Mo mineralized skarns. The mineralization is usually associated with pyroxene, amphibole, ±
garnet, ± plagioclase, and known as “primary” skarn. Some W-Mo deposits are also related to epidote,
± clinozoisite, ± vesuvianite, ± zeolites, ± opal that were formed under retrograde metamorphic
conditions, being named “secundary” skarn. Some secondary skarns may also contain mineralization
of Au(-Ag, Bi, Te) and a few contain just Au. The origin of these ore skarns has been attributed to
metasomatic reactions after infiltration of hydrothermal fluids derived from igneous intrusions. The
magmatic activity was broadly related to regional ductile deformation being dominantly represented by
(1) porphyritic to coarse-grained, hornblende+biotite (sensu lato) granites and granodiorites (c. 595 to
577 Ma) often showing evidences of mingling with gabbroic to dioritic magmas, (2) medium- to fine-
grained biotite-bearing leucogranites, and (3) pegmatitic granites and pegmatites (c. 515 to 509 Ma). In
spite of the volumetric importance of the igneous activity, its timing and duration were until recently
poorly constrained. Therefore, although the link between the magmatism and the W(-Au) mineralization
has been admitted, the connections between the skarn mineralization and a specific magmatic suite
were unknown. In this study we dated molybdenite by NTIMS on Re-Os from skarns of the three major
deposits in the Seridó belt, and compared the results with U-Pb SHRIMP ages obtained for plutons
representative of the biotite-bearing leucogranites. The Re-Os ages defined three distinct episodes for
metal precipitation/remobilization, at 554 ± 2 Ma (Brejuí deposit), 524 ± 2 Ma (Bonfim deposit) and
510 ± 2 Ma (Bodó deposit). Because Re and the other PGEs record siderophile affinity, Re contents in
molybdenite may be used as proxy to infer its crustal or mantelic origin. The high content of Re (> 110
ppm) of the Brejuí and Bonfim molybdenites is suggestive of a important mantle contribution for their
Mo(W) mineralizations. However, the lower Re content (7.5 ppm) of the Bodó molybdenite, and that
is associaded with secondary skarns, shows a strong contribution of crust-derived fluids. Zircon U-Pb
ages for the biotite leucogranites range from 576.8 ± 4.8 (Angicos), 548.6 ± 3.6 Ma (Picui), 540.4 ± 1.5
Ma (Caramuru) and 526.6 ± 7.7 Ma (Cerro-Corá). These results show that the magmatic activity in the
Seridó belt spanned by about 70 Ma (595 to 525 Ma), with metapelites recording HT/LP metamorphic
conditions at c. 575 Ma. The molibdenite Re-Os ages in the Brejuí and Bonfim skarns and U-Pb ages
allow to link the W-Mo mineralization to the latest magmatic episodes, particularly with the biotite
leucogranites. The younger Bodó W(Mo) skarn, on the other hand, suggests local remobilization of
W(Mo) fluids with the exhumation of the Seridó belt.

Pérez-Soba C1, Villaseca C1, Chicharro E2 - 1Universidad Complutense Madrid - Petrologia y Geoquimica,
Universidad Complutense Madrid - Cristalografïa y Mineralogia

Na-rich metasomatism is usually related to carbonatite or alkaline complexes. In this work we study
an oustanding outcrop of albitites on the basis of: (i) their genetic connection to a peraluminous I-type
leucogranite, and (ii) the very unusual paragenesis of Li-Na-rich amphiboles occurring within it. These
rocks were previously interpreted as tectonic-derived episyenites; nonetheless, new field, petrographical
and geochemical studies make questionable this model.
Albitites outcrop as subvertical lense-shaped bodies of variable sizes, from 1 to 80 m in length, and
width up to 6 m. La Pedriza albitites spread over an area of about 0.25 km2, within a 1 km width band
from the contact with the La Pedriza I-type leucogranite. The parent rocks of the albitites are porphyritic
cordierite-bearing granite and biotite microgranite intrusions, whose main textural characteristics are
preserved (isovolumetric metasomatism). Albitites are white coloured with dark-blue irregular mafic
nodules. Contacts with host granitoids are sharp and irregular at cm-scale, and no zonation within the
body is observed. Single outcrops differ from each other by mineralogical and geochemical features,
defining a metasomatic family. Some aplite dikes crossing these bodies show similar metasomatic
The main mineral association of albitites consists of relict magmatic mineralogy enclosed by newly
formed albite (70-85% modal), some K-feldspar, and interstitial nodules (10-20%) of quartz-pyroxene
(aegirine-augite) and/or Li-Na-amphiboles. Accessories are titanite, magnetite, andradite, epidote,
Mg-Li-rich mica (tainiolite), zircon, ilmenite, rutile, fluorite and apatite. The interstitial character of the
main metasomatic asemblage suggests an infiltrational metasomatism.
La Pedriza albitites are classified as alkaline and metaluminous (close to peralkaline values). Compared
to parental-rocks, albitites show enrichments in Na2O, FeO, MgO, MnO, Li, F, Be, Zn, Sc and Sn, while
SiO2, K2O, Rb, Cs and W are depleted. Their Na-Li-F-Be-rich chemistry is typical of metasomatic fluids
derived from igneous intrusions. The lack of significant REE, Y, Nb, Ta, Th and U enrichment contrasts
with Na-metasomatism associated with alkaline complexes. The gradual increase of Na2O is negatively
correlated with K2O and Rb, and positively correlated with FeO, CaO, Y and REE. Identical Sr-Nd
isotopic signatures between albitites and host granites suggest that magmatic fluids might be dominant
in the metasomatic transformation.
Estimations based on oxygen thermometry yields a range of 520 to 635°C for albitite formation.
Secondary aqueous fluid inclusion data indicate a minimum temperature of 397 ± 10°C for albitite
formation, thus defining a mid-to-high-T hydrothermal metasomatism. The La Pedriza albitites are
not related with fracturing and are not episyenites s.s., owing to the clear coprecipitation of quartz
and alkaline mafics. We interpret this metasomatism as Na-Li-F-rich solutions linked with the
fractionation of the nearby La Pedriza I-type granite. This massif is a cryptozoned pluton, reaching
in this area the highest concentrations in Na, Rb, Nb, Ta, Y, HREE, F, Li, Sn, Mn and Cs, as a result of
extensive fractional crystallization. This is an unusual Na-Li-F-rich contact metasomatism related to the
fractionation of I-type peraluminous granitic melts.

Passarelli CR1, Basei MAS1, Siga Jr O1 - 1Instituto de Geociências/USP - Departamento de Mineralogia e

The southeastern Ribeira Belt in the Mantiqueira Province, SE Brazil, consists of tectonic domains
limited by significant shear zones, related to the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano Orogen. The northern Embu
Supracrustal terrane is separated from the southern granite-gneissic migmatitic terrane by the Cubatão
– Itariri Shear System. The Embu Terrane is a complex domain that hosts low to high metasedimentary
successions and several granitic bodies of varied composition and size. It corresponds to an exotic
block accreted to a continental mass -formed by the amalgamation between the São Francisco and
Paranapanema cratons.
Petrographic and geochronological studies were carried out on granites of the Embu Terrane, southeast
São Paulo state. Most of the small granitic bodies are undifferentiated as “syn-orogenitc granites”, and
this study provide new information of two small peraluminous granitic bodies, Juquiá and Sete Barras
granites, hosted by high metamorphic supracrustal rocks.
The Juquiá granite, near the Cubatão shear zone is a megacrystic-deformed granite that yielded LA-ICP-
MS U-Pb zircon ages of 809 Ma and the Sete Barras protomylonitic granite provided new U-Pb LA-ICP-
MS zircon ages of ca 583 Ma.
These ages represent tectono-thermal events and record two important orogenic episodes (Brasiliano
I and II) of the Brasiliano collage indicating the complexity of the Embu terrane that comprises several
successive geological events and different kind of magmatism that took place over a ca. 200 million year
time interval.

De Campos CP1,2, Slaby E3, Janasi VA1, Mendes JC4 - 1IGc-USP, São Paulo, Brazil. - Dept. de Mineralogia
e Geotectônica, 2LMU, Munich, Germany - Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 3Institute
of Geological Sciences, PAS - Research Centre Warsaw, Poland, 4Inst. de Geociências, UFRJ. Ilha do
Fundão, RJ, Brasil - Dept. de Geologia

During the post-orogenic stage of the Neoproterozoic coastal orogen in Brazil, inversely zoned plutons
intruded a narrow mostly S-N tectonic corridor crosscutting all previous lithologies. Structural
measurements, mapping of flow patterns, geochemical and isotopic data point towards contrasting
compositional domains, which have been generated during a time span between 20 to 30 Ma during
Cambro-Ordovician times (ca.520-490 Ma).
Mostly sub-vertical internal contacts between units suggest generation from large magma bodies of
contrasting compositions, which mixed and hybridized at different proportions. They crystallized while
crossing the lower to middle-crust (< 25 km depth from geobarometric sudies). Accordingly mushroom-
to funnel-like magma-chambers and/or conduits register snapshots of the interaction dynamics between
granitic and basaltic magmas.
This work focuses on the pluton of Santa Angélica (SA), where mafic rocks predominate: two gabbroic
twin cores are surrounded by hybrid regions in complex patterns of stretching and folding. Granite
predominates only at the border region.
Mineralogical and whole-rock geochemical data point towards an expanded high-K calc-alkalic to
alkalic suite. Rocks grade from biotite-hypersthene-augite monzogabbro, biotite-monzodiorite to
allanite-biotite granite. Granitic to gabbroic rocks are metaluminous and both enriched in incompatible
elements. This is more characteristic for the mafic to intermediary rocks. Anomalous K2O, Ba, Sr, and
LREE contents, as well as high contents in HFS elements such as Ti, Y, Nb, P, and Zr are typical. Low-
silica rocks contain very high Ba and Sr values, over 5,000 and 1,500 ppm, respectively.
In comparison to the average nMORB mafic and hybrid rocks from SA are extremely enriched in Rb,
Ba (up to 500X), K, La, Ce, P, Nd and Zr and show no depletion of compatible elements such as Tb and
Y. On the other hand in comparison to average OIB magmas, mafic and hybrid rocks from SA are still
enriched in Rb, Ba (up to 10X), similar in K, La, Ce, Nd and Zr and slightly depleted in Nb, Sr, Sm, P, Ti
and Y.
As a consequence an abnormal mantle enrichment episode is thought to be the source for the enriched
basic magma.
Magma mixing and fractional crystallization are recognized as main differentiation processes during the
evolution of the different rocks.
Almost identical Sr–Nd isotopic ratios for both gabbrodiorite and granite point towards a highly
homogenized mixed system, which is not consistent with the homogenization degree of the whole
magmatic body at outcrop scale. A granitic magma contaminated a previously enriched mantle-derived
basaltic magma in such a way to produce a hybrid monzogabbro with the same isotopic signature as the
In this work we will discuss: 1) evidence for different mixing episodes, 2) whether the end-members are
still to be found in the outcropping rocks, 3) differential mobility of major and trace elements and, 4) the
role of late fluid-rock interaction in the system as depicted by the complex history of feldspars.

De Campos CP1,2, Perugini D3, Morgavi D3, Ertel-Ingrish W1, Dingwell DB1 - 1LMU, Munich, Germany
- Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2IGc-USP, São Paulo, Brazil. - Dept. de Mineralogia e
Geotectônica, 3Univ. of Perugia, Piazza Università, 06100, Perugia Italy - Dept. of Earth Sciences

Geochemical studies on glasses obtained from mixing experiments with melted products from natural
rocks have highlighted the importance of fluid dynamics in producing heterogeneities (Perugini et al.
2008; De Campos et al. 2008,). Additional experimental studies with analogue and natural materials (e.g.
De Campos et al. 2011; Morgavi et al. 2013) pointed out the controlling role played by chaotic mixing
dynamics in generating the complexity of morphological patterns found in rocks. At high temperature,
convection will bring together contrasting melt compositions as layers or filaments. This interaction
is expected to produce large contact interfaces between contrasting melts. Along interfaces, chemical
exchanges will be strongly enhanced. In a magmatic system (volcanic or plutonic) following the same
dynamic and rheological laws, this process can propagate as fractals from the kilometer/meter to the
micrometer length scale. Experiments and numerical modeling show that this process will lead to
variable degrees of hybridization, which will be controlled by the different mobility of chemical elements
(e.g. De Campos et al. 2011; Morgavi et al. 2013). In the petrologic literature, the term magma mingling
has been used to indicate physical dispersion of magmas, with no chemical interaction being involved.
On the other hand, magma mixing means that not only convection, but also diffusion, and therefore
chemical exchanges, are operating in the system, generating hybrid compositions. Unless there is clear
evidence for the absence of chemical exchange in the system, the term magma mixing should therefore
be more appropriate. Recently, the coeval mobility of all elements present in a magmatic system during
mixing has been measured from mixing experiments with phonolite/basalt and rhyolite/basalt (Perugini
et al. 2013; Morgavi et al. 2013). According to these works, the main factors controlling element mobility
are: (1) compositional and rheological variations within the system; (2) the appropriate thermodynamics
for contrasting multicomponent melts; and (3) the complete strain history. In a natural scenario, these
are unknown variables. An alternative way to normalize the effects of absolute diffusive and convective
histories is to apply a parameter commonly used in the fluid dynamics literature to evaluate the degree
of homogenization of fluid mixtures: the concentration variance (R2). In this work, we compare and
discuss results from mixing experiments using both Fe-free analogue (AnDi-haplogranite) and Fe-rich
natural melts (basalt- rhyolite) and natural patterns. Our data point towards the conclusion that patterns
normally interpreted as mingling are in reality the result of magma mixing at different hybridization
degrees, both in volcanic and in plutonic environments.
References: Perugini et al. 2008 ChemGeol256,146–157; Perugini et al. 2013 ChemGeol 335,8–23, De
Campos et al. 2008 ChemGeol 256,146–157; De Campos et al. 2011 ContribMineralPetrol161,863–881;
Morgavi et al. 2013 ContribMineralPetrol166,615-638

Garcia Chinchilla DA1, Vlach SRF1 - 1Universidade de São Paulo / Instituto de Geociências -
Departamento de Mineralogia e Petrologia

Granite magmatism is widespread in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, but there are no detailed
studies up to now and such rocks are poorly known. In the Garzon area (the so-called “Garzon Massif”),
a large number of granite and related dioritic intrusions built several granite units with Jurassic ages
which intrude Permo-Carboniferous metamorphic sequences. A volcano-sedimentary sequence made
up of tuffs, agglomerates, porphyritic rhyolitic lavas interlayered with siltstones and mudstones (Saldaña
Formation), appears to be largely coeval with the granite magmatism. Most of these intrusions as well
as the volcano-sedimentary rocks are fault-limited to the east with the Garzon Metamorphic Complex,
made up of older Meso- to NeoProterozoic metamorphic and igneous rocks.
As a part of our ongoing research on the Eastern Cordillera granite magmatism, we present preliminary
petrographic and geochemical data for the Altamira Granite Unit, one of the smallest intrusive units
that crops out in the “Garzon Massif”. This unit covers a larger elongated area (ca. 35 vs. 8 km) with the
major axis oriented SW-NE and is probably made up of discrete unmapped plutons.
Two main metaluminous granitic and one dioritic petrographic facies were recognized in the Altamira
Granite Unit. The granitic facies are mainly made of massive equigranular to slightly inequigranular
biotite monzogranites (largely predominant) and biotite-hornblende granodiorites, which contain
apatite, zircon, titanite ± allanite, magnetite ± ilmenite as the main accessory phases. Porphyritic
microgranites with plagioclase and quartz fenocrysts embedded in a granopyric-like quartz-feldspatic
matrix occur as dikes and minor intrusions cross-cutting the granitic rocks. Massive equigranular
dioritic rocks (mainly hornblende monzodiorites, with apatite, zircon, titanite and magnetite ± ilmenite
as accessory minerals) form small coeval occurrences. Younger basic dikes cross cut most plutonic rocks.
A late hydrothermal alteration inprint is widespread in all the Altamira rocks and the younger dikes,
given way to the development of hydrothermal mineral assemblages dominated by chlorite- and epidote-
group minerals.
Available geochemical data points to a high-K calc-alkaline signature for the Altamira intrusive rocks.
REE patterns depict a high fractionation degree among the LREE and of the LRRE over the HREE and
moderate Eu negative anomalies. Multi element trace diagrams point to evidence significant relative
enrichements in LILE (as K, Rb, Sr) and depletions in Ti and HFSE (as Nb and Ta), features usually
supporting a subduction componente in the source.
Our preliminary data suggest that the granites from the Altamira Granitic Unit could be generated and
emplaced in a continental arc-like setting, and the parental magmas had contributions from both the
mantle wedge and the overlaying continental crust. Magmatic crystallization occurred in a moderate
oxidizing environment.

Roda-Robles E1, Pesquera A, Gil-Crespo PP, Vieira R, Lima A, Garate-Olave I, Martins T, Torres-Ruiz J -
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU - Mineralogy & Petrology

Lithium (± F, Sn, Nb, Ta, P) mineralization is common in the Central Iberian Zone (CIZ) of the Iberian
Massif (Spain and Portugal). The CIZ represents the westernmost segment of the European Variscan
Belt. It is characterized by extensive syn- to late-D2, S-type, granitic magmatism (330-290 Ma) and by the
occurrence of high-grade metamorphic complexes with a regional extent. In this region the Li-rich rocks
occur in a NNW-SSE striking belt, ≈500km long and ≈150 km wide. This mineralization mainly appears
in aplite-pegmatite bodies, where the main Li-rich minerals are the silicates spodumene, petalite and Li-
rich micas, and phosphates of the amblygonite-montebrasite series. Many of these Li-rich bodies show
an aplitic texture, frequently with the development of line-rock units. Coarse crystals are also common,
but usually smaller than 10cm long; and internal zoning of the pegmatites, if present, usually does not
show the development of a core nor intermediate zones. The Li-richest bodies usually show an important
overall enrichment in this element in the whole dyke, with no evidence of internal fractionation, often
with values in Li2O>1% wt, and high Na, F and P contents.
A magmatic origin is the most accepted theory for the genesis of the pegmatitic melts. In the southern
region of the CIZ, the Li-mineralization seems to be mainly related to highly fractionated leucogranitic
facies of late- to post- tectonic, S-type, granitic units. However, in the northern part of the CIZ the
affiliation of the Li-rich rocks is more difficult to establish. The late- to post-tectonic granites are less
abundant, whereas pre- to syn-tectonic, anatectic granites are common, often occurring in high-grade
metamorphic complexes, and frequently related to migmatites. A petrogenetic relationship among the
Li-aplite-pegmatites and those syn-tectonic granites would imply a significant mobilization of Li during
the Variscan magmatism in the CIZ, with the generation of quite similar Li-mineralization along most
of the orogeny, that is, associated with granites of different ages/origin. Another possibility is that the
Li-mineralization occurring in the northern parts of the CIZ is just spatially related to the syn-tectonic
granitoids. In this case not-outcropping, late- to post-tectonic granites would be the parental melts. In
both cases the parental granites would most probably be peraluminous, two mica, S-type leucogranites,
usually P-rich and Ca-poor, originated by the partial melting of peraluminous metasedimentary rocks,
including greywackes and shales. High degrees of fractional crystallization (up to 99%) of these granitic
melts is the most plausible mechanism to explain the composition of the Li-richest bodies occurring
in the CIZ. The distribution of the rare-element pegmatites in this region, often with the Li-F-richest
facies occurring farthest from the parental granite, suggests a previous vertical chemical zonation of
the melt within the source pluton, inherited by the pegmatitic melt before it intruded into the fractures
where it crystallized. The higher enrichment in F, as well as H2O and P, would reduce the viscosity of
the most fractionated melts in a great extent, enhancing its mobility and, in turn, lowering the liquidus

Ferri F1, Acosta-Vigil A2, Perez CA3, Hayek Valencia JN1 - 1Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia,
Università degli Studi di Padova, Padova, Italy, 3LNLS, Laboratório Nacional de Luz Sincrotron,
Campinas, Brazil

The enclaves from El Hoyazo (Southeastern Spain) represent the lower crustal remnants of the Alborán
lower crust, preserving evidence of partial melting and melt segregation. The enclaves are restitic
pelites that contain the primary melt as unaltered glass along grain boundaries and as melt inclusions.
This work aims at reconstructing the melt segregation network at micrometric scale to understand the
mechanism of crustal differentiation and the geophysical anisotropy of a partially molten crust.
The samples were investigated by micro-XRF technique at LNLS synchrotron radiation (Campinas,
Brazil) on three mutually orthogonal sections. The combination of elemental maps evidenced the
presence of a melt network. The melt network corresponds to sample regions of pure melts and to fine
mixtures of melt and sillimanite (the so called mix). The amount of melt in the mix was determined to
about 8-15% by image analysis.
The micro-XRF analysis revealed that the melt parths are mostly controlled by the distribution of
biotite, garnet and plagioclase within the rock. Melt concentrates along grain boundaries and aligns
according to the principal foliation. At the microscale, the melt network is controlled by the distribution
of the reacting mineral. The high amount of residual melt in the sample is above the melt connectivity
threshold, and supports the existence of a fully connected melt network.
The comparison of the melt topology at the microscale to that reported at the meso- and megascale in
migmatites, suggest the existence of a fractal geometry in the pattern of melt migration. The structure of
melt paths explains the actual seismic and electric anisotropies of the Alborán lower crust.

Cuadros FA1, Botelho NF1, Fuck RA1, Dantas EL1 - 1Universidade de Brasília - Instituto de Geociências

Peraluminous granites and tonalites that crop out in NE Goiás and SE Tocantins are grouped into the
2.12-2.18 Ga Aurumina Suite. These magmatic rocks intrude the amphibolite-facies paragneisses and
schists of the Ticunzal Formation, and together both units constitute large portions of the Brasília Belt
northern external zone basement in the Tocantins Province. In the past, features such as occurrence of
magmatic muscovite and garnet, presence of either enclaves or lamellae of high-crystallinity graphitic
material and negative values of ϵNd(T) led to suspect a S-type character for the suite. However, the
presence of peraluminous tonalites closely related both in space and time to the granitic rocks always
proved to be a challenge when attempting to assess a genetic model for the suite, as tonalitic and
granodioritic compositions are commonly thought to result from partial melting of basaltic sources
rather than metasedimentary ones. Up to now, no such mafic rocks of similar age or older have been
described in the studied area. The least silica-rich rocks found in the basement of this region belong
to a unit known as the Nova Roma quartz diorite, which consists of I-type-like, hornblende-bearing
magmatic rocks of restricted occurrence that intrude both a tonalite and the Ticunzal Formation,
and yield U-Pb zircon ages that lie within the same interval of 2.12-2.18 Ga that characterizes the
crystallization age of the Aurumina Suite.
In this work, reassessing of previous geochemical data as well as new analyses show that several tonalite
and granite samples of the Aurumina Suite display relatively high FeO+MgO+TiO2 sums that result,
when plotted in appropriate variation diagrams, in the samples being arranged along lines that represent
theoretical hybridization paths between metasedimentary and basaltic reservoirs at pressures lower than
5 kbar. Interestingly, samples of the Nova Roma quartz diorite also display this geochemical pattern,
plotting at the most mafic end of the trend. ϵNd(T) values of samples from the Aurumina Suite vary
between 0.6 and -5, with the tonalites and some of the granitic rocks having such radiogenic isotope
compositions that define shallow-dipping time-evolution paths yielding the least negative ϵNd(0) values
for the suite.
Based on these data, we conclude that the peraluminous Aurumina Suite does not fully represent a
classic S-type suite since it appears that a source of likely basaltic composition played a role in its genesis.
In fact, the Nova Roma quartz diorite, which was always regarded as unrelated to the Aurumina Suite,
might have stemmed from the same magmatic event that gave origin to the latter and would represent
the most mafic-component-rich member of the “supersuite” that both units seem to constitute. Future
studies based on petrologic modeling should clarify the relations between these units in detail. The
tectonic setting in which this magmatism took place is still poorly constrained and shall be addressed by
subsequent work.

Farina F1, Cutts K1, Lana C1 - 1Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto - Departamento de Geologia

In the Southern São Francisco Craton (Brazil), mafic-intermediate amphibolite boudins and lenses are
hosted within banded orthogneisses. These meter-scale blocks represent disrupted pre-metamorphic
mafic intrusions (i.e. dikes) that were rotated into parallelism with the banding in the hosting gneisses
and disrupted during ductile deformation of the basement. In the Bação Complex, in the western part of
the Southern São Francisco Craton, one mafic boudin was found showing clear field and petrographic
evidence for partial melting. The occurrence of coarse-grained euhedral clinopyroxene porphyroblasts
within the leucosome of the boudins together with the lack of garnet and orthopyroxene in the rock-
assemblage is consistent with anatexis via incongruent fluid-present melting reactions consuming
hornblende, plagioclase and quartz to form clinopyroxene and melt. Pseudosection modelling constrains
the peak assemblage for this rock at ca. 700 °C and 0.5 GPa.
Zircon crystals collected from the leucosome yield a LA-ICP-MS U-Pb age of 2728 ± 4 Ma. This age
matches the age of metamorphic overgrowths on the zircon crystals in the banded gneisses. Oscillatory-
zoned zircon cores from the gneiss gave a Concordia age of 2778 ± 2 Ma. These data indicate that upper-
amphibolite facies metamorphism and deformation of the basement took place in the Neoarchean, ca. 30
Ma after the formation of the gneiss.
Clear field evidence suggesting partial melting of the gneiss is missing. However, microstructural
evidence such as the occurrence of a thin film of melt between grain boundaries suggests that the gneiss
underwent partial melting through water present congruent reactions consuming quartz, plagioclase
and alkali-feldspar. Experiments show that fluid-present melting of metagranites can produce up to 30%
melt at a temperature as low as 690°C. The volume of melt preserved in the gneiss appears to be very
low (ca. 1%), but the rock contains up to ca. 15 vol% of felsic dikes oriented parallel to the banding. Melt
that escaped from the gneiss might have been efficiently segregated during deformation, contributing to
the formation of the felsic dikes and possibly to the genesis of silica-rich biotite-bearing granites whose
emplacement age matches with the age of metamorphism.
We suggest that fluid-present melting of Archean gneisses in the Southern São Francisco Craton
(Brazil) played a role in shaping the composition of the continental crust. Evidence for such a process
can be elusive because the melting reaction is congruent and the composition of the melt is similar to
the composition of the source rock. Finally, it is worth remarking that the chemical composition of
the partially molten orthogneiss differs from the composition of the source rock, with the chemical
diversity between the two rocks scaling with the amount of melt escaped. Thus, failing to discern the
restitic nature of some orthogneisses has serious consequences on the interpretation of their chemical

De Toni GB1, Bitencourt MF2, Nardi LVS2 - 1UFRGS - Programa de Pós-graduação em Geociências,
UFRGS - Departamento de Geologia

Myrmekite is a fine intergrowth of (generally Na-rich) plagioclase and vermicular quartz developed
on K-feldspar. The myrmekite-forming reaction is intimately related to both deformation and access
of fluids, as it results in volume decrease and finer grainsize, thus enhancing plastic behaviour and
permeability. The role of fluids in controlling deformation mechanisms is well known in upper and
mid-crustal level. On the other hand, in spite of the essentially anhydrous character of granulite facies
conditions, the crystallization of magmas in these environments may lead to local fluid concentration
which may in turn have an effect on deformation mechanisms. The formation of Ca-rich myrmekites is
described in a Neoproterozoic syntectonic syenite (642 Ma) from Encruzilhada do Sul, southern Brazil,
which is intrusive in a granulite facies collisional thrust pile (peak metamorphism at 650 Ma). The Arroio
das Palmas Syenite is mainly porphyritic, and subordinately fine-grained equigranular, with biotite and
clinopyroxene as main mafic phases and with minor quantities of hornblende and quartz. It exhibits
high- and low-strain zones. Within low-strain zones, well-developed magmatic foliation and lineation
are marked by shape alignment of K-feldspar and mafic minerals. Subgrains and recrystallized grains
(ca. 0.5 mm) are developed to different degrees at the border of K-feldspar megacrysts, and interstitial
quartz presents chessboard subgrain pattern. Heterogeneously distributed fluid-rich, late-magmatic
liquids were responsible for strain partitioning into dry and wet high-strain zones at outcrop scale, where
contrasting deformation mechanisms are reported and different end-products are formed from a single
syenite protolith. In dry high-strain zones K-feldspar and clinopyroxene are recrystallized under high-T
conditions. In wet high-strain zones, the de-stabilization of clinopyroxene and pervasive replacement
of relatively undeformed K-feldspar porphyroclasts by myrmekite and subordinate graphic-like
intergrowths indicate melt-assisted dissolution-replacement creep as the main deformation mechanism.
The recrystallization of these intergrowths is observed and is considered to contribute significantly to
the development of the mylonitic foliation and banding. A model is proposed for strain partitioning
relating a positive feedback between myrmekite-forming reaction, strain softening, continuous inflow of
late-magmatic liquids and dissolution-replacement creep in the wet zone at the expenses of the original
mineralogy, which is preserved in the dry zones. Regarding the constraints of the model, melt-assisted
dissolution-replacement creep in syntectonic environments under granulite-facies conditions may
extend the field of opperation of dissolution-replacement creep to the lower continental crust.

Gonçalves GO1, Lana C1, Scholz R1, Buick IS2, Marinho MM3 - 1Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto -
Departamento de Geologia, 2Stellenbosch University - Earth Sciences, 3Universidade Federal da Bahia
- Instituto de Geociências

Over the past 20 years, high spatial resolution U/Pb geochronology and isotope geochemistry has
revolutionized the study of felsic magmatic rocks by establishing crystallization and inheritance ages
in zoned minerals, and by isotopically fingerprinting source regions, constraining the extent of magma
mixing and/or crustal recycling in granite genesis.
These techniques require well-calibrated standards. LA-ICP-MS has shown the greatest increase both
in application to geochronology and isotope geochemistry compared to ID-TIMS or SIMS. One widely
distributed monazite U/Pb standard comes from the Itambé pegmatite district of Bahia State (E Brazil),
and is known as either “Moacyr” or “Moacir” monazite in the literature. This pegmatite district forms
the northern extent of the Eastern Brazillian Pegmatite Belt, which continues southwards into the 630-
480 Ma Araçuaí Orogen. “Moacyr” monazite was originally collected by a Bahia State Geological Survey
geotechnician and was subsequently distributed to several research groups by Prof. Moacyr Marinho.
However, the exact sampling locality was not recorded and the Itambé pegmatite district contains three
different large pegmatites (the Bananeira, Coqueiro and Paraíso pegmatites), all of which contain large
quantities of monazite. An initial ID-TIMS U/Pb age determination on one “Moacyr” aliquot gave a
concordant ca. 474 Ma age. Subsequent ID-TIMS age determinations have suggested that the “Moacyr”
monazite is reversely discordant, with best estimate crystallization (207Pb/235U) ages in the range ca. 504-
508 Ma. These estimates do not entirely overlap within error, and it is unclear whether this is an inter-
laboratory analytical effect, or results from geological factors e.g. samples taken from different localities.
The main goal of this study is to identify the origin of a ca. 50g crystal fragment of “Moacyr” monazite.
This fragment is termed “Itambé” to distinguish it from other Moacyr monazite aliquots. The origin of
the “Itambé” sample was investigated by comparing new data on its age, Nd-isotope composition and
chemical composition with those of monazite directly sampled by the authors from the three pegmatite
bodies that comprise the Itambé pegmatite district.
The U-Pb LA-ICP-MS results showed that the samples have, within error, the same ages (ca. 508 Ma), so
other means must be used to distinguish between them. In regard to chemical composition, on the basis
of MREE/HREE fractionation (ie, (La/Gd)N and (Gd/Lu)N values), Eu/Eu* and the chondrite-normalized
REE patterns of the “Itambé” monazite is very similar to that from the Coqueiro pegmatite, and both are
distinctly different from the Bananeira and Paraíso monazites. This distinction also is apparent in their
Nd-isotope compositions.
The combination of elemental and Nd-isotopic compositions suggests that the “Itambé” monazite
aliquot is from the Coqueiro pegmatite. Moreover, the ϵNd values of the “Itambé” monazite fragment
(ϵNdt. = -4.2) and that from all the Itambé district pegmatites, are distinct from other standards (eg,
Managountry; ϵNdt = -22.3) as well as gem-quality monazite from ca. 490-520 Ma pegmatites from the
Araçuaí Orogen, further to the south, which are much more isotopicaly evolved (ϵNdt = -17 to -14). We
acknowledge support from FAPEMIG (apoio a participação em eventos) and the CNPq (Brazil).

Yang JH1, Li XH1, Chen JY1, Zhang Y1 - 1State Key Laboratory of Lithosphere Evolution - Institute of
Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Ancient continents are generally modified by structural, magmatic and metamorphic processes after
their formation to form new structural fabrics and juvenile crust (i.e., reworking and rejuvenation),
which is the key process in continental crustal evolution. South China has experienced collision with
Indochina and North China blocks and subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Ocean plate since Mesozoic, with
multiple stages of magmatism. The large scale of igneous rocks provide powerful evidence and important
information regarding rejuvenation and reworking of continental crust. Here we present new zircon
U-Pb-Hf-O data and whole rock geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopes of Early Mesozoic granite, syenite
and gabbro in the south Jiangxi Province to trace their ages, magmatic source and petrogenesis, and to
further constrain the Early Mesozoic rejuvenation and reworking of continental crust of South China.
The intrusive rocks in the south Jiangxi Province mainly consist of biotite granites with small stocks
of Kf granite, syenite and gabbro. Zircon U-Pb dating gives the emplace age of 247-241 Ma for biotite
granites, 198-195 Ma for syenites, 190 Ma for Kf granites and 188 Ma for gabbros, respectively. The
Triassic biotite granites are metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, with SiO2 contents of 63.9-73.9
wt.%, low P2O5 contents. They have high (87Sr/86Sr)i ratios (0.7086-0.7225) and negative eNd(t) (-12 to
-14.5) and ϵHf(t) (-9.9 to -12) values for whole rocks, and ϵHf(t) values of -8.5 to -17.2 and d18O values
of 8.6-10 ‰ for zircons, implying that the Triassic biotite granites are fractionated I-type granites that
were derived from partial melting of ancient metabasaltic rocks, coupled with crystal fractionation and
wallrock contamination. The Early Jurassic syenites have low (87Sr/86Sr)i ratios (0.7023-0.7056) and
positive eNd(t) (0.3 to 5.3) and ϵHf(t) (3.3 to 12) values at SiO2 contents of 61.4-72.3 wt.%. Zircons have
ϵHf(t) values of 8.8-15 and d18O values of 4.5-5.3 ‰. They were possibly derived from an enriched mantle
source with widely crystal fractionation. The Early Jurassic Kf granites have typical geochemical features
of peraluminous A-type granites, with high Ga/Al ratios, and Zr, Hf, Nb and total alkali contents. They
have eNd(t) (-0.5 to -4.2) and ϵHf(t) (0.9 to 4.9) values for whole rocks, and ϵHf(t) values of -3.0-8.7 and
d18O values of 4.0-7.3 ‰ for zircons, indicating a young crustal source. The Early Jurassic gabbros have
eNd(t) (-1.5 to 0.6) and ϵHf(t) (-1.6 to 5.7) values for whole rocks and ϵHf(t) values of 3.9-6.4 and d18O
values of 4.9-5.9 ‰ for zircons, suggesting that they resulted from crustal assimilation of enriched
lithospheric mantle-derived melts. The distinct sources of the Early Mesozoic igneous rocks indicate that
the continental crust of South China was reworked and rejuvenated by mafic magma underplating and
intracrustal melting possibly related to tectonic transition from Tethys orogenic regime to Paleo-Pacific
regime during Early Mesozoic.

Batista LA1, Moraes R1, Lima RB2 - 1Universidade de São Paulo, 2CPRM

Semi-pelite, or wacke, is an important component in continental crust, which under amphibolite

facies metamorphism originates biotite schist with variable amounts of plagioclase and aluminum-
rich minerals, as garnet, staurolite and Al2SiO5 polymorphs. The Santo Antônio unit is part of the
Andrelândia Nappe System, Southern Brasília Orogen, MG, Brazil, and it groups a transition from
kyanite-garnet-muscovite-biotite-plagioclase schist to metatexite with incipient to moderate partial
melting. The investigation of its metamorphism and anatexis is accomplished using field data, mineral
chemistry and calculating pseudosections with THERMOCALC. The metatexite presents leucosome
veins mainly composed of quartz and plagioclase, with some mica, rare garnet and almost no high-
stability phases, as zircon, rutile, ilmenite and monazite, and, although deformed, igneous textures, as
euhedral plagioclase with concentric zoning and thin quartz films trapped in intergranular boundaries,
are recognized. New biotite occurs either as melanosome, the main peritectic phase formed during
incongruent partial melt reaction of muscovite, or as schlieren. Despite its origin as the main residual
phase, it is difficult to distinguish whether biotite is peritectic or retrometamorphic, as most neosome
remains unsegregated, even in the outcrops with higher leucosome content, up to 30% in volume
in the unit structural top. From schist to metatexite a compositional banding is developed due to
different amounts of leucosome lenses that are parallel or locally discordant to main foliation in
matrix (palaeosome + unsegregated neosome). Pseudosection modeling in NCKFMASHTO system
was calculated for two textural homogeneous samples from each main example, schist and metatexite,
showing wide tri- to pentavariant and small uni-, di-, hexa-, or heptavariant fields. In both examples,
metamorphic peak assemblage is quartz, biotite, plagioclase, garnet, ilmenite, rutile and melt, formed at
expenses of Na-rich muscovite, plagioclase and kyanite; no K-feldspar is observed. The compositional
variations observed in mica (Na0.07-0.15, Fe0.10-0.12 apfu), plagioclase (An16-40 matrix, An12-35 leucosome, An16-
garnet inclusions) and garnet (XMg0.09-0.28, variable core-rim zoning) are in accordance with calculated
compositional isopleths and combined indicate heating at high-pressure, reaching metamorphic peak
at ~ 750 ºC above 10 kbar, followed by cooling-decompression stage, in agreement with optimized
thermobarometry and Zr-in-rutile temperatures. Modeling indicates melt composition is sodium and
silica-rich that is in consonance with leucosome composition, rich in quartz and Na-rich plagioclase:
moderate temperature and high-pressure partial melting via plagioclase-muscovite breakdown will
produce tonalite-trondhjemite melt before addition of K-feldspar in the system, which occurs only
in high P-T conditions, above 10 kbar and 850 °C. The increase in leucosome volume toward the
unit structural top is also compatible with calculated higher P-T conditions, and implies an inverted
metamorphic gradient for the area. The characterization of this process highlights the importance of Na-
rich muscovite and plagioclase in the generation of tonalite-trondhjemite melts over granite ones, from
semi-pelite protoliths, when proper P-T are achieved.

Alkmin LA1, Stevens G2, Lana C1 - 1UFOP - DEGEO, 2Stellenbosch University

The tonalite-throndjemite-granidiorite (TTGs) suite of granitoid rocks were dominant during the
formation of the felsic continental crust in the Archean. TTGs are granitoids characterised by high
contents of silica (typically higher than 68 wt% SiO2) and sodium, with low potassium-sodium ratios
(Na2O ~4.65 wt%; K2O/Na2O ~0.4), low La/Yb ratios (~48) and low Yb concentration (~0.6 ppm). It was
demonstrated in 2012 that it is possible to generate melts with compositions very similar to the average
Archean trondhjemite, through partial melting of water saturated eclogitic rocks, under PT conditions
consistent with Archean subduction. Within the Barberton greenstone belt, TTG magmatism occurred
at ca 3.55, 3.42 and 3.23 Ga. It has been documented some potassic and peraluminous granites which
occur as clasts within a conglomerate of the greenstone belt to have ages of 3550±45 Ma, 3460±34 Ma
and 3270±36 Ma. These granites differ from typical S-type granites for their very low CaO (0.30 wt%
in average), despite having reasonable Sr (12−330 ppm). It has been demonstrated that these granites
formed by anatexis of sedimentary rocks subducted with oceanic crust as an explanation of the coeval
production of peraluminous granite and TTG magmas. This study has experimentally investigated the
possibility that the TTG and S-type granite magmas are produced by the same source as a consequence
of high pressure melting. The experiments have used the composition of an Archean oceanic crust, in
conjunction with PT conditions consistent with ancient subduction zone thermal structure.
Experiments were conducted at 2,5 GPa, with temperature varying between 600 to 850°C. It was
demonstrated that at relatively low temperature (800°C to 850°C at 25 kbar) the mafic source produces
peraluminous granitic melts with low CaO contents (0.88 wt% in average). The modeling of equilibria
phases and their stability also support the results found experimentally, suggesting that such a melt is
produced by breaking all the minerals holding potassium first, enriching the produced melt in potassium
and, only after, generate the TTG-like granitoids.

Pimentel MM1, Junges SL - 1Universidade de Brasilia

The Mara Rosa Magmatic Arc is an important component of the neoproterozoic Brasília Belt, in central
Brazil, underlying extensive areas in the western part of the orogen. Preliminary geochronological data
have indicated that this juvenile terrain formed between ca. 860 and 630 Ma, representing the closure
of a wide oceanic basin, the Goiás-Pharusian ocean, between the São Francisco-Congo, Amazonian and
West African paleocontinents. It is formed by: (i) supracrustal sequences (Santa Terezinha and Mara
Rosa sequences) comprising feldspar-bearing schist, felsic and mafic metavolcanic rocks and minor
quartzite, and (ii) plutonic/metaplutonic suites comprising pre- to post-tectonic intrusive bodies,
ranging in composition from gabbro to granite, with an important tonalitic component. New LA-ICPMS
U–Pb zircon data discussed here indicate a complex magmatic and metamorphic evolution of the arc
during continental convergence.
The Mara Rosa Sequence is interpreted in this study as representative of a primitive neoproterozoic
island arc. It contains the oldest (ca. 915 Ma) metavolcanic rock known in the arc. The detrital zircon
grains range in age from from 950 to 780 Ma indicating that the original sources are within the Mara
Rosa Arc itself. The metaplutonic suites comprise at least three broad groups of plutons: (i) the oldest
include typically juvenile, primitive rocks, possibly formed in island arcs with ages ranging from ca.
874 to 852 Ma, (ii) the second, emplaced between ca. 812 and 800 Ma, exhibit crustal isotopic signature
and many inherited zircon grains and (iii) the youngest is formed by a cryogenian bimodal suite of
gabbrodiorites and granodiorites cristallized between ca. 650 Ma and 611 Ma. Granites of this phase
are generally leucocratic and slightly peraluminous presenting conspicuous inheritance of paleo- and
mesoproterozoic material.
Ages of metamorphism determined on metamorphic zircon and monazite are of ca. 630-620 Ma
indicating that this is the timing of final closure of the Goiás-Pharusian ocean. The new data suggests
a complex evolution scenario for the Goiás Magmatic Arc, and for the Brasília Belt itself. Any tectonic
model should, therefore, take into consideration several paleosubduction zones and successive events of
accretion of magmatic arcs along the western margin of the orogen.
In Brazil, this system of arcs is covered by the Parnaíba Paleo- Mesozoic sedimentary basin and re-
appears in NE Brazil (Ceará), and in Africa, in the Hoggar-Pharusian region, where juvenile arcs such
as the Tilemsi and Amalaoulaou are recognized. This implies that this semi-continuous arc system
extended for several thousands of kilometers, from central Brazil and NW Africa, developed in a tectonic
setting possibly similar to the arcs of the Western Pacific Ocean.

Garcia-Arias M1, Stevens G2 - 1Universidad de Los Andes - Geociencias, 2Stellenbosch University - Earth

Granitoid magma compositions may be controlled by processes that operate in the source. One of
these processes is the peritectic assemblage entrainment (PAE), which states that S-type granites are
formed by the entrainment to the melt of a fraction of the peritectic mineral assemblage (PMA: garnet/
cordierite/orthopyroxene, Ca-rich plagioclase, K-feldspar and/or ilmenite) produced during incongruent
melting of muscovite- and biotite-bearing rocks during partial melting of metasedimentary rocks,
and co-segregation of the melt and this fraction of PMA. This process seems to explain satisfactorily
the observed tight correlation between several elements like Ti, Si or Ca and maficity (Fe+Mg on an
element basis). Consequently, the addition of the PMA reduces the Si and K content and increases the
Ca and Ti content and maficity of granitoid magmas as the melt is enriched mainly in Si, Na and K,
the peritectic mineral assemblage in Ca, Ti, Fe and Mg and the entrainment of the PMA dilutes those
elements present mainly in the melt and enriches the magma in those elements present mainly in the
mineral assemblage. Phase equilibria modelling is especially suitable to test the PAE process as the
composition and amount of the melt and the peritectic minerals are thermodynamically constrained,
and the composition of theoretical magmas formed by the peritectic assemblage entrainment process
can easily be compared with natural S-type granitoids. The study presented here is the first attempt in
such comparison. To reach this goal, the composition of a schist believed to be the source rock of the
S-type Peninsula pluton, South Africa, was used to calculate the composition of the magmas. Several
melting processes have been tested at 0.8 GPa from 650 ºC, below the solidus, to 900 ºC. These models
included equilibrium batch melting (EBM), equilibrium fractional melting (EFM) and disequilibrium
fractional melting (DFM), all of them with no entrained PMA, to test the composition of pure melts.
In EFM and DFM, melt was segregated after every 1ºC, closely resembling fractional melting, whilst in
DFM the disequilibrium behaviour of plagioclase during partial melting was considered. Neither of the
melts matched the composition of the granites of the Peninsula pluton except for the leucogranites as the
melts were too felsic. Two more models with entrained peritectic mineral assemblage were calculated
(EFM+PAE and DFM+PAE), where the magma was segregated after the melt fraction reached 5 wt%,
and the composition of magmas consisting of 100 wt% melt, 80 wt% melt + 20 wt% PMA and 60 wt%
melt + 40 wt% PMA was calculated. The entrained mineral fraction keeps the stoichiometric proportions
of the produced peritectic phases. The compositional trends formed by both EFM+PAE and DFM+PAE
are roughly parallel to the trends of the granites but DFM+PAE magmas produce a better fit in most
of the elements and element ratios studied. This thermodynamic study demonstrates that peritectic
assemblage entrainment is a viable process to explain the composition of S-type granites and remarks
the importance of entrained peritectic plagioclase and the stoichiometric proportions of the entrained
peritectic phases in the granite chemistry.

Melo MG1,2, Stevens G2, Lana C1, Pedrosa-Soares AC3, Frei D2, Alkmim FF1 - 1Universidade Federal de
Ouro Preto - Departamento de Geologia, 2University of Stellenbosch - Department of Earth Sciences,
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Instituto de Geociências

The Carlos Chagas batholith (CCB) is a large body (exposed area = 14,000 km2) of peraluminous
granitoid rocks formed during the syn-collisional period (585-560 Ma) of the Araçuaí orogeny (Brazil). A
dominant feature of this batholith is its garnet-rich and biotite-poor character. No previous studies have
investigated the origin of the mineralogy of the CCB in detail. In this study, we present new petrographic
and mineral chemical evidence which documents garnet growth during two separate partial melting
episodes. In situ U-Pb monazite and zircon dating, allow the timing of the partial melting events to be
accurately constrained.
Three different domains within CCB can be differentiated based on the occurrence of the mineral
assemblages: (1) Qz+Pl+Kfs+Bt+Grt+Ilm±Rt, (2) Qz+Pl+Kfs+Bt+Grt+Ilm+Sil±Crd, (3)
Qz+Pl+Kfs+Bt+Grt+Ilm+Sil+Spl. In all three domains garnet occurs as large poikiloblastic crystals
which include rounded biotite crystals with higher TiO2 contents than the matrix biotite. In domains 2
and 3 a sillimanite fabric wraps around the large garnet crystals and a second generation of garnet occurs
as smaller euhedral crystals that overgrow both the sillimanite fabric and the large garnet crystals. This
2nd generation of garnet contains sillimanite inclusions. Both generations of garnet are unzoned in terms
of major element (Alm70-80Py15-23Sps2-4Grs2-6 and Alm71–83 Py12-23Sps2–4Gro2-6 respectively) and HREE (GdN/
LuN=0.08-0.60 and 0.51-1.60 respectively).
Textural evidence for the presence of melt at the peak of metamorphism is recognized in all domains
on all scales, from the formation of garnet-bearing neosome to melt inclusions within garnet. Phase
equilibria modelling using melt-depleted bulk compositions allows that P-T conditions of the last
melting event to be constrained in each domain. Domain 1 records the conditions of the 1st metamorphic
event to be 807-905 ºC and 12.4-12.8 kbar, whilst Domains 2 and 3 record the conditions of equilibration
during the 2nd metamorphic event to be: 765-835 ºC and 5.1-9.5 kbar; and 765-819 ºC and 5.0-10.2 kbar
The CCB crystallized as a K-feldspar megacrystic biotite granite at 587-572 Ma and the 1st granulite facies
event occurred at 560-552 Ma, producing poikiloblastic garnet (1-15%) in neosomes around phenocrysts
via biotite fluid-absent melting. The Nova Venécia complex, which forms the country rocks around the
CCB, records conditions of 750-850 ºC and 5.3-7.5 Kbar at this time.
Reheating related to asthenosphere ascent during the extensional thinning and gravitational collapse of
the orogen promoted sufficient heat to allow for a 2nd anatectic event in the CCB, where rehydration had
allowed for the formation of retrograde muscovite. This 2nd granulite event is recorded in the zircon and
monazite geochronology of all domains at 528-515 Ma, but a new generation of garnet is only identified
in the rocks of Domains 2 and 3. In these rocks sillimanite is produced by muscovite dehydration
melting followed by biotite melting in the sillimanite-bearing rocks and generation of the 2nd generation
of garnet. Juxtaposition of the CCB with the Nova Venécia complex was probably accomplished during
this extensional episode.

Reyes S1, Matteini M1, Pimentel MM1, Dantas EL1 - 1Universidade de Brasilia - Instituto de Geociências

The Brasilia belt is part of a large Neoproterozoic (Brasiliano/Pan African) orogen developed between
the Amazon, São Francisco and Paranapanema cratons. It represents a well preserved complex orogen
formed by (i) the Neoproterozoic Goias magmatic arc, constituted by igneous and volcano-sedimentary
rocks, (ii) Archean-Paleoproterozoic terrains and (iii) thick Meso-Neoproterozoic metasedimentary
sequences. The Uruana syenite is located in the central part of the Brasilia belt just to the north of
the Anapolis-Itaçu granulitic complex intruding orthogneisses of unknown age, supracrustal rocks
of the Neoproterozoic Rio do Peixe volcano-sedimentary sequence and metasediments of the Araxá
Group and Serra Dourada Sequence. The Uruana syenite, with an age of 620 Ma, represents a body of
approximately 60x20 km elongated in W-E direction with important milonitic deformation probably
related to the Pireneus transcurrent lineament that represent a regional scale tectonic features separating
the northern and southern portions of the Brasilia belt. The Uruana syenite has a typical green schist
mineralogical association represented by actinolite, epidote, biotite titanite and plagioclase. It exhibits a
homogenous porphyritic texture with cm-size K-feldspar porphiroclasts and locally presents abundant
microgranular mafic enclaves (MME). The geochemical composition of the syenite and the MMIs shows
wide variation in SiO2 (45-67 wt %), high K20 content (5.40–8.62 wt.%), high LILE (Ba=390–2053 ppm,
Sr=294–1771ppm), HFSE and LREE content. Most of the lithologies show ultrapotassic signature with
the most basic MME sample having lamproitic affinity. The petrographical and geochemical data suggest
that the MMEs could be classified as minettes representing a calc-alkaline ultrapotassic magma. The
source of this magma could be represented by a lithospheric mantle metasomatised between 900 and 600
Ma during the formation of the Goias Magmatic Arc. The partial melting of the metasomatized mantle in
the region could be triggered by a lithospheric delamination process occurred after the peak of granulitic
metamorphism at approximately 650 Ma.

Zaffarana CB1, Somoza R2, López de Luchi MG2 - 1Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y
Técnicas, General Roca, Argentina, 2Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Buenos
Aires, Argentina

This contribution reports a reassessment of the units of the Late Triassic Central Patagonian Batholith
(CPB, North-Patagonian Massif, argentinean Argentina) based on a detailed field mapping and
petrographic studies complemented by new 40Ar/39Ar biotite ages. This batholith bears magmatic to
solid-state foliations, and its emplacement was interpreted as due to the activity of a major transcurrent
fault during the Early Mesozoic. The CPB consists of the Gastre and the Lipetrén superunits. The Gastre
Superunit is composed of four units, where the oldest one is the Equigranular Hornblende-Biotite
Granodiorites. This unit is characterized by medium to coarse-grained grey equigranular granodiorites
and monzogranites with a modal composition given by plagioclase (40-60%), quartz (15-35%),
K-feldspar (15-20%), hornblende (5-8%), biotite (2-5%), titanite, apatite and opaque minerals (1-5%).
This unit is in transitional contact with the Porphyritic Biotite-Hornblende Monzogranites, which are
a suite of monzogranites and granodiorites composed of euhedral K-feldspar megacrysts immersed in
a medium-grained groundmass with hypidiomorphic texture. A third unit, the Equigranular Biotitic
Monzogranites, forms stocks of light pink, medium-to coarse-grained equigranular monzogranites
which intrude the previously mentioned units. The stocks are constituted by plagioclase (30%),
microcline (35-20%), quartz (35-25%), biotite (10%), hornblende (5% or absent) and titanite, apatite
and titanomagnetite (5%). The Gastre Superunit of the CPB is finally composed of the The Hornblende
Quartz-Diorites, a unit characterized by three stocks of dioritic to quartz-monzodioritic composition
and by many dioritic to quartz-dioritic dikes. The stocks intrude and are, in turn, locally intruded
by the other units (intrusion-reintrusion phenomena). The dikes intrude all the other units of the
Gastre Superunit. Data of mineral chemistry from a granodiorite belonging to the Porphyritic Biotite-
Hornblende Monzogranites and from a tonalite belonging to a stock of the Hornblende Quartz-Diorites
allowed us to constrain emplacement depth and crystallization temperature in these units. Emplacement
depth is bracketed between 6 and 11 kilometers (1.8 to 3 kbar using the calibration of Schmidt 1992),
with maximum recorded temperatures of emplacement comprised between 760 and 800⁰C (Holland and
Blundy 1994 geothermometer). The Porphyritic Biotite-Hornblende Monzogranites yield a 40Ar/39Ar
age in biotite of 213±5 Ma.
The Lipetren Superunit is constituted by fine-grained biotite monzo- and syenogranites which intrude
all the units of the Gastre Superunit. The monzogranites yielded a 40Ar/39Ar age in biotite of 206 ± 4
Ma. The fine-grained and even granophyric textures in the Lipetrén Superunit suggest a rapid cooling in
a subvolcanic environment; therefore its biotite 40Ar/39Ar age would be close to its real emplacement
crystallization age. The new 40Ar/39Ar ages, together with previously reported Rb/Sr ages, indicate that
a time span ≥7 Ma elapsed between the intrusion of the Gastre and the Lipetren superunits. Unlinke the
Gastre Superunit, the Lipetren Superunit does not bear magma hybridization textures.
Holland, T., Blundy, J., 1994. Non-ideal interactions in calcic amphiboles and their bearing on
amphibole-plagioclase thermometry. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 116, 433–447.
Schmidt, M.W., 1992. Amphibole composition in tonalite as a function of pressure: an experimental
calibration of the Al-in-hornblende barometer. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 110,

Remaci-Benaouda N1, Belousova EA2, Greau Y2, Bowden P3, Cottin JY3, Bouziani D1, Griffin WL2, O’reilly
SY2 - 1University of Oran 2, Oran, Algeria - Sciences de la Terre, 2GEMOC, Macquarie University, Sydney,
Australia - CCFS ARC Centre of Excellence, 3Université Jean Monnet, Saint Etienne, France - Dept

Located within the Laouni terrane, in the LATEA metacraton, near Tessalit and Bahouinet, the rare
migmatitic granite Basement occurring in the huge Pan-African granites offers an opportunity to
investigate its age, nature and origin. This rock unit is characterized by a significant tectonic foliation
defined by micas as well as local banding formed by variable quartz and feldspars that interacted
with micas. Two types of granites are recognized : one is fine-grained, strongly foliated, the second
one is medium to coarse grained. Despite their textural diversity in terms of grain size and presence/
absence of K-feldspar megacrysts, all samples show similar mineralogical assemblages consisting of
variable proportion of quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, biotite, ± muscovite, zircon, apatite, monazite
and ilmenite. Quartz is generally anhedral with undulose extinction. Microperthitic K-feldspar is often
megacrystals (1-2 cm), interstitial or graphically intergrown with quartz. Plagioclase is generally weakly
zoned (An31-36). Fe-rich biotite is typically much more abundant than muscovite. The most distinctive
feature of the muscovite analyses is the high TiO2 (up to 1.64 wt%). Euhedral zircon, apatite and
monazite occur mainly as inclusions in biotite and rarely in plagioclase and quartz. Migmatitic granites
have peraluminous syenogranitic compositions (SiO2= 60-70 wt%, A/CNK: 0.97 to 1.12 and normative
corundum contents ranging from 0.91 to 3.48. They are characterized by K2O more abundant than Na2O
and they are ferroan and alkalic to alkali-calcic in composition. Rare earth element (REE) patterns are
relatively uniform, with steep slopes (La/YbN = 15-88) that result from enrichment in light REE (LREE).
Eu anomalies are very apparent with a high negative anomaly in every sample. U-Pb data on zircons gave
an age of crystallization of 2087 Ma. Sm-Nd data are variable (ϵ Nd (t) = -7.32 to 1.57, TDM= 2.96-2.30
Ga) and ϵHf (t) values are also variable (-2.9 to +1.66 with TDM = 2.76 Ga). The positive and negative
isotopic ϵ Nd and ϵ Hf data suggest that the migmatitic granite probably resulted from a crustal material
with addition of a minor contribution from the mantle by magma mixing in the crustal magma chamber.
The Nd and Hf model ages indicate that this Paleoproterozoic granite was derived from a Neoarchean

Safonov OG3,2,1, Tatarinova DS2,3, Yapaskurt VO2,3, Varlamov DA3, van Reenen DD1, Golunova MA3
- 1University of Johanesburg - Department of Geology, 2Moscow State University - Department of
Petrology, 3Institute of Experimental Mineralogy - Laboratory of Lithosphere

During metamorphism and subsequent exhumation, Precambrian high-grade complexes become

injected by various granitoid magmas that originated from deeper crustal levels (Morfin et al., 2013,
Lithos, 168-169, 200-218). The effect of these magmas on the country rocks becomes apparent through
transportation of entrapped granulites, formation of local zones of HT-UHT metamorphism and partial
melting, assimilation of granulites, and production of large volumes of exotic fluids that interacted with
granulites. We present petrological, fluid inclusion and thermobarometric studies exemplifying these
complex effects from rocks associated with high-grade shear zones (Petronella, Matok) in the Southern
Marginal Zone (SMZ) of the Limpopo Complex (South Africa). During exhumation onto the Kaapvaal
craton during the time period 2.72 – 2.66 Ga, the SMZ has been invaded by trondhjemite-granodiorite
melts (Belyanin et al., 2014, Prec. Res., 254, 169-193; Safonov et al., 2014, Prec. Res., 253, 114-145),
which are, probably, closely associated with the large diorite-granodiorite-quartz syenite Matok pluton
(Laurent et al., 2014, Lithos, 196-197, 131-149). These hot (T ~ 1000ºC) magmas entrapped and heated
metapelites at P ~ 7.5-8.5 kbar (23-25 km depth) and dragged them to a depth of 18-20 km (6.3-6.5 kbar)
(Safonov et al., 2014, Prec. Res., 253, 114-145). Heating of the country orthopyroxene-cordierite-biotite
metagraywakes resulted in localized dehydration melting of the rocks at temperatures up to 950ºC. The
peritectic melting reactions produced new generations of garnet, orthopyroxene and sillimanite in the
rocks and finally resulted in formation of spectacular K-feldspar-rich garnet-orthopyroxene enclaves.
In turn, the heterogeneous assimilation of the trondhjemitic melts by the metagraywake material is also
reflected in several distinct garnet generations. Various mineral assemblages from the garnet-bearing
trondhjemites, garnet-orthopyroxene enclaves and surrounding rocks allowed tracing the sub-isobaric
cooling of the magma-rock system from T ~ 900ºC to ~600ºC at 6.3 - 6.5kbar. Fluid inclusions trapped
in garnet and quartz in the trondhjemite show that the magma transported a CO2 fluid coexisting with
aqueous-salt fluid bearing NaCl, KCl and CaCl2. Reduction of the CO2 fluid during the assimilation of the
sulfide-rich metagraywake material locally produced graphite-bearing varieties of trondhjemites. Similar
CO2 and aqueous-chloride fluids were detected in quartz of granodiorite and porphyritic quartz syenite
of the Matok complex. The aqueous fluids with water activities 0.5-0.3, being exsolved from the granitoid
magmas during sub-isobaric cooling and solidification, provoked formation of various assemblages
after cordierite and orthopyroxene in the surrounding rocks. They include late garnet, Na2O-rich gedrite
(locally coexisting with anthophyllite), biotite, sillimanite (kyanite), staurolite, sodic plagioclase. Our
data show that granitoid melts played a critical role in the exhumation of the Limpopo granulites onto
the adjacent granite-greenstone craton, transference of heat in the crust, and transportation of large
volumes of external H2O-CO2-salt fluids that subsequently participated in the rehydration of a significant
portion of the SMZ (van Reenen et al., 2014, Prec. Res., 253, 63-80).
The study is supported by Russian Scientific Fund (14-17-00581), Russian Foundation for Basic Research
(13-05-00353), National Science Foundation of South Africa (GUN: 2053192) and the University of
Johannesburg as part of the Russian-South African collaboration.

