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Applied Surface Science 273 (2013) 192–198

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Experimental study of corrosion behavior for burnished aluminum

alloy by EWF, EBSD, EIS and Raman spectra
Lv Jinlong, Luo Hongyun ∗ , Xie Jinpeng
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Xueyuan Road 37, Beijing, 100191, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The effect of burnish process on 2024 aluminum alloy was studied by electron work function and electron
Received 16 September 2012 backscattered diffraction (EBSD). Moreover, the corrosion resistance of thin passive films formed on 2024
Received in revised form 1 February 2013 aluminum alloy in borate buffer solutions was studied by the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
Accepted 2 February 2013
(EIS), the Mott–Schottky plots and the galvanostatic techniques. The composition of passive films was
Available online 10 February 2013
analyzed by Raman spectra. The results obtained indicated that the impedance increased due to burnish
and this was attributed to decreased electron work function and higher current efficiency in the burnished
aluminum alloy which led to thicker passive films. It was further supported by Raman spectra experiment.
Electron work function
Electron backscattered diffraction
Moreover, the donor and acceptor concentration of passive films and their the semiconductor type have
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy changed due to burnish.
Raman spectra © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction composition of passive film [6]. Therefore, it is also crucial and sig-
nificant to understand the relationships between EWF and grain
The severe surface plastic deformation was used to refine grain size and corrosion behaviors. It was theoretically demonstrated
and improve corrosion resistance. However, its effects on corrosion that roughness could decrease the average EWF but increase the
resistance were contradictory. The refine grain could improve and fluctuation of the local EWF which could promote the formation of
decrease corrosion resistance. Meng et al. [1] showed that the cor- microelectrodes and, therefore, accelerate corrosion [6]. It was also
rosion resistance of aluminum film with grain size of about 400 nm revealed that the corrosion rate of Cu increased with an increase in
was significantly improved compared with that of pure coarse grain surface roughness, whereas its surface EWF accordingly decreased
aluminum in NaCl containing acidic solution. Moreover, a dense [7,8].
passive film was formed on modified nanocrystalline layer of 2024 As mentioned above, the serious plastic deformation affects
aluminum by mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) [2]. While grain size which will affect the work function. The work function
Barbucci et al. [3] found a deteriorated protective properties of the must affect electrochemical impedance and semiconductor prop-
oxide film on the nanostructured alloy in neutral chloride solu- erties of passive film on the surface of burnished samples. There is
tion and proposed sintering defects and increased amount of grain little research in this aspect, therefore, from the point of view of
boundary in the nanostructured alloy resulted in the deterioration. fundamental and applied studies, it is very necessary to investigate
Moreover, decreasing the grain size of pure titanium further down EWF, grain size and corrosion resistance of burnished aluminum
to 90 nm using hydrostatic extrusion did not result in any signifi- alloy and the their relationship.
cant change in the corrosion resistance [4]. In addition, the texture
significantly affected the corrosion behavior [5]. Sample with the 2. Experimental procedure
most densely packed crystallographic plane parallel to the surface
was found to offer the highest corrosion resistance, regardless of 2.1. Materials preparation
their grain size [5].
It was well recognized that the corrosion processes and mech- The material used in this paper is 2024 aluminum alloy with
anism were strongly associated with surface electronic structures a chemical composition as follows: (wt.%): Cu 3.8–4.9, Mg 1.2–1.8,
such as electron work function (EWF), the grain size and chemical Mn 0.3–1.0, Zn 0.25, Cr 0.1, Fe 0.5, Si 0.5 and balance Al. The burnish
process is performed through a cylindrical-ended PCD tool accord-
ing to ref [9]. The schematic illustration of the burnish device is
∗ Corresponding author at: Tel.: +86 10 82339905; fax: +86 10 82317128. shown in Fig. 1a. The diameter of the sample is 46.6 mm. A is as-
E-mail addresses: (L. Jinlong), (L. Hongyun). received sample, while the B and C samples are burnished. The tool

0169-4332/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L. Jinlong et al. / Applied Surface Science 273 (2013) 192–198 193

rotational speed is 3000 rpm and the burnish depths are 15 ␮m anodising, anodic charging curves were recorded in 100 ␮A cm−2
for B sample 60 ␮m for C sample, respectively. Fy is 8.87 N and Fz for 200 s. Then, the EIS at OCP was used to determine the charac-
−1.35 N for B sample, while Fy is 9.74 and Fz is −1.64 for C sample, teristic sizes of oxide films formed anodically on the samples. The
respectively. Therefore, the burnish force of B sample is higher than equivalent circuit model and ZsimpWin software were utilized to
that of C sample. fit the Nyquist plots of all the samples.

