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The League of Nations – History task

a) What were the main purposes for the existence of the League of Nations in
Wilson’s words?
The main purpose of the League of Nation for Wilson, was a new world order based on peaceful
relation between states. Far this was the League an international organization that would peace and
justice for all.
b) Is the League of Nations the very Wilson’s 14th point?
c) Was the vote inside The League usually asked to be unanimous in the assembly?
d) Howe many countries joined the League at its very beginnings?
63 total countries
e) Was an International Court associated to the League of Nations?
Yes, it was
f) What kind of so-called “mandates” existed?
Yes, there were tree classes of mandates. Class A, the most advanced, Class B to more develop
German-Africans colonies and Class C less develop colonies in Africa and the Pacific
g) Mention the three branches (or organs) of the League: (7’)
1-Permanent secretariat
2-The Assembly
3- Council
d) Was the veto allowed in the decisions of the Council?
Yes, it was allowed
h) Who was the leader of the so-called “reservationist”?
Henry Cabot lodge
i) The “reservationist”...What did they want?
Supported the idea of the League of nations but with major modifications
j) Did Wilson allow any amendment upon the Treaty of Versailles and League of
k) Did Wilson succeed?
No, Wilson had been beaten after he died
l) What was the major concert for the Brits politics regarding the League of Nations?
m) What wanted Japan entering the League of Nations?
Formalize Japanese control
n) Was Argentina among the League of Nations?
o) What were the successes of the League of Nations?
End war, introduce protocols and organization, overseen global health and establishing intellectual
cooperation and communication

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