Bartoli O1, Acosta-Vigil A1, Cesare B1, Remusat L2, Tajcmanova L3, Walle M3, Heinrich CA3, Poli S4 -
University of Padova - Department of Geosciences, 2Sorbonne Universites - IMPMC-UMR CNRS, 3ETH
- Department of Earth Sciences, 4University of Milan - Department of Earth Sciences

Crustal anatexis, accompanied by melt extraction and ascent of magma to upper crustal levels,
constitutes the most important mechanism of geochemical differentiation of the continental crust.
Being trapped by growing peritectic phases at suprasolidus conditions, melt inclusions (MI) in anatectic
enclaves, migmatites and granulites represent a window into the pre-peak anatectic history of partially
melted rocks (Acosta-Vigil et al., 2010, JP, 51:785-821; Bartoli et al., 2013, Geology, 41:115-118; Bartoli
et al., 2014, EPSL, 395:281-290), and may provide a wealth of microstructural and compositional
information on crustal anatexis (Cesare et al., 2011, JVE, 38:1-21; Acosta-Vigil et al., 2012, JP, 53:1319-
1356). The crustal footwall of the Ronda peridotites (S Spain) consists of an inverted metamorphic
sequence with migmatites and mylonites at the top. Mylonites represent strongly deformed former
diatexites. To shed light on the nature and mechanisms of melting, a microstructural and geochemical
study has been conducted on primary MI hosted in peritectic garnet of i) metatexites at the bottom of
the migmatitic sequence and ii) mylonites close to the contact with the mantle rocks. Both rock types
have compositions corresponding to peraluminous greywackes. Phase equilibria modeling shows that
metatexites and mylonites underwent anatexis under amphibolite- and granulite-facies conditions,
respectively (660–700 °C, 4.5–5 kbar and 820-830 °C, 5.5-6.0 kbar). Clusters of MI in the metatexites
are rounded and preferentially located at the core of small garnet crystals, whereas these clusters may
have a sigmoidal- to spiral-like shape in garnets of mylonites. MI are small (2-10 µm) and show variable
degrees of crystallization, from totally glassy to fully crystallized (i.e., nanogranites). The latter consist
of Qtz+Pl+Kfs+Bt+Ms aggregates (often modal Kfs > Pl in mylonites). Piston cylinder remelting
experiments led to the complete rehomogenization of nanogranites in metatexites at the conditions
inferred for anatexis: 700 °C and 5 kbar. Rehomogenized nanogranites in metatexites and glassy MI
in mylonites are all leucogranitic and peraluminous and differ from those of coexisting leucosomes
and from melts calculated by phase equilibria modeling at the inferred P–T conditions of entrapment.
Systematic compositional variations have been observed between MI in metatexites and mylonites. MI
produced under amphibolite-facies conditions show higher H2O and Na2O/K2O, lower FeO and higher
concentrations of the trace elements controlled by feldspars: Sr and Ba. MI formed under granulite-facies
conditions have higher concentrations of trace elements controlled by biotite (Cs, Rb and FRTE e.g. Zn,
Sc) and accessory minerals (HFSE e.g. Zr, U, Th). The calculated Zrn saturation temperatures for the
MI in the mylonite are 50-100 °C lower than temperatures obtained from phase equilibria modelling,
suggesting that MI are likely undersaturated in the accessory phases. Compared with coexisting MI,
leucosomes show anomalously higher contents of Ca, Sr and Ba which suggests the presence of residual
feldspars. The MI in metatexites and mylonites are interpreted to record the composition of the
anatectic melts produced from a peraluminous greywacke 1) on, and immediately after crossing, the
fluid-saturated solidus of this metasedimentary rock, and 2) during syn-kinematic anatexis via biotite
dehydration melting at increasing temperature, respectively.

Fiannacca P1, Cirrincione R1 - 1Università di Catania, Italy - Department of Biological, Geological and
Environmental Sciences

The c. 13 km-thick Serre Batholith makes up the middle portion of a continuous and nearly complete
section of late Paleozoic continental crust exposed in central Calabria (southern Italy). Despite its
limited extension of c. 1200 km2, the batholith displays a wide compositional variety, with rock types
ranging from quartz diorite-tonalite to granodiorite and monzogranite, with minor syenogranites and
rare gabbros. Major, trace element and Sr-Nd isotopic data point to the generation of the batholith
through the assembly of a number of magma batches with distinct initial compositions, produced by
partial melting of different crustal sources. Compositional diversity of the granitoid rocks appears
primarily source-inherited, reflecting the intrinsic chemical variability of both metaigneous and
metasedimentary magma sources. Metabasaltic source rocks are suggested for the quartz diorites-
tonalites, whereas metagreywackes with various pelitic and mafic contents are the most likely sources
of weakly peraluminous biotite±amphibole granodiorites and two-mica granodiorites and granites.
Strongly peraluminous K-feldspar megacrystic leucogranites produced by partial melting of mafic
pelitic sources appear to represent the only pure crustal melts. The other granitoids are too silica-poor
and MgO+FeOt rich to represent pure melts, so they must represent mixtures of granite melt and other
components, such as solid restitic/peritectic material entrained from the magma source, or more mafic
magma injected in the granite melt after its ascent or emplacement. Mixing processes appear to have
acted only locally, reinforcing the greater relative importance of source- or near source-related processes
in generating the main geochemical diversity of the Serre Batholith granitoids. En-route to magma
chamber processes such as crystal fractionation and, especially for some quartz diorites-tonalites,
contamination by metapelitic country rocks, have then contributed to generate a significant second-
order compositional variability. Major element-based geochemical parameters point to a strong affinity
of the central Calabrian granitoid rocks with Cordilleran granitoids, inherited from the compositions
of the source rocks rather than reflecting the real tectonic environment of the magmas. The magnesian
“arc” signature is indeed here considered as resulting from partial melting of crustal material of
magmatic arc derivation, such as magnesian igneous rocks and sediments derived from their rapid
erosion. No firm evidence for a direct contribution from the mantle to the geochemical variability of the
Serre Batholith granitoids has been found in this study, suggesting that the magmatism was not strictly
associated with the generation of new continental crust. The late-Variscan granitoids of Serre Batholith
appear to represent recycled and reworked crustal material, supporting the idea that post-collisional
granitoid magmatism is mostly an agent of intracrustal differentiation, rather than crustal accretion.

Oriolo S1, Oyhantcabal P2, Wemmer K1, Siegesmund S1 - 1Georg August Universität Göttingen, Germany
- Geoscience Centre, 2Universidad de la República - Departamento de Geología

In orogenic belts, the temporal and spatial association of magmatism and crustal–scale shear zones
suggests a causal relationship. This feedback can result from magmatism migration and emplacement
controlled by shear zones, shear zone nucleation due to magma emplacement or mutual interaction
between both shear zones and magmatism. However, it is also argued that there is no coupling between
these processes.
The Sarandí del Yí Shear Zone is a crustal–scale shear zone that constitutes the eastern boundary of
the Paleoproterozoic Río de la Plata Craton. The Sarandí del Yí Shear Zone was defined as a structural
lineament, which was also interpreted as a terrane boundary. Afterwards, it was considered a pre–
Brasiliano dextral shear zone that was sinistrally reactivated during the late Neoproterozoic. On the basis
of structural, microstructural and kinematic data, deformation in the Sarandí del Yí Shear Zone was
constrained to occur under middle/upper amphibolite facies conditions with dextral shearing during
juxtaposition of the Río de la Plata Craton and the Nico Pérez Terrane. Subsequent lower amphibolite–
upper greenschist facies metamorphism was related to pure–shear dominated sinistral shearing, which
was followed by a late cataclasis that reworked the easternmost border of the shear zone.
Several magmatic units were emplaced along the Sarandí del Yì Shear Zone. The Solís de Mataojo
Granitic Complex was syntectonically emplaced during sinistral strike–slip at 584 ± 13 Ma (single-phase
Pb–Pb stepwise leaching titanite) and presents calc–alkaline geochemical signature. The emplacement of
the alkaline Sierra de las Ánimas Complex (579 ± 1.5 Ma, Ar–Ar hornblende; 574.5 ± 8.1 Ma and 581.8
± 3.4 Ma, U–Pb SHRIMP zircon) was also structurally controlled by the Sarandí del Yí Shear Zone. This
alkaline complex only underwent minor low–temperature deformation and therefore constrains the end
of the ductile deformation along the shear zone.
The recorded transition from calc–alkaline to alkaline magmatism took place in a post–collisional
setting. As the Sarandí del Yí Shear Zone represents a former terrane boundary, it provided an effective
channel for magma migration from the lithospheric mantle and emplacement in upper crustal levels.
On the other hand, heat provided by these intrusions could also induce strain softening, thus favoring
further shearing to some extent.

Rosa PAS1, Ruberti E1 - 1Universidade de São Paulo - Instituto de Geociências - Departamento de
Mineralogia e Petrologia

The Itatiaia Alkaline Massif is one of the biggest alkaline Mezo-Cenozoic occurrences of Brazil (~220
km2; 22°18’/22°28’ S; 44°34’/44°49’ W). It has an elongated NW-SE shape with a ~10 km diameter ring
structure at the central region. Recent geological mapping has shown a much more complex geological
and lithological context, than previously described. Over twenty petrographic facies were identified,
which could represent different magmatic pulses or stages of magmatic evolution. The geomorphology
(with elevations ranging from 540 to 2792 m) heavily emphasizes the relations between these facies and
suggests different intrusions divided in three areas with distinct characteristics: SE, Central and NW.
The SE area does not show remarkable structural features and is composed exclusively by miaskitic
to agpaitic nepheline syenites. The most silica-undersaturated facies is on the edge, in contact with
basement, and is locality peraluminous with modal hercynite and corundum. There are dykes of aphiric,
porphyritic (some of them with pseudoleucite) and breccioid phonolites, besides a nephelinite.
The Central area is shaped as a ring structure that intrudes partially the SE area. It shows an external
C-shape ring made up by miaskitic to agpaitic nepheline syenites and phonolites. The moon-shaped
inner facies migrates to NW, suggesting successive intrusions. They are composed by different units
of pulaskites, nordmarkites and quartz alkali feldspar syenites, which trends to increase the silica
saturations to the center. A small intrusive body of alaskite occurs next to the center. Dykes of phonolite
occurs in the outer regions, whereas in the inner part dykes of trachyte and rhyolite occur.
The transition to the NW area occurs by a ‘neck’ formed by quartz syenite glomeroporphyritic with anti-
rapakivi, enclaves and others textures that attest instability. There are also irregular bodies of breccioid
to porphyritic trachyte with aphanitic matrix and the fragments are almost entirely angular with fine to
aphanitic granulation. The NW area also shows some moon-shaped structures where nepheline syenites
predominate with nordmarkites on the northern boundary. Locality, cumulatic melagabro and biotite
monzonite occur. In the center of the area there is a volcanic neck formed by porphyritic to brecciod
trachyte that stands out in the landscape.
Besides these structural and petrographic differences, the three areas also differ in geochemical behavior.
The SE area shows different or opposite trace-elements patterns with other two areas, displaying little
or no relation to the evolution of the rest of the massif. The Central area shows well-defined trends
with silica enrichment, while the NW area shows a little spread trend, however mostly agreeing with
the Central area. Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb ages also agree with these differences. The SE area shows an age
of 71 Ma, the Central area varies around 69 Ma and NW area show an age of 67.5 Ma. These ages may
represent three magmatic events to form the massif over at least 4 million years.
Acknowledgments: Proc. FAPESP 2012/19184-1 and 2012/06082-6

Motta RG1, Barros RF2, Benetti BY1, Moraes R1 - 1Universidade de São Paulo - Instituto de Geociências,
University College Dublin

In southeastern Brazil, an important rock association including granulites, migmatites and granite-
charnockite bodies constitute the Socorro-Guaxupé Nappe, an allochtonous terrane, which represents
the root of a Neoproterozoic magmatic arc, part of the Brasília Orogen. Three important anhydrous
igneous suites are recognized within the whole pile of the nappe: São Pedro de Caldas, Divinolândia and
Paraguaçu, being the last one with the poorest characterization, so far. Charnockite rocks constitute
the three suites, mainly mangerite in composition, isotropic or foliated, medium- to coarse-grained,
grey to light green, which have tabular shape and it is intrusive in metatexite and diatexite. Zircon
saturation thermometry yielded temperatures of 900 °C for crystallization of the magma, which occurred
at 625 Ma, the same age of the metamorphism. For the Paraguaçu Suite, mangerite presents high Ba/
Rb ratios indicating a source previously depleted in Rb and enriched in Ba, which may be linked to the
generation and extraction of granitic melts due to biotite breakdown and production of K-feldspar.
LREE patterns present enrichment relative to chondrite, about 100 to 300 times, whereas HREE are 10
to 40 times richer than chondrite, and positive or no Eu anomalies are observed. Felsic garnet granulite
is depleted in all REE in relation to mangerite, although presents enrichment in LREE in relation to
chondrite, 70 times, and no Eu anomaly. Peak mineral assemblage for the felsic garnet granulite is
orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, garnet, plagioclase, orthoclase and quartz; all hornblenda and biotite are
retrometamorphic. Thermobarometry and pseudosection modeling of basal portion of Socorro-Guaxupé
Nappe provides metamorphic peak conditions of ca. 950 °C at 11.5 kbar, characterizing it as an ultra
high-temperature metamorphism. The P-T conditions match with the ones required to produce the
mangerite magma and the observed dry suites. The residue of these suites, the felsic garnet granulite,
is poor in radiogenic elements, such as Rb, Cs, U, Th and also in HREE. The partial melting in ultra
high-temperatures was able melt zircon and apatite, producing a residue HREE -poor, even if it is rich in

Bhutani R1, Chandrasekaran M1, Balakrishnan S1 - 1Pondicherry University - Department of Earth

Granites in metamorphic terrains are important to understand the processes of crust-mantle interaction,
crustal-melting, melt-extraction and emplacement leading to progressive differentiation and evolution
of continental crust. We report new elemental and radiogenic isotope results from the granites and
associated charnockite (orthopyroxene bearing granite) in the north-eastern part of the Madurai Block.
Madurai Block, in the Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT), India, has been shown to have experienced
Ultra High Temperature (UHT) metamorphism, probably twice, in the Mid- and Late-Neoproterozoic.
However, the causes and effects of this UHT metamorphism are yet to be understood.
Charnockite occurs in three different associations in the Pudukottai region of the eastern Madurai Block:
1) patches within the biotite gneiss, 2) foliation parallel bands and irregularly distributed patches within
the garnet bearing pink granite and 3) massive charnockite within the granitic gneiss. Whole-rock
elemental chemistry indicates that the charnockite and associated pink granite are meta-aluminous,
alkali-calcic to alkali ferroan granite typical of A-type granites, while charnockite and the host biotite
gneiss are calc-alkali to alkali-calcic magnesian granite. The patterns of multi-trace-element plots of pink
granite are similar to the associated charnockite and same is true for the biotite gneiss and associated
charnockite. Pink granite samples yield REE patterns varying from LREE enriched with negative or
positive Eu anomaly to HREE enriched and LREE depleted pattern. These patterns are interpreted to
reflect involvement of garnet to different extent.
Four whole-rock samples of pink granite yield Rb-Sr isochron age of 870 ± 37 Ma (MSWD 0.91) while
the Nd depleted mantle model ages (TDM) of the pink granite range between 2.3 to 2.9 Ga and the
charnockite hosted in these granites have TDM ages between 2.2 to 3.3 Ga. For gneisses TDM are between
3.2 Ga to 3.4 Ga while the charnockite patch within these gneisses has TDM age of 3.7 Ga. The age
corrected Sr and Nd isotope ratios of pink granite are similar to their associated charnockite which are
different from that of the biotite gneiss and its associated charnockite. However, all these granitoids are
mainly derived from the crustal melting.
These model ages, together with the field, petrographic and geochemical evidences suggest that
the biotite gneiss and its associated charnockite are result of an earlier episode of melting and melt
extraction from the lower, probably mafic crust. The A-type pink granite and associated charnockite
show ample evidences of ‘binary mixing’. These evidences, however, could also be interpreted as
different extent of ‘un-mixing’ of restite and melt as suggested earlier to explain the variation in the
south Australian and New Hampshire granites. Some of the garnet grains in the pink-granite show
textural evidences of being entrained in the melt from the restite. We during the present study explore
the hypothesis of melting of lower/middle crust during the UHT metamorphism to generate the granite,
and more importantly the role of residual source (restite) in the formation of orthopyroxene bearing
charnockite within the granite which has been earlier interpreted as ‘incipient charnockite’.

Moraes R1, Benetti BY1, Motta RG1 - 1Instituto de Geociências - USP - Mineralogia e Geotectônica

In most known granulite terrains recognized as underwent ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism, a

series of diagnostic mineral assemblages is commonly recognized, e.g. sapphirine + quartz, aluminum-
rich orthopyroxene + sillimanite + quartz, among others. In southern Minas Gerais, the Socorro-
Guaxupé Nappe is part of the Brasília Orogen, a neoproterozoic fold belt related to a magmatic arc
develop in the active margin among São Francisco and Paranapanema Plates. At the base of this nappe, a
felsic garnet granulite dominates the geology, bearing a few lenses of mafic garnet granulite, leucosome
veins with garnet and orthopyroxene, and rare layers of pelite diatexite. With samples collected in
Guaxupé, UHT conditions were calculated for this unit. Samples collected south of Varginha, in outcrops
in the Verde River, at the base of this nappe, are used here. The felsic garnet granulite is composed of
quartz, two feldspars, garnet, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and ilmenite, which are the metamorphic
peak assemblage; apatite and zircon are the main accessory phases. Around garnet consecutive corona
of clinopyroxene, and rare orthopyroxene, is followed by hornblende and biotite, both also occurring as
replacement of pyroxene porphyroblasts. Garnet composition has almost no chemical zoning along the
grains, with average composition of alm0.50prp0.30grs0.18sps0.02. Orthopyroxene presents XMg of 0.60 with
core slightly richer in aluminum when compared to rims, varying from 0.14 to 0.11 a.p.f.u. Plagioclase
varies from An41, in core, to An39, at rims. In clinopyroxene aluminum varies from 0.21 to 0.15 a.p.f.u.,
with core richer in this element, which is balanced by Mg, with XMg varying from 0.66 to 0.71. P-T
calculation is done for two samples using three different methods, THERMOCALC average P-T, RCLC
and pseudosection. Average P-T method using the anhydrous mineral assemblage yielded, for VAB-01,
938 ± 47 °C and 11.4 ± 0,6 kbar, and, for VAB-19, 927 ± 87 °C and 11.6 ± 0,4 kbar. The results produced
with the RCLC method are better for sample VAB-01, as smaller adjustments were necessary and yields
1004 °C and 13.45 kbar. Although, similar temperature results are calculated for VAB-19, 1035 °C,
much higher pressures are obtained, 15.4 kbar, and major adjustments are required, as it is also noted
with THERMOCALC calculations that yielded larger uncertainties. Pseudosection calculation in the
NCKFMASHTO chemical system indicates the anhydrous mineral assemblage is only stable, for this
bulk composition, at temperatures higher than 880 °C and with pressures between 9.2 and 12.7 kbar.
This is in agreement with most calculation done, but rolled out the RCLC higher-pressure calculations.
Rare lenses of diatexite lenses of pelite protolith, inside this united, is formed by 80 to 90% of granite
composition leucosome and 10 to 20 % of round aggregates of garnet, sillimanite, rutile, green spinel,
and smaller amounts of quartz, which demonstrate that fertile compositions underwent extreme partial
melting, in agreement with such extreme calculated P-T conditions. Although no diagnostic mineral
assemblage is recognized, so far, within rocks of the Socorro-Guaxupé Nappe, its character of ultrahigh-
temperature metamorphism is here reinforced.

Weinberg RF1, Symington N1, Hasalova P2 - 1Monash University - School of Earth, Atmosphere and
Environment, 2Czech Geological Survey - Centre for Lithospheric Research

Thermo-mechanical models of magmatic arcs suggest that intermittent intrusion of magma batches
should lead to remelting and remobilization of earlier intrusive rocks as a result of fluctuations in
temperature and water content. However, examples of remelting and remobilization of earlier intrusive
rocks, formed during arc-building, are surprisingly rare. We investigate the evolution of magmatic rocks
of the Palaeoproterozoic St Peter Suite, in the Gawler Craton, South Australia. This suite records multiple
intrusions, magma hybridization, and the remelting and remobilization of these intrusions to form
migmatites and newly-formed leucocratic magmas.
In this poster, we detail first how multiple magma batches interact with one another as liquids and
mushes during syn-magmatic deformation phases, and then detail the nature of migmatites resulting
from anatexis of these same magmatic rocks and the resulting channel ways that allowed for magma
remobilization. LA-ICP/MS U/Pb zircon dating yielded crystallization ages of 1647±12 Ma for an early
diorite-to-granite suite, and 1604±12 Ma for a later magmatic suite of broadly similar composition. Both
these suites underwent anatectic events. Titanite from late-formed leucosomes found within D2 shear
zones in the older suite, yielded SHRIMP U/Pb age of 1605±7 Ma, within error of the age of the younger
suite. We therefore infer that intrusion, crystallization and remelting/remobilization of this younger
suite of rocks occurred within 10-15 M.yr. Thus, the St Peter Suite exposures record many of the key
processes expected in arcs, including the prediction that early intrusive arc rocks remelt to form younger
more fractionated magmas.

Wolfram L1, Weinberg RF1, Becchio R2 - 1Monash University - School of Earth, Atmosphere and
Environment, 2National University of Salta - Instituto Geonorte

The compositional variability of crustal-derived granites has been attributed to a multitude of processes.
Magma mixing and fractional crystallisation have previously been given a great deal of attention, and
used to account for the wide variation in granite compositions. We focus instead on restite unmixing
as the dominant process influencing chemical variability in granitic rocks. We describe the relationship
between granulite facies migmatites and granites in the Sierra de Quilmes. The north-south trending
mountains that define the region, known as the Sierras Pampeanas, are characterised by variably
metamorphosed turbidites of the Neoproterozoic–Cambrian Puncoviscana Formation. Early Ordovician
subduction on the western margin of Gondwana produced widespread high-T, low-P metamorphism
of pelites and greywackes during the 470 Ma Famatinian Orogeny, resulting in extensive anatexis and
granite plutonism. The Sierra de Quilmes is a tilted metamorphic complex in the northern Sierras
Pampeanas, and provides exposure of the near-complete metamorphic sequence from granulite-facies
magma source rocks in the southwest to granite emplacement levels in amphibolite and greenschist
facies rocks in the northeast. Anatexis is associated with the fluid-absent incongruent breakdown of
biotite, evidenced by the presence of peritectic Grt±Crd±Opx in restitic assemblages. In the southwest
Sierra de Quilmes, the Ovejeria Complex is dominated by gradational contacts between diatexite
migmatites and granites. This corresponds with greater heterogeneity in the form of schollen and
Bt-schlieren within granites. In contrast, in the northeast Sierra de Quilmes, the Laguna Complex has
common melt segregation structures in metatexites from which cleaner and more leucocratic and
homogeneous granites are extracted feeding the leucocratic Cafayate pluton. Bulk rock geochemistry
of migmatites and granites reveals two contrasting trends between the two complexes. The diatexites
and granites from the Ovejeria Complex are compositionally similar to the Puncoviscana Formation,
suggesting mobilisation of residuum to produce the heterogeneous granites. In contrast, such rocks in
the Laguna Complex define geochemical trends indicative of melt-residuum separation, with residual
compositions enriched in FeOT, MgO and TiO2, and a complementary fractionated assemblage with
elevated SiO2 and K2O related to the homogeneous leucocratic plutons. The difference in geochemical
trends between the two complexes, combined with distinct field relationships, indicates how the process
of magma segregation and extraction from the source impacts on their geochemistry. Here we have two
complexes side by side, one that records restite unmixing trends and the other that is dominated by
segregation of melt from the source and subsequent fractionation.

Kumar S1, Bora S1, Sharma UK2, Yi K3, Kim N3 - 1Department of Geology, Centre of Advanced Study,
Kumaun University, Nainital, India, 2Department of Science and Technology, Technology Bhavan, New
Delhi, India, 3Korea Basic Science Institute, Ochang Campus, Chungbuk, Korea

Lithounits constituting Ladakh Himalaya are exposed along Indus and Shyok Sutures Zones of northwest
Himalaya. Shyok Suture Zone (SSZ) represents tectonized remainder of a marginal (back-arc) basin
while experiencing crustal shortening and is mainly composed of volcano-sedimentary formations.
Nubra-Shyok valley is mainly comprised of calc-alkaline granitoids exposed in Tirit region, referred
herein Tirit granitoids, which are intrusive into dacite and andesite of Khardung Formation. In this
region marginal parts of Ladakh granitoids are also exposed intruding the Shyok Formation. Field
relationships, biotite chemistry, Al-in-hornblende barometers, U-Pb SHRIMP zircon geochronology
have been carried out in order to infer the nature of magmatism, depth of emplacement and timing of
Tirit granitoid magma. Dacitic and andesitic xenoliths in Tirit granitoids suggest assimilation, stopping
and collapse of overlying volcanic materials while intrusion of Tirit granitoid melts at epizonal-
subvolcanic levels. Composition of biotite suggests metaluminous (I-type) calc-alkaline nature of Tirit
granitoid melt formed in subduction setting. Al-in-hornblende barometers (~1.08-2.1 kbar) further
corroborate solidification of Tirit granitoid melt at subvolcanic level equivalent to a minimum of ca 4
km or to a maximum of ca 8 km thick overburden of volcanics. On the other hand, tectonically separated
marginal parts of Ladakh granitoids contain less frequent xenoliths of shale and metabasics of Shyok
Formation, which suggest winty intrusive nature. Both Ladakh and Tirit granitoids contain mafic to
hybrid microgranular enclaves, which suggest mixing and mingling of mafic-felsic magmas in plutonic
environment, a typical feature observed in calc-alkaline I-type granitoid complex.
Three granitoid samples, one each from assimilated and unassimilated Tirit granitoids and one sample
from Ladakh granitoids close to the contact with country-rocks, were chosen for U-Pb SHRIMP
zircon chronology. Zircons from unassimilated Tirit granitoid have yielded mean age of 109.4±1.1 Ma
corresponding to Early Cretaceous. It is noteworthy that inherited cores of some zircons have provided
older age groups (278-393 Ma, 519-713 Ma and 1933 Ma), which suggest involvement of heterogeneous
Carboniferous, Cambrian-Neoproterozoic and Paleoproterozoic crustal sources in the generation of Tirit
granitoids. It is likely that sediments derived from ancient continental crust were mixed with juvenile
crust before the onset of subduction of oceanic crust below the Asian plate. Zircons from assimilative
Tirit granitoid yields an age of 105.30±0.80 Ma. Two inherited zircon core yield ages of 476 Ma and 952
Ma again pointing involvement of Gondwanian components in the genesis of Tirit granitoids. Zircons
from Ladakh granitoids have yielded age of 67.32±0.66 Ma, and remarkably these zircons are devoid of
inherited cores. Tirit granitoids ((110-105 Ma) must have formed during Early Cretaceous, and the dacite
and andesite must have erupted prior to 105 Ma. Earlier suggested ages (~68-74 Ma) for Tirit granitoids
elsewhere correlate well with the ages of Ladakh granitoids. We conclude that the Tirit granitoids in SSZ
represent Early Cretaceous calc-alkaline magmatism formed in subduction environment, which intruded
the dacite and andesite (>105 Ma) layers at subvolcanic levels.

Gregory TR1, Bitencourt MF, Nardi LVS, Florisbal LM - 1UFRGS - Instituto de Geociências

In southern Brazil, three associations of tonalites and granodiorites that are geochemically similar to
tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) associations have been identified as originating from the
Arroio dos Ratos Complex (ARC) Paleoproterozoic magmatism. The metatonalites of Association
1 (A1; 2,148±33 Ma) have a fabric that is compatible with strong solid-state deformation. The
tonalites and granodiorites of Association 2 (A2; 2,150±28 Ma) are intrusive in A1 and have a similar
composition, but are less deformed and their primary structures are partly preserved. Both associations
display contemporary relations with basic to intermediate magmas. Association 3 (A3; 2,077±13 Ma)
is represented by tonalitic to granodioritic gneisses, without any associated basic to intermediate
magmatism, and its main characteristic is the banding that resulted from strong solid-state deformation.
Partial melting features are locally present in A3. The geochemical compositions of the three associations
are similar and indicate sources related to a continental magmatic arc environment. The 87Sr/86Sr(i)
ratios (0.701-0.703), ƐNd(t) values (+1.45 to +5.19) and TDM ages close to the crystallization ages indicate
juvenile sources for the A1 and A2. The A3 rocks have 87Sr/86Sr(i) ratio of 0.715, ƐNd(t) value of +0.47
and TDM age that is close to the crystallization age, indicating a source composition different to that
of the other associations, whose origin remains under discussion. The Pb isotopic ratios of A1 and
A2 are similar and compatible with the evolution of the mantle and orogen (208Pb/204Pb = 37.3-37.6;
Pb/204Pb = 15.62-15.65; 206Pb/204Pb = 18.0-18.2). The Pb isotopic ratios of A3 differ from A1 and A2,
indicating a source that was poorer in Th (208Pb/204Pb = 37.1; 207Pb/204Pb = 15.64; 206Pb/204Pb = 18.5). The
geochemistry of A1 and A2 suggest a juvenile source with contamination by crustal material. However,
the Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic signature of this crustal material is similar to the source material that originates
these associations and that may be the crust generated in the magmatic arc, which is compatible with
the geochronological results. The dataset points to the occurrence of self-cannibalism processes in the
generation of the ARC rocks. Although subduction plate melting processes are commonly accepted
mechanisms for the generation of TTG associations, the major and trace element geochemical data
and the isotopic data obtained in this study suggest that melting of metasomatized mantle (E-MORB
type) as the source for the generation of the ARC rocks. In this case, the generation of rock associations
with typical TTG characteristics (i.e., the depletion of HREE) may have arisen from the melting of a
garnet-lherzolite-type mantle, which is also indicated by the contemporary relationships with basic
to intermediate magmas. The three associations display microstructures that indicate two episodes of
recrystallization, one of a higher (Paleoproterozoic metamorphic event?) temperature and one of a lower
temperature. The last is compatible with the temperature conditions observed in the host rocks of the
Neoproterozoic post-collisional granitoids that have been emplaced along the Southern Brazilian Shear
Belt (SBSB). Zircon crystals with Paleoproterozoic igneous core exhibit a metamorphic overgrowth at
635±6 Ma, compatible with the crystallization ages of the SBSB granitoids.

Janasi VA1, Vasconcellos ACBC, Siga Jr O1, Sato K1, Machado FB2, Martins L1, Garcia MGM3 -
Universidade de São Paulo - Instituto de Geociências, 2Unifesp - Departamento de Ciências Exatas e da
Terra, 3Universidade de São Paulo - Instituto de Geociências USP

New in situ U-Pb (Shrimp and LA-ICPMS) zircon age determinations carried out in the Ubatuba
Charnockite (582.4±4.8 Ma), Ilhabela Granite (573.5±3.6 Ma) and Alcatrazes Granite (568.8±3.4 Ma) are
within the range of the main period of high-K calc-alkaline granitic magmatism in the Costeiro Domain
of the Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil. This is also the timespan when some large batholiths were emplaced in this
domain; examples are the Natividade da Serra Batholith (dominated by peraluminous leucogranites;
587±7 Ma; Janasi et al. 2003, Geologia USP 3:13-24) and the Pico do Papagaio Batholith (579±2 Ma;
Meira et al, 2014, IX South American Symposium on Isotope Geology, Brazil). Therefore, a large amount
and variety of granite magmas was generated in the Costeiro Domain during the “Rio Doce orogeny”
(590-565 Ma; Campos Neto & Figueiredo 1995, J South Amer Earth Sci 8:143-162). This time range is
slightly younger than observed for peak granitic magmatism in the Ribeira Belt immediately to the NW
(the Embu Terrane and São Roque Domain; ~605-580 Ma).
Shrimp U-Pb zircon ages of the Santos and Guarujá stocks (respectively, 497.3±7.0 Ma and 496.9±6.6
Ma) indicate that they are related to the extensive belt of Cambrian bimodal (granite-diorite) magmatism
that developed throughout the Atlantic coast of east Brazil. This event occurred at least 60 Ma later than
post-orogenic magmatism in the northwestern domains of the Southern Ribeira Belt (the 590-560 Ma Itu
Granitic Province, Janasi et al. 2009, Can Min 47:1505-1526).
Zircon ϵHf(t) varies between 0 and -11 in the dated samples, with the two younger granites showing the
lowest range of values; the data also suggest a SE-NW shift (perpendicular to the main structural trend)
with decreasing ϵHf(t) from Alcatrazes (0 to -4) to Santos (-5 to -11). These slightly negative zircon
ϵHf(t) indicate that all studied granites have sources with shorter crust residence times when compared
to neighboring terranes (e.g., Hf TDM= 1.5-2.1 Ga versus 2.1-3.0 Ga in São Roque and Embu). Our new
data, taken together with the Nd isotope signatures of other granites from the Costeiro Domain, and
with information from detrital zircons of supracrustal sequences (both indicative of the predominance
of mesoproterozoic crust residence ages), confirms correlation with the Oriental Terrane (Heilbron et
al.2004. J Virtual Explorer 17, Paper 4). Therefore, the Costeiro Domain is interpreted as an accretion
margin terrain which began to develop at least since 790 Ma, and marks the closure of an oceanic space
between the Neoproterozoic São Francisco and Congo-Angola paleoplates.
Financial support by Fapesp (2012/04148-0)

Janasi VA1, Bitencourt MF2, Martins L1, Heaman LM3, Shaulis B3, Stern R3 - 1Universidade de São
Paulo - Instituto de Geociências, 2Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Instituto de Geociências,
University of Alberta, Canada - Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Large portions of the extensive Florianópolis Batholith in south Brazil are dominated by post-orogenic
~590 Ma A-type granites emplaced at shallow crustal levels. Several distinct granite units (e.g., Ilha, Vila
da Penha, Serra do Tabuleiro, Cambirela) are recognized from their mineralogical and textural features,
but all share some key geochemical characteristics, in particular a strongly fractionated character, as
indicated by very high SiO2 (75-78%), low MgO (<0.10%), Sr (usually < 50 ppm) and high Rb/Sr (3-9,
but up to 180). Such high-silica compositions require the operation of low-pressure evolution processes,
either fractionation in shallow magma chambers or partial melting at upper crust. Absence or rarity of
enclaves is another remarkable feature common to many of these granitic suites.
A pioneering study of in situ oxygen isotope determinations by SIMS in zircons from representative
samples of the main A-type granite suites from the batholith reveals a wide range of d18OVSMOW (+7.3
to +3.4‰). Intra-sample variations are often wider than typical uncertainties in individual analyses
(±0.2‰), revealing the presence of zircon crystals and/or zones crystallized from distinct melts, i.e.,
reflecting open-system processes as magma mixing or contamination. An extreme case is an ignimbrite
sample from the Cambirela suite at the Matadeiro Beach in Florianópolis, with a bimodal population of
low (+3.4±0.4‰) and high (+6.9±0.2‰) d18O zircon crystals, suggestive of co-eruption of two acidic
Of particular significance for the petrogenesis of the batholith is the identification of granites with low
d18O zircon (e.g., Ilha Granite sample REF-04U: +3.5‰). Such sub-mantle values are interpreted in the
literature as indicative of shallow-level remelting of hydrothermally altered crustal material, for example
in the Yellowstone rhyolites.
Taken together with other evidence (e.g., similar weakly negative eNd(t); major and trace-element
modeling), our results indicate that the Florianópolis A-type granites are products of shallow-level
melting of recently crystallized, in part hydrothermally altered, calc-alkaline granites that may form the
bulk of the deeper portions of the batholith.

Janousek V1, Konopasek J2 - 1Czech Geological Survey, 2University of Tromsø

Pre-collisional (now metamorphosed) sedimentary rocks of the Kaoko Belt in NW Namibia contain
bodies of two temporally and compositionally distinct metavolcanic suites.
The older suite (c. 800 Ma) comes from the Coastal Terrane, i.e. the westernmost exposed unit of the
Kaoko Belt. It is bimodal (basalt–rhyolite; SiO2 = 46.2–76.4 wt. %) and characterized by (normal-K) calc-
alkaline chemistry. The NMORB-normalized spiderplots (Sun & McDonough, 1989) are characterized
by strong enrichment of LILE over HFSE, with deep troughs for Ta, Nb and Ti (“TNT anomaly”), thus
resembling patterns of subduction-related magmas. The ϵNd800 vales are positive (mafic: +6.0 to +4.1,
felsic: +4.3 to +2.7), resulting in low single-stage depleted-mantle Nd model ages (Liew & Hofmann,
1988; TNdDM) of 0.97–1.18 Ga.
The younger suite (c. 740–710 Ma) of tholeiitic basalts (SiO2 = 46.5–51.8 wt. %) forms a part of an
original sedimentary sequence deposited on the Congo Craton crystalline basement. The NMORB-
normalized spiderplots show a degree of LILE enrichment comparable to the older suite but lack the
TNT-type depletions. The ϵNd740 values are also exclusively positive (+6.6 to +0.7; TNdDM = 0.92–1.76 Ga),
showing a strong positive correlation with Zr/Nb in addition.
The older suite present in the Coastal Terrane is interpreted as having originated from subduction-
modified mantle-wedge. As the geological evidence points to general rift-related setting at the time of
intrusion, the subduction modification probably had taken place before, albeit the maximal age of this
event could have not been greater than c. 1.0–1.2 Ga as indicated by the Nd model ages. This is an age
of the Namaqua Metamorphic Complex (NMC) exposed along the western edge of the Kalahari Craton
in southern Namibia and interpreted by Becker et al. (2006) as a part of the late Mesoproterozoic active
margin. We speculate that the Coastal Terrane may have developed as a rift structure floored by the
northerly continuation of the NMC along the western edge of the Congo Craton.
On the other hand, the younger suite within the sedimentary cover of the stable Congo Craton (THS) is
clearly rift-related, and its chemistry most likely reflects the generation from a heterogeneous mantle
that contained variable proportions of strongly depleted and bulk-Earth like domains, the latter most
likely forming a part of the local subcontinental cratonic lithosphere.
Authors appreciate financial support of the Czech Science Foundation (P210 15-05988S).
Becker, T. et al. (2006). Mesoproterozoic rocks of Namibia and their plate tectonic setting. Journal of
African Earth Sciences 46, 112–140.
Liew, T. C. & Hofmann, A. W. (1988). Precambrian crustal components, plutonic associations, plate
environment of the Hercynian Fold Belt of Central Europe: indications from a Nd and Sr isotopic study.
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 98, 129–138.
Sun, S. S. & McDonough, W. F. (1989). Chemical and isotopic systematics of oceanic basalts:
implications for mantle composition and processes. In: Saunders, A. D. & Norry, M. (eds) Magmatism in
the Ocean Basins. Geological Society of London Special Publications 42, 313–345.

Trubac J1, Janousek V2,1, Zak J1, Svancara J3, Gerdes A4 - 1Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague,
Albertov 6, 128 43 Prague, Czech Republic, 2Czech Geological Survey, 3Masaryk University, Tvrdého 12,
602 00 Brno, Czech Republic - Institute of Physics of the Earth, 4Goethe Universität, Altenhöferallee 1,
D-60438, Frankfurt am Main, Germany - Institut für Geowissenschaften

Many circular to elliptical granitic plutons exhibit remarkable concentric compositional and textural
zoning. Of particular interest are those with reverse zoning, with the more felsic/ evolved facies occurring
along pluton margins and mafic/less evolved rocks in the centre. It has been demonstrated that these
plutons may record complex histories of deeper horizontally stratified, multiply replenished magma
chambers (e.g., Fridrich & Mahood, 1984). The early Carboniferous (c. 337 Ma) Říčany Pluton (Central
Bohemian Plutonic Complex), consists of two coeval, nested Bt (–Mu) granite facies: outer, strongly
porphyritic (SPm) and inner, weakly porphyritic one (WPc). Gravity data indicate that the nested
pluton is only a small outcrop of a large anvil-like body at depth with a feeder channel reaching > 14 km
below the present-day surface. The two main granite facies share nearly identical modal composition
and are both geochemically evolved. Their contact is concealed but probably gradational over several
hundreds of metres. Mafic microgranular enclaves, commonly associated with K-feldspar phenocryst
patches, are abundant in the pluton centre (WPc), suggesting repeated input of enriched mantle-derived
melts (ϵNd337 < –8.5, 87Sr/86Sr337 ~ 0.710) as well as their multistage interaction with granitic magmas and
nearly solidified cumulates. The pluton is interesting in that it is doubly reversely zoned. On the pluton
scale, the outer SPm is geochemically more evolved than the inner WPc. On the scale of individual
units, outward whole-rock geochemical variations within each facies are compatible with fractional
crystallization dominated by K-feldspar. Both types of zoning are cryptic, manifested by variations in
the trace- and minor-element compositions (inward increase in Ba, Sr, Zr, Th, Ti and P) rather than in
major elements or gross petrography. The proposed genetic model invokes vertical overturn of a deeper,
horizontally stratified anvil-shaped magma chamber, and helical flow of magma to higher crustal levels.
The energy for melt remobilization and extraction from the Kfs-rich crystal mush and for its subsequent
ascent is thought to have been provided by a long-lived thermal anomaly above the pluton feeding zone,
enhanced by multiple injections of hot basic magmas. In general, it is concluded that the 3D shape of
the granitic bodies exerts first-order control on their cooling histories and thus also on their physico-
chemical evolution. Thicker and longer lived portions of magma chambers are sites for extensive
fractionation and potentially vigorous interaction with basic magmas. These hot domains are then prone
to rejuvenation and subsequent extraction of mobile magma leading potentially to volcanic eruptions.
Fridrich, C. J. & Mahood, G. A. (1984). Reverse zoning in the resurgent intrusions of the Grizzly Peak
cauldron, Sawatch Range, Colorado. GSA Bull. 95, 779–787.

Jiao SJ1, Li XH1, Huang HQ1 - 1Institute of Geology and Geophysics - Chinese Academy of Sciences

Charnockites are Opx-bearing igneous rocks commonly found in high-grade metamorphic terranes.
However, their association with typical S-type cordierite-bearing granites is less well-known. The
Darongshan S-type granitic complex (DSGC) in South China contains granites varying in mafic silicate
mineral assemblages from Bt + Crd (Darongshan suite) to Opx + Grt + Bt + Crd (Jiuzhou suite) and
Opx + Crd ± Bt (Taima suite), corresponding to a geochemical transition from magnesian calc-alkalic
to ferroan calc-alkalic. However, the genesis and emplacement ages of these granites within the DSGC
remains highly contentious. In order to understand genesis of the Jiuzhou and Taima charnockites
and their genetic relationship with Darongshan S-type granite, here we firstly determined zircon and
monazite U-(Th-)Pb ages of each suite using Cameca 1280 SIMS. Both zircon and monazite U-(Th-)
Pb ages show that all suites of the complex were emplaced contemporaneously at ca. 249 Ma. Further
in-situ zircon Hf-O isotope analyses reveal that the granitic complex was dominantly derived from
metasedimentary rocks (zircon δ18O ≈ 11‰, ϵHf(t) ≈ -10), with rare material input from the mantle,
consistent with their reduced nature (Δlog FMQ ≤ 0; Mn-in-apatite oxybarometer). The variation in
zircon δ18O (7.8 to 12.9‰) is more likely a result of hybridization, whereas that in zircon ϵHf(t) (-31.9 to
-1.8) is a result of both hybridization and disequilibrium melting. The DSGC generally exhibits higher
zircon saturation temperature than the coeval I- and S-type granites in South China. Heat input from
mantle through basaltic intrusion/underplating is considered to contribute high-temperature (>850
ºC) melting at mid-crustal levels (i.e. the Crd stable field) for generation of the granitic complex. We
interpret that the DSGC S-type granites and charnockites were intruded in a back-arc setting, and
basaltic magmatism was directly associated with slab tearing and roll-back during the latest Permian and
early Triassic time.

Silva FF1, Oliveira DC1, Antonio PYJ2, D’Agrella Filho MS2 - 1UFPa - Instituto de Geociências, 2USP -
Instituto de Astronomia, Geofisica e Ciencias Atmosfericas

Geological mapping of the Tucumã area has enabled the identification of dike swarms intruded into
an Archean basement. The disposition of these dikes is consistent with the regional NW-SE trend, and
can reach up to 20 kilometers in length. They were divided into three main groups: (i) felsic dikes (70%
of the dikes), composed exclusively of porphyritic rhyolites with euhedral phenocrysts of quartz and
feldspars immersed in an aphyric felsite matrix; (ii) mafic dikes, with restricted occurrence, composed
primarily of basaltic andesites and secondarily of basalts, with a mineralogical assembly consisting of
plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and olivine; and (iii) intermediate rocks, represented by
andesites and dacites. Dacitic rocks are found in outcrops associated with felsic dikes, showing different
degrees of hybridization or a mixture of mafic and felsic magmas. This is evidenced by a large number
of mafic enclaves in the felsic dikes and the frequent presence of embayment textures. SHRIMP U-Pb
zircon dating of felsic dikes yielded an age of 1888 ± 3.3Ma. The felsic dikes are peraluminous to slightly
metaluminous and characterized as akin to A2, ferrous and reduced granites. The intermediate and
mafic dikes are metaluminous and belong to the tholeiitic series. Geochemical modeling showed that
mafic rocks evolved by pyroxene and plagioclase crystallization, while K-feldspar and biotite are the
fractionate phases in felsic magma. A simple binary mixture model was used to determine the origin of
intermediate rocks, demonstrating that mixing 60% rhyolite and 40% basaltic andesite melts generated
the dacitic composition, while the andesite liquid could be produced by mixing 60% and 40% basaltic
andesite and rhyolite melts, respectively. The results suggested that mixing of basaltic and andesitic
magmas occurred during ascent and storage in the crust, where andesitic dikes are likely produced by a
more homogeneous mixture at high depths in the continental crust (mixing), while dacite dikes can be
generated in the upper crust at a lower temperature, providing a less efficient mixing process (mingling).
The affinities observed between the felsic dikes and the A-type granites of the Rio Maria and São Felix
do Xingu regions demonstrate that bimodal magmatism in the Tucumã area is clear evidence that
the Paleoproterozoic magmatism of the Carajás Province was formed by processes involving thermal
perturbations in the upper mantle, mafic underplating, and associated crustal extension or transtension.
Keywords: Dikes, Bimodal magmatism, Paleoproterozoic, Carajás Province.

Narduzzi F1, Farina F1, Stevens G2, Lana C1, Nalini Jr HA1 - 1Universidade Federal De Ouro Preto -
Departamento de Geologia, 2Stellenbosch University - Department of Earth Sciences

The Galiléia batholith (ca. 30000 km2), located in the westernmost part of the Araçuaí Orogen (Brazil), is
a Neoproterozoic (600 – 575 Ma) weakly to moderately foliated calk-alkaline metaluminous (ASI 0.97 –
1.07) granite characterized by the widespread occurrence of both garnet and epidote. Garnets form 1 to
6 mm diameter skeletal and euhedral crystals, and although absent in some rocks, they are widespread
in the host granite reaching up to 5 %. Occasionally they occur in the mafic enclaves as well. The lack of
a pervasive well-defined foliation in the rock, the occurrence of garnet inclusions hosted within cm-sized
alkali-feldspar in porphyric phases of the batholith, as well as the fact that mineral inclusions in garnet
constitutes the same assemblage that occurs in the matrix of the granite, supports a magmatic origin
for these crystals. In addition, a variety of resorption textures indicates that garnet crystals experienced
periods of disequilibrium with the granitic melt. Garnets are exceptionally high in grossular (24 - 43 mol
%) and spessartine (9 - 19 mol %), very low in pyrope (< 7 mol %), and are unzoned. Moreover, grossular
content does not vary with respect to CaO, YN and (La/Yb)N whole rock variability. Other minerals
are reabsorbed epidotes usually rimming allanites, and having low (9 – 23 mol %) Ps ([Pistacite: Fe3+/
(Fe3++Al)*100]) content, rare zoisite (FeOtot < 2 wt %) inclusions in garnets and white micas, chemically
similar to low Si-phengites (Si ≈ 3.2 a.f.u.). As revealed by the experiments on metaluminous systems,
the presence of garnet+epidote/zoisite+white mica supports granite crystallization above 0.8 GPa.
Considering this high-pressure mineralogical assemblage, combined with pressure estimates for the
metamorphism of the intruded metasedimentary rock (medium amphibolite-facies, ca. 0.6 GPa), we
propose a “two-stage crystallization model” for the Galiléia granitoids. Firstly, they started crystallizing
in the lower crust, in an already thickened continental crust, at possibly 0.8 – 1.0 GPa (ca. 24 - 30 km),
according to white mica geobarometry. Then, in agreement with resorbed garnets and pressure estimates
from the country rocks, the granite reach the depth of final emplacement at 0.6 – 0.7 GPa. Furthermore,
since epidotes are a last-stage phase and their resorbed textures are similar to experiments for epidote
dissolution kinetics in granitic magmas, this may suggest that this last step was fast (< 103 years),
enough also for garnet preservation. Where garnets lack, different and plausible slow intrusion rates
are supposedly involved. Finally, the most striking characteristic of the Galiléia garnets is their high-
grossular content. Geochemically, they are similar if not identical to other magmatic garnets reported
from small metaluminous granitic bodies in Alaska and China. Here, we have the great and quite rare
possibility to study these high-grossular magmatic garnets and in turn, their metaluminous granitoid
hosts, that until now have never been studied in detail.
The authors acknowledge support from FAPEMIG (apoio a participacao em eventos) and CNPq.