2.2. SKP measurements 2.5. Raman measurement

The EWF was measured using a scanning Kelvin probe (SKP) sys- Raman measurements were performed using a Jobin Yvon
tem, which was provided by the KP Technology Ltd. (Caithness, UK). (Laboratory RAM HR800) confocal micro-Raman spectrometer
The measurement was performed on the as-received and burnished backscattered geometry through a 10 × (NA = 0.25) microscope
samples through Nanoman VS atomic force microscope. In the sur- objective. Ar+ laser emitting at a wavelength of 514.5 nm was
face potential model, the potential distribution in 5 × 5 ␮m2 area used as a source of excitation (5.5 mW laser power available at
was obtained. Prior to SKP measurements, samples were polished sample). The number of grating in the Raman spectrometer was
with #3000 sand papers. 1800 grooves/mm. The scattered light was analyzed with a Dilor
XY triple spectrometer and a liquid-nitrogen-cooled CCD multi-
2.3. EBSD measurements channel detector with the accuracy better than 1 cm−1 . The Raman
band of a silicon wafer at 520 cm−1 was used to calibrate the
EBSD scans were conducted on the X (the axis of bar) - Z (bur- spectrometer. The Raman spectra were recorded in the range of
nish direction) section in ZEISS ULTRA 55 field emission gun SEM, 200–1300 cm−1 and were collected three points of each sample for
equipped with an HKL Technology Channel 5 EBSD detector. The reproducibility.
area mapping for the tested samples was 165 ␮m × 124 ␮m with
a step size of 0.35–0.4 ␮m, operating at an accelerating voltage of 3. Results and discussion
20 kV.
3.1. Characterization of surface layer
2.4. Electrochemical measurement
Fig. 2a–c exhibit three-dimensional surface potential of A, B
For electrochemical experimental purposes, the hole was drilled and C samples. Each point value is fluctuant due to polishing with
on the reverse side of burnish surface. Then the insulated cop- sand papers. Fig. 2d illustrates the change trend of the EWF due to
per wires were inserted into all the samples which act as working burnish. The EWF decreases dramatically due to the plastic defor-
electrodes due to difficulty in aluminum alloy welding. The work- mation, and then the EWF decreased slightly with the increasing
ing electrodes were embedded in epoxy resin with an exposure of burnish force. Some studies showed the EWF could change due
area of 1.0 cm2 in Fig. 1b. The electrochemical cell employed in to grain orientation [10] and strain [11]. The texture was shown to
this study was made of glass beaker with the three electrodes. significantly affect the EWF and sample with close packed plane for
Very high density graphite and a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) FCC metal was found to offer the lowest value of EWF [10]. However,
were used as the counter and the reference electrodes, respectively. at present the mechanism of EWF change has not been completely
The electrochemical measurements were performed using 660B understood and some results were even controversial. For exam-
model (CHI company) controlled by a PC. Before each experiment, ple, Song et al. [7] found a decrease in EWF with surface roughness,
the samples were polished with silicon carbide papers up to 3000 while Beierlein et al. [12] observed an increase in EWF at the rough
grit finish and then rinsed in doubly-distilled water and imme- surface induced by surface treatment of oxygen plasma.
diately immersed in borate buffer solution (0.5 mol dm3 H3 BO3 The quantification of low angle grain boundary (marked LAGB
and 0.05 mol dm3 Na2 B4 O7 ·10H2 O; pH 7.8). The electrochemical with misorientation angle in range of 1.5–15◦ ) and high angle grain
impedance spectroscopy (EIS) at open circuit potential (OCP) was boundary (marked HAGB with misorientation angle >15◦ ) are listed
performed in a wide frequency range, from100 kHz to 0.1 Hz, with in Fig. 3a–c. It can be seen that the volume fraction of LAGB increases
ac voltage amplitude of 5 mV. To examine oxide film growth on as- due to the burnish and higher burnish force. It indicates the disloca-
received and burnished samples under conditions of galvanostatic tions generate during burnish process. After burnish process many

Fig. 1. (a) Sample reference system in burnish and sample cut diagrammatic sketch for electrochemical measurement. (b) Schematic diagram of sample for electrochemical
194 L. Jinlong et al. / Applied Surface Science 273 (2013) 192–198

Fig. 2. Three-dimensional scanning image of potential at the surface of (a) A, (b) B and (c) C; (d) variations of the EWF of the samples with respect to burnish process.

