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My name is Iris Nan, I am fifteen years old and I live in a charming, beautiful city called
Sibiu, in the heart of Romania. When I first thought about what I should write in an essay about
myself, nothing came to my mind. It seemed impossible to me to fit my life, personality and life-long
memories into a few blank, white pages. However, I think I have finally sketched out what you are
about to read, my biography.
I think of myself as a mixture of different personality patterns. Mainly, I would say I am
pretty confident and realistic, things I have learned to embrace and validify over time. I can be cold
or not very friendly sometimes but, getting past that aspect, a nice and quite cheerful side of me
unravels. One thing most people appreciate about me is that I am straight-forward and always give
my honest opinion and try to help anyone I can. Constant improving yourself is something I strongly
believe in so one aspect I am working on right now is learning to take risks, stepping out of my
comfort zone. I spend too much time worrying about how a situation may turn out that I miss most
opportunities that could really be a great change of scenario.
My physical appearance is not something I am trying to change or an aspect I am constantly
thinking about. Sure, I like spending time going shopping for outfits or I get excited when my hair
looks nice but I think there are more other characteristics you can focus on when painting a mind-
picture about an individual. However, I understand that we all come with personality plus looks, our
so called “exterior packages” like crocked dimples, curly hair or dark, which people first need to get
past to get a good look at what truly makes us unique, authentic human beings.
I was born on 19th September 2005 in Sibiu. I was my parent’s first child. One thing I
remember ever since I was little is how close I have felt to all my family members. My aunts, uncles
and cousins would visit us almost every week and we would go on hikes, bike rides or to restaurants
on weekends and, sometimes, even spend the holydays together. I can say that my mother was, and
still is, my role model. She is a speech therapist and works with children that have trouble speaking
or need help with accommodating to new environments, like school or kindergarten. I can always
talk to her about a variety of subjects, knowing she gives the best advice, full of love and care. My
father, Claudiu, has his own business where he designs plans of all sorts of buildings. He is really
hardworking, smart and loving and he has taught me to play all kinds of different sports. My sister,
Ilinca, is 6 years younger than me. I think given the age gap between us we do not always find
common interests but she is always so cheerful and energic, that spending time with her makes me
feel really nice all the time. I like helping her with homework and playing boardgames in the
evenings. My grandparents and I are really close and I love spending time with them, baking
cookies, going on walks and listening to their stories about the past.
I like to think I am a curious person that is mostly willing to try different things from time to
time. Ever since I was a little kid I have tried many sports and extracurricular activities like
volleyball, skiing and dancing but I have stuck to playing field tennis in my free time, for fun with
my dad, uncle and cousins. Studying English has been one of my favorite spare-time activities and I
can say that, over the years, I have really improved. I would love learning French and I am really
excited about bettering my German and Italian because knowing many influential languages can only
bring benefits to a person. When I want to relax and “escape” the everyday reality I like watching tv
series or movies-mostly action or drama that have just a splash of realism in them but I also enjoy
comedies or musicals, my favorite one being “Funny girl”. Reading is also one of my hobbies but I
can rarely find enough free time to do that. My favorite book so far is Pollyanna by Eleanor H.
The outline of my future is pretty clear to me since I have my “perfect life” sketched-out in
my brain. During my next years of high school I would very much like to get involved in school
clubs and voluntary work or charity activities. Right now I am a member of the “GH. Lazar Debate
Club” and of the Student Council and I enjoy it a lot. In the 12 th grade I am going to apply to
medical school in the U.K. and cross my fingers to get accepted, hopefully with a scholarship.
Working in the health department and helping people in need, more exactly as a surgeon, has been
my dream for as long as I can remember, so it would mean the world to me if I got to mix that dream
with the country I like the most. Leaving my family is probably going to be very hard but they are all
extremely supportive of my choices and wish me the best of luck. After finishing my studies I will
start working, either in the U.K. or Romania, until I get on my feet. Hopefully I will get to travel the
world and see beautiful places in Europe and Asia since I am fascinated by Asian culture. I
remember that a few years ago my aunt went on a trip to Niger, Africa to help ill children that lived
in not so fortunate environments, as a volunteer. Her actions really inspired me so I am planning on
doing similar things in my life. Since my dad is allergic to animal fur I never had a pet growing up
so, maybe when I will be living alone, I am going to get a cute puppy or a hamster.
I consider family, hobbies and the future three of the most complex subjects a person can talk
about in an essay about themselves. I hope this composition helped in the process of getting to know
me and that you found these few perspectives interesting and enjoyable.

So, in the end, you just took a look into my life!

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