Moreira HS1, Lana C1 - 1Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto - Departamento de Geologia

The basement of the Archaean southern São Francisco Craton (SSFC) is characterized by large granite
gneiss domes. The tectonomagmatic evolution of these domes is suggested to involve three phases of
magmatism: 1) the Santa Bárbara event (SB; 3.22 to 3.2 Ga); 2) Rio das Velhas I (RVI; 2.93 to 2.9 Ga);
and Rio das Velhas II (RVII; 2.8 to 2.77 Ga) events [1]. The domes are mostly TTG gneisses and were
intruded by later granitoids, the Mamona event [3], that resulted in the thermal stabilization of the crust
[2]. The basement is in direct contact with the Rio das Velhas greenstone belt, the final sequence of
which is a clastic deposit described as a flysh to malasse basin deposit called the Maquiné Group [4]. As
the last sequence of the greenstone belt, it is very likely that the Maquiné Group rocks contain the whole
zircon record of the underlying crystalline complexes and volcanic rocks. Thus, the Maquiné Group
becomes the key to understanding the history of the southern São Francisco Craton.
U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotope analysis of zircons from the Maquine Group provide evidence of the three main
periods of magmatism described above as well as older, now eroded crust. The range of zircon ages goes
from 2.7 to 3.9 Ga. This interval suggests a protracted evolution of crustal development and highlights
the importance of the Maquiné basin for preserving this long record of crustal evolution. Moreover, the
verification of the magmatic events in the detrital spectra suggests that the Palaeoarchaean TTG crust
has been continuously reworked and eroded through time.
Zircons older than 3.0 Ga yield mainly subchondritic ϵHf values between -4.1 and +3.0 and model
ages (TDM) between 4.03 and 3.08 Ga. Neoarchaean zircons formed between 3.0 and 2.7 Ga and yield
a larger range of ϵHf values (-7.6 and +3.0) and smaller range of TDM ages (between 3.51 and 2.87 Ga).
Thus, the dispersion of ϵHf values increases, becoming more negative the younger the zircons are.
Positive values for ϵHf, reaching up to +3.0 support the idea that magmas were partially juvenile and
incorporated a significant amount of reworked material. The values corresponding to RV I and II events
are substantially more negative than older magmatic events such as the Santa Barbara, suggesting that
crustal reworking magmatism was already present in the Paleoarchaean and increased towards the
Neoarchaean. These Hf features are in agreement with the reworking process of continental crust models
[5, 6] and illustrate a crust and mantle mixing process. Our U-Pb-Hf dataset supports the interpretation
of a long-lived evolution for the southern Sao Francisco Craton through a succession of magmatic arcs in
the Archaean.
[1] Lana et al., 2013. Prec. Res. 231 p157-173
[2] Romano et al., 2013. Prec. Res.224 p143-159
[3] Farina et al., Prec. Res. submitted
[4] Dorr, J.V.N, 1969. Prof. Pap. U.S. Geol. Surv. 641 A 1–110
[5] Dhuime et al., 2012. Science. 335 p1335-1335
[6] Cawood et al., 2013. Geo. Soc. Ame.Bul. 125 p14-32

Wang LJ1,2, Guo JH1 - 1Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2University of
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Restite unmixing, peritectic assemblage entrainment, and magma mixing are dominant mechanisms to
be proposed to account for the chemical variation of the S-type granites [1]. A large volume of garnet
granites are parautochthonous S-type granites developed within granulite-facies metasedimentary
rocks in the Liangcheng area, eastern part of the Khondalite Belt, North China Craton. Small coeval
gabbronoritic intrusions are widely distributed in the metasedimentary rocks and S-type granites, and
are thought to have not only provided heat for the crustal anatexis and local ultra-high temperature
metamorphism, but also added material to the S-type granites [2]. The close relationship with granulite-
facies metasedimentary rocks and mafic rocks makes the Liangcheng S-type granites a favorable case to
scrutinize the operation of these possible processes.
The Liangcheng S-type granites consist mainly of garnet, orthopyroxene, biotite, plagioclase, K-feldspar,
and quartz. Garnets constitute 5-20% of the S-type granites, and locally occur as aggregates. The
presence of orthopyroxene implies that the Liangcheng S-type granites are high temperature granites,
which is also supported by low Al2O3/TiO2 ratios and high calculated Zr saturation temperature (ca.
825-901ºC). Thus, they were suggested to be formed by fluid-absent biotite melting of metasedimentary
The Liangcheng S-type granites are strongly peraluminous with A/CNK=1.1-1.6. They are characterized
by large variations in major and trace element compositions with SiO2 of 58-70 wt%, FeOt+MgO of
5.6-14.4 wt%, and REE of 270-554 ppm. Major element modelling suggests that addition of 20-40%
garnetites (restite) and gabbro to anatectic melts was responsible for the large chemical variations of
the S-type granites. Based on the petrographic and trace element characteristics, most garnets in the
S-type granites were inferred to be of peritectic origin, indicating peritectic garnet entrainment during
the formation of the S-type granites. Interaction with mafic rocks is suggested by mafic microgranular
enclaves (MME), synplutonic dykes, and garnet-biotite rinds around the MME in the S-type granites.
Garnet-biotite rinds have been formed by the chemical reaction between mafic enclaves and granitic
magma, and then may have been flushed away by magmatic flow, thereby contributing ferromagnesian
component to the granitic magma. This scenario is also supported by garnetites formed between
gabbronoritic sills and metapelites.
Field, petrographic and geochemical evidence from the Liangcheng S-type granites suggests that restite
unmixing, magma mixing, chemical reaction between MME and anatectic melts probably operated
together to produce the S-type granites.
[1] Clemens & Stevens (2012) Lithos 134-135, 317-329
[2] Peng et al (2012) PR 222-223, 107-123

Zhu YS1, Yang JH1 - 1State Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Evolution - Institute of Geology and
Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Mantle metasomatism commonly induces enrichment of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle

(SCLM) in incompatible trace elements, and changes its isotopic compositions, which is the main cause
of SCLM heterogeneity. Metasomatism of subducted oceanic crust is interpreted as the petrogenesis
of island arc volcanic rocks, and is well studied. However, it is little known about the metasomatism
of SCLM by recycled continental crust. Alkaline rock is generally derived from small-degree partial
melting of the SCLM at high pressures, which is a window to probe into the effect of metasomatism in
the SCLM. Hafnium and oxygen isotopes of zircon have been proven to be a powerful tool for elucidating
the magma source and petrogenetic process. Here we report zircon U-Pb ages and Hf-O isotopic
compositions, as well as whole rock geochemical data, of Triassic alkaline rocks in the eastern North
China Craton (NCC), to trace the nature of metasomatic agents and constrain geodynamic evolution of
the eastern NCC during Early Mesozoic. Early Mesozoic alkaline rocks are widespread in the northern
NCC. The Saima alkaline complex and Hekanzi pluton are located in the Liaodong Peninsula and
western Liaoning province, separated by the Tan-Lu Fault Zone. The Saima complex mainly consists of
nepheline syenite and quartz-bearing syenites, with alkaline volcanic rocks, whereas the Hekanzi pluton
is mainly composed of nepheline syenites. Detailed zircon U-Pb dating shows the ages of Saima alkaline
rocks are 230-224 Ma, consist with that of the Hekanzi pluton (224-226 Ma). Geochemical characteristics
show that the alkaline rocks were mainly derived from small degree partial melting of an ancient,
refractory lithospheric mantle that had been re-enriched by metasomatism prior to Triassic. However,
the Hekanzi alkaline rocks have zircon ϵHf(t) values of -2.5 to +0.6 and δ18O values of +3.1‰ to +5.3‰,
distinct from the Saima alkaline rocks that have extremely negative zircon ϵHf(t) values of -11 to -13 and
elevated δ18O values of +6‰ to +8‰. Coupled with the fast homogenization of oxygen isotopes at high
temperatures in the mantle environments, these data reflect that the SCLM beneath the two regions
had experienced different metasomatism a short time prior to Triassic. Given the SCLM with ϵHf(t)
values of about -5 and δ18O values of +5.3‰ before metasomatism and coupled with the major tectonic
processes in the eastern China during Late Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic, our data suggest that the source
of the Hekanzi rocks had been metasomatized by fluids/melts originated from high-temperature altered
subducted Paleo-Asian oceanic plate, whereas the source of the Saima alkaline rocks had experienced
metasomatism by recycled continental crust-derived melts/fluids. Importantly, the identification of
recycled continental crustal materials in the SCLM shows that the mantle beneath this region was
metasomatized by deeply-subducted Yangtze continental crust during Early Triassic.

Steenken A1, Rabbia OM2 - 1Universidad de Concepción - Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra,
Universidad de Concepción - Instituto de Geología Económica Aplicada

The Nahuelbuta Batholith is part of Coastal Batholith that invaded the Metamorphic Complex of
the Eastern Series by the Upper Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) during the Gondwanan Cycle. The
Eastern and the Western Series are turbiditic sequences deposited during the Mississippian and belong
to the same tectonic cycle. Regional metamorphism at 400°C in the Eastern Series was followed by
contact metamorphism. The intrusion depth was 0.45 GPa and the sillimanite without K-feldspar in
the metapelitic contact aureole indicate that the temperature was lower than 720°C. The Nahuelbuta
batholith has a major N-S extension and covers a 4800 km2 surface. The intrusive rocks are tonalites to
monzogranites, with minor diorites and gabbros. Plagioclase, quartz, biotite, amphibole and alkaline
feldspar are the main rock forming-minerals. Accessory minerals include magmatic epidote, allanite,
zircon, apatite and locally garnet and muscovite. Magnetite is notably absent. The felsic igneous rocks
are predominantly coarse grained and equigranular. The microstructures indicate that most of the
igneous rocks were deformed by magmatic flow with a minor high-temperature solid-state overprint
deformation like myrmekites. In the northern parts of the contact aureole develops a N-S striking
mylonites zone with a steep to moderate inclination towards the east. A within dip stretching lineation
indicates reverse sense of shear. The magmatic foliation shows an overprint of high to low temperature
solid-state fabrics. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility was applied for the foliations and lineations
and parameters in the igneous rocks. The bulk magnetic susceptibility (κ) of less than 610*10-6 SI
denotes that the igneous rocks are paramagnetic, controlled by biotite, epidote and amphibole that
are more frequent in the diorites and tonalites which appear at the margin. Those values are unrelated
to the outcrop shape of the batholith which is an indication that it is a plutonic complex. The degree
in corrected anisotropy (P’) varies between 1.00 and 1.08. The shape parameter of the susceptibility
ellipsoid (T) shows dominantly oblate values. The rather steep magmatic foliation is an indication that
the igneous rocks have a wedge shape. This intrusion shape is more common at active margins with a
steep shear zone. For the volume we applied the formula that was given by Petford et al. (2000) for a
flat-shaped intrusion. The result indicates that the igneous complex has a 5 km thickness, which is the
minimum value for a wedge shaped intrusion. The average rate of pluton construction is in the range of
10-1 to 10-4 km3/yr (Saint Blanquat et al. 2011). In the Nahuelbuta case, the age dating indicates that this
batholith was emplaced in ~10 Ma, which results in a construction rate of 2.4*10-3 km3/yr. This rate is
independent from the tectonic regime.
Petford, N., et al. 2000, Granite magma formation, … Nature 408, 669 – 673
Saint Blanquat, M. de, et al. 2011, Multiscale magmatic cyclicity, … Tectonophysics 500, 20 - 33

Schofield A1, Taylor D2, Lewis C1, Cayley R2 - 1Geoscience Australia, 2Geological Survey of Victoria

Several belts of poorly-exposed, Cambrian igneous rocks occur in the Grampians-Stavely Zone of
western Victoria, close to the interpreted east Gondwana continental margin. Although the Cambrian
igneous rocks outcrop sporadically, most belts are covered by recent sediments and are only visible in
regional magnetic data. Deep seismic reflection data suggest that the igneous belts are part of a largely
intact magmatic arc edifice, referred to as the Stavely Arc, with the exposed rocks interpreted as thrust
slices of the underlying arc system. The setting for these rocks has variously been interpreted as an
evolved island arc, Andean-style continental arc, or post-orogenic rift-related magmatism. Stratigraphic
drilling was undertaken in 2014 to better delineate and understand the nature and extent of this arc, its
temporal and geochemical evolution, and to identify potential associated mineral systems.
Volcanic rocks are dominantly intermediate to felsic, and exhibit geochemical features typical of those
found in magmatic arcs. The majority of samples are low- to medium-K, with SiO2 contents of 55-77%
(typically 57-66%), 0.38-0.97% TiO2, and Mg# typically ~35-64. A second group of low- to medium-K
rocks (53-65% SiO2) is characterised by lower TiO2 (<0.33%) and higher MgO (>5.3%) and Mg# (~54-
67). A third group with higher SiO2 contents (66-71%) is dominantly medium-K, and is notable as being
considerably more enriched than the other groups. SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages are only available for the
first group, and cluster around 505-500 Ma, with evidence for some inheritance of ~570 Ma zircons.
Intrusive rocks are volumetrically subordinate to the volcanics, and range from diorite to granite. In
general, intrusive rocks show geochemical similarities with the volcanic rocks, suggesting a shared
origin. Available geochronological data show that these intrusives are dominantly syn- to immediately
post-volcanism (~505-498 Ma). The earliest dated intrusives (511 Ma) occur along thrust slices against
the volcanics, are siliceous (~78% SiO2), yet have elevated MgO, Mg# (75-80), and Ni. A number of
dacitic porphyries are known in the southern Stavely Arc, some of which are mineralised. SHRIMP U-Pb
zircon ages for these porphyries define an age range of between 506-501 Ma. These porphyries show
some geochemical similarities with felsic post-tectonic granodiorite. The porphyries are low-K and have
elevated Al2O3, Mg#, Ni and Sr, and lower total FeO at equivalent SiO2 levels relative to the volcanic rocks.
The available data indicate that the volcanic rocks become relatively more enriched in incompatible
elements to the west, progressively inboard of the interpreted volcanic front. This is similar to the K-h
relationship observed in many modern arcs, and helps to constrain the original geometry of the Stavely
Arc system and a west-dipping subduction polarity between at least ~511-500 Ma. Overall geochemical
systematics suggest that the Stavely Arc has affinities with modern island arcs with some continental
influence. Despite its proximity to Proterozoic crust and evidence for older inherited zircons, the effect
of continental crust on the geochemistry of the Stavely Arc appears to be limited, suggesting that models
invoking a purely Andean-style margin are too simplistic.

Pedrosa-Soares AC1, De Campos C2 - 1UFMG - CPMTC-Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geologia, 2USP

The Araçuaí orogen (SE Brazil) and the West Congo belt (SW Africa) are counterparts of a confined
orogenic system evolved within an embayment (an inland–sea basin) carved into the São Francisco–
Congo paleocontinent in Neoproterozoic time. In apparent disagreement with such a peculiar
geotectonic setting (that, at first sight, would suggest an exclusively ensialic evolution), the Araçuaí
orogen includes ophiolite slivers and a calc-alkaline volcanic arc, as well as a huge amount of collisional
and post-collisional granites. Based on robust analytical and field databases, we address the 150 Ma-long,
multistage, granite generation history recorded by the Araçuaí orogen, discussing possible heat sources
related to the distinct episodes of granite production. During the subduction stage of oceanic lithosphere,
a succession of mostly medium- to high-K calk-alkaline plutons (G1 supersuite) formed the Rio Doce
magmatic on the eastern (upper) continental plate margin of the orogen. The Rio Doce arc seems to
record three evolution phases: i) eastward migration of the arc front (630–605 Ma), ii) widespread
non–zoned magma production through the whole arc (605–585 Ma) and, iii) late I–type plutonism
marking the pre-collision to collision transition (585–575 Ma). These phases may be explained by
usual processes of volcanic arc generation and growth, like subduction of oceanic lithosphere under
a continental margin, followed by asthenosphere ascent related to slab retreating and break–off. The
oldest S-type granites started to form in the pre-collision to collision transition. The main fertile sources
that generated the collisional S-type granites (G2 supersuite) are Al-rich paragneisses, most of them
found in the eastern and northeastern sectors of the Araçuaí orogen. Progressive anatexis and melt
accumulation attained the climax from ca. 575 Ma to ca. 560 Ma, leading to the development of giant
batholiths composed of peraluminous granites. The youngest collisional granites have been dated around
545 Ma. The regional thermal anomaly lasted longer than the main compressional stresses, causing
a late re-melting episode on G2 granites and triggering the formation of new peraluminous magma
batches (the G3 leucogranites, ca. 545-520 Ma). After this period, the compressional (tangential) stresses
stopped, giving place to the post-collisional stage related to the gravitational collapse of the orogen, when
a myriad of balloon-shaped plutons intruded the regional rocks along major crustal discontinuities (the
S-type G4, and the I-type to A2-type G5 supersuites). G5 plutons (525-480 Ma) show clear evidence
of magma mixing processes, involving mantle magmas and crustal melts. This long lasting history of
generation of collisional and post-collisional granites requires distinct heat sources, such as the late
subduction of an ocean ridge segment, thrust stacking of the hot arc onto the back-arc, radiogenic heat
release from the collisional thickened crust and, finally, asthenosphere upwelling during the gravitational
collapse of the Araçuaí orogen.

Siachoque A1, Salazar C1, Velasquez M1 - 1Universidade Federal do Amazonas - Departamento de

The albite-enriched granite is the latter facies of the A-type Madeira granite, which is a special Orosirian
pulse of the anorogenic magmatic event with alkaline affinity and its crustal emplacement has been
briefly discussed. The objective of this study is to determine the model of accommodation of the albite-
enriched granite combining anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS), shaped preferred orientation
(SPO), optical microtextural and strain mechanisms analyses. The main compositional feature of the
albite-enriched granite facies with a porphyritic texture is constant proportions of K-feldspar, albite
and quartz. Feldspars have undergone deformation mainly by crystal plastic dynamic recrystallization,
bulging limits, and mechanic twins respectively. Some elongate crystals of quartz have 3:1 axial ratio
and solid-state deformation by undulose extinct, subgrain rotation and SPO with trend SW-NE. This
facies is subdivided in two subfacies, the core albite granite (CAG) with cryolite, zircon, polylithionite,
annite, and riebeckite like minerals accessory, and the border albite granite (BAG) characterized by
pervasive propylitic alteration process, fluorite and chlorite growth. The rock magnetism analyses
revealed magnetic susceptibility > 5mSI in the CAG, the saturation of isothermal magnetic remanence,
occurred in 280 (10-3 Tesla). The thermomagnetic cycle is characterized by Morin transition (-160°C)
and total saturation at Curie point (580°C). This magnetic parameters result of clusters of euhedral
magnetite crystals, with homogeneous internal texture related with primary K-feldspar and fine albite
crystals. Therefore, the magnetic petrofabric represents the early plutonic crystallization process during
its emplacement in the crust. Nevertheless, low changes in the thermomagnetic curves and locally
magnetite hosted in cleavage of annite crystals suggest mineralogical changes derived of metasomatic
albitization in the albite-enriched granite. Whereas the rock magnetism data in the BAG showed
paramagnetic susceptibility (0,51 mSI), the isothermal remanence and thermomagnetic loop noticed
the presence of hematite. Microscopy study showed subhedral disperse crystals of hematite associated
with fluorite and chlorite. Negative correlation of modal content between oxides, total mafic minerals
and using the characteristic of Fe-oxides, suggest that magnetic fabric in this facies was influenced
by late magmatic events. Thereby, the low anisotropy degree in the albite-enriched granite (1.02 to
1.04), the oblate-prolate shape of the AMS ellipsoids related with subvertical lineation and magnetic
foliation (mass transport SW-NE) in BAG and CAG, characterize the magnetic fabric of those plutons
that is compatible with the orientation of the mafic and quartz silicates (SPO). On this results, we
suggest the following model for emplacement of the albite-enriched granite: i) the magnetic fabric was
registered during crystallization processes in the CAG; ii) hydrothermal alteration is responsible by
the hematization of magnetite and oxidation of the albite-rich granite observed in the lowest magnetic
susceptibility magnitudes in the BAG, iii) the strain mechanisms of silicates are related with ductile
regime reveled by the SPO; iv) despite the petrofabric was resulted of discrete magmatic pulses, the
strain conditions non varied during the magmatism; v) the plutonic emplacement was controlled by non
coaxial regional stress field.

Miller CF1, Carley TL2, Padilla AJ1, Banik TJ3 - 1Vanderbilt University - Earth & Environmental Sciences,
Lafayette College - Geology & Environmental Sciences, 3Illinois State University - Geography-Geology

Iceland’s size and thick crust (to >30 km), as well as atypically abundant silicic magma (>10% of erupted
products), make it unique among oceanic islands. These characteristics have led to proposals that it
provides an example of early stages of formation of permanent, low-density crust, perhaps mimicking
initiation of the first such Hadean crust. To better understand Iceland’s geological evolution, and silicic
magma genesis in particular, we have undertaken a comprehensive study of zircon in >80 samples
including modern stream sediments and eruption products and ancient volcanic, intrusive, and
sedimentary rocks spanning the history of the island. We have determined trace element compositions
of almost 2000 zircon grains and ages (in situ U-Pb & U-Th disequilibria) and oxygen and Hf isotopic
compositions of ~1000 grains. Context for these studies is provided through petrographic and elemental
and Nd-Hf-Pb isotopic studies of host rocks.
Findings to date include (e.g., Carley et al 2011 (Mineralogy & Petrology), 2014 (EPSL); Padilla et al 2013
(IAVCEI abst), 2014 (GSA abst)); Banik et al 2013 (IAVCEI abst), 2014 (AGU abst)):
• Ti concentrations in Icelandic zircons are high, typically >10 ppm, suggesting high-T crystallization;
this is consistent with high Zr in whole-rocks and glasses and zircon saturation Ts that exceed 800-
• Zircons are typically richer in middle and heavy REE (and Ti) and poorer in Hf than those from
convergent margins, and higher in U than those from mid-ocean spreading centers. They are similar
to zircons from incipient spreading centers that encroach onto continents (Afar region; uppermost
Gulf of California)
• Very low d18O, mostly 0-5 ‰ (mean 3 ‰), demonstrates that almost all magmas were derived in part
from crust altered by high-T meteoric water; extreme values to <-10 ‰ for zircon from small intrusive
phases suggest pure melting of intensely altered crust
• Despite cooling of Iceland’s climate and resulting drop in d18O of meteoric waters, there is no secular
trend toward lighter oxygen in silicic magmas
• U-Th ages of zircon from historic eruptions indicate storage and growth times that are measurable
(thousands to tens of kyr) but shorter than those for arc volcanoes; U-Pb dating reveals sparse
antecrysts at some centers hundreds of kyrs older than eruption ages
• Duration of silicic activity at individual central volcanoes can exceed two million years, longer than
previously estimated
• Data for the 11-12 Ma Króksfjörður central volcano support suggestions that it erupted both typical
Icelandic tholeiitic and calc-alkaline magma (e.g. Jónasson et al J Pet 1992, Willbold et al EPSL 2009);
calc-alkaline lavas, much cooler and wetter than others in Iceland, were remarkably similar to those
produced at modern subduction zones
• Variability in isotopic compositions of zircons and whole rocks indicates that silicic magmas are
polygenetic, commonly with components from both coeval basalt and altered pre-existing crust
• Icelandic zircons differ dramatically in elemental and oxygen isotopic compositions from Hadean
zircon, which are the only tangible record of that eon, and hence there is no evidence for a connection
between magmatic processes in modern Iceland and those on earliest Earth

Bustamante C1, Cardona A2, Archanjo CJ1, Lara M3, Valencia V4, Bayona G3, Vervoort V4 - 1Universidade
de São Paulo - Instituto de Geociências, 2Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 3Corporación Geológica
Ares, 4Washington State University

The Northern Andes has been related to complex processes of subduction-collision associate with
the Caribbean Plate since the end of the Mesozoic, this scenario made possible the formation of a late
Cretaceous-Paleogene magmatic arc along the Colombian Andes. Contemporary Late Paleocene-Early
Eocene sedimentary sequences from Eastern Colombia record the presence of detrital and volcanic
zircon populations with Paleogene ages, suggesting intraplate volcanic activity at 400 km from the
collisional margin.
New U-Pb zircon ages from representative Paleogene plutonic rocks (tonalites and granodiorites) of the
Western and Central Cordilleras of the Colombian Andes and from sedimentary successions of eastern
Colombia shows that the entire magmatism was active from ~65 to 50 Ma.
Whole rock geochemistry of the intrusive rocks is typical of a volcanic arc setting with Nb and Ti
negative anomalies and a high LREE/HREE ratio. Eu anomalies are absent, and the parameters used to
identify adakites are present such as: Sr/Y >40, K2O/Na2O ~0.4, SiO2 >56%, Al2O3 >15%, MgO <3%, Na2O
>3.5% and mg# ~50.
Initial Hf signatures from the plutonic rocks range from +1 to +7, whereas those from the Late
Paleocene-Early Eocene sediments show two contrasting signatures: one is similar to the Paleogene
plutons from the Central Cordillera (ƐHfi= +1.5 to +8), which suggests an input from western sources to
the distal foreland basin by that time (Paleo-Eastern Cordillera). The second population records a highly
negative Hf signature (ƐHfi= -0.6 to -14) which contrasts with the previous one, suggesting the presence
of a new and in- situ intraplate magmatic focus possibly eroded and deposited within of the foreland
basin, which was in a distal position of the continental margin.
Magmatism of this period is related to the flat subduction of an oceanic plateau-like crust under NW
South America, which can cause partial melting of the downgoing oceanic slab due to an unusual high
heat flow. Further interaction of these melts with peridotite during their ascent through the mantle
wedge will form the adakite magmatism.
Intraplate magmatism is associated to adiabatic melting due to lithospheric extension or to a mantle
plume, but none of these scenarios have been recognized during the Paleogene in eastern Colombia.
Alternatively, we suggest that this intraplate magmatism is related to a distortion of the mantle
isotherms due to a lithosphere folding. Melts produced by this process will be mingled with the lower
crust as indicated by the crustal signature reflected in the Hf isotopes. The rise to the surface of these
magmas and further emplacement could be throughout faults reactivated during the Cenozoic.

Sommer CA1, de Oliveira DS1, Philipp RP1, de Lima EF1, Basei MAS2 - 1Instituto de Geociências,
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2Centro de Pesquisas em
Geocronologia (CPGEO), Instituto de Geociências, Universidade do Estado de São Paulo (USP), São
Paulo, Brazil

Neoproterozoic rhyolitic volcanic and subvolcanic systems in southernmost Brazil are correlated with
intense acid magmatism linked to different petrotectonic associations of the Sul-Rio-Grandense Shield.
A portion of this volcanism in the Dom Feliciano Belt is associated with the Pelotas Batholith, which
resulted from magmatic episodes associated with the Ediacaran post-collisional evolution of southern
Brazil. The rhyolitic systems are commonly associated with the most differentiated granite suite phases
during the final stages of emplacement of the Pelotas Batholith. They are geographically associated with
three domains of the batholith, which are typically parallel to NE-SW structures: the southwest, central
and northeast domains. The southwest domain (Cerro Chato region) includes effusive and pyroclastic
deposits that can be considered unique volcanic strictu sensu records in the Pelotas Batholith. The
central domain contains several swarm of meter-to decameter-thick acid dykes with the dominant
orientation to NW and NS (Piratini Dykes Swarm) The northeast domain presents acid subvolcanic
rocks formally named as Ana Dias Rhyolite (ADR) and it consists of hypabyssal rocks that compose a
shallow body and metric-thick dykes (NNE-SSW). LA-MC-ICP-MS data obtained from zircon indicate
crystallization age of 581.9 ± 1.9 Ma for the Ana Dias Rhyolite, 557± 3 Ma for the Cerro Chato volcanic
rocks and 550 Ma for the Piratini dykes. The geochemical data of all rhyolites exhibit characteristics
that are similar to those of the granitic rocks of the Dom Feliciano Suite, which is considered the most
differentiated granite suite phases during the final stages of emplacement of the Pelotas Batholith. These
characteristics are point out by elevated SiO2 and alkali concentrations, high FeOt/FeOt+MgO ratios
and agpaitic index; and low Al2O3, CaO, and MgO contents, which suggest the rhyolites as belonging to
the alkaline to subalkaline series and a metaluminous to peralkaline character. The moderate contents
of Zr, Rb, Y, Nb, and Ga and the relatively low Ba and Sr values are common in the acid magmas with
alkaline affinity. The enrichment in more incompatible elements, in addition to the negative anomaly
of Ba, the slight enrichment in Ce relative to adjacent elements, as well as the enrichment in K2O and
Rb relative to Nb, suggesting magmas derived from mantle sources enriched in incompatible elements
with some crustal contamination. The volcanic and subvolcanic rhyolitic systems present geochemical
characteristics that are consistent with those of A-type granitic magmas associated with the Late
Neoproterozoic post-collision magmatism in the Sul-Rio-Grandense Shield, southernmost Brazil.

Barros CE1, Barbosa JP2, Sardinha AS - 1Universidade Federal do Paraná - Departamento de Geologia,

Tectono-thermal evolution of the Carajás Mineral Province is marked by the intrusion of 2.75 Ga
synkinematic granites chemically comparable to the A-type and high-K calk-alkaline granites. These
intrusions are named Estrela, Serra do Rabo and Igarapé Gelado. Other coeval massifs (eg. Planalto
granite) studied by other colleagues belong to the same granitogenesis episode. These granites crosscut
metabasites and banded iron formation previously metamorphosed under greenschist (chlorite zone).
Along the contacts, metabasites present strong vertical foliation and amphibole-bearing veins in
response to regional compressive stresses plus inflating (ballooning) of the magma chambers. Contact
metamorphism of hornblende to pyroxene hornfels conditions would have increased the plastic
behavior of the inner aureole creating a ductile envelope. Banded iron formations occurs as steep-
dipping decameter-wide and kilometer-long that lenses that are concordant to the regional structures.
The host rocks structures suggest that the emplacement of these synkinematic granites contributed to
the development of a dome and keel architecture. Barometry based on chlorite of metabasites indicates
emplacement pressures around 3 kbar. Estrela, Serra do Rabo and Igarapé Gelado granites have E-W
elongated shape parallel to the regional structures. Igneous layering, subsolidus magmatic foliation
and syn-emplacement mylonites are present in most these massifs. The presence of ferropargasite,
ferrotschermakite, hastingsite, annite and ilmenite suggest low oxygen fugacity conditions during the
crystallization of the 2.75 Ga granites from the Carajás Mineral Province. Sphene-bearing simplectites
formed by the corrosion of amphibole and biotite point to flattening in the presence of residual melt.
Some granites having graphic textures display sieve-textured amphibole. Granites are crosscut by
quartzofeldspathic pegmatite veins having tube-shaped amphibole megacrysts. Both sieve-texture and
tube-shaped amphibole megacrysts reflect high-level emplacement, volatiles releasing and undercooling
crystallization conditions.

Archanjo CJ1, Hollanda MHBM1, Vasconcelos PM2, Liu D3 - 1Universidade de São Paulo - Instituto
de Geociências, Brazil, 2School of Physical Sciences - University of Queensland, Australia, 3Chinese
Academy of Geological Science - Beijing SHRIMP Center, China

Peralkaline and shoshonitc plutons and dikes form a distinct magmatic event intrusive in the Teixeira-
Terra Nova structural domain of the Central Borborema Province (NE Brazil). The plutons vary from
syenogranite to syenite (Teixeira, Triunfo) and include, in the peralkaline types, aegirine-augite and/or
richterite as the main mafic silicates. Quartz-monzonite to monzogranite, sometimes with clinopyroxene
(Uri pluton) but usually with biotite and Fe-hastingsite, form the main occurrences of the shoshonitic
magmatism. Mafic stocks of gabbro-norite (Taperoá) with Ti-rich biotite occur locally. The dikes
show compositions that vary from peralkaline to ultrapotassic. They cut the Proterozoic basement and
its metapelitic cover, as well an older granitic magmatism (Tavares, West Salgueiro). The magmatic
fabrics investigated by AMS indicate that the peralkaline plutons precede the development of the major
shear zones, such as the Patos Lineament, but cut an older regional foliation recorded in the host
rocks of the Manaira peralkaline dikes. Fabrics (lineation, foliation) in the Uri pluton display a steep to
vertical inclinations in agreement with the upward movement of magma in an extensional setting. The
peralkaline and shoshonitic plutons and dikes, including the mafic stock of Taperoá, provide zircon
U-Pb (SHRIMP) ages ranging between 590 Ma and 598 Ma. Ar/Ar ages of amphibole from the Manaira
dikes yielded plateau-ages in the range of 595-600 Ma in agreement with the zircon U-Pb age of the
Triunfo syenite at 595 Ma. The combined structural and geochronological data indicate that relatively
shallow plutons and dikes succeeded an earlier magmatism, mostly calc-alkaline in composition between
610-620 Ma, but preceded the development of the regional shear zones that in some places controlled
the emplacement of porphyritic K-rich granites, diorites and leucogranites dated between 580 and 530
Ma. The Teixeira-Terra Nova peralkaline-shoshonitic magmatism records therefore a transition in the
tectonic regime, from a compressional phase related to convergence and collision of magmatic arcs and
cratons to a post-collisional setting dominated by extension and transcurrent movements.

Rodríguez C1, Castro A1 - 1University of Huelva - Department of Geology

Fractionation of water-bearing silicic magmas can be accomplished by the formation of a water

saturation front propagating from the walls inwards in a cooling magma chamber. The crystallization of
magmatic anhydrous phases involves enrichment in water in the liquid. As the crystallization proceeds
in response to the imposed thermal gradient, the water content of the remaining liquid is increased up
to reaching water saturation. The consequent formation of bubbles generates local overpressure leading
to a process of gas driven filter-pressing, which is responsible for the expulsion of a differentiated liquid
towards less-crystalline zones ahead the solidification front. Part of this differentiated liquid is retained
filling the terminal porosity of the crystal mush..With the aim to probe these inferences, crystallization
experiments in a thermal gradient (ca. 50 ºC per mm in 10 mm length capsules) have been carried out
in a horizontally-arranged piston-cylinder apparatus, in order to inhibit gravity effects.. An andesitic
composition (AGV-2 standard) with added water was selected as starting material. Different cooling
rates (9.6 and 0.6 ºC/hour) and run temperatures ranging from 1200 to 950 °C were applied at 5 kbar.
The results support the spontaneous differentiation of the hydrous silicic magma by the fluxing of a
fractionated liquid expelled from the mush zone, at the colder end of the experimental capsules. Bulk
compositions become more differentiated as the residual liquid fraction increases. Bulk laser ablation
(LA-ICP-MS) analyses of quenched runs in sectors across the thermal gradient yield that fractionation
is more efficient for trace elements at conditions of rapid cooling, in which disequilibrium results in
nearly zero values of partitioning coefficients for all incompatible elements. These results constitute a
qualitative approach that may help to understand granitic magma fractionation in zoned plutons and the
formation of enriched fractionated reservoirs in granite cupolas, which are favoured in shallow magma
chambers where thermal contrast is maximum between magma and host leading to high cooling rates
and disequilibrium fractionation.

Ballouard C1, Poujol M1, Boulvais P1, Mercadier J2, Tartèse R3, Gapais D1, Yamato P1, Jolivet M1,
Vennemann T4, Deloule E5, Cathelineau M2, Cuney M2 - 1Géosciences Rennes - UMR CNRS 6118,
Université Rennes 1, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France, 2GéoRessources - UMR 7359, CREGU, Campus
Sciences-Aiguillettes BP 70239, 54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France., 3Institut de Minéralogie et
de Physique des Milieux Condensés - Muséum National d Histoire Naturelle, Sorbonne Universités,
CNRS, UMPC & IRD, 75005 Paris, France, 4Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics - Géopolis, University
of Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland, 5CRPG - UMR 7358 CNRS-Université de Lorraine, BP 20,
54501 Vandoeuvre cedex, France

Most uranium (U) deposits in the Hercynian belt are related to Late Carboniferous peraluminous
granites (Cuney et al., 1990). In the French Armorican Massif, three distinct U districts are spatially
associated with the leucogranites of Pontivy, Mortagne and Guérande, respectively. The Guérande
leucogranite, which constitutes the object of this study, was emplaced in an extensional deformation
zone in the southern part of the Armorican Massif (Gapais et al., 2015). The apical zone of the intrusion
is structurally located below the U deposit of Pen Ar Ran, a perigranitic vein-type deposit where the
mineralization occurs at the contact between black-shales and Ordovician acid metavolcanics. One of the
questions debated is the origin of the U. The REE spectra of the Pen Ar Ran U oxides argue for a volcanic
origin of the U (Bonhoure et al., 2007). On the other hand, the U content of the metavolcanics is rather
low (< 5 ppm). Another possibility is that the U was leached from the surrounding leucogranite (Tartèse
et al., 2013) that has moderate U content (< 8 ppm). To shed some light on the role of the Guérande
granite in the genesis of the Pen Ar Ran deposit, a structural, petro-geochemical, geochronological and
thermochronological study was undertaken on the intrusion and was combined with U oxide dating
by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) on the U mineralization itself (Ballouard et al., 2015, this
The Guérande granite was emplaced at 309.7 ± 1.3 Ma. Its magmatic evolution was controlled by
fractional crystallization and the apical zone of the intrusion was subjected to a pervasive hydrothermal
alteration. At 302.5 ± 1.6 Ma, the emplacement of late leucogranitic dykes was contemporaneous with
deformation and hydrothermal circulation. Whole rock geochemical analyses suggest U leaching in the
most evolved facies from the apical zone of the granite, and oxygen isotope data show that the deformed
facies from the roof experienced a sub-solidus hydrothermal alteration with surface-derived fluids.
We propose that the U leached out by these oxidizing fluids could have then been precipitated in the
reducing environment made up of the surrounding black-shales to form U deposits. U-Pb dating on U
oxides from the Pen Ar Ran deposit (*) favors this model as the emplacement of a first generation of U
oxide is dated at 296.4 ± 2.6 Ma, i.e. sub-contemporaneously with hydrothermal circulation and the late
magmatic activity recorded within the Guérande granite.
(*) U oxides provided by Areva.
Ballouard, C., Boulvais, P., Poujol, M., Gapais, D., Yamato, P., Tartèse, R., Cuney, M., 2015. Lithos
220–223, 1–22.
Bonhoure, J., Kister, P., Cuney, M., Deloule, E., 2007. Geoanalytical Res. 31, 209–225.
Cuney, M., Friedrich, M., Blumenfeld, P., Bourguignon, A., Boiron, M.C., Vigneresse, J.L., Poty, B., 1990.
Tectonophysics 177, 39–57.
Gapais, D., Brun, J.P., Gumiaux, C., Cagnard, F., Ruffet, G., Le Carlier de Veslud, C., 2015. Bull. Soc. Géol.
France 186, 117–129.
Tartèse, R., Boulvais, P., Poujol, M., Gloaguen, E., Cuney, M., 2013. Econ. Geol. 108, 379–386.

Silva CC1, Conceição JA2, Lisboa VAC2, Rosa MLS3, Conceição H3 - 1Universidade de Brasília,
Universidade Federal da Bahia, 3Universidade Federal de Sergipe

The Northern area of the Sergipano Orogenic System has abundant granitic intrusions, with a diversity
of compositional types. The Lagoa do Roçado Granodioritic Stock (LRGS, ~ 12 km2) is an elongated body
that intrudes the metasediments of the Macururé Domain. These are gray, predominantly equigranular
rocks. Mafic microgranular enclaves are common across the LRGS. The observed textures - in field
as in the microscope - show no evidence of deformation. Petrographic studies allowed to identify the
stock as essentially composed of granodiorites, in which biotite, hornblende and diopside are essential
phases and titanite, allanite, pistacita, zircon, apatite and opaque minerals occur in accessory amounts.
The geochemical data shows that these are intermediate, subalkaline and high-K calc-alkaline rocks,
therefore the microgranular mafic enclaves have shoshonitic affinity. The good linear correlation
identified in Harker’s diagrams between felsic and mafic rock types suggests that magma mixing. REE
patterns show enrichment of the light REE relative to the heavy REE and a weak negative anomaly in Eu,
indicating fractionation of plagioclase. Negative anomalies of Ti and Nb, associated to the enrichment
of Ba and high LILE / HFSE ratios, may be related to magmas generated in orogenic environments. The
values observed for Rb, Ta and Y and their distribution in ambience tectonic diagrams indicate that
these rocks may be correlated to volcanic arc granites and that they classify as post-collisional granites.
Geochronological analysis for zircons from a biotite-hornblende-granodiorite sample (187A), were
obtained by SHRIMP II and define a concordant age of 618 ± 4 Ma (MSWD = 0.7). This age is here as
interpreted to be the crystallization age of LRGS. This stock belongs to a group of granites regionally
called “Gloria Type”, which are considered late to post tectonic regarding the Brazilian Orogeny. Other
granitic bodies of the Gloria typology also have similar ages as the stocks of Coronel João Sá (625 ± 2 Ma)
and Camará (628 ± 12 Ma). This new age obtained for the LRGS suggests that an important magmatic
event occurred on Sergipano Orogenic System between 618 and 630 Ma. Its remarkable that, although it
has an age close to the ages of other bodies present in Macururé domain, the LRGS was not significantly
affected by tectonic events.[Acknowledgments: CNPq/ FAPITEC /PRONEX e FAPDF]

Knijnik D, Bitencourt MF, Pimentel MM, Nardi L, Weinberg RF, Gregory T, Armstrong R, Magalhães
Pinto V, Santos SSJO, McNaughton NJ

In southern Brazil shoshonitic granitic rocks are associated with the Neoproterozoic post-collisional
setting of the Brasiliano/Pan-African Orogenic Cycle. In the eastern portion of these shield areas
post-collisional magmatic activity is represented mainly by the Pelotas Batholith, a large volume of
Neoproterozoic granitoids exposed along a NE-striking belt formed by several strike-slip shear zones.
This major feature is the Southern Brazilian Shear Belt (SBSB) extending from Santa Catarina, in the
north, to Uruguay, in the south, and its development is thought to have initiated after the main collision
(ca. 650 Ma). Magmatic activity within the SBSB is dominated by medium- to high-K subalkaline
magmatism in the early phase (630 - 620 Ma), followed by shoshonitic associations (~600 Ma) and
alkaline associations (~590 Ma). Peraluminous syntectonic granitoids crystallized between 630 and 605
Ma. Rocks of shoshonitic affinity may be found in the SBSB as the Estaleiro Granodiorite (EG) (602 Ma);
the Solís de Mataojo granitoids (584 Ma); the Cruzeiro do Sul Granodiorite (CSG) and late granodiorite
to monzonite dikes (LD). Outside the SBSB, they are represented by the Lavras do Sul Shoshonitic
Association (LSSA) (587 to 601 Ma) and the Las Flores basalts. The CSG and LD are exposed within
a ENE-WSW regional strike-slip shear zone (Quitéria-Serra do Erval Shear Zone - QSESZ). The CSG
is a porphyritic hornblende-biotite granodiorite with magmatic foliation and a solid-state mylonitic
structure. Mafic microgranular enclaves elongated parallel to the main foliation are widespread. The
LD are compositionally similar to the CSG, although somewhat more differentiated. They present either
discordant intrusive relations with CSG or are concordant with the main foliation of the host rocks. Their
mylonitic foliation is slightly discordant with the one in the host rock, but deformational features are
less evident. The shoshonitic characteristics of both rock groups are indicated by their high Sr contents
and regular rare earth element (REE) chondrite-normalized patterns. These rocks are metaluminous to
slightly peraluminous with medium to high K content, which is interpreted as an indication of crustal
contamination. Compared to rocks of shoshonitic affinity, such as those of the LSSA and of the EG, the
CSG exhibits similar patterns in multi-element and REE diagrams, which may indicate similar types
of mantle sources. New geochronological data, based on zircon U-Pb analyses of two CSG and one LD
sample, indicate ages of 635 ± 1.5 Ma and 636.3 ± 4.1 Ma for the CGS magmatic crystallization, with
inheritance ages around 660 and 790 Ma. Some Pb loss is observed, probably due to the intrusion of LD.
The LD crystallized at 609.2 ± 2.1 Ma with two Paleoproterozoic zircon grains. The age values between
635 and 609 Ma define the minimum period of activity of the QSESZ, as well as a new time span for
the shoshonitic magmatism in southern Brazil and the activation of early mantle sources in the BP.
The structural and compositional features of the CSG and LD are consistent with their post-collisional
character and with the earliest shoshonitic magmatism in the SBSB.

Farias DJS1, Guimarães IP2, Santos L1, Lima JV1, Antunes JV3 - 1UFPE - Programa de Pós-Graduação em
Geociências, 2UFPE - Departamento de Geologia, 3UFPE - Graduando em Geologia

The Timbaúba complex comprises an area of about 350 km2, in the Transversal Zone Domain of the
Borborema Province. It consists of three E-W elongated plutons, intruded along the eastern portion
of the E-W trending, dextral sense Coxixola - Timbaúba shear zone. They intrude Neoproterozoic
metavolcanic - metasedimentary sequence, which includes garnet-bearing biotite gneiss intercalated
with mafic metavolcanic rocks, and marbles. This study focuses on its largest pluton, which have
U-Pb zircon SHRIMP age of 616 ± 5 Ma. This pluton has composition ranging from monzogranite
to granodiorite enclosing mafic microgranular enclaves, partially melted, of dioritic, tonalitic and
amphibolitic composition, The granitoids are metaluminous, high-K, to normal calc-alkaline and
magnesian, while the enclaves are ferroan. Amphibole is the dominant mafic phase, followed by biotite.
Titanite occurs as euhedral crystals, reaching up to 1.5 cm long within the migmatized portions, as well
as anedral secondary crystals, resulted from biotite and amphibole destabilization. The multi-element
chondrite normalized patterns clearly differentiated between the enclaves and their host granitoids. The
enclaves have a much lower concentration of all trace elements, except Ti, resulting in a less fractionated
pattern compared to the host. Zoned allanite with high levels of total REE in the core and very low on
the edge was recorded in some enclaves. The Al-content in amphiboles from the magmatic enclaves
and their host granitoids and using the Anderson and Smith’s calibration (1995), defined solidification
pressures of the ~3.6Kb and ~5.5Kb respectively. The temperatures of plagioclase - amphibole
equilibrium range from ~700°C in the host granitoids and 650-800°C for the enclaves. The calculated
viscosity revealed that enclave and their host had a difference of two orders of magnitude during cooling.
Amphiboles are calcic, and have composition of tschermakite to Mg-hornblende and Fe-Mg-Pargasite to
hastingsite for the enclaves, Fe-Mg-hornblende and tschermakite for the host rocks. The fO2 conditions,
based on amphibole composition, for both enclaves and their host, range from intermediate to high.
Biotite composition is similar to biotite of calc-alkaline granitoids with Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratios ranging from
0.43 to 0.52. The narrow variation in the Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratios recorded in the biotites and, the amphibole
chemistry suggest the studied granitoids crystallized under near constant temperature and oxygen
fugacity conditions. The plagioclases have a composition ranging from andesine to oligoclase.
Correlation between host granitoids and enclaves, using major elements from whole rock as well as
mineral chemistry, revealed that the enclaves-host pairs do not follow a shared evolutionary pattern.
Thus, the enclaves and the host rocks have distinct sources.

Gerhard NP1, Koester E1, Porcher CC1, Weinberg RF2, Pimentel MM3, Barbosa LDO1 - 1UFRGS, 2Monash
University, 3UNB

The interaction of granitoids and marbles, and the intense reactions that lead to skarns, have long been
a subject of economic and scientific interest. Here, we report on a number of unexpected features related
to the intrusion of Neoproterozoic tonalites into the Matarazzo marble in the Eastern Domain of Dom
Feliciano Belt, southern Brazil. The marbles are dominantly calcitic (only 0.5 % of MgO) with diopside,
opaque and quartz, in a coarse granoblastic polygonal texture, suggesting a high metamorphic grade.
The tonalite intrudes the marble as dykes that carry blocks of migmatitic amphibolite, with peritectic
hornblende, and leucosomes that are continuous with the surrounding tonalite, suggesting a genetic
relationship. The tonalite dykes are highly irregular, with lobate-cuspate contacts with the marble and
commonly surrounded by skarn. The tonalite itself, close to the contact, becomes a syenite with no
quartz, and rich in Pl, Hbl, and centimetric Ttn grains, ideal for dating intrusion and metasomatism. The
nature of the contacts is reminiscent of those developed during magma mingling, including structures
similar to back-veining, and none of these structures have previously been reported in the literature.
They suggest two possibilities: either the marble melted at the contact with the tonalite, as has been
demonstrated for the Bergel pluton, or the intrusion strongly dissolved the marble. After intrusion and
cooling, the rock mass has been disaggregated during intense deformation that lead to isoclinal folding
of the marble and extreme stretching, while the silicic intrusions were disaggregated and broken into
blocks, down to grain size, explaining the presence of blocks disaggregated down to individual, isolated
quartz grains in the marble.

Slaby E1, De Campos CP2, Moszumanska I1, Laurent O3, Zeh A4 - 1Institute of Geological Sciences, PAS,
Research Centre in Warsaw, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warsaw, Poland, 2Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ., Dept.
of Earth and Environmental Sc., Munich, Germany; IGEO-USP, São Paulo, Brazil, 3Université de Liège
(ULg), Département de Géologie B20, Boulevard du Rectorat 15, B-4000 Liège Sart-Tilman, Belgium,
Institute for Geosciences, W.Goethe University, Altenhöferallee 1, D-60438 Frankfurt, Germany

The complexity of the collapse of the Araçuaí-Ribeira orogen in Brazil is well reflected in the rock
textures and composition of the Santa Angelica (513 ± 8 Ma) composite pluton. Its evolution has been
shaped during a post-collisional tectonic phase. It consists of an elliptically shaped intrusion composed
of several roughly concentric lens-shaped granitic layers, elongated lenses of monzo-gabbroic to monzo-
dioritic rocks, and tightly packed heterogeneous mafic enclave swarms. A main stage with the coeval
intrusion of mafic and granitic magmas (granite I) has been accompanied by mutual interaction, partial
hybridization and partial homogenization. Less voluminous reintrusion episodes such as dykes and
small plugs of contrasting composition lasted until 492 ± 15 Ma when a later fine-grained granite II
intruded the northeast region of the pluton.
Thus, individual parts of the Santa Angelica pluton are characterized by contrasting compositions.
Numerous studies have been conducted on the pluton, including rock geochemistry, geochronology,
and fractal analysis. These point towards magma mixing and not only mingling. Magma interactions
are also perfectly replicated in the complex intergrowth textures and geochemical compositions of single
mineral phases. The studied feldspar megacrysts of hybrid rocks reveal complex growth morphology and
geochemical patterns. Both show signs of multi-stage domain crystallization, dissolution, recrystallization,
and mutual replacement by other phases. The assemblage better characterizes the timing and geochemical
nature of magma entry into the pluton. Early stages of megacryst formation may be related to high-
temperature crystallization events (Na:K appropriate for sanidine/sodium sanidine). The crystal is zoned.
The zoning is primarily reflected in major (Na-K) and trace element distributions (Ba, Rb, Sr). The zone
morphology cannot be attributed to melt self-organization. Some newly crystallized plagioclases have
been added to the growing megacryst. Megacrysts of early-stage plagioclase are also found outside of
the alkali feldspar megacryst. Subsequent alkali feldspar megacryst introduction into diverse dynamic
and geochemical environments has resulted in partial crystal fragmentation and dissolution. With the
introduction of megacrysts from different magma sources and with re-equilibration, megacryst cracks
were sealed via new feldspar generation. The overgrown ternary feldspar dissolved the megacryst
margin, fulfilling embayment requirements. Growth/regrowth stages are reflected in slight variations
of the Strontium isotope ratio. All domains formed due to crystallization/recrystallization processes are
characterized by different trace element patterns. In these domains, correlations between pairs of LIL
elements are not linear, which may suggest chaotic element delivery into the growing crystal. Finally, the
megacryst is strongly affected by interactions with fluids. These interactions transformed the primordial
K-Na feldspar into a nearly pure K-feldspar and contributed with various trace elements to the domains.
Fluid megacryst interactions resulted in carbonate crystallization.
The hybrid rock formation emerged from interactions between two different geochemical environments,
which are reflected in the rock fabrics. Despite the importance of fabric analyses, such methods do
not reconstruct paths of magma/fluid interaction with the degree of precision attainable through
single crystal analyses. A multi-tool approach is required to reveal the effects of all processes. These
effects frequently overlap, and single effect identification is difficult to achieve. A minimum of two
complementary datasets is recommended in cases of multi-stage process reconstruction: acquired via LA
ICP MS and cathodoluminescence.

Gutiérrez F1,2,3, Payacan I1,2, Aravena A1, Buglio F1, Parada MA1,2, Bachmann O4 - 1Universidad de Chile
- Deapartamento de Geologia, 2Universidad de Chile - Centro de Excelencia de Geotermia de Los Andes,
Universidad de Chile - Advanced Mining Technology Center, 4ETH Zurich - Department of Earth

La Gloria and San Gabriel plutons are both upper Miocene granitic bodies located 40 km eastward of
Santiago, Central Chile, separated by 20km in N-S direction. Both plutons have similar ages (9-13 Ma),
isotopic and geochemical composition and minerals (mostly quartz-monzodiorite and quartz-monzonite
with amphibole, biotite and accessory phases), but exhibit contrasting macroscopic textural record.
La Gloria pluton records a gradual concentric mineralogical, geochemical and magnetic zonation pattern
where a relatively more mafic magma domain is preserved at the center, without showing significant
granulometric differences along the pluton’s edges. It also contains xenoliths concentrated close to the
margins and at the lower central part as well as leucogranite dikes widely distributed in the pluton. In
contrast, San Gabriel pluton records an abrupt change towards marginal facies of different grain size
and lithology. Xenolith-rich horizontal layers distributed at different depths and widely distributed
leucogranite dikes are found within this pluton.
New zircon U-Pb zircon ages, together with geochemical and textural data obtained in the two plutons
were combined to physicochemical modeling, to interpret the observed contrasting macroscopic
textures as consequence of lateral and vertical magma transport at different rates. A high magma
pulse emplacement rate of La Gloria pluton gives rise to pluton-scale convection, compositional
homogenization (i.e self-mixing) and lateral magma migration. In contrast, a lower emplacement rate of
San Gabriel pluton gives rise to an assemblage of multiple magma pulses and roof collapse. These results
imply that magma injection rate is a critical parameter to understand the geochemical and mineralogical
evolution of magma reservoirs; high magma injection rates would give rise to homogenous reservoir and
late leucocratic dike extraction while low magma injection rates would produce a broader lithological
and textural diversity, with well-defined internal contacts, yielded by a limited self-mixing process.

Guillot F1, Chopin C2, Desanois L3, Di Rosa M4, Lanari P5, Durand C6, Recourt P1, Bout-Roumazeilles V1 -
CNRS-LOG UMR8187 - Universite Lille, 2Laboratoire de Geologie de l’Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris,
Universite de Lille, 4Dip Sci Terra Universita di Pisa, 5Inst Geol Sci, University of Bern, 6labo LGcGE,
Universite Lille

The Gran Paradiso massif (GP) main rock type is a Permian porphyritic granite (271 +/- 8 Ma, from
10 zircon U-Pb ages [Bertrand et al., 2005, Schw. Min. Pet. Mitt., 85:15-29]) emplaced into an older
metamorphic series. Some parts of the massif display peculiar, Mg-rich rocks highly depleted in Ca,
Na and Si and commonly referred to as ‘whiteschists’ [Ferrando, 2012, Terra Nova, 24:423-436]. In
the western part of the massif (Evettes refuge), fairly continuous outcrops show close associations of
whiteschists with albitic, locally K-feldspar porphyritic syenites, within the GP porphyritic granite. In
such albitic syenites, nepheline was found associated with paragonite, in an albite groundmass where
subordinate quartz drops are mantled by aegirine and sodic amphibole. The rock is a highly alkaline
syenite (9.4-9.9 wt.% Na2O), though not Si-undersaturated according to CIPW norm. First detection of
nepheline was permitted by EDS chemical mapping, confirmed by electron microprobe analysis (WDS),
Raman microspectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction. Optical detection of nepheline is reputedly a risky
business, and its imaging by EDS-mapping is not straightforward either: a long scan time is required
before a clear-cut difference is evidenced with the enclosing albite, because of the relatively low atomic
numbers of Na and Al.
All those rocks contain abundant, euhedral zircon crystals with Th/U ratios in the 0.1-0.7 range, i.e.
typical of magmatic zircon. LA-ICP-MS isotope measurements were performed on zircons from one
whiteschist and one nepheline syenite. Altogether, they yielded two U-Pb age groups at 246 +/– 3
Ma and 257 +/– 3 Ma, significantly younger than the host GP pluton. By contrast, allanite crystals
extracted from the same syenite yielded LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages at 34 +/– 3 Ma, which reflects the Alpine
metamorphic imprint that affected the whole massif and reached eclogite-facies conditions. Jadeite was
actually found in another variety of syenite, more leucocratic and K-feldspar porphyritic, from the same
Nepheline chemistry, with a Na/(Na+K) ratio in the 0.8-0.9 range and Si near 8.1 a.p.f.u. (for 32 O, based
on 104 WDS measurements) does not depart significantly from classical compositions [Barth, 1963,
Schw. Min. Pet. Mitt., 43:153-164; Balassone et al., 2014, Min. Petr., 108:71-90]. Although nepheline
and quartz were not observed in direct contact, their close association suggests that the equilibrium was
not achieved, at the thin section scale. Hence, it is suggested that nepheline was generated during the
late, post-eclogitic stage of the Alpine metamorphism, through destabilization of jadeite giving albite
+ nepheline, known to occur experimentally below 0.5 GPa [Newton & Kennedy, 1968, Am. J. Sc., 266,
Highly albitic modal compositions were classically noticed in the GP by Michel [1953, thesis Clermont-
Ferrand] as well as in the Monte Rosa, another Internal Crystalline Massif of the Alps by Bearth [1952,
Beitr. Geol. Kart. Schw., 96], those authors defending a primordial sodic metasomatism vs. a late-Alpine
albitization, respectively. The evidence presented here of late magmatic, highly alkalic pulses, Late
Permian to Early Triassic in age, while sodic minerals are of Alpine (re?)generation, might renew this old

Ruiz AS1,2, Sousa MZA3,2, Geraldes MC4,2, Simões LSA5, Matos JB3,2, Batata MEF6, Lima GA7,2, Fernandes
KG8,2 - 1UFMT - General Geology Department, 2National Institute of Science and Geosciences Technology
of the Amazonian (GEOCIAM), 3UFMT - Minerals Resources Department, 4UERJ - Faculty of Geology,
UNESP - Petrology and Metallogeny Department, 6USP - Postgraduate Program in Mineralogy and
Petrology, 7UFMT - Engineering Institute, 8UFMT - Exact and Earth Sciences Institute

The Rondonian-San Ignacio Province (1.56-1.30 Ga) in the SW Amazonian Craton records intense
Calimian granitic magmatism represented by the Pindaituba Intrusive Suite and Santa Helena Batholith,
which are attributed to the Santa Helena Orogeny. This work presents a collection of geologic-structural,
petrographic, geochemical, geochronological (U-Pb) and isotopic (Sm-Nd) data of the Santa Helena
Batholith in order to discuss its petrogenesis as well as the tectonic setting responsible for the magma
generation . This unit is an N-S trending elongated intrusion hosted by Paleoproterozoic supracrustal
and infracrustal rocks. The Santa Helena Batholith comprises monzo-syenogranitic rocks strongly
foliated, equi-inequigranular to porphyritic, coarse to fine-grained, leucocratic, grey to reddish-pink;
biotite is the major mafic mineral, and hornblende and garnet are subordinate. The batholith records
at least three phases of ductile deformation. The F1 deformation phase developed an E-W trending
penetrative foliation S1, perpendicular to the length of the intrusion, and steeply dipping towards the
center and gently dipping towards the northern border of the intrusion. F2 phase caused S1 folding and,
on the eastern and western borders of the intrusion, is responsible for its complete transposition into
a NNW orientation, with steep dips. F3 phase is observed on the W and NE borders of the batholith as
a result of normal-sense shear zones, Piratininga and Indiavai-Lucialva. The rocks of the Santa Helena
Batholith shows compositional and textural diversity, allowing to recognize four petrographic facies,
all of them with similar characteristics of I-type granitoids. SiO2 values vary widely from 65.7 to 79.4 %,
classifying them into acid and highly evolved rocks. Negative linear relationship between this index and
Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, MgO, TiO2, MnO, Zr, Ba and Sr indicates differentiation marked by increase in modal
quartz; fractionation of plagioclase and primary mafic minerals (hornblende, biotite, ilmenite-magnetite,
titanite and zircon), as well as an impoverishment of anorthite molecule in plagioclase. This magmatism
can be classified as subalkaline, high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic, metaluminous to peraluminous,
showing HREE fractionation relative to LREE, having the former a near-flat pattern and Eu negative
anomalies; also compositionally similar to Phanerozoic granitoids formed in tardi to post-collisional
settings. U-Pb ages (TIMS and SHRIMP) from zircons indicate magma crystallization from 1.45 to 1.42
Ga while ϵNd(t) values are between +3 and +4,3 and TDM ages of 1.62 and 1.43 Ga. Ar-Ar analyses
carried out on the center and border of the intrusion indicate an interval of regional cooling from 0.930
to 0.915 Ga for the batholith.