grains were refined. The grain size of C sample is slightly smaller Nyquist plots are illustrated in Fig. 4a which shows the partial semi-
than that of B sample, except for slightly more area which is not circle Nyquist plots of A, B and C in the aerated borate buffer solu-
indexed (Green area). Apparently the more dislocation will help tion. It can be noticed that the Nyquist plots are depressed semicir-
to refine grain and reduce the surface work function of burnished cles. However, the semicircle diameters are different. The increase
samples. Therefore, it is necessary to study the effect of changed in capacitive semicircle due to burnish and higher burnish force is
EWF due to refine grain by burnish process on corrosion resistance related to thickening or compactness and stability of oxide film [14].
by electrochemical techniques. Several models of circuits to fit these experimental data were
attempted. The best agreement between experiment and fitting
3.2. The electrochemical analysis results was circuit shown in Fig. 4a. The equivalent electron cir-
cuit with one time constant was more suitable in the present study
3.2.1. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and the according to Bode plots in Fig. 4b. It included a solution resistance
Mott–Schottky analysis Rs, constant angle element (CPE) and the charge transfer resistance
Generally, to determine the stability of the passive film, the EIS Rt in Fig. 4a.
is carried out by the Nyquist plot. In this plot, the real impedance is The maximum value of polarization resistance in Fig. 4c coin-
plotted vs. the imaginary impedance at each frequency. As the fre- cides with the minimum EWF in Fig. 2d. Taking into account similar
quency increases, the impedance of the capacitor decreases [13]. grain size due to burnish in Fig. 3b and c and comparing Fig. 4c
For this purpose, all the samples were passivated at the OCP for and Fig. 2d, it may be concluded that the effects of EWF and grain
24 h, just at which the impedance spectra were measured. Typical size on corrosion resistance are very important in the present test

Fig. 3. Frequencies of low angle grain boundaries  < 15◦ (blue lines) and high angle grain boundaries (black lines) for (a) A, (b) B and (c) C samples, respectively. (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
L. Jinlong et al. / Applied Surface Science 273 (2013) 192–198 195

Fig. 4. (a). Nyquist plots for samples in borate buffer solution after 24 h stabilization at the OCP for A, B and C samples in borate buffer solution and equivalent circuit
proposed. (b) Bode plots for samples in borate buffer solution after 24 h stabilization at the OCP for A, B and C samples in borate buffer solution. (c) The dependence of Rt on
burnish process. (d) Anodic potentiodynamic curve of all the samples in borate buffer solution (pH 7.8). Scan rate, 0.00167 V s−1 .