Pereira GS1, Janasi VA1, Alves A1, Andrade S1 - 1Instituto de Geociências - Universidade de São Paulo

The 580-560 Ma A-type Itu Batholith is a main constituent of the post-orogenic Itu Granitic Province in
SE Brazil, intruding Neoproterozoic high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Socorro-Guaxupé Nappe. It
is made up of four main plutons, each resulting from the interaction between several magmatic pulses
emplaced at shallow crustal levels. All plutons share several key features (e.g., A-type trace-element
signature), but each has its own structural pattern and geochemical and isotopic identity.
The most voluminous unit is the ~153 km2 Cabreúva Pluton (560.9±6.2 Ma; SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age,
2σ), with a normal textural zoning pattern defined by a predominant coarse-grained hololeucocratic
syenogranite at the center varying to a medium to fine-grained border; an association of porphyritic
granite and melagranite occurs at the intrusion’s core. Granites from this pluton show a geochemical
signature typical of fractionated reduced A-type granites, with low mg# (<20), low Sr, low Sr/Y (<2),
relatively high Nb and Zr, and moderately fractionated REE patterns (LaN/YbN ~15) with deep negative
Eu anomalies.
Two other intrusions are dominated by rapakivi granite. The Salto Pluton (576.6±3.8 Ma; SHRIMP
zircon age) is largely formed of reddish to pink inequigranular coarse-to medium-grained hornblende-
biotite rapakivi syenogranite with a leucogranite cupula strongly affected by hydrothermal alteration at
its western portion. Abundant felsic microgranular enclaves and a porphyry granite body result from
replenishment by repeated pulses of felsic magma. The Indaiatuba Pluton (579.1±3.9 Ma; LA-ICPMS
U-Pb zircon age) is an early intrusion of coarse-grained rapakivi syenogranite bearing both felsic and
mafic microgranular enclaves.
The Itupeva Pluton (584.3±5.2 Ma, granodiorite facies at the pluton’s core; 576.6±5.2 Ma, inequigranular
leucogranite intruding the Indaiatuba pluton; SHRIMP zircon ages) shows wide textural and
compositional variety, with a rough inverse compositional zoning defined by border biotite leucogranites
and central porphyritic biotite monzogranites associated with frequent hybrid mafic to intermediate
rocks in the form of small intrusive bodies and microgranular enclaves.
Preliminary zircon Hf isotope data by LA-ICPMS reveal significant inter-pluton variations, suggesting
greater contribution from sources with younger crust residence for Salto (average ϵHf(t)= -11.6) as
compared to Indaiatuba (average ϵHf(t)= 17.8), which is reinforced by parallel variatons in ϵNd(t) (from
-10.2 to -12.4). Wide intra-sample variations, particularly in the Salto sample (ϵHf(t)= -7 to -17), reflect
the multi-source character of this rapakivi intrusion, where the less negative values overlap those of
contemporaneous melts derived from enriched-mantle.
The sources of the Itu granites are inferred to be older granitic rocks and orthogneisses that were
remelted at relatively high T (>800oC) under low a(H2O). From similarities in ϵNd(t) and the ages of
rare inherited zircons, the main source can be slightly older (650-620 Ma) calc-alkaline granites that
constitute large volumes of the Socorro-Guaxupé crust. However, the presence of ~2.15 Ga inherited
zircon and a shift towards more radiogenic Nd isotope signature indicates that Paleoproterozoic rocks
and a juvenile Neoproterozoic component were also important sources for the Itu magmatism.
Financing by FAPESP (2012/04148-0) and FAPESP Doctoral scholarship (2014/03725-9)

Shinjoe H1, Orihashi Y2, Anma R3 - 1Tokyo Keizai University, 2The University of Tokyo - Earthquake
Research Institute, 3University of Tsukuba - Guraduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences

In the forearc region of southwest Japan arc along the Nankai trench, intensive magmatism took place
in the middle Miocene time. It is widely accepted that this episodic igneous activities were almost coeval
with the initiation of the subduction of young hence hot Shikoku Basin of the Philippine Sea plate,
immediately after the opening of the Japan Sea and clockwise rotation of southwest Japan. Distribution
of the igneous rocks is up to 800 km along arc, 150 km across arc directions, respectively. Across arc
variation of the lithology have been pointed out for the middle Miocene magmatism [1,2]. Closest to the
Nankai trench, tholeiitic/alkaline basaltic igneous complexes with felsic intrusive rocks are distributed.
To the north of these igneous complexes, voluminous felsic to intermediate volcano-plutonic igneous
complexes are distributed (Outer Zone granitic rocks). These igneous complexes are composed of
S-type granitic plutons and volcano-plutonic complexes including large scale caldera bearing bodies and
I-type granitic plutons. Farthest to the trench, mafic to felsic volcanic rocks (Setouchi volcanic rocks)
are distributed. Generation of S-type felsic magmas can be explained by melting of sediment above
the subducting hot Shikoku Basin, with possible additional heat source by the injection of tholeiitic
basaltic magma [3]. We have carried out precise U-Pb dating of zircon for the Outer Zone granitic
rocks in Kii peninsula and Kyushu island to examine the variation of the age of the along arc and across
arc directions. These two regions are separated approximately 500 km for along arc direction. U-Pb
dating was performed by use of LA-ICPMS technique. U-Pb ages of the Outer Zone granitic rocks in Kii
peninsula and Kyusyu island range 15.5 to 14.0 Ma and 15.6 to 13.4 Ma, respectively. Hence the along
arc variation of the age of the Outer Zone granitic rocks is not observed. Though the oldest age samples
of both regions were obtained from the igneous bodies in the closest area to the trench, obvious across
arc trend of the age variation is not found. Our new U-Pb ages well constrain the felsic igneous activities
of the Outer Zone granitic rocks within 2 m.y., comparing to the previously reported K-Ar and zircon
FT ages ranging 18 to 12 Ma. These chronological constraint ensures that the majority of the igneous
activities of the Outer Zone granitic rocks has occurred after the clockwise rotation of southwest Japan
arc and felsic magmas were formed during the subduction of the hot Shikoku Basin.
[1] Nakada and Takahashi. 1979. J. Geol. Soc. Jpn. 85, 571-582.
[2] Kimura et al. 2005. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 117, 969-986.
[3] Shinjoe et al. 2007. J. Geol. Soc. Jpn. 113, 310-325.

Williams IS1, Jeon H2 - 1Australian National University - Research School of Earth Sciences, 2The
University of Western Australia - Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation and Analysis

Inherited zircon (zircon significantly older than the igneous rock in which it occurs) is a common
occurrence in granitic rocks. Although there is some debate over the source of inherited zircon,
particularly when it is present in very small amounts, it is widely accepted that the ubiquitous inherited
zircon found in magmas that have been produced through the partial melting of sedimentary rocks is
remnant detrital zircon from those source rocks. That being so, the inherited zircon is a direct sample of
the source rocks, and the age and composition of that zircon is a direct indication of the nature and age
of the components of which that source was comprised.
Inherited zircon is highly abundant in the S-type granites of Eastern Australia, both the Early Silurian
granites of the Lachlan Fold Belt and the Early Permian granites of the New England Orogen. The variety
of ages obtained by ion microprobe U-Pb dating of large numbers of inherited zircon cores has long been
used to determine detrital age spectra that constitute a ‘fingerprint’ from which the source rock might
be identified. In the case of the Lachlan Fold Belt the large range of ages in the inherited zircon spectrum
(Palaeozoic to early Archaean) is a close match for the detrital age spectra from the early Palaeozoic
turbidite sequence into which the granites are intruded. In the case of the granites from the New England
Orogen the inherited zircon appears to derive mostly from Carboniferous volcaniclastics, a common host
rock in that region.
A question remaining unanswered in the Lachlan Fold Belt is the exact age of the sediments from which
the granites are derived, namely is the source a deeper part of the Late Ordovician sequence exposed
at the surface, or is it older rocks (Early Ordovician or Cambrian) that might lie below? The answer
lies in finding the youngest inherited zircon, thereby constraining the deposition age of the youngest
sedimentary rock in the source region. As the granite ages are known, doing so also provides an estimate
of the maximum possible time interval between source sediment deposition and burial to the depths
of partial melting, but distinguishing between young inherited zircon and early-formed igneous zircon
when both look identical in CL images is extremely difficult.
The situation in the New England Orogen is fortuitously different. The inheritance in the granites has
a relatively narrow range of ages (Early to Late Carboniferous), and because the source rocks were
predominantly volcaniclastic, the oxygen isotopic compositions of the inherited zircon are distinct from
those of zircon crystallised from the granite magma. Young inherited zircon and early-formed igneous
zircon can be clearly distinguished. As a result, not only has it been possible to determine the maximum
time interval between deposition of the youngest source rock and the initiation of partial melting at the
start of granite magma genesis (ca. 15 Ma), but also to measure the time period between incipient partial
melting and granite emplacement (ca. 5 Ma).

GRADUAÇÃO EM GEOLOGIA E GEOQUÍMICA, 2Instituto Tecnológico Vale / Universidade Federal do
Sul-Sudeste do Pará - Faculdade de Geologia

The Planalto Suite is located in the Carajás Province in the southeastern part of the Amazonian Craton.
The suite has Neoarchean age (~2.73 Ga), ferroan character and affinity with A-type granites and
is composed of foliated, sinkynematic amphibole-biotite monzogranites to alkali feldspar granites.
Magnetic petrology studies allowed the distinction of two groups: (1) Magnetite-free granites containing
ilmenite as main iron oxide mineral and showing low magnetic susceptibility (MS) values (MS between
0.6247x10-3 and 0.0102x10-3 SI); (2) Granites containing magnetite associated to ilmenite displaying
comparatively higher but still moderate MS values (between 15.700x10-3 and 0.8036x10-3 SI). In the rocks
of group 2, textural evidence indicates that magnetite crystallized from the magma and coexisted with
amphibole and ilmenite. Titanite is found in both groups, but it is not omnipresent and its chemical
composition suggests that its origin may be related to secondary process. The amphiboles are hastingsite
and ferro-pargasite [Fe/(Fe+Mg) > 0.8]. Biotite shows also high Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratio and is classified as
annite. Plagioclase is oligoclase to albite (An23-An2) and it was not observed compositional variation
between porphyroclasts and fine crystals of the recrystallized matrix. The dominant group 1 granites of
the Planalto Suite were formed under reducing conditions below the FMQ buffer. The group 2 granites
crystallized under slightly more oxidizing conditions on or a little above the FMQ buffer or, alternatively,
they were also formed in reducing conditions but were affected by oxidizing subsolidus hydrothermal
processes. Geothermometers suggest initial temperatures of crystallization variable between 900°C
and 870°C and it was estimated a pressure of 700 to 900 MPa at the magma source. On the other hand,
ductile deformation, penetrative foliation and local lineation, as well as strong recrystallization in the
Planalto Suite are indicative of the emplacement of the plutons in crustal depths equivalent to a pressure
of 400 to 600 MPa. The comparison between the Planalto Suite and other ferroan Neoarchean granites
and A-type Paleoproterozoic granites of the Carajás Province reveals that the Neoarchean granites show
strong compositional analogies with the Planalto Suite indicating that they were probably formed under
similar conditions. The amphibole and biotite compositions of the Planalto Suite are quite enriched in
Al and differ in this from those of the Paleoproterozoic A-type granites that were emplaced at shallower
crustal levels (100 to 300 MPa). The reduced character of the Planalto Suite approaches it of the reduced
to moderately oxidized (Serra dos Carajás and Velho Guilherme suites) and distinguish it of the oxidized
(Jamon Suite) Paleoproterozoic granites of the Carajás province. By analogy, the Planalto Suite differs
of the Lingdal Granodiorite and similar oxidized granites and is more akin to the Neoproterozoic AMC
suite of southern Norway and to the Mesoproterozoic Wolf River granite of USA. The Neoarchean Matok
pluton of the Limpopo belt was formed in a collisional setting, is associated with granulitic assemblages
and have also Al-enriched amphiboles but it evolved in more oxidizing conditions when compared with
the Planalto pluton. The mineralogy of the Planalto Suite reflects its granulitic sources.

Payacán I1,2, Gutiérrez F1,2, Bachmann O3, Parada MA1,2 - 1University of Chile - Department of Geology,
University of Chile - Centro de Excelencia en Geotermia de los Andes, 3ETH Zürich - Institute of
Geochemistry and Petrology

In order to understand the factors controlling xenoliths distribution in plutons, numerical simulations
of xenoliths transport inside magma reservoirs were made, considering a two-phase mixing fluid system,
representing the magma (fluid phase) and stoped blocks that sink (solid phase). The physical properties
of mixing are based on the temperature-dependence of density and viscosity of magma, which was
obtained through simulations by MELTS. The solid phase transport considers a slip velocity, relative to
the magma, which is given by the Stokes’ law. Therefore, the sinking velocity of xenoliths depends on
the thermal equilibrium and lithology differences between magma and xenoliths (controlling the density
contrast) and the crystallinity of magma given by its temperature and composition (controlling the
effective magma viscosity).
This model is applied to La Gloria and San Gabriel plutons: two silicic intrusive bodies with similar
lithology (quartz-monzodiorite to quartz-monzonite with amphibole and biotite), located eastward
Santiago, central Chile. Both plutons present similar ages (13-9 Ma) and were emplaced at shallow levels
of the crust (~4 km depth), intruding basaltic to andesitic volcanic and volcano-sedimentary sequences.
Xenoliths are preserved in both plutons, which mainly consist of ferromagnesian-rich andesitic blocks,
varying in size from centimeters to a few meters long, some of which preserve the primary texture
similar to the volcanic wall-rock. In La Gloria pluton, xenoliths are mostly concentrated near the border
(with angular shapes) and at the lower-central part of the pluton (with rounded shapes). In contrast,
xenoliths in San Gabriel pluton are all rounded and preserved as horizontal layers at intermediate levels,
associated to internal contacts between textural units.
Results indicate that, during the cooling of magma, the effective viscosity increases several orders of
magnitude in a narrow temperature interval (~50°C) at around 800°C, mainly controlled by the increase
of crystallinity of the magma and the eutectic character of the system. This variation strongly decreases
the sink rates of stoped blocks, allowing preservation of their locations in the reservoir. From this,
we interpret that the existence of rheological domains within the magma reservoirs in the final stage
of solidification can be inferred from the distribution of xenoliths in plutons, which are defined by
relatively high effective viscosity contrasts between magma and xenolith.
In both plutons, xenoliths may represent a continuous stoping process or discrete events of roof collapse.
Based on field observations and numerical simulations, we interpret that only one viscosity contrast
zone existed at the base of La Gloria pluton. On the contrary, San Gabriel pluton exhibits intermediate
viscosity contrast zones with respect to the base and roof of the pluton, evidenced by the horizontal
layers of xenoliths. Sinking xenoliths locked near the borders of the plutons mark the rapid increase of
the effective viscosity of magma, associated to the last stoping event. We suggest that La Gloria pluton
represents a simpler magmatic system, forming a single, integrated magma reservoir, while the San
Gabriel pluton records several sub-reservoirs marked by sharp viscosity contrasts.

Kruhl JH1 - 1Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München - Dept. for Earth and Environmental Sciences

Granitoid magma, cooling under stress, passes through different stages of physical and structural
conditions. This leads to a variety of fabrics on the macro- and micro-scale, which vice versa provide
information about physical and structural conditions and, consequently, about cooling-deformation
history of the rock. The effective parameters can be classified into two main groups: (i) temperature (i.e.
cooling), time, amount of crystals, and (ii) differential stress and flow rate. Both groups span a diagram,
by which the various stages of fabric development of the crystallizing magma can be represented.
Macro- and microfabrics comprise (i) preferred orientations of crystals or wall-rock fragments; (ii) early
macro-fractures in the crystal-melt mush, filled by melt of generally mafic composition; (iii) various
mingling structures; (iv) late micro-fractures, mostly in feldspars, filled by melt of nearly eutectic
composition; (v) quartz chessboard subgrain patterns solely generated in the stability field of high-
quartz. In addition to these well-known fabrics, recent investigations have shown that grain-boundary
microfabrics are a useful source of information on stress-temperature conditions during crystallization.
Specifically coarse grain-boundary sutures in quartz and feldspars may indicate weak high-T
deformation in a crystal-melt mush and, based on their geometry and crystallographic orientation allow
estimating temperature conditions. Moreover, small polygonal grains of quartz, feldspars or biotite,
which locally occur as groups of few grains in larger magmatic crystals, indicate deformation during
crystallization, partly stress-transfer from melt to crystal, and may help to evaluate stress situations
during different stages of crystallization.
Two trends of development during magma crystallization under stress can be distinguished. (i) At high
temperature and low number of crystals or wall-rock fragments, preferred crystal orientations may
develop, which reflect magmatic flow. During cooling the amount of crystals increase as well as the
magma viscosity, leading to crystal interaction and stress transfer from melt to crystals. Consequently,
a variety of deformation structures is formed in the crystals. (ii) With increased differential stress the
intensity of preferred orientations as well as internal deformation structures increase. Transient highly
increased flow rates may cause fracturing of crystals and melt. This is typically a short-term process that
leads to cyclic flow and brittle behavior of the magma.
It is the purpose of this work not only to present new microfabrics-based analytic tools and an overview
on their application but to indicate and discuss the advantage of integrated microfabrics analyses over
classical single-fabric studies.

Kruhl JH1, Bitencourt MF2 - 1Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München - Dept. for Earth and
Environmental Sciences, 2Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Centro de Estudos em Petrologia
e Geoquímica

Meso- and micro-scale fabrics of syntectonic granitoids bear a wealth of information about (i)
crystallization, deformation and rheology history, (ii) development of fabric inhomogeneity and
anisotropy during flow processes, and (iii) interaction between local and regional kinematics. The Piquiri
Syenite Massif is a crescent-shaped, ca. 150 km2 large Neoproterozoic batholith within the Dom Feliciano
Belt, emplaced in post-collisional setting of the Brasiliano/Pan-African Cycle. The syenite body contains
locally up to 90 vol-% mm-cm large platy K-feldspars and mafic aggregates composed of µm-mm sized
pyroxene, amphibole, titanite, apatite, opaque minerals, and minor amounts of biotite. Throughout the
pluton the K-feldspar crystals, together with the elongate mafic aggregates define a mostly sub-vertical
magmatic foliation generally parallel to the pluton contacts as well as a very weak, variably oriented
Analysis of macro- and micro-fabrics highlights the crystallization history of the pluton. (i)
Crystallization of apatite was followed by crystallization of titanite, clinopyroxene, hornblende and
K-feldspar. (ii) These minerals were affected by strong flow alignment, however, with K-feldspar
probably at ~ 2/3 – 3/4 of its final size, i.e. with 20-25 vol-% melt present. Flow occurred without
interaction of crystals, as indicated by the lack of internal deformation features in K-feldspar. (iii) This
also argues for the decline of flow before full crystallization of the magmatic body. (iv) Within interstitial
quartz weak chessboard subgrain patterns are only rarely present, flame albitization is concentrated in
regions of locally increased stress, and hornblende shows weak subgrain patterns and slightly sutured
grain boundaries. All this indicates only very minor deformation under magmatic conditions. (v) No
medium- or low-temperature deformation features are present.
Most probably, the Piquiri Syenite crystallized in a weak regional stress field that caused a magmatic
foliation but was not able to affect rock fabrics under late-magmatic or higher to lower metamorphic
conditions. However, modification of magmatic fabrics by internal kinematics within the crystallizing
magma chamber is conceivable.

Semprich J, Moreno JA, Oliveira E

Sanukitoids are Mg-rich, Late Archean granitoids, which are interpreted to have formed by the
interaction of crustal and mantle melts possibly in a subduction zone setting. Geochemically and
chronologically they seem to represent the transition between the tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite
series rocks predominant in the Archaean and the modern-style, subduction-related magmatic suites.
Studying their formation conditions can therefore provide important insights into the geodynamic
processes shaping the cratonic crust in the Late Archean.
We present a combination of phase equilibria and trace element modeling to study the melting
conditions and protolith sources, which best reproduce the characteristic major and trace element
concentrations of sanukitoid melts (high Mg#, V, Cr and Ni but enriched in LILE). After comparing
our model to results from experiments for validation, we explore the formation conditions and melt
sources for sanukitoids of two localities: the Amazonian craton and the Superior Province. Mixtures
of 70% crustal melt (TTG) and 30% relatively undepleted peridotite are most favorable to reproduce
major and trace element characteristics of granodioritic sanukitoids (62-67 wt.% SiO2). The P-T
conditions of melting vary significantly with the composition of the crust-mantle mixture but range
within 1100-1250 °C and 2.0-3.2 GPa generating relatively high melt fractions between 50-65%. Less
differentiated sanukitoid melts (49-53 wt.% SiO2) can result from either 50/50 or 70/30 crust-mantle
mixtures, depending strongly on the composition of the TTG source. The addition of small proportions
of carbonatite can account for the elevated concentrations of Ba, Sr, P, Eu and LREE in most sanukitoids
of the Superior Province.
In contrast to mere trace element models where the degree of melting and the P-T conditions are poorly
constrained, the combination with phase equilibria calculations allows for a better-defined model that is
consistent with formation conditions in the subcratonic lithospheric mantle or possibly a mantle wedge.

Tani K1, Ishihara S2, Horie K3, Dunkley DJ4 - 1National Museum of Nature and Science, Japan, 2Geological
Survey of Japan/AIST, 3National Institute of Polar Research, Japan, 4Curtin University

Convergent plate margins, such as the Mesozoic circum-Pacific orogenic belts, are regarded as one of
the plausible candidates for the post-Archean continental crust formation, as they are associated with
abundant calc-alkaline I-type batholiths. However, the fundamental tectonic processes that triggered
these voluminous granitic crust formations in the Mesozoic have remained largely unresolved due to the
lack of precise temporal constraints on the granitic magmatism. We have conducted a comprehensive
geochronological study of the granitic batholiths exposed in the Southwest Japan Arc, which is typical of
the Mesozoic circum-Pacific orogenic belts utilizing SHRIMP zircon U/Pb geochronology.
Contrary to the results previously obtained using conventional geochronological methods (e.g. K-Ar,
Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron ages), which suggested that the magmatism occurred gradually from ~100 to
~50 Ma, with the plutons forming over long time intervals, the newly obtained zircon ages reveal three
clear pulses of granitic crust formation at 85, 60 and 35 Ma separated by 25 million year intervals. The
85 Ma magmatism was the most voluminous and was distributed in a broad zone that extends ~120 km
across-strike, whereas the magmatism at 60 and 35 Ma were focused on the northern margin of the SW
Japan Arc. Furthermore, the granitic magmatism at 85 Ma involved sediment-incorporated, ilmenite
series granitic rocks, while the magmatism at 60 and 35 Ma involved more juvenile, mantle-derived,
magnetite series rocks.
Thus, not only did the granitic magmatism in SW Japan occur in pulses, there was also a spatial and
compositional transition in the magmatism through time. The ocean basin reconstruction model by
Müller et al. (2008, Science) revealed pulsed oceanic crust production at the mid-oceanic ridges in the
Pacific Plate during the Mesozoic, also showing ~25 million year interval, indicating that convergence
rate of the Pacific Plate around the circum-Pacific region has experienced fluctuation of similar time
interval. This suggests that pulsed Mesozoic granitic crust formation revealed in the SW Japan can be
attributed to the enhanced subduction zone magmatism during the Mesozoic, rather than the previously
proposed model in which it was suggested that the granitic crust was formed by the subduction of a mid-
ocean ridge on the Pacific Plate during the Middle Cretaceous.

Pressi LF1, Janasi VA2 - 1DRM-RJ, 2Universidade de São Paulo

The 578±3 Ma old Piracaia Monzodiorite holds in its 30 km² a great variety of lithologies, which can
be grouped in five units: coarse-grained monzodiorites (Mdr); fine-grained monzodiorites (Mdf);
heterogeneous monzonites (Mh); syenites (Sie); quartz syenites and quartz monzonites (Qsie). The
predominant K-rich monzodiorites are inferred to derive from a metasomatised subcontinental mantle,
while the felsic rocks are akin to A-type granites. The magmas intruded in a late to postorogenic tectonic
setting, resulting in a pluton with an ellipsoidal shape and moderate to strong foliation, especially along
its borders. Mafic and felsic magmas interacted in different scales, generating hybrid rocks and a great
variety of commingling structures, with characteristics that indicate the sequence of magma intrusion
during the emplacement.
The physico-chemical crystallization parameters of primary and hybrid magmas were determined as
references for the characterization of the magma interaction processes. Liquidus temperatures estimates
based on apatite saturation are of 950-1050º C for the most primitive (Mdf) and 850-900º C for the more
differentiated (Qsie) magmas. Solidus temperatures, based on hornblende-plagioclase equilibrium, are
ca. 750º C for Mdf, and 650-700º C for Qsie. Depth of emplacement is estimated at 13-15 km (3,5 to
4,0 kbar), based on Al-in-hornblende geobarometry. H2O contents estimated from the An content of
plagioclase are 2.5-3.3% for Mdf, reaching up to 5% in quartz syenites. fO2 estimates derived from Fe-Ti
oxides oxythermometry and Fe/(Fe/Mg) ratios of amphibole and biotite show an important contrast
among the units: whereas Mdf and Mdr are highly oxidized (~NNO buffer), Qsie and especially Sie and
Mh are more reduced, often magnetite-free.
Two main events of magma interaction can be identified in the pluton evolution. In the first,
monzodiorite (Mdf) magma mingled intensively with syenite (Sie), generating the heterogeneous
monzonite (Mh) unit. The medium to fine grained texture of these rocks coupled with the relatively high
liquidus temperatures estimated for both magmas suggests that cooling was relatively fast. On the other
hand, the intense interfingering of monzodiorite and syenite portions, which maintain their identity
in the millimeter scale, suggests a strong mechanical interaction, favoring the hypothesis that this took
place, or at least initiated, during the ascent of magmas, previously to the emplacement.
In a second event the chamber was replenished with a new batch of felsic magma (Qsie), followed by
several batches of monzodiorite (Mdf), which occupied the center of the pluton. This center body shows
abundant evidence of mingling along its borders, such as enclaves, pillows and load cast structures. The
mafic pillows are often disrupted and locally mingled with the quartz syenite magma, generating hybrid
zones with very peculiar mineralogical and trace element chemistry at their contacts. These zones have
abundant allanite, zircon, apatite and amphibole, and correspondently are anomalously rich in trace-
elements such as LREE, Zr and P relative to the endmembers (Mdf e Qsie). These high concentrations are
consistent with “diffusion fractionation” due to physical dispersion processes at the interface between
contrasted magmas, which were preserved upon cooling.

Cassini LV1, Juliani C1 - 1Universidade de São Paulo

The Amazon Craton consists in one of the largest cratonic areas in the world. Its formation is interpreted
as the result of a series of accretionary orogens that have been juxtaposed to a cratonic nucleus of
archean age represented by the Central Amazonian Province. In this tectonic setting the Tapajós-Parima
Province is one of the geochronologic units of the Amazon Craton. The formation of this particular
province is attributed to continent-ocean orogenies of 2.10–1.87 Ga, whose consequences involve
expressive plutonic and volcanic rocks formation. Among the igneous manifestations that took place
during this period the formation of calc-alkaline magmatic arcs represented by the granitoids of the
Cuiú-Cuiú Complex (2.01-1.90 Ga), the Parauari Intrusive Suite (1.89 Ga) and the Creporizão Intrusive
Suite (1,97-1,95 Ga) should be highlighted. An extensive plutonic and volcanic rock formation process
of calc-alkaline/alkaline affinity also played an important role on the formation of the province. This
magmatic event is denominated Uatumã and its lithotypes cover an area of approximately 1,100,000
km². This is the tectonic context where the Tapajós Mineral Province (TMP) is located. This particular
province shows an important metallogenetic significance, it has already been responsible for the
production of more than 750 tons of gold since the late 50’s. On the central portion of the TMP,
precisely on the surroundings of the Patrocínio Village, many artisanal miners are currently exploring
and producing gold without any previous study. Despite this strong potential only a few number of
researches were developed on the area aiming the characterization of the primary gold occurrences. The
Canadian junior company Belo Sun Mining performed during the year of 2013 an exploratory drilling
campaign, and agreed to gently provided the drill cores for this study. Through geologic mapping on
the area of interest it was possible to assume that monzo and syenogranites with different stages of
hydrothermal alteration are the dominant host rocks of the gold mineralization. Macroscopic description
of the drill cores shows dominantly porphyritic and leucocratic monzogranites and syenogranites with
hydrothermalism represented by a well-developed potassic alteration characterized by the formation
of K-feldspar and a strong, sometimes pervasive, propylitic alteration with epidote, chlorite, quartz,
±albite, ±calcite. The former alteration commonly shows intersections of pyrite rich, quartz bearing
Au mineralized veins. Under optical microscope these alterations are recognized by the replacement of
Na-Ca igneous plagioclase by hydrothermal K-feldspar and veins of chlorite+epidote+ quartz with minor
albite and calcite. Another type of mineralization on the target is associated with monzonites and quartz
monzonites with disseminated pyrite with good grades of Au. These rocks are intrusive on the monzo
and syenogranites and typically show disseminated pyrrhotite and Fe-carbonates (possibly ankerite and
siderite). A strong carbonatization event of pervasive characteristic cross cut all lithotypes and together
with the paragenetic association of the monzonites may represent fluids of different geochemical
characteristics (fairly reduced and CO2 rich when compared to magmatic fluids) implying in at least two
distinct fluid sources, different styles of mineralization and possibly different tectonic settings for these
Au occurrences.

Martins L1, Janasi VA1, Vlach SRF1 - 1Universidade de São Paulo - Instituto de Geociências

The present study takes advantage of the ability of electron microprobe analyzer (EMPA) to combine
high spatial resolution information on textures, chemical composition and ages of monazite to
investigate the petrochronology of the Nazaré Paulista anatectic granite from the Socorro-Guaxupé
Nappe (SGN) in SE Brazil and thus contribute to understand the timescales of partial melting in the
continental crust. The approach is similar to that previously used by us to date the partial melting of
a migmatitic paragneiss associated with this granite, where we identified a protracted history of melt
production and crystallization spanning ca. 25 My (from 635 to 610 Ma) (Martins et al. 2009, Chem Geol
261: 271–285).
A wide compositional and textural variety of “Nazaré Paulista granites” exists in the SGN, forming
countless small bodies closely associated with migmatitic garnet-bearing paragneiss. The most abundant
varieties are: gray Grt-Bt granite (typically veined by Grt leucogranite 1) and Grt leucogranite 2, forming
independent bodies. The two garnet leucogranites have distinct origin, with the first being interpreted as
a product of decompression remelting of gray granite in a mushy state, and the second as independent
low-temperature magmas directly extracted from the sources.
A dataset of 37 determinations in 9 monazite crystals from a gray Grt-Bt granite resulted in a mean
age of 614.9±5.0 Ma (95% confidence level, MSWD = 1.6, probability of fit = 0.01). Twenty two
determinations in 7 monazite crystals from associated Grt leucogranite 1 vein resulted in mean age of
605.4±5.4 (MSWD = 1.18 and probability of fit = 0.26). Although these results are within error of each
other, they are consistent with the structural relations and may indicate a ~10 Ma age difference between
the two granites. Detailed textural examination indicates that some crystals from both granites have
irregular higher-Y cores (0.54-1.44 wt.% Y), similar to monazite inherited cores found in leucosome
from associated migmatitic paragneiss. Taken separately, these cores yield a mean age of 632.9±7.1 Ma
(N = 10, MSWD = 0.09 and probability of fit = 1.00). When these cores are excluded from regression,
the ages obtained for both granites are lower, nearly identical, and statistically more consistent (gray
Grt-Bt, 605.3±4.5 Ma, N=23, MSWD = 0.87 and probability of fit = 0.64; Grt leucogranite, 602.2±4.9
(N= 19, MSWD = 0.58 and probability of fit = 0.91). We conclude that the higher-Y cores are inherited
and therefore the true ages of the studied granites are younger than those obtained from regression from
the whole dataset, implying that the age difference between the vein and host gray granite is negligible.
Preservation of inherited monazite in granites seems uncommon, but our results should caution against
the use of monazite age without careful textural control, especially in anatectic granites. In our case the
best-preserved inherited cores are found as inclusion in magmatic garnet from Grt leucogranite 1, where
the reaction with melt was limited. The remaining cores are strongly resorbed and only can be dated at
the high spatial resolution of EMPA.

Pinotti L1,2, D’Eramo F1,2, Weinberg RF3, Zambroni NE1,2, Demartis M4, Tubia JM5, Aragón E6, Coniglio
J1 - 1Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto - Geología, 2Departamento de Geología, Universidad Nacional
de Río Cuarto- CONICET. Of. postal Nº 3, 5800 Río Cuarto, Argentina, 3School of Earth, Atmosphere
and Environment, Monash University, Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia, 4Departamento de Geología,
Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto- CONICET. Of. postal Nº 3, 5800 Río Cuarto, Argentina - Geología,
Universidad del Pais Vasco - Geodinámica, 6Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas (CONICET -
Universidad Nacional de La Plata), Calle 1 N° 644, (CP 1900) La Plata, Argentina

Most structural studies concerning emplacement mechanisms of granitoid rocks generally result in
regional maps at the pluton (or batholithic) scale, where the structural pattern of the granitoid rocks
are reconstructed. However, this mapping cannot be achieved without exhaustive field and laboratory
works, involving outcrop description and measuring, combined with microstructural observations and
anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) studies. Thus, a large amount of structural information
like foliations, lineations and microstructural data of the igneous bodies, is generated, but only in a few
cases the meaning and origin of these structures are addressed. The present paper mostly deals with the
significance and genetic aspects of these structures.
The study of magmatic structures is crucial for the understanding the growth and differentiation of
silicic magma chamber. We performed field observations and measurements of meter-scale of magmatic
structures complemented by AMS studies, to identify and illustrate different structures analyzed from
some plutons of the Sierras Pampeanas, central Argentina. We will discuss the rheological state of the
magma during their formation and the emplacement of the granitic body.
Granitic bodies of the Sierra Pampeanas preserve, in excellent exposures, a series of magmatic structures
that formed as magmas stepped through its different rheological states on the way to becoming a solid.
These structures include hydrodynamic alignment of crystals and enclaves, interaction between liquids
with different composition, large scale flow folds, magmatic banding and shearing, ladder dykes,
and pipes, among others. Furthermore, the type of magmatic structures developed depends on their
intrusion mode. Plutons that have grown by multi-pulse emplacement, comprising a large number of
small magma batches, usually preserve the magmatic structures formed during their growth. Unlike
multi-pulse emplacement, plutons crystallized from a few batches of voluminous magma that constitute
large batholiths only occasionally preserve the structures developed during their emplacement.

Lange MBS1, Florisbal LM1, Bitencourt MF2, Waichel B1 - 1Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina -
Departamento de Geociências, 2Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Departamento Geologia

The Cambirela Suite is a plutono-volcanic suite that comprises granitic, hypabyssal and volcanic
(pyroclastic and lava, basic and acidic) rocks. This suite is part of the late-stage (ca. 590-580 Ma),
post-collisional Neoproterozoic magmatism that builds up the Florianópolis Batholith. The study area
is located in the southern part of the Santa Catarina Island where the Cambirela Suite is composed of
plutonic, hypabyssal and volcanic acid rocks. The plutonic units comprise the Ilha and Itacorumbi
granites. Shallow-level units are represented by hypabissal rocks that sometimes resemble the granites
and sometimes the volcanics. The true volcanic rocks are represented by the Cambirela rhyolite and
ignimbrite units, and rhyolitic to rhyodacitic dikes. The Ilha Granite is the most voluminous unit
of the suite. It comprises biotite syeno- to monzogranites of allotriomorphic seriate or equigranular
texture, medium or coarse-grained, with biotite clots; apatite, zircon and allanite are the characteristic
acessory phases. This granite commonly presents evidence of brittle deformation and locally it seems
to have been strongly heated resulting in back-veining and other evidences of melting. The Itacorumbi
Granite is a biotite syeno- to monzogranite of porphyritic texture containing tabular or ovoid K-feldspar
megacrystals immersed in a quartz-feldspathic matrix. Fine- to coarse-grained mafic enclaves are
widespread and represent a diagnostic feature of this granite. The Cambirela Rhyolite is an efusive-
explosive unit, with true rhyolites and highly welded ignimbrites, rheomorphic to lava-like, whose
discrimination is not always straightforward. The lavas show porphyritic texture with euhedral quartz,
K-feldspar and plagioclase set in fine-grained matrix. The pyroclastic rocks have eutaxitic porphyritic
texture, with quartz and K-feldspar phenocrysts, as well as biotite clots set in fine-grained matrix. High
amounts of crystals are locally found. The geochemical characteristics of the entire suite are broadly
similar, as high SiO2 (74.67 – 78.76 wt.%) and alkalis Na2O+K2O ( 7-8 wt.%), and low Ca (<1 wt%)
contents. The whole-rock geochemical data classify these rocks as calc-alkaline, high-K granitoids,
rhyolites to alkali-rhyolites of peraluminous character. Major and trace element contents such as MgO,
FeOt, TiO2, P2O5, Ba, Sr define two distinct groups: (i) the Ilha Granite and one hypabyssal rock sample,
with relatively high contents, and (ii) the other suite members, with lower values. These features may
be explained by biotite fractionation and minor amounts of quartz-feldspathic matrix contents in the
Ilha Granite when compared to the volcanic units. The REE patterns are very similar for all samples,
with markedly negative Eu anomalies and (La/Yb)N ~10 for the volcanics, 5-6 for the Ilha Granite, and
~3-5 for the hypabissal units. One sample from the Ilha Granite where partial melting is described is
anomalous for this ratio (~4). In the Rb vs (Y+Nb) discriminant diagram, the entire dataset plots in
the field of post-collisional setting, which is in accordance with the geological data collected and the

Bitencourt MF1, Nardi LVS1, Florisbal LM2 - 1Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Instituto de
Geociências, 2Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Departamento de Geociências

The Zimbros Bay composite dykes (ZBCD) consist of mafic borders and ryholite cores, the latter
containing swarms of mafic microgranular enclaves similar in composition to the mafic borders.
Together with two granite bodies and a large volume of individual rhyolite dikes and few isolated mafic
dikes, the ZBCD form the Zimbros Suite (ZS) emplaced at ca. 590 Ma, at the waning stages of the Major
Gercino Shear Zone transcurrent tectonics. The composite dikes are subvertical, NE-trending, m-thick
tabular intrusions. All rock types are strongly foliated, with solid-state deformation restricted to the
intrusion borders, and most developed at the contact between the mafic and felsic varieties. Structural
relations between mafic enclaves and the foliation indicate emplacement during active dextral shearing,
with mylonitic foliation and stretching lineation best developed in the rhyolites. The coeval character
of basic and acid magmas within each composite intrusion is given by lobate and mutual intrusive
contacts due to rheological inversion, with local evidence that the basic magma from the borders was
emplaced shortly after the core ensemble. Ocellar quartz xenocrysts in the basic rocks, and dendritic to
cellular plagioclase, mantled by K-feldspar in the felsic ones are interpreted as disequilibrium-related,
mingling features. Basic rocks are medium-K tholeiitic, normative-hypersthene basalts, with trace-
element patterns similar to OIB. Rhyolites, as well as the granites from the Suite, are A-type, ferroan,
metaluminous to slightly peraluminous, with relatively high contents of HFS and RE elements, which
is consistent with post-collisional settings. Both basic and acid rocks show compositional features
like those of low-Ti types from Paraná-Etendeka LIP. Differences are slight and explained by crustal
assimilation in the Zimbros Suite rhyolite dikes. The metaluminous rhyolites from the composite
dike cores probably represent contamination of the peraluminous magma by highly-differentiated
liquids from basic magmas, in a mixing process that occurred in shallow magma chambers, before
final emplacement. The composition of peraluminous rhyolites is consistent with a derivation from
the basic tholeiitic magma, through fractional crystallization with concomitant assimilation of crustal
melts. Therefore, they are classified as rhyolites of medium-K tholeiitic affinity. Isotopic composition
of basic rocks indicates a narrow range of Sr-Nd whole rock data with juvenile signature (87Sr/86Sr(i) ≥
0.7030; positive ϵNd(t) = 0 to 1). The isotopic signature of rhyolites from isolated dikes and from those in
the cores of composite intrusions is compatible with the ones found in late-orogenic granites from the
Florianópolis Batholith (87Sr/86Sr(i) ≥ 0.7110; negative ϵNd(t) = 3 to -5), indicating more significant crustal
contribution to the source. TDM ages vary from 1.1 to 1.5 Ga.

Gastal MC1, Lafon JM2, Raposo MIB3, Esmeris C4 - 1UFRGS - DEMIPE, 2UFPA - PARAIso, 3USP,
Amarillo Mineração do Brasil Ltd.

The volcanoplutonic center (≈ 604-590 Ma), encompassing the Lavras do Sul intrusive complex and the
Hilário trachyandesitic sequence, formed in the western foreland during the post-collisional period of the
Dom Feliciano Orogeny (640-620 Ma), Southern Brazilian Shield. Volcanic activity, initially controlled
by NW-SE and WNW-ESE-striking dextral transtensive systems, started near the orogenic collapse.
The intrusive complex was constructed from the north to the south accompanying slip change along
the N70-75°W fault zone cutting it across (from dextral to sinistral). It includes: (1) the subvolcanic
Tapera monzonite that was disrupted in the south during episodes of caldera collapse or cauldron
subsidence controlled by this fault zone; and (2) the Lavras granite formed during events of resurgence
also responsible for the uplift of the chamber marginal facies, represented by the Arroio do Jacques
K-Mg-rich monzodiorite - a small body between the two intrusions. The Lavras granite consists of two
compositional-structural domains evidenced by AMS petrofabric (anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility),
which correspond to the central magnesian terms (granodiorite and monzogranite) and the border
ferroan ones (syenogranite and alkali feldspar granite) respectively. Its multistage history involves
the central laccolith formed through the emplacement of granodiorite beneath the monzogranite sill
and annular intrusions of ferroan granites. The latter was formed during the last magmatic events
induced by expansion of the high-level reservoir probably due to recharge with lamprophyric mafic-
ultramafic magmas, occurring as WNW-ESE to NW-SE dykes (590 ± 2 Ma) in all granites. Most of
these lamprophyres, commonly located near Au±Cu±Ag mesothermal ore occurrences, are potassic
rocks (K2O > 3 wt. % and K2O/Na2O = 1 to 3 mol., for MgO > 3 wt. %) varying from typical minette to
olivine-rich ultramafic terms. Mafic, amphibole-biotite-bearing terms showing lower K2O/Na2O (0.6 to
1.0 mol.) are subordinate. We integrated original and compiled geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data
for mafic-intermediate and felsic igneous rocks from the volcanoplutonic center to assess the connection
between granites and lamprophyric rocks. Major and trace elements in the latter rocks suggest different
enrichment degrees of mantle sources with varied contribution of previous subduction events. Minette
and olivine-rich terms have values quite similar of 87Sr/86Sr (0.7047 – 0.7050) and variable eNd (-1.2
to -4.3) for an intermediate age of 596 Ma, and distinct Pbi isotopic ratios with the first showing the
lowest value. Trachyandesites show comparable 87Sr/86Sr values (0.7046-0.7051), but varied eNd (-1.2
to -9.7) and lower 207Pb/204Pbi and 208Pb/204Pbi. K-Mg-rich monzodiorites have eNd and 87Sr/86Sr similar
to the minette, and show higher Nb/Y, Ta/Yb, Th/La and lower Th/Ta, La/Nb and Ba/La ratios relative
to trachyandesites, close to the values of some lamprophyres. Geochemical signatures of the Tapera
monzonite and the Lavras granite follow trachyandesites and K-Mg-rich monzodiorites respectively, but
most granites show eNd and 87Sr/86Sr close to olivine-rich lamprophyres. Together Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic
and geochemical data reinforce the increasing contribution of lamprophyric mafic-ultramafic magmas
or their derivatives during the development of the post-collisional volcanoplutonic center. The crustal
contribution apparently more important in relatively early magmatic episodes can be ascribed to
processes occurring along the magma-mush column.

Raposo MIB, Pressi LF, Janasi VA

Magnetic fabric and rock magnetism studies were performed on the four units of the 578 ± 3 Ma-old
Piracaia pluton (NW of São Paulo State, southern Brazil). This intrusion is roughly elliptical (~ 32 km2),
composed of (i) coarse-grained monzodiorite (MZD-c), (ii) fine-grained monzodiorite (MZD-f) which is
predominant in the pluton, (iii) monzonite heterogeneous (MZN-het), and (iv) quartz syenite (Qz-Sy).
Magnetic fabrics were determined by applying both anisotropy of low-field magnetic susceptibility
(AMS) and anisotropy of anhysteretic remanent magnetization (AARM). The two fabrics are coaxial.
The parallelism between AMS and AARM tensors excludes the presence of a single domain (SD) effect
on the AMS fabric of the units. Several rock-magnetism experiments performed in one specimen from
each sampled unit show that for all units the magnetic susceptibility and magnetic fabrics are carried by
magnetite grains.
Foliations and lineations in the units were successful determined by applying magnetic methods. Most of
the magnetic foliations are steeply dipping or vertical in all units, and are roughly parallel to the foliation
measured in the field and in the rocks which surround the pluton. In contrast, the magnetic lineations
present mostly low plunges for the whole pluton. However, for two sites they are steep.
Thin section analysis show that rocks from the Piracaia pluton were affected by the regional strain
during and after emplacement since magmatic foliation evolves to solid-state deformation in the north
and south of the pluton, indicating clearly that magnetic fabrics are related to this strain. Otherwise, the
lack of solid-state deformation at outcrop scale and in thin sections precludes deformation in the SW
of the pluton. This evidence allows us to interpret the observed magnetic fabrics as primary in origin
(magmatic) acquired when the rocks were solidified as a result of magma flow, in which steeply plunging
magnetic lineation suggests that a feeder zone could underlain this area.

Hueck M1, Basei MAS2, Siegesmund S3 - 1Georg August University/Gottingen, Germany - Geoscience
Centre, 2Universidade de São Paulo, USP - Centro de Pesquisas Geocronológicas, 3Georg August
University, Göttingen, Germany - Geoscience Centre

In the southern Brazilian state of Santa Catarina the Dom Feliciano Belt, formed by the tectonic
juxtaposition of different crustal blocks during the Brasiliano-Pan African Orogenic cycle, is divided
into three domains. In the central domain, three granitic suites intrude the metavolcanosedimentary
sequence of the Brusque Group and its basement, the Camboriú Complex: São João Batista (JSBS),
Valsungana (VS) and Nova Trento (NTS), from the oldest to the youngest. This extensive magmatism is
responsible for the thermal peak of the sequence’s metamorphic evolution.
The SJBS comprises isotropic leucocratic to hololeucocratic, equigranular granites, usually grey to white
in color. The presence of muscovite as the main mafic mineral is distinctive of this suite, along with the
occasional occurrence of other peraluminous accessories such as garnet and tourmaline. It is intruded
by the VS, indicating its stratigraphic position as the oldest intrusive suite. Differently from the other
intrusive suites in the Brusque Group, the SJBS had not yet been dated by geochronological methods.
New U-Pb LA-ICP-MS dating of single zircons of the São João Batista (SJBG), Tijucas (TG) and Catinga
(CG) granites obtained mean 206Pb/238U crystallization ages of 606±17, 601±5 and 594±9 Ma. In the SJBG,
abundant rounded inherited zircon cores evidence an important contribution from the metasedimentary
rocks, with Paleo- (2,00 – 2,21 Ga) Meso- (1,02 – 1,16 Ga) and Neoproterozoic (ca. 750 Ma.) ages. This
pattern can be compared to the detritic zircon record of the Brusque Group. Zircon crystals from TG and
CG do not show conspicuous rounded nuclei, but have inherited cores nevertheless. The Neoproterozoic
record is especially evident in the TG, where they have a mean 206Pb/238U age of 627,1±7,5 Ma, but the
sample contains only a very limited presence of Paleoproterozoic nuclei (ca. 2,15 Ga). Of the three
studied rocks, the CG has the smallest record of older crystallization events, with only a restricted
Neoproterozoic (638 – 683 Ma) contribution. All three suites show evidence of recent loss of radiogenic
material, resulting in some young and discordant spot analyses.
The new crystallization ages add up to the majority of latest ages in the other two suites, which indicate
that the granitic intrusions in the Brusque Group took place somewhere in the 590-610 Ma time span.
However, field relationships such as intrusive contacts and the presence of xenoliths remain the best
criteria for establishing the relative age of the different units. In fact, the available ages shows no evident
trend between the three units. This rather scattered behavior suggests that not all granitic bodies
belonging to a same suite were emplaced synchronically, and might have had long-lived crystallization
histories. Little time, however, has separated each suite’s intrusion, reflecting not the time of granite
formation but mainly their different crustal level sources.

Eby GN1 - 1University of Massachusetts Lowell - Environmental, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences

Fluorine and Cl concentrations in melts have been estimated from whole-rock F and Cl contents, melt
inclusions, and halogen containing minerals, notably biotite and apatite. Amphibole and titanite also
contain F, and an empirical equation has been developed for F partitioning between amphibole and melt
(DFamph/Fmelt = 1.03 + 0.06*mg#) in alkaline felsic magmas. Amphibole, apatite, and biotite usually form
at different times in the evolution and crystallization of magmas and when coupled with the appropriate
geothermometers can be used to map the variation of F (and Cl) with magmatic evolution.
The F and Cl content of apatite, amphibole, and biotite from nepheline syenites, syenites and granites of
the Chilwa alkaline province (Malawi), granites from western Argentina, and syenites and granites from
the White Mountain batholith (New Hampshire, USA) was determined by electron microprobe. Melt F
and Cl concentrations were calculated using the model of Webster et al. (2009) for apatite, the empirical
equation reported above for amphibole (F only), and the model of Munoz (1992) for biotite.
Chilwa alkaline province (CAP): For the felsic silicate rocks, whole-rock concentrations range up to
0.8 wt.% F and 0.7 wt.% Cl. Cl/F ratios >1 are found for a number of the silica undersaturated felsic
rocks while the syenites and granites usually have F/Cl ratios < 1. For the fluorapatites calculated
F-melt values fall in a restricted range between 0.25 and 0.30 wt.%. For the biotites calculated F-melt
concentrations range from 0.1 to 1.0 wt.%. In almost all cases these values exceed the measured whole-
rock concentrations and are generally greater than the F melt concentrations determined from apatite
chemistry. The biotites appear relatively late in the crystallization history of the magmas and are thus
recording F values for the residual melts.
Argentina granites (AG): Biotite is the principal halogen containing phase. For the San Blas pluton,
which contains late stage mineralization, F melt = 0.27 to 0.54 wt.% and Cl melt = 0.03 to 0.11 wt.%. For
the Achala batholith, which has associated U mineralization, F melt = 0.13 to 0.33 wt.% and Cl melt =
0.02 to 0.06 wt.%. These values are in the same range as those determined for the granites of the Chilwa
alkaline province.
White Mountain Batholith (WMB): The magmas are high T felsic melts and the early crystallizing
amphibole generally indicates a high F (0.2-0.7 wt.%) content. With the exception of the Conway granite,
(0.6-0.9 wt.% F) the late crystallizing biotites indicate low magmatic F content. Fluorine concentrations
determined using apatite are relatively constant (~0.3 wt.%).
The CAP and WMB magmas are inferred to have a dominant mantle component while the AG magmas
have a dominant crustal component. The granitoids found in all three provinces fit the A-type definition.
Of note is the low F-content of the AG granitoids which implies that F did not play an important role
in the formation of the magmas. The chemistry of the F-containing minerals can be used to map the
variations in F and Cl in the co-existing magmas.

Bagdassarov N1, Wang Q2 - 1University Frankfurt - Institute of Geosciences, 2Nanjing University - School
of Earth Sciences and Engineering

Magnetotelluric survey (MT) in Southern Tibet indicate a few distinct electrical conductivity anomalies
in the crust at the depth 15-45 km. Due to limited experimental constraints, the cause of high electrical
conductivity anomalies in the Tibetan crust remains debated. We collected typical granite samples
from the Greater Himalayan Complex, the Songduo eclogite belt, the central Tethyan Himalaya, and
the Gangdese magmatic arc. They represent medium- to coarse-grained augen granites, leucogranites,
migmatites, and granite gneisses, with SiO2 content varying from 66 to 75 wt.% (52% in amphibolitic
melasome of migmatites). Electrical conductivity and dielectric constants of 8 granite samples were
measured at pressure 0.6 GPa and in the temperature range of 200-790 °C. The electrical conductivities
(σ) of all samples are quite similar and follows an Arrhenius equation: σ = σ0*exp(-ΔEa/kT), where T is
in Kelvin and k is the Boltzmann constant. The pre-exponential factor (σ0) and activation energy (Ea)
of electric conductivity of granites vary in the range of 101-101.66 S/m and 0.87-1.03 eV, respectively,
which are comparable with the previous measurements of Dai et al. (2014, AmMin, 99:1420-1428).
Except trondhjemitic leucosome and amphibolitic melasome of migmatites, the relationship between the
activation energy (Ea) and the ratio Xa can be fit by Ea(eV)= 1.18-1.89*Xa, where Xa=(Na2O+K2O+CaO)/
SiO2 oxides in wt.%. The dielectric constant, which was measured at high frequencies (~105 Hz), depends
linearly on temperature ϵ=ϵ0+C*T, where ϵ0 varies between 3 and 8 and weakly increases with the ratio
Xa, the constant C is about 0.004 grad-1. The positive temperature dependence indicates an increase of
polarizability per unit volume with temperature mostly due to the presence of quartz. Using thicknesses
of upper, middle and lower crust determined from seismic observations, the geotherm beneath Tethyan
Himalya and Southern Tibet has been modelled. The estimated conductivity of granites at crustal
temperatures (400-700°C) according this model varies between 9·10-7 – 4·10-4 S/m. The partially molten
granites have the electrical conductivity 0.5 order of magnitude higher at T>750°C. Clearly, these values
cannot reconcile with the observed electrical conductivity of >10-2 S/m in Southern Tibet. Combined with
recent experiments on electrical conductivity of albite-water-NaCl system (Guo et al., 2015, EPSL, 412:
1-9), we propose that fluxing NaCl-rich fluid phase may partially resolve the high conductivity in MT
observations, because NaCl aqueous solution with the salinity of 1.2-10 wt% can significantly increase
the conductivity of granites by a factor of 102-103.

Harara OMM1, Cury LF1, Basei MAS2, Siga Jr O2, Vlach SRF2, Campos Neto MC2 - 1Department of
Geology, Federal University of Paraná, 2Institute of Geosciences, University of São Paulo

Palermo (PG), Rio Negro (RNG) are components of the expressive Neoproterozoic Serra do Mar granite
stocks or Graciosa Granitic Province emplaced in extensional late to post orogenic and anorogenic
settings, along the central and northern portion of the Archean -Paleoproterozoic Luis Alves Terrane
(LAT). The mineralogical, petrographic and lithochemical investigations carried out by many
researchers on these granite stocks revealed that they present A-type (alkaline and aluminous) and
A/PA-type (slightly alkaline to peralkaline) granite characteristics. The presence of monzogabbros-
monzodiorites mixed with granites and expressive occurrence of mafic and felsic hybrid rocks produced
by magma mixing were mapped mainly in PG and RNG. The U-Pb zircon ages suggest the period
between 595 and 580 Ma for the formation of the all Serra do Mar granitic stocks.
The PG is mainly constituted by biotite and amphibole-bearing monzo-syenogranites, biotite and
amphibole-bearing quartz-monzonites/quartz-syenites and biotite and amphibole-rich monzogabbros/
monzodiorites with surrounding felsic and mafic hybrid rocks. The RNG is constituted by monzo/
syenogranites at the margin of the stock and by expressive occurrence of monzogabbros/monzodiorites
mixed with surrounding mafic and felsic hybrid rocks in the center. The monzogabbros form by mixing
with the adjacent monzo-syenogranites mainly in the RNG, a large variety and chaotically distributed
mafic and felsic hybrid rocks with typical mixing textures: quartz-ocelli with or without interstitial
perthite mantled by biotite, amphibole and pyroxene; chaotic acicular apatite and rounded and elliptical
mafic concentrations containing biotite, amphibole and pyroxene.
The monzo/syenogranites of PG and RNG and quartz monzonites/quartz syenites of PG present
xenomorphic textures that suggest initial crystallization of quartz and feldspars and late and interstitial
crystallization of biotite, amphibole, zircon, titanite apatite, allanite and fluorite. Miarolitic cavities with
fluorite and granophyric intergrowths between quartz and feldspar are common textures that suggest
synchronic crystallization of quartz and feldspar in low pressure conditions. These characteristics are
typical of worldwide A-type granites. The monzogabrros present interstitial texture characterized by
disordered and synchronic crystallization of pyroxene and plagioclase and late interstitial crystallization
of biotite and amphibole.
The monzo/syenogranites of PG and RNG are alkaline and aluminous and the quartz-monzonites/
quartz-syenites of the PG are slightly peralkaline and all rocks present trace element contents that are
typical of A-type within plate granite signatures. The monzogabbros of PG and RNG are alkaline and
present trace element content that are typical of within plate signatures such as Within Plate Basalts
(WPB), Flood Continental Basalts (FCB) and CRF (Continental Rift Basalts).
The U-Pb zircon dating yielded ages of 593±12 Ma and 593±6 Ma for the crystallization of monzo/
syenogranites and age of 584±7 Ma for the monzogabbros. The (TDM) ages of the monzogabbros are
Paleoproterozoic with less negative ÎNd(T) than the monzo-syenogranites of both granitic stocks. All
geological data available suggest underplating, intraplating and crustal contamination of enriched
mantle derived monzogabbros and generation of A-type monzo-syenogranites by heating and partial
melting of lower crustal sources and bimodal magma mixing in late- to post collisional and anorogenic
extensional settings.

Molina PG1, Parada MA1, Gutiérrez F1,2, Li J3, Liu Y3, Ma C3 - 1Departamento de Geología, Centro de
Excelencia en Geotermia de los Andes (CEGA), Universidad de Chile, Plaza Ercilla 803, Santiago, Chile.,
Advanced Mining Technology Center, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Chile,
Santiago, Chile., 3State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, China University
of Geosciences, Wuhan, People’s Republic of China.

In the last decades, several efforts have been made to address the conditions that drive pluton
construction and its duration. For this purpose zircon has become a clue petrogenetic phase due its
refractory behavior, showing crystallization intervals ranging from tens of thousands of years for small
intrusions to millions of years for large igneous bodies. This work is focused on zircon geochemistry
and geochronology in order to characterize the magma source and differentiation processes of plutons
formed in different tectonic settings.
We present contrasting zircon data from some plutons located in the High-Andes Cordillera and the
Coastal Range of north-central Chile. These plutons are thought to be formed at different tectonic stages
along the western Gondwana margin, and they can be divided into three groups: (1) Upper Paleozoic
(pre-Andean) I- and S- type plutons formed during a compressional arc magmatism (crustal thickening,
mantle- and crust-derived magmatism); (2) Late Triassic (transitional) S- and A-type plutons formed
during an extensional arrested subduction regime, and (3) Andean Middle Jurassic-Cretaceous, I-type
plutons, associated with a extensional subduction.
U-Pb dating of pre-Andean and transitional zircons from S- and A-type granitoids show a complex and
protracted zircon crystallization span at sample-scale (up to tens of millions of years), without defining
any crystallization peak. Conversely, Andean Middle Jurassic-Cretaceous I-type granitoids, outline
Gaussian-shaped age distributions. Zircon geochemistry of pre-Andean and transitional granitoids
renders lower Ti concentrations (less than 8 ppm) than Andean zircons (5 - 35 ppm). The first two
groups show chondrite-normalized zircon REE patterns with highly enriched LREE values (and poorly
developed Eu anomalies), whereas Andean zircons show the opposite. Ce(IV)/Ce(III) ratios of all
analyzed zircons are broadly between 5 and 500, exhibiting the highest values in Upper Paleozoic and
Middle Jurassic zircons.
Zircon crystallization temperatures of the studied pre-Andean and transitional granitoids (<750ºC)
are lower than those (between ~720 and ~850°C) of Andean plutons. Moreover, enriched LREE
concentrations with slightly low Th/U<0.5 ratios in pre-Andean and transitional S- and A-type granitoid
zircons are consistent with more crustal participation under conditions of garnet stability as a residual
phase, and differ from low LREE zircons found in I-type Andean granitoids, which exhibit high Th/
Pre-Andean and transitional plutons should account for low-temperature crustal-derived magmas
generated for protracted periods in a thickened crust (regardless the possibility of having zircons
from different sources). Zircons from Andean plutons would reflect late-stage crystallization, in a
continuously evolving magma. The higher Ce(IV)/Ce(III) values observed in the studied zircons of
Pre-Andean and Middle Jurassic granitoids could indicate a greater magma oxidation state, probably
reflecting source metasomatism, low-pressure volatile exsolution of reduced species (such as H2 or H2S),
and/or assimilation of oxidized country rocks.

Fiannacca P1, Williams IS2, Cirrincione R1 - 1Università di Catania, Italy - Department of Biological,
Geological and Environmental Sciences, 2Australian National University, Australia - Research School of
Earth Sciences

Due to its ideal angle of exposure and internal architecture, the late Variscan Serre Batholith in central
Calabria provides a particularly favorable opportunity for investigating the timescales and mechanisms
of batholith construction. It represents the central portion of a continuous, and nearly complete, tilted
crustal section exposed in its entirety from floor to roof. Further, it is a zoned batholith consisting of
several granitoid types that were emplaced at depths ranging from ~23 to ~6 km. Strongly foliated quartz
diorites and tonalites appear to have intruded earlier at deep structural levels, whereas weakly foliated to
unfoliated tonalites, granodiorites and granites intruded later into higher crustal domains. Intermediate-
depth granitoids are represented by two-mica porphyritic granodiorites and monzogranites with
K-feldspar megacrysts up to 12 cm long. The uppermost granitoids consist of two-mica granodiorites
and granites, grading to Bt±Am granodiorites, that represent the shallowest bodies. The basal quartz
diorites and tonalites were emplaced into lower crustal migmatitic metapelites, while the uppermost
granodiorites intruded upper crustal paragneisses and phyllites. Five samples, representative of the main
granitoid types in terms of both composition and emplacement depth, have been dated by SHRIMP
zircon U-Pb. Zircon from a lower crustal quartz diorite from the batholith floor gave an emplacement
age of 297.3 ± 3.1 Ma; two middle crustal strongly peraluminous granites, with K-feldspar megacrysts up
to 2 and 8 cm respectively, were emplaced at 296.1 ± 1.9 Ma and 294.9 ± 2.7 Ma; a middle-upper crustal
two-mica monzogranite emplaced at 294.2 ± 2.6 Ma and, finally, an upper crustal Bt granodiorite from
the batholith roof was emplaced at 292.2 ± 2.6 Ma. The difference in age between the lowest and highest
granites is 5.1 ± 4.0 Ma (95% c.l.), placing an upper limit of about 9 Ma on the time taken to construct
the Serre Batholith. This result supports a model of pluton overaccretion recently proposed for the Serre
Batholith after LA ICP-MS dating of one sample from the bottom and one from the top of the batholith.
That model envisaged emplacement of the batholith in two main pulses, deeper tonalites at ~306 Ma,
and shallower granodiorites at ~295 Ma. We find instead evidence for sequential multipulse intrusion
over a shorter period, a minor older (ca. 305 Ma) zircon component in the two-mica granitoids possibly
recording incipient partial melting several million years prior to magma genesis. Structural evidence
suggests that the emplacement of the first granitoid bodies into the top of the lower crust was tectonically
controlled by the activation of a deep-seated shear zone; the shallowest weakly foliated to unfoliated
granodiorites being emplaced during the waning stages of the shear zone activity, producing late- to
post-tectonic contact metamorphism in the upper crust phyllites and mylonitic paragneisses.

Antonio PYJ2,1, Nédélec A1, De Oliveira DC3, Trindade RIF2, Da Silva FF3, D’Agrella Filho MS2 -
Geosciences et Environnement Toulouse (GET), 2Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências
Atmosféricas - Geofísica, 3Universidade Federal do Pará - Instituto de Geociências (UFPA)

A large intraplate magmatism has covered various areas (1,500,000 km2) of the Amazon craton at ca.
1.88 Ga and defines a large felsic igneous province (SLIP) called “Uatumã event”. The plutonic units
have been studied in detail (Dall’Agnol et al., 2005. Lithos, v. 80, no. 1-4, p. 101-129) in contrast to the
volcanic units and related dykes. This pluridisciplinary work aims to study the sheeted dykes complex to
make the connection between the different parts of volcano-plutonic system in the province of Carajás.
Oriented drill core sample and blocks were collected for rock magnetism, geochemistry and isotope
geology. The study of felsic and mafic dykes cutting across the Archean basement near Tucumã (SW-
Pará, Brazil) provides new data to constrain this magmatism. The Tucumã felsic dykes likely represent
the subvolcanic equivalents of the A-type granites in the area, which were emplaced in relation with the
amalgamation of Columbia supercontinent. The exact configuration of Columbia supercontinent is still
debated, thus, the relation of this event with the amalgation of the supercontinent is not yet constrained.
Felsic and mafic dykes display field evidence for mingling (mafic enclave in felsic dykes and K-feldspar
megacrysts in mafic dykes) suggesting that mafic and felsic magmas were coeval. The felsic dykes are
more numerous than the mafic ones. They are ca. 15 m in width and a few hundred meters in length
in average. They are made of A-type subsolvus microgranite characterized by subhedral phenocrysts
of quartz, alkali feldspar and plagioclase in a quartz-feldspar matrix with granophyric texture. Green
biotite is the only mafic silicate. The most frequently observed primary accessories are zircon, titanite
and magnetite. Late phases are titanium oxide, ilmenite, allanite, REE-F-Carbonate, xenotime, barite,
fluorite, calcite and monazite. Secondary minerals are chlorite, muscovite, albite, epidote, hematite,
akaganeite. Syn- to post magmatic hydrothermal fluids involved minerals containing F, REE, and other
HFSE type elements. The magnetic susceptibility values range between 100 and 400 μSI, sometimes up to
1000 μSI. The Mr/Ms and Hcr/Hc ratios show that the magnetization is carried by pseudo-single-domain
(PSD) magnetite grains. Magnetization results from the contribution of a low-coercivity component
(primary magnetite) and a high-coercivity component (secondary hematite).The magnetic mineralogy
is used here as a proxy to quantify hydrothermal alteration. Felsic dykes are highly silicic (66-78 wt.%
SiO2), with high Na2O + K2O, relatively high FeO, low CaO, and very low MgO. They are also enriched
in HFSE, and thus are typical A-type magmas. Associated basaltic dykes (49-54 wt.% SiO2) are tholeiitic
in composition. This study allowed to characterize a A-type magmatism for the sheeted dyke of Tucumã.
It was shown that syn- to post-magmatic fluids changed the magnetic mineralogy of theses dykes and
therefore their magnetic properties that allow to quantify hydrothermal alteration. New isotopic data on
felsic and mafic rocks are expected and will allow to precise the magmatic sources to build a petrogenetic
model for the volcano-plutonic system of Uatumã event.
Keywords: A-type granite magmatism, Paleoproterozoic, Amazonian Craton, SLIP Uatumã, Columbia/
Nuna supercontinent.

Loureiro PO1, Koester E2, Weinberg RF3, Porcher CC2, Pimentel MM4, Knijnik D1 - 1UFRGS - PPGGeo,
UFRGS - IGEO, 3Monash University, 4UnB

The Pinheiro Machado Complex (PMC) is located in the ​​eastern portion of Dom Feliciano Belt, in
the southern segment of the Mantiqueira Province. This Belt was formed during the amalgamation
of Gondwana, extending from southern Uruguay to Santa Catarina in Brazil and is considered to be a
consequence of the Neoproterozoic collision between the Río de la Plata and Kalahari cratons, associated
with the Brasiliano/Pan-African Orogeny. The PMC is part of the Easten Domain of Dom Feliciano
Belt, which represents a large volume of granitoids with subordinate contemporaneous mafic rocks and
fragments of Paleoproterozoic basement, exposed along a NE-SW belt. The PMC consists of granitoids
(~ 600 Ma) varying in composition from diorites to granites and xenoliths of amphibolites and calc-
silicate rocks. Detailed studies in quarries at the Monte Bonito area, show us that the oldest rocks are
amphibolite xenoliths, followed by diorite, biotite granodiorite, biotite granite and finally by magnetite
granite. The granitoids show multiple intrusive phases giving rise to complex field relationships. There
is evidence for mingling and hybridization between diorite and more evolved magmas, suggesting
that the process may be at least in part responsible for the observed compositional range of igneous
rocks. Further complexity is represented by centimetric felsic segregations in the diorites, including
plagioclase and quartz as well as hornblende and titanite. This suggests that these rocks underwent
water-fluxed melting, possibly linked with the origin of some of the granitoids. The granitoids belong
to the calc-alkaline high-K series with metaluminous affinity, with relative enrichment in K and Al with
the evolution of the system, suggesting genesis linked of a mature subduction-related magmatic arc
environment. U-Pb zircon crystals of the diorites yielded the age of 618 ± 7 Ma whereas in the youngest
rock, the magnetite-biotite granite, zircons yielded the age of 603 ± 6 Ma. Both ages are interpreted as
crystallization ages. The titanite age of the diorite is concordant at 586 ± 6 Ma, only slightly younger than
the granite zircon age, and mark the diorite magmatic cooling age. Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic data of the
diorites and granitoids indicate mixing between melts derived from pre-existing Paleoproterozoic crust
and juvenile material, with initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios between 0.707 and 0.717 and ϵNd(T) between - 4.4
and - 6.7, and Nd model ages from 1.4 to 1.6 Ga. In summary we envisage that the quarries at Monte
Bonito record prolonged continental arc magmatism lasting between ca. 618 and 586 Ma, where juvenile
mantle-derived magmas mixed with crustal material to give rise to the hybrid isotopic signatures, and
preserved in mingling relationships. The evolution also included fluctuations in temperature and H2O
content leading to the remelting of older magmatic phases.

Muñoz Cruz R1, Castro A1, Aragón E2 - 1Universidad de Huelva - Geología, 2Facultad de Ciencias
Naturales y Museo (UNLP) - Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas (UNLP-CONICET)

Granitic (sensu lato) magma generation is still a controversial issue that needs a thorough testing of the
several models proposed. Among currently used models, those implying melting of deep-seated sources
at the lower crust are controversial. Most of post-Archaean lower continental crust is dominated by
mafic granulites. In order to test the lower-crust melting model we study mafic xenoliths included in
Palaeocene alkaline basalts from South America and in lamprophyre dikes in the Iberian massif (Spain).
Zircons from granulite xenoliths of Paso de Indios (Chubut province, Argentina) contain melt inclusions
that are composed of a high-silica glass (SiO2 ca. 70 wt.%), orthopyroxene and occasionally K-feldspar. As
a whole, granulite xenoliths show the common features of lower crust xenoliths regarding incompatible
element depletion (Rb, Li, Zr, REE, etc.), enrichment in Sr and Eu, and a mineral assemblage dominated
by the common association Pl, Cpx, Opx +/- Grt, +/- Spl. They typically have metamorphic-like textures
with the characteristic polygonal packing that minimizes interfacial free energy in solid-state crystal
growth. Also common is the presence of coronitic textures resulting by local reactions in response to
changes in PT conditions, namely cooling and decompression. The South America xenoliths record
a decompression path from 10 kbar at 1000 °C. Zircon crystals are formed in advanced stages of the
melting/crystallization process when the system is saturated in zircon. Melt inclusions in zircons may
represent a residual liquid left either after melting of a solid source at the lower crust, or a residual liquid
trapped in a magmatic cumulate. The water content in melt inclusion are estimated from mass balance
using microprobe data and tested by micro-Raman analyses. The low water content estimates (2-4 wt.%
H2O) is compatible with the high temperature of crystallization. These data rather support an origin of
the granulite xenoliths as magmatic cumulates rather than solid residues left after partial melting of a
solid source. The melt inclusion study is accompanied with results from an experimental study using the
granulite xenoliths from Paso de Indios (Argentina) and the Spanish Central System. Both, experimental
results and analytical data from granulite xenoliths are compared with phase equilibrium predictions
from MELTS thermodynamic modelling for low SiO2-high Al2O3 granulite systems. The studied xenoliths
are also compared with other lower crust xenolith localities from different continental domains.

Kumar S1, Hayasaka Y2, Rino V3, Raju S4, Kimura K2, Terada K5, Bora S1, Pathak M1 - 1Department of
Geology, Centre of Advanced Study, Kumaun University, Nainital, India, 2Department of Earth and
Planetary Systems Science, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, 3Department of Geology,
Nagaland University, Kohima, India, 4Geological Survey of India, Chennai, India, 5Department of Earth
and Space Science, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan

Meghalaya plateau is dominantly composed of basement granite gneisses, migmatites, granulites and
rocks of Mesozoic-Tertiary Groups. Field relation, geochemistry and U-Pb SHRIMP zircon chronology of
granitoids have been carried out in order to understand petrogenesis, supercontinent cycles and growth of
Meghalaya plateau through time. High-K metaluminous (I-type) to peraluminous (S-type), post-collision
Cambro-Ordovician granitoid plutons intrude the basement gneisses and Shillong Group of rocks.
These granitoids are medium to coarse grained phenocryst-free equigranular and porphyritic containing
megacrysts of K-feldspar embedded in medium to coarse grained groundmass mainly composed of
bt(±hbl)-pl-Kf-qtz-mag-ttn-ap. Mafic to hybrid microgranular enclaves (ME) hosted in some granitoids
indicate crystal-charged magma mixing-mingling of felsic and mafic magmas derived from crustal and
mantle sources respectively, which are also supported by major and trace element geochemistry.
Zircons from granite gneiss of Rongjeng record oldest magmatism at 1778±37 Ma. An inherited zircon
core yielded 2566.4±26.9 Ma rimmed by 531±44.3 Ma old zone, which indicate recycled Neoarchean
crust and Pan-African metamorphic imprint respectively. Zircons from Songsak granitoid yield two
ages: one 523.4±7.9 Ma and another 1620.8±9.2 Ma, which indicate partial assimilation of older granite
gneiss while ascent and emplacement of younger granitoid melt. Zircons from granite gneiss of Mikir
Hill yield crystallization age of 1430.4±9.6 Ma, which metamorphosed at 514±18.6 Ma. Zircons from
younger granitoid plutons have yielded mean age for Kaziranga (528±5.5 Ma), South Khasi (519.5±9.7
Ma; 516±9.0 Ma), Kyrdem (512.5±8.7 Ma), Nongpoh (506.7±7.1 Ma), and Mylliem (484.7±8.9 Ma;
496±9.4 Ma; 508.2±8.6 Ma), which are products of global Pan-African tectono-thermal event remarkably
coinciding with later stage of East Gondwanian assembly at 570-500 (Kuunga orogen) culminating the
formation of Gondwana (Pannotia). Inherited core of a zircon from Kyrdem granitoid yields an age of
1758.1±54.3 Ma, and a rim over the core yielded 750.6±35.6 Ma. Another inherited zircon core gives an
age of 1134±15 Ma. These ancient inherited zircon cores imply timescale recycling of basement gneissic
complex which most likely played significant role in the generation of Cambro-Ordovician granitoids.
Zircons from microgranular enclave hosted in Mylliem granitoid yield mean age of 529±22 Ma whereas
enclave in south Khasi granitoid provides age of 515±13 Ma, which are similar to the ages of respective
host granitoids suggesting that mafic (enclave) and felsic (host) magmas were coeval. Some zircons in
hybrid ME have rounded (partially dissolved) cores under high-T regime, which appear inherited from
protolith but interestingly determine the same ages as observed for magmatic rims grown over the
cores. It is therefore inferred that these zircon cores were formed originally in granitoid melt and then
mechanically transferred into a hybrid zone during mixing-mingling.
Meghalaya plateau records major magmatic episodes at ca 1800 Ma,1600 Ma, 1400 Ma and 500 Ma with
recycled Neoarchaen (2560 Ma) component forming the granite gneisses, and later partial contribution
of gneissic sources producing Cambro-Ordovician granitoid plutons with a small input of mafic to
hybrid magmas particularly in the evolution of South Khasi, Mylliem, and Kyrdem plutons. Meghalaya
plateau thus records Columbian and Gondwanian continental affinities during its crustal growth history.

Saito S1 - 1Ehime University, Japan - Department of Earth Sciences, Graduate School of Science and

Granitic rocks (sensu lato) are major constituents of the upper continental crust. Recent reviews that
provide estimates of the composition of continental crust have established that the average composition
of the upper continental crust is granodioritic (e.g. Rudnick and Gao, 2003. In: The crust, treatise on
geochemistry. Oxford. Elsevier-Pergamon, 3, 1–64). On the other hand, intermediate to felsic igneous
rocks occurring in the modern oceanic arcs are dominantly tonalitic to trondhjemitic in composition and
have lower incompatible element concentrations than the average upper continental crust. Therefore,
there is a remarkable compositional differrences between juvenile oceanic arcs and mature continental
crust although the oceanic arcs are regarded as a site producing continental crust material in an oceanic
setting (e.g. Stern et al., 2003. In: Inside the Subduction Factory. Geophys Monogr Ser 138, 175–222).
Neogene granitoid plutons are widely exposed in the Izu Collision Zone in central Japan, where the
northern tip of the Izu–Bonin arc (juvenile oceanic arc) has been colliding with the Honshu arc (mature
island arc) since middle Miocene. The plutons in this area are composed of various types of granitoid
ranging from tonalite to trondhjemite, granodiorite, monzogranite and granite (sensu stricto). Three
main granitoid plutons are distributed in this area: Tanzawa plutonic complex, Kofu granitic complex,
and Kaikomagatake pluton. Tanzawa plutonic complex is dominantly composed of tonalite and
trondhjemite and characterized by low concentration of incompatible elements and shows geochemical
similarity with modern juvenile oceanic arcs. In contrast, Kofu granitic complex and Kaikomagatake
pluton consists mainly of granodiorite, monzogranite and granite (sensu stricto) and have chemical
compositions broadly comparable to the average upper continental crust. Previous petrogenetic studies
on the plutons have been suggested that (1) the Tanzawa plutonic complex formed by lower crustal
anatexis of juvenile basaltic rocks occurring in the Izu–Bonin arc (Kawate and Arima, 1998. Island Arc
7, 342–358), (2) the Kofu granitic complex formed by anatexis of ‘hybrid lower crust’ comprising of both
basaltic rocks of the Izu–Bonin arc and metasedimentary rocks of the Honshu arc (Saito et al., 2007.
J Petrol 48, 1761–1791), and (3) the Kaikomagatake pluton formed by anatexis of ‘hybrid lower crust’
consisting of K-rich back-arc crust of the Izu–Bonin arc and metasedimentary rocks of the Honshu
arc (Saito et al. 2012. Contrib Mineral Petrol 163, 611–629). These studies collectively suggest that the
chemical diversity within the Izu Collision Zone granitoid plutons reflects the chemical variation of
basaltic sources (i.e., across-arc chemical variation in the Izu–Bonin arc) as well as variable contribution
of the metasedimentary component in the source region. These granitoid plutons provide an exceptional
example of transformation of a juvenile oceanic arc (represented by Tanzawa plutonic complex) to
mature continental crust (represented by Kofu granitic complex and Kaikomagatake pluton) in an
ongoing arc-arc collision zone.

Jesus SSGP1, Monteiro LVS1, Melo GHC2, Iguma B1, Rosendo OSC3, Silva AJC3 - 1University of São Paulo -
USP - Geoscience Institute, 2University of Campinas - Geoscience Institute, 3VALE S.A - DIPM

The Carajás Mineral Province, located in the southeastern portion of the Amazon Craton, hosts a variety
of world-class iron oxide-copper-gold deposits (IOCG), which have been considered as formed in
multiple events during the Neoarchean and/or Paleoproterozoic.
The Furnas copper-gold deposit (500 Mt @ 0.7% Cu) occurs along a 9 km-long WNW-ESE trend
within the Cinzento Transcurrent Fault. The deposit is hosted by the Furnas granite and metavolcano-
sedimentary units of the Neoarchean Grão Pará Group, Itacaiúnas Supergroup. The latter are intercepted
at the eastern part of the Furnas deposit by the ca. 1.88 Ga Cigano Granite.
The footwall zone of the Furnas deposit comprises andalusite-muscovite-biotite-rich rocks, whereas
in the hanging wall zone (garnet)-biotite-actinolite-bearing rocks with expressive intercalations of
garnet-biotite-rich rocks occur. Relicts of the Furnas granite are also recognized within extremely
hydrothermally altered rocks.
All host rocks record intense hydrothermal alteration. The Furnas granite underwent an early stage
of sodic alteration (albite) followed by silicification and potassic alteration (biotite), resulting in
variably mylonitized quartz- or biotite-rich rocks. Silicification controlled by mylonitic foliation was
previous to potassic alteration, as evidenced by biotite crosscutting quartz. However, silicification also
overprinted zones with potassic alteration, obliterating the mylonitic foliation and reflecting recurrence
of silicification stages.
Garnet-biotite-rich rocks have syn- to post-tectonic almandine porphyroblasts and layers composed of
fine-grained euhedral garnet. In some zones, these rocks evolved to garnet-rich rocks made of coalescent
garnet crystals, which may represent hydrothermal alteration fronts. Widespread grunerite formation in
garnet-biotite-rich rocks and andalusite-muscovite-biotite-rich rocks results in conspicuous grunerite
alteration zones with garnet and andalusite “ghost” crystals.
Hydrothermal magnetite formation was expressive, forming rocks composed of up to 50-60% of
magnetite. Initially magnetite replaces almandine porphyroblasts and coalescent garnet crystals and
also defines thin layers parallel to the mylonitic foliation. Magnetite alteration evolves to partial or total
replacement of previous alteration zones with grunerite. Late silicification fronts controlled by brittle-
ductile structures are accompanied by proximal coarse-grained hornblende-(actinolite) and distal
chlorite halos.
The main copper-gold ore is composed of chalcopyrite and bornite, which occur in replacement fronts
in garnet-grunerite-magnetite-rich rocks, veins and veinlets. In silicified zones, bornite and chalcopyrite
infill network of fractures and represent the cement of hydraulic breccias within quartz fragments.
Minor late mineralization is associated with quartz-(actinolite-chlorite) veins with open-space filling
Alteration styles at Furnas deposit are associated with different deformational regimes and crustal levels,
suggesting multiple stages of alteration and mineralization. The succession of almandine, grunerite and
magnetite implies in high-temperatures during the early alteration stages controlled by ductile to ductile-
brittle structures. Copper mineralization likely occurred at the brittle-ductile and brittle transition.
This could point to an evolved hydrothermal system developed at relatively shallow crustal levels. Late
hydrothermal events possibly were related to fluid circulation associated with the emplacement of the
Orosirian Cigano Granite, however the role of the Furnas Granite in the genesis of the high-temperature
hydrothermal system should be better evaluated.

Nakajima T1, Takahashi M2, Imaoka T3, Shimura T3 - 1Geological Survey of Japan, 2Nihon University,
Yamaguchi University

Southwest Japan has been located since Late Paleozoic at the site where oceanic plate was subducting,
but the granitic magmatism has been highly episodic. It is conceived that those pulses of magmatism
have formed and re-organized the lower to upper crust of SW Japan. Those magmatism took place at
Middle to Late Cretaceous, Paleogene, and Middle Miocene.
The extensive Cretaceous granitic magmatism in SW Japan constitutes a part of the Late Mesozoic
circum-Pacific granitic provinces. The Cretaceous granitoids occupy more than 80% of surface exposure
area of all granitoids in SW Japan. They include arc-parallel two granitic provinces; integrated volcano-
plutonic complexes of San-yo zone on the back-arc side and plutono-metamorphic Ryoke zone on the
fore-arc side. A transect across the juxtaposed two zones is regarded as a tilted crustal cross section of a
continental margin type orogen. The origin of the granites is mainly mafic lower crust derived from arc-
type lithospheric mantle. The upper crustal materials have been involved in the granitic magma to some
extent but are not a major component since these granitoids don’t include typical S-type ones.
The strong age concentration of the Cretaceous granitoids suggests that they were not formed by the
steady-state subduction, but produced under the particular situation such as a collision of oceanic
ridge to the trench or a global pulse of relative plate motion. The huge total volume of the Cretaceous
granitoids and associated felsic volcanics covering nearly whole SW Japan show the entire re-
organization or replacement of the whole crust.
The Paleogene granitic magmatism produced clusters of cauldrons at back-arc side in SW Japan during
an extensional stage after the huge Cretaceous magmatic event. Its main component is Eocene granitoids
with initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.704 – 0.706, which suggests relatively juvenile source material. It is
potentially related to asthenospheric upwelling which predates the back-arc opening of Japan Sea. They
locally re-organized the crustal materials.
The 14-15Ma shallow-level granitoids are exposed sporadically but widely along the Pacific coastal area
of SW Japan, in the more fore-arc side than Cretaceous granitic province. They are short-lived fore-
arc magmatism in an anomalous tectonic setting where the opening of the Japan Sea made SW Japan
fore-arc sliver obducted southwards over just born oceanic crust of Philippine Sea plate, which realized
a geography of virtual subduction zone. As those granitoids were emplaced into young accretionary
wedge which developed just above the oceanic crust, they contributed to forming the new arc crust at the
oceanward growth front of the arc.
Some of these Miocene granites show S-type-like nature and include xenoliths of migmatites which
presumably are highly metamorphosed part of the accretionary complexes. These facts show the
involvement of upper crustal sedimentary rocks in the granitic magma generation. But their main
origin is not those sediments because the amount of the S-type-like granitoids is below 50% of all those
Miocene granitoids and the initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of those S-type-like granitoids are much lower than that
of the accretionary complexes.

Silva TJO1, Lins FAPL2, Galindo AC1,2 - 1Programa de Pós Graduação em Geodinâmica e Geofísica-UFRN,
UFRN - Departamento de Geologia

Along the years many proposals to typological classifications was presented for ediacaran granitoids of
Borborema Province, especially in Rio Grande do Norte Domain-DRN, mainly based in geochemistry
and petrographic aspects of different plutons studied, however is still possible see in articles some areas
of superposition between subtypes/typologies proposals.
Recent studies realised with granitoids from Rio Grande do Norte Domain, show that physical properties
of rocks, like density and thermal conductivity can be aditional parameters to differentiate typologies of
granitoids in Rio Grande do Norte Domain.
In igneous rocks, the thermal conductivity is substantially controlled by mineral composition. One
way to obtain the thermal conductivity of rocks, beyond direct measurements realized in laboratory,
is through utilization of theoretical models, that could be based in parameters as mineralogical and
chemical composition of rocks. For this, is necessary a previous study of theoretical models to validate
the results obtained in the reproduction of the values to thermal conductivity experimentally obtained in
In this study the estimated thermal conductivity is used as parameter of characterization to different
typologies of ediacaran granitoids in the Taipu region, east portion of Rio Grande do Norte Domain,
Northeastern of Borborema Province. The thermal conductivity was obtained through the utilization of
theoretical models, for a group with 195 samples, based on parameters as chemical and mineralogical
composition of rocks. Between the three theoretical models used in this study, the series model was
the one showing the most satisfactory results concerning the reproduction of the experimental thermal
conductivity through an estimated thermal conductivity, considering an error range of ±10%.
From the series model was possible to estimate the thermal conductivities for different types of ediacaran
granitoids in the area of Taipu, the granitoids have different medium values for this parameter, Taipu
granitoid with 2,92 W.m-1.K-1, Pitombeira granitoid with 2,82 W.m-1.K-1 and Gameleira granitoid with
2,49 W.m-1.K-1. The results obtained show that different types of ediacaran granitoids from this area can
be differentiated using the estimated thermal conductivity.

Farrell TF2,1, Muller MR3, Rath V2, Feely M1, Vozar J2, Fullea J2, Hogg C2 - 1National University of Ireland
Galway - Earth and Ocean Sciences, 2Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies - Geophysics Section, School
of Cosmic Physics, 3Independent Geophysics Consultant

The work presented here is part of the IRETHERM project, an investigation into the deep geothermal
energy potential of radiothermal granites, sedimentary basins and warm springs in low-enthalpy settings
across Ireland. Within this framework, magnetotelluric (MT) data were acquired at 75 locations across
the Caledonian calc-alkaline Galway granite in western Ireland. We present an update on the results of
3D inversions of the MT data and the integration of these results with existing gravity and magnetic data
to delineate the main structural features of the Galway granite and to constrain the depth to the base of
the batholith.
Preliminary 3D inversions of MT data show an electrical resistor associated with the Galway granite
extending to depths of 6 km in the area west of the Shannawona Fault Zone (SFZ) and thickening to
maximum depths of 11 – 12 km beneath the central block of the batholith, to the east of the SFZ and to
the west of the Bearna Fault Zone (BFZ). These observed depths for the granite are in disagreement with
previous studies of Bouguer anomaly data across the region which demonstrated a significant thinning
of the granite beneath the central block. The previous gravimetric studies were, however, constrained by
assigning one density to the whole batholith. Surface density data from across the batholith show that the
central block is denser (typically in the range of 2.61 – 2.70 g cm-3) than the region of the batholith west
of the SFZ (2.59 – 2.66 g cm-3). Using these density constraints, the Bouguer anomaly data can be re-
interpreted to allow for a greater batholith depth beneath the central block. Recent studies of telesismic
P-wave receiver functions show an elevated Vp/Vs ratio (1.83) at a station on the Galway granite.
Interpreted in terms of mineralogical composition, this indicates that the bulk composition of the crust
beneath this station, integrated over its entire depth, is depleted in silica compared to the average Irish
crust (Vp/Vs of 1.73) and therefore supports the presence of denser mafic rocks rocks at depth.
Preliminary 2D gravimetric forward modelling, constrained by the deeper structures emerging from
the MT data, demonstrates that the central block must include denser material at depth. A significant
volume of mafic rocks, inferred from the requirement for denser material within the central block, is
consistent with the surface geology, with a magma mixing-mingling zone (MMZ) mapped along the
axis of the central block. Within the MMZ, mafic sheets and enclaves consist of lithologies ranging from
quartz-diorite through diorite to mela-diorite with reported specific gravity up to 2.97.
Further modelling of MT data, Bouguer anomaly data and magnetic data is ongoing to investigate
the distribution of mafic rocks, associated with low heat-production, within the batholith. Modelled
lithological distributions are being incorporated with heat-production data, thermal conductivity data
and geothermal heat flow density calculations to constrain temperature at depth and to assess the
geothermal energy prospectivity of the Galway granite batholith.

Buch T1, Besser ML2, Barros CEM3 - 1Serviço Geológico do Brasil (Porto Velho) - Departamento de
Recursos Minerais, 2Serviço Geológico do Brasil (Fortaleza) - Departamento de Recursos Minerais,
Universidade Federal do Paraná - Departamento de Geologia

The Bacajá domain, located in the east central Pará State (northern Brazil), comprises siderian tholeiitic
metabasites and several elongated bodies of rhyacian sinkinematic granitoids. Foliated quartz diorites,
tonalites, granodiorites, monzo and syenogranites are described. Monzonites and syenites can locally be
found. Chemical data point to medium to high K calk-alkaline signature. Both structural and petrological
data suggest an continental magmatic arc where magmas are controlled by oxydizing conditions.
Magnetic suscetibility (MS) data and mineralogy of these paleopreoterozoic granitoids are presented
in this paper. The identified oxydes magnetite, hematite, ilmenite and subordinately chalcopyrite and
pyrite. Amphibole and biotite are the paramagnetic minerals. Primary euhedral sphene are relativelly
frequent and may locally coexist with magmatic epidote. The later may occur as inclusions within
ferromagnesian minerals. Biotite and amphibole may presente partial corrosion along the faces parallel
to the synmagmatic foliation. Such corrosion features give rise to symplectites which are composed
of vermicular fine-grained sphene or magnetite. Symplectites suggest crystalization coeval with
deformation under oxydizing conditions and decreasing temperatures. MS values of the granitoids
from the Bacajá domain vary from 0 to 0,03503 emu/g. When MS values are compared to opaque modal
amounts, magnetite-series granitoids predominate over the minor ilmenite-series rocks. Oxidizing
conditions would have predominate during the origin and evolution of the intermediate to acid magmas
from the Bacajá domain. Their magnetic behavior and mineralogy are coherent with the continental
magmatic arc environment. The geotectonic evolution and crystallization conditions of these magmas
are strongly favorable to Cu-Mo porphyry deposits and gold mineralizations.

Novo T1, Pedrosa-Soares AC1, Dussin I2 - 1UFMG - Dep. Geologia, 2UERJ

The Araçuaí Belt is a brasiliano orogenic domain developed during the Gondwana assembly, whose
African counterpart is the West Congo Belt. The Araçuaí Orogen basement evolved from the assemblage
of Archean and Paleoproterozoic crustal blocks during a Paleoproterozoic orogenic process that lasted
approximately between 2.2 and 2.0 Ga. This event marked the consolidation of San Fancisco-Congo
continental block that was probably part of an extensive Paleoproterozoic continent (e.g. Atlântica
Paleocontinent). The ancient Archean cores from San Francisco and Congo were amalgamated along an
orogenic belt know as Itabuna-Curaçá-Salvador in Brazil, and Eburnean in Africa. The reconstruction
of this orogenic systems was possible along a cratonic connection on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean,
the Bahia-Gabon cratonic bridge: a bond that remained from Paleoproterozoic to Mesozoic and was
not deformed by the Neoproterozoic orogeny. But the reconstruction becomes much more complex
in the dismembered and reworked Araçuaí orogen basement, where the units are exposed in the
form of gneissic-migmatitic complex, constituting highly deformed para-autoctonus terrains. This
work focuses on the polycyclic evolution of the easternmost unity of the Araçuaí Orogen basement,
the Pocrane Complex, composed by amphibolite facies orthogneisses. The Pocrane Complex occurs
eastside of the granulitic rocks of the Juiz de Fora Complex, it’s composed by a fine-grained, thinly
banded biotite-hornblende orthogneisses with deformed porphyroclasts and porphyroblasts of
plagioclase and deformed porphyroclasts of quartz-feldspathic aggregates wrapped in fine-grained
matrix (suggesting a possible volcanic origin (lato sensu) for unless part of the of the Pocrane Complex).
The thickness of the alternating light and dark bands varies from milimetric to centimetric, and
concordant amphibolite boudins, lenses and layers are very common. The gneissic banding can be
explained either by migmatization and/or by intense deformation of distinct magmatic protholits, where
tectonism erased any original discordant contacts between individual bodies and stretched them into
concordant layers. Regional gneissic banding/foliation trends N–S to NNE–SSW and is parallel to the
Brasiliano structures, resulting from intense folding and transposition of an earlier banded structure.
Chemically, it’s an expanded calc-alkaline, medium to high potassium suit that shows compositional
variability, with predominance of granitic to granodioritic terms. Spidergrams shows that the Pocrane
Complex orthogneiss presents large ionic litophile enrichment elements. Crystallization ages ranging
from 2.08 a 2.19 Ga. The absence of inherited zircon grains (only one in six samples) and the slightly
positive ϵnd values link to an island arc environment. The Pocrane Complex discloses an intricate and
prolongated magmatic and metamorphic evolution prior to the Pan-African tectonic reworking. This
Paleoproterozoic belt represents the external sector of a larger orogen whose internal zones are preserved
in the Itabuna–Salvador– Curaçá belt that runs along the eastern side of the São Francisco Craton facing
the Atlantic Ocean. Evolution of the Brasiliano–Pan African Araçuaí–West Congo Orogen disrupted and
deeply reworked a segment of this Paleoproterozoic orogen to the south of the Itabuna–Salvador–Curaçá
belt and its African counterpart. Contributions for achieving this task must consider the correlations
between basement units of the West Congo Belt and Araçuaí Orogen.

Yamasaki T1 - 1Geological Survey of Japan (AIST) - Geology and Geoinformation

The Ryoke belt is distributed along the northern side of the Median Tectonic Line (MTL) of southwest
Japan and extends over a length of 700 km from east to west. It consists of a High-T Ryoke Metamorphic
Complex (RMC) and a Ryoke Plutonic Complex (RPC). The main protoliths of the RMC are sedimentary
rocks of the Jurassic Accretionary Complex. CHIME monazite dating of RMC metamorphic rocks
yields an age of ca. 100 Ma. The RPC consists mainly of granitic rocks with minor amounts of dioritic
and gabbroic rocks, with a CHIME monazite age of 102–76 Ma. It is important to elucidate the heat
source(s) of the high-T metamorphism and contemporaneous granitic magmatism in order to gain an
understanding of island-arc crust evolution. In general, understanding the mafic magmatic processes
involved is key to clarifying the heat- and materials-supply system from mantle to crust. In this respect,
the possible products of mantle-derived mafic magma in the Ryoke belt are small bodies of gabbroic
rocks and mafic magmatic enclaves (MMEs) within the granitic rock. Such MMEs preserve a semblance
of the melt composition, but whole rock (WR) compositions of MMEs are generally “evolved”, and thus,
primary information relating to the source mantle is unclear. Furthermore, although MMEs and small
gabbroic bodies occur closely together, their genetic relationship is unclear.
The WR trace element patterns of MMEs and gabbroic rocks in the study region of the Akechi area,
central Japan, are very similar, and derivation from common parental mafic magma is suggested.
WR major elements show a compositional trend, but the trend cannot be explained by magmatic
differentiation under presumed arc-crustal conditions. The gabbroic rocks commonly contain biotite
and quartz with minor amounts of pyroxene, while the MMEs contain hornblende and biotite as colored
minerals. Plagioclase (Pl) crystals in gabbroic rocks commonly show a dusty zone along their borders,
and a bimodal compositional distribution of ~An80 (core) and ~An50 (rim). However, the Pl in MMEs
has a unimodal composition of ~An50. Since the surrounding granite (host of MMEs) contains Pl of
An35–40, it is interpreted that an interaction between felsic magma (equilibrium with ~An35 Pl) and mafic
magma (~An80 Pl) formed the MMEs, which are thus hybrid magma (~An50 Pl). The WR geochemical
variation between the gabbroic rocks, MMEs, and the surrounding granite is well explained by a mixing
curve between the mafic end-member of gabbro and granite, and is concordant with features of mineral
composition and texture. Therefore, it is concluded that the MMEs and gabbroic rocks were derived
from a common mafic magma and biotite- and quartz-bearing various lithologies were formed by
an interaction with felsic magma. This conclusion suggests that although the MMEs generally show
morphological characteristics of “frozen” mafic magma in outcrops, they have actually chemically
interacted in various degrees with the host granitic magma, irrespective of the apparent shape. This
study is an important case study considering the evolution of felsic magma and mantle-derived mafic
melt in the arc crust.

Souza VO1, Galindo AC2 - 1UFRN - Programa de Pós Graduação em Geodinâmica e Geofísica-PPGG,
UFRN - Departamento de Geologia/ PPGG

The Flores pluton is part of the large granitic magmatism which marks the final stage of the Brasiliano
/ Pan African in the Borborema Province, being here the subject of geological, petrology, geochemistry
and emplacement study. The pluton is located near the city of Afonso Bezerra, in north-central portion
of the Rio Grande do Norte State, it occurs in subcircular form with about 8 km2 of outcropping area.
Geologically, it is intrusive into Paleoproterozoic orthogneiss (Caicó Complex), and augen gneiss granite
(the edge Northwest) in Rio Grande do Norte Domain, northern portion of the Borborema Province,
Brazilian Northern.
The rocks that compose the Flores Pluton are homogeneous, have texture between fine to middle, pink
color, and containing xenoliths from the basement. The main mafic phase is biotita and the accessories
minerals are: chlorite, muscovite, zircon, alannite, titanite and opaque. The petrographic analysis
classifies these rocks, mainly, as equigranular monzogranites.
Based on sixteen geochemical analysis, mineral chemistry in biotite and K-feldspar, textural and
petrographic particulars the Flores Pluton was classified as equigranular high K Calc-Alkaline. The
ETRs showing enrichment pattern in LREE, in the liquid, in relationship the HETR, that is characteristic
pattern of source from crustal rocks. Based on bi-logarithmic diagram that suggest a magmatic evolution
by Fractional Crystallization and the graphic A/CNK that indicate metaluminous affinity is possible
inferred that the basement rocks (Caicó Complex) are the parent source of Flores pluton.
U-Pb isotopic analyses (LA-ICP-MS) on zircons gives an age about 545 +/- 11 for the Flores Pluton.
Dating, preserved igneous textures, absence of ductile tectonic, and consistence of samples with the
trend of monzonitic to high-K calcic-alkaline series all are indications that the Flores granite pluton was
emplaced in the context of magmatic complex post-collisional post-orogenetic (Brasiliano Orogeny)
described in the literature.

Paoli G1, Sirevaag H2, Stokke HH2, Jorgensen H2, Ksienzyk A2, Jacobs J2, Rocchi S1 - 1Università di Pisa,
Italy - Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, 2University of Bergen, Norway - Department of Earth Science

The configuration of the northern Gondwana margin throughout the Paleozoic is difficult to reconstruct
owing to the complex tectonic history of the Mediterranean region during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic.
Therefore, reconstruction of ages and provenances of potential northernmost Gondwana basement units
based on either fossil content or tectonostratigraphic correlations left us with too many uncertainties.
Thus, in this work we performed provenance reconstructions based on U-Pb chronological data of
zircons from metasedimentary rocks originally deposited at the Gondwana-Europe transition, such as
early Cambrian, Ordovician and Permo-Carboniferous metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks from
Elba Island and mainland Tuscany.
The LA-ICP-MS technique has been applied in order to analyse ca. 1500 detrital zircons from eleven
metasedimentary units, and SIMS/SHRIMP have been used to precisely determine the age of two
metavolcanic units. Maximum deposition ages are inferred for all units, mainly based on the youngest
age probability peak, so that the deposition ages presented here have to be regarded as conservative,
robust estimates.
Metasedimentary rocks originally deposited during early Cambrian times on Elba Island and Tuscany
were mostly fed by Neoproterozoic African belts, along with a minor Paleoproterozoic contribution from
northern African craton(s), mostly seen in Elba sediments. At the middle-late Ordovician transition,
a widespread igneous event at the northern margin of Gondwana is traced by metavolcanic rocks in
Elba and the Apuan Alps (Tuscany), correlative to a coeval magmatic activity in Sardinia, and linked to
the separation of the European Hun terranes from northernmost Gondwana. These igneous materials
were soon re-deposited in Elba Island sedimentary basins. The Permo-Carboniferous rocks show the
most complex zircon age distribution. The widespread appearance of Permo-Carboniferous zircons
stands witness to the erosion of the Variscan orogen, even if the dominant age contribution is still from
Ordovician rocks. The minor Neoproterozoic zircon population is a Gondwana/Africa inheritance likely
recycled through the European Hun terranes.
In synthesis, African sediments were fed to Elba-Tuscany basins during the Cambrian, until the mid-late
Ordovician igneous event marked the shut-off of this supply. At this time, Tuscany/Elba basins were fed
by Ordovician igneous materials, joined in Permo-Carboniferous times by Variscan materials along with
minor Neoproterozoic African materials recycled trough the European Hun Terranes.

Joshi KB2,1, Bhattacharjee J1, Rai G1, Halla J3, Kurhilla M4, Heilimo E5, Ahmad T6 - 1Department of
Geology, University of Delhi, 2Physical Research Laboratory - Geoscience division, 3Geological Museum,
Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsink, 4Geological Survey of Finland, Espoo,,
Geologic Survey of Finland, Kuopio, 6Vice Chancellor?s office, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi

Granitoid associations found in Bundelkhand Craton, India can be categorized into two broad classes,
highly deformed Paleo- to Meso-Archean Bundelkhand Gneissic granitoids comprising of migmatised
TTG (tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite) gneisses and the younger (Neoarchean), relatively
undeformed, compositionally variable K-rich granitoids that can be subdivided into several subgroups,
one of which is the subject of discussion in this work.
We have studied petrography, whole-rock geochemistry, U-Pb (SIMS) zircon geochronology, and
petrology of a granitoid group that shows typical A-type geochemistry These granites yield U–Pb age
of 2546±3 Ma; contain phenocrysts of K-feldspars and quartz in fine grained groundmass with apatite,
titanite, Fe-oxides, zircon, and allanite as accessory phases. In thin section, they commonly display
myrmekite texture and few samples have ovoid shaped K-feldspar megacrysts that are mantled by
oligoclase. In terms of geochemistry, the rocks show consistent A-type character; they are peraluminous,
with high contents of silica, K2O as well as Zr. MgO, Sr contents as well as Mg# are low. Further, these
rocks show consistent A-type geochemical character according to several major and trace element
classification schemes. The chondrite normalized rare earth elements patterns show enrichment in light
rare earth elements compared to heavy rare earth elements with strong negative Eu anomalies (avg.
Eu/Eu* = 0.30). In addition primitive-mantle normalized spiderdiagrams of studied samples display
negative Ba, Nb, Ta, Sr, P, and Ti anomalies.
Compared to the other granitoids in Bundelkhand Craton, the A-type granites stand out compositionally
and must represent different petrogenetic process for their origin . We propose that partial melting of
pre-existing continental crust would be capable to produce the observed geochemical composition of
the studied rocks. Combined geochemical and geochronological data from all igneous and associated
minor volcanic lithologies of relatively unknown Bundelkhand Craton help us to better understand the
compositional changes with time. Eventually this will lead us to better elucidation of the crust forming
processes operative during Neoarchean in Bundelkhand Craton.

Lara P1,2, Oyhantcabal P2, Dadd K1 - 1Macquarie University, Australia - CCFS (Core to Crust Fluid
Systems), 2Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay - Instituto de Ciencias Geologicas

New geochemical and isotopic data, and new U-Pb ages are presented for the recently recognized
post-collisional, Late Neoproterozoic, high-barium-strontium (HiBaSr) granitic magmatism of adakitic
affinity from the southern section of the Dom Feliciano Belt and its cratonic foreland, Uruguay.
This group of granitic rocks with distinctive age, mineralogy, and chemistry and field characteristics
represents part of the widespread post-collisional Late Neoproterozoic granitic magmatism taking place
in Uruguay.
New zircon U-Pb LA-ICP-MS analyses for three of the plutons confirm them as of Late Neoproterozoic
age; 648 + 7.2 Ma (Sierra de los Caracoles) and 604 + 3.0 Ma (Cortez Blanco) and 597 + 1.0 Ma
(Guayabo). Similar ages were published for Solis de Mataojo Granitic Complex (584 + 13 Ma) and Las
Flores (586 + 2.7 Ma) and Sobresaliente plutons (585 + 2.5 Ma).
Mineral assemblages comprise quartz, two alkali feldspars (orthoclase and microcline), plagioclase
(Ab10-30), hornblende, green biotite, apatite, titanite and allanite with rock normative mineralogical
compositions plotting on a QAP Streicksen diagram as quartz-monzonite, quartz-monzodiorite,
granodiorites and monzogranites.
These HiBaSr granitoids generally bear the hallmark of adakitic rocks (ex. K-continental adakites):
high K2O contents and high K/Na ratio (0.73 to 0.87); relatively high Na2O (normally > 4.5 wt. %) in
intermediate to felsic varieties (SiO2 > 65 wt. %) decreasing to between 3-4 wt. % for more mafic types;
K2O normally >3.5 wt. % but as low as <2 wt. % for the mafic varieties; they display high abundances of
Ba (>700 ppm) and Sr (>500 ppm) and light REEs alongside low Nb, Ta and heavy REEs with negligible
to slightly positive Eu anomalies; Sr/Y (33 – 205) and La/Yb (20 – 98) ratios are moderate to high.
High Ba-Sr granitoids of adakitic affinity have been recognized in diverse post-collisional orogenic areas
worldwide such as the Northern Highlands of Scotland and Ireland and Tibet Plateau where usually are
spatially associated with shear and strike-slip fault systems. In Uruguay, this granitic magmatism seems
to be spatially associated with major regional shear zone systems: Sarandi del Yí and Sierra Ballena in the
southeastern section of the Dom Feliciano Belt and the Rivera Shear Zone at the Isla Cristalina de Rivera
in the cratonic foreland of the country northwest.
Field evidence of coeval mafic and silicic magmatism is generally scarce, although signs of magma
mingling and mafic microgranular enclaves are particularly abundant within the Solis de Mataojo
Granitic Complex.
Calculated values of 87Sr/86Sri (0.7077 to 0.7090), 143Nd/144Ndi (0.510876 to 0.511058) with very low
epsilon Nd = -15.76 to -19.31 at 600 Ma and TDMs of around 2.2 – 2.8 Ga for some of the granitic plutons
suggest a protracted recycling process from an ancient Paleoproterozoic to Late Archean source.
Thus on the grounds of our current field and analytical data, we suggest that Late Neoproterozoic HiBaSr
granitic magmatism of Uruguay is of post-collisional character, shear/strike-slip fault related and mostly
generated through the partial melting of lower continental crust.
Keywords: Dom Feliciano Belt, Uruguay, Neoproterozoic, granitoids, Barium, Strontium, adakitic, post-
collisional, strike-slip faults, shear zones

Meira VT1, Schorscher JHD1, Juliani C1, García-Casco A2 - 1University of São Paulo - Institute of
Geosciences, 2University of Granada - Faculty of Sciences

Widespread Ediacaran magmatism of the Ribeira Belt is generally interpreted in terms of successive
generation of magmatic arcs and accretion of terranes during the evolution of the Neoproterozoic
fold-and-thrust belts in southeastern Brazil. This voluminous magmatism includes large high-K
calc-alkaline porphyritic batholiths, elongated peraluminous granitic plutons and A-type alkaline to
subalkaline plutons. The high-K calc-alkaline batholiths are mostly composed of Bt±Hbl porphyritic
granites and granodiorites and occur as large bodies elongated along major shear zones in the entire
Ribeira Belt. Syn-tectonic Bt and Ms-Bt granites represent the peraluminous granitic plutons that
occur wrapped by the strike-slip shear zones. Two roughly linear belts of A-type subalkaline to alkaline
plutons, closely associated with coeval high-K calc-alkaline granitic rocks, characterize the post-orogenic
magmatism (Itu and Graciosa provinces) that also includes the Ubatuba Charnockite. Based on new
geochemical data and a large compilation of data available for granitoids and mafic rocks of Embu
and Costeiro domains, we interpret the S-type magmatism as extensive melting of the middle-upper
crust during decompression, as documented by migmatites, while generalized geochemical evidences
for hybridization in Hbl granitoids and associated mafic rocks indicate mixing of deeper crustal and
mantle-derived magmas. Both magmatic processes occurred simultaneously at 585–575 Ma (new U–Pb
SHRIMP zircon data), coeval with A-type and high-K calc-alkaline magmatism of Graciosa and Itu
Granite provinces. This timespan was associated with extensional and wrench tectonics characterized
by migmatite-cored gneiss domes and wide strike-slip shear system in the Costeiro and Embu domains,
respectively. We hence interpret that the widespread magmatism in the whole Ribeira Belt is related to
a post-thickening (or post-collisional) extension-related partial melting event affecting the lithospheric
mantle and crust, and not to successive accretion events of magmatic arcs. This new interpretation is in
agreement with the late Ediacaran-Cambrian Rift System of the southeastern South America.

Zhang Y1, Yang JH1 - 1State Key Laboratory of Lithosphere Evolution - Institute of Geology and
Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

The Nanling Range, located in the central part of South China, is the most important W-Sn metallogenic
province in China, even in the world. The W-Sn mineralization is genetically related to granites.
However, it remains controversial about the age, magmatic source and petrogenesis of these granites.
In this paper, we present zircon U-Pb age, geochemical, whole rock Sr-Nd-Hf isotope and zircon Hf-O
isotope data of eight typical tungsten-mineralized granitoids in the southern Jiangxi Province, South
China to constrain their ages, petrogenesis and relationship with W-Sn mineralization. The granitoids
display a differentiation sequence: biotite granite, garnet-biotite granite, muscovite-garnet-biotite
granite and garnet-muscovite granite. Among them, the tungsten deposits are generally associated with
the last two types. Zircon SIMS and LA-ICPMS U-Pb and monazite SIMS U-Th-Pb dating gives their
crystallization ages of 155.4-161.5 Ma, suggesting they are coeval and were emplaced within a short
period of less than 6.1 m.y. Geochemically, they exhibit an affinity of fractionated I-type granites, i.e.
from metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, having high SiO2 (74.4-79.2 wt.%) and K2O concentrations
(3.7-6.0 wt.%), low P2O5 contents (<0.06 wt.%), and positive correlations between Rb and Th or Y.
The W-free granites are enriched in LREEs relative to HREEs with weakly negative Eu anomalies, and
depleted in Nb, Ta, P, Ti. In contrast, the W-bearing granites have tetrad REE patterns with evidently
negative Eu anomalies and are relatively depleted in Ba, Nb, Ta, Sr, P, and Ti. Further, magmatic garnets
mainly consist of almandine and spessartine in composition, exhibiting a specific Mn zoning, i.e., Mn
increases from core to the rim. They are stable at shallow depth (<3 kb). The granites are characterised
by variable initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7053-0.7174), relatively homogeneous ϵNd(t) values of -11.3 to -9.4
and ϵHf(t) values of -12.3 to -10.1 for whole rocks, and negative ϵHf(t) values of -15.5 to -8.6 for zircons
with Paleoproterozoic Nd-Hf model ages, suggesting an ancient crustal source for them. Plenty of old
zircons and high zircon δ18O values of 8.0 to 9.6 ‰ suggest contamination of metasedimentary wallrocks.
Collectively, all of these geochemical and isotopic characteristics are consistent with the interpretation
that, these fractionated I-type granites were mainly derived from partial melting of the infracrustal
source rocks, with subsequent crystal fraction and contamination of metasedimentary rock. It is the
contamination of metasedimentary materials that increase the W, Sn, Al and Mn concentrations in the
evolved granitic rocks, whereas, crystal fractionation induces crystallization of garnet and muscovite and
W-Sn mineralization.