conditions. Fig. 4d contains representative potentiodynamic curves study. The sweeping rate was fast enough to satisfy the assump-
of different burnish processes. When the potential changes in the tion of “frozen-in defect structure” for the Mott–Schottky theory
anodic direction, the examined samples show increased current [21], and hence the defect density of the passive film should not be
with the occurrence of a current peak. Polarization behavior shows affected by the change of applied potential. The capacitance values
different corrosion current icorr , passive current ipass and corrosion were calculated from C = (−Zim 2f)1 , where Zim was the imaginary
potential Ecorr. In general, the burnished samples have the lower part of the impedance and f was the frequency which was 1000 Hz
icorr , ipass and higher Ecorr. The higher burnish force decreases icorr in the present study.
and ipass and improves Ecorr. Fig. 5a shows the effect of burnish process on the Mott–Schottky
There was no doubt about that the improved corrosion resis- plots of the samples after 24 h at OCP in the aerated borate buffer
tance of burnished sample was correlated with its semiconducting solution. It shows the passive film on A sample is n-type semi-
properties of passive film [15]. The most common in situ method conductor (with positive slope in the Mott–Schottky plot) in the
for probing these conducting properties of passive films was the solution. While the passive films on B and C samples are n-type
Mott–Schottky plots of the electrode capacitance vs. potential semiconductor (positive slope in the Mott–Schottky plot) and p-
dependence. It has been shown [16,17] that in high frequency type semiconductor (negative slope in the Mott–Schottky plot) in
domain, the Mott–Schottky approach can be a good tool for char- the same solution. The donor and the acceptor concentrations in
acterizing the semiconducting properties of passive films. the passive film calculated from the slopes are presented in Fig. 5b.
According to the Mott–Schottky theory, the space charge capac- It is clear that the dopant concentration in A sample is higher than
itances of n-type and p-type semiconductor were given by the those in B and C samples and dopant concentration in B sample is
following the Mott–Schottky relationships (1) and (2), respectively, higher than that in C sample.
assuming that the capacitance of the Helmholtz layer could be According to the point defect model [22], the movement of point
neglected [18]: defects, such as cation vacancies (acceptor) and oxygen vacancies
(donor), through anodic oxides films on metals, contributed to the
2 KT
C −2 = CH−2 + CSC
= (U − Ufb − ) (1) formation and dissolution of the passive films. The electrochemical
εS ε0 qND e
reactions at the aluminum/oxide film interface could be written
−2 KT [23]
C −2 = CH−2 + CSC
= (U − Ufb − ) (2)
εS ε0 qNA e
  3 2+
Al(m) = AlAl(ox) + V (OX) + 3e (3)
where ε0 is the vacuum permittivity 8.854 × 10−12 Fm−1 , ε is 2 O
the dielectric constant of the sample, q is the electron charge
1.6 × 10−19 C , K is the Boltzman constant 1.38 × 10−23 JK −1 , ND Al(m) + VAl (OX) = AlAl (OX) + 3e (4)
and NA are the donor or acceptor density, respectively, T is the abso-
lute temperature and Ufb is the flatband potential. KT/q is neglected where Al(m) is the aluminum atom in the regular metal site;
as it is only about 25 mV at room temperature. From the slope and AlAl (OX) is the aluminum atom in the regular site of oxide film;
the intercept of linear plot zones, the donor and acceptor densi- VO2+ (OX) is the positively charged oxygen vacancy in the oxide film;
ties and the flatband potential can be determined, respectively. e is the electron and VAl (OX) represents the negatively charged alu-
The dielectric constant εs is assumed as 10 for the passive films minum vacancy in the oxide film. The field-assisted reactions at the
on aluminum oxide [19]. Sikora et al. [20] pointed out that the oxide film/solution interface are given by
defect structure was “frozen-in” at a sufficiently high sweep rate. So
the potential sweeping rate was selected to be 50 mV/s in present H2 O + Vo2+ (OX) = OO (OX) + 2H + (aq) (5)
196 L. Jinlong et al. / Applied Surface Science 273 (2013) 192–198

Fig. 5. (a) The Mott–Schottky plots for A, B and C samples in borate buffer solution after 24 h stabilization at the OCP (b) The dependence of donor and acceptor concentration
on burnish and burnish force.