Johansson Å1, Waight TE2, Andersen T3 - 1Swedish Museum of Natural History - Department
of Geosciences, 2University of Copenhagen - Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource
Management, 3University of Oslo - Department of Geosciences

Various granitoids and gneisses from the Danish island of Bornholm in southernmost Fennoscandia
have been investigated using whole rock geochemistry, Sr and Nd isotope geochemistry and Hf isotopes
in zircon. Recent U-Pb dating shows that these rocks were formed during a short time interval at 1.47
to 1.44 Ga, in spite of highly variable degrees of deformation, suggesting that deformation occurred
penecontemporaneously with crystallization (Zarins & Johansson 2009, Int. Journ. Earth Sci. 98,
1561-1580; Waight et al. 2012, Bull. Geol. Soc. Denmark 60, 23-46). Strong similarity in geochemical
signatures indicate that all these rocks belong to a single igneous suite composed of alkali-calcic biotite-
hornblende granodiorites or quartz monzonites to more evolved biotite granites, albeit with an apparent
gap in SiO2 content at around 70 wt%, dividing the suite into an intermediate and a felsic part. These
dominantly metaluminous rocks are strongly ferroan (Fe* = 0.81-0.93) and potassic (4.3-6.0 wt% K2O),
and with highly elevated concentrations of many incompatible trace elements, traits that are typical for
A-type granitoids. They fall in the A2 subgroup of Eby (1992, Geol. 20, 641-644), and in the group of
alkali-calcic metaluminous ferroan granitoids of Frost & Frost (2011, Journ. Pet. 52, 39-53). Initial whole
rock EpsNd values, calculated at 1455 Ma, range between +1 and -2 (with one outlier at +4), and initial
zircon EpsHf values between +3 and -4, and do not clearly discriminate between relatively juvenile crust
and enriched mantle as source. There are no systematic differences in isotope characteristics between the
orthogneisses and the less deformed granitoids, suggesting similar origins for both rock types, and no
systematic changes in isotopic composition with SiO2 concentration.
Trace element tectonic discrimination diagrams indicate a within-plate setting, similar to other 1.45 Ga
granites in southwest Fennoscandia, in spite of the close relation between magmatism and deformation
on Bornholm. We therefore suggest intracratonic A-type magmatism within an active continental shear
zone as a tentative model for the Mesoproterozoic magmatism on Bornholm. Ponding of enriched
mantle-derived basaltic magma at the crust-mantle boundary or within the lower crust, followed by
extensive fractional crystallization and cumulation without any replenishment from below of the magma
chamber, in combination with extensive partial melting and assimilation of overlying crustal rocks, may
have changed the magma composition from basic through intermediate to acidic and made the magma
highly concentrated in incompatible elements, while retaining part of its primitive isotopic signature.
Partial melting of mafic rocks in the lower crust, followed by crustal assimilation and fractional
crystallization, however may conceivably produce similar geochemical and isotopic signatures.

Toselli AJ1, Sial AN2, Parada MA3, Toselli JR1, Ferreira VP2, Celino JJ4 - 1Universidad Nacional de
Tucuman - INSUGEO, 2Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - NEG-LABISE, Departamento de
Geologia, 3Universidad de Chile - Departamento de Geología, 4Universidade Federal da Bahia -
Departamento de Geologia e Geofísica Aplicada

Neoproterozoic, Paleozoic and Early Jurassic cordierite-bearing granitoids, respectively in Brazil,

Argentina and Chile, were emplaced at distinct tectonic environments and structural levels reflected
in their mineralogy, geochemistry and host rocks. In the Araçuaí Belt, states of Bahia and Minas
Gerais in eastern Brazil, cordierite-bearing monzogranites (760 Ma, TDM = 1.879, ƐNd= -5.15) of the
Nanuque suite intruded mid-crust granulite/metatexites. Syn-collisional Early to Middle Ordovician
(Mazan=484 Ma; Capillitas=470 Ma; Sierra de Velasco=465 Ma), post-collisional Late Devonian (Señor
de La Peña, 376 Ma) cordierite-bearing granitoids in the Pampean Ranges, western Argentina, intruded
greenschist- to amphibolite facies host rocks at shallow depth. Los Tilos pluton (215 Ma) in the Chilean
Andes (30°S), part of the Ingaguáz Complex, was emplaced at shallow level into early Permian plutons
during extensional/ transitional period between contractional Late Paleozoic and mid-Jurassic arc
magmatism. Granitoids from Brazil and Argentina are coarse-grained, porphyritic and in plutons at
Nanuque, Brazil, cordierite is associated to garnet or appears as β-quartz-cordierite nodules of magmatic
origin. Garnet-spinel granulites are mingled with granitoids suggesting in situ partial melting. La/Yb>40
ratios suggest presence of garnet in the source. In the Mazán, Capillitas and Señor de La Peña plutons,
Argentina, migmatitic restites in garnet-free granitoids contain spinel, andalusite, muscovite and high
amounts of biotite. La/Yb<25 ratios suggest almost absence of garnet in the source and the cordierite
from migmatites and granitoids shows similar chemistry but different from that of cordierite produced
by contact metamorphism. In the Los Tilos pluton, Chile, rocks are equigranular, coarse- to medium-
grained and lack garnet. La/Yb=23‒30 ratios suggest presence of garnet in the source. In Los Tilos
pluton, cordierite-quartz nodules are similar to those from the Nanuque pluton. Cordierite displays the
highest Fe and Mn contents (0.9 and 1.6‒1.8, respectively) whereas at Nanuque and Capillitas‒Mazán,
cordierites exhibit 0.7‒0.8 and 0.04‒0.4, respectively. Values of zircon δ18O from 10.9 to 11.8‰ VSMOW
were measured in the Nanuque pluton and calculated whole-rock values are 12.8 to 13.7‰. Magnetic
susceptibility (MS) ranges from 0.10 to 0.20 x 10-3 SI (ilmenite series) in Capillitas and Mazan plutons,
but values as high as 3.0 to 4.8 x 10-3 SI (magnetite series) were recorded in the Señor de La Peña pluton.
Values of zircon δ18O ~ 9.5 ‰ and quartz between 9 and 10 ‰ VSMOW were measured in these rocks
and calculated whole-rock values are ~10.4 and 11.4‰. MS ranges from 1.40 to 2.5 x 10-3 SI in the Los
Tilos pluton and whole-rock δ18O values (calculated from zircon values) from 6.3 to 9.5‰ VSMOW were
determined. High abundance of biotite, cordierite and andalusite and absence of garnet associated to
migmatite enclaves in the four plutons from Argentina indicate melting with little migration from the
source. Cordierite nodules in Nanuque and Los Tilos plutons could represent near-liquidus mineral
assemblages, formed and equilibrated in the source region, and further transported to emplacement
levels, under stress regime related to extensional arc plutonism.

Lages GA1, Accioly ACA1, Brasilino RG1, de Sá J2 - 1CPRM, 2UFRN

The eastern part of the Central Domain of Borborema Province, NE Brazil, contains the main record of
plutonic activity during the transition from the Paleoproterozoic to the Mesoproterozoic periods (1.7 to
1.5 Ga) in the Central Domain of the Borborema Province. It is represented by orthogneisses from Serra
da Barra Suite (1645±20Ma -Sucuru/PB), Carnoió-Caturité Suite (inedit; 1638±13Ma -Barra de Santana/
PB) which is associated with the undated Boqueirão anorthosite, augengneisses of Serra de Taquaritinga/
PE (1521±7Ma) and by the Passira anorthositic complex (1718±29Ma) and associated Calyminian
orthogneisses (Bengala 1.58±0.09Ga; Passira 1.58±0.09Ga and Candiais 1.68±0.1Ga). These rocks cover
an area greater than 20,000 Km² and have a northeast trend. They are inferred to have been intruded
during an extensional event characterized by intraplate magmatism in Rhyacian/Orosirian basement
rocks from the Alto Moxotó and Rio Capibaribe Domains (which are part of Central Domain). This
interpretation is consistent with the global statherian trafrogenesis event attributed by some authors as
the beginning of the fragmentation of the Columbia Supercontinent. Futhermore, east-west-striking,
locally garnet bearing granitic gneisses in the northern portion of the Alto Moxotó Domain occur in an
area where geophysical background is characterized by sharp change from strong positive to negative
gravity anomaly and high to low magnetic anomalies. Inedit U-PB zircon data from the Coloete granite
gneiss yeld an age at 1611± 15 Ma, interpreted as crystallization age.
This gneiss has syn-collisional/volcanic arc geochemical signature and an ϵNd(1.6 Ga) value of -9.47. These
characteristics point to a source formed during arc-continent collision with participation of an old
crustal component. If this magmatic event represents an important crustal thickening stage, it implies
that episodic collision was still occurring during the break-up of Columbia.
Recent paleogeographic reconstructions argue that Columbia Supercontinet was not fully consolidated
till 1.53 Ga holding various orogens peripheral to stable margins as seen in the Rondonian-Juruena
segments and parts of Laurentia and Baltica blocks. The eastern part of the Central Domain can
provide vital geochemical and geochronologic information on the break up history of this pre-rodinian
supercontinent wherein the Coloete orthogneisses may either be a part of a dismembered fragment
or related to small episodic collision during the break-up event. This magmatic event represent an
important crustal thickening stage and a proximal source for the supracrustal sediments as indicated by
the detrital zircon population.

Tedeschi M2,1, Novo T2, Pedrosa-Soares AC2, Dussin I3, Tassinari C4, Gonçalves L5, Alkmim F5, Silva LC1,
Figueiredo C2, Dantas E6, Corrales F7, Heilbron M7 - 1CPRM, 2UFMG - Programa de Pós-Graduação em
Geologia, CPMTC, 3UERJ - Faculdade de Geologia, MULTILAB, 4USP - SHRIMP Lab, 5UFOP - Programa
de Pós-Graduação em Geologia, 6UnB - Laboratório de Geocronologia, 7UERJ - Programa de Pós-
Graduação em Geologia

Described half a century ago, the Galiléia tonalite represents the first milestone for the discovery of a
calc-alkaline magmatic arc in the Araçuaí orogen. In the late 1990’s, geochemical and geochronological
studies on the Galiléia tonalite finally provided evidence for the existence of a magmatic arc in the
central Araçuaí orogen. Meanwhile, the name Rio Doce magmatic arc was applied to calc-alkaline
plutons found in the southern Araçuaí and northern Ribeira orogenic domains. After those pioneer
studies, the calc-alkaline plutons showing a volcanic arc signature and age in the range of 630–585 Ma
have been grouped under an informal designation, the G1 supersuite, representing the plutonic portion
of the Rio Doce arc. In this paper, we revisit the Rio Doce arc with a robust database (302 lithochemical
analysis, and 51 U-Pb, 42 Sm-Nd, 25 Sr/Sr and 7 Lu-Hf datasets), including new and compiled data. The
G1 supersuite consists of regionally deformed, tonalitic to granodioritic stocks and batholiths, generally
rich in melanocratic to mesocratic enclaves, and minor gabbro-diorite-rich plutons. Many enclaves,
representing gabbro to diorite autoliths, show evidence of magma mixing processes. The lithochemical
and isotopic signatures clearly reveal a volcanic arc formed on a continental margin setting. Major
contributions to magma generation are melts from a Rhyacian basement. Gabbroic plutons and enclaves
record the minor contribution from mantle magmas. In the northern sector, tonalitic stocks (zircon
U-Pb age: 618–575 Ma; ԑNd: -5.6 to -7.7; TDM ages: 1,28–1,68 Ga; 87Sr/86Sr: 0.7085–0.7121; ԑHf: -5.2 to
-11.7) form the northernmost segment of the Rio Doce arc, which dies out in the ensialic sector of the
Araçuaí orogen. In a small area of the eastern sector, we found an example of the whole arc development,
starting with pre-collisional intrusions, the gabbro-diorite Chaves pluton (age: 599±15 Ma; ԑNd: -4.8
to -6.7; TDM ages: 1,48–1,68 Ga; 87Sr/86Sr: 0.7061–0.7068; ԑHf: -4.3 to -9.6) and the Brasilândia tonalite
(age: 581±11 Ma; ԑNd: -8.3 to -10.3; TDM ages: 1,63–1,68 Ga; 87Sr/86Sr: 0.7064–0.7111; ԑHf: -12.3 to
-14.8), followed by a very late intrusion, the Guarataia granodiorite (age: 576±9 Ma; ԑNd: -20.1; TDM
age: 1,74Ga; 87Sr/86Sr: 0.7104; ԑHf: -12.9 to -21.5). The Muriaé (age: 620±3 Ma to 593±4 Ma; TDM
age: 1,41–1,91 Ga; ԑNd: -8.4 to -13.5) and Baixo Guandu (621–589 Ma) batholiths, and Conceição da
Boa Vista stock (586±7 Ma) represent a segment of the Rio Doce arc correlated to the Serra da Bolívia
(620–575 Ma) and Marceleza (618–582 Ma) calc-alkaline plutons, making the link between the Araçuaí
and Ribeira orogenic domains. We suggest three phases of arc development: i) eastward migration of
the arc front (630–605 Ma), ii) widespread magma production in the whole arc (605–585 Ma), and
iii) late plutonism related to the pre-collision to collision transition (585–575 Ma). These phases can
be explained by usual processes of volcanic arc generation and growth, like subduction of oceanic
lithosphere under a continental margin, followed by asthenosphere ascent related to slab retreating and

Bley BBN1, Santos EJ2, Fuck RA3 - 1Instituto de Geociências da USP - GMG, 2CPRM/Recife, 3Instituto de
Geociências UnB

The aim of this paper is to introduce the concept of an Early Ediacaran magmatic arc (ca. 635-580 My)
at the northernmost part of the Transversal zone, the central sub-province of the Borborema Province,
northeast South America. This is based on the synthesis of different theses and dissertations, and other
papers, carried out on this subject in the last 30 years.
The arc is now positioned between 35o15´and 40º30´ W (about 600 km long) and 7o15´ and 8o00´ S (up
to 100 km wide), following a general E-W structural trend.
Based on field, geochemical, petrological and isotopic data, about 80 different stocks and batholiths of
I-type granitic rocks have been mapped along this arc. These granitic rocks are preferentially intruded
into low grade schists of the Neoproterozoic (Cryogenian-Ediacaran) Piancó-Alto Brígida (“SPAB”)
orogenic branching system (but nor exclusively).
Three classical supersuites of granitic rocks have since long time been recognized along this tectonic
zone: a) epidote-bearing granodiorites and tonalites (“Conceição” type; b) high-K calc-alkaline granites
(“Itaporanga type”) and c) trondhjemites (“Serrita”). A fourth group, of per-alkalic and shoshonitic rocks
occurs to the south of the previous ones, but they appear to reflect a special tectonic condition, following
Paleoproterozoic basement segments, and may represent a superposed (rift-related?) tectonic setting.
The continental part of the lower plate (to the north) is characterized by NNE-SSW trending
Paleoproterozoic fold belts, circumscribing important Archean nuclei. The oceanic part of this plate
was completely recycled in the mantle by subduction, but some scarce ophiolitic remnants may be seen
either among the low grade schist of the “SPAB” or as xenoliths within the granitic (“Conceição” type)
The upper continental plate presents a WSW-ENE general structural trend and is composed of
Neoproterozoic fold belts (Tonian and Cryogenian-Ediacaran), and with a linear segment of
Paleoproterozoic basement, the Alto Moxotó terrain (“TAM”), to the south.
The limit between these two plates is now represented by a boundary transform (“Patos Lineament”) of
dextral character, which displays a very important linear belt of tectonites, 5 to 20 km wide (“keirogen”)
and more than 600 km long, at the southern edge of the continental lower plate (the so-called Rio
Grande do Norte domain). A forearc belt, the Rio Salgado belt, is recognized immediately to the south
of the Patos Lineament, comprising a volcanic-sedimentary sequence with meta-andesites and meta-

Nogueira CC1, Geraldes MC2, Heilbron M2 - 1Programa de Pós-Graduação em Análise de Bacias e Faixas
Móveis; Faculdade de Geologia; Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2Faculdade de Geologia;
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - Departamento de Geologia Regional e Geotectônica

The Santa Clara Intrusive Suite (SCIS) comprises one of the seven suites of the Rondônia Tin Province
and is mainly composed of (amphybole)-biotite syeno and monzogranites. The SCIS was already studied
by Kloosterman (1966, 1968), Leite Júnior (1992, 2002), Bettencourt et al. (1997, 1999), Leite Júnior et
al. (2006), Nogueira (2010, 2012), Quadros et al. (2011) and Nogueira et al. (2013). Some authors suggest
that the Santa Clara Suite comprises a subalkaline subsuite, with quartz-monzonites, monzogranites,
syenogranites, syenites, alkali-feldspar granites and lithium-mica albite granites, and an alkaline subsuite
composed of alkali-feldspar syenites and microsyenites, alkali-feldspar microgranites, peralkaline
microgranites, porphyritic granites, alaskites, rhyolites and lithium-mica granites (Betttencourt et
al., 1999; Leite Júnior, 2002). According to Quadros et al. (2011), the Santa Clara Suite is composed of
seventeen intrusive massifs: Santa Clara, Oriente Novo, Oriente Velho, Massaranduba, Retiro, Moisés,
Manteiga, Primavera, Montenegro, Jararaca, Jatuarana and some others bodies with no name so far.
In this work, new unpublished geochemical and U-Pb/Lu-Hf isotopic data are presented and a new
subdivision for the Santa Clara Suite is suggested. It is important to highlight that no alkaline nor basic
rocks were observed during the mapping and no evidence of magma mixing and bimodal magmatism
are described in this work. A total of 87 major and trace elements analysis is now available for the
granitoids of the SCIS and, though all the samples show some similarities regarding the major elements
patterns, three different groups were identified in the trace elements diagrams. The group “A” comprises
the granitoids of the Santa Clara, Montenegro, Oriente Novo, Oriente Velho, Manteiga, Ramos and
Primavera massifs. The group “B” is composed of the rocks from the Retiro massif and the group “C” is
represented by the granitoids of the Jararaca and Jatuarana massifs. A small SiO2 compositional gap is
also observed between 67,06 and 69,15 SiO2 wt%. All the 87 analysed samples show negative correlations
for Al2O3, Fe2O3, MnO, MgO, CaO, TiO2, P2O5, Ba, Sr, Zr and Hf, and subtle positive correlations are
observed for Rb, Y, Pb, Th and U, in some samples. However, it is important to emphasize that the
granitoids of the Retiro massif appear to be different, showing higher Sr, Th and U contents when
compared to the others samples. The rocks of the group “C”, on the other hand, have low MgO, P2O5, Ba,
Sr and U contents, though these are clearly more enriched in Y than the granitoids of the groups “A” and
“B”. U-Pb LA-ICP-MS ages range from 1075±9 Ma (Manteiga massif) to 1138±16 Ma (Jatuarana massif),
suggesting a long period of granitic magmatism in the SW Amazonian Craton. Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd
isotopic data show negative ƐNd values and Paleoproterozoic TDM ages.

Albert C1, Farina F1, Lana C1, Gerdes A2 - 1Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto - Departamento de
Geologia, 2Goethe-Universität Frankfurt - Institut für Geowissenschaften

In the Neoarchean, the composition of the continental crust experienced a major change, from rocks
displaying chemical similarities with Archean tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) (e.g. low
K2O/Na2O, high Al2O3, (La/Yb)N, no significant Eu anomaly) to rocks resembling modern calc-alkaline
granitoids. This transition is recorded in the Bação and Bonfim complexes of the Archean Quadrilátero
Ferrífero district in the Southern São Francisco craton.
Our geochronological data confirm the formation of the basement of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero during
three main magmatic pulses at 2.92-2.85 Ga (Rio das Velhas I – RVI), 2.80-2.76 Ga (Rio das Velhas II
– RVII) and 2.75-2.70 Ga (Mamona). Combined U–Pb and Lu–Hf data suggest that the two complexes
underwent different magmatic evolutions. The ϵHf values of gneisses and granitoids from the Baçao
complex show initial superchondritic signatures (+1 to +5) during RVI decreasing to near-chondritic
values (-2 to +2) during the Mamona event. These samples plot along a well-defined single array of
decreasing ϵHf with time, suggesting progressive recycling of juvenile crust formed during RVI. Whole-
rock geochemistry further supports this interpretation with a clear transition between « primitive »
TTG-like gneisses emplaced during the RVI and RVII events and small K-rich granitic domains formed
during the Mamona event. The gneisses from the Bonfim complex formed during the RVI and RVII
events, display more evolved compositions than rocks from the Baçao complex, indicating reworking of
an older continental crust. Additionally, the Bonfim complex is characterized by the occurrence of large
undeformed batholiths of Ms- and/or Bt-bearing granitoids emplaced during the latest magmatic pulse,
chemically similar to K- rich Late Archean calc-alkaline series. These rocks display significantly lower
ϵHf values (of 3-5 epsilon units) than those of the Bação complex, defining a more crustal array with
TDM model ages of 3.2-3.4 Ga. This is 200 Ma older than the model ages predicted from the first array,
implying a contribution from older crustal components in their petrogenesis.
We suggest that in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Paleoarchean crust extraction was significantly more
important than previously inferred. This idea is supported by old TDM ages in the rocks from the Bonfim
complex (up to 3.35 Ga) as well as detrital zircons found in the rocks of the Greenstone belt yielding
concordant ages up to ca. 3.5 Ga. In the Neoarchean, the RVI and RVII events are characterised by the
emplacement of magmas derived by partial melting of basaltic oceanic crust, in concert with substantial
recycling of early continental crust (further supported by negative ϵHf down to -10 in the detrital record).
During the post-collisional Mamona event, the reworking of rather unfertile TTG-like crust in the Bação
complex generates small K-rich granitic domains, dikes and veins, whereas the production of the more
voluminous and crustally evolved calc-alkaline batholiths in the Bonfim complex reflect the involvement
of immature meta-sediments in their petrogenesis. The deposition of these sediments, mostly originating
from erosion of Paleoarchean felsic crust, and their reworking at depth mark the stabilization of this
portion of the crust.

Martinez Dopico CI1, Lana C1, Cassino L1, Souza Moreira H1 - 1Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto -
Departamento de Geologia. Escola de Minas

After the thermal stabilization of the Archean crust in the south São Francisco Craton, the Minas
Basin began opening. The infill, the Minas Supergroup, involves a highly deformed 6 km-thick
metasedimentary package that registered the track of a Wilson cycle during early Paleoproterozoic
times [1]. This passive margin sequence encompasses basal alluvial to fluvial quarzites, open marine
phyllites (Caraça Group), banded iron-rich and carbonate rocks (Itabira Group), and coastal clastic
rocks (Piracicaba Group). At the top, the sequence evolves into a synorogenic foreland basin (Sabará
Group) related to the Rhyacian orogeny [2]. Even though the sequence hosts a world-class iron deposit,
the timing of sedimentation and sources have remained elusive. Hf-data combined with U-Pb dating in
detrital zircons from the Serra de Ouro Preto are here presented. The base of the Caraça Group, Moeda
Fm., yields two main detrital zircon peaks at 2720 and 2870 Ma with the youngest cluster occurring at ca.
2665 Ma (N=209). These peaks correspond to the Mamona and late Rio das Velhas I magmatic events
[3]. The zircons that belong to these events display ϵHft values between -7 and +3 units (N>200), with a
superchrondritic cluster found for the Rio das Velhas I Event, suggesting a juvenile addition to the crust
during this TTG episode. A clastic lens within the overlying BIF (Itabira Group) exhibited a different
inheritance with a single peak at 2790 Ma and minor low-frequency Meso and Paleoarchean peaks
(N=95). The age of its main population coincides with the climax of Rio das Velhas II magmatic event,
displaying sub to chondritic ϵHft values (-4 to -1). A single-highly concordant Paleoproterozoic age was
found (2453±18 Ma) but it is not fully reliable until more data are produced. On the other hand, an Fe-
rich metasandstone of Piracicaba Group, which marks the beginning of the closure of the basin, yields a
main peak at ca. 2960 Ma followed by a smaller 2870 Ma peak, as well as a wide range of basement ages
between 2666 and 3462 Ma (N=80). This pattern contrasts with the populations previously obtained
at Serra do Curral [4] and, with the sources found during the opening of the basin. The deposition of
Piracicaba has to be younger than the 2.42 Ga Pb-Pb age of the carbonates topping the Itabira Group [5].
The lack of Paleoproterozoic detritus in Caraça, Itabira and Piracicaba groups, reinforces the absence
of Syderian magmatic events and the tectonic stability of the area until the inception of the 2.1 Ga
Transamazonian orogeny. Moreover, this new Hf isotope dataset supports the hypothesis of an evolved
Archean continental crust for the São Francisco Craton.
We acknowledge support from FAPEMIG (apoio a participação em eventos).
[1] Alkmim, F. & Martins-Neto, M.A. 2012. Marine and Petroleum Geol 33, 127-139
[2] Dorr, J.V.N 1969. Prof Pap U.S. Geol Surv 641 A, 1–110.
[3] Lana, C. et al., 2013. Prec Res 231, 157-173.
[4] Mendes, M. et al., 2014. Rev Geol USP 14, 55-68.
[5] Babinski, M. et al. 1995. Prec Res 72, 235-245.

Aguilar C1, Farina F1, Lana C1 - 1Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto - Departamento de Geologia

The São Francisco Craton (eastern Brazil) is an Archean–Paleoproterozoic block surrounded by

Neoproterozoic belts related to the Brasiliano orogeny (ca. 0.7–0.45 Ga) and partially covered by Late
Proterozoic plataformal sequences. On the southern sector of the craton, domes of Archean gneisses and
granitoids surrounded by the Archean Rio das Velhas greenstone belt as well as by the Paleoproterozoic
Minas supracrustal sequence are mainly exposed in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero area. Structural analysis
reveals two main deformational events (Alkmim and Marshak, 1998. PR 90, 29–58): i) northwest-
verging and north–northeast-trending regional-scale folds and thrusts with associated regional low- to
medium-grade metamorphism affecting the supracrustal rocks; and ii) domal structures, defined by the
basement and surrounded by polydeformed supracrustal rocks, and associated with a medium-grade
contact metamorphic aureole. This dome-and-keel structure was formed during the Paleoproterozoic
Transamazonian orogeny (ca. 2.0 to 1.9 Ga) based on two lines of evidence. Firstly, a limited number
of detrital zircon grains from the uppermost unit of the Minas metasedimentary sequence, which is
involved in the folding and thrusting, yielded U–Pb ages as young as 2125 Ma (Machado et al., 1996.
EPS Letter 141, 259–276). Secondly, Sm–Nd dates on garnets in the dome-related metamorphic
contact aureole yielded an age of 2095±65 Ma (Marshak et al., 1997. G 25, 415–418). However, the
age, geographic extent and metamorphic conditions reached during the Transamazonian event in the
southern São Francisco Craton are still largely unknown since only few Paleoproterozic ages have been
found in the basement.
To establish the absolute age of Transamazonian metamorphic events, monazite or titanite crystals
from different rocks of the Bação, Bonfim and Belo Horizonte Complexes were selected for U–Th–Pb
isotope analysis using LA-ICPMS technique. In the Bação Complex, metamorphic ages vary from 2080
to 1940 Ma; however, an upper intercept at around 2.5 to 2.6 Ga is also observed in granitoids and dikes.
Moreover, monazite data obtained from one granitoid provided an age identical within error to the
crystallization age obtained by zircon analyses (2744±10 Ma; Lana et al., 2013. PR 231, 157–173). In the
Bonfim Complex, two gneisses and a granitoid register ages from 2040 to 1964 Ma, whereas a tonalite
and an amphibolite record the same magmatic age obtained by zircon (2772±6 Ma and 2719±14 Ma;
Farina et al., accepted. PR). The preservation of the ages between 2800 to 2600 Ma in these complexes
suggests that the metamorphism did not reach the temperature required to reset completely titanite
or monazite. In the Belo Horizonte Complex, titanite crystals from an amphibolite dike yield an age of
2066±6 Ma.
The ages obtained for the Transamazonian metamorphic event indicate that this event took place
between 2080 to 1940 Ma. These data are well correlated with the age of metamorphism determined for
the northern sector of the craton, where zircon ages vary from 2100 to 1900 Ma. Geochronological data
indicate that the regional metamorphism, which results from crustal thickening associated with collision
process, took place around 2.0 Ga.
We are grateful for support from FAPEMIG (apoio a participacao em eventos).

Cioffi CR1, Campos Neto MC1, Möller A2, Rocha BC1 - 1Instituto de Geociências - Universidade de São
Paulo - Departamento de Mineralogia e Geotectônica, 2University of Kansas - Department of Geology

Juvenile crust additions from the mantle can provide important clues about crust generation processes
and continental crustal growth. Juvenile rocks generated near the Archean-Proterozoic boundary are
of particular interest as this period marks important changes in the crustal growth processes. In this
contribution, Paleoproterozoic juvenile rocks of the Pouso Alegre Complex in the basement of the
Neoproterozoic southern Brasília Orogen are investigated by a combination of field relationships,
petrography, U-Pb geochronology, Nd-Hf isotopes and whole-rock geochemistry. The Pouso Alegre
Complex comprises mainly metatexitic tonalitic to granodioritic orthogneisses, with metamafic lenses
and boudins. Compositional layering is mostly parallel to the main foliation and is interpreted as a
result of reorientation and parallelization of original igneous cross-cutting relationships during later
deformation and foliation development. A coarse-grained porphyroclastic granite body is recognized in
the northern portion of the study area.
New U-Pb zircon LA-ICP-MS data of eleven samples divide into two main crystallization age groups at
2078.9 ± 6.5 Ma and 2146.7 ± 6.7 Ma (weighted averages for the groups). Older zircon inheritance is
almost completely absent. Whole-rock Nd data of fourteen samples show juvenile signatures with TDM
ages between 2.16 and 2.37 Ga associated to positive ϵNd(t) values up to +2.85. Zircon Hf LA-ICP-MS
data of three analyzed samples are in good agreement with the Nd whole-rock data and all analyzed
spots yield positive ϵHf(t) values from +1.87 to +8.66. The Nd and Hf isotopic data together with the
absence of inheritance of older zircons are strong evidence of the juvenile character of the Pouso Alegre
Complex. The whole-rock geochemical data show arc-related signatures mostly with continental arc
affinities. An active continental margin or an evolved accreted oceanic arc are favored as the tectonic
setting of the Pouso Alegre Complex because of predominance of felsic rock types. The Pouso Alegre
Complex is therefore the southernmost and youngest recognized part of an arc complex emplaced at the
southern edge of the São Francisco paleo-continent during the Paleoproterozoic. This was completely
reworked by the Neoproterozoic collisional event related to the southern Brasília Orogen. The cratonic
counterpart of this arc complex is the Mineiro Belt at the southern portion of the São Francisco craton.
The Pouso Alegre Complex and the juvenile suites of the Mineiro belt represent a major continental crust
generation event at the southern edge of the São Francisco paleo-continent during the Paleoproterozoic
between 2.35 and 2.08 Ga. This study supports the importance of the recognition of reworked juvenile
rocks to better constrain models of continental crust generation and preservation.

Valeriano CM1, Mendes JC2, Tupinambá M1, Bongiolo E2, Heilbron M1, Junho MCB2 - 1UNIVERSIDADE

This work presents an overview of the geologic and compositional characteristics of the Cambrian-
Ordovician post-collisional (COPC) granites of the central segment of the Ribeira belt, southeast Brazil.
These granites make up some of the highest (> 2000 m a.s.l.) and picturesque rocky peaks and cliffs of
the Rio de Janeiro state, constituting an accessible case of post-collisional magmatism associated with
gravitational collapse of a hot Ediacaran-Cambrian (Brasiliano-Panafrican) orogen. The COPC granites
and associated rocks (pegmatite, aplite) pervasively intruded the tonalitic to granitic orthogneisses of
the roots of the Rio Negro Magmatic Arc (~790-600 Ma), and of the Neoproterozoic paragneisses of the
São Fidelis Group. In amphibolite to granulite facies, these two rock associations make up the Oriental
Terrane, which accreted against the former Neoproterozoic passive margin of the southern São Francisco
paleocontinent between ~605 Ma and 576 Ma. Syn-collisional melting of orthogneisses and paragneisses
generated voluminous granitogenesis of both metaluminous and peraluminous character, many
displaying in situ partial melting of the of the country rocks. U-Pb ages of COPCL indicate crystallization
ages between ~511 Ma and 470 Ma following the late (ca. 535-520 Ma) accretion of the Cabo Frio
Terrane. Regional cooling is given by numerous K-Ar biotite ages widely scattered between 500 Ma
and 450 Ma. The 15 largest intrusive bodies in Rio de Janeiro State are referred to in the literature as
the Parati, Vila Dois Rios, Pedra Branca, Suruí, Silva Jardim, Mangaratiba, Favela, Andorinha, Frades,
Teresópolis, Nova Friburgo, Conselheiro Paulino, São José do Ribeirão, Sana and Itaoca granites. They
outcrop as rounded/elliptical stocks or in the form of inclined and subhorizontal sheets, always with
sharp contacts with the enclosing rocks. Pegmatite and aplitic veins and dykes are also observed in
virtually all outcrops of the host gneisses. Most outcrops display undeformed biotite-bearing leucocratic
granite with medium grained equigranular, serial or porphyritic (megacrystic) textures, with Fe-Ti
oxides, zircon, apatite, monazite, titanite, allanite as accessory minerals. Primary muscovite also occurs
in more peraluminous varieties. Although these rocks did not undergo any tectonic deformation, most
display slight to strong magmatic flow foliation. Peripheric xenolith zones are common, as well as
isolated xenoliths from the country rocks. Also common but of less clear origin are the mafic enclaves
(gabbros and diorites), which display varying affiliations. Some of them display tholeiitic affinity
suggesting a bimodal setting of magma generation with magma mingling features. Other ones are
calc-alkaline and may be derived from the mafic portions of the Rio Negro Arc. Biotite-rich enclaves are
interpreted as assimilation residue. The leucogranites are high-K calc-alkaline rocks with SiO2 contents
(wt%) mostly between 65% and 76%. Metaluminous varieties are predominant and probably derived
from the Rio Negro Magmatic arc orthogneisses of tonalitic to granitic composition, as suggested by
zircon xenochrysts. In contrast, peraluminous varieties, commonly muscovite-bearing, are related to
melting of metapelitic garnet-biotite sillimanite paragneisses of the São Fidelis group. Negative Epsilon
Nd values and initial Sr isotope ratios higher than 0.710 indicate predominantly crustal sources.

De Campos CP1,2, Medeiros SR3, Mendes JC3, Ludka IP4, Pedrosa-Soares AC5, Dussin I6, Dantas EL7 -
Ludwig-Maximilians Univ., Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sc., Munich, Germany, 2IGEO-USP, São
Paulo, Brazil, 3UFRJ, Inst. de Geociências, Dept. de Geologia, RJ, Brazil, 4UFRJ, Inst. de Geociências,
RJ, Brazil - Dept. de Geologia, 5UFMG-CPMTC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geologia, MG,
Brazil, 6UERJ, Dept. de Geologia, RJ, Brazil, 7Inst. de Geociências, UnB, Brazil - Dept. de Mineralogia e

Along the Brazilian Coast deep segments of an Ediacarian-Cambrian orogen (Araçuaí-West-Congo)

generated over 150 Ma of successive magmatic episodes.
During the post-collisional stage, mostly calc-alkalic to alkalic plutons intruded older geologic units.
Structural mapping of flow patterns, additional geochemical and isotopic data point towards different
compositional domains, which have been generated during a time span of 30 to 40 Ma. Results from
detailed mapping revealed the architecture of some 10 large plutons in 3-D.
In the silica-richer structures concentric disrupted and folded layers of granite in a K-gabbroic matrix
contrast with more homogeneous K-gabbro/noritic regions. These may be separated by stretched
filament regions where mixing is enhanced. This process originates hybrid to differentially homogenized
rock units. Sharp to pillow-like contacts between granitic and less evolved rocks depict different frozen-
in thermal/compositional conditions and distinct intrusive episodes. In the silica-poorer plutonic bodies
gradational contacts are more frequent. They may be the result of convection enhanced diffusion. For
all plutons, however, mostly sub-vertical internal contacts between most- and least-differentiated rocks
suggest generation from large cylindrical to balloon-like magma bodies, which crystallized while crossing
the lower to middle crust (< 20 km depth). They have been catch in the act on their way up. Accordingly
mushroom- to funnel-like magma-chambers and/or conduits could register snapshots of the interaction
dynamics between the contrasting magmas.
Different erosional levels along the Araçuaí belt in southern Espírito Santo unravel distinct internal
morphologies for each of the individual structures. In general, crustal depth increases from north to
south and from west to east, so that small bodies with least evolved cores crop out preferentially in the
southern and eastern regions, along a north-south trending corridor.
Metaluminous to peraluminous, tholeiitic, high–K calc–alkalic, I– to A-type granitoids progressively
evolve into markedly alkalic to peralkalic rocks. These magmas originated from contrasting sources,
involving contributions from an enriched mantle, partial remelting from a mainly metaluminous
continental crust and dehydration melting from slightly peraluminous rocks.
Plutonic bodies from this study register the interplay of convective and diffusive processes between
granitic and least evolved magmas with the production of hybrid compositions providing, therefore,
outstanding evidence for mixing between different sources of magmas. A major decompression episode
is thought to have followed the orogenic collapse, which provided coeval production of crust- and
mantle-derived magmas changing interaction conditions in space and time from c. 520 Ma to c. 480 Ma.

Champion DC1, Doublier M1, Smithies RH2 - 1Geoscience Australia, 2Geological Survey of Western

Large geochronological and geochemical data sets for the Paleo- to Mesoarchean Pilbara and Meso- to
Neoarchean Yilgarn cratons, Western Australia, show that both cratons exhibit similar evolutionary
trends in felsic magmatism, providing important constraints on Archean tectonics. The most obvious
trend is a transition from sodic magmatism––the ubiquitous tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG)
series with their high pressure (high-Al) signature––to potassic magmatism. In the Pilbara craton this
transition is marked by two periods of potassic magmatism separated by 50 Myr. In the Yilgarn, the
transition is mostly diachronous with potassic magmatism broadly younging to the west, except for one
terrane where potassic magmatism begins ~40 Ma earlier. The change from sodic to potassic magmatism
is, in part, a continuation of trends observable within the sodic granites themselves, which become more
LILE-enriched with decreasing age.
It is also evident in both cratons that sodic magmatism derived from basaltic precursors is not confined
to high-pressure formation of High-Al TTGs but includes lower pressure variants. The latter include
low-Al TTGs (significant in the Pilbara Craton), and a group with high-HFSE and low- to moderate
LILE-contents typical of A-type magmas. In the Yilgarn Craton such rocks form a locally common,
often bimodal, association, representing formation at high-temperature and low-pressure. They are
not often recognised as belonging to the sodic magmatic group but clearly reflect a magmatic pathway
that starts with a largely mafic protolith, albeit at lower pressures and, unlike the low-Al TTGs, higher
Another shared trend is the appearance of a diverse group of rocks not unlike those seen in modern-day
convergent tectonic settings. These comprise high-Mg diorites (or sanukitoids) (and related rocks),
boninite-like rocks, calc-alkaline basalts and andesites, calc-alkaline lamprophyres, but also syenites and
monzonites. These rocks appear well after the first appearance of high- (and low-) Al TTGs and are most
abundant just prior to major onset of potassic magmatism. In both cratons they are largely confined to
younger linear geological terranes or marginal to/within the larger, generally older, terranes, and this,
along with their enriched geochemistry permits the interpretation that they tap enriched mantle along
crustal-scale structures. Such rocks form a significant local component but overall are not abundant.
The trends documented above are evident in many Archean terranes. The simplest way to explain
the variation in the TTGs (high- and low-pressure variants) and the trends from sodic to potassic
magmatism is via progressive reworking (maturation) of existing continental crust (for crustal-derived
magmatism) and increasing involvement of felsic crust (for non-crustal magmatism). The chemical and
isotopic evidence suggests a role for both mechanisms. It is, however, clear that crustal reworking played
an early and persistent role in the compositional evolution of both the Pilbara and Yilgarn cratons (and
probably Archean cratons in general), suggesting that models advocating a switch from slab-derived
TTGs to crustal-derived potassic magmas are too simplistic. The appearance of magmas with an arc-like
signature suggests that proto-subduction-like tectonic processes operated, at least intermittently, but not
necessarily that they dominated Archean crustal evolution and crust formation.

Koester E1, Porcher CC1, Pimentel MM2, Fernandes LAD1, Vignol-Lelarge ML3, Oliveira LD4, Ramos
RC5 - 1Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - Departamento de Geologia, Instituto de
Geociências, 2Universidade de Brasília, Brazil - Instituto de Geociências, 3Universidade Federal do Rio
Grande do Sul, Brazil - Departamento de Mineralogia e Petrologia, Instituto de Geociências, 4Fundação
Estadual de Proteção Ambiental Henrique Luiz Roessler, RS, Brazil, 5Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
do Sul, Brazil - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências, Instituto de Geociências

This study presents new SHRIMP U-Pb zircon data to the Chácara das Pedras Gneiss in Porto Alegre,
southern Brazil. They represent a small exposure of the crust which was intruded by a large volume of
orogenic to anorogenic granitoids in ca. 618-562 Ma in the Eastern Domain of the Dom Feliciano Belt.
The Chácara das Pedras orthogneiss is tonalitic and have geochemical similarities with subduction-
related magmatic rocks of continental arcs. They present high Sr initial ratios (~ 0.708), negative
eNd(t=777) values (~ - 8), TDM varying from 1.8 to 2.0 Ga and 207Pb/204Pb varying from 15.628 to 16.026.
The igneous protoliths of these orthogneisses were previously considered to be Paleoproterozoic based
on upper intersect age of discordant zircon analyses. In the present study these orthogneisses were
re-sampled and re-analysed in an attempt to obtain more concordant analytical data. The U-Pb zircon
analyses were carried out using the SHRIMP IIe at the Laboratório de Geocronologia de Alta Resolução
of the Universidade de São Paulo. The U-Pb concordia age obtained for igneous textural domains of the
zircon grains is 777 ± 4 Ma. A few analyses on zircon rims give poorly defined late Cryogenian ages of ca.
650 Ma. Older ages, mostly discordant, were obtained in a few zircon cores, showing an upper intercept
age of ca. 1.9 Ga. One sample of the Três Figueiras Granodiorite, that crosscut the orthogneiss in the
same outcrop, was also investigated. The zircons of this granodiorite are, however, mostly metamitic,
preventing the determination of a reliable age. Some concordant analyses from a few grains define
ages ranging in the interval between ca. 603 and 1,022 Ma. The youngest (ca. 603 Ma) may represent a
minimum age for the granodiorite crystallization. Older ages, with discordance < 10 %, are of 745, 777,
836 and 1,022 Ma. The 777 ± 4 Ma age obtained for the Chácara das Pedras orthogneiss is the first Early
Cryogenian magmatic age determined for granitoids in the Porto Alegre region, although records of
similar ages (780-800 Ma) are recognized within the Eastern Domain of Dom Feliciano Belt. Examples
are the Piratini Gneisses (Piratini region) and in the Cerro Bori Gneisses (Rocha region, Uruguay). All
these units show subduction-related continental arc affinities. The identification of a magmatic event of
ca. 780-800 Ma in the Porto Alegre region implies that: (i) the collisional magmatism (650 Ma) is ca. 130
Ma younger than the subduction-related magmatism; (ii) the younger granitoids (< 618 Ma) of Eastern
Domain were emplaced in a hot/weak lithosphere due to the presence of Early Cryogenian magmatic
arc rocks; (iii) the tectonic evolution of this region in western Gondwana suggest a more complex
geotectonic scenario than those put forward by previous models involving the amalgamation of the Rio
de La Plata and Kalahari cratons

Sardi FG1, Murata M2, Grosse P3, Lozano Fernández R4 - 1INSUGEO-CONICET, 2Faculty of Science,
Naruto University of Education - Department of Geosciences, 3CONICET and Fundación Miguel Lillo,
IGME (Instituto Geominero de España), Spain

The REE geochemistry of facies of the Huaco granitic complex, Velasco range (Sierras Pampeanas) of
Northwestern Argentina is presented. The Huaco granitic complex has a more or less circular shape and
occupies an area of around 1200 km2. It has a Lower Carboniferous age and geochemical and geologic
features of A-type granites. We can distinguish several petrographic facies within the Huaco complex.
Their lithological compositions vary between granodiorite and syeno-monzogranite, but they have
notable differences in occurrence, texture and accessory minerals. The identified facies are:
BG –Border Granite- is the border facies of the complex that grades transitionally into the main facies,
RPG. It has a slightly porphyritic texture and biotite > muscovite.
RPG –Regional Porphyritic Granite- constitutes the bulk of the Huaco granite. The texture is
predominantly porphyritic with ~30-35% megacrysts of perthitic microcline, and the biotite/muscovite
ratio is ~2.
APG –Adjacent Porphyritic Granite- is a facies that surrounds Be-pegmatites, which are abundant in
the complex. The contact with the RPG is transitional, but with the MAP facies it is sharp. The APG has
a porphyritic texture, but the microcline megacrysts are smaller and slightly less abundant than in the
RPG. It contains slightly more muscovite and less biotite than the RPG.
MAP –Marginal Aplite of Pegmatite- constitutes the granitic border of the Be-pegmatites. The texture is
equigranular and the biotite/muscovite ratio is ~0.3.
LGE –LeucoGranite Enclaves- are small, up to 2 m in diameter, leucogranitic enclaves hosted within the
RPG in sharp contact. They have equigranular textures, and biotite and muscovite are found in variable
amounts; some contain garnet.
EqG –Equigranular Granite-, are granites bodies hosted in the RPG with dimensions from < 100 m in
diameter to over 1 km2. The texture is equigranular and muscovite > biotite; tourmaline is often present.
Geochemically, the facies are calc-alkaline and peraluminous (ASI > 1); they show enrichments in LIL
and HFS elements.
The ƩREE is higher in the RPG (avg. 236 ppm), followed by the BG (205 ppm), the APG (175 ppm), the
EqG (86 ppm), the LGE (68 ppm) and the MAP (13 ppm). LREE > HREE, except for one garnet-bearing
sample belonging to the LGE facies.
Chondrite-normalized REE patterns for the BG, RPG, APG and EqG facies are similar, with negative
slopes attributed to LREE fractionation by accessory minerals, essentially monazite; the average value of
Lan/Ybn is ~15 for the BG facies and ~9 for the other three. The MAP facies shows a flatter pattern (Lan/
Ybn ~ 2), while the LGE patterns are very irregular, with variable Lan/Ybn (0.4 – 8.4). The negative Eu-
anomaly is notable in all facies (Eu/Eu* < 1), except for garnet-bearing sample of the LGE facies.
In light of the REE geochemistry, the BG, RPG, APG and EqG facies can be formed by fractional
crystallization from a common Huaco magma source. Although the granites of the MAP and LGE facies
are spatially related to the main phase of Huaco granitic complex (RPG), they seem to have had an
independent magmatic evolution.

Barreto GS1, Schorscher JHD2, Meira VT1,3, Juliani C4 - 1Instituto de Geociências - Programa de Pós-
Graduação em Geoquímica e Geotectônica / Universidade de São Paulo, 2Instituto de Geociências
- Departamento de Mineralogia e Geotectônica / Universidade de São Paulo, 3Instituto de Astronomia,
Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas - Universidade de São Paulo, 4Instituto de Geociências - Departamento
de Geologia Sedimentar e Ambiental / Universidade de São Paulo

Ilhabela is located in the SE-Brazil, north coast of São Paulo State, and is included in the Mantiqueira
Province, as part of the Central Ribeira Belt (CRB), West Gondwana. Remarkable NE-SW shear zones,
subparallel to the Brazilian coast, characterize the CRB. In a local context, Ilhabela and the adjacent
continental areas are designated as Costeiro Domain. The island is a detached continental fragment
constituted by Precambrian basement rocks that include gneisses, metasedimentary rocks, migmatites
and granitic intrusions. Mafic dikes, three major alkaline syenite intrusions, stratified gabros and
trachyte dikes intruded the Precambrian rocks during the Mesozoic.
The Precambrian rocks of Ilhabela were subdivided into: coarse-grained granite gneisses; mesocratic biotite
gneisses; fine-grained mylonitic biotite gneisses; leucocratic mylonitic granites; banded gneisses; calcsilicate
rocks and foliated porphyritic granitoids. These units, excluding the foliated porphyritic granitoids, are
metamorphosed in upper amphibolite facies with a weak retrogression at greenschist facies conditions.
The main structural feature is a strong mylonitic foliation (Sn), oriented NE-SW and dipping ~30° towards
NW. The stretching lineation associated to Sn is oriented NNE-SSW, gently dipping to both directions.
Kinematic indicators suggest sinistral sense of movement with the top to the SSW.
Geochemical studies revealed two groups of granite gneisses, one perquartzous and the other with 60
< SiO2 < 70, but both sodi-calcic with Na20/K20 > 1,5, evidencing properties of TTG metagranitoids,
possibly indicative of Archean protoliths. Subordinated felsic mylonites showed distinct geochemical
characteristics when compared with each other and with the granite gneisses, pointing to different
origins. Pseudoconcordant pegmatitic veins with high Ba and low Pb may have been produced by initial
partial melting of the granitic gneisses during late stages of mylonitization. Mylonitic leucocratic granite
with low Ba and high Pb, possibly was derived from highly differentiated granitic magma, of unknown
origin, that intruded the premylonitic protoliths of the granite gneisses.
The foliated porphyritic granitoids are intrusive in the granite gneisses unit and are characterized by
oriented euhedral to subeuhedral phenocrysts of K-feldspar (~5 cm) and antiperthitic plagioclase (~1
cm) and medium to coarse-grained matrix, varying from monzogranite to granodiorite in composition.
In these rocks, the major mafic minerals comprise green amphibole, biotite and opaque minerals.
Microgranular mafic enclaves, classified as diorite, are common and usually appear stretched concordant
with the magmatic foliation. Mingling structures of porphyritic granitoids with mafic magmas were also
First geochemical data of these granitoids were discussed by Meira (2014) in a comparative context of
the Ediacaran post-collisional granitic magmatism in the CRB. They are in agreement with generally
extensional tectonics, possibly as early magmatic stages of the Ediacaran-Cambrian Rift System of
Southeastern South America. Additional geochemical and geochronological studies of the Ilhabela
foliated porphyritic granitoids are in progress for further comprehension of this magmatism and the
Precambrian geology and crustal evolution of this part of West Gondwana.
Meira, V. T., 2014. Evolução tectono-metamórfica neoproterozóica dos Complexos Embu e Costeiro no
contexto de formação do Gondwana Ocidental (leste do estado de São Paulo). Tese de Doutoramento,
IGc, Universidade de São Paulo. 348 p.
Keywords: Ilhabela basement, Costeiro Domain, Central Ribeira Belt, West Gondwana

Martins GG1, Mendes JC1, Schmitt R1, Armstrong R2 - 1UFRJ - Geologia, 2University of Canberra

This is a study on a deformed pluton with shoshonitic affinity within the Oriental Terrane of the
Ribeira Orogen, a belt made up by a complex collage of reworked basement domains, arc-domains
and microplates. The Neoproterozoic Oriental Terrane is considered an arc-domain constituted by
magmatic rocks that intrude supracrustal sequences. The studied unit crops out near the contact with
the Cabo Frio Tectonic Domain, a Paleoproterozoic terrane attributed to the continental margin of the
Congo Craton in Africa that collided with the Oriental Terrane in the Cambrian. This pluton (Tingui
Unit) is mostly represented by fine- to medium grained mesocratic biotite hornblende bearing gneisses,
quartzdioritic to granodioritic in composition, with quartz, plagioclase, biotite, hornblende, microcline,
sphene, apatite, zircon and opaque, showing local migmatization. Tonalitic to granodioritic fine grained
dykes cross cut the gneisses with irregular to sharp contacts. These present igneous flow marked by
biotite and hornblende aggregates. Geochemical analyses of the Tingui gneisses and associated dikes
indicate that these are intermediate to basic rocks with silica content in between 50.16 and 59.71%. Low
Fe contents besides high alkalis, Ca, Ba, Sr, Zr and LREE values are comparable to shoshonitic rocks of
the literature. In addition, high K2O/Na2O (0.79 to 2.06) and LREE/HREE ratios, low Nb contents and
lack of negative Eu anomalies, and samples plotting in the shoshonitic field of the SiO2 x K2O diagram
reinforce this shoshonitic signature. U-Pb zircon SHRIMP data from the Tingui unit were obtained
from three samples. The gneiss shows preserved igneous zircons with 530 Ma. Otherwise, two samples
from the felsic and mafic phases of the dykes, gave ages at ca. 500 Ma. These younger igneous zircons
presented some inherited cores of ca. 530 Ma, the same age obtained for the dated gneiss. Nd data
reveal a range of negative ENd (-13.2 a -4.38) and TDM Nd model ages from the Paleoproterozoic (1.7
to 1.2 Ga). The crystallisation age interval (530-500 Ma) is coeval to the continental collision in the
Ribeira Orogen named Buzios Orogeny, in between the Oriental Terrane and the Cabo Frio Tectonic
Domain. And the Nd data indicate a Paleoproterozoic mantle extraction with a mixture of mantle and
crustal sources. We conclude that this magmatism could be pre- to syn-collisional regarding the Buzios
Orogeny. This is compatible with the field evidence that exhibits partial melted portions of the older
magmatic phases (pre-collision nature) and also the igneous orientation of the younger magmatic
pulses, the felsic and mafic dykes (syn-collision nature). In addition, a calc-alkaline pluton is also coeval
with the Tingui gneiss (Marica pluton). The heat that generated this shoshonitic magma could still be
related to the dehydration of a subducting slab and its subsequent break off. The Tingui Unit cross cuts
all para- and ortho-derived gneisses from the Oriental Terrane. It is clear that the occurrence of these
basic to intermediate magmas residing on this continental crust contributed to the high temperature
metamorphic event that melted all Neoproterozoic units.

Wang H1,2, Wu YB2, Yang JH1 - 1Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences -
Division of Lithosphere Evolution, 2China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) - Faculty of Earth Sciences

The continental crust is commonly viewed as being formed in subduction zones, but there is no
consensus on the relative roles of oceanic or continental arcs in the formation of the continental crust.
The main difficulties of the oceanic arc model are how the oceanic arcs can be preserved from being
subducted and how the oceanic arcs can generate the high-Si-K granitoids with similar composition
to the upper continental crust. The eastern Qinling orogen provides an optimal place to address this
issue as it preserves the well-exposed Erlangping oceanic arc with large-scale of granitoids. In this
study, we present an integrated investigation of zircon U-Pb age and Hf-O isotopes for four granitoid
plutons in the Erlangping unit. In situ zircon SIMS U-Pb dating gives that the emplacement ages of the
Zhangjiadazhuang, Xizhuanghe, and Taoyuan plutons were 472±7, 458±6 and 443±5 Ma, respectively,
postdated the accretion age (UHP metamorphic age of ca. 490 Ma) of the Erlangping intraoceanic arc
onto the Qinling microcontinent. The Zhangjiadazhuang, Xizhuanghe and Taoyuan granitoids are sodic
and have highly positive ϵHf(t) (7.91 to 13.27) and relatively low δ18O (4.76 to 5.02‰) values, which were
suggested to result from prompt remelting of the Erlangping juvenile oceanic arc crust that had been
hydrothermally altered by seawater at high temperatures. The Manziying monzogranitic granitoids have
similar zircon Hf-O isotopic compositions to those of the Xizhuanghe pluton, indicating that they were
likely derived from dehydration melting of previous tonalites as exemplified by the Xizhuanghe pluton.
The formation of the early Paleozoic granitoid plutons can be divided into two stages (ca. 475-460 and
450-410 Ma). The first stage of granitoid magmatism was suggested to result from the break-off of
the subducted Prototethyan oceanic slab soon after arc-continent collision, and the second stage was
ascribed to the northward subduction of the Prototethyan Ocean along the Shangdan suture. Overall,
arc-continent collision provides an effective way for preventing oceanic arcs from being completely
subducted. Moreover, the highly positive ϵHf(t) and relatively low δ18O values for zircons from the
granitiods in the Erlangping unit reveal that the continental crust can acquire its high-Si-K nature from
oceanic arcs through differentiation by post-accretional magmatism, and thus highlight the significance
of oceanic arcs in generation of continental crust.

Guimarães IP1, de Brito MFL2, Lages GA2, Silva Filho AF1, Santos L - 1Universidade Federal de
Pernambuco - Departamento de Geologia, 2CPRM-Serviço Geológico do Brasil

Tonian granitoids, today augen-gneisses and migmatites, showing crystallization ages ranging from
851Ma to 1000Ma (Cariris Velhos event) occur in the Borborema Province, NE Brazil. The majority
of them have ages within the interval 925 - 970Ma. Few intrusions with ages of ~1.0Ga and within
the 851Ma - 870Ma interval occur in the Central and South domains. In the Central Domain, most
of the studied granitoids (herein CVG -Cariris Velhos granitoids) constitute a 50 to 100 km wide belt
that extends for more than 700 km west-southwestwards from the Atlantic coastline, within the Alto
Pajeú Domain. The CVG intrude slightly older bimodal (but mostly felsic) volcanic successions and
metasedimentary sequences. More recently, several occurrences of CVG were identified in the South
Domain. They include granitoids from the Riacho do Pontal Belt (Afeição orthogneisses), migmatites
(Poço Redondo), and augen-gneisses (Serra Negra Pluton) of the Poço Redondo-Marancó Domain
(Sergipano Belt) and orthogneisses and migmatites from the PEAL Domain. CVG are unknown in the
North Domain. The CVG comprise mainly coarse-grained augen-gneisses of granite to granodiorite
composition. Fe-rich biotite (annite) is the main mineral mafic phase, constituting up to 15% of the
mode. Garnet, muscovite and tourmaline occur as accessory phases in many plutons.
The CVG augen–gneisses have high SiO2 (>71%) and alkali contents, vary from slightly peraluminous to
slightly metaluminous, and from slightly magnesian to typical ferrroan. Trace element variations in the
CVG are likewise extensive, reflecting the migmatization recorded in some plutons. They are Ca-, Sr- and
Nb-poor, show variable Ba (100 - 1260 ppm), Rb (164 – 400 ppm) and Zr (144 – 408 ppm) contents and
high abundances of Y (> 40 ppm). The chondrite normalized REE patterns are characterized by (Ce/Yb)
ratios ranging from 2.5 and 10.0 and strong to moderate negative Eu anomalies (Eu* = 0.23 – 0.70).
The spidergram patterns show deep troughs at Ti, P, Ba and Sr and less pronounced Nb-Ta troughs.
These patterns are reported in anorogenic granites evolved from mixtures of magmas from both crustal
and mantle sources. Most of the studied CVG have similar geochemical signatures. Some geochemical
differences do occur and they are interpreted as reflecting migmatization and/or distinct sources. The
CVG exhibit TDM model ages ranging from 1.9 to 1.1Ga, with slightly negative to slightly positive ƐNd(t)
values, suggesting the involvement of distinct proportions of mantle and crustal components in the
source of their protholiths. 18O/16O data reported in one CVG sample from the South Domain, suggest
typical mantle component.
There is no consensus in the literature about the tectonic setting of the CVG. The CVG with
crystallization ages < 970Ma are interpreted as related to either continental margin magmatic arc, with
possible back-arc association or rift-related. The CVG, with crystallization ages within the 980 – 1000Ma
interval, are interpreted as either continental arc, syn collision or rift- related. Thus, the CVG geotectonic
environment is not yet clear and needs further improvements.

Guimarães IP1, Santos L, Lima JV, Antunes JV, Farias DJS, Santos VV, Silva Filho AF1 - 1Universidade
Federal de Pernambuco - Departamento de Geologia

Large volume of granitic magmatism associated with large-scale shear zone and metamorphism under
high-T conditions, characterize the Brasiliano/Pan African Orogeny in the Borborema Province, NE
Brazil. Granitoids from plutons and late dykes intruded along the dextral sense E-W trending Coxixola
– Timbaúba (CTSZ) and Remígio Pocinhos shear zones (RPSZ) show distinct crystallization ages and
geochemical signatures. The oldest granitoids (U-Pb zircon SHRIMP age of 618 ± 5 Ma), Serra de Inácio
Pereira (SIPP) and Timbaúba (TIP) plutons intruded along the CTSZ and the Curral de Cima Pluton
(CCM) intruded along the RPSZ are epidote-bearing granites. They have high (6 wt%) alkali contents,
K2 O/Na2O ratios <1, are metaluminous to slightly peraluminous with A/CNK ~ 1.1. They show medium
to high Zr (321 a 378 ppm), low Y (19.5 a 25.4 ppm) and Nb (14.7 to 17.0 ppm) contents. Their REE
patterns are characterized by small or absent Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*= 0.92 – 1.15) and (Ce/Yb)N ratios
ranging from 28.34 to 40.09. In contrast, the granitoids showing crystallization age of ~ 570 Ma, intruded
along the CTSZ (Serra do Marinho, Serra Branca, Coxixola and Aroeiras plutons) and intruded along the
RPSZ (Pilõezinhos Pluton) have higher Zr (755 to 846 ppm), Y (40 to 75 ppm) and Nb (39 to 51 ppm)
contents compared to the values recorded in the oldest (618Ma) granitoids. The granitoids of the Serra
Branca Pluton share some geochemical characteristics, although it has much higher Nb contents. This
group of intrusions have REE patterns less fractionated, with (Ce/Yb)N ratios ranging from 6.6 to 20.2,
and characterized by negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*= 0.39 – 0.59). Rapakivi granitoids occur as dykes,
30 m wide in average, and are cut by dykes of leucogranites, with crystallization age of 527 ± 6 Ma and
A-type geochemical signature. They occur only intruded along the CTSZ. Leucogranites occur as dyke
swarm, along the CTSZ, showing a general NE- SW trending. They were emplaced after the rapakivi
granites, during extensional event. Zircon grains, analyzed from the rapakivi granites, show concordant
ages at~500Ma. This age are probably related to the leucogranites intrusions. Dyke swarm of pegmatites
intruded according to a NW-SE trending, along the CTSZ, constitute the later intrusions recorded in the
area. However, we cannot discharge up to now, that they have the same age of the leucogranites. The
ages of the oldest granitoids, associated to migmatization recorded in the TIP and SIPP, and flat-lying
foliation recorded in these plutons, suggest that they are coeval with the peak of regional metamorphism.
The granitoids of Serra do Marinho, Aroeiras and Serra Branca plutons show geochemical signature of
post-collisional A-type granites. The rapakivi granites have geochemical signature of A-type granitoids
and their intrusion ages suggest that they are coeval with the deposition of small sedimentary interior
basin. The data suggest a long history of magmatism along the CTSZ, However, the magmatism along
the RPSZ appears to have stopped about 570 years ago.

Sousa IMC1, Della Giustina MES1, Oliveira CG1 - 1Universidade de Brasília

Paleoproterozoic rocks in Brasília Belt are interpreted as basement of sedimentary layers deposited from
Meso to Neoproterozoic. Sedimentary rocks and the older basement were metamorphosed and deformed
in Neoproterozoic during Brasiliano Orogeny, when São Francisco, Amazonian and the conjectural
Paranapanema cratons collided.
Rocks in the basement of Brasília Belt are volcano-sedimentary sequences in which tonalites,
granodiorites and granites are intrusive. U-Pb analyses indicate Rhyacian ages for magmatic
crystallization of plutonic bodies. Ages vary from 2.12 to 2.46 Ga, but during this interval, at least two
different types of magmatism are recognized.
The older tonalites and granodiorites, of ages between 2.16 and 2.46 Ga, evolve through calc-alkaline
trend, by enrichment in potassium, have Volcanic Arc Granite signature and ϵNd(t) values are near zero.
These rocks are metaluminous or slightly peraluminous and belong to Conceição do Tocantins suite.
In contrast, the younger rocks (2.12 to 2.17 Ga) are mainly granites, do not present a clear evolutional
trend and have higher contents of potassium. They belong to Aurumina suite, are clearly peraluminous
and have ϵNd(t) values strongly negative.
Data converge to the interpretation of these rocks as formed in an orogenic episode during Rhyacian.
First, tonalites and granodiorites intruded an arc system between 2.46 and 2.16 Ga, forming Conceição
do Tocantins suite. Then, collision of landmasses triggered crustal melting, generating syn-collisional
peraluminous granites of Aurumina suite.
Thus, as Brasília Belt’s basement is considered a prolongation of São Francisco craton underneath thick
sedimentary layers of the belt, the Paleoproterozoic arc probably developed in the western margin of São
Francisco craton during the convergence of another landmass. During the Rhyacian, São Francisco did
not behave as a cratonic entity yet, but existed as a recently formed sialic core. It is still unknown what is
the landmass which convergence produced arc magmatism and resulted in collision against the craton,
although Goiás Archean terrane is a consistent candidate.
This Rhyacian orogeny seen in Brazil is coeval with continental agglutination during the transition
Paleo-Mesoproterozoic described in other parts of the world and responsible for the formation of a
supercontinent pre-Rodinia.

Qiu JS1, Zhao JL1, Wang RQ1 - 1Nanjing University - School of Earth Sciences and Engineerings

The Cretaceous regional extension geology of the coastal area of Fujian and Zhejiang provinces, SE
China, is characterized by sporadically distributed A-type granites within voluminous I-type granites
along the Changle-Nan’ao Fault. Despite many recent studies done in these granites, their petrogenesis
especially concerning the genetic link between the I- and A-type granites remains poorly constrained.
In order to contribute to such discussion, we report zircon U–Pb ages, major and trace element
geochemistry, and Nd–Hf isotopic data for granitic plutons from the northeastern coastal area of
Zhejiang Province, with the aim of understanding their petrogenesis and the genetic link between the
I- and A-type granites.
The studied granites are exposed in the Zhoushan archipelago and occur roughly in a NNE-trending
belt that contains five main plutons (from north to south): the Putuoshan (PTS), Dadong’ao (DDA),
Daqingshan (DQS), Taohuadao (THD), and Xiazhidao (XZD) plutons. The PTS and DDA plutons,
consisting mainly of alkali-feldspar granites, are I-type, whereas the DQS, THD, and XZD plutons,
composed mainly of peralkaline granites, are A-type, as indicated by the presence of Na-rich mafic
minerals (e.g., aegirine and arfvedsonite). LA–ICP–MS zircon U–Pb dating yields ages of 97.6±0.9
Ma (MSWD=0.26, 2σ) – 95.8±1.0 Ma (MSWD=0.87, 2σ) for the I-type plutons and 89.2±1.0 Ma
(MSWD=0.74, 2σ) – 86.1±0.8 Ma (MSWD=0.26, 2σ) for the A-type plutons. All the granites are highly
evolved with differentiation index (D. I.) values ranging from 93 to 98. Compared with the I-type
granites, these A-type granites have higher SiO2, FeO*, Nb, Zr, Hf, Ga, Rb/Sr, and Ga/Al, and lower Al2O3,
MgO, CaO, Sr, Ba, and K/Rb, along with less fractionated REE patterns and more pronounced negative
Eu anomalies. Nd isotopic compositions for both granite types are largely homogeneous, but the A-type
granites show slightly higher ϵNd(t) values (-6.32 to -5.66) than the I-type granites (-7.53 to -7.05). Zircon
Hf isotopic compositions for both are highly variable, with ϵHf(t) values ranging from -12.3 to -3.1 for
the I-type granites and from -7.7 to -1.6 for the A-type rocks. As with the ϵNd(t) values, the zircon ϵHf(t)
values are comparatively high in the A-type granites.
Based on a synthesis of geology and geochemistry, we propose that the I-type granites were generated
by mixing between mantle-derived melts and felsic crustal magmas that resulted from partial melting
of lower crustal rocks during the early stages of Cretaceous regional extension. After extraction of the
hydrous I-type felsic melt, a large amount of residual granulitic source accumulated in the lower crust.
An increase of the dip angle of the subducted slab and the oceanward retreat of the trench result in
enhanced extension, thereby further thinning the lithosphere and inducing more intensive underplating
of mantle-derived magmas. This would have led to high temperatures and partial melting of the residual
granulitic source, producing a relatively anhydrous F-containing felsic melt. Finally, the mixing of
this unusual crustal melt with a larger amount of mantle-derived mafic magma generated the parental
magma of the peralkaline A-type granites.

Zhang JH1, Wu FY2, Yang JH2 - 1Key Laboratory of Computational Geodynamics, College of Earth
Science - University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China, 2State Key Laboratory of
Lithospheric Evolution - Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,
100029, China

The formation of average andesitic middle crust and granitic upper crust is enigmic. Concerning
the proportions of felsic rocks in the shallow crust, the andesitic average composition need a large
proportion of diorite beneath highly evolved felsic layer to reconcile the average composition. Thus,
where is the dioritic rocks and how the magmas evolve to highly felsic in the shallow crust is the
essential problem to solve this issue. Since the high viscosity of the crystal-enriched felsic magmas,
the generation of the high silica rocks, particularly the high silica rhyolites (SiO2 > 75 w.t. %), is also
controversial because that separation of large proportions of crystals is necessary for the unique chemical
compositions of these rocks.
Mesozoic felsic volcanic rocks are widespread in the coastal area of southeastern China, particularly in
the Zhejiang Province, in which they cover half of this region (ca. 50000 km2). They mainly formed in
the Early Cretaceous, i.e., 130 Ma and 110 Ma. Of them, felsic tuffaceous rocks occupy large proportions,
with minor basaltic rocks (< 10 % in volume). Rocks of the early episode comprise rhyolites and
tuffaceous rocks that are both crystal-enriched and crystal-poor. In contrast, the late episode rocks are
high silica and crystal-poor.
The volcanic rocks are associated with intrusive rocks, including diorite, monzonite, granodiorite,
syenite, biotite granite, and porphyries, with locally occurrence of diorite enclaves. These porphyry
facies are always gradually grade into coarse-grained granites and volcanic rocks, indicating their co-
generation and shallow emplacement, which is supported by the zircon U-Pb dating (ca. 110 Ma). The
granites and rhyolites of ca. 110Ma have similar isotopic compositions. They display consistent trends
in both major and trace elements vs. SiO2. For those rocks with SiO2 contents < 75 w.t. %, MgO, Fe2O3,
CaO and Al2O3 are all monotonous decrease with increasing SiO2. The incompatible trace elements, such
as Rb, Th, U and K, increase with the increasing SiO2, excepting the decreasing Ba. Besides, Sr, P, Ti,
and Eu also decrease. However, all the elemental trends abrupt kink at 75 w.t. % SiO2, such as the abrupt
decrease trends of K, Ba, Zr/Hf ratios, and increase in Rb and Rb/Sr ratios.
Similarities in geochemistry and petrology indicate that the temporal- and spatially-associated granites
and volcanic rocks were cogenetic and formed in the same magmatic episode, that is, by-products
of the same magma mush. The granites are cumulates while the volcanic rocks are separated melt.
Nevertheless, the concentration and eruption of these highly evolved felsic volcanic rocks were aided by
the episodic activities of the mafic magmas added to the base of the crust.

Konopasek J1,2, Slama J3,4, Kosler J3, Oyhantcabal P5 - 1University of Tromsø, Norway - Department of
Geology, 2Czech Geological Survey, Prague, Czech Republic, 3University of Bergen, Norway - Department
of Geological Sciences, 4Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic - Institute of Geology,
Universidad de la Repúlica, Montevideo, Uruguay

Magmatic rocks exposed in the northwestern part of the Coastal Terrane in the Kaoko Belt of Namibia
show evidence for two distinct periods of granitoid magmatism. An older suite of intermediate–felsic
granitoid rocks with well developed magmatic to solid-state fabric is intruded by granites with no
solid-state deformation. The suite intruded a complex of migmatitic metasediments intercalated with
amphibolites. U-Pb zircon dating of the older granitoid suite provided ages of 622±2 and 620±2 Ma (2
sigma) for the intermediate magmatic rocks and an age of 627±2 Ma for the deformed granites. Granitic
sample of the younger granitoid suite that crosscuts the fabric developed in older granitoids gave an age
of 574±2 Ma. Dating of dykes of undeformed diorite that intruded the migmatitic metasediments yielded
an age 585±2 Ma.
The ages of the younger granitoids are known also from other large plutonic bodies in the western part
of the Kaoko Belt, whereas the ages obtained from granitoids of the older suite are similar to those
known for the older granitoid members of the in the Aiguá, Pelotas and Florianópolis batholiths of the
Dom Feliciano Belt of Uruguay and southeastern Brazil. The tectonic evolution of the Coastal Terrane
correlates well with that of the Punta del Este Terrane of the Dom Feliciano Belt. Accordingly, the
finding of c. 620–625 Ma old plutonic bodies intruded by c. 575 Ma old granitoids in the Coastal Terrane
suggests that the whole Angra Fria magmatic complex could represent the NE continuation of the
Granite Belt of the Dom Feliciano Belt on the African side of the orogen.
Jiri Konopasek appreciates funding of the Czech Science Foundation (P210 15-05988S).

Conceição JA1, Rosa MLS2, Conceição H2, Silva CC3, Lisboa VAC1 - 1Universidade Federal da Bahia,
Universidade Federal de Sergipe, 3Universidade de Brasília

The Sergipano Orogenic System leucogranites occur mainly as intrusives rocks in the Macururé
Domain, which is a 13 km thick metaturbidite sequence, oriented EW and located in the central-north
part of the state of Sergipe, and which has lateral continuity in the states of Bahia (W) and Alagoas (E).
In this domain granitic bodies occur with various shapes (round or elongated) and were named by
previous work, along with other monzonites and granodiorites, as Glória Type granites. This plutonism
is considered as post-tectonic in relation to the Brazilian orogeny. Studies carried out by our team in
Glória Type (granitic) bodies have identified several different types of magmas that were intrusive in the
Macururé Domain: a Shoshonitic (monzonite), a Leucogranite, and a high potassium Calcium-Alkali
(granodiorite). The Glória Sul Stock (GSS) is composed of syenogranites, leucocratic to hololeucocratic,
essentially with muscovite. Their contacts with the enclosing metasediments are ocasionally well defined,
or other times diffuse, but marked by the presence of hornfels that sometimes exhibits migmatitic
features. Within the GSS we identified the presence of the following facies: muscovite and biotite
granite (major), muscovite granite, biotite granite, granite with garnet (minor) and microgranular
mafic enclaves (MME). The granites have as accessory minerals: garnet, epidote, allanite, titanite,
zircon, apatite, carbonate and opaque minerals, monazite and thorite. The chemical data of these
rocks reveal contents of: 70.62%-73.19% SiO2; 0.07%-0.22% TiO2; 14.95%-15.86% Al2O3; 0.64%-1.36%
Fe2O3; 0.01%-0.02% MnO; 0.10%-0.38% MgO; 0.69%-1.18% CaO; 4.28-4.67% Na2 O; 4.40% -5.16% K2O;
0.02% -0.09% P2O5; 38,58-132,35 ppm ΣETR; 13.33-137.22 ppm [La/Yb]N; 0,72-1,11ppm Eu/Eu*. The
muscovite granites are peraluminous and have affinity with the high potassium calc-alkaline series,
except for the biotite granites and the MME which are metaluminous and have affinity to shoshonitic
rocks. In geochemical diagrams indicative of sources for leucogranites the compositions of the studied
rocks plot in felsic pelites and greywacke areas, with high CaO/Na2O and plagioclase. Moreover, the
alignment observed in several binary chemical diagrams between the MME, biotite granites, and
muscovite granites, suggests that the genesis of the GSS involves the mixing of crustal felsic and mantle
mafic melts. Pearce diagrams indicate that the rhyolitic magma(s) responsible for generating the
studied stock, position themselves in the field of syn-collisional granites. However, the absence of the
usual evidence of deformation in the syn-collisional granite rocks of the GSS is interpreted as indicative
that their emplacement occurred after the collision of the Sergipano Orogenic System. With the new
evidence presented in this work we reason that the GSS could have been formed by mixing between
mafic mantle magma of shoshonitic nature and rhyolitic crustal magma, resulting from melting of the
enclosing metasediments and placed on a post-collisional period. [LAPA-UFS contribution - Laboratory
of Petrology Applied to Mineral Research. Thanks to: FAPITEC / PRONEX, MCT / CNPq, CAPES and

Amorim JV1, Guimarães IP1, Santos L2, Farias DJS2, Lima JV2 - 1Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
- Departamento de Geologia, 2Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - Programa de Pós-Graduação em

The Aroeiras Pluton comprises an oval shaped intrusion emplaced during synchronous activity of the
dextral E-W trending Coxixola Shear Zone and the unknown NE-SW trending sinistral shear zone,
which created space for the intrusion of biotite monzogranites as small plutons. The Aroeiras Pluton is
intruded in between a supracrustal sequence (Surubim Complex) and Neoproterozoic orthogneisses in
the south and Paleoproterozoic orthgneisses in the north, showing steeply dipping foliation, associated
to the transcurrent event on the Transversal Zone Domain of Borborema Province. Dikes of biotite
syenogranites composition with WSW and ENE trending cut the Aroeiras pluton. Mixing features
such as rapakivi texture and rounded enclaves with crenulated borders are common. The amphiboles
composition range from ferro-edenite in the granites to ferro-pargasite to hastingsite in the hybrid rocks
and hastingsite to ferro-tschermakite in the diorites. Al-content in amphiboles from the granites and
using the Schmidt’s calibration (1992) defined solidification pressures within the 5.1 – 6.2 (± 0.6 kbar)
intervals and temperatures of plagioclase amphibole equilibrium ranging from 720ºC to 755ºC for the
granites of the Aroeiras Pluton.
The major elements geochemistry distinguish two groups of rocks within the Aroeiras Pluton: 1)
The diorites are alkalic, ferroan and have OIB-like signatures; 2) the granites are ferroan (#Fe > 0.8),
alkali-calcic, metaluminous to peraluminous. Trace elements also distinguish between diorites and
granites: 1) Diorites show enrichment in incompatible elements in the MORB normalized spidergram
patterns, similar to those recorded in OIB and the chondrite normalized REE patterns highly enriched,
fractionated (Ce/YbN= 6.9 – 7.35), with small negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.83 - 0.84). 2) The
granites have chondrite normalized spidergrams patterns characterized by troughs at Sr, P, Ti, and
fractionated REE chondrite normalized patterns (Ce/YbN=8.15 – 15.11), with deeper negative Eu
anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.45 – 0.68).
The Sm-Nd model ages in the diorites are slightly younger (2.15-2.18Ga) than those recorded in the
granite (2.35Ga). The ϵNd(t) values are very low in the diorites (-11.5 and -11.6); 2) and even lower in
the granitic sample (-13.97). U-Pb zircon TIMS data defined a crystallization age of 572 ± 5Ma. U-Pb
zircon ICP-MS-LA data for one orthogneiss country rock sample gave an age of 603 ± 5Ma, similar to
those recorded in the early calc-alkaline granitoids intruded along the same shear zone (Serra do Inacio
Pereira pluton). The field relationships, geochemical, isotopic and geochronological data suggest that
the Aroeiras granites are not co-genetic with the diorites. Both magmas magmas had in their sources,
contribution from Paleoproterozoic crust however, the granites have even more contribution. They
were intruded together in an extensional environment associated to the synchronous activity of E-W
and NE-SW Shear Zones. The diorites appear to be generated by melting of a metasomatized mantle of
Paleoproterozoic age. The diorites and extension were probably the heating sources promoting fusion in
the lower crust and generating the granitic magmas.

Morales Cámera MM1, Dahlquist JA1, Basei MAS2, da Costa Campos Neto M2 - 1Centro de Investigaciones
en Ciencias de la Tierra, CICTERRA - CONICET-UNC. Argentina., 2Universidade de São Paulo - Instituto
de Geociências

A-type granites are rocks with distinct mineralogical and geochemical characteristics. However, the
genesis of A-type granites has been controversial, leading to much discussion over the past 30 years.
In general, petrogenetic models for A-type granites commonly invoke igneous source rocks and
petrogenesis of peraluminous A-type granites is especially poorly known. In this article we report in
situ U-Pb and Hf isotope data from zircons, whole-rock Sm-Nd, and whole-chemistry data from a
peraluminous A-type granite (named here as Vinquis granitic complex, VGC), in order to evaluate their
origin. The VGC, Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina, is formed by unusual F-rich peraluminous A-type
monzogranites. A precise LA-MC-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon crystallization age of 353 ± 9 indicates that the
VGC was emplaced during Early Carboniferous time, along with an extensive metaluminous A-type
magmatism previously reported by Dahlquist et al. (2010) and Alasino et al. (2012).
The VGC displays high and restricted SiO2 contents between 71.6% and 74.8 wt.%. On both [FeOt/
(FeOt+MgO)] vs. SiO2 and [(Na2O+K2O)−CaO] vs. SiO2 diagrams (Frost et al. 2001) the samples plot
in the ferroan and alkali-calcic to calc-alkalic fields with Fe* = [(FeOt/(FeOt+MgO)] = 0.79 % and
[(Na2O+K2O)−CaO]= 7.38% (average values, n = 6), thus showing an metaluminous A-type granitoid
signature. Relatively high concentrations of the some High Field Strength Element = HFSE (average
contens in ppm, Nb = 19, Th = 15, and Ga = 21) and moderately fractionated to flat REE patterns [(La/
Yb)N = 11.42] showing significant negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.41) are also typical features of
metaluminous A-type granites. A high F content in the magma is inferred from biotite compositions
with high F concentration (average F = 1.17–1.44 wt%), a distinctive characteristics of metaluminous
A-type granites. Conversely, the VGC is peraluminous with aluminium saturation index ranging from
1.11 to 1.22 and distinctive high P2O5 content (average 0.32 wt%). In addition, the VGC has some minor
geochemical differences from Carboniferous metaluminous A-type granites of the Sierras Pampeanas
(Dahlquist et al. 2010). The latter have a strong ferroan signature (Fe* = 0.94), lower P2O5 content (0.08
wt%), higher HFSE concentrations, flat REE pattern ([(La/Yb)N = 6.47], and pronounced negative Eu-
anomalies (0.20). The Rb/Ba and Rb/Sr ratios reported for the metaluminous A-type granites (Dahlquist
et al. 2010) are higher than in the VGC.
The peraluminous composition of the VGC and Hf isotope data from magmatic zircon and granite
whole-rock Sm-Nd (average ϵHf353 = -6.32, eNd353 = -7.1), together with abundant inherited Ordovician
and Cambrian zircon (n =10), strongly suggest a dominant metasedimentary source. Therefore, the
particular A-type geochemical signature of the VGC can be attributed to a metasedimentary source as
suggested by Anderson and Bender (1989) for the anorogenic peraluminous granites of the USA.
The data indicate that VGC was emplaced during the Carboniferous magmatic event that included
intraplate- and arc-type magmatism in SW Gondwana (Dahlquist, this volume). We conclude that the
VGC was emplaced in an intraplate setting and that this magmatism included both metaluminous and
peraluminous A-type granites.
Anderson & Bender, 1989. Lithos 23, 19-52.
Alasino et al., 2012. Gondwana Research 22, 992-1008.
Dahlquist et al., 2010. Lithos 115, 65-81.
Frost et al., 2001. Journal of Petrology 42, 2033-2040.

Moreno JA1, Semprich J1, Verma SK1, Baldim MR1, Oliveira EP1 - 1University of Campinas - Department
of Geology and Natural Resources, Geosciences Institute

The late Archean Samambaia pluton (ca. 2.78 Ga; Machado and Carneiro, 1992) crops out in the eastern
part of the Bonfim metamorphic complex (BC), which is located in the southern segment of the São
Francisco Craton (Brazil). The pluton is mainly composed of tonalites and scarce granodiorites that
intrude the Alberto Flores trondjhemitic to granitic gneiss and are intruded by the Souza Nouchese
granitic gneiss in the north. The Samambaia granitoids are gray rocks with medium to coarse-grained
equigranular and hypidiomorphic textures. The major mineral assemblage consists of euhedral to
subhedral plagioclase, quartz, hornblende, biotite and scarce K-feldspar. The accessory assemblage is
formed of apatite, zircon, allanite, titanite, and opaque minerals.
They are magnesian, calc-alkalic, medium- to high-K and mainly metaluminous with 63.1-68.5 wt.%
SiO2, 0.46-0.81 wt.% TiO2, 3.10-4.95 wt.% FeO, 1.50-2.40 wt.% MgO. They are rich in ferromagnesian
components (FeOt+MgO+MnO +TiO2 > 5 wt.%) with relatively high Mg-number (molar MgO/
(FeOt+MgO) = 0.42-0.48) for such silica-rich rocks, which, together with relatively high Cr and Ni values
(mostly higher than 20 ppm) suggests a mantle contribution in their genesis.
The Samambaia granitoids are also enriched in incompatible elements and REE, showing chondrite-
normalized REE and Silicate Earth-normalized trace-element patterns similar to those of Archean
sanukitoids, except for even higher HREE.
The tonalites present mantle-like Nb/Ta, Zr/Hf and (Ce/Pb)N ratios along with crustal-like (Th/Nb)
and (Th/Ta)N ratios, whereas the granodiorites have crustal-like values with the exception of Zr/
Hf ratio, which is very close to the chondritic value (37.1). These features could be due to a different
degree of interaction between a mantle-derived component and crustal rocks, which also agrees with the
interpretation of the units from BC having formed at least in part by reworking of older crustal material.
Because of their geochemical features we rule out the possibility of classifying the Samambaia rocks
as a TTG suite, as previously thought. Instead, they show a better correlation with the characteristics
of sanukitoid-like suites, except for moderately high Ba (402-790 ppm) and too low Sr (147-380
ppm) contents. Therefore, we suggest treating them as late Archean hybrid granitoids formed by
the interaction of a sanukitoid-like melt with other Archean granitoids (Laurent et al., 2014). The
Samambaia rocks could have formed by crustal assimilation and fractionation of an enriched, mantle-
derived high-Mg dioritic to Q-dioritic magma. Since these processes implicate crustal reworking, they
could be related to either slab breakoff or lithospheric delamination in a post-collisional setting.
Deciphering the sources and processes involved in the generation of these Archean hybrid granitoids can
improve our understanding of crustal recycling and crustal growth mechanisms in the late Archean time.
Laurent, O., Martin, H., Moyen, J.F., Doucelance, R., 2014. The diversity and evolution of late-Archean
granitoids: evidence for the onset of modern-style plate tectonics between 3.0 and 2.5Ga. Lithos, 205,
Machado, N., Carneiro, M.A., 1992. U–Pb evidence of late Archean tectono-thermal activity in the
southern São Francisco shield, Brazil. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 29, 2341–2346.

Zhu K1, Li Z2, Xu X3, Wilde SA2, Chen H1 - 1Zhejiang University - Department of Earth Sciences, 2Curtin
University - Department of Applied Geology, 3Nanjing University - School of Earth Sciences and

Six-stage Mesozoic granitoids in an Andean-type orogenic cycle with different ages, textures and
geochemical characteristics can be identified in South China.
The first stage (Middle–Late Triassic) of granitoids in South China is composed of syn-/post-orogenic
granitoids. The main rock types are syenogranite, monzogranite, quartz monzonite and syenite. They
have high melting temperatures, high melting pressures, variable water contents and redox conditions.
Oxidized and reduced melting conditions resulted in ferroan and magnesian granitoids, respectively.
The typical petrographic characteristic is alkali feldspar megacrysts set in a medium-grained matrix.
Orogeny was driven by flat-slab subduction of the paleo-Pacific Plate. Thermal relaxation caused
dehydration melting and water-fluxed melting, depending on the availability of fluids from the oceanic
plate. The fluids and melts from the oceanic plate metasomatised the overriding lower continental crust
and continental lithospheric mantle; however, such effects are only significant in regions adjacent to the
continental margin (Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangxi Provinces).
The second stage (Early–Middle Jurassic) of granitoids in South China is made up of post-orogenic
ferroan granitoids. The main rock types are syenogranite, quartz syenite and syenite. These granitoids
were formed at high temperature with low water contents and low oxygen fugacities. They were formed
during contemporaneous underplating of reduced intraplate basalts following the break-off of the paleo-
Pacific Plate. The continental crust had not started to attenuate at this stage.
The third stage (Middle Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) of granitoids in South China is composed of post-
orogenic magnesian granitoids. Most of them are granodioritic porphyries that were generated from
water-fluxed melting or fractionated from hydrous basaltic magmas in a still thick, lower continental
crust. They have high oxygen fugacities, high water contents and were formed at low temperatures. The
water was derived from hydrous metasomatic continental lithospheric mantle and/or the foundering
oceanic slab.
The fourth stage (Late Jurassic–Cretaceous) of granitoids in South China consists of anorogenic ferroan
granitoids. They are alkali feldspar granite or syenogranite with high silica contents that were generated
under low-temperatures as a result of low-pressure dehydration melting processes, with variable redox
conditions. They were generated in attenuated continental crust caused by the roll-back of the paleo-
Pacific Plate.
The fifth stage (Late Jurassic–Cretaceous) of granitoids in South China consist of anorogenic ferroan
granitoids. The main rock types are porphyritic quartz syenite and syenogranite. They have a
petrogenesis and tectonic setting similar to the fourth stage, but record higher magma temperatures,
lower oxygen fugacities and more depleted Nd-Hf isotopic compositions. It is implied that underplated
reduced intraplate basalts were involved in the crustal melting process.
The sixth stage (Late Jurassic–Cretaceous) of granitoids in South China was generated by fractional
crystallization of mantle-derived magmas from the enriched continental lithospheric mantle in
an anorogenic setting. The main rock types are (quartz) diorite, (quartz) monzonite, granodiorite,
monzogranite, (quartz) syenite. They are MME-bearing and oxidized granitoids. For the oxidized
granitoids, high/low fractionation pressures, generally associated with a thick/thin continental crust,
resulted in magnesian/ferroan characteristics. Intrusion of these granitoids caused growth and
thickening of the continental crust.

Cury LF1, Siga Jr O2, Harara OMM1, Basei MAS2, Sato K2 - 1Universidade Federal do Paraná -
Departamento de Geologia, 2USP - IGc

The Paranaguá terrane is represented by neoproterozoic units distributed in a NE-SW elongated swath,
about 250 km long and 30 km wide, in south-southeastern Brazil, within the states of São Paulo, Paraná
and Santa Catarina. This terrane is mainly constituted by an igneous complex, represented by the Morro
Inglês, Rio do Poço and Canavieiras-Estrela suites. The country rocks of these l.s. granites are gnaissic
and gnaissic-migmatitic rocks of the São Francisco do Sul complex and metassedimentary rocks of the
Rio das Cobras sequence.
The Morro Inglês suite is the most expressive unite in Paranaguá terrane, being mainly represented
by leucocratic rocks, with medium to thick-grained porfiritic texture, composed by megacrystals
of K-feldspar (2 to 10cm), plagioclase (An12-20), quartz, hornblende ± biotite and accessory phase
composed by sphene, apatite, epidote, allanite and zircon. Mafic enclaves with spherial to angular shapes
are often observed, in most composed by diorites and amphibolites with fine-grained equigranular
texture. Lithochemical signatures are compatible with arc magmatic-generated granitic rocks, with
high-K to shoshonitic calc-alkaline character and relatively high contents of Ba, Nb, Zr, Rb, Sr, Th and
K2O. This pattern resembles the one observed in sin- to late-collisional environments related to mature
magmatic arcs, with sources modified by crustal contamination.
The Canasvieiras suite outcrops along shear zones in the western section, showing leucocratic rocks, with
medium to fine-grained inequigranular texture, that usually exhibit deformation features characterized
by cataclastic and mylonitic therms. The mineralogy is compose by K-feldspar , plagioclase, quartz and
biotite, with sphene, allanite and zircon as accessories. The Morro Inglês suite rocks present higher
values of K2O and smaller values of Na2O than the rocks of the Canavieiras-Estrela suite. Both suites
show important variations of Ba and Sr, high values of Rb and Zr, and medium-to-high values of Nb and
The Rio do Poço suite outcrops as restricted bodies along the Paranaguá terrane, in most represented
by leucocratic and hololeucocratic rocks with medium to fine-grained equigranular texture, frequently
foliated as magmatic flow. It is compose by K-feldspar, quartz, plagioclase (An8-15), biotite ± muscovite
and accessories represented by apatite (with dimensions about 1 -1,5mm), allanite, epidote and zircon.
The geochemical data allows recognized a sub-alkaline signature with a peraluminous association. The
REEs patterns of Rio do Poço and Morro Inglês suites are quite similar, denoting an enrichment of all
elements in this suite, which present a marginally peraluminous character, with HREE-depleted rocks,
without an Eu negative anomaly.
U-Pb (zircon) ages of these suites are very close and does not allow a clear separation of them. A high
concentration of ages between 600-580 Ma represent the main magmatic period of the Paranaguá
terrane. Although less frequent, older ages between 620-610 Ma were obtained in the three suites,
suggesting the presence of a relatively early magmatism in this terrane’s evolution. However, U-Pb
(zircon) ages obtained in crystals rims of leucorgranitic rocks are distributed between 560-480 Ma,
suggesting late tectonothermal events. These ages must be related with important thermotectonic events
of the cambro-ordovician Buzios orogeny.

Santos L1, Guimarães IP1, Silva Filho AF1, Farias DJ1, Lima JV1, Antunes JV1 - 1Universidade Federal de
Pernambuco - Dpto. Geologia

The Serra Branca Pluton (SBP) intrudes Archean to Paleoproterozoic orthogneisses and migmatites
in the Central domain of the Borborema Province. This intrusion is associated with the synchronous
movement of both the E-W-trending dextral Coxixola and the sinistral NE-SW-trending shear zones,
which was responsible for spectacular flux-like structure recorded in the SBP granites. The SBP
comprises leucocratic biotite syenogranite to monzogranite, including localized enclaves of porphyritic
granites, diorites, and country rocks. U-Pb zircon SHRIMP data defined a crystallization age of 560 ±
5 Ma for the SBP granites. The biotite compositions range from Fe-biotite to siderofilite crossing the
buffers (FeSiO4-SiO2-Fe3O4) and (Ni-NiO) close to Fe2+, suggesting crystallization under intermediate fO2
conditions. The oxides are Mn-rich Fe-ilmenite, with titanomagnetite in the rim. Magma crystallization
temperatures, based on zircon saturation, range within the 783°C-843°C interval. The studied granites
have high SiO2 (>70 wt.%) and K2O contents, and are slightly peraluminous. The SBP has high MALI
plotting in the alkali–calcic field at high SiO2 as most A-type granites. They show positive trends to Na2O
and Al2O3 and negative trends to P2O5 K2O, and no trends to Sr and Ba in the Harker diagrams. The
REE patterns are characterized by deep negative Eu anomalies. The chondrite normalized spidergram
patterns show trough at Nb, Ta, Sr, P and Ti. The high SiO2 and K2O contents associated to K-feldspar
rich composition and coarsely perthitic alkali feldspars suggest fractionation at low pressures. In
major elements correlations diagrams, the studied granites plot in the limit between the fields of
melts generated by melting of metagreywackers and amphibolite, involving mixing processes and/
or crystal fractionation. The La vs. La/Yb correlation diagram for the SBP granites suggests evolution
through partial melting process while Cr vs. SiO2 correlation suggests fractional crystallization. The
trends recorded in the Harker diagrams suggest biotite, apatite and zircon fractionation, and absence of
K-feldspar fractionation during the magma evolution. The SBP granites show low Dy/Dy* [DyN/(La4/13N
/Yb9/13N)] values and high Dy/Yb ratios. The low Dy/Dy* and Ti/Ti* ratios and negative trend recorded
in the SBP granites reflect later fractional crystallization of Ti-oxides and/or amphibole residual. The
ϵNd(560 Ma) values are very low (-21,06 to -21,78) and the TDM model ages range from 2.35 to 2.49Ga. The
geochemical and isotopic data suggest that the SBP granites magma was generated by partial melting
of a Paleoproterozoic to Archean crust, leaving plagioclase and/or amphibole in the residue. It explains
the negative Eu anomalies and high (Ce/Yb)N recorded in the REE patterns. The generated magma
evolved through fractional crystallization of biotite, apatite and zircon at shallow level in an extensional
environment. The presence of enclaves of diorite and porphyritic granite, not cogenetic with the SBP,
as well as enclaves of the country rocks, suggest some degree of contamination during the magma

Lima JV1, Guimarães IP2, Santos L1 - 1UFPE - PPGEOC, 2UFPE - DGeo

The Pilõezinhos Pluton constitutes an ENE-WSW elongated intrusion, 30 km long by 4km width,
limited to the north by the dextral, ENE-WSW trending, Remígio - Pocinhos Shear Zone (RPSZ). The
RPSZ comprises the east branch of the continental scale Patos Shear Zone. The Pilõezinhos Pluton is
intruded into Brasiliano metasediments and Tonian orthogneisses along the limit between the Central
and North domains of the Borborema Province. In this work, we present new mineralogical, geochemical
and geochronological data for the granites from the Pilõezinhos Pluton in order to compare it with
others granites from the Borborema Province. U–Th–Pb laser ablation data from seventeen zircon
grains of a porphyritic granitic sample, yielded an age of 566 ± 3Ma (MSWD=0.88), which is interpreted
as the crystallization age. Two main petrographic facies were observed: 1) porphyritic syenogranite
to monzogranite, containing rare dioritic enclaves, and 2) fine-grained, equigranular leucocratic
syenogranites. The biotites from the studied granites are Fe-rich, with Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratios ranging from
0.72 to 0.82. The biotites from the enclaves have Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratios ranging from 0.49 to 0.50. The
composition of amphiboles from studied granites range from hastingsite to ferro-tschermakite, with
Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratios within the 0.80 - 0.89 interval. The plagioclases show compositions ranging from
oligoclase to andesine. Alkali feldspar are mainly microcline, with Or content ranging from 84 to 92. The
analyzed opaque minerals are Fe-Ti oxides, with TiO2 content ranging from 52% to 54% and FeO content
ranging from 45 to 46%, which are values typical of ilmenite. Magnetite was recorded in small amount.
The chemical compositions of the mafic mineral phases of the studied granites are similar to those
recorded in mafic mineral phases of A2-type granites described in the Central Domain of the Borborema
Province. The studied granites have SiO2 contents ranging from 64wt% to 72wt%, high FeO/(FeO+MgO)
ratios (0.8 to 0.8) and MALI values within the 3 – 8 interval. The REE patterns are characterized by (Ce/
Yb)N ratio ranging from 15.8 to 68.2, and negative Eu anomalies, with Eu/Eu* ratios ranging from 0.21
to 0.77. The enclaves have lower total REE compared to the host granites. The multi element, chondrite
normalized plots show patterns characterized by trough at Ba, Nb, Ta, Sr, P and Ti, which are similar
to those recorded in A-type granites. The recorded troughs at Nb and Ta are probably inherited from
the source. The Y and Nb contents range respectively from 20.6 ppm and 22.2 ppm in the fine grained
granites to 70.2 ppm and 52.2 ppm in the porphyritic granites. These Y and Nb contents classified the
studied granites as A2-type. The mineral compositions recorded in the studied granites are consistent
with crystallization under low fO2 conditions. The granites from the Pilõezinhos Pluton are alkali-calcic,
A2-type ferroan granites, which are commonly thought to be derived from the subcontinental lithosphere
or lower crust. Granites with similar composition and crystallization age are recorded intruded along
the EW-trending Coxixola Shear Zone, the Marinho Pluton, in the Central Domain of the Borborema

Silva LC1, Pedrosa Soares AC2, Armstrong R3, Pinto CP1, Magalhães JTR1,2, Pinheiro MAP1, Santos GG2 -
Serviço Geológico do Brasil - SGB/CPRM, 2Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG, 3Australian
National University - ANU

This geochronological, isotopic and chemical study is focused on the Archean-Rhyacian southern
segment of the São Francisco Craton (SSFC), the Porteirinha Domain (PTD), state of Minas Gerais,
SE Brazil. It is the first geochronological study carried out in this domain. The main target is the TTG
gneisses of the Porteirinha Complex (Sample 1). The gneiss dated at 3371 ± 6 Ma unraveled an intricate,
polycyclic (polymetamorphic) evolution characterized by two metamorphic overprinting episodes
dated respectively at 3146 ± 24 Ma (M1) and ca. 600 Ma (M2). The former (M1) is so far the most reliable
(robust) evidence of the oldest (hidden) metamorphic episode ever dated in Brazil. The latter (M2), in
turn, is endemic in most of the exposed eastern cratonic margin. Whole-rock Sm-Nd analysis from the
gneiss provided a slightly negative ϵNd(t3370)= - 0.78 value, and a depleted mantle model (TDM) age of
3.5 Ga, indicating that it derives mainly from the (re)melting of a ca. 3.5 Ga tholeiitic oceanic source.
Sample 2, a K-rich ortholeucogneiss from the Rio Itacambiriçu Complex, was dated at 2657 ± 25 Ma
and also presents the M2 overprinting age of ca. 600 Ma. These M2 Ediacaran overprinting ages from
both Archean gneisses are ascribed to the NW-directed overthrusting of the W segment of the Araçuaí
Orogen (i.e. the Araçuaí-West Congo Orogen AWCO), during the amalgamation of the SW sector of the
Gondwana Supercontinent, from ca. 590-540 Ma. The other three analyses were obtained from Rhyacian
granitoids. Sample 3 from a syn-collisional, S-type leucogranitic Tingui Complex which was re-melted
at 2140 ±1 4 Ma. It is interpreted as a northern extension of the Mineiro Belt, from the southernmost
Rhyacian cratonic envelop, also overprinted by the Ediacaran, SW Gondwana amalgamation. Samples
4 and 5 belong to a post-orogenic (post-collisional), mixed-source, per-alkaline, Rhyacian-Orosiran
A1-type suite, with crystallization ages of 2067 ± 20 Ma and 2039 ± 8 Ma, respectively. Samples 3 and 4
also present evidences of partial opening of the isotopic systems during the M2 Ediacaran episode also
responsible for the overprinting of the Archean gneisses. In order to understand this intricate evolution
in a wider regional scale, we have compiled, tabulated and contextualized the totality of the published
U-Pb geochronological data from the SW and NW segments of SFC (225 analyses), covering the
magmatic evolution from Early Paleoarchean to Rhyacian times, as well as the Ediacaran overprinting
effects on these reworked cratonic domains. The regional contextualization of the databank indicates
that during the Ediacaran Period most of the eastern margin of the SSFC behaved neither as a craton s.s.
nor as an orogenic belt, similarly to data reported from the basement of the Trans-Saharan Belt in Africa.
Due to the intensive Pan-African overprinting event, this belt is currently designated as metacraton.
In contrast to the partially “metacratonized” SSFC, the NW and NE cratonic segments from the SFC in
Bahia state were not affected by the Ediacaran event, remaining stable up to the opening of the Atlantic
Ocean and giving rise to the so-called “Bahia-Gabon Bridge”.

Besser ML1, Barros CEM2, Buch T3 - 1CPRM - REFO, 2UFPR - Geology, 3CPRM - REPO

The Bacajá domain (SE Amazon craton) is composed of minor Archean granite-greenstone remnants,
Siderian greenstone belts and Rhyacian intermediate to acid granitoids. These Rhyacian plutons were
emplaced during at least three different pulses and occur as elongate batholiths (WNW) between
Pacajá and Anapu villages. The older intrusive suite (Bacajaí complex) comprises metaquartz diorites,
metagranodiorites and metamonzogranites emplaced around 2110 Ma. These rocks may present
magmatic foliation, or granoblastic texture or even mylonitic deformation. In rocks with weak
granoblastic texture it is remarkable secondary overgrowth of sericite to muscovite within plagioclase
in response to thermal effects caused by the subsequent intrusions. Reddish biotite and metamorphic
clinopyroxene are described in rocks with strong granoblastic texture. The metagranitoids of the Bacajaí
complex display low-K and medium-K calk-alkaline signature. The rare-earth elements (REE) patterns
of these granitoids is marked by fractionated patterns ((La/Lu)N = 4 to 36) and low values of heavy
REE. Tonalites and granodiorites from the Arapari intrusive suite and monzogranites from the João
Jorge intrusive suite show igneous layering, magmatic folds and synmagmatic deformation pointing to
synkinematic emplacement. Both suites have medium to high calk-alkaline signature and represent the
orogenic granitogenesis that occurred between 2086 Ma and 2069 Ma. Syenites and monzonites from
the João Jorge intrusive suite are weakly foliated and present shoshonitic to peralkaline affinity. Mantle
sources and deep vertical discontinuities would have controlled the origin and emplacement of these
syenites and monzonites which crystallized around 2076 Ma, lately in the orogenesis evolution of the
Bacajá domain.

Bitencourt MF1, Nardi LVS1, Florisbal LM2, Heaman LM3 - 1Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do
Sul - Instituto de Geociências, 2Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Departamento de Geociências,
University of Alberta - Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

The Butiá Granite (BG) is a NNW- elongate intrusion of foliated sillimanite-muscovite-biotite granite
emplaced during dextral shearing within a post-collisional transcurrent shear zone in southernmost
Brazil. Textural relations indicate that sillimanite is mostly a liquidus phase, although the possibility of
some restitic crystals can not be ruled out. The host rocks are granulite-facies ortho and paragneisses
(peak metamorphism at ca. 650 Ma), as well as syntectonic intrusive syenites (ca. 640 Ma). Host-rock
xenoliths are abundant and may reach up to several metres in diameter. Leucogranites from the inner
part of the intrusion are coarser grained and weakly foliated, whilst at the borders they are finer grained
and more strongly mylonitic. Foliation is marked mainly by biotite and muscovite, with subordinate
prismatic sillimanite, and elongate aggregates of equant quartz and feldspar. The U-Pb ID-TIMS age
determined in monazites from these leucogranites is 629.2 ± 6.8 Ma. This value is in accordance with two
rim zircon spots of ~ 629 Ma obtained by LA-MC-ICP-MS, and is interpreted to be the crystallization
age. The Butiá Granite is peraluminous, with A/CNK varying from 1.1 to 1.4 independently of SiO2
increase, and shows high contents of K2O (4.5 to 6 wt%), which allows it to be included in the group
of cordierite-bearing peraluminous granites (CPG). The trace element composition is similar to
those of syncollisional peraluminous granites such as those from Tibet, Yunnan, and Cornwall. The
compositional variations within the Butiá Granite were modeled for major elements and explained
as controlled by magmatic-flow segregation and fractionation of assemblages dominated by biotite +
plagioclase + zircon. Saturation curves suggest that zircon crystallization started at about 750-7600C. It
is proposed that the Butia granite mineral assembly - sillimanite + biotite + muscovite + plagioclase + K
feldspar + quartz - correspond to crystallization of metapelite-derived melts at temperatures under 8500C
and pressures about 10 kbar, which explains the absence of cordierite and garnet commonly found in
such compositions. The BG isotopic dataset is rather homogeneous. It consists of whole-rock - 87Sr/86Sr(i)
(0.7178 to 0.7297), ϵNd(t) (-11 to -17), and Pb-Pb in K-feldspar - 206Pb/204Pbi = 17.5 - 19.3; 207Pb/204Pbi =
15.4 - 15.7; 205Pb/204Pbi= 37.8 - 39.2), all of them pointing to crustal sources. The model age of 2.00-2.03
Ga is compatible with inheritance LA-MC-ICP-MS age data of ca. 2.2 Ga obtained from zircon. The
regularity and consistency of such dataset, together with the narrow range of isotopes and inheritance
values for this granite points to a crustal source of high Rb/Sr and Sm/Nd ratios. This is reflected mainly
in high initial ratios, strongly negative ϵNd(t) and high TDM age values. The elevated Pb/Pb ratio values
are in agreement with crustal values, and together with the remaining isotope and geochronological data
point towards recycling of an old and homogeneous crust.

Mesquita MJ1, Bitencourt MF2, Chemale Jr F3, Picanço J1, Pimenta V1 - 1UNICAMP - DGRN, 2UFRGS -
Geologia, 3UNISINOS - Geologia

The Setuva Antiform is situated in the Ribeira Fold Belt, between the Apiaí and Curitiba terranes
at the Parana State, Brazil. It has been designated as gneiss-migmatites of the Atuba complex after
geochronological works without detailed mapping to discriminate these granitoids. This Antiform is
an E-NE striking elliptical structure separated from the Açungui Group by thrust to transcurrent zones
and divided in core and marginal zones. Its marginal, Santana-Bocaina Sequence, consists of mylonites-
phyllonites and quartz veins. In the core, Neo-Archaean porphyritic biotite granodiorites (PBG) are cut
by the Orosirian Água Comprida granites, and foliated mafic rocks. The PBG, the basement for Água
Comprida granite, occurs in the core’s southern and also as xenoliths in the Água Comprida granite.
PBG is monzogranite to granodiorite composed of feldspar porphyroclasts in a heterogranular fine
grained matrix. The main foliation marked by feldspar orientation is folded and a second foliation has
a mylonitic character. There are evidences of feldspar recrystallization inferring a amphibolite facies
metamorphism. PBG is a magnesian granite, medium to high K calc-alkaline, meta to peraluminous
with K2O/Na2O ratio between 0,47 to 1,0. BPM presents discordant zircons with and upper intercept
discordia age of 2952± 35Ma. The Nd model age is very close to the crystallization age (ca. 2.9 Ga),
suggesting a Neoarchean granite. The Água Comprida granite comprises three facies. Foliated, coarse-
grained porphyritic biotite syenogranite (PBS) is dominant and locally pass into a foliated porphyritic
amphibole syenogranite (PAS). Tabular bodies of fine-grained equigranular biotite syenogranite (EBS) cut
the PBS with diffuse and sinuous to lobate contacts. The PBS is composed of feldspar megacrysts, mainly
perthite in a coarse grained matrix. Megacrysts and mafic aggregates mark the main foliation. Ductile
shear zones mark the second deformation event. Both PBS and EBS display solid-state deformation,
and have biotite as mafic phase; titanite, allanite, apatite and zircon as accessory phases. The PAS has
sodic-amphibole and biotite as mafic minerals and a higher content of allanite and titanite. A parallel
alignment of biotite schlieren marks a PAS shape foliation variably developed. The main foliation is
tectonic and marked by deformed K-feldspar and plagioclase. Regarding FeO/(FeO + MgO) ratio, PBS
are ferroan to magnesian granites, while EBS and PAS are ferroan granites. In the K2O/SiO2 diagram the
Água Comprida granite is high K calc-alkaline, but in the FeO/(FeO + MgO) x Al2O3 diagram PBS has a
trend from calc-alkaline to A-type granites, while EBS and PAS has an A-type trend. All three are slightly
peralkaline to metaluminous with A/NK close to 1. In diagrams for tectonic discrimination (Nb+Y/
Rb), a trend from syn – post collision (PBS and EBS) to intraplate granite (PAS) is observed. The PBS
zircons yield concordant ages of 2165± 16Ma and 2186± 11Ma. The Água Comprida granite is part of
the Paleoproterozoic pos-collisional granitic intrusions, the dominant stratigraphic unit of the Setuva
Antiform, and have TDM ages and eNd (for t= 2.16 Ga) values between 2.40 and 2.43 Ga and -0.58 and
-2.63. The geochemistry and age data of the Agua Comprida granite suggests that only the PBG is part of
the Atuba complex.

Luchitskaya MV1, Sokolov SD1, Sergeev SA2, Kotov AB3, Natapov LM4, Belousova EA4, Katkov SM1
- 1Geological Institute - Russian Academy of Sciences, 2A.P.Karpinsky Russian Geological Research
Institute - Federal State Unitary Enterprize, 3Institute of Geology and Geochronology - Russian Academy
of Sciences, 4Macquarie University NSW 2109 - ARC National Key Centre, Faculty of Science, Dept EPS

Neoproterozoic granitoids are associated with metamorphic basement exposed on the Wrangel
Island. Metamorphic basement is represented by stratified Wrangel complex, composed of dislocated
metavolcanic, metavolcaniclastic and metasedimentary rocks. In the lower part of metamorphic rocks of
this complex there are conformable tabular bodies of foliated granitoids.
U-Pb SHRIMP zircon datings of granitoids are: 702±3 Ìà (N=20), 707±4 Ìà (N=25), 682±2 Ìà (N=60).
They indicate Neoproterozoic (Cryogenian) age of granitoids. Some zircons contain inherited cores,
for which following datings were obtained: 1.2, 1.01; 1.17; 1.44; >2.6 Ga. This data allow supposing
the presence of Neoarchean–Mesoproterozoic rocks in the basement of Wrangel Island and their
participation in the melting process during granite magmas formation.
Recently Paleozoic age of part of Central Chukotka granitoids was established for granite-gneisses in the
uplift structures (granite-metamorphic domes) of Anyui-Chukotka fold system.
We carried out geochronological studies of granitoids of Kibera massif, Kuul Uplift and Kuekvun’ massif
of the same name uplift of Anyui-Chukotka fold system. Kuul Uplift is stretched in WNW direction
along the East-Siberian Sea coast on 110 km with 15-30 km wide. In the central part of uplift terrigenous
Devonian and terrigenous-carbonate Lower-Middle Carboniferous deposits are located. They are
overlain with stratigraphical unconformity by terrigenous deposits of P2-T. Granitoids of Kibera massif
intrude Devonian deposits. U-Pb SHRIMP zircon datings are obtained for granites of Kibera massif
(357±4 Ma), granite-porphyre (352±4 Ma) and biotite granites from conglomerate pebbles at the base of
C deposits (359±3 Ma).
Kuekvun’ Uplift is stretched in latitudinal direction on 90 km and is 25 km wide. In the centre of uplift
metamorphosed D-C2 deposits are located. They are framed with stratigraphical contact by terrigenous
deposits of P2-T1. Metamorphic rocks include small (up to several tens of metres) bodies of light-
coloured granitoids, transformed in augen gneisses or granite-gneisses with “augens” of potassium
feldspar, plagioclase, quartz. Quartz syenites of Kuekvun massif have concordant age is 352±6 Ma (U-Pb
Affinity of granitoids of Kibera and Kuekvun’ massifs with I-type granites, their calc-alkalic and alkali-
calcic character, Nb-Ta minimum on spidergrams allow supposing their supra-subduction (continental
margin) origin.
Stated data confirm the existence of Late Paleozoic granitoid activity within Chukotka. Granitoid
complexes of D–C1 age are continued on the territory of Arctic Alaska, Yukon and Arctic Canada. D-C
boundary corresponds to the age of tectonic events of Ellesmerian orogeny in Arctic region. Structural
studies on Wrangell Island allowed establishing Ellesmerian deformations. All data indicate the
community of geological history in the framework of single block Chukotka-Arctic Alaska, transported
from the Arctic Canada region according to rotation hypothesis.
Work was supported by RFBR projects 13-05-00249, 14-05-00031, scientific school # NSh-2981.2014.5.