2 3− diameter of the capacitive loop increases due to burnish and higher

H2 O = OO (OX) + V (OX) + 2H + (aq) (6)
3 Al burnish force. The equivalent electron circuit with one time con-
3− stant was suitable in the present study according to Bode plots in
AlAl (OX) = Al3+ (aq) + VAl (OX) (7)
Fig. 6c. The model of circuit to fit these experimental data is also
where OO (OX) is the oxygen ion in the regular site of the oxide film, used in Fig. 4a. In mathematical analysis of impedance diagrams
H + (aq) is the hydrogen ion in the aqueous solution and Al3+ (aq) the constant phase element, CPE, is used instead of an ‘ideal’ capac-
represents the aluminum ion in the aqueous solution. itor to account for the deviations observed as capacitive loops are
The relationship between passive film stability and semicon- depressed. The impedance, ZCPE of CPE is described by the expres-
ductor property was as yet not universally acknowledged. Della sion [30]:
Rovere et al. [24] suggested that the low value of concentrations of n −1
ZCPE = [Q (jω) ] (8)
the donor and the acceptor lead to the formation protection against
corrosion. Moreover, Zhang et al. [25] suggested that the p-type film After the values are deduced from the equivalent circuit, the
could possess a relative higher stability. Although it was suggested capacitance C related to the CPE (Q) can be calculated by the fol-
that n-type semiconductor in which oxygen vacancies were exces- lowing equation [31]:
sive as major carriers facilitated oxygen anions migration, resulting
in the further thickening of the passive film in A sample. How- (QR)1/n
C= (9)
ever, the cation vacancies in B and C samples could facilitate metal R
cation migration from the metal/oxide film interface to the oxide where the Q is a constant phase element, n is the exponent of the
film/solution interface then a new layer of oxide formed at oxide Q, The thickness increase is formulated according to EIS data of the
film/solution interface [25], which improved corrosion resistance oxide layer, using the relation as follows [32]:
of the sample. In short, burnish process and higher burnish force εε0 A
improved corrosion resistance, which was proved by the results of d = (10)
the EIS and the Mott–Schottky plots.
where A is the effective area.
The values of a constant phase element (approximately
3.2.2. Current efficiency analysis
inversely proportional to thickness of passive films) decrease after
It was well known that anodizing could improve protec-
anodic charging due to burnish and higher burnish force in Fig. 7a.
tive property of aluminum. This was because that oxide layers
The charge transfer resistance and passive film thickness increase
were formed, which provided greater resistance to the charge
after anodic charging due to burnish and higher burnish force in
passing through metal/oxide/electrolyte interfaces [26,27], when
Fig. 7b, c, respectively. It can be seen that passive film thickness
aluminum was anodized. Anodic film growth mechanism of alu-
and polarization resistance in Fig. 4d increase due to the burnish
minum and aluminum alloys in borate buffer solution has been
and higher burnish force.
studied by means of anodic charging and impedance techniques
Oxide films can be also formed by counter migration of Al 3+ and
[28,29]. Impedance measurements provided an insight into the
O2− ions through the film thickness under the high electric field.
characteristic sizes of oxide films. Therefore, the current efficiency
The thickness of oxide layer increases because anodic oxidation
in the formation of the oxide film could be calculated.
was measured using the relation as follows
The anodic charging curves for A, B and C samples in the borate
buffer solution are shown in Fig. 6a. The obtained results indicate Mq
dcharge = (11)
linear increase of potential with time for all the samples. The slope zF
of the potential with time in A sample is higher than those in B where  is the oxide density, M is the molecular mass of oxide, z is
and C samples and the slope of the potential with time in C sample the number of electrons used up in the anodizing process, F is the
is higher than that in B sample. The rate of potential increase with Faraday constant and  is the roughness factor. Using data in ref
time represents the rate of oxide formation [28]. Therefore, the rate [28], the oxide film thickness is calculated.
of oxide film formation also increases due to burnish and higher Current efficiency has been determined by comparing the oxide
burnish force. film thickness as determined by capacity measurements to that
After anodization for 200 s and after reaching a certain potential determined by the quantity of charge used up per surface unit dur-
and the impedance measurements were performed after 30 min ing the anodising process [33]. Therefore, the current efficiency
at the OCP. Fig. 6b shows the Nyquist plots for A, B and C sam- could be given by the following the relationship
ples obtained after anodic current is switched off. It is clear that
the semicircle in A sample is lower than those in B and C sam- = (12)
ples and semicircle in B sample is lower than that in C sample. The dcharge
L. Jinlong et al. / Applied Surface Science 273 (2013) 192–198 197

Fig. 6. (a) Anodic charging curve of the A, B and C samples in the borate buffer solution at current density 100 ␮A cm−2 , (b) Nyquist plots for the impedance of the anodic
formed film on A, B and C samples after anodic charging. (c) Bode plots for the impedance of the anodic formed film on A, B and C samples after anodic charging.

The formation of oxide films on Al alloys is obviously a process effective to reduce the electron activity and enhanced the resis-
that takes place with current losses. Fig. 7d shows that the current tance of the surface to corrosion [34]. It was also observed that the
efficiency in the oxide film growth is largely affected by the burnish EWF decreased and the corrosion rate increased with an increase
and higher burnish force. in plastic strain, indicating that the strained surface layer became
During corrosion, the exchange of electrons between metal more electrochemically active [35]. However, in present study,
and surrounding medium constituted an electric circuit at the corrosion resistance increases with a decrease in the EWF after
interface. Corrosion was related to the surface electron behavior burnish process. This is because the EWF is the minimum energy
or electron activity. The EWF was an informative parameter for required to move an electron from inside a metal to its surface
further understanding the corrosion behavior or electrochemical [6,36]. Therefore, burnished surface layer is more electrochemi-
stability of a material. For example, the EWF increased as the grain cally active, which facilitates to form compactness and stability
size decreased for Cu-30Ni alloy tube, which was a good indication of the passive film in Fig. 5b and improves current efficiency in
that the passive film on a nanocrystalline surface was more Fig. 7d which enhance thickness of passive film in Fig. 7c.

Fig. 7. Dependence of (a) constant phase element, (b) polarization resistance, (c) passive film thickness increase and (d) current efficiency on burnish and burnish force in
the borate buffer solution.
198 L. Jinlong et al. / Applied Surface Science 273 (2013) 192–198

(4) The current efficiency in the oxide film growth was largely
affected by burnish and higher burnish force. The higher bur-
nish force, the higher the current efficiency, which facilitated
growth of thicker passive film. It was supported by Raman spec-
tra experiment.
(5) The decreased EWF improved surface electrochemically active
and increased the value of current efficiency, which could
explain improved passive film growth mechanism.


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