Teixeira MFB1, Dall’Agnol R2, Santos JOS3, Lamarão CN1 - 1Universidade Federal do Pará - Programa de
Pós-graduação em Geologia e Geoquímica, 2Instituto Tecnológico Vale, 3University of Western Australia
- Centre for Exploration Targeting

Three 1.88–1.86 Ga A-type granite suites are present in the Carajás province the major Archean crustal
segment of the Amazonian craton: Jamon (Rio Maria Domain), Velho Guilherme (Xingu region), and
Serra dos Carajás (Carajás Domain). These are anorogenic batholiths and stocks with geochemical and
petrological affinities with Mesoproterozoic rapakivi granite suites of Laurentia-Baltica. Besides these
three suites, in the northern part of the Rio Maria domain, the Seringa and São João (both ~ 1.89 Ga old)
granites were recently described. They are essentially composed of moderately reduced monzogranites
to reduced syenogranites, have A-type geochemical signature and display more similarity with the
granites of the Serra dos Carajás suite. However it is not defined yet if these granites belong to the Serra
dos Carajás suite or constitute an independent suite. In order to compare the Seringa and São João
granites with the Paleoproterozoic suites of Carajás, and verify possible differences in their sources, we
have made Nd whole-rock analyses of representative samples from the main facies of these granites. The
Seringa batholith has Nd concentrations varying between 60.09 and 83.89 ppm, and Sm contents of 10.25
to 12.99 ppm, show little variation in 147Sm/144Nd (0.093583 to 0.103112), TDM model ages varying from
2.86 to 2.91 Ga, and negative ϵNd (at 1880 Ma) values of -10.3 to -10.8. In the São João pluton, the Nd
concentrations are of 50.27 to 50.36 ppm, and Sm contents of 8.91 to 8.96 ppm. Variation in 147Sm/144Nd
(0.102908 to 0.107698) is also limited. The TDM model ages are slightly older (2.89 to 2.98 Ga) and ϵNd (at
1880 Ma) values show a larger range (-9.4 to -11.3) compared to Seringa granite. These data indicate that
the Seringa and São João magmas were derived from a Mesoarchaean source. Both the granites show
strongly unradiogenic initial Nd isotopic compositions indicating a long period of crustal residence time
for the sources of these rocks. These A-type granites show Nd isotope composition compatible with those
of other Paleoproterozoic suites from Carajás (TDM model ages 3.35 to 2.60 Ga; ϵNd values -12 to -8 at 1880
Ma). However, the Nd model ages of the Seringa and São João granites (2.86 to 2.98 Ga) approach more
those of Jamon (2.59 to 3.0 Ga) and Serra dos Carajás suites (2.61 to 3.23 Ga), and tend to be younger
than those of the Velho Guilherme suite (3.2 to 3.0 Ga). The ϵNd values for the studied granites are
strongly negative and constitute evidence that they derived from the Mesoarchean units of the Carajás
province in a similar way to the other anorogenic suites. This preliminary interpretation will be better
evaluated in the following by the refinement of U-Pb zircon ages using SHRIMP and acquisition of Lu-Hf
isotopic data in zircon, not only in the Seringa and São João granites but also in the three anorogenic
suites of the Carajás Province.

Basei MAS1, Castro NA2, Correa VX1 - 1University of São Paulo - Geoscience Institute, 2Santa Catarina
Federal University - geoscience Institute

The 1200km long Granite Belt (GB) represents the roots of a Neoproterozoic magmatic arc that occupies
the entire south-eastern portion of Brazil and Uruguay, comprising the granitic batholiths that occur
at SSE of Major Gercino (SC) - Cordilheira (RS) - Sierra Ballena (UY) Suture Zone. The Granite Belt
is the petrotectonic Internal Domain of the Dom Feliciano Belt being composed of Florianópolis (SC)
and Pelotas (RS) batholiths in south Brazil and Aiguá in Uruguay. Rouf pendants of metasedimentary
rocks are observed along the entire belt. The Florianópolis Batholith is made up of three major
unities: Aguas Mornas – strongly deformed orthomigmatites with basic-intermediate mesosomes
and felsic leucosomes; São Pedro de Alcantara – slightly foliated biotite (hornblende) granodiorites
to monzogranites with amphibolite to diorític mafic enclaves; Pedras Grandes – non deformed
equigranular to porphyritic pink syeno to monzogranites and felsic volcanics representing the youngest
igneous rocks related to the magmatic arc evolution. U-Pb zircon ages (SHRIMP+LAICPMS) spans
in the 640-590Ma interval with most close to 600 Ma. 87Sr/86Sr(i) around 0.710, moderately negative
epsilon Nd values ​​(-2 to -8) and zircon negative epsilon Hf values characterize the involvement of the
continental crust in the generation of Florianópolis Batholith. Positive zircon epsilon Hf values are
restricted to the Laguna Granite of the Pedras Grandes Suite being the first indication of Neoproterozoic
juvenile accretion in the entire Granite Belt. Sr, Nd and Hf isotopic values of the Florianópolis Batholith
points out a different signature when compared to the other domains of the Dom Feliciano Belt. Similar
conclusion can also be reached when the detrital zircon age pattern of its metasedimentary cover,
where 1.0-1.2 Ga zircon ages predominates, is compared with the regional supracrustal successions of
the Central Domain of the DFB (Brusque Belt). On the other hand considering the similarities between
the Granite Belt in South America and the western domain of Kaoko Belt (Skeleton Coast) in Africa,
a correlation between these domains can be made. It is proposed here that the Granite Belt has been
developed in the active margin of Angola and Kalahari cratons as a result of the eastward subduction of
the Adamastor Ocean oceanic crust. The resulting magmatic arc (Granite Belt) would be associated with
the evolution of the Kaoko, Gariep and Saldania belts of Southwestern Africa. Only during the Ediacaran
period the Granite Belt collided against the “South America” becoming part of the Dom Feliciano Belt.

Lopez de Luchi MG1, Martinez Dopico CI1, Rapalini A2 - 1Instituto de Geocronologia y Geologia Isotópica
(INGEIS) - CONICET, 2Instituto de Geociencias de Buenos Aires, - UBA-CONICET

Permian–Early Triassic granitoids cropping out between the villages of Nahuel Niyeu to the east and
Yaminué to the west, northeastern North Patagonian Massif can be separated into two groups: the oldest
at 280 Ma, the Early Permian Granitoids (EPG) and the youngest the 255- 245 Ma Late Permian- Early
Triassic Granitoids (LPETG) that are made up by several igneous complexes. The EPG, restricted to the
east of the area, are mostly undeformed and intrude a low grade basement. The LPETG are, in the east,
mostly undeformed and intrude Cambrian granites and in the west syn-kinematic sheeted intrusion
concordantly emplaced in medium grade metaclastic rocks of probably Devonian age or variably
deformed granites intruding either the sheeted granitoids or, the youngest, a very low grade metaclastic
unit (López de Luchi et al. 2010, Tectonophysics 494: 118-137, Rapalini et al. 2013 Terra Nova doi:
10.1111/ter.12043.). These granitoids are slightly metaluminous to weakly peraluminous (ASI 0.95-1.07)
and I-type, being EPG medium K calc-alkaline and LPETG high K calc-alkaline to alkalic-calcic. An
overlap in the wide concentration ranges of oxides, such as SiO2, CaO, MgO, Fe2O3 and TiO2 for EPG and
LPETG, with no discernable differentiation trends on Harker variation diagram, precludes the derivation
of one group from the other by differentiation following emplacement. At SiO2 65% EPG show higher
concentration of Na, Sr, Zr, lower Rb/Sr and a less pronounced Eu anomaly than the LPETG. Chondrite
normalized REE patterns varies from rather flat to moderately fractionated except for one sample of the
LPETG but there is an overall flattening towards more evolved granites. In petrotectonic plots both EPG
and LPETG are located in the volcanic arc field but the latter is closer to or either in the syn-collisional
the late orogenic fields. Significant differences appear when considering isotopic data (Martínez Dopico
et al 2011, JSAES, 31:324-341, Pankhurst et al. 2014, JGSL 171, 313-328). EPG exhibit homogeneous
composition, i. e. 87Sr/86Sri 0.704, TDM 1.2 Ga and epsilon Nd -3 whereas LPETG exhibit an ampler range
of 87Sr/86Sri from 0.7074 to 0.7097, TDM 1.4-1.5 Ga and epsilon Nd from -4.9 to -8.6. Major differences in
Sr-Nd isotopic composition and the great difference in Sr content suggest reworked basic sources (pre-
Early Permian oceanic lithosphere terranes) or mixing of basic magmas with crustal components for
EPG based on the low 87Sr/86Sri and slightly negative epsilon Nd. Coeval basic magmas are represented
by dioritic to monzodioritic enclaves or late stage very scarce dykes. LPETG source is rather uniform for
all the studied rocks. On the other hand the relatively low Rb/Sr, negative epsilon Nd and 87Sr/86Sri from
0.7074 to 0.7097 suggest a depleted lower crustal source Therefore there is a major change in the source
at ca 255 Ma. In the interval between 250-245 Ma a decrease in Sr, increase of the Eu anomaly and an
overall flattening of the REE patterns may suggest shallowing of the sources.

Gordilho-Barbosa R1, Souza Oliveira JS1, Barbosa JSF1, Hamilton MA2 - 1NGB - UFBA, 2University of

Gavião Block is one of the four Archean crustal segments that collided during the Paleoproterozoic.
There are post-tectonic granitoids associated with this Block and one of these is Salininha Monzogranite,
object of this work. This granitic body is located at approximately 50 kilometers NW of the city of
Brumado, state of Bahia, Brazil. In order to understand how the crustal evolution of the southern portion
of the Gavião Block occurred, the study of this rock’s mineralogy, lithogeochemistry and geochronology
becomes necessary.
This rock’s color varies from light to dark gray; it is homogeneous and does not show deformational
structures. It shows an abrupt, rectilinear contact with the gneissic enclosing rock and xenoliths of this
gneiss can be found in the granitic body.
This rock is composed by quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar and biotite, all these primary, as main minerals
and muscovite, epidote, zircon and opaques as accessories. The lithogeochemical studies for major,
minor, trace and rare earth elements revealed that this monzogranite is peraluminous and also shows
a strong negative Eu anomaly, indicating that the source of the magma that generated this rock is,
now, poor in plagioclase. These data were also used to help determining the tectonic environment of
formation of this igneous body as post-collisional.
The U-Pb (ID-TIMS) preliminary age of 1943±5 Ma, measured on zircon crystals, indicates that
this monzogranite was formed after the paleoproterozoic collision and this can be noticed by the
absence of deformational structures at the outcrops of this granitic body. Detailed geochemical and
geochronological studies will give a more precise idea about how the crustal evolution of this portion of
the São Francisco Craton occurred.

RenatoHP1, Janasi VA1, Martins L1, Carvalho BB2 - 1Universidade de São Paulo - Mineralogia e
Petrologia, 2Université du Quebec à Chicoutimi - sciences appliquée

The Agudos Grandes Batholith is a result of voluminous and long-lived (>615-565 Ma) granite
magmatism developed in the Apiaí Domain of the Ribeira Belt in SE Brazil. The largest volume of granite
was emplaced during the “syn-orogenic” period and is largely dominated by foliated metaluminous
high-K calc-alkaline granites (610±2 Ma; Ibiúna-type), with subordinate peraluminous leucogranites
(610± 1 Ma; Turvo-type) and allanite and titanite-rich biotite granites (608±5 Ma; Itapevi-type).
The Ibiúna-type hornblende-biotite granites span a wide range of SiO2 (63-73 wt.%) and are
characterized by high Mg# (usually, 40-50) and high Ba and Sr contents. REE patterns are fractionated
(LaN/YbN= 16-62); low Rb/Sr and U/Th ratios and the Sr-Nd-Pb isotope signature are indicative of
significant contribution from old lower crust. Their signature strongly contrasts with the Turvo-type
muscovite-biotite leucogranites, which intrude them and are have high SiO2 (73-75 wt.%), high U/Th,
and low Zr and LREE.
The Itapevi-type is fine-to medium-grained, equigranular to porphyritic biotite granites with abundant
allanite and titanite. These granites span a similarly large compositional range (60-74 wt.% SiO2), but differ
from the Ibiúna-type by their consistently lower Mg# (25-40) and Sr, and higher Ba/Sr, Zr, Hf, LREE and Th
at a given silica content. They have fractionated REE patterns, with a mafic equigranular sub-type enriched
in HREE (LaN/YbN= 25-96) when compared with a felsic sub-type (LaN/YbN= 7-37). A porphyritic sub-type
is petrographically similar to the Ibiúna type, and is distinguished by its lower CI (~8).
Major-element geochemical modeling shows that the felsic Itapevi cannot be derived from the mafic
Itapevi variety by fractional crystallization; the results show that fractionated melts do not reach high
values of SiO2 as observed in the Itapevi-felsic. A better fit is achieved by fractional crystallization of a
magma akin to Ibiúna-type and up to 18% assimilation of a metapelite; the presence of inherited zircons
with ~1.8 and 2.1 Ga is consistent with the budget of detrital sources in the Apiaí Domain.
The Itapevi mafic and porphyritic sub-types, which show evidences of interaction with a mafic magma
(e.g., mafic enclaves), can be modeled as resulting from mixing between the Itapevi felsic sub-type and a
basalt magma.
Heat flux provided by the intrusion of the Ibiúna granites resulted in low-degree (F~ 0.07-0.37) partial
melting of more fertile protoliths (metawackes) at shallower crustal levels generating the anatectic
peraluminous Turvo-type leucogranites.

Machado R1, Mcreath I2, Peucat J-J3, Philipp RP4 - 1UNIVERSIDADE DE SÃO PAULO - GEOLOGIA

The Serra dos Órgãos batholith in Rio de Janeiro occupies about 5,000 km2. Its exact age is still
uncertain, but it was probably intruded at about 570Ma during an extensional episode, part of the series
of events which comprise the Brasiliano Orogeny in SE Brazil, and which include later deformation,
metamorphism and granite intrusion during the interval between 630 and 480Ma. The main rock
types are biotite-hornblende monzogranite, and biotite leucogranite which may contain hornblende.
Small quantities of quartz diorite (mainly as enclaves), tonalite, granodiorite, aplite and pegmatite
are also present. The chemical compositions of the main facies are sub-alkaline (calcic and slightly
tholeiitic to mafic rocks and calc-alkaline to granitoids), medium- to high-K, and slightly to moderately
peraluminous. In detail, a number of chemical facies are separated on the basis of Rb and Ti+Zr+P
contents. The rocks are isotopically heterogeneous, as shown by Sr and Nd compositions which indicate
that crustal reworking of late Paleoproterozoic rocks was the dominant petrogenetic process, while
juvenile contributions were at most, very restricted. Geothermometry and geobarometry suggest that
most of the batholith solidified in the middle crust at about 750°C and between 5 and 5.5 kb. Based on
our data, these rocks should not be considered as part of the Rio Negro juvenile magmatic arc. On the
contrary, they are considered as recycling of older crustal material (Paleoproterozoic), as indicated by
isotopes of Sr and Nd.

Vlach SRF1, Gualda GAR2, Vilalva FCJ3, Garcia RP1 - 1Instituto de Geociências - Universidade de São
Paulo - Departamento de Mineralogia e Geotectônica, 2University of Vanderbilt - Department of Earth
and Environmental Sciences, 3Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - Centro de Ciências Exatas
e da Terra

Neoproterozoic “A-type” silicic provinces are widespread in continental Brazil. They were emplaced
during extensional regimes related to Gondwana amalgamation events. Specific petrological features
attest the recognition of two coeval “post-collisional” provinces in southeastern Brazil: Itu and Graciosa
Provinces. In the Graciosa Province, granites and syenites build several isolated plutons, plutonic and
volcano-plutonic complexes, emplaced in low crustal levels during a relatively short time interval, close
do ca. 580 Ma. Contemporaneous high-K gabbro-dioritic and dioritic rocks as well as some basic and
silicic volcanics occur in small proportions. A poor known charnokitic-like rock occur in at least one
pluton. The main granitic and syenitic series crystallized from high-T melts and are grouped in the
alkaline and aluminous petrographic associations.
The aluminous association is made mainly of metaluminous to slightly peraluminous biotite
(±hornblende) monzo- and syenogranites formed under variable oxi-red conditions. Relatively oxidizing
varieties (¦O2 close to the TMQAI buffer) bearing allanite, titanite, magnetite and ilmenite are largely
dominant over relatively reduced varieties (¦O2 close to que QFM) with allanite and ilmenite. Hypersolvus
metaluminous alkali-feldspar syenites, quartz syenites, and peralkaline alkali-feldspar granites
constitute the alkaline association, crystallized in relatively reduced environments (¦O2 » QFM). Syenites
present fayalite, Ca-pyroxenes and Ca- and Na-Ca amphiboles while Na-pyroxenes and Na- and Na-Ca
amphiboles are the main mafic minerals in the peralkaline rocks. Chevkinite and ilmenite (±magnetite,
titanite) are typical accessory minerals.
Late, contrasted hydrothermal alteration environments, styles and products characterize these magmatic
series. In general the late- to post magmatic crystallization stages in both associations followed
increasing oxidation trends and the late-formed minerals fill in miarolitic cavities and fractures as well
as appear intersticial to or substituting the primary phases. Typically, evolved peralkaline alkali-feldspar
granites develop an exotic “agpaitic” late- to post-magmatic HFSE- and REE-rich mineral assemblage,
while albite granites and a variety of greisens, some of them cassiterite-bearing, are related to biotite
granites, mainly of the relatively reduced types.
The main geochemical features of the Graciosa Province are akin to A-type provinces elsewhere. All
series are rich in alkalis; the relatively oxidized rocks of the aluminous series evolve from slightly
magnesian to typical ferrroan while the alkaline series as well as the relatively reduced aluminous series
are highly ferroan and Ca-, Sr-, and Ba-poor. As expected, the alkaline series are relatively enriched in
the HFS and RE elements; a remarkable positive correlation does exist between these elements and the
Agpaitic Index.
Available and incoming isotopic data (Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf) of typical rocks from the province point towards
contributions from sources relatively evolved. Even the gabbro-diorites and the hypersolvus rocks from
the alkaline association present crustal-like isotopic signatures and older, archean to paleoproterozoic,
Nd- and Hf-model ages. A “typical” mantle component has been characterized only in some 18O/16O
ratios measured in zircon crystals from samples of the alkaline association.
Although both OIB-like mantle- and crustal-sources must have contributed to the building of the
province, the details of the petrological processes, as well as the tectonics involved, are not clear enough
and need further improvements.

Janasi VA1, Andrade SA1, Vasconcellos ACBC, Henrique-Pinto R2, Ulbrich HHGJ1 - 1Universidade de
São Paulo - Instituto de Geociências, 2Université du Québec à Chicoutimi - Département des Sciences

Eight new in situ U-Pb zircon age determinations by Shrimp and MC-LA-ICPMS reveal that the main
granite magmatism in the São Roque Domain, which is largely dominated by high-K calc-alkaline
monzogranites with subordinate peraluminous leucogranites, occurred between 603±4 and 591±4
Ma. Importantly, this small temporal range is ca. 20-30 Ma younger than previously admitted based
on U-Pb TIMS dates from literature, some of which obtained in the same occurrences now dated. The
observed discrepancy seems related to the presence of small Paleoproterozoic inherited cores in part of
the zircon populations used for TIMS dating, which could also respond for the unusually high (up to 10
Ma) uncertainty associated with most of these ages. The younger age range now identified for the São
Roque granite magmatism has important implications for the evolution of the Ribeira Fold Belt. Whilst
previously admitted ages ca. 620-630 Ma substantiated correlations with the widespread and intensely
foliated high-K calc-alkaline granitoid rocks of the neighbor Socorro-Guaxupé Thrust Nappe (potentially
associated with an accretionary continental margin), the ~ 600-590 Ma interval seems more consistent
with a late deformation tectonic setting. Strongly negative ϵHf(t) characterize the magmatic zircons
from the São Roque Domain granites. An eastward increase from -22 in the São Roque Granite to -11 in
the Cantareira Granite and neighboring stocks suggests an across-domain shift in granite sources. Such
eastward younging of sources, also indicated by Sm-Nd isotope data from granites and supracrustal
sequences in neighboring domains, is suggestive that some of the first-order limits and discontinuities in
this belt are not defined by the strike-slip fault systems traditionally taken to separate distinct domains.
Although the negative ϵHf(t) and eNd(t) indicate sources with long crustal residence for all studied
granite plutons, the observed range is more radiogenic than the values calculated at 600 Ma for both the
Mesoproterozoic (1.5-1.8 Ga) passive-margin metavolcano-sedimentary sequences of the São Roque
Domain and their inferred Archean to Paleoproterozoic continental sources. Therefore, a contribution
from sources with less negative ϵHf(t) and eNd(t) is required to explain the observed range.

Maurer VC1, Alves A1, Campos Neto MC1 - 1Universidade de São Paulo

The Embu Terrane outcrops in the central Ribeira Belt, which is part of the Mantiqueira Province in
the southeastern of Brazil. The Terrane is characterized by a framework of basement orthogneisses
(Rio Capivari Complex) and meta-supracrustal rocks, intruded by old orthogneisses (0.82 Ga) and
voluminous granite occurrences (mainly in the interval 630-580).
Basement rocks are predominantly migmatitic with relict igneous textures and variable deformation
and partial melting degrees, with structure varying from gneissic to protomylonitic and leucosome
remobilizations associated with stromatic to diatexitic features.
Combined whole rock geochemistry, isotope, and U-Pb zircon geochronology results from basement
selected samples reveal a Paleoproterozoic sector defined by a magmatic event at ≈2.16 Ga, followed by
partial melting and metamorphism at 590-620 Ma, therefore synchronous to the main magmatic event
in the Embu Terrane, which might indicate that basement rocks contributed as a source component
to the granite magmatism. Rocks range from tonalite and granodiorite to granite (TTGs), with minor
intrusions of gabbros. They exhibit Magnesian signatures and are predominantly Alkali-calcic to Calc-
alkaline and metaluminous.
Nd isotopes indicate that migmatites were produced via reworking of Archean crust (TDM from 2.49 to
3.31 Ga), with the youngest component representing newly accreted, juvenile crust, as suggested not only
by the proximity between TDM and radiometric U-Pb zircon ages of a mesocratic tonalitic gneiss (2.49
and 2.43 Ga, respectively) but also by its markedly positive ƐNd(t) (+3.4) and ƐHf(t) (+4.6). More felsic
migmatites have Rhyacian ages (from 2.05 to 2.19 Ga) and show ƐNd(t) ranging from -7.4 to -2.5 which
combined with ƐHf(t) in the interval -48.1 to +4.2, suggests that these represent reworked crustal sources
of prolonged residence times. Amphibolites occur as boudins and represent intrusive basaltic dykes,
since TDM are much younger, ranging from calymmian (1.50 Ga - Mesoproterozoic) to tonian (0.99 Ga -
Chondrite normalized zircon chemistry reveals enrichment in light REE for rocks bearing larger
proportions of felsic neosome. Th/U ratios are higher for magmatic cores (0.07-1.59, with predominance
of higher values) compared to metamorphic overgrowths (mainly in the interval 0.007-0.049). All
samples are enriched in HREE in respect to LREE. However, magmatic zircons show progressively
steeper profiles compared to inherited and metamorphic crystals, as also denoted Lu/SmN ratios
average of 82, 34, 14, respectively. Chemical data suggest a complex evolutionary path, involving either
the preservation of Archean relict zircons during high-pressure anatexis or the entrapment of zircon
xenocrysts from the overlying rocks during the ascent of deep magmas. Metamorphic overgrowths
register a shallower process as indicated by lower Lu/SmN and higher oxidation (Eu/Eu* between 0.16
and 0.50, against 0.22-0.84, and 0.32- 0.72 observed for magmatic and inherited zircons, respectively).
These results identify a relatively pristine Siderian rock suite that holds the potential for future
investigation into the early evolution of continental crust in the Ribeira Belt.

Lisboa V1,2, Silva CC3, Conceição JA2, Rosa MLR4, Conceição H4 - 1Instituto Federal da Paraíba,
Universidade Federal da Bahia - Pós Graduação em Geociências, 3Universidade de Brasília,
Universidade Federal de Sergipe - Departamento de Geologia

In the northern portion of the Sergipano Orogenic System the Neoprotorozoic is characterized by a
widespread granitic plutonism. The studied granite occur in the Macururé Domain which is built up
mostly by garnet micaschists with minor marble and quartzites. On field, the Glória Norte Massif (GNM,
42 km2) truncates regional structures, and is composed of two main facies of hornblende-biotite-quartz-
monzonites, distinguished by the presence of porphyritic texture. The porphyritic rocks predominate.
Magmatic structures - such as feldspar and mica flow orientation - are preserved. There is no significant
evidence of solid-state deformation in the studied rocks. Mineral assemblages show conditions of
increasing fluid content in the magma during cooling (diopside, green hornblende and brown biotite,
followed by feldspar and quartz). The late-magmatic stage is represented by a fluid phase that changed
biotite into chlorite, formed white mica and carbonate, and changed feldspars in clay minerals. At
this same stage the recrystallization developed myrmequitic and perthitic textures, both commonly
observed in the porphyritic quartz monzonite. Mafic microgranular enclaves (MME) are abundant,
showing different sizes and shapes. Ellipsoidal enclaves are oriented according to the magmatic foliation.
Many magma mixture features are observed as - for example - crystals corrosion and dissolution,
compositional zoning of feldspars and agglomerates of mafic minerals. The fine granulation of the
enclaves indicates a rapid cooling of mafic magma bubbles due to temperature contrast with the host
felsic magma. In thin section, textures confirm the rapid cooling of the enclaves, such as apatite crystals
with acicular morphology that occur near the MME edges, marking the enclave interface bound with
the host rock. Geochemical data revealed that the GNM composition ranges from monzonite to granite,
with shoshonitic affinity. Enclave’s compositions range from monzogabros to monzonites, and may
be correlated to the ultrapotassic suits (MgO > 3 wt. %, K2O > 3 wt. %). Trace elements diagrams show
the enrichment of LREE relative to HREE, and strong negative anomalies of Ta, Nb, Ti, P, Sr, and Eu,
mostly in the enclaves. The average temperature calculated by Zr thermometers indicates that the onset
of MGN crystallization initiated between 810°C and 784 °C, and finished at 730°C - 700°C. The zircon
U-Pb SHRIMP age of 588 ± 5.2 Ma, places these magmas in the Ediacaran Period. These rocks are not
significantly affected by tectonic events and this age marks the occurrence of these alkaline magmas in
the Sergipano Orogenic System between 588 and 571 Ma. In the Pearce’s diagrams, the GNM rocks are
positioned in the field of post-collisional granites. However, we also observed a volcanic arc signature
in these same samples. The MMEs and minettes are associated with volcanic arc and syn-collisional
signatures, respectively. [Acknowledgments: CNPq/ FAPITEC/PRONEX].

Leite Jr WB1, Payolla BL2, Bettencourt JS3, Dias CAT4 - 1São Paulo State University, 2Eletronorte
Eletrobras S.A., 3USP - University of São Paulo, 4UNESP - São Paulo State University

The Rondonian-San Ignacio Province (RSIP: 1.56-1.30 Ga) is a composite orogen in Brazil (south
Rondônia and northwest Mato Grosso states) – Bolivia boundary constituted by successive accretions
of oceanic and continental arcs (1.56-1.34 Ga), microcontinent-continent collision (1.35-1.34 Ga), and
a post-collisional stage (1.34-1.32 Ga). 1.39-1.30 Ga non-deformed ferroan granites and charnockites
temporally related to the development of the RSIP are recognized in the Rondônia Tin Province: 1)
1.39 to 1.34 Ga: an older calc-alkalic and ferroan quartz-monzodioritic charnockite, and a younger
metaluminous to slightly peraluminous, potassic, alkali-calcic, ferroan granitoids and granitic
charnockite of the Alto Candeias Intrusive Suite (ACIS); 2) 1.38 to 1.37 Ga: metaluminous, hypersolvus,
alkalic, ferroan granitoids and associated rocks (syenites, monzonites, monzodiorites, and diorites) of
the Teotônio Intrusive Suite (TIS); and metaluminous to slightly peraluminous, potassic, alkali-calcic,
ferroan granitoids and associated rocks (quartz monzonites, monzodiorites, diorites, and hybrid rocks)
of the Santo Antônio Intrusive Suite (SAIS); and 3) 1.32 to 1.30 Ga: metaluminous to peraluminous,
potassic, alkali-calcic, ferroan granitoids and associated gabbro of the São Lourenço-Caripunas Intrusive
Suite (SLCIS). The geochemical data indicate that the granitoids of all suites are typically A-type
and within-plate granites (ACIS: A2 group and reduced; TIS: A1 group and reduced; SAIS: A2 group
and oxidized; SLCIS: A2 group and reduced and oxidized). These suites are interpreted to be related
to episodic underplating of mafic, iron-rich, mantle-derived magmas in an extensional regime and
within-plate tectonic setting. This view is supported by the presence of associated rocks such as diorites,
monzodiorites, diabase, and gabbros as enclaves, dikes, minor intrusions and mingled and mixing rocks,
as well as by the Nd composition values of granitoids (ƐNd = + 0.14 to + 2.56) at least in the TIS, SAIS
and SLCIS. The alkalic metaluminous granitoids and related rocks of the TIS were formed by fractional
crystallization of ferro-basalt parent magma, whereas the alkali-calcic metaluminous granitoids of the
SAIS, ACIS, and SLCIS were crystallized from anatectic melts derived from quartzo-feldspathic sources
in response to mafic underplating. The anatectic melts included important mantle source components at
least in the TIS, SAIS, and SLCIS.

Wang Y1 - 1China University of Geosciences, Beijing - School of Earth Science and Resources

A variety of types of data indicate that the subcontinental lithospheric mantle of the eastern part of
Sino-Korean Craton (SKC) has been dramatically thinned or lost during the Mesozoic. Here I propose a
comprehensive model to explain the reactivation of the eastern SKC during Mesozoic.
During the Late Triassic to the Early Jurassic, several alkaline and granitoid plutons intruded into the
southern and northern margins of the SKC. They represent the post-collision magmatism related to
the continental collisions. In the Middle and Late Jurassic, intensive compressional deformation and
widespread syn-kinematic and post-kinematic magmatism occurred in the eastern and northern margins
of the SKC. The thrusting and magmatic activities in the eastern margin were related to the subduction
of the Paleo-Pacific plate. The Middle and Late Jurassic contractional tectonism and extensive
magmatism occurred in the northern margin, and the acid magma with adakite-like geochemical feature
intruded in the southeastern and northern margins indicates the existence of over-thickened crust in
these regions.
The widespread magmatism occurred both in the margins and interior of the SKC during the early
stage of Early Cretaceous. The extensive acid magmatism with A2-type granite feature in the south,
southeastern and northern margins of the SKC suggests that the over-thickened crust had been fully
heated. The alkaline and/or high-Mg rocks intruded in the interior of the eastern SKC manifested the
decompression melting of the lithospheric mantle. The thinning of lithospheric mantle in the interior of
the eastern SKC was related to the contractional deformation along the margins, because the shortening
of lithosphere in the margin of a continent plate can trigger laterally flow and thinning of the lithospheric
mantle beneath the plate’s interior. After ca.125 Ma, the metamorphic core complex (MCC) with
southeast-northwest-direction shearing sense developed simultaneously in the southern, northern and
eastern margins of the SKC. The mantle-derived high-K magmas occurred in these margins exhibit
Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic signatures of the SKC’s lithospheric mantle. The simultaneously developing of MCCs
indicated the gravity collapse of the over-thickened crusts, and was related to the retreat of the subducted
Paleo-Pacific plate.
Based on these observations, a tectonic model of circum-craton collision driving is proposed for the
magmatism, tectonism and lithospheric thinning in the eastern portion of the SKC. The key points
include that, (1) the contraction along the margins of the SKC is the driving mechanism of the thinning
of craton’s lithospheric mantle; (2) the Mesozoic lithospheric thinning and transformation beneath the
eastern SKC developed gradually from its margins into the interior; (3) the Jurassic subduction of Paleo-
Pacific plate strongly influenced the lithospheric evolution of the eastern SKC, dehydration reactions in
the slab released fluids that significantly hydrated the root of the eastern SKC, changing the rheology of
the lithospheric mantle and causing significant hydration-related weakening; (4) the hydro-weakening
caused by pre-Triassic subduction of the Tethyan and the Paleo-Asian oceans only influences the mantle
beneath the southern and northern margin of the SKC, respectively, and did not trigger the wholesale
lithospheric thinning or loss in the SKC.

Souza Z1, Kalsbeek F2, Frei R2, Thrane K2, Deng XD3, Li JW3, Dantas EL4, Pimentel MM4, Silva DRV5,
Galindo AC1 - 1UFRN - Departamento de Geologia, 2GEUS - (2) Geological Survey of Denmark and
Greenland, 3China University of Geosciences - (3) Faculty of Earth Resources, Wuhan, 4UnB - Instituto
de Geociências, 5CPRM

This work deals with the origin and evolution of magmatic rocks in the area north of the Patos
Lineament in the Borborema Province (BP) of northeastern Brazil. Archaean rocks cover ca. 4.4% of
the exposed terrain. They were emplaced over a period of 700 Ma, with at least seven events of magma
generation, at 3.41, 3.36, 3.33, 3.19, 3.12, 3.03, and 2.69 Ga. The rocks are subalkaline to slightly
alkaline, with affinity to I- and M-type magmas; they follow trondhjemitic or potassium calc-alkaline
differentiation trends. They have epsilon Nd(t) of +3.36 to -6.18 and negative anomalies for Ta-Nb, P
and Ti, consistent with a convergent tectonic setting. Both subducted oceanic crust and upper mantle
(depleted or metasomatised) served as sources of the magmas. After a time lapse of about 350 m.y.,
large-scale emplacement of Paleoproterozoic units took place. These rocks cover about 47.3% of the
region. Their geochemistry indicates juvenile magmatism with a minor contribution from crustal
sources. These rocks also exhibit potassic calc-alkaline differentiation trends, again akin to I- and
M-type magmas, and show negative anomalies for Ta-Nb, Ti and P. Metasomatised mantle, resulting
from interaction with adakitic or trondhjemitic melts in a subduction zone setting, is interpreted to
be the source of the magmas. U-Pb ages indicate generation of plutonic rocks at 2.24-2.22 Ga (in some
places at about 2.4-2.3 Ga) and 2.13-2.11 Ga, and andesitic volcanism at 2.15 Ga. Isotopic evidence
indicates juvenile magmatism (epsilon Nd(t) of +2.9 to -2.9). After a time lapse of about 200 m.y. a
period of within-plate magmatic activity followed, with acidic volcanism (1.79 Ga) in Orós, granitic
plutonism (1.74 Ga) in the Seridó region, anorthosites (1.70 Ga) and A-type granites (1.6 Ga) in the
Transverse Zone (TZ). Early Neoproterozoic volcanism at 1091 Ma, and A-type plutonism, from 920
to 775 Ma, mark the intraplate magmatism in the TZ. In the Seridó Domain, the Late Neoproterozoic
registers several events of plutonism, at 600-591 / 575 / 560 / 543 / 525 and 515-510 Ma (pegmatites).
These rocks cover ca 15.8% of the area. The most important magmatic event is that at 575 Ma. It
coincides with the peak of widespread transpression and synchronous high temperature metamorphism.
The Neoproterozoic rocks are mostly calc-alkaline or transitional to alkaline. Inherited Archean
and Palaeoproterozoic zircons and Nd model ages, as well as moderate to strongly negative (-21 to
-9) epsilon Nd, and persistent negative anomalies for Ta-Nb, Ti and P indicate significant crustal
contributions in their genesis. While a convergent setting (subduction zone) could explain the Archaean
and Palaeoproterozoic units, this is not so for the Neoproterozoic rocks, since the latter mimic the
geochemical and isotopic features of the older sources. In the study area the peak of juvenile accretion
(mantle derived magmas) took place in the Archaean (3.4-2.7 Ga) and Palaeproterozoic (2.4-2.11 Ga),
whereas crustal recycling predominated in the Neoproterozoic.

Ferreira VP1, Sial AN1, Pimentel MM2, Armstrong R3, Guimarães IP1, Silva Filho AF1, Lima MMC1, Silva
TR1 - 1Federal University of Pernambuco - Department of Geology, 2University of Brasilia - Institute of
Geosciences, 3Australian National University - Research School of Earth Sciences

The Guarany pluton in the Pernambuco-Alagoas Domain, northeastern Brazil, is an example of

shoshonitic granite crystallized from remelting of mafic lower crust. This pluton consists of unfoliated
hornblende monzodiorite to biotite granite intrusive into orthogneisses, a few km south of the
Pernambuco shear zone, and is cut by diorite dikes and enclaves with field relationships suggesting that
they are co-magmatic with host granite. The granite contains biotite, amphibole, titanite, apatite, zircon,
magnetite, allanite and magmatic epidote as mafic phases, while the diorite contains amphibole, biotite
and epidote. UPb SHRIMP zircon ages are the same for the host granite and a diorite dike (573 ± 4 Ma)
confirming they are coeval. The rocks are rich in K (average K2O = 5.1%), Ba (average 1384 ppm), Sr
(average 451 ppm), and present low TiO2 (average 0.9%). Rb/Sr ranges from 0.19 to 1.1 and Th/U ratios
range from 5 to 16. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns and primitive mantle-normalized incompatible
element diagram are overlap for the two rock types. The latter shows strong enrichment in LILE,
depletion in HFSE, and negative spikes at U, Sr, P, Ti and Ta-Nb.
Magmatic epidote, amphibole chemistry, and zircon and apatite saturation geothermometers indicate
magma emplacement at high P (~7 kbar) and T (~900oC) conditions. Co-magmatic granites and diorite
have chemical and isotopic characteristics of crustal melts, such as enrichment in incompatible elements,
high back calculated initial 87Sr/86Sr (average 0.71253), and negative eNd(0.57Ga) values (average -14.58).
Values of d18O(zircon) from the granites are high and variable (~9- 11‰), show positive correlation
with whole-rock silica contents, which together with a hyperbolic curve formed by granite and diorite
in initial 87Sr/86Sr and Sr concentration space, are suggestive of hybridization between a lower crust
melt and intermediate crustal rocks, concomitant with its during fractional crystallization. Altogether,
the geochemistry and isotopic behavior are consistent with the hypothesis that the granite was formed
by partial melting of quartz-poor, long-term crustal residence (1.9-2.2 Ga) mafic lower crustal rocks,
probably triggered by decompression due to movements of deep shear zones, likely enhanced by
underplating of mantle-derived mafic magma.

Schwindinger M1, Weinberg RF1 - 1Monash University - School of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment

Hybridisation processes such as mingling and mixing of magmas, or assimilation of crustal material
by an intrusive magma, are key processes controlling the evolution of granitoids. The literature has
focused on the interaction between mafic and felsic magmas, with only little research on the interaction
between different felsic magmas. Here, we report features from the ~500Ma Delamerian Orogeny on
the south coast of Kangaroo Island where turbidites of the Kanmantoo Group have undergone extensive
anatexis. We show evidence for hybridization between intrusive granite sheets and in source products
of turbidite melting, mostly diatexites. Muscovite breakdown assisted by water-fluxed melting of the
turbidites resulted in a fine-grained, grey, granitic magma, which forms a schollen-rich diatexite. These
are intruded and by leucocratic, coarse-grained, K-feldspar megacrystic granites. Structures suggest that
the megacrystic granite intruded when the diatexite was still molten, and both become hybridized as
they were sheared together as magmas by oblique-dextral-thrust shear sense. The combination between
multiple intrusion events and shearing create multiple and different opportunities for hybridization,
explaining the extreme variability of magmatic rocks types. The most recognizable feature of the
process is the transfer of solids between the two end-member magmas: megacrysts from the granite are
transferred the fine-grained diatexite, and schollen and schlieren from the diatexite are transferred to
the megacrystic granites. We envisage a general process where a partial melted region forms a low-
viscosity trap, impeding the passage of external magmas. These intrude the anatectic zone, where they
raise the temperature and water content, triggering further in situ melting, and mix with the locally
produced anatectic melts. On Kangaroo Island, the protolith of both magmas is the Kanmantoo Group,
the diatexites being roughly in situ and the intrusive megacrystic magma being derived from deeper
sources. This process is possibly typical of crustal anatectic zone and could be equivalent to regions
where juvenile, mafic magmas intrude crustal migmatites. The outcrops on Kangaroo Island essentially
record a MASH zone, such as envisaged by Hildreth and Moorbath, with the difference that melting,
assimilation, storage, and homogenization involves only continental crustal magmas.
authors list

Accioly ACA PT.121 PT.094, PT.097,

Acosta-Vigil A K01, PT.022, PT.145, PT.148,
PT.037 PT.157
Aguilar C PT.127 Bastos Neto AC K17
Ahmad T PT.115 Batata MEF PT.076
Albert C PT.125 Batista LA PT.028
Alkmim F PT.122 Bayona G PT.063
Alkmim FF PT.032 Becchio R PT.045
Alkmin LA PT.029 Bégué F K07
Alves A PT.007, PT.008, Belousova EA PT.035, PT.155
PT.077, PT.164 Benetti BY PT.041, PT.043
Amorim JV PT.144 Besser ML PT.110, PT.152
Andersen T PT.009, PT.119 Bettencourt JS K17, PT.166
Andrade S PT.077 Bhattacharjee J PT.115
Andrade SA PT.163 Bhutani R PT.042
Anma R PT.078 Bitencourt MF PT.011, PT.025,
Antipin VS PT.012 PT.047, PT.049,
PT.070, PT.083,
Antonio PYJ PT.053, PT.100 PT.090, PT.091,
Antunes JV PT.071, PT.138, PT.153, PT.154
PT.149 Bley BBN PT.123
Aragón E PT.089, PT.102 Bongiolo E PT.129
Aravena A PT.074 Bora S PT.046, PT.103
Archanjo CJ PT.015, PT.063, Botelho NF PT.023
Bouilhol P PT.005
Armstrong R PT.006, PT.070,
PT.135, PT.151, Boulvais P PT.068
PT.169 Bout-Roumazeilles V PT.075
Assis RR K17 Bouziani D PT.035
Bachmann O K05, PT.074, Bowden P PT.035
PT.081 Bradshaw R K06
Bagdassarov N PT.096 Brasilino RG PT.121
Balakrishnan S PT.042 Buch T PT.110, PT.152
Baldim MR PT.146 Buglio F PT.074
Ballouard C PT.068 Buick I K01
Banik TJ PT.062 Buick IS PT.026
Barbosa JP PT.065 Bustamante C PT.063
Barbosa JSF PT.159 Campos BCS PT.014
Barbosa LDO PT.072 Campos Neto MC PT.097, PT.128,
Barreto GS PT.134 PT.164
Barros CE PT.065 Cardona A PT.063
Barros CEM PT.110, PT.152 Carley TL PT.062
Barros RF PT.041 Carvalho BB PT.002, PT.160
Bartoli O K01, PT.037 Cassini LV PT.087
Basei MAS PT.017, PT.064, Cassino L PT.126
authors list

Castro A K04, PT.067, PT.073, PT.130

PT.102 de Lima EF PT.064
Castro NA PT.157 De Oliveira DC PT.100
Cathelineau M PT.068 de Oliveira DS PT.064
Cayley R PT.059 de Sá J PT.121
Celino JJ PT.120 De Toni GB PT.011, PT.025
Cesare B K01, PT.037 Deering CD K07
Champion DC PT.131 Degruyter W K06
Chandrasekaran M PT.042 Delinardo M PT.004
Chemale Jr F PT.154 Della Giustina MES PT.139
Chen H PT.147 Deloule E PT.068
Chen JY PT.027 Demartis M PT.089
Chicharro E PT.016 Deng XD PT.168
Chopin C PT.075 D’Eramo F PT.089
Cioffi CR PT.001, PT.128 Desanois L PT.075
Cirrincione R PT.038, PT.099 Di Rosa M PT.075
Conceição H PT.069, PT.143, Dias CAT PT.166
Dingwell DB PT.019
Conceição JA PT.069, PT.143,
PT.165 Doublier M PT.131
Coniglio J PT.089 Dunkley DJ PT.085
Cooper KM K06 Durand C PT.075
Corrales F PT.122 Dussin I PT.111, PT.122,
Correa VX PT.157
Eby GN PT.095
Cottin JY PT.035
Ertel-Ingrish W PT.019
Couzinié S PT.005
Esmeris C PT.092
Cuadros FA PT.023
Farias DJ PT.149
Cuney M PT.068
Farias DJS PT.071, PT.138,
Cunha IRV PT.080 PT.144
Cury LF PT.097, PT.148 Farina F PT.024, PT.054,
Cutts K PT.024 PT.125, PT.127
da Costa Campos Neto M PT.145 Farrell TF PT.109
Da Silva FF PT.100 Feely M PT.109
Dadd K PT.116 Feio GRL PT.080
D’Agrella Filho MS PT.053, PT.100 Fernandes CMD K17
Dahlquist JA K12, PT.145 Fernandes KG PT.076
Dall’Agnol R K11, PT.080, Fernandes LAD PT.132
PT.156 Ferreira VP PT.120, PT.169
Dantas E PT.122 Ferri F PT.022
Dantas EL PT.023, PT.033, Fiannacca P PT.038, PT.099
PT.130, PT.168
Figueiredo C PT.122
de Brito MFL PT.137
Florisbal LM PT.047, PT.090,
De Campos C PT.060 PT.091, PT.153
De Campos CP PT.018, PT.019, Frei D PT.032
authors list

Frei R PT.168 Heaman LM PT.049, PT.153

Fuck RA PT.023, PT.123 Heilbron M PT.122, PT.124,
Fullea J PT.109 PT.129
Galindo AC PT.014, PT.108, Heilimo E PT.115
PT.113, PT.168 Heinonen A PT.009
Gapais D PT.068 Heinrich CA PT.037
Garate-Olave I PT.021 Henrique-Pinto R PT.163
Garcia Chinchilla DA PT.020 Hergt JM PT.003
Garcia MGM PT.048 Hermann J K01
Garcia RP PT.162 Higgins MD K14
Garcia-Arias M PT.031 Hogg C PT.109
García-Casco A PT.117 Hollanda MHBM PT.015, PT.066
Gastal MC PT.092 Horie K PT.085
Geraldes MC PT.076, PT.124 Huang HQ PT.052
Gerdes A PT.051, PT.125 Huber C K06
Gerhard NP PT.072 Hueck M PT.094
Ghiorso MS K07 Iguma B PT.106
Gil-Crespo PP PT.021 Iles KA PT.003
Golunova MA PT.036 Imaoka T PT.107
Gonçalves GO PT.026 Ishihara S PT.085
Gonçalves L PT.122 Jacobs J PT.114
Gordilho-Barbosa R PT.159 Janasi VA PT.002, PT.007,
Gravley DM K07 PT.008, PT.018,
PT.048, PT.049,
Greau Y PT.035 PT.077, PT.086,
Gregory T PT.070 PT.088, PT.093,
Gregory TR PT.047 PT.160, PT.163
Griffin WL PT.035 Janousek V PT.050, PT.051
Grosse P PT.133 Jellinek M K13
Gualda GAR K07, PT.162 Jeon H PT.079
Guillot F PT.075 Jercinovic MJ PT.001
Guimarães IP PT.006, PT.071, Jesus SSGP PT.106
PT.137, PT.138, Jiao SJ PT.052
PT.144, PT.149, Johansson Å PT.119
PT.150, PT.169
Jolivet M PT.068
Guo JH PT.056
Jorgensen H PT.114
Gutiérrez F PT.074, PT.081,
PT.098 Joshi KB PT.115
Halla J PT.115 Juliani C K17, PT.087,
PT.117, PT.134
Hamilton MA PT.159
Junges SL PT.030
Harara OMM PT.097, PT.148
Junho MCB PT.129
Hasalova P PT.044
Kalsbeek F PT.168
Hasalová P K03
Katkov SM PT.155
Hayasaka Y PT.103
Kent AJR K06
Hayek Valencia JN PT.022
authors list

Khromykh SV PT.010 Liu D PT.066

Kim N PT.046 Liu Y PT.098
Kimura K PT.103 London D K01
Klein EL K17 Lopez de Luchi MG PT.158
Knijnik D PT.070, PT.101 López de Luchi MG PT.034
Koester E PT.072, PT.101, Loureiro PO PT.101
PT.132 Lozano Fernández R PT.133
Konopasek J PT.050, PT.142 Luchitskaya MV PT.155
Kosler J PT.142 Ludka IP PT.130
Kotov AB PT.155 Ma C PT.098
Kruhl JH PT.082, PT.083 Machado FB PT.048
Ksienzyk A PT.114 Machado R PT.161
Kumar S PT.046, PT.103 Magalhães JTR PT.151
Kurhilla M PT.115 Magalhães Pinto V PT.070
Lafon JM PT.092 Maia ACS PT.015
Lages GA PT.121, PT.137 Mänttäri I PT.009
Lamarão CN PT.156 Marinho MM PT.026
Lana C PT.024, PT.026, Martinez Dopico CI PT.126, PT.158
PT.029, PT.032,
PT.054, PT.055, Martini A PT.011
PT.125, PT.126, Martins GG PT.135
PT.127 Martins L PT.048, PT.049,
Lanari P PT.075 PT.088, PT.160
Lange MBS PT.090 Martins T PT.021
Lara M PT.063 Matos JB PT.076
Lara P PT.116 Matteini M PT.033
Larjamo K PT.009 Maurer VC PT.164
Laurent O K09, PT.005, McNaughton NJ PT.070
PT.073 Mcreath I PT.161
Leite Jr WB K17, PT.166 Medeiros SR PT.130
Lewis C PT.059 Meira VT PT.117, PT.134
Li J PT.098 Melo GHC PT.106
Li JW PT.168 Melo MG PT.032
Li XH PT.027, PT.052 Mendes JC PT.018, PT.129,
Li Z PT.147 PT.130, PT.135
Lima A PT.021 Mercadier J PT.068
Lima GA PT.076 Mesquita MJ PT.154
Lima JV PT.071, PT.138, Miller CF K07, PT.062
PT.144, PT.149, Molina PG PT.098
PT.150 Möller A PT.001, PT.128
Lima MMC PT.169 Monteiro LVS K17, PT.004,
Lima RB PT.028 PT.106
Lins FAPL PT.108 Moraes R PT.001, PT.028,
Lisboa V PT.165 PT.041, PT.043
Lisboa VAC PT.069, PT.143 Morales Cámera MM PT.145
authors list

Moreira HS PT.055 Payolla BL PT.166

Moreno JA PT.084, PT.146 Pedrosa Soares AC PT.151
Moreto CPN K17, PT.004 Pedrosa-Soares AC PT.032, PT.060,
Morgan VI GB K01 PT.111, PT.122,
Morgavi D PT.019
Pereira GS PT.077
Moszumanska I PT.073
Pereira VP K17
Motta RG PT.041, PT.043
Perepelov AB PT.012
Moyen JF K09, PT.005
Perez CA PT.022
Muller MR PT.109
Pérez-Soba C PT.016
Muñoz Cruz R PT.102
Perugini D PT.019
Müntener O K10
Pesquera A PT.021
Murata M PT.133
Peucat J-J PT.161
Nakajima T PT.107
Philipp RP PT.064, PT.161
Nalini Jr HA PT.054
Picanço J PT.154
Nardi L PT.070
Pimenta V PT.154
Nardi LVS PT.025, PT.047,
PT.091, PT.153 Pimentel MM PT.030, PT.033,
PT.070, PT.072,
Narduzzi F PT.054 PT.101, PT.132,
Nascimento MAL PT.014 PT.168, PT.169
Natapov LM PT.155 Pinheiro MAP PT.151
Nédélec A PT.100 Pinotti L PT.089
Nogueira CC PT.124 Pinto CP PT.151
Novo T PT.111, PT.122 Poli S PT.037
Odgerel D PT.012 Polyansky OP PT.010
Okrostsvaridze A PT.013 Porcher CC PT.072, PT.101,
Oliveira CG PT.139 PT.132
Oliveira DC PT.053 Poujol M PT.068
Oliveira E PT.084 Pressi LF PT.086, PT.093
Oliveira EP PT.146 Qiu JS PT.140
Oliveira LD PT.132 Rabbia OM PT.058
O’reilly SY PT.035 Rai G PT.115
Orihashi Y PT.078 Raju S PT.103
Oriolo S PT.039 Rämö OT PT.009
Oyhantcabal P PT.039, PT.116, Ramos RC PT.132
PT.142 Rapalini A PT.158
Padilla AJ PT.062 Raposo MIB PT.092, PT.093
Pamukcu AS K07 Rath V PT.109
Paoli G PT.114 Recourt P PT.075
Parada MA PT.074, PT.081, Remaci-Benaouda N PT.035
PT.098, PT.120 Remusat L PT.037
Passarelli CR PT.017 RenatoHP PT.160
Pathak M PT.103 Reyes S PT.033
Payacan I PT.074 Rino V PT.103
Payacán I PT.081
authors list

Rocchi S PT.114 PT.097, PT.148

Rocha BC PT.001, PT.128 Silva AJC PT.106
Roda-Robles E PT.021 Silva CC PT.069, PT.143,
Rodríguez C PT.067 PT.165
Rosa MLR PT.165 Silva DRV PT.168
Rosa MLS PT.069, PT.143 Silva FF PT.053
Rosa PAS PT.040 Silva Filho AF PT.006, PT.137,
PT.138, PT.149,
Rosendo OSC PT.106 PT.169
Ruberti E PT.040 Silva LC PT.122, PT.151
Ruiz AS PT.076 Silva TJO PT.108
Słaby E K15 Silva TR PT.169
Safonov OG PT.036 Simões LSA PT.076
Saito S PT.105 Sirevaag H PT.114
Salazar C PT.061 Slaby E PT.018, PT.073
Santos EJ PT.123 Slama J PT.142
Santos GG PT.151 Smithies RH PT.131
Santos JOS PT.156 Sokolov SD PT.155
Santos L PT.006, PT.071, Sommer CA PT.064
PT.137, PT.138,
PT.144, PT.149, Somoza R PT.034
PT.150 Sousa IMC PT.139
Santos SSJO PT.070 Sousa MZA PT.076
Santos TJS PT.004 Sousa SD PT.004
Santos VV PT.138 Souza Moreira H PT.126
Sardi FG PT.133 Souza Neto JA PT.015
Sardinha AS PT.065 Souza Oliveira JS PT.159
Sato K PT.048, PT.148 Souza VO PT.113
Sawyer EW K02, PT.002 Souza Z PT.168
Schmitt R PT.135 Steenken A PT.058
Schofield A PT.059 Stein H PT.015
Scholz R PT.026 Stern R PT.049
Schorscher JHD PT.117, PT.134 Stevens G PT.029, PT.031,
Schrecengost K K06 PT.032, PT.054
Schwindinger M PT.170 Stokke HH PT.114
Semprich J PT.084, PT.146 Svancara J PT.051
Sergeev SA PT.155 Symington N PT.044
Sharma UK PT.046 Tajcmanova L PT.037
Shaulis B PT.049 Takahashi M PT.107
Shimura T PT.107 Tani K PT.085
Shinjoe H PT.078 Tartèse R PT.068
Siachoque A PT.061 Tassinari C PT.122
Sial AN PT.120, PT.169 Tatarinova DS PT.036
Siegesmund S PT.039, PT.094 Taylor D PT.059
Siga Jr O PT.017, PT.048, Tedeschi M PT.122
authors list

Teixeira MFB PT.156 PT.044, PT.045,

Terada K PT.103 PT.070, PT.072,
PT.089, PT.101,
Thrane K PT.168 PT.170
Tormey D PT.013 Wemmer K PT.039
Torres-Ruiz J PT.021 Wiebe RA K08
Toselli AJ PT.120 Wilde SA PT.147
Toselli JR PT.120 Williams IS PT.079, PT.099
Trindade RIF PT.100 Wolfram L PT.045
Trubac J PT.051 Woodhead JD PT.003
Tsygankov AA PT.010 Wu FY PT.141
Tubia JM PT.089 Wu YB PT.136
Tupinambá M PT.129 Xavier RP K17
Ulbrich HHGJ PT.163 Xu X PT.147
Ulmer P K10 Yamasaki T PT.112
Valencia V PT.063 Yamato P PT.068
Valeriano CM PT.129 Yang JH PT.027, PT.057,
van Reenen DD PT.036 PT.118, PT.136,
Van Schmus WR PT.006 PT.141
Varlamov DA PT.036 Yapaskurt VO PT.036
Vasconcellos ACBC PT.048, PT.163 Yi K PT.046
Vasconcelos PM PT.066 Zaffarana CB PT.034
Velasquez M PT.061 Zak J PT.051
Vennemann T PT.068 Zambroni NE PT.089
Verma SK PT.146 Zeh A PT.005, PT.073
Vervoort V PT.063 Zhang JH PT.141
Vieira R PT.021 Zhang Y PT.027, PT.118
Vignol-Lelarge ML PT.132 Zhao JL PT.140
Vilalva FCJ PT.014, PT.162 Zhu K PT.147
Villaros A PT.005 Zhu YS PT.057
Villaseca C PT.016
Vlach SRF PT.020, PT.088,
PT.097, PT.162
Vladimirov A PT.010
Vozar J PT.109
Waichel B PT.090
Waight TE PT.119
Walle M PT.037
Wang H PT.136
Wang LJ PT.056
Wang Q PT.096
Wang RQ PT.140
Wang Y PT.167
Weinberg RF K03, PT.011,

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